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Your guide to hosting students undertaking workplace

learning programs from NSW public schools and
External VET (EVET) providers

1. About workplace learning
Contents This guide introduces you and your staff
to the concepts of workplace learning.
Section 1 About workplace learning 2 It explains the workplace learning
Section 2 How workplace learning works 4 We leverage de
programs available in NSW public schools,
the support available to employers, and
Section 3 Legal requirements 6 latest technologies to d
your roles and responsibilities when
and documentation hosting students in your workplace.
It also includes ipsum dolor
a summary sit amet,
checklist for consectetue
Section 4 Accidents and emergencies 8
employers tout laoreet
help dolore
guide you magna
through aliquam
the erat vol
Ut wisi5 enim
Section ad min veniam
Providing a safe workplace 8 ullamcorper.
workplace learning Vel illum dolore eu feugiat nu
quis nostrud exerci tation
for students
lorem ullamcorper wisi
What is workplace learning?
Section 6 ellius
set diam A checklist
erat. for employers 10 Lorem ipsum dolor
Workplace learning programs formsitpart
of consectetuer
the NSW Quis
Section 7 Important contacts
FIRST M. LASTNAME 12 adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy
secondary school curriculum. They enable students nibh
to susci
spend a planned period of time usually a weekmagna
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore - in temp
the workplace, gaining
aliquampractical experience,
erat volutpat. informing
Ut wisi enim ad min dolor
their career choices and building their employability
im veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation lorem sed d
PROVIDING EFFICIENT AND ets ullamcorper wisi diam ulliurus, lorem ut lao
Workplace learning sit amet laoreet
is available doloreaged
to students magna.
14 and wisi e
over. Students are generally placed in an industry of

their choice, reflecting

CONTENT the type of work they plan to do
Et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit lorem praesent
after completing Ettheir studies. For some
iusto odio dignissim qui students
blandit praesent
luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait
workplace learning is their very first experience of the
Work experience acts as a vital luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore
nulla facilisi. Lorem eim ipsum dolor sit workplace
amet while others have done many hours of paid
link between young people and te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor
work in their part-time jobs.
consectetuer ulla adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy
sit amet, consectetuer
the nibh
world of business,
euismod so itdolore
tincidunt ut laoreet is magna aliquam
adipiscing elit, sed diam
myeratfirm belief
volutpat. that
Ut wisi enimemployers
ad te minim veniam, quis exerci
What kinds of workplace nonummy learning nibh euis mod
should playwisitheir
tation ereat part suscipit
ullamcorper to ensure
lobortis nisl ut aliquip
tincidunt ut laoreet dolo- ad m
ex ea commodo consequat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam. programs are there?
young peoples first experience re magna aliquam erat Tatio
NSW secondary schools offer a variety of workplace
work is both challenging and te volutpat. Ut wisi enim erat l

learning activities. The two common types of
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper erat suscipit lobortis
rewarding. ad minim veniam. Duis
nisl ut aliquip ex ea lorem tempor commodo consequatl orem workplace learning are work experience and
enam autem vel eum iri- TRAI
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit diammandatory
non work placement for students studying
Higher ure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse Et ius
ummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna ali. School Certificate (HSC) vocational education
and training (VET) consequat.
courses. Most students have the praes
chance to participate in at least one of these programs dolor
during their timeTRAINING
at high school.
CONSULTING SERVICES Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hen adipis
Lorem Ipsum Dolore Duis Iriurae Ad Enim Tera drerit in vulputate velit esse molestie con euism
sequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla fac- aliqua
Augue Sit Odio dolore Vel Enim Accusti lorem
ilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio minim
Et Iusto Qui Magna tera Sit Anem Dolore Laroreet dignissim qui blandit praesent lupta tum ullam
zzril lorem dolore sit amet lorem dolo sit ex ea
Aliquam Erat seddiam Lorem Delore Elit Magna
amet erat feugiat inhendrerit minim ullam ad m
Nulla Esse Velit Feugait Nulla Vella Wisi sit amet lorem dolore ipsum. exerc


Work experience
These programs are usually undertaken by students in Work placement is a mandatory HSC
OU R C L I ENT S NEEDS AND E X CEED THEIR EXPECTATIONS. requirement for the following Industry
Years 9 or 10 with some opportunities in Years 11 and
12. Curriculum Framework (ICF) VET courses:
Work experience provides a general introduction to
the world of work.
ecades of training expertise and the
Business Services
Young people are able to: Construction
design tailored learning solutions.
observe a variety of work being done
undertake supervised work appropriate to their skill
Entertainment Industry
er adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Financial Services
ask questions about the workplace
utpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation Hospitality
ulla faci lisis at vero eros
skills et accumsan.
or adjustments they may need to Human Services
participate in workplace tasks Information and Digital Technology
gain important employabilityLEADERSHIP
Metal and Engineering
nostrud exerci tationhow enterprises
ullamcorper erat work Lorem
and how to dolor
ipsum Primary Industries
be sit amet, consectetuer
ipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea lorem adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy Retail Services
por commodo consequat.
complete course assignments
Lorem ipsum relevant
euismod to theut laoreet dolore
tincidunt Tourism, Travel and Events
industry or workplace
r sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, aliquam erat te volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad
diam nonummy nibhout abouttincidunt
euismod careers and training and quis eci tation a corper sus-
minim veniam,
oreet dolore magna aliquam opportunities
erat Ut cipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip era How long
commodowill the student spend in
enim ad minim theirexerci
veniam, quis career aspirations and career
consequat. ipsum dolor your
Lorem and workplace?
sit amet,
n ullamcorper transition
volutpat. Utplanning.
wisi enim consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
This varies. Students usually spend a week with an
HSC VET work placement
nonummy nibh euismod employer
tincidunt ut but shorter or longer placements are
Work placement programs are dolore
intendedmagnafor aliquam erat volutpossible.
pat. Ut Some students come to a workplace for half
wisi enim
students enrolled in Higher School ad minim
Certificate or one day per week for an extended period of time.
veniam quis nostrud
industry-recognised courses. These tation. Duis autem
courses may vel HSC ICF VET students are generally required to
be delivered by the school or by
dolor VET
complete two weeks of work placement over two
in hendrerit in erat
(EVET) provider. years, each week with a different employer.
vulputate velit esse molestie

consequat, vel illum dolore
minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci.VET (EVET) provider
feugiat nulla facilisis at
Through workplace learning
on ullamcorper suscipit
EVET referslobortis
to VET nisi vero to
courses delivered eros et accumsan
school students
laoreet. by a non-NSW public school provider et iusto
TAFE and
we get to see what young
other registered training organisations. people are learning in their
EVET providers consult with schools to ensure that courses and the talent that is

placements are timely, appropriate and accessible for
sto odio dignissim qui learning
students blandit lorem
needs and wellbeing. out there. Its good for our
sent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis industry.
re te feugaitWork
nulla placement
facilisi. Lorem eim that these students spend
m dolor sit a
amet, consectetuer
period of time asulla
voluntary workers in a relevant
scing elit, sed Employers
diam nonummy nibh supervise the students as they
mod tincidunt anddolore
ut laoreet extend the specific industry skills they
have learned
am erat volutpat. in their
Ut wisi enim course work.
ad te
m veniam, quis exerci tation ereat wisi
During their work placement, students work towards
mcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
gaining specific industry competencies. They are
a commodoassessed
by Ut wisi enim
teachers. Students achieving competency
minim veniam, quis exerci quis nost
receive an industry-specific VET qualification that is
ci tation lorem ets ullam.throughout Australia.


The benefits for employers placements, the approach may come from a Work
Placement Service Provider. They are funded to
Hosting students allows you to: negotiate and coordinate these mandatory
participate in the education, career placements. See box below.
development and vocational training of
young people in your community
When can workplace learning occur?
talk to students about your industry, its
career paths and future directions Workplace learning is usually scheduled on
weekdays during school terms. This can be varied for
promote the attitudes and skills you want in individual students in Years 11 and 12 with the
your workforce approval of their school or EVET provider.
For example, a student may wish to extend their
identify young people with potential for your skills by undertaking a placement during the school
industry holidays. This does not include the December/
strengthen your links with the community January holidays.
and raise your business profile
increase the supervisory, training and Restrictions apply to younger students in work
mentoring skills of your staff experience programs. Students in Years 9 and 10
cannot undertake workplace learning during school
give students knowledge of the value of holidays. Students under 15 years cannot work
work and raise the quality of those coming before 7am or after 6pm.
into your industry.
As you will see in this guide, there is plenty of
support and resources available to host employers.
If you have any queries or concerns, the school, Work Placement Service Providers
EVET provider or Work Placement Service Provider
These local organisations coordinate HSC ICF VET work
is only a phone call away. placements, liaising between schools or EVET providers
and employers.

You will find they have considerable expertise and

resources to help you provide quality work placements
2. How workplace for HSC ICF VET students.
learning works They will be able to assist you to complete the necessary
documents and other essential information needed to
Who organises the programs and work support a safe placement.
Go to
Schools generally arrange their own workplace
learning programs. Where an EVET provider
delivers an HSC ICF VET course, they arrange the
related work placements in consultation with the
Schools may approach employers to host students
in their workplace.
In the case of work experience, students may
make their own approach to an employer for a
workplace position and then submit the position
to their school for approval. For HSC ICF VET work


What is the procedure for a placement? Duty of care
The school and where relevant the EVET
Prior to the placement
provider have a duty of care to students. This
Host employers receive workplace learning guidelines includes deciding if placements are suitable,
with essential information about completing preparing students for workplace learning,
documents to meet the departments standards. monitoring the students progress and welfare
Placement details are negotiated with employers and during the placement and following up with
submitted to the school for approval. them immediately afterwards.
Reasonable adjustments are identified to support It is the responsibility of the host employer to
students with disability and additional learning and provide a safe workplace environment and
support needs. appropriate supervision for the student.
Arrangements are confirmed to support student safety. Host employers must immediately report Health
Students are matched to a position based on their & Safety issues or concerns to the school or
course work and/or career planning. Their parents or where relevant to the EVET provider.
caregivers sign off on the arrangements. Parents and caregivers are required to be or to
Teachers conduct work ready activities to prepare nominate an alternative emergency contact for
students for the experience. any emergencies that occur outside normal
Schools encourage students to contact the host business hours. See Section 4 of this guide.
employer prior to placement.

During the placement

Providing a richer, deeper, quality
Students attend the workplace every day of the experience - employers share their tips
program. for success.
Host employers or nominated workplace supervisors Engage the student straight away as the
supervise the students in the workplace, providing first hour can set the tone for the week.
tasks that are agreed and appropriate and at times,
challenging for the student. Talk to the student so that they understand
The employer and workplace supervisor takes action their safety rights and responsibilities.
to provide a safe working environment, in accordance Talk with the student about their current
with the requirements of the Work Health and school work so you can set workplace tasks
Safety Act 2011 (NSW), child protection and anti-
at the right skill level for them.
discrimination legislation.
Teachers will make a supervisory visit or phone call Consider hosting students in pairs to give
to the employer and the student to check on their them buddy support to solve problems and
progress, safety and welfare. In high risk placements get the work done.
teachers may make more frequent contact. Busy students tend to be happier and learn
Where relevant, students are assessed for industry- more.
based competencies.
Have a reserve list of jobs for them to do.
Host employers must report any incidents including
near misses involving the student immediately to the Debrief with the student at the end of each
school or EVET provider. day and plan tomorrows work.

Post placement
Students record their experiences and review their The placement was an
career preferences and training pathways.
opportunity for me to pass on
Host employers report on the students performance
in the workplace. my knowledge & skills. It was
Teachers immediately follow up with the students to a good experience both ways.

ensure maximum benefit and check on student safety.
Workplace supervisor, Tamworth


! All relevant safety, health and welfare legislation that protects employees also
protects students and support staff engaged in workplace learning programs.

Working together: Do I have to complete any documents?

the workplace learning partnership Yes. The host employer completes their section of
Workplace learning programs are a partnership the Student Placement Record.
between educators, employers, students and
their parents or caregivers. We seek the input You will be asked to record your workplace details.
and approval of all parties in the arrangement of This includes the students working hours,
placements, with every party agreeing to certain arrangements for their supervision, the activities
roles and responsibilities. they will undertake during their placement, any
pre-training required and the measures you are
Central to this process is the Student Placement
taking to enable them to do the work safely.
Record, a form that records contact details,
arrangements and approvals relating to the
students placement. Once everyone has completed To assist you to complete the Student
their section of the form, copies are held by the Placement Record, please refer to
Completion of the Student Placement
school, host employer, student and the parent or
Record to meet the Departments
caregiver, as well as the EVET provider if applicable. standards available at:
The Student Placement Record also records
information regarding any disability, learning
and support needs, medical condition, allergy A full copy of the Student Placement Record with
or restriction that may affect the safety and all sections approved will be provided to you before
supervision of the student in the workplace. It will the placement starts.
indicate if employers need to make adjustments to
accommodate a students additional support needs
or disability. Once all parties have provided and approved
the information on the Student Placement
Record, the departments insurance and
3. Legal requirements indemnity arrangements for you and the
and documentation student are in place.

Are the students paid?
No. Students on placement are classified as Its our role to inspire young
voluntary workers and host employers are not
required to make any payment to them under the
people to pursue jobs in this
Federal or State award covering their industry, industry. I always try to showcase an
the NSW Annual Holidays Act or the Workers exciting range of work and aim to
Compensation Act. Any payment to the student
provide a balance between structure

may invalidate the departments insurance and
indemnity arrangements. and flexibility.
The one exception is where the student uses their Host employer, Wollongong
part-time employment as part of their mandatory
HSC ICF VET work placement requirement. In this
case, the student is not a voluntary worker and the
insurance arrangements of the employer apply to
the student. This arrangement must be negotiated
with the employer and approved by the school or
EVET provider.


Please note that these insurance provisions only apply to workplace learning positions that
have been approved by the school or relevant EVET provider. Approval is recorded on the
Student Placement Record.

Are there any other conditions? the department has full conduct and control
of the claim against the employer as is normal
Employers and their staff must respect the rights practice for the party providing the indemnity
of students to a safe and healthy host workplace,
free from harassment, discrimination and any the employer cooperates fully with the department
conduct that is unacceptable in terms of and the departments legal representatives in the
child protection. See Child protection your conduct of the claim
responsibilities on page 9. the employer has complied with their obligations
under relevant legislation, including work health
No student can be asked or directed to carry out and safety legislation.
any task that is not safe. See Prohibited Activities
on page 9. For details, go to
Additional Information for Host Employers
Host employers are expected to consult and available at:
cooperate with the students school or EVET
provider under the Work Health and Safety Act
2011 (NSW).
These insurance and indemnity provisions also apply
Host employers must notify the school or EVET to approved interstate placements, e.g. in Victoria; to
provider immediately of any health and safety teachers undertaking industry placements as part of
incidents involving a student while on their VET teacher training program and to teachers
placement, including near misses, to enable the supervising students participating in workplace
NSW Department of Education to fulfil its WHS learning programs.
obligations and support a safe placement.
Host employers must advise the school or EVET Will my business need to change its
provider immediately if they need to change sites, insurance arrangements?
redirect students to another location, or find No, as long as you follow the requirements in this
asbestos on the site. guide, you will not need to change your insurance
or SafeWork NSW arrangements when taking on a
What about insurance? student for workplace learning. You are expected to
have current public liability coverage as is standard
Insurance and indemnity requirements are arranged business practice. If you are an EVET provider,
by the NSW Department of Education with the arranging workplace learning activities for students
NSW Treasury Managed Fund Scheme. Specific within your own organisation, your companys own
cover relevant to workplace learning is provided for insurance and indemnity arrangements will apply.
the Department of Education under the terms and
conditions of the Miscellaneous Insurance Policy What is the claims process?
(policy no. MF100003) and TAFE NSW (policy no.
MF100007). These arrangements are conditional All claims for injury, loss of property or damage to
on the completion and approval of the Student property should be referred to the school in the first
Placement Record. instance. Depending on the nature of the claim, the
The NSW Department of Education indemnifies school may then forward the claim to the EDConnect
employers participating in approved workplace Insurance, Risk and Claims Management team,
learning programs for any amount which they NSW Department of Education, Locked Bag 5068,
may be legally liable to pay for injury to students Parramatta, NSW 2124, telephone 1300 32 32 32.
or teachers arising out of an approved workplace
learning program, up to $20,000,000 and for
damage to property belonging to or in the care,
custody or control of the host employer, up to
$200,000 provided that:
any claim made against the employer in
respect of a student or teacher participating Further details about workplace learning
in an approved workplace learning program is programs can be found at
immediately notified to the relevant school or
EVET provider


4. Accident and If the student doesnt have a Medicare number, ask
if they wish to contact their general practitioner
emergency procedures (GP). Contact details should be provided on your
If a student is sick or injured: copy of the Student Placement Record.
Medical invoices are to be made out to the student
Seek medical help immediately, using the and are payable by the parent/caregiver.
students Medicare number as provided on the
Student Placement Record or on the Student Ask the doctor attending for a medical certificate.
Contact Card. As students are not employees, Contact the school immediately to advise of the
you must not treat this as a workers situation. Where relevant, also contact the EVET
compensation claim. provider. As soon as possible, complete a written
Contact emergency services for report of the accident and forward it to the school,
Ambulance or other emergency or where relevant, to the EVET provider along with
services immediately where required. the school.
The report must include a full statement from the
student, the supervisor and relevant witnesses.
If a student is at risk of anaphylaxis, they must
carry an adrenaline auto-injector eg. EpiPen
and current ASCIA action plan. Adrenaline auto 5. A safe workplace for students
injectors are easy to administer and are a life
saving device for those suffering an anaphylactic The safety and wellbeing of students during a placement
reaction. Anaphylaxis is a life threatening condition is our number one priority. Employers need to satisfy the
and always requires an emergency response. If the school and EVET provider that they can provide a safe
student shows any of the following signs, contact and healthy host workplace for students, compliant with
emergency services and take action in accordance the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), child
with the ASCIA action plan to administer the protection and anti-discrimination legislation.
adrenaline auto-injector. (Instructions on how to
administer should also be on the auto-injector.) You will be asked to provide the
following information on the Student
Signs of anaphylaxis
Placement Record:
Any one of the following are signs of anaphylaxis:
difficult/noisy breathing your supervision arrangements for the student
swelling of tongue areas of possible risk in the students workplace tasks
and your strategies to eliminate or minimise the risk in
swelling/tightness in throat detail
difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice any special clothing required by the student eg.
wheezing or persistent cough enclosed footwear
persistent dizziness or collapse confirmation of your awareness of your child
pale and floppy (young children). protection responsibilities when working with
school students
commitment to reporting any health and safety
During normal business hours, contact the school or incidents or near misses involving students to the
EVET provider, and the parents or caregivers. school or EVET provider
Outside normal business hours, contact the any steps you will take or adjustments you will make
students parents or caregiver or their nominated to support students with disability or other additional
emergency contact. needs as described on their Student Placement Record
Note that students should carry their personal
any vaccination compliance, or any pre-training or
induction required by the student to undertake
Student Contact Card with details of their teacher/
certain tasks.
parent/caregiver contact numbers and their
Medicare number.


Host employers are encouraged to provide a copy of this page to all staff supervising students

Which activities are prohibited for Child protection - your responsibilities

workplace learning students?
Working with children and young people is very
rewarding. However, to ensure the safety and welfare
The list of prohibited activities and the of young people in your workplace, you and your staff
pre-requisite training requirements for some must comply with a few simple rules.
placements can be found at: It is your responsibility as the employer to ensure
that your staff know how to conduct themselves
Activities such as working on a roof or where appropriately with children and young people. They
asbestos is present are prohibited. Other activities must avoid any conduct that could make a young
have conditions attached for example, restrictions person feel threatened or coerced or belittled.
This could include initiation activities or horseplay
on the operation of machinery and equipment, the
involving the student; physical or verbal abuse such as
service of alcohol, and work on adventure or sporting
swearing at students; physical assault; inappropriate
activities in industries like tourism. conversations, remarks or jokes of a sexual nature; the
showing of sexually suggestive publications, electronic
Students undertaking a placement in the media or illustrations and any unwarranted and/or
construction industry or for the VET inappropriate touching or personal communication
entertainment industry course must complete with students regarding their sexual feelings. This
the general construction induction training (GIT) as a includes texting or using social media.
prerequisite to placement. This also applies to work
experience. As an employer, you will be asked to indicate on the
Student Placement Record that, to your knowledge,
there is nothing in the background of any staff member
Students are not expected to drive their own vehicles
or person in close contact with the student that would
whilst undertaking activities on behalf of the host
make them unsuitable for working with children.
employer. They should not be asked or directed to
drive the employers vehicles or any clients vehicles Host employers must report any allegations against
while they are on a workplace learning experience. an employee in the area of child protection to the
Principal of the school or the relevant EVET provider
The school, EVET provider or a Work Placement RTO manager. Child protection legislation requires that
Service Provider can advise you if you have any allegations about employee conduct be reported to
further queries. the NSW Ombudsman. Allegations involving suspected
abuse, harm or risk of significant harm to the student
must also be reported to the Family and Community
Services Child Protection Helpline 13 21 11 and, in
some cases, to the NSW Police.

For more information on working with children,

contact the NSW Office of the Childrens Guardian on
(02) 9286 7219
or email


! Working with Children Check is not required by people under the
age of 18 or employers not normally engaged in child-related activities.

6. A checklist for employers

BEFORE - planning and preparing for
workplace learning We ask the students
for feedback on how we
went, so we can make

the next placement
Decide when it is convenient for you to host even better.
students for work experience or HSC VET Host employer, Sydney
work placement.

Decide the duration of the placements and Prepare your staff by ensuring they:
how/when students should apply.   nderstand the purpose of the workplace
learning activity.
Appoint an experienced staff member to
coordinate your workplace learning  a re aware of the responsibilities of working
with young people, including child protection
programs for students. responsibilities (see page 9).
Consult with staff to draw up a list of do not use the students in place of regular
paid employees.
activities that can be achieved and safely
managed by students.  r eceive a timetable of proposed student
activities and arrangements for their supervision
These activities should: and induction.

 offer insight into the industry and workplace.  understand special needs including how to
respond to medical conditions e.g. anaphylaxis.
 be varied, safe, interesting and
sometimes challenging.  are aware of their obligations under the Disability
Discrimination ACT 1992 (DDA).
 not contravene the prohibited activities indicated on
page 9 of this guide and at:  comply with agreed arrangements. Complete the employer section of the Student
 include tasks and skills appropriate to the Placement Record (see Sections 2,3 and 5 of this
students coursework requirements (eg. VET guide) and return it to the relevant school, or
course competencies). EVET provider.
 provide time for some career conversations.

Appoint supervisory staff for each student: An employers coaching tips

 Assistant Supervisor (if applicable). Tell ... them about it
 Other employees able to help.
Show ... them how its done
Supervisory staff should be capable and trustworthy
with good communication and delegation skills. They
should be briefed for the task and given sufficient Watch ... them do it
time to instruct and monitor the student and provide
feedback. We also advise you appoint a separate Praise ... what they do well
workplace advisor or mentor to provide the students
with general support and advice.
Correct ... any shortcomings

Repeat ... for practice


Ensure that the student is sufficiently
DURING - providing a quality
challenged and supervised in the workplace.
workplace learning experience
Supervisory staff will need to ensure that
Ensure that the student completes a first the student:
day induction and orientation tour. undertakes varied activities appropriate to their
skill level and workplace learning requirements.
The students induction should include:
 not put at risk by undertaking a task away from
 a welcome and introduction to supervisors the view of others or with just one employee or
and co-workers. client - unless this is unavoidable.
a brief overview of your business, products, purpose is not assigned any prohibited or restricted activities
and values. as indicated in Section 5 of this guide and at:
a n outline of the planned activities and
supervision arrangements. only undertakes a task requiring a licence, permit or
a safety induction - including how to report work certificate of competence if they hold the relevant
health safety issues and to whom. qualification and the activity has been recorded on
the placement record.
clear expectations of behaviour, attitude and dress.
clarification of working hours, breaks and other receives full instruction on how to complete
activities including the risks, the purpose of safety
workplace routines.
equipment such as personal protection equipment
a tour of facilities including the students work area/ (PPE), and how to use it appropriately.
desk, toilets, change rooms, exits, food outlets etc.
 provided with all necessary safety equipment
consideration of any student health matters. required to complete a task.
an explanation that the student has the right to is given appropriate feedback and encouragement.
cease work if they believe it is unsafe.
has sufficient time to complete diaries, work
first aid and evacuation plans and other placement journals or research projects provided by
emergency drills. their school or EVET provider.
a brief outline of policies on bullying, harassment
and discrimination.
AFTER - providing feedback on the students
procedures for lateness or absence. time in the workplace
codes and passwords (doors, photocopier,
computer access etc.). Before the placement ends, please:
contacts at school or EVET provider in case of
complete the student report or evaluation form
an emergency. supplied by the school or EVET provider.

rules regarding security, privacy, confidentiality and
ensure that any property or identification cards
the use of computers, the internet, mobile phones, on loan have been returned.
cameras etc.
t ake time to provide the student with helpful
feedback and encouragement.
Students should be given the opportunity to ask
questions about the workplace and to be told who
they can go to for advice or help.

Students are expected to comply with the employers

workplace safety requirements and procedures. They are
not to act in any way that could jeopardise the safety of
themselves or others.


Important contacts
Thank you for taking time to read the information in this guide. We hope that you feel
confident and well-prepared to support a student as they take up these valuable workplace
learning opportunities. If you have any queries, please contact one of the following:

The Work Placement Service Provider for HSC The EVET provider RTO manager.
ICF VET work placements. The Senior Pathways Adviser at the local office
The VET Coordinator, careers adviser, or the of the NSW Department of Education.
contact for the EVET provider at the students The departments state office
school. telephone (02) 9244 5425.

Your first point of contact:

For further assistance, advice and information:
See the Employers section for Employers may choose to participate in the
Additional Information. Sydney Access Program which offers high
quality placements for students enrolled
in school or EVET provider-delivered HSC
Industry Curriculum Framework courses.
Information, tips and resources to help
improve young worker safety and ensure employer-toolkit
compliance with NSW
WHS legislation.  ork Inspiration provides an easy framework
for making work experience meaningful,
relevant and inspiring.
Go2workplacement assists students
enrolled in HSC VET ICF
courses to get the most out of their
work placement. What is the Importance of Collaboration?
A fact sheet on supporting employer
involvement with schools.

State of NSW through the Department of Education 2017.

This work may be freely reproduced and distributed for personal, educational or government purposes.
Permission must be received from the Department for all other uses.

Last updated March 2017 ISBN 9780731387526 SCIS 1792970

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