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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular

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Application of granular activated carbon/MnFe2O4 composite

immobilized on C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 to remove As(III) and As(V):
Kinetic, mechanistic and thermodynamic studies
M.S. Podder , C.B. Majumder
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main objective of the present study was to investigate the efciency of Corynebacterium glutamicum MTCC
Received 16 May 2015 2745 immobilized on granular activated carbon/MnFe2O4 (GAC/MnFe2O4) composite to treat high concentration
Received in revised form 7 July 2015 of arsenic bearing wastewater. Non-linear regression analysis was done for determining the best-t kinetic
Accepted 11 August 2015
model on the basis of three correlation coefcients and three error functions and also for predicting the param-
Available online 24 August 2015
eters involved in kinetic models. The results showed that Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order model for As(III) and
BrouserWeronSototlongo as well as Fractal-like pseudo second order models for As(V) were procient to
Arsenic provide realistic description of biosorption/bioaccumulation kinetic. Applicability of mechanistic models in the
Wastewater current study exhibited that the rate governing step in biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and
Simultaneous biosorption and bioaccumulation As(V) was lm diffusion rather than intraparticle diffusion. The evaluated thermodynamic parameters G0,
Kinetic H0 and S0 revealed that biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) was feasible, spontaneous
Mechanistic and exothermic under studied conditions.
Thermodynamic 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction1 maintaining a good quality of fresh water resources, this wastewater

must be treated so that the water can be reverted to the ecosystems.
Arsenic is a well-known carcinogen, which is considered as one of The anthropogenic discharge of heavy metals makes public health com-
the world's most hazardous chemicals [1]. It is a common naturally plications because of their toxicity, non-biodegradability and persis-
occurring element in nature and is a major pollutant of water bodies. tence in the environment. Billions of people are affected by lethal
It can be originated in the earth's crust, marine and ground water as effect of arsenic in Bangladesh and West Bengal in India [2,8,9]. Arsenic
well as in the organic world. It is mobilized through a combination of ions exist in ground and surface waters in both organic and inorganic
natural processes, such as biological activity, volcanic emissions and forms, the inorganic species being the major ones. It may exist both in
weathering reactions [2,3] other than through a variety of anthropogen- + 3 (Arsenite (As(III))) and + 5 (Arsenate (As(V))) oxidation states
ic activities including petroleum rening, gold mining, non-ferrous depending on the prevailing pH and redox conditions. As(III) is more
smelting, electricity generation, treating wood, producing electronic toxic in biological systems than As(V) [10].
devices and glass, combustion of fossil fuel in power plants, manufactur- Although arsenic is poisonous to animals and plants, inorganic arse-
ing copper and other metals, the usage of arsenical herbicides and nic species are robust carcinogenic for humans [11]. The human
pesticides and producing agricultural fertilizers [46]. Copper smelting poisonousness of arsenic varies from skin lesions to cancer of the lung,
creates a huge volume of wastewater containing large amounts of inor- kidney, stomach, liver and brain. Intake of arsenic causes disturbance
ganic compounds, such as heavy metals like lead, copper, zinc, iron, of nervous system functions and can lead to death [12]. Because of
cadmium, bismuth, etc. and highly carcinogenic metalloid like arsenic these effects, the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of arsenic in
species and poses a serious threat towards man and the ora and drinking water has been revised to 10 g/L from 50 g/L by the World
fauna of our ecosystem contaminating the natural water tables (ground Health Organization (WHO) in 1993 [13] and the European Commission
water and surface water) in the vicinity. In copper smelting wastewater in 2003 [14].
concentration of arsenic is as high as 1979 mg/L [7]. With the aim of Conventional methods for removing As(III) and As(V) ions from
water and wastewater include oxidation/precipitation [15,16], Fe-
electrocoagulation/co-precipitation [17,18], reverse osmosis and
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: mou.chem11@gmail.com (M.S. Podder), cbmajumder@gmail.com
nanoltration [19,20], ion-exchange resin [21,22], coagulation
(C.B. Majumder). microltration [23] and adsorption [9,24]. However few drawbacks of
GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (MGAC). these methods have been observed, such as operational complexity,

1386-1425/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 299

the discarding of the residual metal sludge, high capital and operational [43]; Zhang et al. have prepared CuFe2O4/activated carbon to adsorb
cost, low efciency and other complications and are not appropriate for and catalytically degrade acid orange II [45]; Yang et al. have employed
small-scale industries [25,26] which has urged for an alternative magnetic Fe3O4/activated carbon nanocomposite particles for the
process. So there is an emergent requirement for the improvement of removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution [53]; Gong et al.
unique, effective, eco-friendly and cost effective approach for the have synthesized magnetic multi-wall carbon nanotube nanocomposite
remediation of the environmental contaminants. as adsorbent for the removal of cationic dyes [54].
In recent times the researchers have focused on biolms in the arena Corynebacterium glutamicum MTCC 2745 species is of specic
of bioremediation of heavy metals. The term biolm was invented and attention due to its high capability for bioremediation. Bacteria can
dened by Costerton et al. [27]. Biolms are mainly clusters of microbial depollute arsenic wastewater, by accumulation outside the cells and/
cells that are attached to a number of various surfaces, such as living or biosorption of the ion on their surface [55] as was dened earlier
tissues, medical devices, natural aquatic and soil environments or for Escherichia coli [56] and Ralstonia eutropha [57]. C. glutamicum
industrial or portable water piping systems [28,29]. It can be demarcat- MTCC 2745 does not have an outer membrane, it contains a typical
ed as an aggregation of algae, protozoa, bacteria and fungi surrounded cell-surface S-layer formed by a protein encoded by cspB [58].
in a matrix including a mixture of polymeric compounds, mainly poly- Certainly biosorbents are considerably efcient for scavenging heavy
saccharides commonly stated as extracellular polymeric substances metals from aqueous phase. Consequently the main aim of the present
(EPS). Microbial community has been observed to be protected from investigation was to design a procient metal ion eliminating system
environmental stresses using biolms [28,30,31]. mediated by immobilized bacterial cells. The removal system of metal
Bacteria can create macromolecules, recognized as EPS which is vital ion designed in the present investigation was called as simultaneous
in the development of biolms [3234]. ESP mainly consists of biosorption and bioaccumulation (SBB) system.
polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, humic substances or nucleic acids Arsenic removal efciency of bacteria improves when it is
which comprise numerous functional groups for example the phospho- immobilized on a solid support like GAC [6]. Mondal et al. reported
ric, hydroxyl, amine and carboxyl groups [32,35]. Among various the bio-removal of arsenic from contaminated water by using
functions of ESP in biosorption processes, the most important ones are R. eutropha MTCC 2487 and activated carbon in a batch reactor. They
adhesion to cell surfaces and accumulation of elements from the observed simultaneous adsorption bioaccumulation (SABA) when
environment [35,36]. However, the batch adsorption of contaminants fresh GAC was used as supporting media for bacterial immobilization
and probable withdrawing from the reactor are two main difculties [59]. Mishra et al. has designed the simultaneous biosorption and bioac-
of biolm that decrease the efciency and cause operational prob- cumulation (SBB) batch system for the removal of Zn(II) ion from liquid
lems [35,37,38]. Thus a supported media for biolm can be benecial phase. Cedrus deodara sawdust was used as carrier to immobilize Zinc
to overcome the above difculties. Numerous natural and synthetic sequestering bacteria VMSDCM accession number HQ108109 [60].
materials have been employed as supporting materials for bacterial In the present investigation, GAC/MnFe2O4 composite having the
biolms. Among the many media, materials with a porous structure benets of desired adsorption capacity could be used as an economical
and high adsorption afnity to contaminants and biolm would be a and promising carrier because of its higher porosity, surface area, easy
proper substitute. obtainability and cost efciency and C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 could
In the heterogeneous systems, the choice of the support is denitely be used for the formation of biolm due to its arsenic resistance proper-
very vital for the development of a good catalyst and activated carbon ty. Finally the immobilized bacterial cells were used to remove a wide
(AC) has been mainly utilized for this purpose since the 1970s [39]. range of arsenic.
Owing to its high surface area, special surface reactivity and porous The goals of the current research, divided into six parts, were 1) to
structure, activated carbon, it can efciently adsorb gases and com- characterize the prepared fresh adsorbent (GAC/MnFe2O4 composite)
pounds dispersed or dissolved in liquids [4043]. In the water treatment and adsorbent attached with biolm before and after metal loading
arena, activated carbon is widely utilized as an adsorbent for the with SEM-EDX, 2) to examine the inuence of contact time in addition
removal of arsenic [24,44]. This adsorbent is highly inert and thermally to temperature for removal of As(III) and As(V) from synthetically
stable and it can be utilized over a wide pH range [45] and moreover, prepared copper smelting wastewater, 3) to estimate the kinetics and
activated carbon can easily be functionalized [46]. mechanism of present biosorption/bioaccumulation process, 4) to
MnFe2O4, a familiar soft material, has outstanding chemical stability investigate the thermodynamics of biosorption/bioaccumulation pro-
and frequently controls the concentration of free metal and organic cess to nd the mechanism, 5) to study the impact of initial arsenic con-
matter in water or soil through adsorption reactions [4749]. GAC is centration onto the kinetics of biosorption/bioaccumulation and 6) to
rich in hydroxyl groups. The hydroxyl groups can offer chemical explore the effect of temperature onto the kinetics of biosorption/
reaction sites and adsorb iron and manganese ions to grow MnFe2O4 bioaccumulation.
particles. In this present research the GAC has been used as template,
MnFe2O4 particles have been grown and a composite of GAC and
MnFe2O4 particles has been made. The reason may be that the template 2. Materials and methods
can prevent MnFe2O4 particles from aggregating in adsorption process
and enhance the effective adsorption area, resulting in the highly en- 2.1. Materials
hancement of adsorption capacity. A similar nding has been found
out for the loading of Fe3O4 on pure wheat straw [50]. The composite All the chemicals and reagents were of analytical reagent grade and
has BET high surface area compared to GAC. GAC can also remove utilized devoid of additional renement. Standards, matrix modier and
arsenic, but to increase the adsorption capacity of GAC, it was modied wash solutions were prepared by deionised double distilled water. The
with MnFe2O4. stock solutions of As(III) (1000 mg/L) and As(V) (1000 mg/L) were
Zhang et al. have reported that bimetal oxide magnetic nano- prepared by dissolving 1.734 g of sodium arsenite (NaAsO2) and
materials (MnFe2O4 and CoFe2O4) were synthesized and characterized 4.16 g of sodium arsenate (Na2HAsO4, 7H2O), purchased from Himedia
and used for scavenging of As(III) and As(V) [51]. Parsons et al. reported Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai India, in 1 L of double distilled water,
the capability of the Fe3O4, Mn3O4, and MnFe2O4 nanophases for scav- respectively. All other necessary chemicals used in the experiments,
enging As(III) and As(V) from aqueous solutions [52]. Oliveira et al. were purchased from Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai India.
have synthesized an activated carbon/iron oxide magnetic composites Glassware utilized for experimental purposes was washed in 10% nitric
for the adsorption of volatile organic compounds such as chloroform, acid and rinsed with deionised water for removing any probable
phenol, chlorobenzene and drimaren red dye from aqueous solution interference by other metals.
300 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

2.2. Microorganism and growth medium (MnCl2) (0.025 mol) at room temperature. The amount of acid treated
GAC was xed for acquiring GAC/MnFe2O4 mass ratios of 2:1. The solution
The microorganism utilized was the arsenic-resistant bacterium temperature was raised to 60 C under energetic magnetic stirring and
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 (Microbial Type Culture Collection and then 5 mol/L of NaOH solution was added drop wise to the above mixture
Gene Bank (MTCC), Chandigarh, India). Culture media was prepared till the pH of the solution attained 11. Thereafter next 1 h agitation was
as per the guidelines of microbial type cell culture (MTCC). Composition carried on. Then the suspension was heated in a water bath at 100 C
of growth medium and cultivation conditions are exhibited in Table 1. for 4 h. After cooling, the prepared composite was constantly washed
with double distilled water for eliminating the contaminations (e.g.,
2.3. Acclimatization Na+, Cl) accompanied with the processes. Next as-prepared composite
was collected from the washed solution by ltering the mixture and
The revived culture was initially grown in MTCC prescribed growth then was oven dried at 110 C. The reaction ionic equation [62] is as
media in a 250 mL round bottom ask tightly closed with cotton plug follows:
as follows:
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 was cultivated in 250 mL ask containing Mn2 2Fe3 8OH MnOH2 2FeOH3 MnFe2 O4 4H2 O
100 mL of the growth media with As(III) and As(V). The cultures were 1
acclimatized to As(III) and As(V) individually by exposing the culture
in a series of shake asks. MnFe2 O4 GACGACMnFe2 O4 : 2
The bacterial inoculum was prepared by transferring a loop full of
bacterial culture from the nutrient agar tubes to the ask containing
sterilized growth media, incubated at 30 C for 24 h with moderate ag- 2.4.2. Immobilization of microbial cells onto the adsorbent
itation in an incubator cum orbital shaker. Then the acclimatization of To immobilize C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 onto the prepared GAC/
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 in arsenic environment was carried out as MnFe2O4 composite, initially 90 mL culture media was inoculated
follows: with 5 mL of bacterial suspension of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 from
After 24 h the synthetic medium in the ask had turned milky both As(III) and As(V) acclimatized 24 h old culture. The asks were
specifying signicant bacterial growth in the ask. Appropriate amount incubated at 30 C for another 24 h with moderate shaking at
of arsenic (As(III) or As(V)) was added into the ask having 100 mL 120 rpm. Then immobilization of bacterial cell was performed by adding
sterilized growth media to acquire a concentration of 50 mg/L of arsenic. weighed amount of prepared GAC/MnFe2O4 composite to the above
Initially the growth of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 was inhibited and the suspension containing 24 h old culture. Then the asks were again incu-
growth started after 2 h. After 24 h of incubation at 30 C, 5 mL of the bated at 30 C for next 24 h with moderate shaking at 120 rpm. Bacterial
arsenic resistant bacterial inoculum was periodically added in a series cell immobilization was established by observing a small amount of
of 250 mL asks containing 100 mL of arsenic containing sterilized bacterial treated GAC/MnFe2O4 composite through scanning electron
growth media (As(III) or As(V) concentration, 100, 200, 500, 800, microscopy.
1000, 1200, 1500 and 1800 mg/L) under sterile conditions in a laminar
hood chamber. After 24 h later, another fresh growth media (As(III) or 2.4.3. Characterization
As(V) concentration, 2000 mg/L) was also inoculated with 5 mL of the The measurements of SEM were done for observing the surface
last culture (As(III) or As(V) concentration, 1800 mg/L) to ensure that morphologies of the GAC/MnFe2O4 composite attached with biolm
the bacteria was already adapted to both As(III) or As(V). For inoculum, before and after biosorption/bioaccumulation process (SEM; LEO
a further sub culturing was performed and all the inoculum transfers electron Microscopy, England). The images were taken with an acceler-
were done in exponential phase (OD value 1 at 600 nm). ator voltage = 15 kV and an emission current = 100 A by the Tungsten
2.4. Methods
2.4.4. Batch experimental studies and analytical methods
2.4.1. Adsorbent preparation A medium with 1.0 g/L of beef extract and 2.0 g/L of yeast extract,
Granular activated carbon (GAC) was washed systematically with 5.0 g/L of peptone and 5.0 g/L of NaCl was used for the growth of the
double distilled water and oven dried at 105 C for 4 h. 25 g of dried microorganism. The media was sterilized at 121 C for 15 min, cooled
GAC was added into 500 mL conical ask containing 250 mL of 0.5 M to room temperature, inoculated with bacteria and kept at 30 C for
HCl solution; next was shaken for 4 h at 120 rpm at 25 C. Then the 24 h with moderate stirring (120 rpm) in an incubator cum orbital
mixture was left overnight. The mixture then was ltered to separate shaker. All biosorption/bioaccumulation experiments were done by
GAC which were repeatedly washed with double distilled water to shaking optimum adsorbent dose of 0.9 g/L of the GAC/MnFe2O4
provide neural pH. Then the adsorbents were dried at 110 C for 3 h composite with 100 mL of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 bacterial
for removing moisture, cooled to room temperature and kept in plastic suspension as a test solution and required amount of arsenic (As(III)
bags for further use. or As(V)) was supplemented to give nal concentration As(III) or
GAC/MnFe2O4 composites were prepared by chemical coprecipitation As(V) of requisite concentration, at an optimum initial pH value around
method with few modications [61]. In this procedure, a xed quantity of 7.0 and at a preferred temperature in an incubator cum orbital shaker
acid treated GAC was mixed into 200 mL solution containing dissolved (REMI Laboratory instruments) at 120 rpm. 1.0 N NaOH and 1.0 N HCl
ferric (III) chloride (FeCl3) (0.05 mol) and manganese (II) chloride solutions were used to adjust the initial pH of the solution using a digital
pH meter (HACH India).
Table 1 To investigate the biosorption/bioaccumulation kinetics, batch ex-
Composition of growth medium and cultivation conditions. periments were conducted by contacting an optimum adsorbent dose
Component (g/L) or condition (0.9 g/L) of the GAC/MnFe2O4 composite with As(III) or As(V) solution
of a xed concentration (50 mg/L) at a constant temperature (30 C)
Beef extract 1.0
Yeast extract 2.0 at a range of contact time (5500 min).
Peptone 5.0 To examine the impact of temperature onto biosorption/bioaccumu-
NaCl 5.0 lation, batch experiments were done by contacting an optimum adsor-
pH 7.0 bent dose (0.9 g/L) of the GAC/MnFe2O4 composite with As(III) or
Temperature (C) 30
As(V) solution of a xed concentration (50 mg/L) at an optimum
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 301

contact time of 220 min at a range of temperatures (20, 25, 30, 40, 45 The adjusted coefcient of determination R2 which generally takes
and 50 C). into account the number of variables and sample size in the model, is
To study the inuence of initial concentration onto the kinetics of deliberated superior to the coefcient of determination (R2), since it
biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) by revises the overestimation by R2 [68]. While dealing with small samples,
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on GAC/MnFe2O4 composite, specically it is more exact than R2.
all batch experiments were performed by agitating 0.9 g/L of GAC/
MnFe2O4 composite with 100 mL of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 bacterial
suspension as a test solution supplemented with required amount of ar- 3.2. Adsorption kinetic modelling
senic (As(III) or As(V)) to give nal concentration As(III) or As(V) of 50,
100, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/L at a constant temperature (30 C). With the purpose of inspecting the dynamic biosorption behaviour
To examine the effect of temperature onto the kinetics of biosorption/ of As(III) and As(V) onto GAC/MnFe2O4 composite i.e., governing the
bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) by C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 current biosorption process mechanisms and the probable rate limiting
immobilized on GAC/MnFe2O4 composite, 0.9 g/L GAC/MnFe2O4 compos- steps, such as mass transport and/or chemical biosorption processes,
ite was added to each round bottom asks containing 50 mg/L kinetic models have been utilized for tting the experimental data.
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 culture media as a test solution of As(III) or Fourteen kinetic models (Table 2) were employed in the current
As(V). Experiments were conducted at three temperatures (30, 40 and research supposing that concentrations on the adsorbent surface are
50 C) by shaking the asks. equal to the measured concentrations.
The samples were withdrawn from the asks through ltration by There are many models for kinetics of biosorption at the interface of
Whatman Filter paper (Cat No 1001 125) (Remi Instruments ltd., solid/solution. Fractional power model (FP), pseudo rst order (PFO)
Mumbai India) after xed contact time for thermodynamic studies as and pseudo second order (PSO) are common empirical models, howev-
well as at predetermined time intervals and then centrifuged at er their major drawback is that they may simply dene the kinetics of
10,000 rpm for 10 min for kinetic studies, a portion of ltrate was adsorption at some restrictive situations [69]. Elovich is a two paramet-
diluted with HNO3 solution (10%, v/v). The ltrate was analysed for ric semi-empirical model and fractional power (FP), Ritchie second
determination of arsenic concentration using ThermoFisher Scientic order and exponential (EXP) kinetic models are two parametric empir-
iCE 3000 Series AA graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAA) ical models to analyse kinetic data at near to equilibrium. As well other
spectrometer (detection limit 20 g/L). empirical models for instance Avrami, modied pseudo second order
(MPSO) and mixed 1,2 order model (MOE) equations have been recom-
3. Theoretical background mended for modelling the adsorption kinetics at the interface of solid/
solution. These models are mainly three parametric equations.
With the goal of assessing biosorption capacity by mass balance, The prior kinetic models of adsorption at the interface of solid/solution
detailed as the amount of adsorbate molecules adsorbed per unit mass can be generalized by taking into consideration the Fractal-like methodol-
of biosorbent at time t (mg/g) was calculated as follows: ogy i.e., time dependence of adsorption rate coefcient. A physical
signicance of the Fractal-like idea has been considered for adsorption
V kinetics onto surfaces of solid that is energetically heterogeneous. The
qt C o C t : 3
M Fractal-like study exhibits that the kinetics of adsorption at interface of
the solid/solution in a real system with various kinds of surface sites
The amount of adsorbate molecules adsorbed in terms of percentage and with various afnities for adsorption can be demarcated by a
was calculated as follows: Fractal-like methodology. Based on this study, the history of process can
inuence the process besides the achieved rate coefcient of adsorption
C o C t
Re %  100 4
Co Table 2
Kinetic adsorption models.
where C0 and Ct are arsenic concentrations at time 0 and t (mg/L), Sr. Kinetic model Equation
respectively, V is the volume of the solution (mL) and M is the mass of no.
biosorbent used (g). 1 Fractional power model (FP) qt = kFPtv
2 Pseudo rst order model qt = qe(1 exp(kPFOt))
3.1. Determining adsorption kinetic parameters by non-linear regression (PFO)
3 Pseudo second order model q2 k
qt 1qe PSO
kPSO t
The kinetic parameter sets are computed by non-linear regression
4 Elovich model qt 2:3  log t1 2:3  log aE1bE
because of the inherent bias causing after linearization. This offers a bE aE bE bE
5 Avrami model qt qe 1expkAV t
mathematically laborious method to evaluate kinetic parameters utiliz-
6 Modied second order qt qe f1 k
0 g
ing the original kinetic equation [6365]. Commonly GaussNewton model (MSO)
t 2R 2R

methods or LevenbergMarquardt based algorithms [66,67] are 7 Ritchie second order model qt qe f1 1
1k2R t
utilized. The biosorption kinetic data of arsenic onto C. glutamicum 8 Exponential kinetic model qt = qe(ln[2.72 1.72 exp(kEXP
MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite were (EXP)
analysed by non-linear curve tting analysis utilizing professional 9 Mixed 1,2 order model 1expkMOE t
qt qe 1 f expkMOE t
graphics software package OriginPro (8.5.1 version) for tting the 0
10 Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order qe 1expk1;0 t 
kinetic models. qt 0
1 f eq expk1;0 t
model (FMOE)
The optimization method requires the selection of a Goodness-of-Fit 11 Fractal-like pseudo rst t ))
qt = qe(1 exp(kFPFO
Measure (GoFM) with the purpose of valuing the tting of the kinetics order model (FPFO)
12 Fractal-like pseudo second q2 k t
to the experimental data. In the present research, six GoFM (residual qt 1e k0FPSOq
PSO e t
order (FPSO)
sum of squares (SSE), reduced Chi-square test (reduced 2), coefcient
13 Fractal-like exponential qt = qe ln[2.72 1.72 exp(kExpt)]
of determination (R2), adjusted R-square R2 , R value (R) and Root-MSE (FEXP)
h i
14 BrouserWeronSototlongo 1=nBWS 1
value) were employed for evaluating isotherm parameters utilizing the qt qe 11 nBWS 1n t

model (BWS)
OriginPro software by considering 95% condence interval.
302 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

is a function of time (the details of adsorption kinetic modelling are

provided in the Supplementary materials).

3.3. Adsorption mechanistic modelling

The scavenging of adsorbate species from the liquid by the solid

phase is taken place in three successive steps as follows [7072]. The
three stages tangled in the mechanism of biosorption process are as
(i) Firstly the adsorbate mass transfer from the aqueous phase onto
the biosorbent surface i.e., lm diffusion or surface diffusion
takes place;
(ii) Secondly internal diffusion of adsorbate via either a pore
diffusion model or homogeneous solid phase diffusion model
i.e., particle diffusion occurs; and
(iii) The third stage is the biosorption of adsorbate onto the surface
sites. Due to its very fast in nature, it cannot be considered for
the rate determining step.
Fig. 1. Effect of contact time on As(III) and As(V) removal in SBB studies (Co: 50 mg/L; T:
30 C; pH: 7; M: 0.9 g/L) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean
of duplicate experiments).
So as to know the rate controlling step, the following different
models were applied using the experimental data of kinetic study (the
details of adsorption mechanistic modelling are provided in the From the consequences it is further clear that in all the systems, the
Supplementary materials). saturation time does not depend on the adsorbate concentration in the
solution. The variation in the rate of removal might be because of the
3.4. Adsorption thermodynamic modelling fact that primarily all sites of adsorbent surfaces attached with biolm
are easily accessible and also the concentration gradient of adsorbate
The entropy and Gibbs free energy parameters should be measured is very high. At optimum pH, the fast kinetics of interaction of
with the intention of deciding if the processes will happen spontaneous- adsorbateadsorbent attached with biolm might be approved to
ly. Thermodynamic parameters for example G0, H0 and S0 can be raise availability of the active sites of the adsorbent surface attached
calculated utilizing equilibrium constant while the temperature varies with biolm. Thus the elimination of adsorbate was rapid in the early
(the details of adsorption thermodynamic modelling are provided in stages and slowly lessens with the interval of time till equilibrium in
the Supplementary materials). each case. The decline in elimination of metal ion at the later stage of
the process was because of the lowering of concentration of metal
3.5. Adsorption activation energy ions [60]. Thus the curves obtained were single, smooth and continuous
leading to equilibrium and commended the probability of monolayer
The Arrhenius equation to calculate adsorption activation energy is coverage of the adsorbate onto the adsorbent surface attached with
given as follows [73,74]: biolm [76].

Ea 4.2. Biosorption kinetic studies

ln kPSO lnA: 5
Data on the kinetics of adsorbate uptake is important to recognize
From the slope of ln kPSO versus 1/T plot, the value of Ea can be the optimum operating conditions for full scale batch process. As a
calculated. The magnitude of activation energy may provide knowledge non-linearisable kinetic model and with the objective of comparing its
about the nature of adsorption. Chemical adsorption is denite plus tting capability to the previous considered models, a non-linear re-
includes forces much stronger than in physical adsorption. The activa- gression analysis was accomplished to the fourteen adsorption kinetic
tion energy for chemical adsorption is of the same magnitude as the model. Table 3 shows the values of kinetic constants of all the models
heat of chemical reactions. There are two types of chemical adsorption for the biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) by
are faced; activated (less regularly) and non-activated. Activated C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4
chemical adsorption refers that the rate differs with temperature composite. The results exhibited that there was no prominent relation-
according to nite activation energy (between 8.4 and 83.7 kJ/mol) in ship between the kinetic data for both As(III) and As(V) (Fig. 2) with
the Arrhenius equation (high Ea). But chemisorption happens quite low correlation coefcients and high error values advising that these
fast in some systems, signifying the activation energy is near zero. This models (fractional power, pseudo rst order, Elovich and exponential)
is called non-activated chemisorption [75]. are not appropriate in the current case.
Since the values of correlation coefcients (R, R2 and R2) were almost
4. Results and discussion similar to each other in the kinetic study, so the best t model was
mainly determined on the basis of error functions (SSE, reduced 2
4.1. Effect of contact time and Root-MSE).
On the basis of the lowest error values SSE (3.56104), reduced 2
Fig. 1 represents the effect of contact time on the % removal of As(III) (0.09892) and Root-MSE (0.31451), the superior and perfect tting of
and As(V) using immobilized bacterium. The time important to reach the experimental outcomes was achieved using Fractal-like mixed 1,2
equilibrium was 220 min for removal of both As(III) and As(V). Further order (Fig. 2(a)(b)) for As(III) among all the tested kinetic models.
increase in time, no remarkable improvements was got in eliminating The analysis of experimental data with Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order
arsenic. So, 220 min contact time was taken for further biosorption/bio- model leads to various consequences such as adsorption rate is
accumulation studies. enhanced by improving , where f2 and k1,0 have constant values,
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 303

Table 3
Kinetic constants of studied models for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite.

Kinetic models Parameters Values for As(III) Values for As(V)

Fractional power kFP (mg/g min) 24.10939 25.46912

v 0.13204 0.13057
Reduced 2 10.29217 8.90752
SSE 391.10243 338.48578
R 0.95295 0.96194
R2 0.90811 0.92533
R2 0.90569 0.92336
Root-MSE 3.20814 2.98455
Pseudo rst order kPFO (1/min) 0.05776 0.0586
qe(PFO) (mg/g) 49.19755 51.49754
Reduced 2 4.97144 6.94063
SSE 188.91467 263.74413
R 0.97756 0.97047
R2 0.95561 0.94182
R2 0.95445 0.94028
Root-MSE 2.22967 2.63451
Pseudo second order qe(PSO) (mg/g) 52.26883 54.64374
kPSO (g/mg min) 0.00185 0.00182
Reduced 2 0.57964 0.79677
SSE 22.02645 30.2771
R 0.99741 0.99665
R2 0.99482 0.99332
R2 0.99469 0.99314
Root-MSE 0.76134 0.89262
Elovich aE (mg/g min) 93.11319 109.93941
bE (g/mg) 0.16391 0.15911
Reduced 2 6.96123 5.77563
SSE 264.52684 219.47385
R 0.96843 0.97549
R2 0.93785 0.95158
R2 0.93621 0.95031
Root-MSE 2.63841 2.40325
Avrami kAV (1/min) 0.05808 0.05927
qe(Avrami) (mg/g) 50.82907 53.67186
nAV 0.58031 0.53086
Reduced 2 0.93682 0.6842
SSE 34.66238 25.31546
R 0.99592 0.9972
R2 0.99186 0.99442
R2 0.99142 0.99411
Root-MSE 0.9679 0.82716
Modied second order qe(MSO) (mg/g) 52.28508 54.70328
2R 1.00634 1.02072
k2R (1/min) 0.09596 0.09743
Reduced 2 0.59204 0.78224
SSE 21.90557 28.94301
R 0.99742 0.9968
R2 0.99485 0.99361
R2 0.99458 0.99327
Root-MSE 0.76944 0.88445
Ritchie second order qe(Ritchie) (mg/g) 52.26876 54.64339
k2R (1/min) 0.09649 0.09928
Reduced 2 0.57964 0.79677
SSE 22.02645 30.2771
R 0.99741 0.99665
R2 0.99482 0.99332
R2 0.99469 0.99314
Root-MSE 0.76134 0.89262
Exponential kEXP (mg/g min) 2.057292188 2.187552478
qe(EXP) (mg/g) 49.46603 51.77639
Reduced 2 3.33754 4.74202
SSE 126.82661 180.19661
R 0.98499 0.97992
R2 0.9702 0.96025
R2 0.96942 0.9592
Root-MSE 1.82689 2.17762
Mixed 1,2 order kMOE (1/min) 0.000739696 0.000188491
qe(MOE) (mg/g) 52.07541 54.58995
f2 0.99236 0.9981
Reduced 2 0.59588 0.81842
SSE 22.04744 30.28138
R 0.99741 0.99665

(continued on next page)

304 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

Table 3 (continued)

Kinetic models Parameters Values for As(III) Values for As(V)

R2 0.99482 0.99332
R2 0.99454 0.99296
Root-MSE 0.77193 0.90466
Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order qe(FMOE) (mg/g) 21.98568 54.4563
f2 0 0.90666
k1,0 (1/min) 0.11922 0.01453
(FMOE) 0.6454 0.82064
Reduced 2 0.09892 0.52563
SSE 3.56104 18.92274
R 0.99815 0.99791
R2 0.99631 0.99583
R2 0.996 0.99548
Root-MSE 0.31451 0.725
Fractal-like pseudo rst order qe(FPFO) (mg/g) 50.82573 53.66859
kFPFO (1/min) 0.19142 0.22288
(FPFO) 0.5809 0.53123
Reduced 2 0.93684 0.68421
SSE 34.66312 25.31588
R 0.99592 0.9972
R2 0.99186 0.99442
R2 0.99142 0.99411
Root-MSE 0.96791 0.82717
Fractal-like pseudo second order qe(FPSO) (mg/g) 52.59856 55.98921
kFPSO (g/mg min) 0.00205 0.00255
(FPSO) 0.95692 0.85316
Reduced 2 0.57297 0.52004
SSE 21.19986 19.24144
R 0.99751 0.99788
R2 0.99502 0.99576
R2 0.99475 0.99553
Root-MSE 0.75695 0.72114
Fractal-like exponential qe(FEXP) (mg/g) 50.80382 53.63717
kEXP (1/min) 0.072089307 0.078429109
(FEXP) 0.66737 0.61139
Reduced 2 0.90569 0.66432
SSE 33.51062 24.57997
R 0.99606 0.99729
R2 0.99213 0.99458
R2 0.9917 0.99428
Root-MSE 0.95168 0.81506
BrouserWeronSototlongo nBWS, (min) 33.32289 10.91125
qe(BWS) (mg/g) 52.44661 55.34186
nBWS 0.588 1.72463
(BWS) 0.32741 0.76907
Reduced 2 3.21353 0.52437
SSE 115.68691 18.87715
R 0.98632 0.99792
R2 0.97282 0.99584
R2 0.97055 0.99549

adsorption rate is increased when k1,0 is increased when and f2 have Going to the theory behind the best tting model (i.e., BWS), the
constant values and for = 1, the Fractal-like rate equation alter to the biosorption/bioaccumulation phenomenon of both As(III) and
corresponding classical form. The rate of adsorption was detected As(V) onto C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/
reliant on rate of agitation and initial concentration of adsorbate MnFe2O4 composite would be ruled by chemisorption interactions
solution. Variations of agitation rate or initial adsorbate concentration type, illuminating that the rate governing step might be chemical
inuences instantaneously on both and k1,0 parameters in kinetic adsorption including valency forces through exchange or sharing of
models. The value of is reduced while rate of agitation or initial electrons between As(III) or As(V) anions and C. glutamicum MTCC
adsorbate concentration are raised. k1,0 is raised by increasing agitation 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. Also the
rate or initial adsorbate concentration. BWS model expresses another remarkable data which is the time
Whereas for As(V), on the basis of the lowest error values SSE important to adsorb half the maximum amount (nBWS,).
(18.87715), BrouserWeronSototlongo kinetic model t well with As presented in Table 3, with respect to initial arsenic concentration,
the experimental data compared to the other kinetic models, however 33.32289 min and 10.91125 min (the lowest value) were enough to
based on the lowest error values reduced 2 (0.52004) and Root-MSE C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4
(0.72114), the better and perfect demonstration of the experimental composite to achieve half of the As(III) and As(V) uptake capacities,
results was accomplished using Fractal-like pseudo second order kinetic respectively, which is signicant along with valuable parameter for
model (Fig. 2) among all the well-known kinetic models. Following the calculating the reaction speed.
adsorption kinetic data with the Fractal-like pseudo second order model As for the BSW model itself, it has a good tting behaviour and more
species that the adsorption rate coefcient is a function of time; addi- implicitly, it expresses such quality data (i.e., adsorption capacity
tionally the adsorption path on the active site varies with time [77]. nearest to experimental value, qe(BWS), and the time of half reaction,
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 305

Fig. 2. Kinetic modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5500 min; Co: 50
mg/L; M: 0.9 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

nBWS,) which are very esteemed aimed at industrial treatment design showed that by passing time, various paths for adsorption of As(III)
purposes [78]. and As(V) on surface appears.
Based on low error values (SSE, reduced 2 and Root-MSE) it can be
conrmed that other kinetic models, such as pseudo second order,
Avrami, mixed 1,2 order, modied second order, Ritchie second order, 4.3. Final remarks on biosorption/bioaccumulation kinetic studies
Fractal-like pseudo rst order, Fractal-like pseudo second order and
Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order, Fractal-like exponential and Brouser The error values (SSE, reduced 2 and Root-MSE) for the Fractal-like
WeronSototlongo models also showed good tting of biosorption/bio- mixed 1,2 order kinetic model was better than that observed employing
accumulation kinetic data for both As(III) and As(V) onto C. glutamicum the other kinetic models for As(III) signifying the rate of adsorption was
MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. dependent on rate of agitation and initial concentration of adsorbate
The value of low error values (SSE, reduced 2 and Root-MSE) for solution. However on the basis of the acquired error values (SSE), the
pseudo second order model forecasts that mechanism of biosorption/ BrouserWeronSototlongo kinetic model exhibited the best t to the
bioaccumulation is chemisorption type. biosorption/bioaccumulation kinetic data of As(V) among all the
The Avrami exponent (nAV) (0.58031 for As(III) and 0.53086 for models demonstrating a complex mechanism of biosorption/bioaccu-
As(V)) is a fractionary number linked with the probable variations of mulation process. But based on the error values (reduced 2 and
the adsorption mechanism that occurs throughout the adsorption Root-MSE) it was observed that Fractal-like pseudo second order
process. In place of following only an integer-kinetic order, the mecha- ruled in all the possibilities of biosorption/bioaccumulation of
nism of adsorption could follow multiple kinetic orders that are altered As(V) ion on surface of adsorbent attached with biolm demonstrating
throughout the contact of the adsorbate with the adsorbent. nAV is a that the adsorption rate coefcient is a function of time.
resultant of the multiple kinetic order of the adsorption procedure. It is vital for obtaining the rate at which As(III) or As(V) is biosorbed/
It is understood that the mixed 1,2-order rate equation is linear in bioaccumulated onto the surface of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745
the Lagergren coordinates (i.e., it behaves like the rst-order equation) immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite that is important
near to the equilibrium and somewhat in the initial portion of the to design xed bed adsorption column. Using the biosorption/bioaccu-
experiment. Precisely, we may conclude that it contains two linear mulation rate, kinetic constants are estimated to determine the equilib-
segments connected with a curved one. Actually, the second-order rium capacity of adsorbent attached with biolm and mass transfer
equation shows linear behaviour in the initial portion of the experiment coefcient at various aqueous phase concentrations. Amount of As(III)
also, though, the linear section is quite short. On the other hand MOE or As(V) biosorbed/bioaccumulated onto solid surface is calculated
may be treated as Langmuir equation for energetically homogeneous using the kinetic equation which is important for valuing the concentra-
surfaces or as purely empirical equation for energetically heterogeneous tion of the aqueous phase in xed bed column operation. The main
surfaces. design factors of xed bed adsorption column, the breakthrough time
The vital supposition of modied second order model was that a as well as the shape of breakthrough curve are reliant on biosorption/
number of surface sites, nR, are used by each adsorbate. It was supposed bioaccumulation rate. For the faster biosorption/bioaccumulation rate,
that the pre-adsorbed stage occurred on C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 breakpoint time is achieved prior besides the breakthrough curve
immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite adsorption. shape is steeper.
The vital supposition of Ritchie second order model was that one The descriptive models from the best to worst for As(III) and
adsorbate was adsorbed onto two surface sites. It was supposed that As(V) were sorted according to GoFM values and shown Tables S1 and
the pre-adsorbed stage has not occurred on C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 S2, respectively.
immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite adsorption. The Consequently at this point, the tting ambiguity inuenced by the
adsorbent surface coverage has been typically presumed to be zero. error values (SSE, reduced 2 and Root-MSE) was for As(V), because the
In case of Fractal-like models (Fractal-like pseudo rst order, Fractal- error value (SSE) conrmed BrouserWeronSototlongo as best tting
like pseudo second order, Fractal-like exponential, Fractal-like mixed model (the lowest error values) and error values (reduced 2 and
1,2 order) the adsorption rate coefcient is considered a function of Root-MSE) showed that Fractal-like pseudo second order was the best
time by using the Fractal-like idea. One of the probable physical (the lowest error values). So to overcome this uncertainty, it would be
signicances of Fractal-like kinetics was that adsorption of As(III) and modest and practical to compare the theoretically assessed qe values
As(V) occurred at solid/solution interface. In this approach it was with the experimental ones.
306 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

Table 5
According to correlation coefcient R2 values the tness of the
Mechanistic constants of studied models for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumula-
models for all kinetic models are almost equivalent to each other. So tion onto C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite.
on the basis of equivalent adsorption capacity, the orders followed by
Mechanistic models Parameters Values for Values for
the models in decreasing manner are showed in Table 4.
As(III) As(V)

Intraparticle diffusion model kint1 (mg/g 6.8022 7.18405

4.4. Biosorption mechanistic studies
Cint1 (mg/g) 2.23318 2.80345
4.4.1. Intraparticle diffusion model kint2 (mg/g 1.00007 1.08368
Results of intraparticle diffusion model for both As(III) and As(V) are min0.5)
given in Table 5. Fig. 3 identied the multi-linear nature of intraparticle Cint2 (mg/g) 36.35531 37.50988
model. As the plot did not pass through the origin, so intraparticle diffu- R2 1 0.9852 0.97995
sion was not the single rate controlling step. So there were three pro- R2 2 0.99371 0.98981
cesses leading the rate of biosorption/bioaccumulation, however only Determination of rate D1 (cm2/s) 1.24272E05 1.19323E05
one was rate controlling in any certain time range. The intraparticle limiting step D2 (cm2/s) 5.89958E06 5.2782E06
DumwaldWagner model kDW (1/min) 0.01545313 0.01374891
diffusion rate constant kint2 for both As(III) and As(V) was esteemed
R2 0.93049 0.94334
from the slope of the second linear portion (Fig. 3, Table 5). The multi-
Richenberg model R2 0.93283 0.94294
linear curve of the intraparticle model with intercept Cint2 specied
McKay plot kM1 (1/min) 0.0381 0.03547
the fact that both intraparticle diffusion of adsorbate through the
kM2 (1/min) 0.01643 0.01354
mesoporus openings lled with liquid and lm/external mass transfer 0.95746 0.94429
R2 1
across the thickness of boundary layer were the rate governing steps 0.8736 0.89072
R2 2
in the biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) kinetics
Bangham's model kb (L/g) 27.93324744 28.71054447
onto the surface of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface b 0.43269 0.45925
of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. The value of intercept Cint obtained R2 0.95137 0.97483
through the model provided the value of thickness of boundary layer Diffusion coefcient Dp (cm2/s) 1.45036E07 1.47145E07
of liquid surrounding the adsorbent attached with biolm [79]. Df (cm2/s) 2.28142E07 5.28867E07
The explanation of the haphazard data points detected in Fig. 3 and Diffusivity De (m2/s) 5.56065E14 4.98E14
R2 0.93423 0.94331
Table 5 specied that intraparticle mechanistic model had been appro-
priate to cost-effectively and competently express the biosorption/bio-
accumulation of both As(III) and As(V) onto the surface of C. glutamicum
MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite in case. Table 5 displays the computed results of DumwaldWagner
model. In the current investigation the linearity of the plots intersected
terms of linear regression coefcient Adjusted R-square R2 , ranging the origin of coordinates; consequently lm diffusion process was the
between 0.97995 and 0.99371 in both case. Greater value of intercepts rate controlling step.
attained for second linear portion i.e., Cint2 commended that the lm
diffusion had played a superior role as the rate governing step [80].
4.4.4. Richenberg model or Boyd plot
4.4.2. Determination of rate limiting step The outcomes of the corresponding model for both As(III) and
The values of the lm diffusion coefcient D1 and the pore diffusion As(V) are presented in Table 5 and Fig. 5, respectively. From the plots
coefcient D2 for both As(III) and As(V) are shown in Table 5. The high of Bbt versus t, it was found that the plots had a linear form with a
negative exponential of almost nearest values specied that both pore correlation coefcient Adjusted R-square R2 of 0.93283 for As(III)
diffusion and lm diffusion had ruled the mechanism of biosorption/ and 0.94294 for As(V) at studied temperature and but did not pass
bioaccumulation for both As(III) and As(V). through origin which had selected the ongoing biosorption/bioaccumu-
lation processes to be governed by lm diffusion mechanism.
4.4.3. DumwaldWagner model
The plot (Fig. 4) of log (1 F2) versus t has delivered almost linear 4.4.5. Film diffusion mass transfer rate equation or McKay plot
curves (R2 0.93049) for the elimination of both As(III) and As(V) by The values attained for ln(1 F) as a function of time t, were plotted
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 in Fig. 6 for As(III) and As(V), respectively and the results of the respec-
composite, respectively, but did not pass through the origin demon- tive model for both As(III) and As(V) are exposed in Table 5. The rate
strating that the diffusion of adsorbate into pores of the adsorbent constant of the early rapid process (kM1) was evaluated from the slope
attached with biolm was not the only rate controlling step in both of the rst straight line (Fig. 6). As can be understood from Fig. 6, the

Table 4
Ranking on the basis of equivalent biosorption capacity for kinetic models.

Model qe for As(III) Model qe for As(V)

Fractal-like pseudo second order 52.59856 Fractal-like pseudo second order 55.98921
BrouserWeronSototlongo 52.44661 BrouserWeronSototlongo 55.34186
Modied second order 52.28508 Modied second order 54.70328
Pseudo second order 52.26883 Pseudo second order 54.64374
Ritchie second order 52.26876 Ritchie second order 54.64339
Mixed 1,2 order 52.07541 Mixed 1,2 order 54.58995
Avrami 50.82907 Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order 54.4563
Fractal-like pseudo rst order 50.82573 Avrami 53.67186
Fractal-like exponential 50.80382 Fractal-like pseudo rst order 53.66859
Exponential 49.46603 Fractal-like exponential 53.63717
Pseudo rst order 49.19755 Exponential 51.77639
Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order 21.98568 Pseudo rst order 51.49754
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 307

Fig. 3. Intraparticle diffusion modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5
500 min; Co: 50 mg/L; M: 0.9 g/L; pH: 7.0; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

rate constant of the slow process (kM2) was attained from the slope of respectively) as specied by above equation did not return perfect
the second linear portion. It is understandable that the early fast process linear curves and some data were scattered (R2 0.99614) for the scav-
was ruled by lm diffusion. Also the values of kM2 are smaller than the enging of As(III) and As(V) by C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized
values of kM1 for both As(III) and As(V). So the attained values of kM2 on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite clarifying that the diffusion of
were evidence of a pore diffusion mechanism in the second stage of adsorbate within pores of the adsorbent attached with biolm was not
the biosorption/bioaccumulation [81]. The existence of two straight only the rate controlling step [82], lm diffusion also had effect on the
lines for both As(III) and As(V) stated that two processes i.e., lm rate controlling step.
diffusion and pore diffusion had involved in these processes.
The plots were approximately linear for both As(III) and As(V), but it
did not return perfect linearity. So pore diffusion was not the rate con- 4.4.7. Determination of diffusion coefcient
trolling step. In the current system lm diffusion was the rate governing The Dp and Df values for As(III) were 1.45 107 cm2/s and
step. 2.28 107 cm2/s, respectively. Likewise these values for As(V) were
1.47 107 cm2/s and 5.29 106 cm2/s, respectively (Table 5).
So in the current case pore diffusion was not the only rate governing
4.4.6. Bangham's model step for both As(III) and As(V). For As(III) the value of Df
The consequences of the respective model for both As(III) and (1.47 10 7 cm2/s) falls within the range of 106 and 10 8 cm2/s
As(V) are exposed in Table 5 and Fig. 7. The goodness of t of curve and for As(V) the Df value (5.29 106 cm2/s) is also in the range. So
for Bangham's model was related in terms of correlation coefcient it was observed that the lm diffusion had been the rate governing
Adjusted R-square R2 . Values of Bangham parameters kb and are step for both As(III) and As(V).
27.93324744 L/g and 0.43269 for biosorption/bioaccumulation of Greater value of Df of As(V) than that of As(III) was due to the
As(III) and 28.71054447 L/g and 0.45925 for biosorption/bioaccumula- presence of As(V) as totally positively charged species and As(III) as
tion of As(V) with a correlation coefcients of 0.95137 and 0.97483, naturally neutral species at the experimental pH. Because of negative
respectively. The double logarithmic plot (Fig. 7 for As(III) and As(V), charge of As(V) it was freely transported from the bulk solution to

Fig. 4. DumwaldWagner modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t:
5500 min; Co: 50 mg/L; M: 0.9 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).
308 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

Fig. 5. Richenberg modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5500 min; Co:
50 mg/L; M: 0.9 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

generally the positively charged adsorbent surface attached with 4.6. Effect of temperature
biolm and become biosorbed/bioaccumulated onto the active sites of
adsorbent surface attached with biolm instead of the interior pores. The temperature has two main effects onto the biosorption/bio-
accumulation process. Temperature dependence of the biosorption/
bioaccumulation system advices the biosorption/bioaccumulation
4.4.8. Determination of diffusivity
as endothermic or exothermic. Increasing the temperature is well-
From the slope 2De/r2 of the plot of ln[1/(1 F2)] versus t (Fig. 8,
known for raising the diffusion rate of the adsorbate, owing to the
Table 5), the value of diffusion coefcient, De as estimated, was detected
decline in the solution viscosity. Also changing the temperature
to be 5.56 10 14 m2/s and 4.98 10 14 m2/s for As(III) and
will change the equilibrium adsorption capacity of the adsorbent
As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto C. glutamicum MTCC 2745
attached with biolm for a specic adsorbent [83].
immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite, respectively. For
The inuence of temperature on the elimination efciency of As(III)
the current systems, the value of De falls within the range of 109 to
and As(V) was reviewed in the range of 2050 C all over the equilibri-
1017 m2/s, so the system was chemisorption system.
um time. The results of inuence of temperature have been shown in
Fig. 9. The favourable temperature for the growth of C. glutamicum
4.5. Final remarks on biosorption/bioaccumulation mechanistic studies MTCC 2745 is 30 C according to the guideline of MTCC. The result stated
that the maximum removal was achieved at a temperature of 30 C in
The above considered models for biosorption/bioaccumulation of biosorption/bioaccumulation system. Further increase in temperature
both As(III) and As(V) specied that two processes i.e., lm diffusion caused in lower elimination efciency for arsenic removal in
(diffusion of adsorbate through the solution to the external surface of biosorption/bioaccumulation system. This can also be claried by the
biosorbent or boundary layer diffusion of adsorbate) and pore diffusion spontaneity and exothermicity of the biosorption/bioaccumulation pro-
(diffusion of the adsorbate from the surface lm into the pores) were in- cess. This decline in scavenging efciency might be due to many factors:
volved in the current biosorption/bioaccumulation processes for both the relative rise in the avoidance tendency of the arsenic ions from the
As(III) and As(V) and pore diffusion was not the only rate controlling solid adsorbent phase attached with biolm to the bulk liquid phase;
step. Usually lm diffusion ruled the rate governing step in both case. deactivating surface of adsorbent attached with biolm or destructing

Fig. 6. McKay plot of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5500 min; Co: 50 mg/L; M:
0.9 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 309

Fig. 7. Bangham modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5500 min; Co: 50
mg/L; M: 0.9 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

some active sites onto the surface of adsorbent attached with biolm randomness at the solid/solution interface during the biosorption/bio-
because of bond ruptures [84,85] or because of the weakening of accumulation process [88]. Higher negative value of G0 at a tempera-
adsorptive forces between the adsorbate species and the active sites of ture of 30 C, as was achieved in the study, decided more driving force
the adsorbents attached with biolm and also between the adjacent for biosorption/bioaccumulation at 30 C [89]. The values of G0
molecules of adsorbed phase for high temperatures or movement of attained in the current investigation were between 22.44 to 23.73
adsorbents attached with biolm with more speed, consequently, kJ/mol and 24.18 to 25.94 kJ/mol for As(III) and As(V), respectively.
lower interaction time with the active sites of adsorbents attached So it stated that the mechanism of current biosorption/bioaccumulation
with biolm was obtainable for them [86,87]. process had happened via ion exchange and/or surface complexation
4.7. Biosorption thermodynamic studies
4.8. Effect of initial arsenic concentration on biosorption/bioaccumulation
The estimated values of the thermodynamic parameters from the kinetics
plot of ln kd versus 1/T (Fig. 10) are shown in Table 6. The equilibrium
constant kd was computed; while the temperature was varied between To study the inuence of initial concentration on kinetic studies, a
20 and 50 C for both As(III) and As(V). The maximum removal of adsor- series of contact time experiments for both As(III) and As(V) was
bate was reached at 30 C in both case. The removal efciency initially carried out at various initial concentrations (502000 mg/L) at temper-
improved with rising the temperature from 20 to 30 C. Then it declined ature of 30 C. Fig. 11 exhibited the contact time essential for both As(III)
with rising the temperature from 30 to 50 C. The H0 values achieved and As(V) with initial concentration of 501000 mg/L for attaining equi-
for the biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) were librium was 220 min. But for both As(III) and As(V) with higher initial
negative because of the exothermic nature of the biosorption/bioaccu- concentration (N 10002000 mg/L), higher equilibrium time of
mulation process. The value achieved for As(V) biosorption/bioaccumu- 300 min was needed. As can be decided from Fig. 11, the amount of
lation was more than the value achieved for As(III). A negative value of the biosorbed/bioaccumulated both As(III) and As(V) onto the surface
G0 stated the spontaneous nature of the biosorption/bioaccumulation of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4
process; though the negative value of S0 offered a reduction in the composite changed with time and at some point in time attained a

Fig. 8. Diffusivity of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (t: 5500 min; Co: 50 mg/L; M:
0.7 g/L; pH: 7; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).
310 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

Table 6
Thermodynamic constants for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite.

Inorganic form T (K) G0 (kJ/mol) H0 (kJ/mol) S0 (J/mol K)

As(III) 293 22.4364076 23.4674745 0.0015144

298 23.0684935
303 23.7316653
308 23.3466514
313 22.8995923
318 22.741959
323 22.7805001
As(V) 293 24.1788513 26.9236357 0.00653622
298 25.0119506
303 25.9377515
308 25.4166765
313 24.8022939
318 24.6585486
323 24.3643121

Fig. 9. Effect of temperature on As(III) and As(V) removal in SBB studies (Co: 50 mg/L; pH: model can been employed for the whole biosorption/bioaccumulation
7; M: 0.9 g/L; t: 220 min) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of
process and allowed the chemisorption of both As(III) and As(V) onto
duplicate experiments).
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4
constant value beyond which no more As(III) or As(V) was removed
from solution. At the moment the amount of the both As(III) and
As(V) desorbing from the biosorbent was in a state of dynamic equilib- 4.10. Effect of temperature on biosorption/bioaccumulation kinetic
rium with the amount of the both As(III) and As(V) being biosorbed/
bioaccumulated onto the surface of C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 Temperature is an important factor leading the biosorption/bioaccu-
immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. The time essential mulation process. The inuence of temperature onto the of biosorption/
for attainment this state of equilibrium is called the equilibrium time. bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) by C. glutamicum MTCC 2745
Thus the rate of biosorption/bioaccumulation declined with time till it immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite was done from 30
slowly inclined to a plateau because of the constant reduction in the to 50 C at C0 is 50 mg/L and GAC/MnFe2O4 composite loading is
concentration driving force. 0.9 g/L. A decreasing biosorption rate of both As(III) and As(V) with
increasing temperature from 30 to 50 C recognized the process to be
exothermic (Fig. 12). This is considered before concerning thermody-
4.9. Determination of initial sorption rate namic parameters in supplementary materials.

From Fig. S1 and Table 7, it is seen that the pseudo second order rate 4.11. Biosorption activation energy
constants (kPSO) were found to decrease and the initial sorption rates
(h) were understood to raise with higher initial concentration of both Biosorption/bioaccumulation rate constants kPSO of both As(III) and
As(III) and As(V). The initial sorption rate was superior for higher initial As(V) were calculated from experimental data at a different tempera-
As(III) and As(V) concentration as the opposition to uptake both As(III) tures assuming non-linear form of pseudo second order kinetics. Param-
and As(V) decreased as the mass transfer driving force improved. eters of Arrhenius equation were tted employing these rate constants
The estimated qe(PSO) values decided just appropriate with the for valuing temperature independent rate parameters and biosorption/
experimental data and high correlation coefcient (R, R2 and R2 ) and bioaccumulation type. A plot of ln kPSO versus 1/T displayed a straight
low error values (SSE, reduced 2 and Root-MSE) revealed that the line with slope Ea/R (Fig. S2, Table 8). The magnitude of activation

Fig. 10. Thermodynamic modelling of As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (T: 2050 C;
Co: 50 mg/L; pH: 7.0; M: 0.9 g/L; t: 220 min) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 311

Fig. 11. Effect of initial concentration on contact time for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 com-
posite (Co: 502000 mg/L; t: 5500 min; pH: 7.0; M: 0.9 g/L; T: 30 C) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

energy for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto again conrmed the manifestation of MnFe2O4 particles onto the acid
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 treated GAC surface as well as biosorption/bioaccumulation of arsenic
composite were 10.77 kJ/mol and 10.41 kJ/mol signifying that both onto the surface of adsorbent attached with biolm.
the biosorption/bioaccumulation of As(III) and As(V) onto the surface
of the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/ 5. Conclusions
MnFe2O4 composite was activated chemisorption.
The present research showed that the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745
4.12. Characterization immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite was applied
fruitfully for the biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and
4.12.1. SEM-EDX analysis As(V) from synthetically prepared copper smelting wastewater.
The SEM images of the prepared fresh GAC/MnFe2O4 composite The optimum contact time and temperature for biosorption/bioac-
(Fig. S3(a)) and As(III) acclimatized C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 cumulation of both As(III) and As(V) were 220 min and 30 C,
immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite at stage of unloaded respectively.
and loaded with As(III) (Fig. S3(b)(c)) and As(V) acclimatized Contact time required for achievement of equilibrium improved
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 com- with rising concentration, though remained practically unaffected
posite at stage of unloaded and loaded with As(V) (Fig. S3(d)(e)) were by increasing temperature.
shown. It can be seen from Fig. S3(a), manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) par- The rate of biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and
ticles with several diameters were randomly distributed onto the acid As(V) by C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of
treated GAC surface. It is obvious from Fig. S3(b) and Fig. S3(d) that GAC/MnFe2O4 composite decreased with increasing concentration.
most of the active sites of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite were shielded By applying 14 different kinetic models and utilizing procedure of
because of the formation of biolm on it [59]. An alteration in surface the nonlinear regression for curve tting analysis maximizing the
morphology from being smooth to rough and existence of pores indicated correlation coefcient (R, R2, R2 .)nd minimizing the error values
the As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the surface and (SSE, Reduced 2 and Root-MSE) to estimate optimum parameter
pores of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite providing it a rough texture. The sets, the Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order kinetic model for As(III) and
corresponding EDX spectra of the unloaded and loaded adsorbent at- both BrouserWeronSototlongo as well as Fractal-like pseudo
tached with biolm was collected and given in Fig. S3(a)(e). The occur- second order kinetic models for As(V) were found suitable to
rence of iron, manganese and oxygen onto the unloaded composite predict the kinetic of biosorption/bioaccumulation onto GAC/
surface and iron, manganese and oxygen, arsenic on the loaded adsorbent MnFe2O4 composite according to GoFM values.
surface attached with biolm were exposed evidently. This outcome The results achieved from different mechanistic models indicated
the controller of lm diffusion over pore diffusion.
Table 7 The effective diffusivity estimated by using Vermeulen's approxi-
Initial sorption rate for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the mation was indicated that the interaction between arsenic ions
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. (either As(III) or As(V)) and immobilized bacterial cells were
Inorganic form T (K) kPSO (g/mg min) h (mg/g min) chemical in nature.
The related thermodynamic parameters showed that the
As(III) 50 0.00185 5.054255
100 9.15E04 9.826596
biosorption/bioaccumulation of both As(III) and As(V) had been a
500 7.54E04 168.7224 feasible and exothermic process and spontaneous in nature.
1000 6.19E04 490.0939 From Arrhenius equation, it was proved that the mechanism of
1500 4.25E04 573.9969 biosorption/bioaccumulation of As(III) and As(V) by C. glutamicum
2000 3.27E04 697.0719
MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite
As(V) 50 0.00182 5.434408
100 9.37E04 11.06475 might be an ion exchange type.
500 8.82E04 208.3029 EDX analysis documented the presence of iron and manganese in the
1000 5.94E04 498.3264 GAC/MnFe2O4 composite and it also established the fact that both
1500 4.24E04 690.939 As(III) and As(V) was biosorbed/bioaccumulated onto the adsorbent
2000 3.87E04 918.4216
attached with biolm.
312 M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314

Fig. 12. Effect of temperature on contact time for As(III) and As(V) biosorption onto the C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite (T: 3050 C; t: 5
500 min; Co: 50 mg/L; pH: 7; M: 0.9 g/L) (error bars represent means standard errors from the mean of duplicate experiments).

C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 ka,obs the acquired rate coefcients of adsorption
composite can be employed as a capable biosorbent for removal of kd,obs the acquired rate coefcients of desorption
both As(III) and As(V) from contaminated water sources. kb the Bangham model constant (mL/g L)
kd the adsorption equilibrium constant (L/g)
kDW the DumwaldWagner rate constant (1/min)
Nomenclature kEXP the exponential rate coefcient (mg/g v)
aE Elovich coefcient representing the initial adsorption rate kint the intraparticle diffusion rate coefcient (mg/g min0.5)
(mg/g min) kM the lm diffusion rate constant (1/min.
bE Elovich coefcient representing desorption constant (g/mg) kMOE the mixed 1,2 order rate coefcient (1/min)
A the frequency factor knBWS, the reaction constant (1/min)
Bbt a mathematical function of F (F = qt/qe) kPF the fractional power model rate constant (mg/g min)
C0 initial concentration of arsenic in the solution (mg/L) kPFO the pseudo rst order rate coefcient (1/min)
Ce equilibrium concentration of arsenic in the solution (mg/L) kPSO the pseudo second order rate coefcient (g/mg min)
Cs the concentration of arsenic onto the adsorbent and in the kEXP division of kEXP by qe (1/min)
solution (mg/L) kEXP the Fractal-like exponential rate coefcient (1/min)
Cint the intercept of the intraparticle diffusion plot (mg/g) kPFO the Fractal-like pseudo rst order kinetic rate coefcient
d the thickness of the water lm adhered to the adsorbent (cm) (1/min)
D1 lm diffusion constant (cm2/s) kFPFO the Fractal-like pseudo rst order kinetic rate coefcient
D2 pore diffusion constant (cm2/s) (1/min)
De diffusivity (m2/s) kFPSO is the Fractal-like pseudo second order kinetic rate coefcient
Df lm diffusion coefcient (cm2/s) (g/mg min).
Dp pore diffusion coefcient (cm2/s) kPSO multiplication of qe and kPSO (1/min)
Ea the activation energy of adsorption characterizing the distri- kFPSO multiplication of qe and kFPSO (1/min)
bution (kJ/mol) M the mass of the adsorbent (dry) (g)
F the adsorption progress (F = qt/qe) m the weight of the adsorbent per litre of solution (g/L)
f2 the involvement of pseudo second order model mb an integer that describes innite series solution
feq the Langmuir batch equilibrium factor n the number of observations in the experimental study
h the initial adsorption rate (mg/g min) nAV constant corresponding to the mechanism of adsorption
k1,0 the Fractal-like mixed 1,2 order rate coefcient (1/min) nBWS a fractional reaction order
k2R the modied second order rate coefcient (1/min) nR number of surface sites
k2R the Ritchie second order rate coefcient (1/min) p the number of parameters to be estimated
kAV the Avrami kinetic rate coefcient (1/min) qe the amount of adsorbate adsorbed on the adsorbent surface at
equilibrium (mg/g)
qm the adsorption capacity
qt the amount of adsorbate adsorbed onto the adsorbent surface
Table 8 at time t (mg/g)
Activation energy for As(III) and As(V) biosorption/bioaccumulation onto the qt,,exp the biosorption capacity observed from the batch experiment
C. glutamicum MTCC 2745 immobilized on surface of GAC/MnFe2O4 composite. after time t (mg/g)
Inorganic form T (K) kPSO (g/mg min) Ea (kJ/mol) qt,,model the calculation from the kinetic model corresponding to Ct
r mean radius of adsorbent particle (assumed spherical) (cm)
As(III) 303 0.00185 10.77457
313 0.00216 ra the rate of adsorption
323 0.00241 rd the rate of desorption
As(V) 303 0.00182 10.41594 R the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K)
313 0.00212 Re % removal
323 0.00235
t contact time (min)
M.S. Podder, C.B. Majumder / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 298314 313

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