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Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the right of a man to worship God, and to entertain such religious views as appeal to his individual
conscience, without dictation or interference by any person or power, civil or ecclesiastical.
a. Religion c. Religious Freedom
b. Freedom d. All of the above
2. Below are aspects of freedom of religion except:
a. Separation of church and state
b. Freedom of religious profession and worship
c. Religious test
d. None of the above
3. Who are entitled to have the right to information on matters of public concern and the right to access to
official records and documents?
a. Only Filipino citizens c. Aliens
b. All of the people worldwide d. Foreigners
4. The following can exercise the power of eminent domain except:
a. National Government c. Local Government Units
b. Congress d. None of the above
5. The equivalent loss which the owner of the thing expropriated has to suffer by reason of expropriation is
a. Market Value c. Fair Value
b. Just compensation d. Consequential damage
6. It is the price fixed by the buyer and seller in the open market in the annual ordinary course of legal trade
a. Market value c. Consequential damage
b. Just compensation d. Consequential benefits
7. The Bill of Rights appear in which document?
a. Declaration of Independence c. Articles of Confederation
b. Constitution d. Wattpad
8. What are the elements of the power of eminent domain according to their order?
a. Just compensation, taking, public use
b. Public use, taking, just compensation
c. Taking, just compensation, public use
d. Taking, public use, just compensation
9. It is the voluntary submission of a person to the will of another because of his debt.
a. Debt c. Slavery
b. Peonage d. Involuntary servitude

10. Any liability to pay money arising out of a contract, express or implied.
a. Debt c. Slavery
b. Peonage d. Involuntary servitude

Instruction: Write T if the statement id true while F if the statement is incorrect.

1. Slavery is the state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another.
2. Poll tax is a tax of a non-fixed amount imposed on individuals residing within the specified territory.
3. Criminal matters are not restricted on the right of the people to information.
4. The right of the people to information on matters of public concern and the right to access to official
records and documents fall under Article 3 Section 10.
5. A criminal case is an equal contest.
6. Excessive bail is not prohibited.
7. The wrut of habeas corpus is an order issued by a court of jurisdiction.
8. In all criminal prosecutions, the accuse cannot be pressumed innocent.
9. All person, except those chargeed with offenses is punishable by reclusion perpetua.
10. All persin shall have the right to a speedy dispositionq of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or
administrative bodies.

Test III

Instruction: Write the answer that corresponds to the questions.

1. As protected by the due process of law, denotes something more than animal existence. The prohibition
against its deprivation without due process extends to all the limbs and faculties by which life is enjoyed.
2. This signifies that all persons subject to legislation should be treated alike, under like circumstances and
conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed.
3. It means such facts and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of a warrant sufficient in themselves to
induce a cautious man to rely upon them and act in pursuance thereof
4. This means the right of any person or group of persons to apply, without the fear of penalty, to the
appropriate branch or office of the government for redress of grievances.
5. This aspect of due process, which requires that the law itself, not merely the procedures by which the law
would be enforced, is fair, reasonable, and just.
6. As protected by the due process of law, may refer to the thing itself or the right over a thing.
7. Its basis is the social importance accorded to the individual in a democratic or republican state, the belief
that every human being has an intrinsic dignity and worth.
8. These are rights possessed by every citizen without being granted by State for they are given to man by
9. These are rights which are conferred and protected by the Constitution.
10. Freedom of speech, of expression, or of press, the right of assembly and petition, and the right to form
associations (Secs. 4 and 8) are likewise examples of what rights?

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