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Oxtord Eneglish- Arabic Dictionary Bere eee) — Soker Se ot from A to Z ayhiz “Blah ce A, I. (letter) 2. (abbreviation or designation) A-bomb a 2550 alte) A certificate (films) lied dl acy OSI! Alby Fey pate Lo A-level (examination) o p sla iby ole! eau dud Cpe UI JE: a pt! tile Slut Gay! GIL iveesereses ols Gig nS che lot Ax (of ships) 3 it BeS S53 dues (cpa x 3 fag oi ) eb oes, 6 te ure A-scope (radar) (of health, ete.) 3. (imaginary person) ot 3 au) ‘ OM oS SE aSoan ) bom (aa ES sksl)athant 03% gil dose! i as gi) ati siI SLU 124 3565 4. (mus.) a (before vowels and silent ‘h’, an) indef. art. - aS! sali 3 all 55M slLey) Gs two of a kind ‘ Bohs Xb oye Ott) SY! o@ Lbisl 5k ¥ many a time 3S oid Whe LMS prep. a shilling a hundred. sel, obts BU ever’ a, Lat. prep. a fortiori ceed wt 8 sod 33\ 3 hl a priori (ae) ‘ cp SVS2Yt Ly SLAY! Gee « Kapst az aign aah 3 55 56 EIU LLNS Josh a la carte Oa 5 plat at ables Gab “6 Gb By st BCS) (Ao shl gi) aS oh! a, F. prep. a la mode aback, adv., only in “ 2 2? ned + gd 6 Cue taken aback abacus, n. hoe Aas! ¢ slide 4 coco abaft, adv. & prep. ¢ eRe 3554s d Sh SF Le (Ale) abandon, w.t. (-ment, 7.) I. (surrender) oto ‘ Ve eh 58) pees real 245 )18) ol Se 2. (forsake) « (384 ASN) AS Uis pes ‘ (abe) ee é abandon ship Syl Ab5 de duit SU abandon oneself to abandoned 3. (stop, call off) al é jal scat match abandoned cass] ol exall Lale abl ols J La Mm. sh gud ebig thlen eet abandoned, a. (profligate) eee aint abase, v.t. (~ment, n.) soll me , st abase oneself < as gel A fe go (hands _yO5 Cpe Led -e ts 5eh + dad Seah LS) 3 “, f os * WB US «SE O95 Aran on XBL cals. ps vi. al hae (ge xe his wrath abated 44) 3 ols cable om abash, v.1., usu. past p. nothing abashed abate, v.t. (-ment, rn.) & (Can abattoir, n. éx ‘ gel oe abbess,n. lial J ls Lunt 29 dandy abbey, 7. po ot LS 8 Suu) ou abbot», cyl jlo Gaal ody abbrevi/ate, v.t. (-ation, 7.) 1. (curtail) Sle} ober (5551 «pas 2. (shorten word ) abhorrent 4 a 6 he does not know the ABC of his job ? ‘ Atighey Ql al de ¥ ABG, n. (lit. & fig.) abdic/ate, vt. (-ation, ».) Syl eyed iF vi, cll JAN ol pall oe Ji abdomen, n. (-inal, a) an (BSS yh Glu} abesdl (Sheml sh Cuakdsl ab 56 abeam, adv. & prep. (y2y3) dal ge isi BE i Ne vgndOe cai) abed, adv. & pred. a. S) Bla owl a2 AL al or uae 3 aberration, 7.1. (mental or moral divergence) we 74 Rodde bee Me « Jie eee 2. (opt.) (okpasl) a 5 dog D Shc) abduct, v.t. (-ion, 2.) — 3. (astron.) (ella! de.) oles abet, v.t. ‘ oa ‘ od doje a dalle 255 Fo abettor, 7. » Ml de eyall ll wall abeyance, 7. dla! Ane) cele! in abeyance ORS ud ya ‘ gl? . 4 fall into abeyance . 4 . a abhor, v.1. “hel ay bade abhorr/ent, a. (-ence, 7. > ah s jent, a. (-enee, n.) ees wie (eat abide abide, v.i. (stay) ‘ é ‘hb Y rl iil teow gl 6" le a abide by one’s word | ‘ ay ‘Sax oaks 35] wage fo Lite JSF sGlb can’t abide him ie Y cabbl Y v.t. (tolerate) abiding, a. ability, n. 1. (power, capacity) 4clbwul 63 oft 4538 45 to the best of one’s ability oo nC AaBle yAb fo ce pl delLacti tell ull set5 tosis 4” within one’s ability 2. (talent) syads Lyla 3 lade” San abl aS Je opis show ability abject, a. exes fap tcpth Cpuin ws wat woe 20 abject poverty aals « e a 8d rey abjur/e, v.t. (-ation, n.) GI wee cede 5 i Till ablative, a. & n. ALN dope (45 Wy a) acl’ 3) 3 IY) J yxes ablaze, adv. & a. (lit. & fig.) « Se 449 és 609 he Sgatns able, a. 1. (having the ability ze) ‘ pd Epainw iyo 2. (skilful) Gre cet cals 47 oe Shenae scabs Ald « ie JI cpomecrti fi abominate 3. (fit); also able-bodied ‘ ead oes grle 6 aesaS) Recs able-bodied seaman, abbr. A.B. (39 ilk Slusél « Lid coger (pl. mil., wash-house) _heudll slo «Linke ablution, 7. ably, adv. GAS, 9 oa aboard, adv. & prep. os vapltst ou de last Jets ‘ aud ye all aboard! rill 3 alas cil! ols sail cles fe di lL oh abode, x. csg Sj ee “Kies (Ka cLl5! ‘ol ‘Mylo “6 take up one’s abode On I yY oi (tp ginal «Bk x a ee Lt 6 ae « jal abol/ish, v.t. (-ition, -ishment, n.) abolition/ism, 7., -ist, 7. ‘dma we Ss les I] abominable, a. A ght Ay abominable snowman, dae ke Wl dhe ghb lula’ gLiYt abomin/ate, v.7. (-ation, 7.) saael abe Obepinl ¢ gbitiel oS aboriginal aboriginal, a. & n. okt oe onleNi O she! go gots wd u dik abort, 2.1. & 1. eee] texdyb eniyel fig.) ph is abortion, n. (lit. & fig.) lin « ple} gle} 6d «hdd « oF aborigines, n.p/. lor abortionist, 7. Goleyt abe A 7m J Oo oly abortive, a. cheb els ‘oh Spee bos ait + eo. BSS 2. (be rich i, loaded with) ‘Ww ue et Y Sou ot abound, v.i. 1. (be plentiful) about, adv. 1. (astir, abroad) 629m 92 TOW IIe role out (up) and about 6s Ree ake 3 Can) CS get about (citculate) (Ue a) as SIL cla cpl. 6de5 (travel) 2: (in the offing) : « ® 6% hang about ges cl us AWG . oF 4 there’s rain about aes ol cl olpual plein cell eso don y ak KAN there’s no one about a maed 4 ve about 3. (in the opposite direction) 43 Asai i tall I 3 turn and turn about «bel Yohs Bp st 3th a LY about turn! put about (naut.). 60 ple Le we (4, dl 3) dale) He oS ES} lil ad 4. (with vbs., this way and that) sting bs idl ode 3 Mey gall lie Je es if : 5. (with vbs., into being) ‘ (distress) come about QAm 66g > das £ rok bring about ‘gel dae] prep. 1. (round the outside of) ye bat 5S 2. (here and there in) man about town of Cele bo ASI ELI GH 355 (Acoli 3 S155) 3. (concerned with, concerning, in connection with) — . (on the point of) elds Je (Ste gt) acal Je do something about it about to. . how about it? S$ 1S jad a Ll; u § UL SWo de BIS TI above 2 what about it? (= whatof it?) <{sL a $4357 “yall OS lal ae Les sll (= what are you/we § going to do about jt?) GIL festa L3L tS Leal L Jelly what is it all about? Zs Li SS > IB lie IS ANE S91 gol $4, KY what are you about? 9 few Isls § po lal IEE pl Say 5 bE oanes: tL gy G ’ 4. (near, approximately) somewhere about here da Woie G sl.w Cp Sale about time, too! Vio jas ol ‘ 2s. “5k (orb bSolaw) oly AL just about finished t 3lé} y eh} 9 9 be e ol 3 about right SleY day meme above, adv. 1. (over). aye cy o s de | uo from above (from Heaven) east cp - (from higher authorities) Lie SlbLicy Heavens above! V sLeull b tall y 2. (earlier) above-mentioned, a. & n. coMel Dd oe uN SH BL « tL. aul Jul see above abridge above ground , 2 VV low Je ‘i YI Gx above one’s head (fig.) (§_a& un £ Stal A acai? 2. (beyond) A above all ‘ “Ss KB dbs yl ag See oN \ s lite| I ¢ oy above criticism ¢ wad! eae 3 93 Isls 4, 5 ¥ ger ( Acka 5) Ate ec leat G55 Lal «ol above and beyond «de Ys age 7 JEG, al b de bao «de 3ob.5 gree OE ee) ele Ag oe abra/de, v.1. (-sion, 7.) ‘ca ‘ én dala soy ¢ bite above oneself above suspicion over and above — Ae atl. AL abrasive, a. & n. Coe Got Gil Jaly Cire be « ah 3 onsl Kit dol, Cae abreast, adv. walk two abreast keep abreast of the times ¢ onl eset Ce LEI be yar (sth) 656 pal ol 5b ce patcl 55.51 etl ¢ ae. abridge, v.t. (-ment, 7.) abroad abroad, adv. 1. (in, tq, a foreign land) abstainer 25H eggs «gis absolute, a, Alok: WU! df LAL) absolute alcohol _ sel gti 2. (out of doors) J jul pe oll ge 3..(in general circulation) ¢ dite gli els «Js Nake abrog/ate, v.t. (-ation, 2.) eh ‘ si abrupt, a. (-ness, 7.) 1. (sudden) i 2. (steep) aki wad 3. (curt) ot tbs 6G Ge ee 1.2 abscess, n. 3 I-53 " J. ‘tc abscissa, 7. geod) Gla Ail olla! abscond, v.i. iho dbs ‘ wy (SF JF ow) 55 : abs/ent, a. (-ence, n.) cal oe | cole LE t ognee GE cagiis absent-minded, a. cel alt CPB 29,5 te absence of mind in his.absence v. refi. . we oF eee absentee, 7. wale ‘ we absentee landlord = Fay esl! GaN AL SGN dh tys Lay srraiod cr Nagy absenteeism, 7. absinthe, n. feet! og vecbl (Agog Sob tall oye os5 98.9) ‘absolutely, adv, 1. (wholly) Sloe aN USS Alb 4 5b) a 51D pb os a absolute zero ‘ pall _pesdll da yo (eyv¥-) 4231 soy Jl days Sal sit Je till. Gels cnldial cy 93 Ok rsSUN Cle a StIb ih «ai absol/ve, v.t. (-ution, n.) 1. (exonerate) { s&5)I) or Jai dee 2. (pronounce free from sin) absolute humidity absolute nonsense the absolute, 7. : 2. (coll., yes) absor /b, vt. (-ption, m.).1. (chem. & Pips) —~ ped Cake 2. (incorporate) ne tga ‘ ~ 3. (engross) ; usu. past P. eel oj eins ‘ ial absorbent, a. & n. ct eels (usaill de 3 35552 (A) abstain, v.i. 1. (refrain from) eye gael oF OS cee isl PS ey EH dams JI oar oe Chae eet total abstainer pol bly y or BML! Lgl oly pall 4 absorbing, a. 2. (eschew alcohol) abstainer, 7. abstemious abstemious, a. (-ness, 1.) adler ae sg $a abstention, 7. 1. (refraining) ‘ esl Gedste «pleat 2. (not voting) an w gaa cys gs! abstinence, n. phal ‘ ass ) ti bis 27 dls oe abstract, a. pele pe ye esgune abstract art Bry al tpl abstract noun oe -! Gall in the abstract G a 2. (summary) (yank « jlx] ‘ae iS35 v.t. I. (remove, steal) sb paisa ed abipaisl 551 abstracted, a. (fig.) Jasin égpall Pe Ji abstraction, n. 1. (removal) 1 Fe eae! n. I. (theoretical form) 2. (summarize) cpl oo 3. (abstract concept) say 14, gise 3G abstruse, a. (-ness, n.) idane ‘ue G AN SY ks cae absurd, a. (-ity, 7.) sjaall aly y Je J otxeY ftatew 6 i abund/ant, a. (-ance, 7.) poe ‘ = ‘ ys 5 wees aAG Riot tele BAG cay jm py 2. (absent-mindedness) in abundance abundantly, adv. academy abuse, v.t. & n. 1. (misuse) SLi) zLof SSA sig fag oe ft ea ie, vl sess idl ch Ate’ (UK) 2. (revile, revilement) abusive, a. (-ness, n.) abut, v.i. (-ment, n.) Gey os ow Jel abysmal, a. (usu. fig.) GF 665.9% ‘jaw wo Ly gle (agar ist (oye) S5m loaf rowel ody abyss, n. Abyssinia, 7. Abyssinian, a. & n. “3 gl ‘ col Lowy! Acti ei Laks (Len geell Aland cys pad) academic, a. & n. 1. (of an academy) lye epee Geel acacia, 7. academic year guys pe ‘dw y 3 4s 2. (scholarly) : ube inh egal 3. (abstract) vs end ihe (Je (Adan aw AAS 232 pe dlae ‘pele Lr J wy Seay Ze xt 70h Aad alley cy ural Ue Oa Cb ule f5j toad 45 academic argument academical, a ‘a nor OF dele J} ot WLS bey any etal, dale] LS academician, n. academy, n. 1. {place « of study) Ase gas Kole GE + 0 3 accede 2. (society) gl a ol es et . a ai the Royal Academy ACLU oO y gail | ahs 4,SUI 4056°Y! Ailey I ww Law | ‘ Jas BIS « saijl BD 2. (succeed to) (UMS) Cale. ol yal 155 Sea acceler/ate, v.t. & 1. (-ation, n.) «haP grlut de all aly bby gyal accelerator, n. 1. (of a vehicle or engine) O% sd) rN AGS 2. (chem. & elec.) v pens é bee 5S Sp capa accede, v.i, I. (agree to) accent, n, I. (stress) fig.) bie 8h 2. (mark) Ne 4 59 use del Gis 3. (pronunciation) - Sof foreign (local) accent (Tis) dial dad : She ask del (Be jot ede 5 5b accentu/ate, v.t. (-ation, n.) (lit. & fig.) ogh. Si td 85 TES by accept, v.t. 1. (agrée to receive) ‘ speak with an accent vt. accept an invitation accept responsibility for -° wed dp oF Siet9 5s, 2. (recognize) ey 31 ede yer accessory 3.:(put up with) ede Lye - gaa! B°u” Ais acceptab/le, a. (-ility, 7.) ‘We 2 ye sd ae ile acceptance, 7. I. (consent to receive) 5 Egey Sond 2. (recognition) ebul abil ‘ ped goer dil. Gai. J sake 4& ow access, 7. I. (approach, means of approach) Ndpngang cher have access to idl he gill cy coe BS padl cet . 60 SY Jee. J je difficult of access phe ‘ dJ ult en accepted, a. 2. (attack, outburst) icy age ab °y. - at Alas W Awl) 455 45% (etn accessary, see accessory, 7. (2) accessib/le, a. (~ility, n.) (lit. & fig.) a alhJves! GG Stell See sal ISLE accession, n. I, (attaining) | « rye! ‘ligt JSyres cpsh « (3 AADESS ee 2. (addition) +m. 1. (adjunct), esp. (of female, dress) i ea,) e Gal: (of motor vehicle)’ aac Me > yy Srdclus pad Agleyl cial accidence 2. (helper in crime) ; also accessary Anse bth pt of achat sl cet accessory before (after) the fact dc us Uease (a) J5 Ae iG, de accidence, n. dali sel ys G Gall accident, n. 1. (chance, chance event) Uayle sole, 4S Coys AB dclly dis of ad 33 by accident 2. (mishap) 4x34 gle have (meet with) an accident a) ot do ole al ee cAigls accident-prone, a. olLW he cobleW yall A> tent aja WG al! x ee accident rate Le a iis calli Gi JSC accidental, a tsb idslae Cse se accidental death iboalk was Ko tind coghl n. (mus.) fevoll eg] LMe gi 3515] accl/aim, v.t. & n. (-amation, 7.) 1. (praise) de BI eps] eck Z * we ok ght «Gal J Sle J die «J Gis 2. (proclaim) 3. (applaud) acclimatiz/e, v.1. (-ation, 7.) age ‘ asi Zk, -, ~ or, Cali tBtap Ao be Soy de (Sie a) become acclimatized to ( fig.) 69585 accompany Sue of or PY 6 St 8 ces accommodate, v.. 1. (adapt 20) acclivity, 7. accolade, songtl BES ghar egy we ~"% ae 2. (supply with) pe $95) oY Ll 3. (oblige) 4. (find room, lodging for) 5) es gai ‘ et accommodating, a. «hl \ ge i cided J gp GAN eed LE accommodation, 7. 1. (adaptation) LM Babe 6 aK oe eo Ay get 6 5) deJLaz 3. (convenience) ‘ aal, \ ¢ Abus ¢ Bhtline cle 5) qaewl, cd tele ae desta) 4) peut parla 4. (lodgings) Lb) 5 See Ce als og accommodation bill 43 lew} Alm =~ hig VS Ar iyd 3 2. (compromise) accommodation address 5. (money loan) see 4 ales aly: Gevgll Gall gfolall g) accompan/y, v.7. (-iment, 7.) ‘ 33 5 Xv accomplice (onus.) seliee 5553 ole sf gil) svg yall sf Lal accomplice, 7. de di 3 bys pled) g scl se gbl kt oe accomplish, v.t. ‘3 ‘ uel y 56 Asai Sb cep ps (Sim as? ‘ Z| accomplished, a. I. (carried out) plat " “Gas « pet « of accomplished fact 4e\9 4igmcedlg | 2 2 - 2. (talented) oe 4a ‘ ae, ‘% Ll accomplishment, n. I. (achievement) 2 waa + anes SMoak «fob a Sui Sol eed Shel 2. (skill, attainment) é deg: cde \ MS aah Awl accord, v.t. (grant) cghal rary) ies va. (agree) ‘gle Gls wale «ee ce geal sug} pls dalled Adsl ge with one accord AY Zt ‘ cue 2 of one’s own accord 6A als & 3 ort Gabe « ey! O92 VCs! in full accord with cu oll Gk Gilly, le ces Cle gab le ‘ aad Ges 6 gi lei dps in accordance with iJ lias «J lib J&s «be G5 ae ate we Chis ee accordance, 1. according, adv. pets account according as os Je Les ere Jd Coat 6, gate cd! iy according to the Bible seat al oF Sa oraall GbSII 3 vie L i cre «digi en ell dak y u lady vl os ay - accordingly, adv. 1. (correspondingly) . cares, «cll gab «cls 545 BS nm eS ‘2. (therefore) «MWS, ails Wd fo tty i) Gay «1505 according to taste eg it’s all according (coil.) accordion, 1, 2.90 487 ‘ 032550 Ele ols SF accordionist, n. ge Gj Os 23s2¥ accost, 0.1. wt ales aes uatt on Us al Sh Si accouch|/eur (fem. -euse), n. hls oad B3Y J Angad LB 3 Tg oY gJl wy ‘sccount, #. I. (monetary statement) lie dhe al glam abS sh. 8 ‘ole close (open) an account ( a) al (Aw Ley Gyor gd) Ge do the accounts owl Leal eel cebu 25% ay lanl Libs: Ab keep an account of. ‘ cal he Uae sli 3 05> 6 nae joint account account settle an account reer) Lut | ua 4 - account rendered get something on account 3 Gaus fel Hd SKN ladl Je Less 2. (reckoning) «poet 6 thee yh c3lel y» lel py esl cule ose SS jlate ¥\ (cy uy) 25 El ave sbi caly § gy Ce call to account take into (leave out of) account give a good account of oneself - + 3. (reason) renee) gle JI Se caning on no account de ish Loe y OF aw ly Elo il . able) on account of on one’s own account 4. (value, advantage) deal Als of no (little) account 7 RWS 25 43 5 4 LE Yad doe | y cA ALS y turn to (one’s) account Aiea 7 cr GS Mago aa 5. (narration) by all accounts sgl oy ce ee ASM ger ol 6 lel ” v.t. (consider) accrete Je oe eal eal sch un that accounts for it £0 peti 98 lis Ls ee 6 Cell ch 138 there’s no accounting for tastes of y ve GLY) ener of eles v.t. (provide an explanation for) | accountab/le, a. (-ility, 7.) 1. (liable) ee ad Sle: i J.ghins tod! sie wlisll 2. (explicable) sh au use Aor fF Alls GE «cle elludl ne accountant, 71. chartered accountant e “20 a ad accountancy, n. a9 3 Ange s * accoutre, v.t., usu. past p. ‘> 6 ae | Cohadly Olwl 935 ES accoutrement, 7., usu. pi. cleye cole deb dl sid accredit, v.t. 1. (send out with credentials) eg DLS tees 6 JS5> ee ol-zel aboal , 2. (attribute to) ty cael Joh dh Ve dp ces accredited, a. I. (officially recognized) ec? aise ‘ya ys 6 2 gie yas 2. (generally accepted) oy Joo wer? Jspie 6 5rsa accr/ete, v.t. & 7. (-etion, 7.) pS (SL3 col hg accrue 12 accrue, v.t. 4 3 Sle cp beam (Se dhe sf Bb) accumulate, v.t. & 7. (-ation, 7.) ois eS 6) 6 eda «dS ee (ob) dats oe accur/ate, a. (-acy, n.) “n,? accumulator, 7. accursed, a. OD (geen 69 Stn cil ay bring ar an ca ee against Ks « dectses ul ¢ (# accusative, a. & n. calls J gscill ae gel CU abaz, oo accusation, n. accusatory, a. accuse, ¥.1. er 0G al =e a the accused, n. All oP, oF accuser, 7. & | ell accusing, a. gh accustom, v.1. cds age accustomed, a. _ Je gaits al id ace, n. 1. (on cards, dice, etc.) ‘ el (S585 gl ell dy 3) dolss) within an ace of ‘ ey; 9 de - oO SS 3 hu'sd ae sh cade de caylee 2. (champion) acerbity, 1. acolyte eke J) ett cb acetate, 7. acetic, a. ébinel mats acetone, 7. Cpe \ acetylene, n. Cpt | ache, w.i. (lit. & fig.) at ‘eas n aes | } i achieve, v.t. (-ment, ».) : «de Jax gpl (gam ai eh Achilles’ heel». ¢yxhs -cassall cles’ doy achromatic, a. acid, a. 1: (Sour); also fig. Ble cc yasle 2. chen | oes) abd a pale ants eat » acid test fie) lee ghee Gia Na acidity, n ing : a. . ‘9 acidosis, .n. cl disseG ‘ask 5¢ ood . . ee? acidulated, a. ey {ya ack-ack, a. & n. | sll Slaz 2 XK acknowledg/e, wv.t. (-(e)ment, 7.) - 1. (recognize) Yr g al oo GB yiel 2. (announce receipt of f) acme, n. "ub ass Abs os acne, 7. (sale opal dle) UES as Aa yl acolyte, n.. aconite aconite, 7. lols ) yl rey Sh SM GE ddns acorn, n. bol sham Fam or ef acoustic, a. ’ c Bye pt ‘ew Spall ly padi a cg lenll de vega)! cle whats vole acoustic mine acoustics, n.p/. cal «lhl w Ue bal ibe G = make oneself (become) acquainted with wo MN ise gh! acquaintance, 7. I. (knowledge, tala) pub de cdi os Ge sla5l 43 xl! sbojl be 2. (person or persons known to one) 3 ‘acquaint, v.1. improve on acquaintance make the acquaintance of “% have a wide acquaintance Jt aj ley cp 954 cael Oy U2 ‘ iis edb} «ld Jet id ex (gel weeal acquaintanceship, 7. acquiesce, v.i. Sb bee | die! ‘jp de Som acquired characteristic acquiesc/ent, a. (-ence, 71.) acquire, v.t. across hal ‘ Spars Luc] cjhal « pee ola 3 acquirement, 7. acquisition, 1. me ae ‘ a 3 * ese acquisitive, a. (-mess, 7.) ‘ elk cee list Le: os foe 4 «cpl acquit, vt. I. (settle debs) é 32) sl | @ilkinels opel Jed pb sl jew) AF pe] bl sell (do ys 6s 3 (Any Bayh EAE* salen 9 699 € Joma) * 2. (exonerate) 3. (comport oneself) acquittal, 7. acre, n. 1. (measure of area) 2. (pl.; lands) wll acreage, ” dus Ma a> Lad ia do Lud! oy, olaall saat, acrid, a. (-ity, 7.) 68 ‘ Cay m ake 3 ea acri/monious, a. (-moniousness, -mony, 7.) Ande top yh ‘ay ceo¥ (coaie 3 ollie SOLE w 4% —e 78R Gaile Oi acrobat, n. acrobatic, a. acrobatics, 7. pi. across, adv. bY wale pe pl Loy cdoly Ge de Oy All a pe ceil ee ae. prep. 1. (from one side to the other) ‘ a mile across put (get) something across acrostic fig.) cme scusonating Cans fe E Cas a5L2 de Stas) «he Agel sSLd run across someone put it across someone 2. (on the other side of ) he lives across the way dc 5 pb He Se Joli su acrostic, n. HY Slaill cys wpe act, n. 1, (thing done, performance) ee cel yal Se chad act of faith Ivan OY de Oa; Se act of God yall Ua) Acts (of the Apostles) (St!) Lo Jel caught in the act & db Cask dle ad 2. (public performance). ~ put on an act poll? Jacal ‘pa get in on the act Sas og pad ale 3. (division ( An pane Jb) jos 4. (decree) 9 sb (pel) & t C Act of Parliament SU, Og under the act og al Gb oat. act the fool BrViys9 ual asl iad act the part Ji ecyatesd 6. “a el v.i. 1. (take action) : sonst Sa oli esl Pye A act as president action act for someone Cone) alin es vor ol J SUS oy pls pul “ee act up to one’s principles (st, oo dyad Le. op as all 2. (of mechanisms, etc.; perform , required function) G o£ Sl ‘ (et ler. act on (upon) instructions 3. (play a part, pretend) 4. (behave) jl Al, dpe acting, 7. Sts w ele oF acting copy chill daw jtal SI yob 4b ol ste 43 a. ed $s AE ult actinic, 2.523142 59h Stll, ee action, 7. 1. (act) Je ‘Jad actions speak louder than words * oat Y men 2. (active measures) , man of action 40 45 chosy « dagtes Je al al action.committee SU... eyed aad a take action 3. (working state) SUE wae Ll in action out of action : plexi. ‘ible 4. (effect) ~ chemical action SIS lig] ele 5. (mechanism, e.g. of clock, piano, gun) eM sVaye¥l oy AGEN abut actionable 6. (legal process) dias ‘sge5 bring an action (against) ‘de Sg 3 Ai dp dasad ay KS ISjall as Joa! ols § ds fal AT aL gol taal! Nisin Sipe cell 35 al a be ote. Le 7. (mil. engagement)” go into action killed in action see action lea ad action stations actionable, a. activ/ate, v.t. (-ation, n.) active, a. 1. (working, lively, practical) SW SUES efule Lagat active mind dey td ope active service ALE ; 4, Se 2 . Z me ( Me datlill ol gil 2) active volcano pv oS play an active part in rere 35 Gal 2. (gram.) active voice; also active, n. ( sally Gall g) pylall Ad _ activity, n. 1. (condition of being active) 2. (pursuit) bLti didos « lee « Las Shad « SL) db jbo ee ‘(fel cigils dail dad! 3 3. (pl., doings) ac/tor (fem. -tress), 7. actual, a. (-ity, 7.) in actual fact adagio Cle call Gedeyedl 3 cult Sag ghes| cul deat olan ine dad 55 duets 1255 cea sf ail she 3 peas + Likes STE Res actually, adv. = actuary, 7. actu/ate, v.t. (-ation, 7.) acuity, n. acumen, 7. fbb Ble # ‘pole acute accent atts] ahs a8 rae café “Ko oar s3le ol5 acute, a. (-ness, 71.) acute angle Labs od «3b Jee (Aig) alll 3) J ad hoe (oft. attrib. FAX sey5) adh 42( acd Cet gat BS 6 WES Is Aly YU! aly Sy acute mind ad (Lat. prep.) ad infinitum ad lib., contr. of ad libitum (ado. ) ened 3 I xt Y 32 ge O al2 dao dl & nil Guild ad, coll, contr. me Lund (r) wath Jyi We AS i" ie si (coll., n, & v.1.) ad nauseam adage, n. adagio, adv. & n. Adam 16 Adam, n. pel gh el Adam’s apple ‘ Gil sje 3 pol ue the old Adam du dy tll Le oul Syl oil I don’t know him from Adam adamant, n. a. (fig.) As sé net ‘adapt, v.t. (-ation, n.) 1, (Gt) py ‘559 é adapt oneself to ‘ BO Anat > 96 : a7 2. (modify) ee iJ As - wet adapt for broadcasting ‘ dels W acl adaptab/le, a. (-ility, 7.) _ eee «SSH tags SEK! - adapter, n. (engin.) alg ane 5 add, v.t. 1. (join on); also add on gil i} od) 2 1 Gis 2. (put in additionally); also add in - 8 \ de aly cols clk 3. (put together); also add together My fEe> 4..(calculate sum of); also add up : num oa ihe 5. (say in addition) SEG als Jeol, SG ” Stel I might add vd. it adds to the effect toadd to my worries a it all adds up (fig.) it doesn’t add up (t.e. make sense) Cus Yc fhis pelie «J gine polis he can’t add up etuaS Ga a} (epldd aS 3 42253) ded igbigall adder, nets (snake) cylst the (gl) “gl Balke iad | aT addict, v.t., esp. past p. 25a oped eile ote ‘ ual e 2 6350 « (il23] addend/um (pi. -a), n. 2. (adding machine) addiction, n. addition, n. I. (adding, summation) sab 5 dso} — ‘eam : iJ) BLEYL de Boks «be 55% 2. (thing added) gall idle gal onsls eel bls «gle| pare ae delus of 55: te in addition to. additional, a. additive, n. addle addle, v.t. & i. (lit. & fig.) fdas | BRE iodo ot ‘ lial ot | pi gin oat vale Se address, n. 1. (designation of place of origin, 7 os Cl gis oF Cytem odie cls! ale 3. (pl. courtesies, courtship) wlté pay one’s addresses to lyse ol e353 3 che addle-headed, a. destination, or residence) 2. (speech) opening address 4. (manner of approach) GILY os; osl 5. (skill) 45S als del v.t. I. (write directions on for delivery) a eee (KL, 65% 2. (speak to) (Bow ale eb 3. (direct remarks, etc.) al LS Akg - At 4. (apply oneself to) ‘ de Ls \ 63 3S addressee, n. adduc/e, v.t. (-tion, 7.) adept, a: & n. wet bp tgye «pol a. (-acy, 7.) ‘ gly ‘ ur Fo» ye Gd Cpoe Foyle ce peal cad tle . . 4 xs eu he adheres to this philosophy ~.* Y a) TA Ine Gs as cal adequ/ate, adhere, v.i. adher/ent, a. & n. (-ence, 7.) ‘adjourn, v.t. & 7. (-ment, n.) adjustable Bilin pla «Sledll adhesive, a. & n. aed o5les ces ‘ed adhesion, 7. adhesive tape poy dy din sales 1G, ot es oil adjac/ent, a. (-ence, -ency, 7.) polis wold le ade coe oslt adieu (pi. -x), 2. & int. adip/ose, a. (-osity, 7.) adjectiv/e, . (-al, a.) (54) sd Abs adjoin, v2.1. joy eal gle 1b clay egert «yal lash adjourn to the next room paul 2 Syglell 4,2) “en adjudge, v.:. adjudic/ate, v.t. & ¢. (-ation, n.) BB a xs Sats oe (G eat (Gal adjure, v.t. cap thie x bb « AE adjudicator, 7. adjunct, 7. adjust, v.7. (-ment, 7.) 1. (regulate) . dove ie ‘Jas Bs gy . wie i bo ee 2. (adapt) adjust oneself to ottbt ay adjustab/le, a. (ality, » n.) ‘ sash ul well-adjusted & adjutant adjutant, 7. administ/er, v.t. (-ration, 7.) 1. (manage); _ + 7k de nt conte olal 4,0! <3 ¥I also v.i. the Administration letters of administration a> aya. yas syd pas pel al 2. (apply, provide) administer the oath ( Yen Gals) cals administrate, v.i. pole ‘ lal administrative, a. S. la} administrator, 7. "I tp we (Shel ‘og ga)" “ é ZG admirable, a. . elec YL pas CEM TIME gee Admiral of the Fleet (4) ,aJl 3) pd Solow Vl peal Rear Admiral Vice-Admiral Jou! yal 3b geet Red Admiral (butterfly) | yal 3 eI (BLM Gy Ups cl) Spal andl 346) (AKG) 3) dy add 2159 admir/e, v.t. (-ation, 7.) ww cael poleel bsg cetil admirer, n. 1. (one ‘who. admires) le or it ‘ admiralty, n. 2. (suitor) on vot adorable admissib/le, a. (-ility, 2.) Spite SMO ple ad/mit, v.t. (-mission, n.) 1. (allow sol vee rege entrance to) 2. (acknowledge, confess) o 351 3 el vi. vy L. a jel it admits of no doubt eLadl ae y 49 AY dy B Seb Y admittance, 7. Jol ‘Syme edod admittedly, adv. ‘ ol ¢ SY Iles Aly Fall Be admix, v.1. & i. (-ture, 1.) o “Ae admon/ish, v.z. (-ition, -ishment, n. ) 7 me sles id 6 925 tl ‘3 ° oe as “e ado, 7. dita cde ¢ a 1 . nee oe adolesc/ent, a. & n. (-ence, 7.) aaalje Gals Adonis, n. (4t..& fig.) a one! sgl ; ee ols (Bel ay adopt, v.1. (ion, n.) 1. (take charge of child) , . are (Sie) B57 2. (take up a suggestion, “plan, ere. } 2S Fee Bhige (az hel Ne Br adoptive, a. adorable, a. wes «ol ¢ Gb Ve gay

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