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All staff continued to be updated in Child Protection procedures and other statutory duties to ensure the welfare of all pupils. The Management team continued to monitor learning and teaching in all classes. Staff were also involved in peer monitoring in order to observe best practice to develop their teaching. Staff undertook self-evaluation of their teaching practice and were involved in discussions of improvement. Management tracked all pupils progress and ensured support staff were allocated to support individuals and groups as appropriate. All staff were involved in auditing the schools performance using the How Good is our School? quality indicators. The results of these audits will be used to improve areas of our practice. Management were responsible for ensuring that the developments in the School Improvement Plan were carried out in a consultative way during collegiate times and staff meetings. The Parent Council were informed of progress throughout the year. A Positive Behaviour policy was embedded with all pupils taking part in a colour coded card system of behaviour. This has improved behaviour throughout the school and raised expectations. Management has made sure that all staff have had opportunities to attend courses to update their professional development. Several opportunities have been taken to work with staff of other schools in the same Local Management Group and to share good practice.


School Aims Provide a range of active learning and teaching approaches which will challenge all pupils and encourage them to become motivated. We will help pupils to become Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors and Successful Learners. Provide a curriculum which is fun, motivating and meets the needs of all pupils. It ensures ambition, depth, balance, breadth, continuity and progression. It will provide opportunities to be enterprising, problem solving and independent. Provide an ongoing commitment to raising achievement and attainment and provide quality opportunities in all aspects of school life to achieve full potential. Foster mutual respect between pupils, staff and wider school community. Provide effective supports to meet emotional, physical and mental well being of all. Aim to encourage healthy and active lifestyles and resilience throughout whole school community. Provide a positive, respectful, secure, and welcoming ethos which encourages a high level of pupil and staff enthusiasm. Foster good communication and effective working partnerships throughout school community. Appreciate parents/carers as partners in the childrens learning. Offer safe, fair, friendly and stimulating environment through provision of appropriate accommodation, good staff, quality resources and effective ongoing training. Encourage reflective practice in both staff and pupils, and promote ongoing self-evaluation through the process of effective management and consultation.


Introduce Restorative Approaches to managing behaviour Review procedures for recognising and recording pupils progress and achievements Increase opportunities for moderation of standards
Develop use of GLOW as a learning resources for staff and pupils Continue to develop active learning approaches, including Cooperative Learning Increase opportunities for leadership roles for staff and pupils Manage the changes of teaching staff and Head Teacher June 2011

Jane Sheldon - Head Teacher



All subjects are now being taught using Curriculum for Excellence outcomes and experiences. Teachers are assessing whether pupils are secure at Early Level at P1, First Level at P4 and 2nd Level at P7. Most pupils attained appropriate levels in Reading and Listening and Talking. The majority of pupils attained appropriate levels in Writing and Maths. Attendance Attendance June June June June 2008 2009 2010 2011 12 12 14 13 Attendance figures represent the average number of half day absences per pupil. Achievement The school committees continued to develop pupils responsibility, independence, confidence and enterprising attitudes. They gained experience in listening and talking, negotiation, functional writing, communicating with outside agencies, financial transactions and problem solving. The Pupil Council took the views of their classes to make important changes in and outside school. They also chose the charities for school donations. The Eco Committee led the school towards gaining our 2nd Green Flag in October 2010. The Enterprise Group organised, printed and sold Christmas Cards for school funds again this year. The School Travel Plan was updated and the Junior Road Safety Officers did lots of work on Road Safety throughout the year. The Parent Council committee continued to work closely with the school to take forward several initiatives. Two sub groups met each term to consult about Childrens Progress and Communication. Many very successful fundraising events were held, including the annual School Fete. We also continued to involve local community groups in several ways throughout the year, especially at Christmas and Harvest time. In sport pupils were successful in many areas. They took part in Rugby, Football and Cricket coaching. Some took part in Country Dancing and the Creative Day of Dance. Pupils played musical instruments in the Perth Festival and Music Camp concerts as well as in the church. At the Annual Talent show many had a chance to show their abilities in all sorts of ways. Many pupils had exhibits at the Blooming Artists show in Perth Theatre. We held a very successful Christmas concert and P7s put on a show for their parents in June. All pupils took part in the Burns Day poetry reading and sang Scottish songs. The whole school took part in a school musical show called Welcome to our World. All pupils took part in a weekly Activity Time where they were able to try out and achieve a wide range of new skills such as Street Dance, Yoga, Book Groups, Art and Craft and a variety of sports such as Shinty, Tennis and Cricket.

from P7 to S1 via several projects arranged with Perth High School. P7 attended a residential activity for a few days with another local primary. P7s also took part in a transition project in French which will be continued when they reach Perth High School. Curriculum for Excellence planning was developed throughout the school. New planners were developed for Technologies and Numeracy. Considerable work was done by staff and pupils to improve Literacy, Numeracy and Learning. Excellent work throughout the school in Health and Wellbeing was carried out with many projects and visitors taking part in this learning. All classes took part in Perth 800 celebrations and History projects. Classes joined workshops for Capoeira and sculpture making and were part of the parade through Perth. We took part, along with a group of our other Local Management Schools, in the Glasgow University Improving Literacy Improving Learning project on Reading and Notetaking. This involved teaching pupils the strategies of notetaking and then assessing and moderating their pieces of work. We held another successful Curriculum Evening to further inform parents about Curriculum for Excellence Assessment, Moderation and Reporting . Pupils continued to be actively involved in their own learning and contributed their Pupil Voice to classroom planning, their ideas were displayed on the Learning Wall in their classrooms. New reading books were purchased for older readers. These have proved very popular. The school has also purchased new resources to improve the learning of Writing, Listening and Talking. Our close partnership with our Educational Psychologist, School Nurse and Speech and Language Therapist has ensured that the best advice and support is accessed for those children and families who need it. The use of ICT in teaching has broadened to include not only interactive smart boards with educational websites, but also animation, digital cameras and camcorders and pupils designing and using their own educational digital games. Three more laptops have been purchased and several class computers replaced and updated. The Awards for All grant, gained by the Parent Council, has paid for a new sound, light and projector system for the school hall. This has meant that the whole school can now see and hear presentations in the hall. All pupils now receive training in safe use of the internet and mobile phones (CEOP) and further workshops and information was offered to parents. Our commitment to International Education was raised by the involvement of the school in a Comenius Regio Project between 4 Perthshire schools and 4 French schools in Brittany. Our teachers of French have had opportunities to visit these French schools and the French teachers have visited our school. Pupils have benefited from this and corresponded with pupils in France, learning about French culture. Pupils have contributed to the making of e-books which will now be used as teaching resources.

We have effective transitions from Nursery to P1via the Play and Learning project and

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