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Observation day 2

Monday, October 16

Table 2: managing transitions in the classroom.

Transition Type Function Evaluation

Saying 1-2-3 The teacher says 123 I think it is a good transition
so the children have to listen because its simple and easy to
to the teacher and stop talking, follow. Its clear so all the
then the teacher will explain students listen and follow the
the next step to them. For instructions
example: In the break time the
teacher says 123 and tell them
to take the food from the
Hands up The teacher says hands up I like this transition and I see
so the children have to leave it successful because the
everything they are doing, and student were responding to the
put their hands on their heads. teachers instructions and I
They listen to the teachers think I will use it while I am
instruction, and start preparing teaching.
for the next activity. She uses
it during the activities.
Put sand times Children have specific time to I think this is a good
do the activity. She puts the transition, but I think it can be
glass timer to show how much improved by using a numeral
time they have. timer, because that will get
them more familiar to
numbers and they will know
exactly how much time is left
and they wont need to

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