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Vinluan, Rodolfo VII C.

Chapter I


Most of us experienced this kind of feeling whenever we speak or communicate

with another person. We get anxious whenever we interact with someone or when we
give speeches and presentations in front of many people. It is called the Communication
Anxiety (CA) others called it as stage fright. What is Communication Anxiety?
Communication Anxiety is a fear associated with communication with another person or
persons. It can be defined as a type of anxiety that may result from any kind of worry or
fear. Communication anxiety isn't just about speaking in front of a group of people. This
also exist during one-on-one conversations. People may experience this feeling whenever
they deliver a speech in front of many people or when they communicate with other
person because it makes them really feel uncomfortable.

Background of the study:

Communication Anxiety exists in most everyday communications, or may even be

part of a general anxiety trait that arises in many facets of an individual's life. According
to research, 31 percent of elementary school students experience some level of
communication anxiety. Student speakers who suffer from high CA have an incredibly
hard time speaking in a front of a crowd due to their heightened anxiety. What are the
commonly signs and symptoms that you have already a communication anxiety? First,
youre afraid of being stared at. It isnt exactly the audience we are afraid of. Its their
eyes. It makes us feel uncomfortable. Most of us hate being stared at. We feel awkward,
self-conscious, and ill at ease. Second, youre afraid of failing in public. None of us wants
to look foolish in public. We dont want others to ridicule us or laugh at us. Last, youre
afraid that the audience will be unresponsive or unsympathetic. When we are in front of
an audience, we know we are being judged; were being evaluated. And none of us likes
rejection. We want people to like us, to appreciate our efforts, to respond favorably to
our presence and our ideas. How can you tell if someone has communication anxiety?
Based on my research, people may suffer communication anxiety if his/her hands are
getting sweaty, cheeks are flushed, heart is racing (beating fast) and his/her may feel sick;
nausea. Some people who have this problem may start having a headache due to anxiety
and face the problem of increased acidity in your stomach. You may want to see a
therapist to discuss your problem. A specialist can help diagnose the level of anxiety you
experience during communication with special tests. Be sure that you are straightforward
with your provider so that he or she can adequately assess your problem.
Chapter II


What are the factors and tips to consider on how to overcome the Communication
Anxiety. These are some factors to consider on why does a person has a communication
anxiety. He or she may have:

low intellectual skills

speech skill deficiencies
voluntary social introversion
social alienation
communication anxiety
low social self-esteem
ethnic/cultural divergence in communication norms

How can you overcome your communication anxiety? Here are some tips to ease
your communication anxiety. First, think positively. Communication anxiety starts in the
mind before it manifests physically. Therefore, learning how to think positively is one of
the best ways of dealing with it. Second, organize your ideas clearly. As a speaker, you
need to be very familiar with the main points of your presentation. One of the best ways
of doing this is by creating an outline which will allow you to move from one point to
another without getting lost. Third, practice in an environment similar to the actual
venue. Practicing your speech quietly in your head is not enough. To lower your
nervousness, it would be advisable to practice in a setting similar to where you will deliver
the actual speech. Stand on your feet and practice out loud. Continue all the way to the
end of the speech and then take time to correct your mistakes. Fourth, engage your
audience. Many public speakers experience communication anxiety because of the
perception they have in mind about their audience. In many cases, this perception is more
threatening than the reality. Therefore, you need to find a way of engaging your
audience. Last, manage your physical reactions. There are several things you can do to
manage the physiological effects of anxiety. Before beginning your speech, pause for a
moment, look at the audience and smile. When someone smiles back, it will help alleviate
your fears. Always remember that you cannot eliminate your fearbut you can manage
and reduce it. You are the only person who can cure your communication anxiety.
Chapter III


The study was all about the common disorder communication anxiety (CA). This
kind of disorder causes people discomfort, it may lead people to avoid communication,
and it can result in people being ineffective in their communication with others.
Communication anxiety has an option regarding on how to deal with this kind disorder.
First it can be done by a therapy. A psychiatrist can help you by giving you some sessions
and suggestions related on how to escape the unnecessarily feeling or discomfort from
speaking on a large group of people. And how do the way you act from your normal
thoughts down to speaking. Psychology affects on it, that even you have huge thoughts
and ideas if you have communication anxiety, the pack of ideas that was registered in
your mind will be left unspoken. The psychiatrist will help you ease the feeling of it. Next
is by taking up some kind of medicinal drug that can somehow help you to overcome the
disorder, but this drug can help in just a short period of time, yet effective. The study
about this medicinal drug can help you ease your disorder but this is not apparently the
cure for it. Drugs can seem very effective in the short term, but can only ever mask the
symptoms of communication apprehension, never cure and tackle the root. If you are
currently taking meds, of course, you should consult with your doctor before changing
anything. You need to be aware of the risks of anxiety medication too. Anxiety drugs
often cause a wide range of unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous side effects.
Some tips to overcome communication anxiety like thinking positively may help to ease
your communication anxiety even in a simple way. Regarding to tips to overcome was
stated that the therapist may help. But most importantly the idea or the positivity of
yourself may help too. Communication Anxiety is a real issue, but it need not be an
obstacle to success. Take the time to become more aware of your personal brand of
Communication anxiety. Take some positive steps to minimize its impact. Your willingness
to work and your positive attitude are the keys to your success.
Chapter IV


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