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Request and Offers

Dosen Pembimbing
Novi Anjani, M.Pd
Disusun oleh :
1. Hafid Zainul
2. Alie Syah Reza
3. Dora Kristian

Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Thank to Allah SWT who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled Request and Offers.

The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in
completing this paper. This English paper contains some example of Request and Offers.

Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English reading.

Palembang, Oktober 02nd, 2017

Request and Offer
Request is an action in which we make others do something for us or against us.

a. Example of Request
(Could, Can, May, Might, + I/we + have + noun/pronoun)
Can I have a sweet?
Could I have a seat?
May/Might I have a copy of the letter?
May/Might I have a paper? I wonder if I could have a copy of the letter?
Do you think I could have a piece of paper?
Do you think I could speak to the manager?

Could I/we lebih umum digunakan bagi orang dewasa)

May/Might lebih formal dari could, keduanya boleh dipakai dalam lisan
maupun tulis
Sebelum request could/might + I/we bisa ditambah dengan do you think, I
wonder if, I was windering if

b. Example of Request
(Could, will, would + you)
Could you please tell me what time it is?
Open the window, will you?
Close the door, would you?
Will the person who found the wallet please call this number?
You'll wait here, won't you?
Would you like to sit down?

Will/would bisa ditempatkan di belakang kalimat. Bentuk ini hanya

digunakan pada situasi yang rileks
Will/would juga bisa digunakan untuk orang ketiga
Example Conversation of Request

Zacky : Hi, Jesica. How are you?

Jesica : I'm good. What about you?

Zacky : I'm very well, thanks. I need your help.

Jesica : What is it?

Zacky : I forget to bring my mobile phone. I'm going to borrow yours to call my mom. Would
you ..mind lending it?

Jesica : Oh, no problem. Here it is.

Zacky : Okey, thanks. Wait a minute, I will call my mom.

Jesica : Okay, I'm waiting here.

Zacky : Jesica, I need your help one more, Do you have some money?

Jesica : Yes, I have some.

Zacky : I left my wallet at home. Could you borrow me Rp. 50.000,00. ? I need to buy

Jesica : Sure! Here you are.

Offering Something is a way for someone to offer help to someone. In offering something
revealed there were two grammar namely :

a. Formal
Examples of formal words:

Would you like something to drink?

Would you like to come along?
Could i offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you mind joining us?
Shall i get you a bottle of water?

Above is an example of offering something formal word, usually used to older


b. Informal
Examples of informal words:
What can i get for you?
Won't you have a pancake?
Cheese sandwich?
Have some?
Like one?

Above is an example of an informal said offering something, usually used to people

the same age.


A: Marco's Pizza. Can I help you?

B: Yes. I'd like a large pizza.
A: What toppings would you like?
B: Onion and garlic.
A: We have some tomatoes and mushroom. Would you like to have on it?
B: No, sorry.
A: Okay. Wait a minute.

Request can be used to request something to someone, while Offer can be used to offer
something to someone.

a. Example of Request
(Could, Can, May, Might, + I/we + have + noun/pronoun)
b. Example of Request
(Could, will, would + you)

Offers a way for someone to offer help to someone.

a. Formal
Examples of formal words:

Would you like something to drink?

Would you like to come along?
Could i offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you mind joining us?
Shall i get you a bottle of water?

b. Informal
Examples of informal words:
What can i get for you?
Won't you have a pancake?
Cheese sandwich?
Have some?
Like one?

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