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Entry test


Tick the correct answers

1 1 Nick has to the park. 3 1 Eva lives in Barcelona. If the weather is

a gone b going c went nice she often to the
2 The football match hasnt finished beach.
. a go b goes c did go
a just b already c yet 2 If Trig too much chocolate, he
3 Jennys hair is wet. Shes usually gets a stomach ache
washed it. a is eating b ate c eats
a never b yet c just 3 If you up late youll be late for
4 you ever been to New York? school
a Has b Have c Did a get b gets c got
5 Tom always gets up early. Hes 4 If I clean the car my Dad me
been late for school. extra pocket money.
a never b ever c yet a gave b will give c did give
 Score ___ / 5 5 If it rains we fishing.
a wont go b didnt go
2 1 Millions of bars of chocolate 
c went
Score ___ / 5
every year.
a is sold b are sold c sells 4 1 Dad since seven oclock this
2 Camembert is a famous cheese. It morning.
in France. a is working b have been working
a is produced b are produced c has been working
c produced 2 Jenny the piano for three
3 Those pictures by Pablo hours.
Picasso. a has been practising
a was painted b is painted b have been practising
c were painted c are practising
4 The Coliseum by the Romans. 3 How long has Trig in Merton?
a was built b is built a been living b is living
c are built c was living
5 Were the Harry Potter books 4 Tom has been doing his homework
by J. K. Rowling? ten oclock.
a write b written c wrote a for b since c at
5 Dad has been cooking for .
 Score ___ / 5
a eleven oclock b this morning
 c two hours Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Entry Test Oxford University Press

Test 1 (units 15) Name

1 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
simple, the present continuous, the past simple or the past continuous.
Emily Do you always 1
(go) home after school?
Lara Yes, I do. I usually cycle home but today I 2
(meet) my mum in town to
go shopping.
Emily Why you 3
(go) shopping?
Lara It 4
(be) my brothers birthday yesterday so I need to buy a present.
Emily My mum and dad 5
(have) lunch in town yesterday when they
a terrible accident.
Lara Really, what happened?
Emily A woman 7
(cross) the road in front of the restaurant when a car
suddenly 8
(appeared) and 9
(crash) into her. My dad
(phone) an ambulance.
 Score ___ / 10

2 Complete the sentences with so or neither.

1 If you dont go to the party, will I.
2 Mum likes cooking and does Jenny.
3 Trig should eat more fruit and should Nick.
4 Nick doesnt like maths and does Tom.
5 I send lots of text messages and do my friends.
 Score ___ / 5

3 Circle the correct verb forms.

1 I went / have been to Washington last year but Ive never been / went to New York.
2 Sarah moved / has moved to Madrid two years ago and she worked / has been working as
an English teacher since last April.
3 Nick hasnt started / didnt start his homework yet, but Jenny studied / has been studying
for 2 hours.
4 Ive been living / lived in London for two years but I havent been / didnt go to Buckingham
Palace yet.
5 Amanda started / has started her science project last week but she
hasnt finished / didnt finish it yet.
 Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Test 1 Oxford University Press

Test 2 (units 610) Name

1 Complete the text with the past simple and the past perfect simple.
Yesterday was a terrible day. Mum 1
(not drive) into town in the morning because
she 2
(lose) her car keys. Dad 3
(get) to work late because 4

(miss) the bus. Nick 5

(not have) any breakfast because 6
(wake up) late.
Jenny 7
(have to) come home because she 8
(forget) her history project.
Trig 9
(feel) ill because he 10
(eat) too many sweets.

 Score ___ / 10

2 Report what each person said using indirect speech.

1 Trig I love learning English.
Trig said that he .
2 Jenny Ill cycle to school.
Jenny said that she .
3 Tom and Nick Weve been to the cinema.
Tom and Nick said that they .
4 Mr Blake Im watering the plants.
Mr Blake said that he .
5 Mum and Dad We may go to Paris.
Mum and Dad said that they .
 Score ___ / 5

3 Circle the correct words.

1 We mustnt / dont have to go to school on Sundays.
2 I would rather / had better listen to music than watch television.
3 Trig mustnt / doesnt have to eat so many sweets. Hell get a toothache.
4 Youd better / Youd rather finish your homework before tomorrow.
5 We dont have to / mustnt pay to play in the park. 
Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Test 2 Oxford University Press

Test 3 (units 1115) Name

1 Complete the conditional type 2 sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.

1 If my dad (have) more money he (buy) a new car.
2 If I (can) cook I (make) my parents a delicious meal.
3 If my mum (have) more time she (learn) to play an
4 If I (go) to Paris I (visit) the Eiffel Tower.
5 If I (live) in Italy I (eat) pasta every day.
6 If my brother (play) the guitar he (join) a band.
7 If I (can) drive a car I (not walk) to school.
8 If I (not have) anything to do all day I (be) bored.
9 If we (watch) less television we (have) time to finish
our homework.
If I (get up) earlier I (not be) late for school.

 Score ___ / 10

2 Write sentences about Lisa and Lucy. = both, = neither.

1 Do they have long hair?
2 Do they speak French?
3 Do they like painting?
4 Do they live in London?
5 Do they play tennis?
 Score ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences. Use need or needs and the -ing form of the verbs below.

1 My hair is too long. It .

2 These clothes are dirty. They .
3 Toms bike is broken. It .
4 The plants are very dry. They .
5 I cant find anything in the garage. It .
 Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Test 3 Oxford University Press

Test 4 (units 1620) Name

1 Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose.

1 This is the village my grandmother used to live.
2 Thats the girl broke her leg on the school trip.
3 Thats the boy mobile phone was stolen on the bus.
4 Is that the bus goes to the city centre?
5 Heres a photo of the Italian boy helped us when we got lost in Rome.
6 I cant find the magazine I bought this morning. Score ___ / 6

2 Complete the indirect questions, commands and requests. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 Mum Are you going to the cinema? (ask)
Mum me if I .
2 Dad Dont forget your homework. (tell)
Dad me .
3 Mum Eat all your lunch. (tell)
Mum me .
4 John What time does the film start? (ask)
John me .
5 Grandad Can you turn off the television? (ask)
Grandad me if I .
6 Dad Dont stay out late. (tell)
Dad me .
7 John Can you lend me some money? (ask)
John me if I .
8 Mum Dont forget your keys. (tell)
Mum me . ___ / 8

3 Complete the question tags with the words below.


Mum Youre going to football practice after school tomorrow, 1 you?

Henry Yes, so I need to take my football boots, 2 I?
Mum Yes, but you wont need your sweatshirt, 3
you? Its very warm.
Henry Ive got a maths test tomorrow morning, 4 I
Mum Yes, so you should study lots of maths tonight, 5
Henry Yes. I cant stay up late tonight 6 I?
Mum No, you cant!  Score ___ / 6

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Test 3 Oxford University Press

Test 5 (units 2124) Name

1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 New computers (buy) for the school last year.
2 English (speak) by millions of people around the world.
3 Georges bike isnt in the garden! It (steal).
4 Solar energy (use) in many countries today.
5 Millions of emails (send) from computers and mobile phones every day. 

Score ___ / 5

2 Complete the conditional type 3 sentences. Use the verbs below.

be angry make an omelette go skiing get up earlier study harder

1 If it had snowed last week we .

2 Harry would have passed his exams if he .
3 My brother wouldnt have missed the train if he .
4 If Mum had bought more eggs Dad .
5 If Lucy had broken the computer her parents .
 Score ___ / 5

3 Circle the correct verb forms.

1 They have already eaten / ate the pizza.
2 My sister speaks perfect English. She has been living / is living in London for fifteen years.
3 I broke / was breaking my leg when I was ten years old.
4 My mum and dad always go / am going to bed late at the weekend.
5 Last night, Lily had been practising / has been practising the guitar for hours.
6 Mark is playing / was playing football when his mum phoned him.
7 We stayed late at school yesterday because we hadnt finished / didnt finish our Art project.
8 Celia is in her bedroom at the moment, she is doing / did her homework.
9 I enjoyed the concert. Julia said she was enjoying/had enjoyed the concert.
10 Lucy was having breakfast/had breakfast when the phone rang.

 Score ___ / 10

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Test 5 Oxford University Press

Exit test (all units) Name ______________________________

1 Circle the correct words.

1 My grandad often uses the internet and neither / so does my grandma.
2 Nicks dad told / said him to tidy his bedroom.
3 Lucia and Maria are best friends. They both / neither live in Madrid.
4 My sister is so / such kind. She always helps other people.
5 My parents let / make me play computer games, but only when Ive finished my homework.

 Score ___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

needs cutting had better good at as soon as mustnt

1 My brother is telling jokes. Hes really funny!

2 You feed the animals when you go to the zoo.
3 Ill call you I get to the hotel.
4 We finish our homework or our teacher will be angry!
5 Chips hair is really long. It .
Score ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

1 My dad usually television in the evenings.

2 Amanda already her sandwiches.
3 I lots of photos on holiday last year.
4 My sister is in her bedroom at the moment, shes her homework.
5 I a shower when someone knocked on the door.
6 I couldnt open the door yesterday because I my keys.
7 Susan was hot because she tennis for hours.
8 How long you English?
9 If I rich I would travel around the world.
If he had worked harder he his exams. Score ___ / 10

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar Three Exit test Oxford University Press

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