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K. J.

Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77

(An Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Batch: Roll No.:

Experiment / assignment / tutorial No._______
Grade: AA / AB / BB / BC / CC / CD /DD

Signature of the Staff In-charge with date

TITLE: Measurement of microwave frequency

AIM: To measure microwave frequency using
a) Absorption type frequency meter
b) Slotted wave-guide section

OUTCOME: Student will be able to measure microwave parameters


1. Measurement of frequency in microwave range is necessary

because various frequency bands are used for different
2. After measurement of frequency one can classify it according
to a particular band of frequency like C, X, Ku, Ka etc.
3. All the microwave components and dimensions of wave-guides
are designed according to a particular band of frequency and it
changes along with the change in the frequency band.


a. Absorption type frequency meter (Direct Method):


1. Klystron Power Supply Setting:

a) Cathode Voltage 230-300 V D.C.
b) Reflector Voltage Minimum.
c) Modulation Frequency FIXED.
d) Modulation Signal mode. in AM or INT

2. Frequency measurement using Absorption Type Frequency Meter:

a) Adjust the reflector voltage and get the maximum signal on the C.R.O.

a) Tune the frequency meter till you get voltage drop on the C.R.O, i.e. the
moment at which maximum energy is absorbed by frequency meter cavity.

b) Observe the reading of micrometer position and the corresponding frequency

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

VII/MWE /July.-Nov. 17 Page No

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(An Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
from calibration chart provided with frequency meter.

Note: Use Calibration chart as per the model no. of microwave bench.

b. Frequency measurement using Slotted Wave Guide Section:

1. Replace carefully the matched terminal with the
slotted wave-guide section along with the short.
2. Find the distance between the two successive maxima or minima from
C.R.O. using venire scale on slotted wave-guide section.
This gives us the value of guided wavelength (g) as
g = 2*(distance between the two successive maxima or minima)

1. Frequency measurement using Absorption Type Frequency Meter:
a) Micrometer reading: ______ mm.
b) The corresponding frequency from calibration chart: ______ GHz.

2. Frequency measurement using Slotted Wave Guide Section:

a) Distance between the two successive maxima or minima (d): _____ cm.
b) Broader dimension of wave-guide (a): _____ cm.
c) Guide wavelength (g): ______ cm.


a) g = d*2 cm.
2 2 2
b) (1/0) = (1/g ) + (1/(2a))
c) Find 0
d) Freq. f = (c/0) Hz.

Where, g = guide wavelength

0 = free space wavelength

a = broader dimension of wave guide 28cm (from manufacturers data s

d = distance between the two successive maxima or minima

c = 3* 10 cm/sec.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

VII/MWE /July.-Nov. 17 Page No

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(An Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Measured values of microwave frequency by both methods given in table below.

Using Absorption Type Frequency Meter Using Slotted Wave Guide Section

Signature of faculty in-charge

Theory questions:

1. Explain absorption type microwave frequency meter.

2. Explain slotted wave guide section.


Bench Set-up

Supply C.R.O.

Klystron Isolator Variable Frequency Slotted Wave- Matched

Mount Attenuator Meter guide with Termination
Detector Mount

Fig: Set-up for Frequency measurement using Slotted Wave Guide Section/Frequency meter

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

VII/MWE /July.-Nov. 17 Page No

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(An Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Fig: Standing Wave Pattern

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

VII/MWE /July.-Nov. 17 Page No

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