Family Court Transcript John M Fasone 02, 25, 14

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In the Matter of:


Petitioner Docket Number

F 28901-08/13F
- against -



February 25, 2014
330 Jay Street
New York, NY 11201


Support Magistrate






108-16 72nd Avenue
Forest Hills, New York 11375
(718) - 268-7900


No Witnesses Examined



No Documents Submitted/Received
Colloquy 3

1 [Audio CD, counter 12:23:45 p.m.]

2 COURT OFFICER: This is number 24 on the

3 calendar in the matter of Krichevsky.

4 All parties, raise your right hands. Do

5 you swear or affirm to tell the truth in all matters

6 before this court?

7 MS. SVENSON: I do.

8 ELENA SVENSON, a witness herein,

9 was examined and testified as follows:

10 COURT OFFICER: Your name, your complete

11 address and your social.

12 MS. SVENSON: Elena Svenson, 2620 Ocean

13 Parkway, 3-K, 11235, 088-74-546.

14 COURT OFFICER: Thank you. Have a seat,

15 please.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, are you willing to

17 be sworn in?

18 I know it's been an issue for you in the

19 past.

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I file special appearance.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, we'll get to that

22 in a minute but I need you to raise your right hand

23 and swear or affirm to tell the truth at today's

24 proceeding.

25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I'm not gonna tell the

Colloquy 4

1 truth.

2 I'm not gonna tell at all anything.

3 COURT OFFICER: Take the gum out of your

4 mouth, sir, please.

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So, again, sir, you' re

6 refusing to take the oath and you're refusing to give

7 your name, address and social?


9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. Fine. Have

10 a seat.

11 The purpose of appearing before me today

12. though for the record appears to be the respondent,

13 Michael Krichevsky, who's appeared several times -

14 many times in the past.

15 All right. Urn, this is a new petition

16 filed by Miss Svenson alleging a violation of the

17 existing order.

18 Ma'am, you were directed to serve Mr.

19 Krichevsky before today's date.

20 Was he served?

21 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Do you have the proof

23 of service with you?

24 All right. And I am looking at a sheriff's

25 certificate of service reporting service upon a Mr.

Colloquy 5

1 Gina, landlord of 4221 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn

2 with subsequent mailing to Mr. Krichevsky directed to

3 him at the same address.

4 Sir, clearly, you got some sort of notice

5 to be here today.

6 Was it through this Mr. Gina?

7 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I'm here.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So you're voluntarily

9 submitting yourself to the court's jurisdiction?


11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're admitting you

12 were served?

13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I am under threat to be

14 arrested.

15 You threatened me last time if I do not

16 come, you will arrest me and that's why I'm here.

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: If you're talking about

18 December 10, sir, you weren't here, so I couldn't

19 have threatened you.

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: No, I got paper that says

21 that I will be arrested.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, that's a notice

23 that they put all the paperwork indicating that the

24 court finds it has jurisdiction, in other words,

25 you've been served.

Colloquy 6

1 You are subject to a warrant of arrest.

~ 2 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Yes, and I - I object to

3 your jurisdiction and I challenge it.

4 And since I'm challenging now the court has

5 on the record to prove jurisdiction.

6 And petitioner has also on the record to

7 prove jurisdiction.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, I have the

9 affidavit alleging service.

10 You're here today presumably in response to

11 that.

12 I can make a finding that you've been -

13 you've been served.

14 Here's the thing, sir. Addressing the

15 paperwork that was apparently submitted to the

16 clerk's office yesterday afternoon?

17 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Yes, I did.

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Which purports to be

19 notice of special appearance under protest, threat,

20 duress and coercion.

21 Under the CPLR, sir, you have two options

22 here.

23 If you are challenging personal

24 jurisdiction, meaning if you - you can make a special

25 appearance for the purpose to challenge personal

Colloquy 7

1 jurisdiction, in other words, that you were served,

i--\ 2 if you are challenging the court's subject matter

3 jurisdiction to hear the matter, that can be done on

4 a motion to dismiss.

5 We've been through all this before, sir.

6 The court clearly has subject matter jurisdiction.

7 Unless I hear something from you one way or

8 the other, I'm gonna take that the fact that I have

9 the affidavit of service, plus your appearance here

10 today and make a finding that the court has personal

11 jurisdiction to proceed in this matter.

12 Is there anything you wanna say about that?

13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Did you read the paper

14 that I filed?

15 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I glanced at it, why?

16 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Did you read the affidavit

17 that I filed?

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I glanced at it. Why

19 do you ask?

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Well, if you glanced, then

21 you didn't read it and maybe you should adjourn and

22 read it because I -

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Maybe you should stop

24 telling me what I need to do.

25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Well, when I - okay, then

Colloquy 8

1 do whatever you want.

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm just asking you,

3 sir, to answer a simple question.

4 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You never read my

5 paperwork.

6 What's the point?

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Because we've gone

8 through this so many times before -

9 MR. KRICHEVSKY: That's right.

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - sir, I don't really

11 feel the need.

12 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Everything is here void.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're not (Inaudible)

14 anything new.

15 It's always the same thing.

16 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Your order of

17 February 23 - February 3, 2010 is void.

18 June 4 - everything is void.

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: We've gone through this

20 before, sir.

21 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Okay. So whatever. You

22 do what - what you - what you did before.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. I'm finding

24 the court has jurisdiction to proceed.


Colloquy 9

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Before we start

2 today's hearing, I do have to advise both parties

3 that you do specifically have the right to request an

4 adjournment to either hire or speak to an attorney to

5 represent you or you can waive that right and speak

6 for yourselves.

7 Miss Svenson, how do you choose to proceed

8 here?

9 MS. SVENSON: For myself, I'm

10 (Indiscernible).

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're gonna speak for

12 yourself today -

13 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - as your own attorney?

15 MS. SVENSON: I'm for myself.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And, you, sir, Mr.

17 Krichevsky?

18 Gonna hire an attorney -

19 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I waive - I waive oral

20 argument.

21 Everything I want to be in writing.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You what?

23 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Everything must be in

24 writing.
25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What are you talking
Colloquy 10

1 about?

2 MR. ~RICHEVSKY: Read my paperwork. You

3 glanced.

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, sir, I don't have

5 to read your paperwork.

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Oh, so you make an order

7 without reading my paperwork.

8 Let the record recle - reflect that Judge

9 Fasone admits that he doesn't read my paperwork and

10 then he makes some findings without my paperwork.

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: This - pursuant to the

12 CPLR, this is a special proceeding.

13 No answers, responding paperwork is

14 required or necessary.

15 That's why I'm not reading your paperwork.

16 There's no answer that's necessary.

17 I told you what your options were. You

18 either request - make a special appearance to

19 challenge court's jurisdiction.

20 You've waived that hearing or you make a

21 motion to (Inaudible).

22 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I did not waive, okay?

23 First of all -

24 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, I'm finding that


25 you waived it because you refused to answer my

Colloquy 11

1 questions.

2 MR. KRICHEVSKY: No, I didn't waive it,

3 okay?

4 And if you read my paperwork, then you -

5 you supposed to rebut my affidavit.

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) I don't.

7 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You're my witness in

8 another case.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) sir,

10 again - once again, answers, responding papers are

11 not required pursuant to the CPLR.


13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't have to read

14 it.

15 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Why do I have to follow

16 CPLR when you do not follow CPLR?

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, sir, everything

18 here is reviewable.

19 As you know, since you filed several

20 (Inaudible) .

21 MR. KRICHEVSKY: But you have no right to -

22 to do anything because all your ord - order is void.

23 You in contempt of two courts.

24 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I know.

25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You did not appear for my
Colloquy 12

1 subpoena in Bankruptcy Court and you didn't

2 follow -

.3 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I was never -

4 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - ju -

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, look, you can't

6 subpoena me to testify in a court proceeding.

7 I never was served with a subpoena.

8 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You never - you were never

9 served?

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I was never served.

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Okay. I move for an

12 adjournment.

13 I will show it to you.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What, sir?

15 MR. KRICHEVSKY: It's on the record. I

16 have witnesses.

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But this has nothing

18 to - well, number one, you never filed in Bankruptcy.

19 Can we get that out of the way? You never

20 filed a petition seeking relief from bankruptcy.

21 MR. KRICHEVSKY: No, but I am plaintiff

22 over there and you my witness against her.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm not your witness

24 for anything.
25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I chu -
Colloquy 13

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm the magistrate

2 who is here to determine your case.

3 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Bankruptcy -

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) .

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Bankruptcy Court issued

6 subpoena.

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But, sir, you never

8 filed a (Inaudible) -

9 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Why you interrupting me?

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - to relieve.

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Why you interrupting me?

12 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Because I can and I

13 have to move this along.

14 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Okay, you can, yeah. You

15 can do -

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: If I don't wanna make -

17 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - anything.

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - sir, you have a habit

19 of trying to cloud the record.

20 You never filed a petition of bankruptcy.


22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So don't raise that.

23 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I'm gonna remain silent.

24 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't - as long as

25 you're not interrupting me, sir, disrupting the

Colloquy 14

1 proceedings, you can do as you choose but I wanna

2 make it very clear, you have never filed a petition

3 of bankruptcy.

4 MR. KRICHEVSKY: She did.

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Fine. I clarified that

6 with Miss Svenson last time but unless and until you

7 do, this court has jurisdiction to continue on this

8 petition seeking enforcement.

9 I still haven't got an answer for you, sir.

10 You're speaking for yourself today or you wanna hire

11 an attorney?

12 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Did you read my paper?

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: That doesn't answer my

14 question -

15 MR. KRICHEVSKY: That's the answer.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - does it?

17 MR. KRICHEVSKY: It does answer -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) sir,

19 other -

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: It does answer your

21 question.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - for that, the only

23 way I intend to.

24 I glanced at it. There's nothing new.

25 It's not required that I re - that I read it.

Colloquy 15


2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So I'm not gonna look

3 at i t any further.

4 Are you gonna speak for yourself today as

5 your own attorney -

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I am speaking for myself

7 and I'm not speaking today.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: When do you wanna

9 speak?

10 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I waived oral argument.

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: There is no oral

12 argument.

13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You're forcing me -

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm not an attorney,

15 sir.

16 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You forcing me to speak.

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: We're having a hearing.

18 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I don't wanna speak.

19 She - she supposed to answer.

20 She's supposed to rebut my accusation.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: There is no position.

22 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I said accusation.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. But in any

24 event, both parties have on the table in front of

25 them a statement prepared by support collections unit

Colloquy 16

1 regarding the status of the account.

2 If you will flip over the first page of the

3 statement, please, to section 3, amount delinquent on

4 page 3 of 5, support coll - are you gonna turn the

5 page over, sir, or no?

6 I'm doing this for your benefit, not mine,

7 sir.

8 MR. KRICHEVSKY: This is no - you did it

9 for your benefit.

10 My benefit -

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, are you -

12 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You destroy my life.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - gonna turn the page

14 over or no?


16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Miss Svenson has done

17 it.

18 The record reflects Mr. Krichevsky is - is

19 declining to flip the first page over to read the

20 section, did not report section (Inaudible) -

21 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You have no jurisdiction

22 over me.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Support collections

24 unit is reporting current arrears of $108,618.73.

25 The last payment reported received in the

Colloquy 17

1 account was January 2013 when 5,642.39 was .

~ 2 taken from a stock trade account.

3 No payments have been made since. Have

4 you received anything, ma'am, since January 22 -


6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - 2013 -


8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - from Mr. Krichevsky

9 towards satisfaction of this order?

10 MS. SVENSON: No, I didn't.

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Nothing at all.


13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. Have you

14 made any payments, sir, since January 22, 2013?

15 Yes or no?


17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What's that look

18 supposed to mean?

19 It's a yes or a no question, sir.

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: . In writing.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're declining to

22 answer the question.

23 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Yes, I will answer

24 everything in writing.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What do you mean you're

Colloquy 18

1 gonna answer everything in writing?

2 You wanna submit written testimony?

3 MR. KRICHEVSKY: . I demand -

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Demand what?

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Whatever is written over

6 there.

7 Your oath of office, your official bond and

8 so on.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't know what

10 you're talking about half the time but my -

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You don't know because you

12 didn't read.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: If I ever - sir, look,

14 I don't really remember, it was a long time ago, if I

15 ever signed an oath -


17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - office, it's a public

18 record and it can be obtained through the Freedom of

19 Information Law -

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: It doesn't exit because I

21 ask and they don't have it.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Then I didn't sign one.

23 So what do you want from me?

24 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Then you impersonating

25 public officer.
Colloquy 19


2 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You fraud here. You have

3 no right to be here.

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Excellent. Moving

5 right along, no payment submitted since January 2013.

6 Ma'am, let me ask you something. Way back

7 when, when this case first started -

8 MS. SVENSON: Uh-huh.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - you had an attorney.

10 There were representations made about properties that

11 you and Mr. Krichevsky owned in common?

12 MS. SVENSON: Yes, Oshana, Condemio Oshana.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm sorry. The what?

14 MS. SVENSON: We both own, uh, Condemio

15 Oshana.

16 We both, uh, owners.


18 MS. SVENSON: Oshana Condemio.

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm not understand - a

20 condominium?

21 MS. SVENSON: Yes, condomino - condo.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What's the address of

23 that condominium?

24 MS. SVENSON: Um, I got - it's on Brighton

25 Beach Avenue.
Colloquy 20

1 It - my God, I forgot (Inaudible).

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: 'Cause I remember there

3 was some talk about a, um -

4 MS. SVENSON: The -

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - a partition action

6 being -

7 MS. SVENSON: By the way, there are tenants

8 live there and Krichevsky collect money from 2010

9 about three thousand, uh, dollars.

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So you're saying you

11 and Mr. Krichevsky own a condominium -

12 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - together in Brighton

14 Beach.

15 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And that -

17 MS. SVENSON: Right now -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - condominium is you

19 rented out -

20 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - to a tenant?

22 MS. SVENSON: Yes, from two thou -

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: How do you know?

24 MS. SVENSON: I was there.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, that was a number

Coll~quy 21

1 of years ago.

t"'\ 2 MS. SVENSON: I tried to get in, uh, couple

3 years ago and I was there again a couple of months

4 ago.

5 They didn't open but there were people

6 there.

7 And I spoke with, uh - uh, I want to

8 management.

9 I spoke with, uh, manager. He told me that

10 there are people live there but there are no

11 official, uh, paper.

12 So there are no official agreement in the

13 office.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, if it's a

15 condominium, they wouldn't - I mean they wouldn't

16 have to prove tenants.

17 That's something that the owner or owners

18 could do -

19 MS. SVENSON: But they live there.

20 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - independent.

21 MS. SVENSON: Yes. I ask them the same

22 question, how it's possible that, uh, it's

23 condominium and there are people live there and then

24 there are no official agreement.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But you and

Colloquy 22
1 Mr. Krichevsky still own this condominium together?


3 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Or was that resolved in

4 the courts?

5 MS. SVENSON: No, it's still together.

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Did you ever file a

7 partition action to have the court decide how the

8 property was gonna be divided between you and Mr.

9 Krichevsky?

10 MS. SVENSON: Uh, actually the question in

11 Bankruptcy Court.

12 It's, uh, this question went to the race.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, since this issue

14 has been raised, you filed a petition of bankruptcy.

15 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're seeking relief

17 from a debt.

18 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Are we talking about a

20 mortgage on the condominium?

21 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Any other debts that

23 you're trying to get - have, um -

24 MS. SVENSON: I arrest.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Right, well, you - you

Colloquy 23

1 can't -

2 MS. SVENSON: Well, the issue was that he

3 ha - he opened in two thousand, uh, one, a medical

4 office, Norfolk Medical Office.

5 He was owner of medical office and law

6 office but he opened in my name and I -

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But he opened it in

8 your name.


10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: How did he do that?

11 MS. SVENSON: To - I was - I was -

12 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: He would have had to -

13 MS. SVENSON: - some like secretary.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - have planned

15 something.

16 MS. SVENSON: So now I own to arrest money.

17 He collected money but I own -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, tax debts -

19 MS. SVENSON: - so I -

20 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - can't be discharged

21 in bankruptcy.

22 MS. SVENSON: I know.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I mean possibly a

24 mortgage can.

25 MS. SVENSON: I find out it's already.

Colloquy 24

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But you - so you're

~ 2 saying the - you're - you have tax debts and this

3 mortgage debt.

4 MS. SVENSON: Yes, and Krichevsky suing me

5 for $1 million in Bankruptcy Court.

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, you don't - you

7 can't sue for monetary damages in Bankruptcy Court.

8 MS. SVENSON: But he is. I don't know her.

9 I don't know.

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, that - if that's

11 the ca - that's gonna be dis -

12 MS. SVENSON: He file petition -

13 SU~P. MAG. FASONE: - that's gonna be

14 dismissed immediately.

15 MS. SVENSON: - for he - for emotional, uh,

16 pro - emotional problem.

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Yeah, but Bankruptcy

18 Court -

19 MS. SVENSON: I called -

20 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - has no jurisdiction

21 to do that.

22 MS. SVENSON: I hope so.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: There were no monetary

24 damages awardable in Bankruptcy Court.

25 MS. SVENSON: I hope so but -

Colloqny 25

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE~ Do you have an

~ 2 attorney working on that?


4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You do?


6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. But you

7 have this - this - you're trying to get the mortgage

8 on the condominium dis - discharged in Bankruptcy.


10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But, again, this one

11 property, this one condominium, that's the only

12 property you own - you own jointly with Mr.

13 Krichevsky?

14 MS. SVENSON: Yes - yes.

15 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And, once again, it's

16 your belief that it's currently being rented to a

17 tenant.

18 MS. SVENSON: Yes, I know.

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And when did this

20 conversation with the management office happen?

21 MS. SVENSON: First, it was in December

22 2011.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Two years ago.

24 MS. SVENSON: Yes. And about a coup - few

25 months ago, I was there again and nobody helping me

Colloquy 26

1 but there were lights there.

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: . Do you have any

3 information about any other properties owned by Mr.

4 Krichevsky presently that might be earning an income

5 or do you have any information regarding other income

6 he might be earning on his own?

7 MS. SVENSON: I just know one thing. For

8 within last two years, he change fa - the fence

9 around his two-family houses twice.

10 He purchases car in December 2012.

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Let me stop you there.

12 Do you think he owns a two-family home?

13 Whose phone is that? Folks, you gotta turn

14 off the phone.

15 You know better. Is that off? It's off

16 now?

17 Sir?

18 MR. KRICHEVSKY: It is off.

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. You think

20 he owns a two-family, a two-family home -

21 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - somewhere?

23 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

24 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Where is that located?

{ ~

25 MS. SVENSON: 4221 - but now it has two

Colloquy 27

1 numbers.

2 He's, uh, 4221 and another, uh, house

3 actually is going on very active, uh, working,

4 construction work over there.

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, I remember some

6 testimony from prior times about an empty lot, a

7 vacant lot.

8 MS. SVENSON: It's not empty anymore.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: There's a fr - there's

10 a building being built on it?

11 MS. SVENSON: No, uh, not yet, not hoping

12 but it's - i t ' s in process.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Construction has

14 started?

15 MS. SVENSON: I saw workers there.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You still?

17 MS. SVENSON: I saw, uh, construction -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Work being done?

19 MS. SVENSON: - workers, yes.

20 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And it's - it's right

21 adjacent to the, um, the Atlantic Avenue address?

22 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: 'Cause the address

24 where you - you purportedly served Mr. Krichevsky,

25 4221 Atlantic Avenue, that's - when you say 4221,

Colloquy 28

1 that's the property you're referring to?

2 MS. SVENSON: Yes. And besides, all over

3 internet information that he is - owes to IRS for

4 2009, uh, $56,000.00 and he claims that he - what he

5 saw income tax for 2009?

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Uh, well, that was -

7 MS. SVENSON: And 2000 - 2008.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I mean I think

9 they're - I have to review the record but I think

10 there was rental income reported on -

11 MS. SVENSON: I'm just asking court request

12 his income tax from IRS and everything going to the

13 clear.

14 He made it. I know. I live there. He

15 made it for 2008, for 2007, 2009, more than

16 $300,000.00.

17 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, we're not talking

18 about his past earnings.

19 That - that's already been discussed and -

20 MS. SVENSON: He didn't pay, uh, what he's

21 supposed to pay for 2008 and for, uh, 2009.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, my order only

23 goes back to '0 9, I think.

24 MS. SVENSON: But he didn't pay for - he's

25 supposed to pay more than $2,000.00, uh, child

Colloquy 29

1 support for 2008.

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, the starting

3 point on this petition is the point we left off on

4 the last one.

5 That would be July of 2011. So anything

6 before that really isn't relevant to this proceeding.

7 All right. But you told me about the

8 properties you think he owns, the - the income you

9 think he might have.

10 Anything else you wanna add, ma'am, with

11 respect to -

12 MS. SVENSON: He's hiding very well.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: He's hiding or living?

14 I didn't hear.

15 MS. SVENSON: Hiding what he has.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But do you know -

17 MS. SVENSON: I don't know. I just told -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - anything more than

19 what you just told me?

20 MS. SVENSON: About car that he pur -

21 purchase i t for December 2012.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You know for a fact he

23 purchased a car in December 2012?

24 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: How do you know?

Colloquy 30

1 MS. SVENSON: Uh, from private

~ 2 investigator.


4 MS. SVENSON: This was a private

5 investigator.

6 It was registered on his name.

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Unless you're gonna get

8 somebody in here to testify from personal knowledge,

9 ma'am, I really can't accept that as . . as proof.

10 Anything else?



13 MS. SVENSON: What can I say? He lives in

14 very -

15 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't know what you

16 know.

17 MS. SVENSON: - very expensive house. He -

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: The one on Atlantic

19 Avenue.

20 MS. SVENSON: - has 1 - lavish life.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: How do you know

22 anything about his lifestyle?

23 MS. SVENSON: I know from mutual friends.

24 He saw him a restaurant.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, again, unless

Colloquy 31

1 you're gonna bring in a witness to corroborate

2 that - but what - what, if anything, do you know from

3 your own personal knowledge?

4 MS. SVENSON: No, nothing.

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Nothing.

6 MS. SVENSON: What a -

7 MR. KRICHEVSKY: She just said nothing.

8 Everything she says, she's lying.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir. Now you choose to

10 participate, to be rude and interrupt?

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I choose when I need.

12 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: No, you don't. Nobody

13 comes in here to be rude, sir.

14 Nobody's gonna interrupt you if you decide

15 to testify, so you don't interrupt anybody else.

16 Do you hear me? Common courtesy.

17 MS. SVENSON: Sir, I know just one, that

18 his son needs psychologist and I cannot provide

19 psychologist to him.

20 If he's sitting here and lying that he has

21 nothing.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, I haven't heard

23 any testimony from him, so I don't know what he's

24 gonna testify.

25 But you have to establish a certain - meet

Colloquy 32

1 a certain burden of proof, ma'am, on your petition.

2 The fact that he hasn't made the payments

3 is one thing, the fact that he might have -

4 MS. SVENSON: (Inaudible).

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - resources available

6 to pay - pay support, that's a second.

7 MS. SVENSON: There are tenants in

8 condomiune.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, you told me about

10 that.

11 You believe there's a tenant. He owns

12 the - the vacant lot and the property at 4221

13 Atlantic Avenue.

14 And that seems to be - to be it.

15 MS. SVENSON: Yes.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. Do you care

17 to respond, Mr. Krichevsky, in any way to - to Miss,

18 uh, Svenson's testimony?

19 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Because I cannot afford to

20 pay three, four hundred, five hundred dollars for

21 report, for trans - transcription, that's why I

22 requested everything in writing and -

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I still don't know what

24 you're talking about.

25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You know what I'm talking

Colloquy 33

1 about.

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: No, I don't. You come

3 in here making these bizarre requests and you seem to

4 think everybody's supposed to respond to that.

5 I haven't got a clue what you want.

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Yeah, because you don't

7 read my paperwork.

8 You said it.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, why don't you

10 tell me, sir, face to face.

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Face to face?


13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I told you -

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) exactly

15 what you -

16 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I told you many times.

17 You're shall I look on.

18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You what?

19 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Charlatan. Your orders

20 are fraudulent.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So you think you get

22 the right to come in here and call me names and

23 that's gonna help.

24 MR. KRICHEVSKY: That's not the point. The

25 point is -
Colloquy 34

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Get your hand away

2 from your mouth, sir, and speak loudly and clearly -

3 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - you were supposed -

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - please. Sir, take

5 your hand away from your face.

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: The bottom line -

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You don't - you don't

8 get the right to come in here and call me names, sir.

9 Regardless what your personal feelings -

10 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I am dragged here.

11 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - might be, you don't

12 get that right.

13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I didn't come here, okay?

14 I was dragged, okay, if I don't come, you gonna

15 arrest me.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) and you -


18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - voluntarily submit to

19 the court's jurisdiction.

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: No, I did not voluntarily

21 submitted to the court jurisdiction.

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. This is

23 what I'm gonna do, sir.

24 I'm gonna give you a chance to prepare

25 rationally, calmly a defense to Mrs. Svenson's

Colloquy 35

1 testimony.

2 But in the meantime, you're still under

3 court obligation to pay support.

4 You will not relieved of that obligation.

5 MS. SVENSON: May I say something?

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: What, ma'am?

7 MS. SVENSON: By the way, in Bankruptcy

8 Court, he, uh, requested deposition.

9 He deposed me twice.


11 MS. SVENSON: It costed about - around 400

12 to $800.00.

13 He had - he had money for deposition but he

14 doesn't -

15 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Does Mr. - Mr.

16 Krichevsky have an attorney representing him in this

17 bankruptcy matter?


19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: 'Cause I'm not even

20 sure how he's involved in that.

21 MS. SVENSON: He's my -

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I mean he might be a

23 co-debtor.

24 MS. SVENSON: He's my main and only

25 creditor.
Colloquy 36

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Meaning you owe money

2 to Mr. Krichevsky?

3 MS. SVENSON: I don't owe him anything but

4 he wants me to pay him of his deposition.

5 He had money for the pay - to pay for

6 deposition but he doesn't have money to pay his own

7 son.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Are you gonna go back

9 to see the judge in this bankruptcy proceeding?

10 MS. SVENSON: Yes.


12 MS. SVENSON: No date yet.

13 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: They haven't given you

14 the date?

15 MS. SVENSON: No, not yet.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're anticipating

17 one?

18 All right. So I'm gonna give you a chance

19 to - to present a - a - a coherent, intelligible

20 defense.


22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: If you choose to hire

23 an attorney -

24 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - hearing -

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - that's up to you.

Colloquy 37

1 MR. KRICHEVSKY: My coherent, intelligent

2 defense is your order is void.

3 She has to prove on the record -

4 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: But, sir -

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: it is not void.

6 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - that - that's

7 something -

8 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Why you interrupting me?

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Because I get to. If

10 that's gonna be -

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Every time you interrupted

12 me -


14 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - that's why I ask to

15 everything to be on the record.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, every time -


18 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - you go off the path,

19 I have to pull you back.

20 If that's gonna be your defense, you're not

21 gonna get too far.

22 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Okay, that's - that's my

23 defense.

24 Your order is void.

25 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You're gonna have to

Colloquy 38

1 prove, sir, that either you don't owe the money

2 that's being alleged or that you don't have the

3 financial - you never had the financial resources to

4 pay it.

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: The burden is on you and

6 her to prove.

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't have a burden

8 here.


10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I just make findings.

11 MR. KRICHEVSKY: All right. I know the law

12 and you did not rebut it and she did not rebut it.


14 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Just ignoring like you did

15 for year doesn't mean you're right.

16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: (Inaudible) position -

17 express whatever opinion you want, sir -

18 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I know you have guns. I

19 don't - I don't.

20 That's why we -

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I just have -

22 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - Second Amendment -

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Sir, I just have to -

24 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - to defend from people

25 like you.
Colloquy 39

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I just have to advise

2 you that if that's gonna be your defenses, you're not

3 gonna get too far since apparently you're

4 representing yourself.

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I had a lawyer and saw and

6 what did I get from the lawyer?

7 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't know.

8 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You void order.

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: All right. I'm gonna

10 adjourn final for continued hearing but there will be

11 a direction from the court.

12 You're actually gonna get a written order

13 from me, written this time -


15 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - respondent father is

16 directed -

17 MR. KRICHEVSKY: I'm telling you if - if my

18 affidavit is not rebutted, I'm not gonna say

19 anything.

20 You could put me in jail.

21 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: No last -

22 MR. KRICHEVSKY: But I'm not gonna do

23 anything.

24 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Now you gotta listen.

25 No less than $2,045.00 monthly. . plus an

Colloquy 40

1 additional 50 percent towards what you owe,

2 thousand twenty two fifty.

3 If you were working on the books, sir,

4 that's what the support collections unit would be

5 charging you, so I don't see any reason to treat you

6 any differently than anybody else who walks through

7 that door.

8 Towards arrears. So that'll be a total of

9 three thousand sixty seven fifty per month until the

10 time you come back to see me.

11 And next payment on this account is due

12 March 15.

13 This is all effective March 15. Interest

14 use account . . pending the adjourn date.

15 Do you anticipate hiring new counsel, sir,

16 to present your defense on the next hearing date?

17 MR. KRICHEVSKY: On what money? You gonna

18 pay for it?

19 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: See, sir, there you go.

20 You're being rude again.

21 MR. KRICHEVSKY: What else do you want me

22 to do?

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Answer a question in a

24 civil tone.

25 MS. SVENSON: He has my -

Colloquy 41

1 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't know what

2 more you want from me, sir.

3 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Well, you talking to me

4 and me talking to you is a mental torture, okay?

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I'm sorry to hear that.

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Yeah, don't smile. I know

7 you're - you're not sorry.

8 You a sadist, okay?

9 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Well, sir, what do you

10 want from me?

11 It's no pleasure for me to talk to you

12 either.

13 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Leave me alone.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I can't.


16 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I have a petition I

17 have to -

18 MR. KRICHEVSKY: No, you in contempt of two

19 courts.

20 Your order is void. You did not comply

21 with judge's order.

22 Did you comply with Paula Hapner order?

23 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: So you refuse to answer

24 the question.
25 MR. KRICHEVSKY: So you refuse to answer my
Colloquy 42
1 question?

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I don't have to.

3 MR. KRICHEVSKY: And I don't have to then,

4 too.

5 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You kind of -

6 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Equal protection under the

7 law, okay?

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: You kind of do, sir.

9 MR. KRICHEVSKY: All right. Tyranny.

10 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: Fine, sir. We'll put

11 this one on for - not the greatest day but -

12 MR. KRICHEVSKY: By the way, why did this

13 lady - huh.

14 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: - Wednesday, April 2

15 at . . 11 o'clock.

16 All right. Continued hearing. I do

17 require, sir, that you provide the court with filed

18 tax returns going back to 2011.

19 That's 2011, 2012, 2013.

20 MR. KRICHEVSKY: You gonna give me money to

21 file them?

22 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: And we will give you a

23 financial disclosure booklet.

24 That's required by statute. Ma'am, you

25 have to provide that as well.

Colloquy 43

1 MS. SVENSON: Uh-huh.

2 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: I ' l l see everybody

3 April 2 at 11 o'clock.

4 Thank you.

5 MR. KRICHEVSKY: Did you ask if I can

6 appear?

7 Maybe I have a job off the books.

8 SUPP. MAG. FASONE: . Matter's

9 concluded for today.

10 COURT OFFICER: Parties are excused.

11 Please step out.

12 MR. KRICHEVSKY: By the way, you been

13 served with a lawsuit -


15 MR. KRICHEVSKY: - personally.


17 [Audio CD, counter 12:53:25 p.m.]

18 * * * * * *







I, Karla Fischer, certify that the foregoing transcript

of proceedings in the Family Court of New York, County of

Kings, Elena Svenson versus Michael Krichevsky, Docket

Number F 28901-08/13F was prepared using the required

equipment and is a true and accurate record of the


Mechanical Secretary, Inc.

Karla Fischer Molly's Prof. Typing Service

108-16 72nd Avenue

Forest Hills, NY 11375 Date: May 14, 2016

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