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Lesson Plan

Title of lesson: The letter Z song

Name: Marya Faisal

Date: 30.10.2017

Time: 8:00 am to 8:30 am

Location: Sharjah English School, Maliha road, F2o, Mrs. Vicky room


Students foundation 2 section o

19 student ages 4 to 5 years
English language and Indian
No special needs


By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

Pronounce the letter z when the lecture says it and asks them to repeat
Write Z letter by watching how the teacher draws it on the board and then writing it on their board
Can distinguish between the letter Z and the others letters by doing the activities
Know some words containing Z letter by watching video


Materials & resources: worksheets, mud, colors, boards, magnetic letters, pens and box.

Technology integration: "The Letter Z Song"

Strategies: positive reinforcement, reward system

Introduction and the lesson:

First: I will review with them all the letters

Second: I will bring a box with the letter Z inside and I will ask them to guess which letter is


Third : I will explain to them how to pronounce the Z letter and then I will play a video about

the Z letter to learn words starting with Z letter.

Forth: I will teach them how to write the letter Z using the board.

Finally: I will ask them to write the Z letter in front of the class to make sure that they know

how to write the Z letter.

- I will go to each group and describe the activities and then I will distribute students to groups

according to their level; each color will go to different group.

High level group (HAG)-Orange color and Middle level group (MAG1)-Pink color they will have

a worksheet that has many letters and they will have to put circles on the Z letters on that sheet.

Next level group (MAG2)-Green color and Low level group (LAG)-Low color: they will have

to color the Z letter and then fill the word with the missing Z letter.

Plan B: the students will have a board with magnetic letters and they will have to use these letters

to create the words containing the Z letter that will be shown to them on a card.

The Introduction will be 7minutes and the activities will take8 minutes. 2 minutes describing all activities and the6
minutes stall will be for doing activities.


The first three kids finishing the activities successfully will have the opportunity to select their preferred
rewarding stickers.

Teacher will give the instruction of each group and Students will ..
divide the student

High level group (HAG)-Orange color and High level group (HAG)-Orange color

Middle level group (MAG1)-Pink color: and Middle level group (MAG1)-Pink

Same activities color: distinguish between colors by circles

Next level group (MAG2)-Green color and Next level group (MAG2)-Green color and

Low level group (LAG)-Low color: Low level group (LAG)-Low color:

Same activities learn the shape of the Z letter through

coloring it and using mud.


Some children will feel bored while sitting and observing me so I will let them participate with the me by

Some children might not understand the activity, so I will go around the group to give more instructions.

Some children might be over excited and may create chaos and I will take remedial action of involving them in
activities preparation and helping me.


They will know Z letter through repeating it in different activities and I will walk around to ensure that all
kids are able to pronounce and write the letter Z correctly. I will pick some students randomly and ask

them questions about the letter Z and ask them for words example.


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