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Caring and control great a

safe, positive class


Marwa ahmed
Hind alqatami
Create a Sense of Order
important way to create a sense
of order is by teaching students
effective procedures for the
many practical tasks that are
performed in the classroom. For
example, teach students how to:
1- Enter the classroom and
become immediately engaged in
a learning activity
2- Get the teachers attention
without disrupting the class

Address Student Needs

When teachers intentionally
address these needs in the
classroom, students are
happier to be there, and
student engagement and
learning increases.
Let Students Get to Know You
Since the only way to impact
peoples perceptions is to provide
them with new information or
new experiences, Students come
in to the classroom with
preconceived perceptions of
teachers. Sometimes its good,
sometimes it can be an obstacle.

Get to Know Your Students

The more you know about your
students cultures, interests,
extracurricular activities, personalities,
learning styles, goals, and mindsets, the
better you can reach them and teach
them. Some ways of getting to know
your students:
1- Educate yourself about their cultures
2- Talk to them
3- Have students complete learning
style and personality assessments

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