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2015, Kim-Julie Hansen

Self publishing
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and
Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is
prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Be present in all things and
thankful for all things.

Maya Angelou
Table of contents

Fruity Smoothies......13
Green Smoothies..35
Mylk Shakes..55
Dessert inspired Smoothies...67
Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Welcome to Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes! In this book,

youll find 31 delicious recipes, from fruity to green smoothies, as well as shakes and
dessert inspired smoothies. All recipes are 100% plant-based, soy-, gluten- and
refined sugar free. Most of them are raw and when they are not, an option is
provided to make them raw. Smoothies are the perfect way to incorporate more fruits
and vegetables into your diet. They are efficient to make and very satisfying!. Whether
you are looking for easy on-the-go meals, you have a desire to start eating healthier
or simply want to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, you will find
everything you need in this book to help you on your way.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

A few things to know

Smoothies vs. Juices

One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to smoothies is

whether they are better than juices. Both smoothies and juices have their benefits
and there is no clear cut answer to this, but here are a few factors that come into
play when deciding on which one to go for:

Smoothies contain fiber which means that it takes longer to digest them and they
will keep you full for longer. You also need less produce, so youll end up saving
When you juice fruits and vegetables, you remove all the fiber, thereby causing
the fruit sugar to enter your blood stream much more quickly. This can be a
good thing if you want energy quickly, but may cause you to get hungry again
sooner. The greener the juice, the less of a fruit sugar rush you will feel.
Another thing to consider is the juicing method. Nowadays, you can get relatively
cheap juicers (mostly centrifuges) at any larger store, but a juicer may be the one
thing you really want to invest in if youre planning on making juices a part of
your daily habits. The cheaper juicers dont usually retain many of the nutrients, so
youre better off just eating the fruits, vegetables themselves or making a smoothie
as youll end up wasting a lot of money on produce while not getting much in
return. The best juices are either cold pressed or made using a slow juicer.

After weighing the pros and cons of juicing vs blending, I now make mostly
smoothies at home. When Im out, I might go to a Juice bar and get either a cold-
pressed juice or a smoothie, depending on my mood and appetite. If I want quick
energy (for instance as a coffee replacer), Ill go for a juice or a small smoothie. To
replace a meal, Ill opt for a smoothie.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Looking at some of the smoothie ingredient lists, you may think But what
about all the sugar?. Fruit sugar, fructose, is in no way comparable to refined sugar.
Not to mention that fruit has an extremely high percentage of water content (in some
cases, like watermelons, up to 92%). Fructose only becomes a problem if consumed
in combination with too much fat as the fat makes it difficult for the sugar to be
absorbed. So, fruit in itself, no matter how much of it you consume, is never a
problem, but you should be careful about what other foods you consume it with.

Another important thing when it comes to fruit, is to note that depending on how long
they take to digest, not all fruits combine well with each other.

Here's a checklist:

Melons (honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon...) and juices are best consumed first
and by themselves (in the case of melons, it is also OK to combine them with acid

Sweet fruits (bananas, pears, figs, persimmons, dates...) go well with other sweet
fruits, sub-acid fruits and tender and leafy green vegetables like lettuce, celery and

Sub-acid fruits (mangoes, blueberries, cherries, peaches...) go well with other sub-
acid fruits, sweet fruits, acid fruits and greens.

Acid fruits (oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapple, kiwi...) go well

with other acid fruits, sub-acid fruits, melons, all greens and raw fats like nuts, seeds
and avocado.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Practical information

What kind of blender should you use?

Obviously, the higher the quality of the blender, the better the result, but there
is no need to panic if you dont own a high speed blender right now (they can be
quite pricey). When I first started making smoothies, all I had was a 10$ immersion
stick blender, often used for soups and sauces. It worked surprisingly well! Currently,
when I visit friends and family who don't have a blender, that is how I make my
smoothies. After a few months, I upgraded to a 40$ blender, which allowed me to
make smoothies much more easily and quickly. It wasnt until I decided to switch to
a high raw vegan diet that I started saving up for a high speed blender.

Tip: If you are not using a high speed blender, you might need to add frozen fruit to
the blender little by little instead of all at once. You may also want to soak your dates
(or any other dried fruit for that matter) before blending them. If you have a food
processor, those work great for blending frozen and dried fruit.

Frozen fruit

Many of the recipes in this book call for frozen fruit. That is because it
generally makes the smoothies taste much more fresh and enjoyable. In some cases,
especially with green smoothies, I tried both versions, with frozen and unfrozen fruit
and I must say that the unfrozen version simply didnt taste as good. Some people
do not like freezing fruit that much because they are afraid it is going to damage the
fruit. I personally am not too concerned about that and know plenty of people who
have smoothies on a daily basis and are not concerned either. If, however, youd still
rather not use frozen fruit, try to at least add a few ice cubes to the mix.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

How to freeze bananas

You can either get frozen fruit directly at the grocery store (its often cheaper)
or freeze your own fruit. Freezing fruit is a great way to avoid wasting food. I used to
not buy bananas because I was afraid I couldnt eat them all before they went bad. I
had no idea that I could just freeze them. How? Its simple:

1. Make sure your bananas are super ripe (as show on the picture).

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

2. Peel them.

3. Put them in a ziplock bag (not as eco friendly, but there are reusable ones) or a
reusable container. I prefer to leave them whole instead of breaking or cutting
them into smaller pieces as they are very easy to break once they are frozen
(and you wont end up with a giant block of frozen banana bits).

4. Make sure the bag or container is closed as airtight as possible and put them in
the freezer.

5. Leave them in the freezer for at least a few hours, if possible longer.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

How important is organic produce?

When possible, try to buy organic, especially when using produce The quality
will be higher and you will get more nutrients while avoiding toxic pesticides. I know
that organic foods arent always readily available or affordable, so if you have to
make a choice think of it this way: the thicker the skin, the less pesticides will have
gotten to the fruit /vegetable itself. This means that while pineapples, avocados,
papayas, mangoes etc. are ok to eat conventional, try to eat organic berries, greens
and apples. Also check out the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen Lists:

The Clean Fifteen The Dirty Dozen

Avocados Apples
Sweet Corn (non GMO) Strawberries
Pineapples Grapes
Cabbage Celery
Sweet Peas Peaches
Onions Spinach
Asparagus Sweet Bell Peppers
Mangoes Nectarines
Papayas Cucumbers
Kiwi Cherry Tomatoes
Eggplant Snap Peas
Grapefruit Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes

The Clean Fifteen: these are OK to buy non-organic if the organic version is too expensive.

The Dirty Dozen: try to always buy these organic or avoid eating them:

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Ripe fruit

Fruit is always best consumed when it is super ripe. When people say that fruit
is bad for digestion, that is because they eat it before it is fully ripe. Bananas, for
instance, are best when they are spotty and brownish and should not be consumed
when they are still green or all yellow (theyll still be starchy and harder to digest).
Most fruit will change color as it ripens, be soft to the touch and have a much
sweeter taste. A lot of the times, people will throw away fruit that is perfectly fine
because they think it has gone bad. You can actually use this to your advantage
when you go grocery shopping. Ask the staff members if they have any old fruit in
the back. Most of the times they do and youll get a discount!

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

About the recipes


Every recipe makes about 500-600mL/ 17-20fl.oz.

Note: I measured all ingredients in grams and mL and then converted them to US
ounces (oz) and fluid ounces (fl.oz), rounding up or down whenever necessary.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

If you are used to US cups to measure liquids, here is a conversion table:

1 tablespoon or 1/2 fluid ounce =15 mL

1 fluid ounce or 1/8 cup = 30 mL
1/4 cup or 2 fluid ounces = 60 mL
1/3 cup = 80 mL
1/2 cup or 4 fluid ounces = 120 mL
2/3 cup = 160 mL
3/4 cup or 6 fluid ounces = 180 mL
1 cup or 8 fluid ounces or half a pint = 240 mL
1 1/2 cups or 12 fluid ounces = 350 mL
2 cups or 1 pint or 16 fluid ounces = 475 mL

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Freshly Squeezed

Freshly squeezed juice is always going to be the least processed and most
nutrient dense option. That is why most recipes call for them. However, I know that
that is not always an option due to a lack of time or availability, so if youre using
store bought juice instead, make sure its in the refrigerated section (if its not, you
can be sure its full of preservatives). Also, try not to buy juice from concentrate and/
or if pasteurized. That means the fruit has been cooked at high temperatures to
increase its shelf life, which ultimately depletes its nutritional content and enzymes.


I personally dont use sweeteners like agave or maple syrup in my smoothies

as I think that ripe fruit is sweet enough as it is (and I have a sweet tooth!). If you
feel that the smoothies could be a little sweeter, simply add a few dates or raisins.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


I am aware that a lot of people are allergic to certain fruits, especially bananas
and mangoes. When a recipe calls for mango, you can replace it with peaches.
For bananas, in case of sweet, dessert like smoothies and shakes, use super ripe
(frozen) pears and a few more dates instead. Or, if you are lucky enough to find
some, use durian (try it first to check if it tastes sweet, durians can be pretty
unpredictable). For the fruity and green smoothies that include bananas, you can
replace them with papaya, mangoes or peaches.


Eating raw foods has many health benefits and most of my recipes are completely
raw. When they are not, look for the Make it raw note for modifications in case
youd rather have a fully raw version.


Disclaimer: I have included the approximate amount of calories (calculated for each
smoothie via for information purposes only. I do not condone
calorie restriction in any form and I think that when you eat plant-based, whole and
nutritional foods, there is absolutely no need to restrict calories. If anything, I would
suggest you make sure you eat enough, not the other way around. Restricting
calories when you still feel hungry is never a good idea as it can lead to eating
disorders. Make sure you eat healthy foods full of nutrients instead of processed
empty calorie foods. If you feel like you are are eating too much (healthy) food,
your body may be craving nutrients, so I would recommend doing more exercise
instead of eating less. Also, if you plan on having a smoothie for a meal, I would
recommend doubling (or, if you're very active, even tripling) the ingredients listed in
this book.

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



75mL/2.5fl.oz freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

150mL/5fl.oz freshly squeezed tangerine juice
75g/2.7oz frozen cherries
125g/4.4oz ripe mango
8-10 leaves of fresh basil
1/2 tsp ground flaxseed (optional)
2 large ice cubes

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

"Children are happy because they don't

have a file in their minds called 'All the
Things That Could Go Wrong.

Marianne Williamson

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



Pink layer:
1 small frozen banana 100g/3.5oz
50g/1.8oz frozen cherries
50g/1.8oz mango
75mL/2.5fl.oz water

Yellow layer:
1 small frozen banana 100g/3.5oz
100g/3.5oz mango
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder (or
75mL/2.5fl.oz water

Blend the ingredients for the yellow part and the pink part separately and then layer
them in a jar (by pouring them in slowly or using a spoon). In order to save time,
you can obviously also blend all the ingredients together, but I think that we can all
agree that that would be a lot less fun.

"Nothing splendid has ever been

achieved except by those who dared
believe that something inside of them
was superior to circumstance."

Bruce Barton

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

75g/2.7oz frozen raspberries
75g/2.7oz frozen cranberries
1tsp hempseed
10g/0.35oz hazelnuts
150mL/5fl.oz coconut water

Blend all the ingredients until smooth.

Note: you can also use fresh berries
instead of frozen ones.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Theodore Roosevelt

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



1 small banana 100g/3.5oz

100g/3.5oz frozen mango
75g/2.7oz frozen peaches
125mL/4.3fl.oz carrot juice
100mL/3.4fl.oz coconut water
1/2tsp ground flaxseed

Blend all the ingredients until smooth.

When you hit a wall of your own imagined limitations just kick it in.

Sam Shepard

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

50g/1.8oz frozen blueberries
3 small pitted medjool dates (37.5g/1.3oz)
1/2tsp baobab powder
150mL/5fl.oz water

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

You see things; you say, 'Why?'

But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?

George Bernard Shaw

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small bananas (200g/7oz)

100g/3.5oz frozen peaches
100g/3.5oz frozen mango
8-10 leaves fresh basil
100mL/3.4fl.oz water
1/4 thumb ginger (optional)

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Note: both basil and ginger are very healthy, but
their taste can be intense. I personally love it, but if youre not sure, be careful not to
accidentally add too much of either.

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If

you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
Steve Jobs

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small bananas 200g/7oz

100g/3.5oz frozen peaches
50g/1.75oz frozen raspberries
50g/1.75oz frozen cranberries
1/2 tsp baobab powder
100mL/3.4fl.oz water.

Blend all ingredients until smooth, or, for a

special swirl effect, blend 1 banana with
half the water, the peaches and the
baobab powder and then the other
banana, the rest of the water and the
frozen berries separately. Then slowly pour
both parts into a jar. Tip: use a fork to
help with the swirl.

Youve gotta dance like there's nobody watching,

Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



100mL/3.4fl.oz freshly squeezed blood orange juice

125mL/4.2fl.oz freshly squeezed orange juice
100mL/3.4fl.oz carrot juice
200g/7oz frozen mango

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Tip: When I have too much juice left over

(green juice, carrot juice.), I like to freeze it
into ice cubes. As mentioned in the
introduction, I like to add frozen fruits to
make the smoothies taste fresher, but you
can switch it up as you please. For this one,
for instance, you could use fresh mango
instead of frozen mango and carrot juice ice
cubes instead of carrot juice.

This smoothie is super simple, but its one of my favorites. It reminds me a fruity ice
cream called Solero Exotic I used to love as a kid, but this one is a lot healthier and
full of vitamins.

Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry.

Jack Kerouac

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



150mL/5fl.oz freshly squeezed

orange juice
100g/3.5oz frozen pineapple
100g/3.5oz frozen peaches
100g/3.5oz ripe mango
40g/1.4oz kiwi (about 1 small peeled
50mL/1.7fl.oz coconut water

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Tip: if your kiwi is organic, feel free to

blend it with the skin. Most people
dont know this, but it is edible and
contains a lot of nutrients!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?

Marianne Williamson

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



1 small frozen banana 100g/3.5oz

200g/7oz ripe papaya
100g/3.5oz frozen cranberries
1/4tsp maca powder
1/4tsp baobab powder
125mL/4.2fl.oz water

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

"What one great thing would you dare to

dream, if you knew you could not fail?
Brian Tracy

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



125g/4.4oz ripe mango

75g/2.7oz frozen peaches
175mL/5.9fl.oz freshly squeezed orange juice
55g/2oz fresh spinach
8-10 leaves of basil
1/2tsp hemp seeds
1/2tsp chia seeds
2 large ice cubes

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Note: adding hemp and chia seeds to your
smoothies is an excellent way of incorporating essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,
as well as plant-based protein into your diet.

"Not caring what other people think is the

greatest form of self love."

Ralph Smart

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



125g/4.4oz ripe mango

50g/1.8oz super ripe pear (about 1/3 pear)
50g/1.8oz fresh spinach
125g/4.4oz frozen strawberries
2 small pitted medjool dates (25g/0.9oz)
125mL/4.2fl.oz water

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Oscar Wilde

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



200mL/6.7fl.oz freshly squeezed Orange juice

125g/4.4oz frozen pineapple
25g/0.9oz fresh spinach
25g/0.9oz curly kale
8-10 fresh basil leaves
1/2 tsp spirulina

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

I started my life with a single absolute: that the world was mine to shape in the
image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser standard, no
matter how long or hard the struggle.
Ayn Rand

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



300mL/10fl.oz freshly squeezed orange juice

75g/2.7oz frozen mango
80g/2.8oz kiwi (about two small peeled kiwis)
8-10 fresh basil leaves
5g/0.2oz hazelnuts
2.5g/0.1oz ginger
1/2tsp hempseed
1tsp barley grass juice powder

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Note: You can use any kind of green juice powder, but the taste will be slightly
different. I like using barley grass juice powder as its the only one that actually tastes
good to me.

Whatever you're meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.
Doris Lessing

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



185g./6.5oz frozen papaya

135g/4.8oz mango (about half a mango)
100g/3.5oz apple (about half a medium apple)
10g/0.4oz hazelnuts
25g/0.9oz pitted medjool dates
1tsp hempseed
50g/1.8oz mixed baby greens
100mL/3.4fl.oz water
optional: chopped hazelnuts to decorate

Blend all ingredients until smooth. If you want to recreate the layering effect, simply
blend all the ingredients except the mixed baby greens, set half of the smoothie
aside and blend the greens with the rest. Then, layer the two parts by pouring them
into a jar slowly or by using a spoon.

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

George Eliot

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



3 small frozen bananas (300g/10.1oz)

25g/0.9oz cucumber
50g/1.8oz romaine lettuce
5g/0.2oz ginger
5g/0.2oz cilantro
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
100mL/3.4fl.oz water

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Note: For this one, Id highly recommend

using frozen bananas over unfrozen ones. Ive
tried it both ways and while I find this version
delicious, I didnt really enjoy it the other way
around. Its all about texture!

Too many of us are hung up on what we don't have, can't have, or

won't ever have. We spend too much energy being down, when we
could use that same energy if not less of it doing, or at least trying to
do, some of the things we really want to do.

Terry McMillan

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



1 small frozen banana (100g/3.5oz)

50g/1.8oz dino kale (lacinato kale)
25g/0.9oz celery (about half a stalk)
150g/5.3oz frozen mango
100g/3.5oz papaya
125mL/4.2fl.oz coconut water
1tsp chia seeds

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

"Start a huge, foolish project, like Noahit makes absolutely

no difference what people think of you."


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


(345 kcal)

100g/3.5oz frozen papaya

2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
2 small medjool dates (25g/0.9oz)
25g/0.9oz celery (about half a stalk)
1tsp barley grass juice powder
10g/0.4oz raw beets (about a slice)
50g/1.8oz frozen cranberries
2,5g/0.1oz turmeric (optional)
100mL/3.4fl.oz water

Blend all ingredients until smooth. For the layered effect: Blend the papaya, bananas,
vanilla, medjool dates and water. Set half of it aside, blend the rest with the
cranberries, beets and turmeric and pour it into a jar. Blend the other half with the
celery and barley grass juice powder and pour it on top.

Note: the taste of beets can be very intense, especially if youre not used to it, so try
to experiment with the amount if you arent sure whether you like it or not. (The
same goes for turmeric.)

"The big secret in life is there is no

secret. Whatever your goal. You can get
there if you're willing to work."

Oprah Winfrey

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



100mL/3.4fl.oz carrot juice

150mL/5fl.oz coconut water
125g/4.4oz frozen pineapple
8-10 fresh basil leaves
3g/0.1oz turmeric
25g/0.9oz curly kale
25g/0.9oz fresh spinach
1/2 tsp hemp seeds
1/2 tsp chia seeds
1tsp wheatgrass powder

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Note: This smoothie is called B.E. SOBER in honor of my friend Bryan Edmund
( who, after battling with drug and alcohol addiction for
years, decided to turn his life around for the better. In addition, he recently switched
to a plant-based diet in order to not just live but thrive in sobriety. His dream is to
inspire others to do the same .The following quote was chosen by him.

You're in the midst of a war: a battle between the limits of a crowd seeking the surrender of
your dreams, and the power of your true vision to create and contribute. It is a fight between
those who will tell you what you cannot do, and that part of you that knows - and has
always known - that we are more than our environment; and that a dream, backed by an
unrelenting will to attain it, is truly a reality with an imminent arrival.

Anthony Robbins

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

200mL/6.7fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
50g/1.8oz frozen raspberries
50g/1.8oz fresh raspberries

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

I have discovered in life that there are

ways of getting almost anywhere you want
to go, if you really want to go.

Langston Hughes

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

225mL/7.6fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
75g/2.7oz fresh blueberries
1/8tsp vanilla powder

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing

and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

200mL/6.7fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
50g/1.8oz ripe pear (about 1/3 of the fruit)
2 small medjool dates (25g/0.9oz)
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

"Gratitude and fear cannot coexist.

Tony Robbins

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


2 1/2 small frozen bananas (250g/8.8oz)

225mL/6.7fl.oz coconut milk
1 small medjool date (12.5g/0.4oz)
3tsp cocoa powder
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Tip: to switch it up, add a few fresh mint
leaves and non-dairy chocolate chips to
get a Choc Mint Shake.

Make it raw: use raw cacao or carob


Dont ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what
makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what
the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



125g/4.4oz frozen mixed berries

150g/5.3oz fresh strawberries
(with the tops)
200mL/6.8oz unsweetened
almond milk
1/2tsp hemp seeds (optional)
1tbsp (crunchy) peanut butter

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

If you dont like peanut butter, feel
free to leave it out and enjoy a
Mixed Berry Shake instead.

Make it raw: replace the peanut

butter with raw almond butter.

"We're not on our journey to save the world

but to save ourselves. But in doing that you
save the world. The influence of a vital
person vitalizes."

Joseph Campbell

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

1/3 ripe avocado (50g/1.8oz)
25g/0.9oz dark 60% and dairy free chocolate
150mL/5.1fl.oz coconut milk
1 small medjool date (12.5g/0.4oz)
3tsp cocoa powder
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
1 tsp shredded coconut

Blend all ingredients except the shredded coconut until smooth and pour the
smoothie in a jar. Sprinkle the shredded coconut on top.

Make it raw: use raw cacao and raw chocolate or cacao nibs instead of the cocoa
powder and dark chocolate.

Note: you can make it slightly less caloric by omitting or reducing the amount of dark
chocolate used or by sharing with a friend.

"And, when you want something, all the

universe conspires in helping you to
achieve it."

Paulo Coelho

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



60g/2.1oz cashews
10g/0.4oz almonds
40mL/1.4fl.oz lemon juice (the juice
of about one small lemon)
5 small pitted medjool dates
(about 62.5g/2.2oz)
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
225mL/7.6fl.oz coconut water
2tsp shredded coconut
2-3 large ice cubes

Soak the cashews and almonds (either overnight or at least an hour before making
the smoothie) and blend all ingredients until smooth. Tip: its even better with a side
of fresh strawberries.

"Spare yourself from seeking love, approval,

or appreciationfrom anyone. And watch
what happens in reality, just for fun."

Byron Katie

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

25g/0.9oz hazelnuts
25g/0.9oz cashews
25g/0.9oz mixed baby greens (I used
spinach, kale and lettuce)
1tsp cocoa powder
225mL/7.6fl.oz unsweetened almond
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
1/8 -1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Soak the hazelnuts and cashews (either overnight or at least an hour before making
the smoothie) and blend all ingredients until smooth. Make it raw: use raw cacao or
carob powder instead of cocoa powder.

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is

worse than the suffering itself. And that no
heart has ever suffered when it goes in
search of its dreams..."

Paulo Coelho

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



2 1/2 small frozen bananas (250g/8.8oz)

200mL/6.8fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
1tbsp cocoa powder
1 1/2tbsp crunchy peanut butter
20g/0.7oz dark 60% and non dairy chocolate

Blend all ingredients except the chocolate and the peanut butter until smooth. Add
the chocolate and the peanut butter and pulse the smoothie (meaning, turn your
blender on and off quickly and repeatedly) so as to have a chocolate chip/ crunchy
texture. Make it raw: sub the peanut butter for almond butter and the chocolate and
cocoa powder for raw cacao nibs and raw cacao or carob powder.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Robert Brault

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen



250g/8.8oz sweet apples

(about two small apples including the skin)
6 small medjool dates (about 75g/2.7oz)
200mL/6.8fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
1/8tsp vanilla bean powder
1/4tsp ground cinnamon
10g almonds
4 large ice cubes

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Happiness is not something ready made. It

comes from your own actions.

Dalai Lama XIV

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


(270kcal or, if youre sharing, 135kcal per serving)

This makes 1 jar or 2 smaller glasses

(if you feel like sharing with someone).

For the ice cream:

2 small frozen bananas (200g/7oz)

25mL/0.9fl.oz unsweetened almond milk
1/4tsp vanilla bean powder

For the chocolate mylk:

250mL/8.5fl.oz unsweetened almond milk

2tsp cocoa powder
2 ice cubes (optional)
1 small pitted medjool date (12.5g/0.4oz)

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

For the ice cream, blend the frozen bananas with the 25mL almond milk and the
vanilla bean powder. Depending on what kind of blender youre using, you may want
to start by blending small banana chunks with the almond milk and then adding
more as you go. Once you have a smooth, creamy consistency, put the ice cream in
a bowl and place the bowl in the freezer for at least an hour. If you dont have that
much time, you can skip that step, in which case your ice cream is just going to be
a little softer. Next, blend the ingredients for the chocolate milk (the medjool date is
added for a little extra sweetness, but feel free to leave it out). Scoop the vanilla ice
cream into one jar or into two smaller glasses and pour the chocolate mylk on top.
Enjoy with a spoon and straw. Make it raw: use raw cacao or carob powder instead
of cocoa powder.
Tip: If youre feeling extra adventurous, add some whipped coconut cream and non-
dairy chocolate sprinkles on top.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen


(265 kcal or, if youre sharing, 132.5kcal per person)

For the sorbet:

100g/3.5oz dark frozen cherries

50g/1.8oz frozen raspberries
100g/3.5oz frozen mango
50mL/1.7oz blood orange juice

For the Juice:

100mL/3.4fl.oz orange juice

100mL/3.4fl.oz tangerine juice

For the sorbet, blend the frozen

fruit with the blood orange juice
using your blender or a food
processor, put the sorbet into a
bowl and place it in the freezer for
at least an hour. Next, mix the
orange and tangerine juices.
Scoop the sorbet into one jar or
into two smaller glasses and pour
the juice on top. Enjoy!

Success is loving life and daring to live it.

Maya Angelou

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

Thank you for reading!

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Simply Delicious - 31 plant-based smoothie recipes by Kim-Julie Hansen

"Whatever you can do, or

dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it. "

J.W. von Goethe


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