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Book Review Mini-Critique

Below you will nd ratings (scale of 1-5) with descriptions for the major parts of your book
followed by your Readers' Favorite review. Although these are general ratings we hope they will
give you an insight into how others may view the dierent components of your book.

These are the opinions of your reviewer, and although your reviewer is not an expert literary
critic or professional editor, they are at the very least, an avid reader of books just like yours.

Title: The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler

Subtitle: Volume I - The Anointed

Author: A. G. Mogan

Genre: Fiction - Historical - Personage

Appearance: The appearance of a book can make a signicant impact on the

experience of a reader, whose enjoyment is often enhanced by an
4 enticing cover, an intriguing table of contents, interesting chapter
headings, and when possible, eye-catching illustrations.

Plot: The characters of a book should be well dened with strengths and
aws, and while they do not have to be likable, the reader does
have to be able to form a connection with them. The tone should be
5 consistent, the theme should be clear, and the plot should be
original or told from a unique perspective. For informative books --
those without plot and characters--this rating refers primarily to
your concept and how well you presented it.

Development: Development refers to how eectively you told your story or

discussed your topic. The dialogue should be realistic, the
descriptions should be vivid, and the material should be concise

5 and coherent. Organization is also a key factor, especially for

informative books -- those without plot and characters. The order in
which you tell your story or explain your topic and how smoothly it
ows can have a huge impact on the reader's understanding and
enjoyment of the material.
Formatting: Formatting is the single most overlooked area by authors. The way
in which you describe scenes, display dialogue, and shift point of

5 view can make or break your story. In addition, excessive

grammatical errors and typos can give your book an amateurish
feel and even put o readers completely.

Marketability: Marketability refers to how eectively you wrote your book for your
target audience. Authors may include content that is above or
below the understanding of their target reader, or include concepts,
5 opinions or language that can accidentally confuse or alienate some
readers. Although by its nature this rating is very subjective, a very
low rating here and poor reviews may indicate an issue with your
book in this area.

Overall Opinion: The overall starred rating takes into account all these elements and
describes the overall reading experience of your reviewer. This is
5 the ocial Readers' Favorite review rating for your book.
Review: Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler by A.G. Mogan is a gripping

opening in The Anointed series, a book that explores the
psychology of one of the historical personages that have shaped
the course of modern history, the man responsible for the death of
millions of people, Adolf Hitler. Most people will always remember
Hitler in association with the Holocaust, but few historians have
been able to penetrate the depths of Hitlers mind. What was it that
made him tick? What were the factors familial, social, and
environmental that made him a historical conundrum that has
haunted the human mind, a vile and ruthless dictator, an
unpredictable psychotic? In this novel, the author allows Hitler to
speak for himself, recreating an exciting character that readers will
want to explore, a character who gives clear answers to these

This well-researched and compelling historical novel took me by

surprise in many instances and I had no doubt, as I read through
the pages, that the author has spent time studying Hitler. I was
surprised at some of the facts the author unearthed about Hitlers
troubled childhood, including the abuses, begging in Vienna and
nurturing an unrequited love. In these pages, the reader meets the
Hitler that history ignores and they can get to the root cause of his
madness. Told in Hitlers own voice, the story is captivating, rich in
imagery and psychological depth. A.G. Mogans writing is great and
I enjoyed the historical references, the clear and compelling
narrative voice, and, above all, the portrait of the protagonist. The
Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler will entertain and inform both fans of
history and psychology and any reader who loves well-crafted
stories with characters that are developed to feel as real as ones
road trip companions. This one is an awesome treat for fans of
historical novels and I cant wait to read the next book in the series.

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