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The time frame in which computers and software have developed has barely been more than 75
years. Yet their impact on individual humans and on societies has been as important as the
printing press, airplanes, television, and automobiles. The following is a summary of tools and
applications that have transformed the way businesses operate; wars are fought; and individuals
gather information, communicate, and use their leisure time. It is surprising that these have all
originated within the past 50 years. Probably half of these tools and applications are less than 25
years old.
Business tools
Bar-code scanner
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Distribution optimization analysis
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) package
Just-in-time inventory controls
Risk estimation and analysis
Surveys and opinion analysis, etc.
Education tools
Comparative education statistics
Customized e-learning for each student
Skills inventory analysis
Special tools for the handicapped
Virtual classrooms, etc.
Government tools
Air traffic control
Background verification
Disaster preparedness
Economic analysis
Highway siting, design, and construction
Law enforcement
National defense
Pollution monitoring
Water supply controls, etc.
Blu-ray and digital video
Computer games
Digital music formats
Online magazines
Virtual reality worlds, etc.
External devices
Implanted devices
Patient hospital monitoring
Robotic surgical devices, etc.
National defense
Antimissile shields
Combat simulation
Command and control
Deep ocean monitoring
Satellite monitoring
Secure communications, etc.
Personal tools
Digital watches
Handicap support for the deaf, blind, etc.
Search engines
Social networks
Text to speech
Video processing, etc.
Scientific tools
Archaeological analysis
Astronomical analysis
Biological analysis
Chemical analysis
Computer-enhanced image calibrations
Deep ocean exploration
Forensic analysis
Geological exploration (side-scan radar)
Meteorology analysis and weather predictions
Nuclear device controls
Physics research equipment, etc.

Patient Care
Improve your patients' experience across phone, mobile technology, and social media to
streamline interactions and efficiently share information across the healthcare system. Patient
care software is used to:
Access all patient data in real time, even on mobile devices.
Improve patients' overall health while controlling costs.
Practice more personalized medicine that ultimately enhances treatment for each patient.
Care Collaboration
Promote health and wellness and reduce hospital visits by enabling care collaboration between
healthcare providers and consumers
Help people maintain their health outside the doctor's office - and help providers make more
informed decisions for their patients - by keeping them engaged, informed, and connected with
SAP solutions for care collaboration. By supporting collaboration throughout the healthcare
lifecycle, this software allows you to:
Manage care transitions as patients move through the network
Identify health problems before they require an inpatient stay
Track referrals to keep patients within the network
Healthcare Analytics and Research
Collect insights through real-time access to research and interactive analytics of healthcare data
from various sources.
Realize better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction as healthcare providers and clinical
research organizations using SAP solutions for analytics and clinical research. Gain cross-
functional visibility and collective insights into quality and cost-saving measures. Access in real
time and interactively analyze large volumes of healthcare data from diverse sources to advance
opportunities for personalizing medicine for each of the patients.
Microsoft Amalga
Microsoft Amalga Unified Intelligence System (formerly known as Azyxxi) was a unified
health enterprise platform designed to retrieve and display patient information from many
sources, including scanned documents, electrocardiograms, X-rays, MRI scans and other
medical imaging procedures, lab results, dictated reports of surgery, as well as patient
demographics and contact information.
Amalga ran on Microsoft Windows Server operating system and used SQL Server 2008 as the
data store.
popHealth is an open source reference implementation software tool that automates population
health reporting. popHealth integrates with a healthcare provider's electronic health record
(EHR) system to produce clinical quality measures (CQM) on the provider's patient population.
popHealth is licensed under an Apache 2.0 open source license. All the popHealth software
is freely available for anyone to download, use, modify and/or redistribute. popHealth uses
the Ruby on Rails framework, the open source MongoDB database, and Web
2.0 JavaScript libraries. The popHealth user interface is web-based.

Aviaso/Fuel Efficiency
Operating System: Web-based
Interfacing: Flight planning system, Flight schedule system, FDM/FOQA, DCS/Load
information, ACARS, Fuel accounting/inventory, Tech log, EFB
Main Advantages:
For operations:
More than 100 ready-made reports to identify fuel savings potential
Flexible tools for rigorous monitoring of the fuel efficiency improvement program
Support for communication with the stakeholders
KPI's (key performance indicators) for quick management overview
Availability of airline business consultants with extensive experience in fuel efficiency
For IT:
Proven and reliable software
Low license and low operating costs
Different deployment options (installation at customer or ASP-hosting at Aviaso)
Flexible architecture and tools to support importing data from other IT systems
Innovative validation- and check-routines to achieve high quality data
SkyBreathe Fuel Efficiency
Operating System: Web-based, iOS
Communications: Internet, SITA, ACARS
Interfacing: Flight planning system, Operational DATA, Flight schedule system, FDM/FOQA,
DCS/Load information, ACARS, Fuel accounting/inventory, EFB, APU
Main Advantages:
Superior accuracy: SkyBreathe compute real savings taking into account the exact flight
High standard of confidentiality and secured data
Easy to use, highly automated and fully integrated with many airline systems
Simple and accessible on many platforms (iOs, Android)
100+ data quality controls and 100+ preset reports available
Flight-by-flight individual debriefings for pilots: MyFuelCoach
Customer support team of fuel experts available worldwide
2% to 5% of savings on your fuel consumption from the 1st year guaranteed
Operating System: Web-based
Main Advantages:
Cost effective - Different pricing schemes to support your business model
Scalable - Ability to adapt to your growth seamlessly
Robust - Efficient controls and measures are in place with optimal fine tuning
Internal integration - Tight internal integration and powerful open architecture to rapidly
respond to change
Open 24x7x365 - to improve conversion and increase revenue against lower operating costs.
Accelerate your return on investment
- Reliable - Secure and robust platform with proven statistics
aeroMART provides all the essentials of a passenger service system (PSS) for airlines, with
industry compliant sales across all channels, designed to enhance the customer experience and
agility to tailor that experience to attributes of the airlines individual choosing.
AIMS Commercial Planning
Operating System: Windows NT/XP for workstations, Windows 2000 and higher for
Application & Database servers. IIS server and Internet Explorer for the web version of AIMS;
Oracle, MS-SQL or Pervasive SQL for database
Interfacing: A component of integrated solution

AIMS Commercial Planning - provides the Commercial / Schedules Planning Departments with
the facility to compile more efficient and profitable flight schedules with optimum aircraft
utilization. Interfaces with the Operations Control (Maintenance Planning) and Crew
Management modules of AIMS to ensure that flight schedules under construction are
achievable based on the availability of required aircraft and qualified crew members. Permits
comparative evaluation of single and multiple flight schedule scenarios including those of
competitor airlines. An Add-on module is available for detailed flight cost analysis and
anticipated revenue calculations for profit & loss and break-even load factor. The core module
also offers automated upload/download of IATA ASM / SSM messages and SSIM format files
and statistics on estimated revenue, Costs and Profit for each schedule. An Add-on module
for full slot co-ordination resource (SCR) management is also available.
Airport Data Intelligence
Main Advantages:
Improve your strategic decision making by analyzing and tracking passenger movements and
Better target your approach and include more compelling information when building business
casses for airlines.
Compete more effectively and prevent leakage using up-to-date traffic and point-of-sale data for
your competitive markets.
Utilize resources more effectively by analyzing passenger traffic flow data to deploy resources
more efficiently in your markets.
Access to aviation industry data can give you the insight you need to make better strategic
decisions and grow your business. Airport Data Intelligence is the leading solution for aviation
passenger intelligence. It offers the most accurate and comprehensive collection of global
passenger data and schedule information in the market today.
Your strategic decision making and market position can be improved through the insight
delivered in Airport Data Intelligence information. As the most comprehensive data source
available for global schedule and passenger information, you gain insight into:
Historical global O&D data starting from September 2002
MIDT base data adjusted to full market level
Passenger data updated monthly and schedule data weekly
Timeline data
Airport Data Intelligence uses bookings made via GDS as its primary data source, and
leverages external data sources and proprietary algorithms to estimate direct airline bookings
and charter operations to obtain a complete view of scheduling and traffic data. You will be able
to obtain:
Origin airport, destination airport and connecting airport
Average fare at segment and O&D level
Point-of-origin airport
Point-of-sale to zip code level
Operating and marketing airline
Booking and cabin-class data
Future bookings
Segment traffic divided into local, behind, beyond and bridge


Newgen Account Opening Solution
Newgen Account Opening solution lets banks drive smooth on-boarding processes, besides
catering to on-demand requests made by customers. The solution streamlines steps involved in
on-boarding, reducing overall through-put times. Banks as a result can accelerate customer
acquisition and optimize cost per acquisition to enhance overall profitability.
The Newgen Account Opening Software allows for establishing a controlled process with KPI
based allocations, activity dashboards to monitor process performance and rules defined
approval and customer communications. The solution creates interconnected account opening
workflow, driving better departmental coordination, communication and information handling.
Benefits of Newgen Account Opening Solution
Increased profitability driven by augmented transaction volumes
Improved through-put times
Better cost efficiency with reduction in paper handling and storage costs
Improved compliance and operational risk management with robust KYC practices
Better transparency and monitoring of activities at all level
Faster exceptions management and de-duplication processes
Mobile based on-boarding and KYC with real-time alerts, notifications and approvals
The Newgen Mortgage Lending Software
The Newgen Mortgage Lending Software is built on its award winning Business Process
Management (BPM) and Case Management Platform. The platforms deliver a unified mortgage
framework that automates key mortgage processes. The Mortgage Lending Solution accelerates
customer acquisition through conventional and smart mobile capture modules. It creates easy
audit and verification of customer information. The solution offers a seamless integration with
credit bureaus, external systems and third party applications.
At the Mortgage Loan origination stage the solution enables rules driven straight-through
application approvals, multiple review levels and proactive To-Do-Lists. It creates smart
exception handling to minimize rework and manual errors.
Benefits of Newgen Mortgage Lending Solution
High Volume Processing
Greater Adaptability to Regulatory Requirements
Enhanced Customer Experiences
Better Process Control
Newgen Credit Card Origination Solution
The Newgen Credit Card Origination Software allows Banks and Lending institutions quick
time to market. With the Newgen Solution, financial institutions can effectively manage end-to-
end processes involved in the Credit Card application processing. The Solution manages the
entire credit card system for a bank including Credit Card Issuance, Credit Card Servicing and
Bill Management.
Effectively automating functions and introducing them into rules based workflow, lets the
solution drive faster processes and effective centralization. Real time dashboards provide
effectual insights into health of each process. Managers can easily identify and respond to
bottlenecks as they arise. The solution generates drilled down customer reports and insights
which can be used by Relationship Managers to successfully administer complex customer
demands and services. These reports also provide insight into smart cross-selling and up-selling
Benefits of Newgen Credit Card Origination Solution
Reduction in through-put times
Reduction in operational costs especially customer acquisition, movement of documents
and communication expenses
End-to-end automation of manual processes for improved employee productivity and
Better performance monitoring through audit trails and drilled down reports
Reduced exposure to risk through SLA adherences
Reduction in risk through effective de-duplication and black-list checks
Trade Finance Automation System
Newgens Trade Finance Software facilitates the automation and centralization of standard
processes such as Export, Import documentation, Negotiation, Quotation, and Remittances. As a
result Trade Finance providers can offer improved customer services owing to timely decisions.
Trade Finance offerings can be ably extended even to low volume branches leading to pooling
of resources and reduced operational costs.
With the flexibility provided by the solution, processes can be structured according to changing
market needs. The Solution with the help of checklists, efficient tracking of credit documents,
and internal controls ensures adherence to the highest level of standards and compliance.
Increased visibility on transaction details lead to mitigation of risks.
The solution ensures timely and accurate payments in trade business to the benefit of both
buyers and sellers. Newgen ensures that leveraging its Trade Finance solution an organization is
well positioned to increase efficiency, enhance productivity and create higher business volumes.
The solution enables reduction of operational costs. Creating automated and well structured
touch points, the solution leads to better customer engagements. Process improvement and
reduction in transaction cycles support more efficient management of working capital, enabling
the release of substantial volumes of cash which might otherwise be trapped in the supply chain.
Centralized trade operations with online trade finance processing at a central hub
No need of highly skilled staff at branches
Trade business can be extended even to low volume branches
With ease of implementing new products, new revenue generation opportunities are
Better reconciliation and effective financial control
Improved liquidity with the release of cash other wise caught up in complex supply chain
360 degree business monitoring and tracking of loan requests


NCR Counterpoint
NCR Counterpoint includes robust point-of-sale, inventory management software, built-in
customer loyalty, automated purchasing, and configurable reporting capabilities. Extend your
business through integrated email marketing, mobile POS, and eCommerce options to give your
customers a seamless shopping experience. NCR Counterpoint is a scalable solution that could
be adapted to different operation sizes, layouts and formats.
Customer Database
Inventory Management
Loyalty Program Support
Ordering Automation
Sales Tracking
Retail Pro
Retail Pro is a flexible, device-agnostic specialty retail management software platform with
powerful POS, replenishment and inventory management, promotions, employee and customer
management, back office, performance, and KPI reporting capabilities. Retailers can use Retail
Pro to overcome data fragmentation and tailor Retail Pro to exact workflow, branding, and
business needs, whether they operate as a franchise, corporate store, outlet, or multi-subsidiary
retailer, anywhere in the world.
Customer Database
Discount Management
Gift Card Management
Inventory Management
Returns Management
Sales Tracking
FusionRetail brings an all-in-one Retail Store Management Software with POS Billing,
Inventory Management, Customer Loyalty Program, Financial Accounting, Payroll
Management and Store Analytics.
Increase in SALES by 20-30%
Reduced INVENTORY holding cost
Devoted STAFF with high efficiency
Increased SPACE productivity
Maximized MARGIN with lower investment
Loyal CUSTOMERS bring repeat business
Reduce EXPENSES by 20-40%
Happy SUPPLIERS offering extended credit
Google Classroom
Classroom is a free web service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google
Account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connectinside and outside of

User What you can do with Classroom

Teachers Create and manage classes, assignments, and grades.
Give direct, real-time feedback and grades.

Students Keep track of classwork and materials.

Share resources and interact in class stream or by email.
Submit assignments.
Get feedback and grades.

Guardians Get an email summary of their students work. This summary includes
information about missing work, upcoming assignments, and class activity.

Note: Guardians cant sign in to Classroom directly. They need to receive

email summaries through another account.
Administrators Create, view, or delete any class in their domain.

Add or remove students and teachers from classes.

View work in all classes in their domain.
Tux Typing is a delightful typing tutorial game for kids that will keep them coming back for
more and rapidly improve their typing skills.
Any teacher or educator knows that the key to helping kids learn is to make it fun.
The same goes for typing, which is why Tux Typing has been designed to make typing as fun as
possible for children. Tux Typing stars Tux who is actually the Linux penguin logo. Basically,
words fall from the sky and you have to type them to make them disappear before they fall to
the ground and end up in Tux's belly!
Edu-sharing - open-source technologies for education
Open source repository for education
Manage your content in a professional content management system and use it in systems like
Moodle and MediaWiki
Search engine for media and learning content
Edu-sharing OER offers all the tools you need for the implementation of OER search engines
and media distributions.
Secure cloud solutions for shared e-learning infrastructures
Take advantage of the e-learning systems of your partners! We connect your infrastructures.


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