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The 10 commandments for computer

Ethics the following are set of ethical standard in ICT

1. Thou shall not use a computer to harm others
Follow the Golden Rule
Do not be offensive. Follow the moral standards that guide everyday
Do not open destroy, delete, or edit the files of others.
2. Thou shall not snoop around in of files.
Respect other peoples privacy
Obtaining others non-public files (e.g., letters, documents)
Reading or opening the files of others should be avoided. Your invading
their privacy.
3. Thou shall not use a computer without permission
Common courtesy; get permission
Ask permission to the person-in change before using the computer.
4. Thou shall use a computer in way that shows consideration and respect.
Take turns in using the computer, allowing others to do their work in
the computer.
Avoid making unnecessary comments to the works of others.
5. Thou shall use a computer with care.
Proper way of using computer
Report to the person in change if anything happens to the computer
you are using.
Honesty is still the best policy
6. Thou shall use a computer for educational purposes.
Games in computer are beneficial if you use it for your advantage.
7. Thou shall not use a computer for saving pornographic pictures or videos.
8. Thou shall use a computer to develop skills and show progress
Do not waste peoples time, effort, and resources.
9. Thou shall use a computer to maximize the learning outputs or targets.
10. Thou shall not use a computer solely for leisure.
Educational movies, video clips, power point presentation, etc. is
entering. Learn while having fun.

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