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How do you organize a process, making sure you get the most out of the time and
resources devoted the project at hand?
At MindLab we have a variety of methods we use to ensure a human-centered design
process for all our innovation projects. The methods used vary from project to project and
depend on purpose, stakeholders and size. You can read more about our mindset across
all projects, here. The methods in our collection, is presented in the order they are
commonly used in a project. The methods are categorized into process phases: Research,
Analyses, Ideation, Test and Implementation. Each method is put into context, by
suggesting which other methods could be beneficially combined.
All large-scale public innovation projects share the obstruction of being both complex and
with a high level of detail. Why there rarely will be just one simple, singular solution to
cover the entire spectra of challenges revealed during the research process. To broaden
our understanding of the challenge faced, we question the source of the issue by meeting
and understanding our user group, bottom up. We put emphasis on the involvement of the
user group throughout our projects, by including citizens or businesses to qualify and test
ideas. We have experienced that visual and tangible methods and prototypes, used for
research or testing in company of the end user, motivates and encourage more bold and
detailed ideas within the project group

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