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» Sebailian Jafauie Gumdrops Student's Book AS [Q Richmond My SchOol......ccccceereeed | My School Objects.....21 seas 100069 Pets ...cccccccscccccccccccesseoe BD FOO ...cccccccccccccccsescoeooe 101 eecseoel LT. takes seudents and ‘hand through the sngure of learning, Gumdrop: teachers by the wonderful adve de offers av English. 1 rear focused Vee V VV VV VV Ve VV VU SeVU Ve Vee Ve ee ee} ide variety of “The eclectic methodology of Gusmdrops incorporates the best aspects of the most effective EFL and ESL methodologies, including TPR (Total Physical Response), which allows students to physically react to language, and the Natural Approach, which establishes natural situations where students can participate in fun activities while acquiring the second language. Mulbple Intelligences are ako developed in Gumelrops, engaging students in tasks that will help boost cher learning potential while developing their cognitive, ‘emotional, social and artistic skills In this level, students are exposed to a wide variety of commands, vocabulary, and structures, which they are not expected to verbalize but only to comprehend. After this inital phase, children will begin to produce words. This emergence of language production will vary from individual to individual. Ic is important to consider the characteristics of two-year-olds while monitoring their language-acquisition progress, Children of this age love to explore the world through their senses and motor skills. It is atime for them to walk, roll, squat, jump and climb, so in ‘Gumdrops students will have plenty of opportunities to practice and develop their gross ‘motor skills. Gumdrop also emphasizes the importance of fine motor skills by offering activities like gluing, puzzle solving, and cutting, among others, which require manual dexterity. Such activities will help students coordinate small muscle and eye movements. Bear in mind that two-year-olds are going through the “egocentric period’, hence attention (0 individual students is crucial. Teachers will ind in Guirnelvops specific moments devoted to individual work. At this «ge, attention span is generally short, so Gumdrops, ‘aking this into account, has included a wide range of additional activities like songs, digital applications and games thae enrich the students’ learning environment. All in all, Gumdrop creates the perfect atmosphere for preschool children and helps to make English language learning an enjoyable and motivating experience. ComPonen;s Student's Book © consists of 8 units with 8 pages each * includes a unit opener, hands-on activities, and a review section at the end of each unit « offers Holiday pages that introduce important festivities like Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Easter * includes an end-of-the-year Diploma for each student Teacher's Notes * include teacher-friendly instructions for using the program, as well asa complete lise of Audio CD materials to be used in each unit * includes fun and lively songs «presenta series of values which promote % emotional and social development a + provide additional activities and review sections Applications for iPad, iPhone . and Android « offer enjoyable digital activities that reinforce -vecabulary and language ; 4-3-!F Color crayons. ME UE Oe Ue Ue ee Le Le Le ee Le | c oa Ve eee e_€L LI u Color with crayons. Materials: * crayons, name rags, toys, stickers Preparation: 4, Write students’ names on name tags. Instructions: Warmup: Stick students’ name tags on their clothes. Greet each student, Hello, (Ricardo). Give each student a toy. Allow some time for students to play with their toys. ‘Allow time for students to feel comfortable with their new teacher. Finally, invite them to pur the toys away. Song, How Are You? Explain to students that they are going to listen to a song. Play Track 1, How Are You? Sing and act out the song. Invite students to act out or dance to the rhythm of the song, Play the song several times. Presentation, My School Talk to students about all the things they can do at school, for example, play, sing, color, etc. Ask students if they like their school. * Student's Books Hand in students books open to page 5. Explain co students that it is a piceure ofa school and a teacher. Tall students that they will earn about school in this unit. Distribute crayons and allow students to color the picture freely. Note: Save students’ work for their portfolios, Wrap-up Congratulate students on their frst day of school. Give them a sticker as you say bye-bye co each one. Unit 1 my Sehoot anaaanhé Good morning! @&G Ef 8 ff @ @ @ & O&O a2ass Make a stir Materials" crayons. «+ yellow erfst instruc name tags, toys, stickers Warm-ration: the samy students’ names on name tags Prosey sunt Its mornin“ Stick students’ name tags on their clothes. Greet each student, Hello, the sar2)- Give cach student a toy. Allow some time for students to play with their toys. back, me for students to feel comfortable with their new teacher. Finally invite chem. the nethe toys away. \Vaue: How Are You? Explain to students thar they are golng to listen wo a song, jan 20K 1+ How Are You? Sing and act out the song, Invite students to act out or Peek’ the chythm of the song, Play che song several times. out the ¢¢2tier, My Sehook: Talk to students about all the things they can do at make a suit ample, play, sing, color, etc, Ask students if they like their school, Note: Keep Sool: Hand in student’s books open to page 5. Explain to students that it Song, # Clea school and a teacher, Tell students that they will learn about school in Give stick pupute crayons and allow students to color the picture freely. puppets to the rhy!’ Work for their portfolios. ‘Woap-uy: Explain alate students on their frst day of school, Give them a sticker as you uctions: time to go, we say good, seudents to wave back as yus 6 Unit My School EEE AEEMEMEEEEEBE EEE EOBOYSUUUVUUUUD My School Unit 1 My Schoot Follow the maze. Materials: « stick puppets from previous lesson, photograph of students’ school, finger paint, plastic containers Preparation: 41, Pour finger paine into containers. Instructions: Warm-up: Distribute stick puppets to students as you say, Good morning. Play Track 2, 1 Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song. If possible, invite students to sing along. Presentation, Schook Show students the photograph oftheir school. Ask them if chey can identify the place, Say, Thie i our school. Sohoal. Repeat the word school several times. Give students enough time to listen co the word. Attach the picture tothe board Invite different students to come up and point to the picture, Carls, point to the school Invite students to repeat the word school if possible, Cam you say the word school? Stucient’s Book: Hand in student's books open to page 9. Explain to students that we go to school almost every day. Ask students who takes them ro school. Have students ool at the maze and identify the children and the school. Distribute finger paint. Help students imprint a fingerprint on each circle so they can take the characters to school. Visiting Our School: Take students around the school. Show them where the principals offce, the restrooms, the yard, and the infirmary are. Introduce the school’s staff to the children. Encourage them to greet the different school members, Good morning, Miss Martha. Weajp-uyp: Play ‘Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions for saying good-bye. Unit 1 my Schoot Color with crayons. Materials: © crayons, pictures or cutouts of girls and boys . Instructions: \Warrristp: Play Track 2, J Clap and Say Good Morning. Have st ic the song. ty Invite students to sing along if possible. wo 7 Presentation, Girl and Soy: Divide the board into two sections. Attach the pictures of girls on one side and the pictures of boys on the othet. Point to a picture of agitl and say, This isa girl. Girl, girl. Continue in the same manner with the rest of the girl pictures. Then name all the girls and have them stand in front of the girl pictures, Gaby isa girl. Maria isa girl. Carmen is a girl. Repeat the procedure with the boys. Student's Book: Hand in student's books open to page 11. Ask students to identify the git! and the boy, Ask each child to point to the corresponding picture and say if he J she is a boy ot a gitl, Ana, are you a boy or a girl? Distribute the crayons. Then have students color the corresponding picture. Notes Save students’ work for their portfoli Boys and Girls Can Do the Seme Things: Tell students that boys and girls can do the same things. Girls can play with dolls toy cars and boys, too. Give more examples to students of activities and games that boys and girls can do. Wrap-up: Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions. Invite students to sing along if possible. Unit 1 my School teacher aagngaenkn agaaeaaaaasn ra Qnnnann er. Unie my School Glue pieces of cloth. Materials: « scissors, glue stick, pieces of cloth Instructions: Warm-up: Play Track 2, J Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song, If possible, invite students co sing along. Review, Gir! and Boy: Divide the class into two groups: boys and girls. Give cach group simple instructions. Mime the instructions so students can follow them Girls, stand up. Boy, stand up. Girls jump! presentation, Teacher: Invite a litle boy and gitl up to ee front of the class, Say, Betty isa girl. Rail is boy 1am your teacher Teacher. Can you say teacher? Tall to ‘eudents about what teachers do with students, for example, they read stories, chey plays they help us learn, they sing, ete. Stusent’s Book: Hand in students books open to page 13. Ask sty identify the teacher in the book. Distribute the materials. Then invite student picces of cloth on the teacher's dress. \Wrap-aips Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions. ae Col mark aan mama alee eee red nnannnannaenenss Color with markers. Materials: «red markers, red objects, red blown-up balloons (1 per student) Instructions: ‘Warmup: Play Track 2, J Clap and Say Good Morning, Have students mime the song. Invite students to sing along if possible. Presentation, Rect: Have students sit in a circle, Place red objects in the middle of the circle. Hold up an object and ask students its color, What color is it? Red, red. Can you say red? Invite students to repeat if possible. Repeat with the rest of the objects “Then ask each student to take an object and ask him or her what color itis. IFhe or she cannot answer, give the answer. Continue in the same manner until all students have participated. Stuslent’s Books: Hand in student’s books open to page 15. Ask students to identify what color the balloon is. Distribuce the markers. Then invite students to color the balloon red. Encourage students to color the picture within the lines Playing with Red Balloons: Take students to the playground. Distribute red balloons to each student, What color is the balloon? Red. Can you say red? Allow students some free time to play with the balloons. Monitor the acivity. ‘Wrap-up: Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions. Unie my School one enernnrenenrnrnrrnrnrWeereaernrnnreeaeenenaneanae ° Trace with paint. Materials: ‘© finger paint, plastic containers, book, crayon, toy, marke: Preparatior 4. Pour finger paint into containers. Instructions: Warm-up: Play Track 2, / Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song. Invite students to sing along if possible. "Then ask the girls to stand up and sing and. dance to the song. Repeat the procedure with the boys. Presentation, One: Place a book, a crayon, a toy, and a marker on your desk. Explain to students thae they are going to count objects. Show the book and ask how many books they see, How many books? One, one. Write number one on the board as you show one finger. Invite students to show one finger, roo. Continue in the same manner with the rest of the objects. ‘Student's Book: Hand in student’s books open to page 17. Write number one on the board. Ask students to identify the number in their book. Have students trace number cone with their fingers in their books. Ask students how many boys they sce, How many boys? One, one, Can you say one? Distribute finger paint anc have the children use their index finger to trace the number with the paint several times. Monitor the activity. ‘Song, Show Me One: Play Track 4, Show Me One (Pars 1). Show students one finger as you move it to the chythm of the music, Invite students to show you one finger. Repeat the song several times. Have students sing the song if possible. lay Tiack 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions. Unita my School a, a aneaeec e aan Review Unit 1 My Schoot Ce Qs eeaananaanananannn Pop out and glue, Materials: 1 # glue stick, old magazines, cardboatd, school objects (a book, a pencil, etc.) Instructions: ' Warm-up: Play Track 2, / Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song. Invite students to sing along if possible. Then ask the girls to stand up and sing and dance to the song, Repeat the procedure with the boys. Review, Gir! and Boy: Divide the class into two groups: boys and girls. Give each group simple instructions. Mime the actions and encourage students (o follow along: Girls, stand up. Boys, stand up. Girls jump! Review, Rod: Give the children old magazines. Ask students to find red objects and cut them out. Glue the pictures to a piece of cardboard. Ask students the color of the objects, What color is it? Red. Review, One: Display several objects on your desk. Make sure there is one object of each, Ask students to count the objects. Point to an object ard ask, How many (books)? ‘One. Can you say one? Then play Track 4, Show Me One (Part 1). Show students one finger as you move it to the thythm of the music. Invite students to show you one finger. Repeat the song several times. Have students sing the song if possible. Student’s Book: Hand in student's books open to page 19. Help the children pop. out the characters and glue them to the scene, Invite students to point to the characters, Point to the girl. Point to the boy. Point to the teacher. Wrap-up: Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions, Unit my Schoot a5- OV-(\- Colo crayons. VVUVVVVVVUUUUUUUUUUUULULEUELE Color with crayons. Materials: © crayons, cutouts or pictures of various animals, books, crayons, chars, and schoo! tables Instructions: Warm-up: Play Track 2, J Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song, Invite students to sing along if possible. Presentation, My Schoo! Objects: Attach pictures of various animals, books, crayons, chairs, and school tables onto the board. Point to each picture and ask students if they can find each objector animal at school. Pine toa picture and ask, Cian you find this cat school? Yes. There are books at school. Invite students to nod or shake their head to answer. Invite those students who can tlk to say yes or na. Finally, ask a student to show you areal book, Anna, show me a book. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the school objects. Student's Book: Hand in student's books open to page 21. Explain to students that they will learn about differene school objects in this unit. Invite students to name the objects in the picture if possible, Distribute crayons and allow students to color the picture freely. Encourage students to color the pictures within the lines. Monitor the activity, Finally, invite students to name other objects they can find at school. 3 Note: Save students’ work for their portfolios. ‘Wrap-up: Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions. Unie2 My Schoo! Objects NOoeenannenananannnaganannnananananna Untt2 my School Objects Glue colored paper. Materials: ® story book, onionskin paper, glue stick, scissors, several books, various toys (toy car, ball, etc:) Preparation: 4. Cut onionskin paper into small squares. Instructions: Warm-up: Play Track 2, / Clap and Say Good Morning. Have students mime the song. Invite students to sing along if possible. Divide the class into two groups: boys and girls. Invite the girls to dance and sing the song. Repeat with the boys. Presentation, Book: Have students sit in a circle. Place the books and toys in the middle of the circle, Show students a book and say, This is « book. Book. Can you say book? Invite students to try to repeat the word. Repeat several times with different books. Take a toy and ask students if it’s a book or not, Js shis a book? No. Invite students to nod or ‘hake their head to answer the questions. Encourage those students who can talk to answer yes or no. Repeat the procedure several times, Invite a student to stand up and choose a book from the objects in the middle of the cicls, André, show me a book Good! Now put it down, a student picks up a toy instead of a book, help him / her out by picking up a book and saying, Look, shis isa book, Repeat the procedure until al students have participated. ‘Student’s Book: Hand in student’s books open to page 23. Have students say what they see in the picture. Invite students to repeat if possible. Then distribute onionskin paper and have students glue the paper onto the book. ‘Story Time: Show students a book and have them say what iti. Then ask students if they like stories. Finally, read the story to them. ‘Wrap-up: Play Track 3, Good-bye Song. Encourage students to mime the actions.

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