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Installation of Options

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Sensation CT02-021.814.02 Page 2 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 01 11.01 CTL PM Medical Engineering
Contents 0-1

1 _______General ________________________________________________________ 1-1

Important notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Additional informations for options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Installation of the license keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Monitor Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Required measurement equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
21" Colour Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
18" Flat screen monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Picture Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Optimum picture quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
OSD Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Set graphics memory of video source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Fine adjustment of LCD monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Menu keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Main menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Check the graphic card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Adjustment with new MONITOR TEST & SET-UP TOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Check the white- and black box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Check brightness and contrast with Nokia Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Concluding Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Test for IES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Versions of computer systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
ICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
IES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

2 _______UPS for IMS and IES _____________________________________________ 2-1

Installation of UPS for IMS (ICS + IRS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Set up of UPS in Windows NT on Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Installation of UPS on IES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Set up of UPS in Windows NT on Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

3 _______Line compensation ______________________________________________ 3-1

Not longer delivered.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

4 _______Foot switch for XRS _____________________________________________ 4-1

Installation of Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Final test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

5 _______Foot switch for PHS _____________________________________________ 5-1

Installation of Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

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Medical Solutions CTL PM Rev. 01 11.01
0-2 Contents

Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

6 ______ Additional Monitors ______________________________________________6-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Hardware installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Remove the screw from slot P11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Installation of multipal monitors ("Sternkoppler") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Scope of Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5

7 ______ Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES) ________________________________________7-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Open the IES (Primergy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Open the IES (Celcius) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Connect the Pioneer MOD-Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
BIOS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Software configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6

8 ______ MOD DICOM / CD - WRITER _______________________________________8-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Installation of optional SCSI-Drives in ICS / IES (Primergy only). . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Hardware installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Configuration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Configuration 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Final steps (Primergy only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Installation of optional MOD-Drive in ICS / IES (Celcius only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
Hardware installation ICS (Celcius 400 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
BIOS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Hardware installation IES (Celcius 600 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
BIOS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
Software configuration ICS / IES (Celcius only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13

9 ______ ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only) ______________________9-1

Tools and auxiliary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Installation Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Step 1 : Save tube history directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Step 2: NAVIGATOR: Hardware replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Step 3: Partitionining and formating of the installed 36GB disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3

Sensation CT02-021.814.02 Page 2 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 01 11.01 CTL PM Medical Solutions
Contents 0-3

Note: Starting Partitioning of Drive D: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Note: Starting Partitioning of Drive E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Note: Starting the formatting of drive E: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Step 4: Change the databasesizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Step 5: Recopy tube directory to drive D: and reconnect MOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Step 6: Updating the Wizard database (Necessary because Navigator database was newly
created previously) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Step 7: Final tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8

10 ______Console Extension _____________________________________________ 10-1

Wire extension kit for ICS/IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

11 ______ Converter_____________________________________________________ 11-1

Installation of Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1

12 ______Software related options_________________________________________ 12-1

3D SSD (Standard Option for ICS and IES). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
MIP (Standard Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
VOI (Standard Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
MPR (Standard Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Final Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Dental (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Check of the options availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
CARE Bolus (Option for ICS only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Check of the options availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Pulmo (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Check of the options availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Calcium Scoring (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8

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Medical Solutions CTL PM Rev. 01 11.01
0-4 Contents

Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Installation of Calcium Scoring option on ICS and ICS (VA20 only) . . . . . . . . 12-8
Check of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
VRT (Volume Rendering / CAP 3D Editor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9
Check of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9
Image Fusion Basic / LM (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-10
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-10
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-10
Check of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-10
Perfusion (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-11
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-11
Check of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-11

13 _____ Osteo CT______________________________________________________13-1

Osteo (Option for ICS and IES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Installation of Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Input of the reference phantoms parameters in the ICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Check of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2

14 _____ CareVision CT _________________________________________________14-1

Pre-delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Required tools and auxiliary tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Installation of the ceiling support system (if applicable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Overhead support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Media interface plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
Ceiling flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
Detailed measurements for extension arm system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5
Positioning the overhead support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6
Cable duct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6
Room heights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Room height requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Different installation versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8
Unfinished ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8
Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8
Intermediate ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9
Intermediate ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-11
Unfinished ceiling installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-13
False ceiling installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15
Cable routing from PDC and IRS to ceiling mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-16
Extension arm installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-17

Sensation CT02-021.814.02 Page 4 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 01 11.01 CTL PM Medical Solutions
Contents 0-5

Spring-loaded arm installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18
Installation of the monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21
Adjustment of the spring resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
Installation of the monitor cart (if applicable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23
Installation of the tableside control (joystick) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
Delivery volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26
Test of joystick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
Installation of footswitches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Installation of the license key in Navigator (ICS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Monitor setup and testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Final Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Test of the options availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28

15 ______HeartView CT __________________________________________________ 15-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
Intallation of the option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Required Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Installation of CPI board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Exchange of MCU and cable routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Installation of the monitors power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-6
Exchange of automatic fuse F16 in PDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-7
Installation of the monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-7
Installation of the license key in Navigator (ICS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-11
Loading the CPI FW into the MCB of the CPI unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-11
Selecting the relevant language and line frequency of Monitor SC6002XL . . . . 15-12
Adjust number of ECG leads for monitor SC6002XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Adjust number of ECG leads for monitor SC6002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Adjust line frequency for monitor SC6002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Function test of Heart View CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
Monitor SC6002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
Monitor SC 6002XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
Simulation of Heart View CT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15

16 ______CARE Dose (DOM)______________________________________________ 16-1

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Important notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Installation of the license keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Installation of DOM (option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Required Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Tools and auxiliary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Preliminary steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Installation of DOM hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Installation of FW for DOM option on ICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
Installation of SW license for DOM option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
Performing DOM tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4

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0-6 Contents

17 _____ Installation of a Printer (Calcium Scoring Reports) __________________17 - 1

Installation roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 - 2

18 _____ Changes to previous Version _____________________________________ 18-1

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General 1 1-1

Important notes 1

Follow the C-MOS guidelines when working on the IRS/ICS or IES.or System.
Switch off power to the IRS/ICS or IES prior to removing any boards.
Use the anti-static wristband, ground cable and grounded tabletop pad
( TKD equipment type 8005 from 3M Deutschland GmbH ).

Additional informations for options 1

Additional inforamtions about options (e.g. application) are available in the document
"Sotare Release Note". This document is part of the SW delivery or you can open the file
System--> run--> Release Note and Helpfull Hints

Tools 1

No special tools are needed for installation an option if not indicated within the description
of an option.

Installation of the license keys 1

Options which include special processing and/or evaluation software need in general a
license key to allow the customer to use the option. This license key has to be entered
into the file "license.dat" of the ICS (and optional IES )-processor according to the here
defined procedure. New options licenses will be entered by replacing the whole file
"license.dat", which will be delivered with the option as e-mail or floppy disk.

According to the options demand enter "Local Service" on the "ICS" (and optional IES ),
and select "Configuration".
Click "Licensing" .
Put floppy disk with license into drive.
Select drive A:\ with "Browse" and click "license.dat".
Click "Import licensefile" and after importing a message appears: "Import successfully
Click "Finish".
Accept the request for "Restart"

NOTICE If the service UI requests a restart of the application (typically the

message shutdown pending appears in the status bar), select
HOME and confirm with OK. The restart will be performed auto-
matically then. Never perform a restart by your own !

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1-2 General

Monitor Setup 1

Required measurement equipment 1

Mavo monitor (photometer)

Reference Images on the store image disk

Prerequisites 1

NOTICE Warm-up the monitor about 20 minutes before doing the adjust-

IMPORTANT Room lighting should be kept as constant as possible.

21" Colour Monitor 1

NOTICE The use of the monitor control panel is described in the delivered
Operating Manual.
The monitor is equipped with a keyboard lock feature which
allows the user to temporarily disable the front control panel. See
Key lock on page 38 of the Operating Manual.

0.25 - 0.45 cd/m

60 6 cd/m

Fig. 1 Reference image 1 (window 256, center 0)

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General 1-3
Darken the room completely to ensure correct adjustment.
Select patient and image 1 of the reference images (grey scale image with W256/C0).
Select full screen display.
Degauss the monitor.
Measure on the white box (fig.1) with the MAVO Monitor, adjust the value with contrast
control to:
60 6 cd/m
Measure on the black box (fig.1) with the MAVO Monitor, adjust the value with
brightnesst control to:
0.25 - 0.45 cd/m

18" Flat screen monitor 1

Picture Adjustment 1

CAUTION Use the enclosed operating instruction for operation of the


Optimum picture quality 1

To achieve optimum picture quality, the SCD 1897-M monitor should be operated with a
graphics resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels (settings for graphics card in PC). When adjust-
ing the picture position and size, ensure that the picture appears exactly on the active sur-
face of the display and that it is not offset by even one pixel. For example, if the horizontal
position is offset by 1 step to the right, the right-hand edge of the picture will disappear,
and a black pixel column will appear at the left-hand edge (and similarly for an offset to the
left, top or bottom). If the vertical lines are still slightly fuzzy, adjust the setting "Frequency/
phase" (see OSD menu).

OSD Menu 1

This section describes the settings for operation of the LCD monitor with a video source.
The most important settings are:

Set graphics memory of video source 1

As with all monitors, the LCD monitor also has such limits, e.g. maximum resolution and
vertical frequency. The graphics adapter must be set when using the LCD monitor such
that the limits are observed.

Fine adjustment of LCD monitor 1

RGB video sources supply analog signals which are basically intended for conventional
CRT monitors and which are processed directly by them. In contrast, the analog signals
must be converted for an LCD monitor into digital signals by a video digitizer. Depending
on the video source, cable length and video mode (e.g. VGA, SVGA, XGA) this conver-

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Medical Solutions CTL PM Rev. 01 11.01
1-4 General
sion may cause certain deviations which cannot be corrected fully automatically by the
LCD monitor. A manual fine adjustment is therefore necessary during which the LCD
monitor (or, more precisely, the video digitizer) is matched to the respective video source.
The fine adjustment comprises e.g. setting the horizontal/vertical picture position and the
picture sharpness. With the SCD 1897-M LCD monitor, this is carried out using an OSD

NOTICE Disable "keylock": press 1x Set than 3x

Enable "keylock" : press 1x Set than 3x
Presses the keys fast successively

Menu keys 1

The menus are accessed using the following keys positioned at the bottom right on the
monitor: [Menu], [ ], [ ] and [Set]:
Press the "Menu" key to call the main menu and to mark the first menu item.
Select the desired menu item by pressing the "Menu" key.


Up key
Different functions are assigned to the "Up" key depending on the current status:
Open a selected menu.
Increase the parameters or numerical values in the bottom menu level.
Select a subparameter in the bottom menu level.
Down key
Different functions are assigned to the "Down" key depending on the current status:
Decrease the parameters or numerical values in the bottom menu level.
Select a subparameter in the bottom menu level.
Press the "Set" key to leave the current menu item and return to the next higher menu
If you are in the main menu, you can leave the menu by pressing the "Set" key. Any
modifications which have been carried out are automatically saved when you leave the
main menu.

Main menu 1

Calling the main menu and opening a menu

Call the main menu by pressing the [Menu] key:

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General 1-5

The main menu is displayed on your screen.

Select the desired menu by pressing the [Menu] key.
Open the selected menu item by pressing the [ ] key.

Check the graphic card 1

Open NT Explorer (Ctrl. Esc)

Select: Settings/Control panel
Select: The Display icon of the computer
Display Area must be 1280 x 1024
Refresh Frequency must be 75 Hz

Adjustment with new MONITOR TEST & SET-UP TOOL 1

Procedure starting with Software version VA20Q

Open NT Explorer
Select: C:\Somaris\Tools\flatscr
Select: Ntest.hlp (described the test possibilities)
Select: Ntest.exe (Nokia test image appears)
In the test image appear 11 icons for test procedures. Go with the mouse to the icon and
select the corresponding test case.

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1-6 General

Fig. 2 Nokia Test (Test Images in the lower region. 11 small windows)

Check the geometry

Open icon "Geometry" (Nokia Test)
Check all four edges and center the image, so that non pixels are missing.
Open OSD Menu for adjustment
Select: Position Zoom
Adjust H-Position and V-Position

Minimize this horizontal lines

Open icon "Resolution" (press left, right mouse key, vertical lines appears) (Nokia Test)
Open OSD Menue
Select Others/Frequency Phase
Adjust Frequency --> to homogeneous screen (No vertical lines may be visible)
Adjust Phase --> to homogeneous screen (No horizontal lines may be visible)

Check the white- and black box 1

Open: Patient/Browser/Reference Images

Select: Test Image 1
Select full sreen display
Darken the room completely to ensure correct adjustment.

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General 1-7

NOTICE The adjustment is based on the brightness of the white square

with window 256 and center 0.
The adjustment is the same for IES and ICS. Call up the test image
through Patient / Browser
Select 1 quadrant representation

CAUTION Hold the sensor gently to the screen. Otherwise the display can
be damaged

0,5 - 0,7 cd/m2

100 cd/m - 105 cd/m2

Fig. 3 Reference image 1 (window 256, center 0)

Open: OSD Menu

Measure on the white box (fig.6) with the MAVO Monitor, adjust the value with contrast
control to:
100105 cd/m2
Measure on the black box (fig.6) with the MAVO Monitor, adjust the value with
brightness control to:
0,5 - 0,7 cd/m2
Set Backlight value (BL) to 50
Store all values and lock the keyboard
Check the white and black box again with the MAVO Monitor

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1-8 General
Check brightness and contrast with Nokia Test 1

Open icon "Brightness and contrast"

Use the control to increase the brightness, until you can see the background (the areas
intended to be black) and all the dark grey squares marked 1-9%.
If not visible, readjust it by brightness for black or contrast for white.
Observe the limits of the white and black box of the reference image

Concluding Steps 1

Quality criteria:
Reference image 1 must appear identical on "CareVison", IES and ICS monitor
The successful set up verifies the correct functionality of the monitor and serves as the
equipment test.

Test for IES 1

If the monitor test is required for IES checking, copy the test software from ICS to the IES

Versions of computer systems 1


ICS Tower 1 Primergy 470 450/550 MHz

ICS Tower 2 Primergy 470 850 MHz
ICS Tower 3 Celcius 460 1,7 GHz


IES Tower Primergy 470 450/550 MHz

IES Tower 1 Primergy 470 850 MHz
IES Tower 3 Celcius 670 2x 1,7 GHz

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UPS for IMS and IES 2 2-1

Installation of UPS for IMS (ICS + IRS) 2

NOTICE The UPS is not allowed to be installed during transportation (design

reasons). For any transportation or shipment of the PDC cabinet the
UPS must be deinstalled.

The UPS is installed in the upper right frame of the PDC cabinet (Fig.1).
Installation material (attachable bolts) is attached onto the frame (Fig.2).
All other installation material is delivered with the UPS.
Slide the UPS assembly into the cabinet frame.
Disconnect the power cable "USV-1" at the rear of the cabinet (Fig.1).
Connect the male plug of USV-1 to the UPS connector "LOAD1"
Connect the female connector of USV-1 to the UPS connector "INPUT".
Route the UPS control cable from PDC connector X270 to the "COMM" port at the UPS
Install the frame mounting parts onto the left and right side of the UPS cabinet (Fig.2).
Install the attachable bolts in the PDC frame according to the mounting holes at the UPS.
Secure the UPS assembly to the PDC frame with four allen screws.


Fig. 1 Installation location of UPS Fig. 2 USV installed

NOTICE The UPS and ICS and IRS must be disconnected from
electrical power in case the emergency button has
been pressed.

Press the emergency button and check wether the ICS and IRS is off.
If the ICS and IRS is not off, check the cable connections of the emergency stop circuit
and change it for correct function.

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2-2 UPS for IMS and IES

Set up of UPS in Windows NT on Navigator 2

In case a UPS is installed in the PDC it is required to install the UPS in Windows NT, too.
After switching on the system as previously described wait for the sreen saver to display
a "1" and press the <shift> button on the keyboard. A login box will appear. Enter
"Administrator" as user and the administration pass word.
The WindowsNT platform will appear. Click <start>, <settings>, <control panel> and
then the icon for UPS.
The following screen will appear. Enter all settings as given in Fig .3
UPS setup box in WindowsNT control panel

Fig. 3 Control panel ICS - UPS

Click <OK> and reboot the system

Test 2

Press the emergency button and check wether the ICS and IRS is off.
If the ICS and IRS is not off, check the cable connections of the emergency stop circuit
and change it for correct function.
Enter the serial number of the UPS into the configuration page (Serial) in the service

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UPS for IMS and IES 2-3

Installation of UPS on IES 2

Depending on the local line voltage there are two different UPS versions available for
230V or 110V line voltage.




UPS (230V type) UPS (110V type)

Fig. 4 UPS ( 230 V /110 V)

Cable connections at: Cable routes to:

UPS: Power Input Local power receptacle
UPS: PE terminal IES-tower: X101 (PE)
UPS: Control-signal output IES-tower: COM 1
Power distribution terminal:
UPS: Power Output

Note: Location of COM 1, please see lableing IES -Computer

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2-4 UPS for IMS and IES
Set up of UPS in Windows NT on Wizard 2

In case a UPS is installed on the Wizard it is required to set up the UPS in Windows NT,
After switching on the system as previously described wait for the sreen saver to display
a "1" and press the <shift> button on the keyboard. A login box will appear. Enter
"Administrator" as user and the administration pass word.
The WindowsNT platform will appear. Click <start>, <settings>, <control panel> and
then the icon for UPS.
The following screen will appear. Enter all settings as given in Fig.5
UPS setup box in WindowsNT control panel

Fig. 5 Control panel IES - UPS

Click <OK> and reboot the system

Test 2

Please unplug the main power supply cable.

A warning message appears on the SOMARIS platform on the screen and the computer
is still up until the battery is unloaded.

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Line compensation 3 3-1
Not longer delivered. 3

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3-2 Line compensation
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Foot switch for XRS 4 4-1

Installation of Option 4

Switch off gantry.

Plug in the connector of the foot switch into the right socket (X313) at the rear side of the

Final test 4

NOTICE For safety reasons there is no X-ray radiation applied

during this test!

Enter local Service and enter service key.

Select test tools > Controller > MCU-Test.
Select "Foot switch" and confirm with "GO".
When requested enter the scan room and press the foot switch twice within 30 seconds.
Wait for the message "Test successful".
If the Test is not successfully check the connectorOpen lower part of the gantrys left
- Check the soldering side of the socket X313: Pin 2 must not be connected, pins 1 and 3
shall be connected!
- If not correct, remove the wire from pin 2 and resolder it to pin 3.

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4-2 Foot switch for XRS
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Foot switch for PHS 5 5-1

Installation of Option 5

Switch off the gantry.

Plug in the connector of the footswitch into the left plug at the rear side of the gantry.

Final Test 5

Switch on the gantry.

Move the table up and down with the footswitch.

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5-2 Foot switch for PHS
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Additional Monitors 6 6-1

Overview 6

For installation of an additional monitor, you need the following parts:

- Monitor or Flat Monitor Display
- Optical link cable 30 m ( # 48 23 949 ) or
- Optical link cable 120 m ( # 48 23 931 )
Video distribution card includes:
- Video input cable for video distribution card with Sub-D 15 pin and Mini-DIN 6 pin
Optical receiver includes:
- optical receiver with power supply unit
- video cable ( BNC-BNC )

Installation of Option 6

Position the additional monitor on its place.

Two wall outlets for the power supply must be available.

NOTE Attach the warning label, which comes with the optical receiver to
the monitor frame!

Hardware installation 6

For installation of the option you have to open the IRS cover.
Switch off the IRS and pull out all the power plugs of the power outlets.
Remove the screw from the front cover (Fig. 1) adn remove the front cover.

front view IRS

top view IRS

Loosen srew Loosen srew

Fig. 1 Remove the screws (front cover) Fig. 2 Remove the screw (left side)

Push the top cover to the front and remove it.

Loosen the screw (Fig 2) from the left side cover, lift the side cover and remove it.

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6-2 Additional Monitors

Remove the screw from slot P11. 6

Remove the rear slot cover plate.

Install the Video distribution card ( PCI-board ) in slot P11(different slot see Fig. 4 and 5)
on the backplane and secure it with the delivered screw.



Fig. 3 Install the video distribution card (example old tower

NOTICE The location of the boards in the backplane depends on the serial
number and revision level of the IRS tower !
Refer to fig. 3 and fig. 4 for the correct location of boards.

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Additional Monitors 6-3

Location of boards for IRS tower 2 with s. no. 01001 to 01017 (Rev. 01, 02)

Fig. 4 Location of boards for IRS tower 2 with serial no. 01001 to 01017.

Location of boards for IRS tower 2 with s. no. 01018 and higher(Revision 03 and

Fig. 5 Location of boards for IRS tower 2 with serial no. 01018 and higher

Close the covers in the reverse order.

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6-4 Additional Monitors

Disconnect the video cable W65 ( not labeled ) between the graphics card of the ICS and
the console monitor (Sub-D 15 pin).
Connect this cable now to the Sub-D 15 pin of the just installed video distribution card
(Fig. 6 ).
Connect the Video input cable with the graphics card of the ICS ( Sub-D 15 pin ) and the
Video distribution card of the IRS ( Mini-DIN 6 pin )( Fig. 6 ).
Because of the short cable, both ICS and IRS chassis must be in their final

Mini-DIN Sub-D 15 pin

B G R Video In W65 console

( 2nd Monitor ) Monitor
out out

Fig. 6 Connectors of video distribution card

NOTE Do not use the Sub-D 15 pin connector of the onboard graphics of
the ICS rearside!

Connect the 3 color coded optical fiber cable to the 3 optical outputs of the Video distribu-
tion card. Follow the order blue, green and red from left.
Connect the other side of the 3 color coded optical fiber cable to the 3 optical inputs of the
delivered Optical receiver
Connect the additional monitor to the other side of the Optical receiver.
Connect the power supply to the Optical receiver.
Plug in the power plug to the IRS
Continue with "Final Test"

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Additional Monitors 6-5

Installation of multipal monitors ("Sternkoppler") 6

Scope of Supply 6

Amplifier kit 48 23 956

Coupling device including 2m opt. 30 79 100
fib. cable
Optical fiber cable 120m or 48 23 931
Optical fiber cable 30m 48 23 949
Colour Monitor 18.1" Flat screen

If an additional monitor is already connected to the system besides the ones needed for
this option, a coupling device is needed (see Fig.6).
Connect a fiber optical cable between the couplers input (2m supplied) and the output of
the video distribution board of the IRS.
Connect the available additional monitors to the outputs of the coupler (3 outputs avail-
Place the coupling device on or near the IRS and connect the supplied power supply to it
(see Fig. 7).
Plug the power supply into a near by power outlet (110 to 230 VAC) on site.

optical outputs
power supply 1 2 3

optical input

Fig. 7 Video coupling device with power supply

Final Test 6

Switch on the second monitor.

Switch on the ICS and IRS.
The second/multiple monitor shall show the same image as the console monitor.
If not, perform the monitor adjustment refer to chapter 1 (General) .

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6-6 Additional Monitors

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Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES) 7 7-1

Overview 7

The option may be installed in the Wizard .

The kit contains the following parts:
- SCSI-adapter ( PCI board )
- MOD-desktop (Pioneer)
- SCSI-cable
- power cable

Installation of Option 7

Open the IES (Primergy) 7

The IES cover must be removed for installation of the option.

Remove the screw from the left side cover.

front view IES

remove srew

Fig. 1 Remove the screw

Remove the left hand side cover from the IES.

Remove the locking part of the rear slot side.
Remove the rear side cover from slot no.2
Install the SCSI-adapter board into slot no.2 (Third slot seen from bottom )

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7-2 Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES)


Fig. 2 IES motherboard

Continue with "Connect the Pioneer MOD-Drive"

Open the IES (Celcius) 7

Open the screw of the top cover (Fig. 3)

Push the side cover backwards and remove it

cabeling template
remove srew

Fig. 3 IES back side (Celcius 600)

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Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES) 7-3
Open the 2 srews left and right side at the top and pull the side covers upwards by using
the handles (Fig. 4)


remove 2 screws


Fig. 4 IES top view (Celcius 600)

Installation of SCSI-Adapter (Celcius)

push metal clip

to the left

open screws

Fig. 5 IES left side opened

Open the 2 screws (Fig. 7).

Push the metal clip to the left (Fig. 7) and remove the metal plate

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7-4 Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES)
Remove the rear side cover from slot no.1 (Fig. 6))
Install the SCSI-adapter board into slot No. 1(Fig. 6))

Slot 1
SCSI adapter
for Pioneer MOD

Fig. 6 IES left side opened (position slot no. 1)

Connect the Pioneer MOD-Drive 7

Connect the SCSI - adapter board via SCSI cable to the MOD desktop.
Connect the supplied termination plug to the desktop MOD.
Set SCSI ID on desktop MOD to 3 (Fig. 7)


SCSI - ID = 3

Fig. 7 Desktop MOD seen from rearside

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Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES) 7-5
Reattach all covers and connect all cables in revers order, ensuring that the connections
match their appropriate location (cabling template see Fig. 3)

NOTICE After replacing the parts and reattaching all the covers, make sure
to reconnect all the ground cables!

Switch on the desktop MOD first, than switch on the IES

BIOS configuration 7

Primergy IES-BIOS
Power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( "F2" key).
- Select the submenu "Advanced" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [No] to [Yes].
- Return to main menu with "ESC" key
- Select the "Save Changes and Exit"

Celcius IES-BIOS
Power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( "Delete" key).
- Select the submenu "PnP/PCI Configurations" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [disable] to [enable].
- Return to main menu with "ESC" key
- Select the "Security Features"
- Set "Clear Chassis Intrusion" from [No] to [Yes]
Save the settings and terminate BIOS-setup with function key F10.
Reboot the system

Software configuration 7

Login as administrator
Select: Settings --> ControlPanel --> SCSI Adapters
On the Drivers tabcard select Add...
Select now Adaptec and as driver:AdaptecAHA294x/AHA-394x or AIC-78xxPCI SCSI
Controller --> OK
On the next two pop up window select two times --> yes
The system reboots automatically
Start a service platform and select "configuration --> Offline device" (archive devices
for older SW revisions) from the Main Menu (Fig. 8)
Parameter for Pioneer DESKTOP MOD
- Enter a Logical Name e.g. Pioneer, select the Drive Type: Optical Disk Drive, check
the correct Adapter and Drive Letter, Manufacturer Pioneer.., ,check: BUS = 0 and
Target = 3 and select SPI file system
Select: Save --> Finish --> Home
The system reboots automatically.

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7-6 Desktop MOD 1.7 GB (IES)

Fig. 8 Example for MOD config (DICOM MOD))

Final Test 7

Check function of desktop MOD. The MOD is read only. Put in a MOD with already
archived images from a PLUS4 (SPI format).

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Overview 8

The option may be installed into the IES or ICS or both.

Different versions of the IES/ICS are in the field, in newer versions the CD-Writer is stan-
dard (standard for Celcius systems). If you install a new option, check your configuration.

CAUTION Some components on the system board may be very hot.

NOTICE Follow the C_MOS guidlines when handling components.

NOTICE The SCSI-Cable runs downwards along the drives.

The lowest drive must be terminated and must be at the last con-
nector of the SCSI-cable.
The MOD type SONY SMO-F551 has its SCSI-connector turned by
180 degrees, compared to all other types of SCSI-drives. There-
fore the SCSI-cable has to be twisted by 180 degrees towards its
neighboured drives. (check connectors for proper seat)

Installation of optional SCSI-Drives in ICS / IES (Primergy only) 8

Usage of this information

Determine the current Situation (which drives are installed in which bay, which bay for
the new drive) and the type of jumper configuration (C, R1,R2, M1, M2) with the first set
of tables.
Identify the models of drives (installed and new) by label, datasheet or BIOS-Message in
the first boot phase.
Take the required jumper configuration out of the second set of tables. Note that
sometimes also jumpers of a yet installed drive have to be modified (typically disable

Hardware installation 8

Shut down the system and switch off the ICS / IES tower
Disconnect the cables and the power plug at the back of the ICS / IES tower.
The ICS / IES cover must be removed for installation of the option.
Remove the screws from the left andf right side cover.
Remove the left andf right side cover.
Remove the front side cover.
Press down the snap in holder and move the front side to the front.

NOTICE The accessible 5 1/4-inch drive in the bottom bay is only secured
on the left-hand side with two screws
Only use mounting screws that are supplied with the MOD.
Screws that are too long may block the eject mechanism..

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Configuration 1 8

CD-R ( option )


MOD DICOM ( option )

Fig. 1 Wizard/Navigator front side

Table 1: Configuration 

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks

<--- CD-R R1


Table 2: Configuration 

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks


<--- MOD M1

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Table 3: Configuration 1

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks


<--- MOD M1

Table 4: Configuration 1

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks

<--- CD-R R1



Jumper Settings 8

All jumper settings are from left to right, beginning with 1

Table 5: CD-R: Jumper Configuration R

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

Plexwriter 12/4/32 ICS / IES 2, 3, 4, 8 jumper positions

Id=6, NoTerm

Table 6: CDROM: Jumper Configuration C

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

NEC CDROM: ICS ES 01 1, 3 6 jumper positions

465 Id=5, noTerm

Toshiba CDROM ICS ES 0, 02, 03 1, 3, 4 8 jumper positions

XM-6401B Id=5, noTerm

Table 7: MOD: Jumper Configuration M1

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

Sony SMO-F551 ICS / IES 1, 7, ,10, 11, 12 12 jumper positions

Oct. 99 Id=4, Term, WriteVerify, Optical

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Configuration 2 8

MOD-DICOM (option)


CD-R (option)

Fig. 2 Wizard/Navigator front side

Table 8: Configuration 2

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks


<--- CD-R R2

Table 9: Configuration 2

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks

<--- MOD M2


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Table 10: Configuration 2

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks



<--- CD-R R2

Table 11: Configuration 2

Drive New Drive Configura Remarks

<--- MOD M2



Jumper Settings 8

All jumper settings are from left to right, beginning with

Table 12: MOD: Jumper Configuration M2

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

Sony SMO-F551 ICS / IES 1, 7, 9 12 jumper positions

Oct. 99 Id=4, noTerm, WriteVerify, Optical

Table 13: CD-R: Jumper Configuration R2

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

Plexwriter 12/4/32 ICS / IES 2, 3, 4, 5 8 jumper positions

Id=6, Term

Table 14: CDROM: Jumper Configuration C

Drive Model in use since Jumpers to be set Remarks

NEC CDROM: ICS ES 01 1, 3 6 jumper positions

465 Id=5, noTerm

Toshiba CDROM ICS ES 0, 02, 03 1, 3, 4 8 jumper positions

XM-6401B Id=5, noTerm

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Final steps (Primergy only) 8

Close the covers in the reverse order.

Connect the cables to the back of the ICS / IES tower, ensuring that the connections
match their appropriate location.

NOTICE After replacing the parts and reattaching all the covers, make sure
to reconnect all the ground cables!

Plug in the power plug.

Power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( function key F2).
- Select the submenu "Advanced" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [NO] to [Yes] in the "Advanced" submenu.
Save the settings and terminate BIOS-setup.
Boot the system.
Open Local Service --- Configuration --- DICOM --- archive devices platform.
Configurate the software.
Ensure that the system and the new SCSI-drives are operating properly.

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Installation of optional MOD-Drive in ICS / IES (Celcius only) 8

Shut down the system and switch off the ICS / IES tower
Disconnect all cables and the power plug at the back of the ICS / IES tower (look for the
cabeling template on the covers to be sure for connection the cable after the assembling
of the covers in the correct way).
Prepare the MOD (Sony SMO-F551), plug in the jumper on position 1,7,9,10 (from left to
right, beginning with 1, see jumper setting below).

Sony SMO-F551

Hardware installation ICS (Celcius 400 only) 8

Open the knurled screws

Push the side cover backwards and remove it

remove knurled srews

cabeling template

Fig. 3 ICS back side (Celcius 400)

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MOD DICOM ( option )


Fig. 4 Navigator front side (Celcius 400)

Remove the plastic access cover on position "MOD DICOM (option)".(Fig. 4)

Remove the metal shielding cover.
Put in the MOD-drive with correct jumper setting and connect SCSI and power cables.

fasten MOD with

2 screws

Fig. 5 ICS left side (Celcius 400)

Fasten the MOD-drive with two screws (only on the left side).

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NOTICE The accessible 5 1/4-inch drive in the bottom bay is only secured
on the left-hand side with two screws
Only use mounting screws that are supplied with the MOD.
Screws that are too long may block the eject mechanism..

Close the covers in the reverse order.

Connect the cables to the back of the ICS tower refer to the cabling template (Fig. 3),
ensuring that the connections match their appropriate location.

NOTICE After replacing the parts and reattaching all the covers, make sure
to reconnect all the ground cables!

Plug in the power plug.

BIOS configuration 8

Power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( "F2" key).

- Select the submenu "Advanced" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [no] to [yes].
- Return to main menu with "ESC" key
Save the settings and terminate BIOS-setup with function key F10.
Reboot the system
The system reoots automatically.
Continue with "Software configuration" at the end of this chapter.

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Hardware installation IES (Celcius 600 only) 8

Open the screw of the top cover (Fig. 6)

Push the side cover backwards and remove it

remove srew
cabeling template

Fig. 6 IES back side (Celcius 600)


remove 2 screws


Fig. 7 IES top view (Celcius 600)

Open the 2 srews left and right side at the top and pull the side covers upwards by using
the handles (Fig. 7)

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Fig. 8 IES front side (Celcius 600)

Press the 4 lock clamps on the inner side (Fig. 8 arrows) and remove the front cover.

MOD DICOM ( option )


Fig. 9 IES front side remover front cover (Celcius 600)

Remove the metal shielding cover fixed with two screws on position "MOD DICOM
(option)"(Fig. 9)
Install the guide rails on the MOD drive
Put in the MOD-drive with guide rails and correct jumper setting.
Connect SCSI and power cables.

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Fasten the MOD-drive with two screws (only on the left side) .

NOTICE The accessible 5 1/4-inch drive in the bottom bay is only secured
on the left-hand side with two screws
Only use mounting screws that are supplied with the MOD.
Screws that are too long may block the eject mechanism..

Close the covers in the reverse order.

Connect the cables to the back of the IES tower refer to the cabling template (Fig. 6),
ensuring that the connections match their appropriate location.

NOTICE After replacing the parts and reattaching all the covers, make sure
to reconnect all the ground cables!

BIOS configuration 8

Celcius IES-BIOS
Power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( "Delete" key).
- Select the submenu "PnP/PCI Configurations" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [disable] to [enable].
- Return to main menu with "ESC" key
- Select the "Security Features"
- Set "Clear Chassis Intrusion" from [No] to [Yes]
Save the settings and terminate BIOS-setup with function key F10.
The system reoots automatically.

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Software configuration ICS / IES (Celcius only 8

Start a service platform and select "configuration --> Offline device" ( archive devices
for older SW revisions) from the Main Menu

Fig. 10 MOD config)

Parameter for MOD DICOM

Enter a Logical Name e.g. MOD-DICOM, select the Drive Type: Optical Disk Drive,
select default and check the correct Adapter, Drive Letter, Manufacturer Sony.., BUS=0
and Target=4. (see Fig. 10)

NOTICE If the MOD is used as the exclusive ones long time archive, the
button "Archive Device" has to be clicked, otherwise the button
"Archive Device" may not be clicked in the"Offline Devices"

Select: Save --> Finish --> Home

The system reboots automatically.
Ensure that the system and the new SCSI-drives are operating properly.

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ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only) 9 

Tools and auxiliary equipment 9

anti-static wristband and grounded tabletop pad

standard service kit

Prerequisites 9


ASK CUSTOMER TO 6$9( $5&+,9( $//,03257$173$7,(17'$7$,

Installation Workflow 9

This document describes all worksteps sequentially in preparation for a secure installation

Step 1 : Save tube history directory 9

Starting point: Application in Navigator and Wizard is running

Open Explorer -> click Ctrl + Esc -> select Programs -> Windows NT Explorer
Select drive D:
Select "Tube" directory and select Copy via right mouse button.
Select drive C:
Select Paste via right mouse button to copy the tube directory onto drive C:
Close Explorer window.
Shut down Wizard with -> System->END->Shut down the system->Yes.
Shut down Navigator with -> System->END->Shut down the system->Yes.
Switch off both systems.

Step 2: NAVIGATOR: Hardware replacement 9

NOTICE Switch off the main power supply before working on the system
and secure it to prevent the power from being accidentally turned

Open the door of the ICS tower.

Press the release lever (a) on the plug-in module handle, fold up the module handle (1)
and pull the hard disk drive plug-in module out of the bay by the handle (2).
Press the two tabs at the left and right on the blank panel together (1) until the detent is
released and pull the blank panel out of the bay (2).

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9 ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only)

CAUTION Follow C-MOS guidelines when handling components.

Fig. 1 Removing the hard disk drive

Push the hard disk drive plug-in module into the bay (1) as far as possible and then press
the handle of the hard disk drive plug-in module completely to enable the locking
mechanism to engage (2).
Push the hard disk drive plug-in module into the bay a second time to be sure that it is
connected successfully.
Locate the drive you want to replace (Image Disk on top, System Disk down, see Fig 2).
Remove the SCSI hard disk drive in the appropriate bay of the tower.

Fig. 2 Installing the hard disk drive

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NOTICE After replacing the parts and reattaching all the covers, make sure
to reconnect all the ground cables!

Close the door of the ICS tower.


Switch on Navigator.

Step 3: Partitionining and formating of the installed 36GB disk 9


Press the Shift button when the first blue screen appears during the boot. Type in as user
name administrator and the relevant password (see Speed Info 42/00).
Select Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Disk Administrator.
Select empty partition of Disk 1 with the mouse pointer and press right mouse button -> a
drop-down menu is opened, select Create.
-->Note: If Disk Administrator is called up the first time, click "OK" and "Yes" in the
confimation boxes to reach Disk Administrator
Change values from 34742MB to 19000MB (for VA20A) or change values from
34742MB to 6000MB (for VA20P) in the Primary Partition mask.
Click 2.!first Partition "'" of Disk 1 is created.

Fig. 3 Example of Primary Partition mask for VA20P

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9 ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only)

Select empty partition of Disk 1 with the mouse pointer and right mouse click -> a drop
down window is opened, select Create.
Click "Yes" in Confirmation box.
Click OK -> Partition "E" of Disk 1 is created with default value (eg. 15744 MB for VA20A
or 28741MB for VA20P.)
Click "Yes" in Confirmation box.

Fig. 4 Example of Primary Partition mask for VA20P

Select partition "E" of Disk 1 with the mouse pointer and right mouse click -> a drop-down
menu is opened
Select "Comit Changes Now..."
Click "Yes" in Confirmation box.
Click "OK" in Disk Administrator box.

Note: Starting the formating of drive D:

Select partition "D" of Disk 1 with the mouse pointer and right mouse click -> a drop-down
menu is opened.
Select Format...
Change "File system" from FAT -> NTFS via drop down menu (see Fig. 5).
Type in "VolumeLabel" -> Med_Data (see Fig. 5).
Select checkbox "Quick Format" under Format Options.
Click Start button.
Click "OK" in "Warning" box -> Formatting of Drive D: starts.
Quit "Format complete" mask with "OK".
Click Close-> D: Partition formated

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Fig. 5 Example of Format D mask


Select partition "E" of Disk 1 with the mouse pointer and right mouse click -> a drop-down
menu is opened.
Select Format...
Change "File system" from FAT -> NTFS via drop-down menu (Fig. 6).
Type in "VolumeLabel" -> Med_Pixel (see Fig. 6).
Select checkbox "Quick Format" under Format Options.
Click Start button.
Click "OK" in "Warning" box -> Formatting of Drive E: starts.
Quit "Format complete" mask with "OK".
Click Close-> E: Partition formated.

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9 ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only)

Fig. 6 Example of Format E mask

After performing all steps, you will get the following mask (see Fig. 7):

Fig. 7 Example of Disk 1 mask after correct partitioning and formatting for VA20P

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Step 4: Change the databasesizes 9

Open Explorer -> click Start button -> select Programs -> Windows NT Explorer.
Go to directory C:\Somaris\schema.
Open file achieve_profile with an editor (e.g., Notepad) and look for "sysvol" and set
the correct databasesize.
- for VA20A to 128M
- for VA20P to 1024M
Save and close file.
Open file exchangeboard_profile with an editor (e.g., Notepad) and look for "sysvol"
and set the correct databasesize.
- for VA20A to 256M
- for VA20P to 1024M
Save and close file.
Open file main_profile with a editor (e.g., Notepad) and look for "sysvol" and set the
correct databasesize for VA20A and VA20P to 2047M. Save and close file.
Open file scheduler_profile with a editor (e.g., Notepad) and look for "sysvol" and set
the correct databasesize for VA20A and VA20P to 64M . Save and closefile.


Click Start button from Windows NT task bar -> select Shut down -> a window appears -
> select Shut down-> click OK.
Switch off Navigator.
Connect the power plug to the MOD drive, if the drive was installed with step 2
Switch power on and invoke BIOS-setup ( function key F2).
- Select the submenu "Advanced" in the menu bar of the main menu.
- Set "Reset Configuration Data" from [NO] to [Yes] in the "Advanced" submenu.
Save the settings and terminate BIOS-setup and roboot.
Press the Shift button when the first blue screen appears during the boot. Wait while
pressing the shift button until an input mask is displayed. Type in as user name
administrator and the relevant password (see Speed Info 42/00 if you dont know it).
Open Explorer -> click Start button -> select Programs -> Windows NT Explorer.
Check if MOD drive is available (assuming drive F:).
Select drive C:
Select Tube directory and select Copy via right mouse button.
Select drive D:
Paste Tube directory via right mouse button to drive D:
Select Start -> Shut down -> Restart -> click OK.


Quit Checkup at the moment.

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9 ICS - Image Hard Disk 36 GByte (Primergy only)



Switch on Wizard.
Press the Shift button when the first blue screen appears during the boot. Wait while
pressing the shift button until an input mask is displayed. Type in as user name
"administrator" and the relevant password (see Speed Info 42/00 if you dont know it).
Select Start -> Programs -> Command Prompt in the NT Start menu -> open a
Command prompt window.
Open Explorer -> click Start button -> select Programs -> Windows NT Explorer.
Select C:\Somaris\utils.
Double-click on file AllDBRemove.bat
Press Enter button -> start the procedure.
The message "The script deletes all databases.... Press any key to continue is dis-
Press any key -> after approx. 1 minute the message "... Deletion ok, please reboot
appears...Press any key to continue".
Press any key .
Select Start -> Shutdown -> Restart the computer.



Please check the functionality of the Navigator/Wizard after a completed installa-

Import reference images, from the patient browser, select -> Transfer -> Import from
From the drop-down list, select path c:\Somaris\service\ReferenceImages\*
After the import, open the patient browser and select a complete study.
Perform some test scans to confirm system functionality.
Open a patient browser and select a complete study.

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Console Extension 10 10 - 1
Wire extension kit for ICS/IRS 10


With the wire extension kit the distance between ICS/IRS Computer system and the mon-
tor/mouse/keyboard/control box can be enlarged by 10m.
- 5 piece of BNC-wire 10m, with BNC-connectors on each side
- 5 piece of BNC-coupling
- 2 piece of PS/2-extension (mouse and keyboard) 10m
- 1 piece of wire 3*1,5mm (monitor power cable) 12m
- 1 piece of Switchbox-Controlbox-extension 10m

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10 - 2 Console Extension

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Converter 11 11 - 1

Installation of Option 11

The option will be installed between the wall outlet and the power distribution ( Fig.1 )

Wizard 110V

PE W615

Fig. 1 Converter connection

Pay attention: the kit contains cables for US and European power connection!
Dont forget to connect the ground cable W615 from the Converter to the Wizard.

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11 - 2 Converter
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Software related options 12 12 - 1

3D SSD (Standard Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables the 3D-SSD function on either the ICS or
IES. You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied
via e-mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Final Test 12

First, restart the ICS and then the IES

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.



Older Software revisions With Software revision VA40

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12 - 2 Software related options

MIP (Standard Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables MIP function on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-
mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Final Test 12

First, restart the ICS and then the IES

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.



Older Software revisions With Software revision VA40

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Software related options 12 - 3

VOI (Standard Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables VOI funtkion on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via
e-mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Final Test 12

First, restart the ICS and then the IES

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.



Older Software revisions With Software revision VA40

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12 - 4 Software related options

MPR (Standard Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables MPR function on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-
mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Final Test 12

First, restart the ICS and then the IES

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.



Older Software revisions With Software revision VA40

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Software related options 12 - 5

Dental (Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables Dental function on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-
mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

NOTICE Always choose a camera before installation of license

key (at least a dummy camera)!
During the installation of this option the camera
settings will be reset to default! In case the customer
has special settings, please, record them before
installing the option and reenter them after installation!

Dental license is installed

In order to adapt the filming layout for the Dental option, activate the following reg.file:
In the Windows NT-Explorer doubleclick the file
Perform System/End -> Restart the System

Check of the options availability 12

select Patient and see if the option appears in the pull down menu (Fig. 1)


Fig. 1 Patient pull down menu

By selecting the available option in the Patient pull down menu a tabcard will be open
Perfom the settings/configuration according to site conditions and customer
requirements (for questions ask the application specialist).

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12 - 6 Software related options

CARE Bolus (Option for ICS only) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables CARE Bolus CT function on the ICS. You
need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-mail
or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS according to the procedure described in chapter 1,
"General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Check of the options availability 12

Register a patient
Load a spiral scan protocol; e.g.Thorax-ThoraxRoutine
Add Bolus Tracking via main menu entry Insert > Bolus Tracking
If this can be done successfully, the option is available
Test finished

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Software related options 12 - 7

Pulmo (Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables Pulmol function on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-
mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Check of the options availability 12

select Patient and see if the option appears in the pull down menu (Fig. 1)


Fig. 2 Patient pull down menu

By selecting the available option in the Patient pull down menu a tabcard will be open
Perfom the settings/configuration according to site conditions and customer
requirements (for questions ask the application specialist).

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12 - 8 Software related options

Calcium Scoring (Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables Pulmol function on either the ICS or IES.
You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied via e-
mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Installation of Calcium Scoring option on ICS and ICS (VA20 only) 12

Note: The license key has to be installed first, see discription above
Open the Window-Explorer (Window button + e)
Select drive &and change to directory 6RPDULV?DSSOLFDWLRQV?FDVFRUH?FDVFSP
Start script ,QVWDOO&D6FRUHEDW(doubleclick)

Check of the options availability 12

select Patient and see if the option appears in the pull down menu (Fig. 1)

Fig. 3 Patient pull down menu

By selecting the available option in the Patient pull down menu a tabcard will be open
Perfom the settings/configuration according to site conditions and customer
requirements (for questions ask the application specialist).

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Software related options 12 - 9

VRT (Volume Rendering / CAP 3D Editor) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enable Volume (Volume Rendering/CAP 3D Edi-
tor) function on either the ICS or IES. You need two license key to enable this option. This
two licence keys only can get together in one option package.This new license keys will
be supplied via e-mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Check of the options availability 12

First, restart the Navigator and then the Wizard.

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.
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12 - 10 Software related options

Image Fusion Basic / LM (Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enable Image Fusion (Image Fusion Basic, Image
Fusion LM [landmarks]) function on either the ICS or IES. You need two license key to
enable this option. This two licence keys only can get together in one option package.This
new license keys will be supplied via e-mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".
s] key)to enable this option. The new license key will be supplied via e-mail or floppy.

Check of the options availability 12

First, restart the Navigator and then the Wizard.

Check, that the following icon is visible under the 3D tabcard.


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Software related options 12 - 11

Perfusion (Option for ICS and IES) 12

Overview 12

This option is only software-related and enables Perfusion function on either the ICS or
IES. You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be supplied
via e-mail or via floppy disk.

Installation of Option 12

The new licence key has to be implemented in the license.dat file.

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Check of the options availability 12

select Patient and see if the option appears in the pull down menu (Fig. 1)


Fig. 4 Patient pull down menu

By selecting the available option in the Patient pull down menu a tabcard will be open
Perfom the settings/configuration according to site conditions and customer
requirements (for questions ask the application specialist).

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12 - 12 Software related options
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Osteo CT 13 13 - 1

Osteo (Option for ICS and IES) 13

Overview 13

This option is software and hardware related and enables the Osteo function on either the
ICS or IES. You need a license key to enable this option. This new license key will be sup-
plied via e-mail or via floppy disk.
The Hardware contents a reference phantom and a pallet for the PHS.

Installation of Option 13

Install the license key on the ICS and/or IES according to the procedure described in
chapter 1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Input of the reference phantoms parameters in the ICS. 13

NOTE These procedures always have to be done at the customer site.

During the installation of this option the reference phantoms
parameter settings will be reset to default! In case that the SW/FW
Somaris 5 has to be reinstalled, please, record the settings before
installing the option and reenter them after installation

Enter the "local service" platform at the ICS, select "Configuration" and select
"technical" in "local host"
Find on the front side of the reference phantom (Fig.1) the in-punched offset value
(typical value: -2.0 to -9.0 HU), the scaling factor (typical value: S=0.950 to S=1.050),
and the phantom serial number.

Fig. 1 Osteo-reference phantom (example CT-System)


)LJ .

NOTE The input of wrong reference phantoms parameters could cause

wrong diagnosis

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13 - 2 Osteo CT

Fig. 2 Technical

Close all windows with ok and restart the ICS in the "Service Platform" with "Finish" and

Check of the options availability 13

select Patient and see if the option appears in the pull down menu (Fig. 3)


Fig. 3 Patient pull down menu

By selecting the available option in the Patient pull down menu a tabcard will be open
Perfom the settings/configuration according to site conditions and customer
requirements (for questions ask the application specialist).

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CareVision CT 14 14 - 1
Pre-delivery 14

The complete overhead support, including all required installation components, can be
ordered in advance from
Siemens Forchheim, CTL OM. Please include the customer order number.

Overview 14

For the upgrade, the following two option kits are available:

part number item

71 13 934 ceiling support system with
71 13 942 connection kit
or alternatively
71 13 959 monitor support cart with
71 13 967 connection kit
71 13 926 SW licence
30 80 991 monitor
30 68 129 video transmitter
included in both kits
30 68 137 video receiver
71 46 520 footswitch PHS
27 93 771 footswitch XRS
58 01 209 joystick set

NOTICE The monitor may be mounted either on a monitor support cart or on a

ceiling support system, depending on what has been ordered.
co ect o

ceiling support system

connection kit

video receiver

video receiver

monitor cart

71 46 520 K1139 connection kit

foot switch foot switch
foot switch fiber cable video transmitter
fiberoptic cable

Fig. 1 Overview connections

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Prerequisites 14


In case of an optional ceiling support system, the ceiling should be prepared for the
systems installation according to the applicable "Planning Guide" CT02-021.891.01.xx.
Switch off all power to the CT system.

Required tools and auxiliary tools 14

The following tools are required for the installation and must be provided on-site:
Spirit level
Allen key set SW 24 (6 edge nut, size 24)
Crescent wrench, size 24
Circlip ring pliers, size A3
Locking ring pliers, size A3
Fork wrench, size 24mm
Application for torque wrench, size 24mm
Torque wrench 100 Nm

Installation of the ceiling support system (if applicable) 14

If the installation of the support system is not done

accurately according to the instructions, the system or
WARNING parts of it may fall and injure patients or personnel!

small parts

extension arm

celing tube

video receiver bracket

Fig. 2 Delivery volume

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Overhead support 14

The overhead support can be mounted to the unfinished ceiling and to the ceiling con-
struction with or without a sub-ceiling.
The overhead support is attached to a star-shaped ceiling flange.
Depending on the ceiling construction and the mounting height, the room height has to be
adjusted to ensure the most optimal height for the overhead support.
The overhead support is centered to the gantry and then attached to the ceiling.

Fig. 3Overhead support

Definitions 14

For a sub or intermediate ceiling, the media interface plate is mounted to the concrete
ceiling in connection with the star-shaped ceiling flange. The media interface plate
serves as an interface between the on-site line voltage cables, the system connections
and the overhead support.
The star-shaped ceiling flange is the actual support plate and required for mounting the
overhead support to an intermediate ceiling or unfinished ceiling.

Interface plate

Ceiling flange and

(delivery volume
overhead support)

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14 - 4 CareVision CT
Media interface plate 14

The media interface plate is required for

intermediate ceilings. A drilling template is part of the delivery!
Mounted to the ceiling via 4 elonguated holes. Ensure that you drill exactly in the center
of the cross-hairs.

*1) For threaded rods

*2) for ceiling muonted overhead support

Ceiling flange 14

The ceiling flange is required for

intermediate ceilings and unfinished ceilings
Drill 6 holes for ceiling mounting
Ensures that you drill exactly in the center of the cross-hairs.

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CareVision CT 14 - 5
Detailed measurements for extension arm system 14

Vertical turn angle: 40 from horizontal position

Horizontal turn angle: 350 til the end position

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14 - 6 CareVision CT
Positioning the overhead support 14

For a optimized position the overhead support should to be centered to the gantry.
Please note the"Room height requirements" on Page 14 - 7!
The video receiver is attached to the ceiling flange as specified via an installation plate.
The direction of the video receiver is freely-selectable by turning the ceiling flange.
This optimizes the cable duct routing.
However: Verify the direction of rotation of the star-shaped ceiling flange. Refer
to drawing below.

CAUTION Note that the sides adjacent to the angle are symmetric to the
midline. Freely-selectable positioning of the fiber optic receiver.

Cable duct 14

The cable ducts have to be preinstalled by the customer

PDC => Overhead support (installation plate for video receiver)
IRS => Overhead support (installation plate for video receiver)
Minimum size: 30 x 30 mm.

NOTICE A wire pull should be provided in the cable duct to help in routing
the system connections.

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CareVision CT 14 - 7

Room heights 14

Room height requirements 14

Two flange pipes (150 mm and 580 mm long) for variable room heights are included in
the delivery.
It is important to adhere to the following safety information:

For room heights [mm] Flange tube required [mm]

2620 to 3030 150
>3030 to 3680 580
<2620 or >3680 Only monitor trolleys should be used!

NOTICE Delivery includes both flange tubes.

- Select the flange tube matching the room height.
- Scrap the other flange tube.

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14 - 8 CareVision CT

Different installation versions 14

Unfinished ceiling 14

For unfinished ceilings, the star-shaped ceiling flange is mounted directly to the concrete
ceiling with a Hilti pass-through anchor and the appropriate spacers and washers.
Pass-through anchors
have to be procured by customer (on-site).
Recommended: Hilti pass-through anchors, Type: HST M16/100.
Extraction force: 6 kN, Protrusion: 85 mm, Torque: 125 Nm.
Mount according to manufacturers specifications.
Check the concrete of the unfinished ceiling.
required concrete class B25.
Use spacers to compensate for any uneveness in the ceiling.
not in delivery volume.

Illustration 14

*1) In delivery volume.

*2) Will be mounted at the time of the CARE Vision option installation and is shown only
for additional clarification.
*3) On-site.

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Intermediate ceiling 14

For intermediate ceilings, the media interface plate is mounted to the concrete ceiling.
The star-shaped ceiling flange is adjusted to the intermediate ceiling using the 6 threaded
rods, levelled and secured using hexagonal nuts. The system cable is routed to the video
receiver, and/or ceiling outlet in the space created between the intermediate and the
unfinished ceiling.
Pass-through anchors
- have to be procured by customer.
- Recommended: Hilti pass-through anchors, Type: HST M16/25.
- Extraction force: 6 kN, Protrusion: 50 mm, Torque: 125 Nm.
Check the concrete of the unfinished ceiling, equired concrete class B25.
Observe minimum ceiling cut-out in intermediate celing for media interface plate.
- min: 515 mm
Fill in cut-out after installation. Cover diameter : < 340 mm.
Threaded rods (in delivery volume)
- Supplied length: 900 mm
- Shorten to size.
Formula: Length of threaded rod = height of intermediate ceiling + 50 mm. Refer to
drawing on Page 14 - 7.
- Distance 50 mm between lower edge of intermediate ceiling and lower end of
threaded rod. Refer to drawing on Page 14 - 7.
- Level the ceiling flange in the horizontal direction by turning the hexagonal nuts.
Hexagonal nuts, Torque: 100 Nm.

*1) In delivery volume.

*2) Will be mounted at the time of the C.A.R.E. Vision option installation and is shown
only for additional clarification.
*3) On-site.
*4) Measurement depends on the on-site situation

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*1) In delivery volume.

*2) Will be mounted at the time of the CARE Vision option installation and is shown only
for additional clarification.
*3) On-site.

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CareVision CT 14 - 11
Intermediate ceiling 14

For intermediate ceilings, the media interface plate is mounted to the concrete ceiling. The
star-shaped ceiling flange is adjusted to the intermediate ceiling using the 6 threaded
rods, levelled and secured using hexagonal nuts. The system cable is routed to the video
receiver, and/or ceiling outlet in the space created between the intermediate and the
unfinished ceiling.
Pass-through anchors
have to be procured by customer.
Recommended: Hilti pass-through anchors, Type: HST M16/25.
Extraction force: 6 kN, Protrusion: 50 mm, Torque: 125 Nm.
Check the concrete of the unfinished ceiling.
required concrete class B25.
Observe minimum ceiling cut-out in intermediate celing for media interface plate.
min: 515 mm
Fill in cut-out after installation.
Cover diameter : < 340 mm.
Threaded rods (in delivery volume)
Supplied length: 900 mm
Shorten to size.
Length of threaded rod = height of intermediate ceiling + 50 mm
Refer to drawing on Page 14 - 7.
Distance 50 mm between lower edge of intermediate ceiling and lower end of
threaded rod. Refer to drawing on Page 14 - 7.
Level the ceiling flange in the horizontal direction by turning the hexagonal nuts.
Hexagonal nuts
Torque: 100 Nm.

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14 - 12 CareVision CT

*1) In delivery volume.

*2) Will be mounted at the time of the C.A.R.E. Vision option installation and is shown
only for additional clarification.
*3) On-site.
*4) Measurement depends on the on-site situation

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8nfinished ceiling installation 14
unfinished ceilin
ushes ceiling mounting

RGB video
PE from output
ceiling tube power cable

video reveiver
bracket for
videoreceiver power
11 screws supply
fiberoptic cable
video input power
ceiling tube socket

Fig. 4 Unfinished ceiling installation Fig. 5 Video receiver mounting

Install the video receiver onto the bracket with the four premounted screws (see Fig. 5).
Attatch the video receiver bracket to the ceiling mounting by two screws (Fig. 5)
Turn the ceiling mounting so that the video receiver faces the end of the pre-intalled
cable duct.
Attatch the ceiling mounting to the unfinished ceiling using the pre-installed threaded
rods and nuts.
ceiling ceiling
tube mounting

groove for
limit stop pin
stop pin

Fig. 6 Installation parts

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1: threaded rod M16

2: nut in case of false ceiling mounting,
bushing in case of bare ceiling mount-
3: washer
4: isolating washer
5: ceiling mounting
6: isolating washer
7: washer
8: spring washer
9: nut M16
Fig. 7 Attatching the ceiling mounting to preinstalled rods

Insert the isolation washers between the ceiling mounting and each of the spacing
bushings. Place another one between the ceiling mounting and washers for the nut (Fig.
Align the ceiling mounting horizontally in all directions by using thin washers (not
supplied!) and bolt it into position with a 100Nm torque wrench. The correct horizontal
alignment is extremely important! Otherwise the arms mounted later will always
drift to the lower position!
Bolt the ceiling tube to the port on the ceiling mounting using 11 screws, size M6 x 12.
(The 12th screw is not used because it would be located behind the power socket.) Use a
torque wrench set to 11 Nm to tighten the screws. The turning stop must face the
patient table.
Continue with "Cable routing from PDC and IRS to ceiling mounting" (page 18-6).
Continue with "Extension arm installation".

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False ceiling installation 14

6 threaded rods bracket

premounted for video

false ceiling

Fig. 8 False ceiling installation Fig. 9 Finished false ceiling installation

Attatch the video reveiver to the bracket with four premounted screws (see Fig. 4).
Slide one of the threaded rods through the hole of the video receiver bracket (Fig. 2 and
7). Position it above the false ceiling and attatchit by two nuts.
Install the ceiling mounting on the cut-to-size threaded rods extending from the
unfinished ceiling.
Place the insulating washers between the ceiling mounting and the upper and lower nut
Align the ceiling mounting horizontally in all directions and bolt it into position with a
100Nm torque wrench. The correct horizontal alignment is extremely important!
Otherwise, the arms will always drift to the lower position!
Bolt the ceiling tube to the port on the ceiling mounting using 11 screws, size M6 x 12
(see Fig. 2). (The 12th screw is not used because it would be located behind the power
socket.) Use a torque wrench set to 11 Nm to tighten the screws. The turning limit stop
(see Fig. 4) must face the patient table.

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Cable routing from PDC and IRS to ceiling mounting 14

Fig. 10 Electrical connections on ceiling mounting

Route the supplied mains cable from PDC terminal X252 and the green-yellow PE wire
from the PDC terminal X100 (see Fig.9, 12) through a cable duct to the ceiling mounting,
terminal X1.
Route the fiber optic cable from the IRS, video distribution board, slot 3, through a cable
duct to the ceiling mounting, and connect it to the video receiver input (Fig. 10).
Plug the receivers power supply into the power socket mounted on the ceiling mounting
(see Fig. 10).

fiberoptic RGB-output
input to monitor ceiling


Fig. 11 Video coupler Fig. 12

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CareVision CT 14 - 17

CAUTION Observe the rules for routing fiber optic cables. Do not
bend the cable more than allowed!

A video distribution card is needed to connect an additional monitor. For installation, see
chapter 7, "Additional Monitors", of this document.
If an additional monitor is already connected to the system (besides the one needed for
this option), a coupler (see "sternkopler" chapter 7, "Additional Monitors", of this
document) is needed (see Fig. 13).
- Connect a fiber optic cable between the couplers input (2m supplied) and the output of
the video distribution board of the IRS.
- Connect the available additional monitors to the outputs of the coupler ( 3 outputs
- Place the coupler on or near the IRS and connect the supplied power supply to it (see
Fig. 13).
- Plug the power supply into a nearby power outlet (110 to 230 VAC).

optical outputs
power supply 1 2 3
power cable


optical input

Fig. 13 PDC, connections for the monitor Fig. 14 Video coupler

Extension arm installation 14

Place the canopy and retaining ring on the ceiling tube and secure them with two
threaded pins, M6 x 6 (supplied on the retaining ring).
Remove the washer (Fig.14-7) and locking ring (Fig.14-8) from the ceiling tube journal
Remove the arm caps from both ends of the arm (Fig.14-9).
Lubricate the ceiling tube journal with multipurpose grease.
Push the arm onto the ceiling tube journal.
Push the washer (7) and locking ring (8) from below through the installation aperture
onto the ceiling tube journal.
Align the side installation aperture (Fig.14-5) in the arm with the threaded hole in the
locking ring.

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14 - 18 CareVision CT
Turn a screw (size M4, Fig.14-6) through the aperture and into the locking ring.
Turn the arm through a further 120o and attatch the other two screws.
Route green-yellow cable through the ceiling tube and attach it on the PE-bolt of the
ceiling mounting (see Fig. 3)
1: Limit stop pin
2: Ceiling tube journal
3: Cables
4: Extension arm
5: Side installation aperture
6: Screw M4
7: Washer
8: Locking ring
9: Cap
10: Screw

Fig. 15 Extension arm mounting

Spring-loaded arm installation 14

The spring-loaded arms lock - the chrome-plated knob on the side

(Fig. 15)- must not be released until the installation work has been
completed, in other words, after positioning and attatching the
monitor on the mounting bracket.
WARNING Otherwise, the parallel support of the spring-loaded arm will be

locking pin

spring force adjustment

Fig. 16 The spring-loaded arms locking

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1. Locking ring
2. Washer
3. Extension arms bearing
4. Cables
5. Spring-loaded arms journal
6. Stop pin
7. Spring-loaded arm

Fig. 17 Spring-loaded arm: parts

Tighten the extension arms braking screws slightly to avoid too much movement (see
Fig. 17).
Place the complete arm with mounted bracket for the monitor on your shoulder (see Fig.

Fig. 18 Extension arms brake Fig. 19 Transport of the spring-loaded arm

Gantry is already in place:

- Use a stepladder. Two persons are necessary for docking both arms.
- One person carries the spring-loaded arm
- The other person routes the cables through the bearing of the extension arm and
leaves it hanging.(see Fig.19)
- He slides the washers and locking ring over the cables to have theyre available when
locking the spring loaded arms journal.
- He inserts the journal for the spring-loaded arm from below into the extended arm (Fig.
- He positions the washer through the installation aperture onto the journal of the spring-
loaded arm from above, and fits the locking ring (see Fig. 20).
- Continue with "Checking the secure placement of the locking spring" (this page).

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Adjustable straps are
not supplied

Fig. 20 Extension arms brake

If the gantry is not yet in place:

- Hang the spring-loaded arm by adjustable straps (not supplied) on the extension arm
(see Fig.19), or a second person is needed to hold it.
- Route the cables through the bearing of the extension arm (see Fig. 19) and leave it
- Slide the supplied washer and locking ring over the cables to have them accessible
when locking the spring-loaded arms journal.
- Insert the journal for the spring-loaded arm from below into the extended arm (Fig. 16).
- Position the washer through the installation aperture onto the journal of the spring-
loaded arm from above, and fit the locking ring with a locking ring pliers (see Fig. 20).

to be

red green

Fig. 21 Locking ring gap Fig. 22 Locking ring gauge

Checking the secure placement of the locking spring

- Measure the gap between the ring ends when in place (Fig. 20).
- To do this, use the special gauge shown in Fig. 21.
- The minimum side (green) may fit into the gap, but the maximum side (red) must not.
The ring is installed safely only if the gauge fits this way!

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CareVision CT 14 - 21
Use the looped wire in the spring-loaded arm to draw the cables one by one through the
spring-loaded arm. Then draw it through the ceiling tube.
Remove the draw wire.
Connect the power cable to the terminal X 1-L ,-N,-PE.1 on the ceiling mounting (see Fig.
9 and 22).
Connect the PE wire to the terminal X1-PE.2.
Connect the RGB cable coming from the monitor to the receiver output (BNC
Reinstall the extension arms cap.

Terminal X1

Fig. 23 Terminal X1 on ceiling mounting

,nstallation of the monitor 14

base plate

monitor handle

Fig. 24 Monitor handle Fig. 25 Basic flat screen monitor

Mount the monitor handle to the monitor bracket with 2 screws, Fig. 23.
Remove the monitors base plate by unscrewing the four Phillips screws (see Fig. 24).

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14 - 22 CareVision CT

monitors rear screws



Fig. 26 Attatching monitor on the bracket Fig. 27 Monitor connections

Position the monitors tilting joint over the screw holes of the monitor bracket and attatch
it from below with the four screws supplied(see Fig 25).
Attatch the lables supplied with the connection kit to the monitor bracket (see Fig. 25)
Plug the supply plug and the RGB video plugs into the sockets at the monitors rear (see
Fig. 26).

Adjustment of the spring resistance 14

After completing the installation work or when modifying the load, the resistance force of
the spring-loaded arm may have to be adjusted.

locking pin

spring force adjustment

Fig. 28 Spring force adjustment

Release the locking pin (Fig. 27).

Insert an Allen wrench (size 6mm) into the adjustment aperture at the rear end of the
spring-loaded arm (remove cap, Fig. 27).
Raise the spring-loaded arm from the horizontal position with your free arm until the
adjustment screw can be turned easily.

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If the spring-loaded arm sinks towards the lower stop point (spring resistance is too
low!), turn the screw counterclockwise until the arm rests at any desired position.
If the spring-loaded arm rises toward the upper stop point (spring force is too great!), turn
the screw clockwise until the arm rests at the desired position
Push the canopy all the way up and fix it.

Installation of the monitor cart (if applicable) 14

Route the supplied cable harness (see Fig. 29) from the PDC (power and PE) and the
IRS (video fiberoptic) to the outlet in the floor or wall.
Draw the lenght of protection hose you need out of the outlet and secure the end by the
supplied strain relief to prevent the hose from extending any further.
For connections in PDC and IRS, refer to the paragraph "Cable routing from PDC and
IRS to ceiling mounting" on page 19-5.

connection box
PE from

from IRS
Power from
small parts PDC
short and long legs
Fig. 29 Delivery volume: cart Fig. 30 Delivery volume: cables

Unpack the carts parts (see Fig. 28).

Mount the feet to the carts column with two supplied M6 screws, one for each foot. Use
one locking washer on each leg to minimize the transition resistance (see Fig. 30).
Remove the cover of the column (see Fig. 28).
Route the other end of the cables and protecting hose through the column and install the
strain relief for each, the protecting hose, the power and the fiber optic cables (see Fig.
Route the cables to the connection box.
Connect the power cable to the terminal X 1 in the connection box.
Install the video receiver in the connection box (see Fig. 32,33).
Connect the fiber optic cable to the receivers input.

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Fig. 31 Cart: mounting of feet Fig. 32 Cables in monitor cart

for mains RXWSXW IRU
video socket
receiver YLGHRUHF

Fig. 33 Empty connection box of monitor cart Fig. 34 Installed video receiver and cabling

Connect power cable from PDC to terminal X1 (see Fig. 34).

Plug the video receivers power supply into the power socket (see Fig. 32, 33).
Connect the PE from PDC to terminal X1.
Route three supplied short cables: power, video and PE from the top of the monitor carts
column to the connection box (see Fig. 35).
Connect the video cable to the video receivers output (see Fig. 33, 34), the PE and the
power cable to terminal X1.

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supply for
signal to
Supply cable monitor
fom PDC
Holes to fix
PE for
supply for
Fig. 35 Monitor cart, detail of terminal X1, connection box Fig. 36 Monitor cart, top view

tilting joint

Fig. 37 Installed monitor on the cart Fig. 38 Monitor cart

Unpack the monitor and unscrew its base plate.

Place the base plate with its four holes above the four holes of the carts top (see Fig. 35)
and push the supplied screws from the connection box through the monitors base plate.
Screw them into the tilting joint of the monitor.
Install the video, power, and PE cable in the monitors rear (see Fig. 25).
Draw the cables excess length into the connection box.
Close the monitors rear connection port and the top opening of the carts column (see
Fig. 35).

Installation of the tableside control (joystick) 14

Delivery volume 14

Joystick with cable (Fig. 38)


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table top

side covers

Fig. 39 Delievery volumey Fig. 40 Removal of the coloured side cover

Procedure 14

Remove the colored narrow side covers which are attatched to the stainless steel covers
with magnetic strips. Some force is needed to remove them! (see Fig. 39)

NOTICE Some systems may have double-sided tape instead of the

magnetic strips. If this is the case, remove the old tape and
aplly new tape when the covers are remounted.

The prepared holes to hang the joystick in the stainless steel covers are now visible.
Hang the joystick on the side of the table by pressing the two brackets of the joystick into
the curved holes in the stainless steel located on the side of the tables (see Fig. 40).
Install the bracket at the front side of the table (See Fig.42). If the "Heart View CT" option
is installed, remove the Heart View bracket and reinstall both brackets (joystick under
Heart View).
Install the plug X705 of the joystick into the socket X705 on the front of the patient table.
Secure the cable with the clamp provided, held in place by the right bracket screw (see
Fig. 42).
Put the joystick on the bracket when not in use (see Fig. 41).

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Fig. 41 Joystick at the table side cover Fig. 42 Joystick on the tables front deposit

NOTICE The joystick has two pins which fit into the curved holes at the
table side. The two ends of these pins have different diameters.
The holes on the left and right sides of the table also have
different diameters, so that each end fits on only one side of the
table. This is to prevent a mix up of the table movement.
If you cannot attach the joystick to the table, turn the joystick
around, push the pins through to the other side, and try again.

Heart View CT


Fig. 43 Brackets for joystick device and Heart View CT Support

Test of joystick 14

Switch on the gantry.

Tilt the joystick forward and backward. The table top should travel forward and backward

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14 - 28 CareVision CT

Installation of footswitches 14

Refer to chapters 4 (Footswitch for XRS) and 5 (Footswitch for PHS) of this document.

Installation of the license key in Navigator (ICS) 14

Install the license key on the "Navigator" according to the procedure described in chapter
1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys."

Monitor setup and testing 14

Setup and testing of the monitor according to the procedure described in chapter 1,
"General", paragraph

Final Steps 14

Quality criteria:
Reference image 1 must appear identical on "CareVison", IES and ICS monitors
A successful setup verifies the correct functionality of the monitor and serves as the
equipment test.

Test of the options availability 14

Enter "Patient Model Dialog" on Navigator

Select "Specials" in "Exam".
Select and click "CareVision CT".
Care Vision CT screen appears .
Test finished.

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HeartView CT 15 15 - 1

Overview 15

This Option needs a hardware and software upgrade of the system. For the
upgrade the following kits shall be available:
Option CARDIO_PRO PN 71 13 827
Option CARDIO_REPRO PN 71 13 876 (not for CT-System)
Kit HW CARDIO-CT PN 71 13 819
Kit HW CARDIO-CT US PN 71 14 304
including one of 4 models of the ECG monitoring device, either
- ECG device German PN59 46 806 or
- ECG device English PN 59 46 798 or
- ECG device French PN 59 51 236 or
- ECG device Spanish PN 59 51 251 or
Some Systems need the replacement of the printed circuit board MCU if this has a
revision level (nderungsstand) lower than 5.
The hardware kit includes the following items (see also Fig. 1):

part number item

71 13 769 monitor support fully prepared with cables
55 28 422 shelf for monitor support (ECG angle)**
71 13 801 metal bracket for monitor support**
33 39 108 Allen screws M6x16 (DIN 6912)**
71 14 221 drilling template**
71 13 991 fixation support with nuts for metal bracket**
71 08 504 PWR-Supply-monitor**
71 08 462 cable W359**
71 08 470 cable W70-V**
56 52 271 CPI circuit board & housing**
one of the above ECG monitoring device SC6002XL or SC6002*

* in the following named "monitor"

** already installed in case of order with thecomplete system

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ECG monitoring


shelf for monitor


drilling bracket for

template support
X2 cable W359
X7 cable W70-V

Fig. 1 Scope of supply Heartview (CPI and power supply not shown)

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contents of 72 59 703 E551U

contents of 72 59 695 E551U

interface board
x2 grey
multi media cable
x7 blue

cable cable ECG electrodes (50 pieces each)

already built into patient table

power supply

CPI in power supply modified

housing ) )


disconnect from MCU and connect W70-V to CPI X6

Fig. 2 Heart View CT connection overview

Intallation of the option 15

Prerequisites 15

Move table top to the uppermost position

Switch off the system
Remove the cover of the left gantry stand

Required Tools 15

Standard tool set

electric drill with 4mm and 7mm bits

Installation of CPI board 15

Unscrew the cable clamp of the cable E302.X1 in the gantry stands upper left corner
next to module E302 (see figure 2).
Slide the CPI onto this and another bolt. On some systems there may be two more bolts,
which prevent the installation of the CPI. Remove these bolts first and then install the

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15 - 4 HeartView CT
Remount the cable clamp and fix it together with the CPI to the bolt. Fix the CPIs lower
part with a nut to the lower bolt.

bolts for W70-V W359


Fig. 3 CPI attachment on bolts with nuts supplied Fig. 4 cables to CPI

Exchange of MCU and cable routing 15

MCU boards with revision level (nderungsstand) lower than 5 must be

exchanged as described below. If the system already has MCU revision level 5,
just reroute cable W68 and add cable W359 and W70-V as described:
Unplug all plugs including the bridge plug X21 and the plug Data _SR_Power X22 from
the board.
Remove the MCBs from the MCU and reinstall them onto the new board. (Watch ESD
handling guidelines!)
Unscrew the 10 screws which fix the board and cable clamps to the gantry (3 at the
boards upper and lower edge and 4 on the board).
Exchange the MCU boards and reinstall all cables (clamps) and plugs including the
bridge plug X21 but excluding X23 of W68.
Fix the 6 screws at the upper and lower edge using loctite 221.
Fix the two screws under the MCBs by removing them one by one and reinstalling them
after fixing the screws.
Note: Ship the old MCU back to the factory!

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Fig. 5 left: removing of canon connectors MCA right: cable duct and cables W68, W359

Open the cable duct on the left of the MCU (Fig.5, right).
Remove all cable ties on that part of the harness to loosen cable W68.
Draw cable W68 out of the duct and route it through the rectangular hole of the metal
partition to the left part of the gantry stand (see Fig.5, right).
Route the supplied cable W359 through the cable duct and the hole.
Connect its plug X24 to the MCUs socket X24 at the upper left corner.
Reinstall cable ties as necessary.
Close the cable duct.
Route cable W359 along with W68 to the CPI and plug W359 X4 into CPI X4.
Connect the open end of cable W68 X23 to the supplied cable W70-V X23 and plug
W70-V X6 to CPI X6. Secure both plugs by screws. Tie the excess length of W70-V to
cable W68 with cable ties (Fig. 6)

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Fig. 6 cable W68 and W70-V connected and tied together

Installation of the monitors power supply 15

Attach the power supply with cable ties to the prepared sheet metal at the lower front
side of the patient table (see Fig. 7).
Connect the power supplys AMP plug X708 to the AMP socket X708, fixed to the tables
base plate (Fig. 8).
Connect the tables plug X709 (230V supply) with the socket of the power supply.

AMP socket

plug X709


Fig. 7 Fig. 8

NOTICE Carefully arrange the cables that no damage may be caused by

the tables vertical movement! Position the PS with connected
plug such that the gap between the table support and the plug is
about 8mm (see Fig. 7).

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Exchange of automatic fuse F16 in PDC 15

Deenergize the system totally.

Exchange the existing fuse F16 with a new one (supplied), type C4 automatic (4A), (see
Fig. 9) because of the added power supply in the patient table.


Fig. 9 Location of F16 PDC

Installation of the monitor 15

Remove the left and right stainless steel side covers of the patient table as follows:

colored side
space washer

Fig. 10 Removal of colored side covers Fig. 11 Unscrew stainless steel covers

Remove the narrow colored side covers which are held to the stainless steel covers with
magnetic strips. Some force is required to remove them! (see Fig. 10).

NOTICE Some systems may have double-sided tape instead of the

magnetic strips. In this case remove the old tape and put on
new tape when the covers are remounted.

Remove the stainless steel covers:

- Remove the four screws of the front side of each stainless steel cover.

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- Catch the space washers on the 25 mm long screws as they fall out. (see Fig. 11).
- Remove the five screws on each side of the lower side (see Fig.12).
- Remove the four screws of the sheet metal tub protecting the tables lower rear side
(Fig. 12).
- Take off the stainless steel covers

metal tub

screw screw

Fig. 12 Patiient tables rear side

Unscrew both screws next to the sockets X706, X707, X705 at the front of the patient
table top.
Attach the bracket for the monitor support by using the supplied screws (see Fig.13).
Attach a cable clamp to one side.
If a joystick support for "CARE Vision CT" is mounted, mount the monitor support on top
of it (see Fig. 13).

X706 X707 X705 drilling template

135 mm
Heart View CT

Vision CT

mark two holes 7 mm

Fig. 13 Bracket for monitor support Fig. 14 drilling template

For some systems two holes (7mm) must be drilled into both stainless steel side covers
of the patient table by using the drilling template (see Fig. 14) . The distance of the
templates front edge to the covers front edge must be 135 mm.
The U-bracket for the support of the monitor will be screwed through the holes by using a
fixation support at the rear of the stainless steel cover. The nuts on the fixation

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support are not symmetric! The wider part of the sheet metal must be toward the
top (see Fig. 16).
The U-hole of the bracket opens to the top (see Fig. 16). Use the supplied M6x16 screws
with loctite 243.

covers rear side


fixation support narrow

Fig. 15 Fixation support on the covers rear Fig. 16 Mounted U-bracket

Reinstall the stainless steel covers and the colored covers onto the patient table.
Slide the support for the monitor into the bracket and route the cables to the table tops
front side and connect them into the sockets X706 (power supply) and X707 (data) (see
Put the connectors X 2 to the monitors rear side and X 7 into the relevant socket of the
connecting device on top of the support .
Slide the monitor onto the connecting device and put the connector Sync. into the
socket on the monitors right side .
The hardware installation is finished and ready for tests.
For the electrical connections also refer to the shematics in Fig.18
Close the gantry left stand and the patient table rubber cover.

Fig. 17 Heart View CT assembly

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1 NC W67 NC 1 1 NC
X705 S1
2 2 2 1 IN
9 6 6 2
3 NC NC 3 3 NC
10 7 7 S2
4 4 4 3


11 NC 8 8 NC NC 4 NC

5 NC NC 5 5 NC NC 5 NC
12 9 9
6 NC
W67 X315
2 X708 X706 X2
14 NC VERNEGOUT 230V~ mains ECG_Supply_Neg
3 supply of the 1 1 1
8 NC POWER- 3AMP ECG_Supply_Pos

NC patient table,
4 SUPPLY 2 2 2
15 NC connected to
PDC F16. 3


Rev. 01
CPI X23 X704 X707

X6 W70-V 1 W68 1 1 1

1 2 2 2 2

Fig. 18 Connection schematics of Heart View CT hardware

6 6 6 6 6

2 NC NC 3 3 3 NC NC 3 NC

Trigger_In2_Neg SHIELD
7 7 7 7 7 1
RX ECG_SIO_RXD ECG_TxData1 Diagnostic_Tx
3 4 4 4 4 NC 2
TX ECG_SIO_TXD ECG_RxData1 Diagnostic_Rx
4 8 8 8 8 NC 3
5 5 5 5 5 NC 4
Alarm ECG_Alarm
9 9 9 9 NC NC 9 NC 5
8 6


D301 NC 11

Page 10 of 16
NC 12
1 NC
NC 13
2 NC
6 NC

3 NC

4 NC
FOOTSWITCH (single) Hints: - F706 is located nearby the ECG power supply connector X706.
8 NC W358 X313 Open the screws and pull metal cover to check.
FootSwPos NO
5 1 Footswitch
FootSwNeg COM
- Layout of the Connector PSL for the ECG-Powersupply

Pin2: +13.5Vdc, 2.5Amps.

HeartView CT

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HeartView CT 15 - 11
Installation of the license key in Navigator (ICS) 15

Install the license key on the "Navigator" according to the procedure described in chapter
1, "General", paragraph "Installation of the license keys".

Loading the CPI FW into the MCB of the CPI unit 15


- The FW is delivered on a seperate Firmware CD -> insert Firmware CD in CD ROM drive R:\
Open Windows NT Explorer
- Press <CTR> and <ESC> button-> Click <Start> button in task bar
- Select Programs -> Windows NT Explorer
- Goto C:\Somaris\config\ControlSystemFlash.
- Only the actual firmware should be available in the ControlSystemFlash directory
- -> delete all files ending with xxxxx.fsh.
- Select CD drive (assuming R) via the Explorer
- Goto R:\ -> double Click <update.bat>.
- In a command window you are asked to continue --> select "Y"
The procedure copies the firmware / tables & description files to the system disc.

Load Firmware in Local Service.

The whole CT-Scanner (Gantry) must be powered on to do the flashload.
- Go into Local Service, function: Control
- Goto Flashload
- Select required FW codes e.g. MCU - VA03C, PTV - VA02C....DLP - VA03B
- Press <Go> to download the FW
- Wait for message "Getting of Firmware Versions succeeded"
The CT-scanner automatically will go on standby.
- Remove FW CD from drive
- Click Cancel
- Click HOME .Close the Local Service Platform.

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Selecting the relevant language and line frequency of Monitor SC6002XL 15

Turn the SC6002XL monitor on

Press menu
Turn the knob and place the white frame to Monitor set up and press the knob
Turn the knob and place the white frame to BioMed and press the knob
Turn the knob for BioMed password => 375 and press the knob
Turn the knob and place the white frame to Service and press the knob
Turn the knob for Service password => 4712 and press the knob
Select the relevant language and press the knob
Select the relevant line frequency 50 or 60 Hz and press the knob

Adjust number of ECG leads for monitor SC6002XL 15

Press "Main Screen" button

Turn the blue knob until the segment heart rate (upper right corner) is selected and press
the knob
Turn the blue knob to "more" and press the knob
Scroll to ECG Leads and press the knob
Select "3" press the knob to enter the selection
Press the "Main Screen" button above the blue knob to leave the ecg menu

Adjust number of ECG leads for monitor SC6002 15

Turn the blue knob until the segment with the ecg curve is selected (This is segment 7,
starting from the left upper corner)
Press the blue knob and turn it until "ECG Leads" is highlighted
Press the blue konb and turn it to select "3", press the knob again to enter the selection
Press the "Main Screen" button above the blue knob to leave the ecg menu

Adjust line frequency for monitor SC6002 15

Press "Main Screen" button

Turn the blue knob and place the white frame to "Main Menu" ,press knob
Turn the blue knob and place the white frame to "BioMed" ,press knob
Turn the blue knob to "Service" ,press knob
Turn the blue knob until Service Password "517",press knob
Scroll to "Line Freq", press knob
Select the relevant line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, press knob
Press the "Main Screen" button to leave the ecg menu

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NOTICE An incorrect setting of the line frequency can cause artifacts or

excessive waveform noise on the ECG waveform!

The monitor performs a Restart after leaving the Service mask

After Restart the monitor language will be changed to the selected one

Function test of Heart View CT 15

socket for

selector knob
Fig. 19 ECG monitoring device SC6002 Fig. 20 Left side view of the monitor

Monitor SC6002 15

The monitor provides a demo mode function that allows service personnel to demonstrate
and test the monitor.
Switch on the system.
Before testing, disconnect all patient cables from the monitor.
Switch on the monitor. After a while press "Main Screen"
Turn the monitor on and press the knob "Main Menu"
Enter the Main Menu
Turn the knob and place the white frame to Main Menu and press the knob
Access the BioMed menu to go to the service menu
Turn the knob and place the blue window to BioMed and press the knob
Select the service menu and enter the password
Turn the knob and place the blue window to Service and press the knob
Turn the knob and enter the password 517 and press the knob
Select the options menu
Turn the knob and place the blue window to Option Menu and press the knob
Select enable option and select the demo mode
Turn the knob and place the blue window to Enable and press the knob
Turn the knob and select Demo Mode and press the knob

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If you see the simulated ECG signal (a yellow banner Simulated Data appears on the
screen) you can press the Main Screen Button and the menu windows will be closed.
Continue with "Simulation of Heart View CT"

Monitor SC 6002XL 15


on/off Selector knob


Fig. 21 Monitor SC 6002XL

Select "Menu" by pressing the menu button (see Fig. 22).

Select "Monitor Setup" by turning, then pressing the selector knob.
Select "Biomed" and press the knob.
Turn selector knob to install the password "375"
Select "Locked Options" and select "Options".
Select "Demo". Upon entering the demo mode, all previous patient data is erased. A
yellow banner "Simulated Data" appears on the screen as well as a simulated patient
name i.e., "Simulated Data"), parameter values, and waveforms for ECG (with a choice
of 7 leads).

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Simulation of Heart View CT 15

click Topogram

radiation on

Fig. 22 Snap shot Heart View CT on Navigators screen

Register Test-Patient
Click the button "Exam".
Select "Specials"
Select "CaScoreSeq" and confirm with "OK".
Click on "Topogram" and click" Edit-Cut" (Topogram is skipped).
Click "Routine", "Scan", and "Trigger".
Click "Load" button for "CaScoreSq"
Press "Start Scan" button on control console to start heart triggered scans.
The simulated heart signal curve can be seen on the Navigator screen and during each
second peak the radiation lamp is switched on (see Fig. 22).
If this occurs, the triggering is OK and the test and installation is finished.

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CARE Dose (DOM) 16 16 - 1

General 16

The CARE Dose option (DOM) allows you to modulate the tube current depending on the
patient attenuation. CARE Dose is activated by default in the scan protocols which sup-
port the use of CARE Dose. The CARE Dose option can be activated or deactivated in the
scan protocols using the CARE Dose checkbox in the scan sub-task card.

Important notes 16

Follow the C-MOS guidelines when working on the gantry.

Switch off power to the gantry prior to removing any boards.
Use the anti-static wristband, ground cable and grounded tabletop pad (TKD equipment
type 8005 from 3M Deutschland GmbH).

Installation of the license keys 16

Options which include special processing and/or evaluation software usually require a
license key to enable the customer to use the option. This license key has to be entered
into the "license.dat" file of the "Wizard" or "Navigator" processor according to the instruc-
tions in this document.

NOTICE If the service UI requests a restart of the application (typically, the

message "shutdown pending" appears in the status bar), select
HOME and confirm with OK. This will automatically perform a
restart. Never perform a manual restart on your own!

Installation of DOM (option) 16

Required Parts 16

Dom kit, part no. 07147312

This option requires a SW license key. (The license key will be supplied via e-mail or
floppy disk.)

NOTICE Before replacing or installing any part inside the gantry, please
follow the safety guidelines.

Tools and auxiliary equipment 16

Standard service kit

Preliminary steps 16

Lower the patient table in order to open the front door of the gantry.

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16 - 2 CARE Dose (DOM)
Switch off the gantry using the COMP/ON switch.

Attention Switch off circuit breakers F8 and F9 in the PDC to secure against
accidental switch-on. DPU_2 is always under voltage, even when the
gantry is switched off. DPU_2 voltage is connected to fuse F9 in the
PDC (the LEDs on DPU_2 must be switched off!)

Open the front door of the gantry and disable rotation with switch S 301.
Turn the gantry by hand until the X-ray tube is in the 6 oclock position.
Secure the rotating part with the safety bolt.

Installation of DOM hardware 16

Remove the dummy board.

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CARE Dose (DOM) 16 - 3
Remove the fiber optic cable attached to the C-Box (cut the cable ties marked with the

Install the Dom-Board (part no. 04822701) into the C-Box.

Connect the fiber optic cable (colored blue or orange) to connector X4 (see arrow 1).
Attach the fiber optic cable to the cable bracket (see arrow 3) and to the free existing
screw (with the parts delivered, see arrow 2).


60mm -

Attention If the loop of the fiber optic cable at the DOM is too long, it might
get damaged during rotation. On the other hand, the cable can be
damaged by excessive bending (between 60mm - 65mm).

Unlock the safety bolt of the rotating part, enable rotation with switch S 301, close the
front door of the gantry, and insert the Plexi ring.
Switch on circuit breakers F8 and F9 inside the PDC and switch on the system.

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16 - 4 CARE Dose (DOM)
Installation of FW for DOM option on ICS 16

Wait until the system has started up (standby mode requires DOM-FW).
Log in with "Service mode" and select "Control -----> Flashload".
Select and click the button for controller "DOM" in the pop-up platform (the actual FW
version will be displayed for Firmware code).
Click "Go".
The message "Getting of Firmware Version succeeded" indicates that the DOM FW
has been successfully installed.

Installation of SW license for DOM option 16

Log in with "Service mode" and select "Configuration".

Click "Licensing".
Insert the floppy disk containing the license file.
Use "Browse" to select drive A:\ and click "license.dat".
Click "Import licensefile" and wait for the message
"Import successfully completed".
Click "Finish".
Confirm the request for "Restart".
Wait until the system is in standby mode.
Select "Options------>Version" in the menu bar and check that all the required FW is

Performing DOM tests 16

NOTICE The test results are strongly influenced by statistical differences.

For that reason, the test has to be performed 10 times because
some test results may be slightly out of tolerance.

Select Local Service -> Test Tools -> DOM Functional Test and follow the instructions
on screen.
Perform the test 10 times.
Open the reports -page oin the service platform
Open Tube --> Current History
In culom dose reduc [%] , check the number of deduced values are greater then 50 [%].
If 5 of the test results are within tolerance (< 50 %) --> the DOM hardware is OK.

Otherwise, see chapter Troubleshooting in manual CT02-021.840.09.xx.

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Installation of a Printer (Calcium Scoring Reports) 17 17 - 1


1. Introduction
This instruction describes the installation of a printer for Calcium Scoring Reports. Reports are generated as
HTML documents and printed by using the Microsoft Internet Explorer. Since report printing is based
completely on Windows NT level, all NT-compatible printers should work. To avoid problems, printers should
meet the recommendations listed below.
If the printer also is used to print film sheets from the syngo taskcard, the printer has to meet additional
requirements (see below).
Depending on the type of printer installation not all chapters of this instruction have to be performed. Read the
"Installation roadmap" to get an overview.

The printer installation will not be recovered by the restore procedure after a software update. Take notes of the
installation settings (e.g. which printers and which IP-addresses are used) to facilitate a later printer
reinstallation. It is also helpful to keep the test printout.

Recommended printer features

The printer should be a PostScript printer
The printer should be a network printer
The printer should be a laser printer
If the printer is used for printing film sheets, the printer should be equipped with at least 24 MB RAM. and
must be a PostScript laser printer. (printing of film sheets on paper is not covered by this general instruction)

Recommended printers
All test installations were performed with the "+HZOHWW3DFNDUG/DVHU-HW1".
10/100Base-T ethernet connection (network printer)
16 MB Ram expandable to 100 MB
PostScript Level 2
Similar printers are "HP LaserJet 4100N" and "HP LaserJet 2200DN".

Preconditions for installation

The Wizard installation CD is needed during installation.
Find out which printer installation is preferred in your hospital environment. If there are questions, it is often
helpful to contact the local network administrators. Non-PostScript printers can be connected via a network
print server or the local parallel port.

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17 - 2 Installation of a Printer (Calcium Scoring Reports)

Installation roadmap 17

Depending on the used printer connection, the following sections of the installation
instruction have to be performed:

Table 15:

TCP/IP and local print server

Network print server

Printer on LPT1
Section page
2. Direct connection via TCP/IP and local print server 17 - 3 X
3. Installation of a local connected printer ( LPT1) 17 - 8 X
4. Connection via a network print server 17 - 10 X
5. Installation of the printer driver 17 - 12 X X
6. Configuration of the printer 17 - 16 X X
7. Checking the printer installation 17 - 19 X X X
8. Configuration of the paper printer in the filming card 17 - 21 X X X

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Installation of a Printer (Calcium Scoring Reports) 17 - 3

2. Direct connection via TCP/IP and local print server


The printer must be a PostScript printer.

The printer can be reached via TCP/IP
A PostScript driver for this printer must be available.
(Drivers are available on the W izard installation CD. The CD does not contain printer
drivers for all new models. In this case a new driver can be installed from disk or floppy
disk. In some cases a printer driver from a different model can be installed. See your
printer manual.)
Get IP addresses and names of all printers that are to be installed

Installation of a TCP/IP print server

Restart the system and login as an administrator.

Go to: Start Control Panel Network

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Select the Services tab card from the Network window and click $GG.
Select: Microsoft TCP/IP printing inside the new window and click 2.

Insert the Wizard installation CD in CD-ROM drive and change the input to: R:\I386 .
Press Continue to copy the system files.

If the copy job is done, close the Network Settings window and accept the restart with Yes.

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When the system restarts, login as administrator.

Select: Start Settings Printers
Double click on: Add Printer

Select: My Computer and then Next

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Because the printer is not connected to a local port, you have to select a network port with $GG3RUW

Select /353RUW in the next window and press then the 1HZ3RUW button in order to add the network data of
the printer.

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In the next window you have to type in the TCP/IP address of the printer (!) in the first line and the host name of
the printer in the second line. Press OK.

If necessary, close the window Printer Ports with the close button.

Now select the new defined port in the Add Printer Wizard and click 1H[W.

Continue with the next steps according to the installation roadmap

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3. Installation of a local connected printer ( LPT1)


Connect the cable of the printer to LPT1 (Dongle).

Select: Start Settings Printers, double click on: Add Printer

Select: My Computer and then Next

Select LPT1 and press Next

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Continue with the next steps according to the installation roadmap

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1. Connection via a network print server

Get IP address and host name of the network print server

Get names of all printers that are to be installed
An account for meduser with password meduser1 must be created on the print server.
(Contact the local administrators)
Printer jobs from Somaris can be very large. If the printer server has difficulties handling
the data, choose a direct connection to the printer via TCP/IP and local print server.

Select: Start Settings Printers, double click on Add Printer

Select Network printer server and then Next

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Input name of the print server and the used printer.

The printer is now visible as a new symbol under printers. The layout configuration is done via the print server.

After system restart the printer is visible in Somaris.

Continue with the next steps according to the installation roadmap

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5. Installation of the printer driver

The following section describes how the printer driver is installed if the driver is available on the Wizard
installation CD. For new models no driver is available on this CD. In this case you can install a new driver from
disk or floppy by selecting: "Have Disk".
Printer drivers on floppy disks or CD ROMs are shipped together with the printer. Usually it is also possible to
download them from the internet page of the printer manufacturer.

Driver disks often include an automated installation routine like "setup.exe'R127XVHWKLVLQVWDOODWLRQ
URXWLQH. After pressing "Have Disk" use the browser button to localize the driver. Driver files can be recognized
by the extension ".inf ".
In some cases you can use a printer driver from a different model. See your printer manual.

This is the next window

If the printer is included on the Wizard installation CD

Select the manufacturer and the model of your printer and press Next button

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If the printer is NOT included on the Wizard installation CD

Insert the driver disk and select "Have Disk"

Press "Browse" and search the driver disk for the ".inf" file. If there are problems locating the
proper .inf file, try to find additional technical documentation on the driver disk, e.g. read the
"readme.txt" file. In some installation manuals, the wanted driver is referred to as "driver for
server installation".

Open the ".inf-file" (the files on your disk will have different filenames)

and press "OK" in the following window. The "Add Printer Wizard" will show all printers that
are included in the selected ".inf" file. If your printer is not listed, search the driver disk for
other ".inf" files. Select your printer and proceed as described below.

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Defining the printers name

Input a friendly name for the printer. This is the name under which the printer will show up in the filming
taskcard of Somaris. Press Next.

Decide if the printer can be used from other computers ( shared ) or not ( not shared ). If yes, a share name has to
be specified. Press Next.

You do not need to print a test page now, this will be done later in the test section.

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If the driver is installed from the Wizard installation CD, the system asks again for the Windows NT CD-ROM.
Insert the Wizard installation CD and press OK

You have to type in the correct CD-ROM drive letter: R:\i386

The driver for the selected printer model will be installed.

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6.1. Configuration of the printer driver

The English version of Windows NT uses /HWWHU as the standard paper size. You must change the paper size to
$ if the printer uses A4 paper format. Otherwise printing is not possible. The print resolution is set to 600 dpi
for faster printing speed.

As an example the installation is shown with a driver for a Hewlett Packard Laserjet 4050 printer. Other
PostScript drivers will be similar.

Go to: Start Settings Printers

Select the new installed printer and press the right mouse key. Select 3URSHUWLHV in the displayed window.

Assign the correct paper size to all trays of the printer. Click tray 2 and enable the check box
"Draw selected form only from this tray". Tray 2 is the tray with the biggest paper store.

If paper size A4 is used If paper size letter is used

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Click OK

Navigate to "Halftone"
Select radio button Use System Halftone (this will speed up printing)

Go to: Start Settings Printers

Select the new installed printer again and press the right mouse key. From the upcoming
window select Document Defaults.

Click the tab Advanced at the top

Select 600 dpi as resolution to speed up printing

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Select paper size "Letter" if you use letter or "A4" if A4 is used.

Paper size A4 Paper size letter

Depending on the type of printer, other modifications in the"Document Defaults" or in the

"Properties" settings may be needed.

If the paper size is incorrectly configured an error will appear on the display of the printer. A
message like: Load letter instead of A4 or a flashing LED is visible.

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7. Checking the printer installation


Get a test printout

Go to: Start Settings Printers
Select the newly installed printer and press the right mouse key. From the menu select Properties.


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A notice window will pop up, informing you that the test page was sent to the printer.
If the test page is printed OK, confirm with yes.

Keep the test page in your documentation for later reinstallation of printers.

Trouble-shooting printer problems

If the test page fails:

Check if the proper page size is installed.
Check the connections
Connect the printer to another PC and check if the printer is working correctly

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8. Configuration of the paper printer in the filming card

Open the Local service, go to the configuration menu and select SDSHUSULQWHU.

,IWKHSULQWHUGRHVQRWPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWV for film sheet printing, it is necessary to make sure that film
sheets cannot be printed on paper. Deselect all printer media and press "Save".

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all all New print number CTTU-01-0008
New productname 107790
all all
SOMATOM Sensation 4

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18 - 2 Changes to previous Version
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