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SDMF Assignment

(Date of submission on or before 16th November 2017)

Submission mode: Soft copy (Theory questions as word file and problems as excel file)

1. What are the salient construction aspects of machine foundation?

2. Differentiate between active screening and passive screening.
3. How will you determine the stiffness of an isolator? Derive it from first principle.
4. What do you mean by efficiency of an isolation system? Derive an expression for it.
5. Describe the use of pile barriers and open trench barriers in screening of vibration.
6. What are the factors affecting dynamic soil properties?
7. Differentiate between cyclic stress approach and cyclic strain approach. Write short
note on zone of liquefaction.
8. How can we evaluate liquefaction potential?
9. Explain mechanism of liquefaction.
10. By using MSD model, find displacement amplitudes at resonance condition and at
operating frequency of 1500rpm for rocking mode of vibration for a block type
machine foundation with plan dimensions 75cm x 90cm and height 15cm. Consider
amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Consider damping
coefficient = 25% and Poissons ratio = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(a) G = 50 kg/cm2
(b) G = 100 kg/cm2
(c) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take total weight of machine + foundation = 750 kg, eccentricity = 1mm and
eccentric weight = 75 kg.

11. By using MSD model, find displacement amplitudes at resonance condition and at
operating frequency of 1500rpm for yawing mode of vibration for a block type
machine foundation with plan dimensions 75cm x 90cm and height 15cm. Consider
amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Consider damping
coefficient = 25% and Poissons ratio = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(a) G = 50 kg/cm2
(b) G = 100 kg/cm2
(c) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take total weight of machine + foundation = 750 kg, eccentricity = 1mm and
eccentric weight = 75 kg.
12. By using MSD model, find displacement amplitudes at resonance condition and at
operating frequency of 1500rpm for rocking mode of vibration for a block type
machine foundation with plan dimensions 75cm x 90cm and height 15cm. Consider
amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Consider damping
coefficient = 25% and Poissons ratio = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(a) G = 50 kg/cm2
(b) G = 100 kg/cm2
(c) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take total weight of machine + foundation = 700 kg, eccentricity = 1mm and
eccentric weight = 70 kg.

13. By using MSD model, find displacement amplitudes at resonance condition and at
operating frequency of 1500rpm for yawing mode of vibration for a block type
machine foundation with plan dimensions 75cm x 90cm and height 15cm. Consider
amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Consider damping
coefficient = 25% and Poissons ratio = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(a) G = 50 kg/cm2
(b) G = 100 kg/cm2
(c) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take total weight of machine + foundation = 700 kg, eccentricity = 1mm and
eccentric weight = 70 kg.

(Hint: Q. No. 10,11,12,13 Soil Dynamics-NPTEL Lecture No.29, Prof. Deepankar

Choudhury, IIT Bombay)

14. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.5 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes at operating frequency of 1500 rpm for rocking mode of
vibrations. Consider amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Also
consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(a) G = 50 kg/cm2
(b) G = 100 kg/cm2
(c) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 75 kg.

15. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.5 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes at operating frequency of 1500 rpm for yawing mode of
vibrations. Consider amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Also
consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(d) G = 50 kg/cm2
(e) G = 100 kg/cm2
(f) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 75 kg.

16. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.45 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes at operating frequency of 1500 rpm for rocking mode of
vibrations. Consider amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Also
consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(g) G = 50 kg/cm2
(h) G = 100 kg/cm2
(i) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 70 kg.

17. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.45 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes at operating frequency of 1500 rpm for yawing mode of
vibrations. Consider amplitude of external dynamic moment To = 1414.8 kgcm. Also
consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Use three types of soils with
(j) G = 50 kg/cm2
(k) G = 100 kg/cm2
(l) G = 200 kg/cm2

Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 70 kg.

(Hint: Q. No. 14,15,16,17 Soil Dynamics-NPTEL Lecture No.32, Prof. Deepankar

Choudhury, IIT Bombay)

18. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.5 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes and resonance frequency at resonance condition for
vertical mode of vibration. Consider amplitude of external dynamic load Qo=188.64
kg. Also consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Take G = 50 kg/cm2.
Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 75 kg.
19. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.5 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes and resonance frequency at resonance condition for
vertical mode of vibration. Consider amplitude of external dynamic load Q o=188.64
kg. Also consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Take G = 100 kg/cm2.
Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 75 kg.

20. A block type machine foundation is designed in such a way that the weight of
foundation block is Wf = 0.25 ton and weight of machine is Wm = 0.5 ton with
foundation block area of 75cm x 90cm and height is 15cm. Using EHS theory, find
the displacement amplitudes and resonance frequency at resonance condition for
vertical mode of vibration. Consider amplitude of external dynamic load Q o=188.64
kg. Also consider Poissons ratio of soil = 0.25. Take G = 200 kg/cm2.
Obtain the results for both constant force type and rotating mass type excitations.
Take eccentricity = 1mm and eccentric weight = 75 kg.

(Hint: Q. No. 14,15,16,17 Soil Dynamics-NPTEL Lecture No.33, Prof. Deepankar

Choudhury, IIT Bombay)

21. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=100 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in vertical mode of vibration.
Obtain the results for both constant force type excitation and eccentric mass type

22. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=100 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in sliding mode of vibration.
Obtain the results for both constant force type excitation and eccentric mass type

23. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=100 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in rocking mode of vibration.
24. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=200 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in vertical mode of vibration.
Obtain the results for both constant force type excitation and eccentric mass type

25. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=200 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in sliding mode of vibration.
Obtain the results for both constant force type excitation and eccentric mass type

26. f=1500 rpm, size=75*90*15 cm, Total weight of foundation plus machine=750 kg,
Eccentric mass, m=75 kg, e=0.1 cm, =0.5, G=200 kg/cm2, Po=188.64 kg & lever
arm for rocking mode is 75 cm. =1.8*10-3 kg/cm3. Using EHS theory find out
displacement amplitude at operating frequency and resonance condition of the
foundation in rocking mode of vibration.
Obtain the results for both constant force type excitation and eccentric mass type
27. Design a block foundation with a machine operating at 300 rpm, =0.25, maximum
value of the exciting force is 4000kg and k=35*106 kg/m. Weight of machine is 5 ton.
Take frequency ratio r = 0.5, use MSD theory.

(Hint: Q. No. 21-27 Foundation engineering- NPTEL lectures IIT Bombay

(Problems and solution of design of machine foundation))
Roll No Q. No
1 1, 27
2 2, 26
3 3, 25
4 4, 24
5 5, 23
6 6, 22
7 7, 21
8 8, 20
9 9, 19
10 1, 18
11 2, 17
12 3,16
13 4,15
14 5,14
15 6,13
16 7,12
17 8,11
18 9,10

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