Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4 Instructions: Make A Mind Map With The Most Important Information of Each Unit

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Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4

Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

1.Many victims of identity theft dont know if for

six weeks (False) Loan officer
2.If you check your credit report, youll see Get a cashiers check
information about your money. (True) Security guard
3.You should check your credit report every three Teller
months (No information) Apply for a loan
4.Banks often look at your credit report after you
Account services
get a loan (False)
5.In the past, credit card companies charged $25 for desk
a credit report (no information) Teller window
6.You can get a free credit report once a month Accounts manager
(false) Open an account
7.The government provides credit reports for a fee 1.Dan has a savings account.
(False) 2.Hes saving money every day
8.If you buy a car, you will need a credit report (No 3.He works at the bank.
Unit 7. 4.Hes a teller at the bank
Buy now, pay later LIFE STORY 5.Dan doesnt ride the bus every
A: Im calling to report a problem on my credit
card bill. day
B: What seems to be the problem? 6.Dan is hoping to start school in
Q1: What does the caller have a problem with? September
His credit card bill
A: It says my balance is five thousand dollars.
Thats impossible 1.If Margarita has time, shell apply for a
B: Ill ask my supervisor to review the statement loan tomorrow.
Q2: Who will review the statement? The 2.If she gets the loan, shell buy a car.
supervisor 3.If she doesnt get the loan, she wont buy
A: How can I help you? that car.
A: Do I have to pay the $300 bill this month? B: I didnt receive my cell phone bill last 4.If she doesnt buy that car, she will buy a
B: No. Lets wait see. month. Can you send a new one? cheaper one.
Q3: How much is the bill? $300 Q5: What does the caller need? A new cell 5.Shell use all the money in her savings
phone bill account if she cant get a loan.
A: When will I receive a new statement?
A: When will your supervisor review the 6.She wont be happy if she has to use that
B: Youll get a new statement after we review the
problem? money
B: Shell look at it before next statement. 7.Shell be very happy if she gets the loan.
Q4: What will they do before they send the new
Q6: When will the caller get a new statement? 8.If she gets the loan, shell buy a car soon.
statement? Review the charges
After they review the problem
Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4
Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

Tv shopping
1.Lidia started taking vitamins recently (False) As is
2.Roberto eats five serving of vegetables every day Yard sale
(No information) Flea market
3.Studies say different things about taking vitamins
Online store
4.Its best to eat good food and exercise (True) On clearance
5.Doctors agree that its okay to take several On sale
vitamin pills every day (False) Thrift store
6.You should talk to your doctor about whats right
for you (True)
7.Lidia and Roberto are both doctors (no
information) 1.Ali saw the doctor last week
8.Taking a vitamin pill everyday probably wont 2.Ali needs to take care of his health.
hurt you (true) Unit 8. LIFE STORY 3.Ali is going to eat less ice cream
A: Im concerned about your blood pressure, Mr Satisfaction 4.Ali needs to walk for 30 minutes
Jones every day
B: I havent been getting much exercise recently. 5.Ali should take a vacation next
Q1: What is the doctor worried about? Shes
worried about his blood pressure.
6.Ali will see the doctor again in three
A: How often did you use to exercise?
B: I used to go to the gym every day
Q2: Where did he use to exercise? He used to
exercise at the gym
1.Jafar used to worry a lot
A: Why havent you been to the gym recently? A: Have you been getting enough exercise? 2.The doctor used to worry about Jafars
B: It was very expensive B: No, Ive been too tired health
Q3: Why hasnt he been to the gym? The gym is Q5: Why hasnt she been exercising enough?
very expensive
3.Jafar used to smoke.
Shes been tired 4.He used to eat salty food
A: Why dont you ride your bicycle to work 5.He didnt use to see his family often.
every day? A: Why dont you walk in the park after work? 6.Jafar used to work a lot
B: Ill give it a try 7.Now, Jafar relaxes more.
B: Good idea. Ill start tomorrow.
Q6: Is he going to take the doctors advice? Yes, 8.He didnt use to be happy.
Q4: When should she ride her bicycle to he is.
work? She should ride it every day
Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4
Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

Active lifestyle
1.You can usually drive a car for about 13 years Early detection
2.Many people sell their cars after three years (No
3.Car companies dont give warranties for used cars screenings
(False) Good nutrition
4.You need to write a report about the cars Dental
warranty (False)
5.A lemon check can tell you about problems you
cant see (True)
Yearly physicals 1.They took a road trip to San
6.When you have a warranty, you dont need to Prenatal care Francisco
worry about oil changes (False) 2.Their first stop was Pismo Beach
7.A lemon check will tell you the cars mileage 3.Everyones favorite part of the drive
(True) was Highway 1.
8.Most mechanics drive used cars (No information) Unit 9. 4.You can see the ocean from
Take care Highway 1.
A: Its a great car. Does it come with a warranty? 5.They spent two nights in San
B: Yes, Its a great price and it has a two-year Francisco
6.Its good advice to be careful on
Q1: How long is the warranty for? Its for two
Highway 1.

A: Do you like the blue car?

1.She went to the DMV after she bought the car
B: Yes, I do, but my wife likes the green one
2.She made an appointment before she went to the
Q2: Does she like the green car? Yes, she does
A: $10,000!!! Thats a lot of money
3.She went to a special line when she arrived at the
A: The white car is on sale now for $4,500 B: Im sure we can work something out.
B: $4500! Thats a great price DMV
Q5: What does the salesperson say? The price is
Q3: Does she like the price of the white car? Yes, flexible 4.Before they gave her a number, they checked for
she does her name
A: This is a great car! A: The price is $12,000 and the warranty is for six 5.She paid the fee after the clerk checked the form
B: But the mirror is broken and the glove months. 6.When they called her number, she went to the
compartment is too B: Hmmm The price is too high and the
Q4: Whats the matter with the car? The mirror warranty is too short.
Q6: What does the customer want? He wants a
7.She paid a fee after she completed a form.
and the glove compartment are broken.
lower price and a longer warranty. 8.Always make an appointment before you go to the
Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4
Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

1.Home inspection is an interesting job (True) Develop a plan

2.Home inspectors usually need a special license or
Implement the plan
certificate (True)
3.People usually call a home inspector after they Propose a solution
move into a new house (False) Identify a problem
4.Home inspectors can make people fix safety Discuss the issue
problems (False) Get approval
5.Home inspectors always work for the government
6.Home inspectors make a lot of money (No
7.Home inspectors check homes for safety problems 1.Who is Julie writing to? The
(True) manager
8.Home inspectors have to write reports (True)
2-How does Julie feel in her new
Unit 10. apartment? Safe
A: Okay, maam. Please tell me what happened. 3-What is broken? The cain lock
B: I saw a man break a car window and take Get involved LIFE STORY 4-What isnt working? The lights
something from the carQ1: What happened? A
5-When does she come home from
man took something from a car.
work? Late at night
6-What does she want the manager to
A: Id like to report a crime do? Install a new chain lock
B: Are you a witness? A: Yes, I am. I saw a
teenager painting words on the wall around the
1.Getting to know your neighbors is
park Q2: What did the witness see? A teenager important
painting words 2.Installing good lights will help you see
A: Thank you for reporting the crime, Mr
whos on the street
Lopez. Reporting crimes helps keep our city
A: Why were the police here? B: There was a 3.Locking your doors at night is smart
robbery at the store. They arrested a suspect and safe. B: No problem, officer. Im happy to
4.Fixing broken locks can save your house
took him away. Q3: What did the police do? They help Q5: Why does the police officer thank
5.Calling the police right away is important
arrested the suspect Mr. Lopez? Because he reported a crime
6.Having a neighborhood meeting was a
A: Did you lock the garage last night? good idea
A: Someone broke into your neighbors house?
B: I think so. Why? B: Yes, The window is broken, but my neighbor
7.Keeping the police phone number nearby
A: Someone took the can of white paint. isnt home from work yet. makes this easier
Q4: What did someone take? A can of white Q6: Why did she call the police? Someone broke 8.Stopping crime is important to TIm.
paint her neighbors windows.
Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4
Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

Scroll bar
1.Your lease tells you when to pay your rent. (True)
2.Your lease tells if you need to pay for utilities (True)
Search box
3.Your lease might tell you how long a family member Pointer
can visit you (True) Pull- down menu
4.Tenant rights are the same everywhere in the U.S Webpage
(False) Pop-up ads
5.Tenants usually have to take care of things they bring 1.Why is Naomi celebrating? Shes
to the rental (True)
URL box
graduating from high school
6.Landlords usually have to take care of the yard (No Links 2.What is the main idea of Aunt
information) Cursor Patricias letter? She cant come to the
7.Plumbing, heating, and air conditioning problems can
be safety problems (True)
8.In most states, a landlord can walk into your home 3.Why cant Aunt Patricia come to the
any time (False) graduation? Shes very busy at the

A: I got a letter from Brooks College today

Unit 11. office
Find It on the net 4.When is the graduation? June
B: What did it say? A: I got in! Im going to start
college in September B: Thats great news! Q1: 5.Why should Naomi Relax this
Why is she happy? Shes going to college in summer? Because shes going to work
September hard in the fall
6.What did Aunt Patricia give Naomi?
A: My son called me last night B: How is he Money
doing? A: Hes great. He just got a new job with
better pay. B: Thats terrific! Q2: Why is she 1.Different kinds of gifts are given at different
happy? Her son got a new job celebrations.
2.The bride are groom are registered at a department
A: I just talked to my boss. Im so happy!
B: Whats the good news? A: Mom! Michael and I got engaged last night! B:
3.Items for the house are chosen as wedding gifts.
A: I got a promotion. Im the manager now! Thats great news, dear! Are you happy? A: Oh,
4.The new mother is presented with baby clothes and
B: Thats fantastic! Lets celebrate tonight. yes. Im very happy. Q5: Whats the good news?
Q3: Whats the good news? He was promoted The daughter got engaged
5.The party is held before the baby is born
6.Money isnt usually given for adult birthday
A: I wont be able to come on the camping trip
A: What are you doing tomorrow? B: Im going to presents.
this summer. B: Ohm thats too bad. Why not? A:
a party for my father. Hes retiring. A: Oh, thats 7.You can bring flowers if you are asked to dinner.
good news. B: yes, hes very happy. Q4: What is Im having a baby. B: A baby! Congratulations!
8.Gifts are not exchanged on Thanks giving and 4th
she doing tomorrow? Shes going to a party Q6: Whats the bad news? She cant go camping
of July.
this summer.
Name: Diana Lizette Campos Martinez Level: 6 Unit 4
Instructions: Make a mind map with the most important information of each unit.

1.Many farm workers in California move from place to have a dream

place (true) Overcome adversity
2.The farm workers had terrible working environments 1.Why is volunteering a good
in the 1940s. (True)
Give back to the idea? It helps your community
3.The farm workers had small houses to stay houses to community 2.What do school volunteers do?
stay in while they worked (False) Win a scholarship Help teachers
4.The farm workers made only $5 a day (No information) Achieve a goal 3.Where are volunteers needed?
5.Cesar Chavez was a lawyer who wanted to help the Start a business At places that help people
farm workers (False)
4.Who might need a volunteer to
6.Chavez had heard about Martin Luther King (True)
7.Chavez organized a boycott of California fruits (true) write letters? Arts organizations
8.Eventually the farm workers got a pay raise (true) 5.How could a volunteer help the
city? Work at sports events
6.Who should you call to find
A: How can I help you? B: My hot water isnt
Unit 12 out about volunteer
working and my landlord wont fix it. A: Hold on. How did I do? opportunities? City hall
Ill let you speak to the lawyer. Q1: Whats the
problem? The landlord wont fix the hot water

A: What can I do for you? B: I want to bring my 1.Tricia wanted to meet her new neighbors.
daughter to this country A: Are you a citizen? B: 2.When she heard about the fair, she
No, but Im a resident. Q2: Whats the situation? A
decided to volunteer
resident wants to bring her daughter
3.She told the city that she didnt plan to sell
A: What can I do for you? B: My tenant hasnt paid anything
A: My landlord says I have to move out. B: Why? the rent for three months. A: Okay. Let me see any
A: I think he wants to give my apartment to his 4.She told the city that she hoped to help in
notices youve sent him. Q5: Whats the problem?
cousin. B: You should talk to a lawyer. Q3: Whats The tenant hasnt paid the rent for three months.
some way.
the problem? The landlord told her to move out 5.The fair organizers were very happy to
A: How can I help you? B: I bought a new hear from her.
A: How can I help you? B: Well, my mechanic
computer and it doesnt work. The company 6.Tricia agreed to come to a meeting.
charged me $600 dollars to fix my car, but the car
wants me to pay to have it fixed. A: That doesnt 7.In the end, she decided to work at the
isnt fixed, and he wont look at it again. A: Come
sounds right. Let me see your receipt Q4: Whats ticket table
into the office. Bring your repair bills and notes
the problem? His new computer doesnt work 8.Next year, she plans to serve food.
about any conversations youve had. Q6: What does
the lawyer want to see? The repair bills.

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