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CyreneQ, Snapchats social media princess is the proverbial girl-next-door; her wholesomeness

(reminiscent of her Disney alter egos) almost an anachronism by todays standards. Who would think that
underneath her ingenue-like personality lies an astute and seasoned artist-marketing entrepreneur who
has conquered both the real and virtual world with her stylus and brushes? This quintessential 21 st
Century success now commands an easy $10,000 -$30,000 per contract as a brand endorser using the
Snapchat platform. She has won awards for her digital art, masterfully created oil paintings, and of course
does a magnificent job with a combination of story-telling and speed drawing on Snapchat.

(Disney, Ellen G, Bruno Mars)

Doe-eyed, bubbly and oozing with positivity, Cyrene Quiamco could be your sister, daughter, favorite
niece or BFF- who, despite being the toast of the Millennial set and a cult figure among her Gen Z
followers, has remained unaffected and gracious. Up close and personal, she comes off as very
authentic: a quality that can be sniffed a million bytes away in a virtual world. Her sheer talent across
many art forms and her ability to engage her massive audience on an emotional level and get them to
connect has earned her the right to be called a social media influencer.

( Ranking figures)

Not many could have Kevin Jonas (yes,THAT celebrity) just a text away. But even with an enviable list of
the most recognizable and sought after brand names tucked under her belt, she remains very grounded;
quite unfazed by the fuss and constantly grateful for the opportunity to embark on new campaigns that
she personally believes in. The lady has a big heart: she has written a book, 11 Seconds to Success as
way to pay it forward. Hitting Amazon this February, it chronicles how she made it, hoping to inspire those
who want to follow in her footsteps. However, this is not the first time for her to share talent, expertise,
and passion, Cyrene also created a blog, so she could share _________________.
She has also gone around the Philippines _______________________. Cyrene has achieved the
American Dream but remains as Filipino in spirit as adobo.

(Amazon book, 11 seconds blog and platform)

One wonders, how did she go viral? Did she belong to the entitled set whose rise to fame is usually made
easier by being privileged? Or was she an accidental find on Youtube who caught the eye of Ellen G. or
Oprah; daytime TV queens who had habitually brought Filipino sensations to worldwide attention? Not at
all. In fact, her story is what telenovelas are made of - a migrants hard-earned success story with a twist.

(House -bought from scholarship money saving)

In _____ Cyrene, then 7 went to America with her 3 year-old sister Christine-Joy and single mom
Christine Ganzon in search of a better life. Most Filipinos would choose California or New York but
Christine wisely opted for Arkansas where the cost of living as significantly lower. Leaving the Philippines
was not easy with them starting over in a strange country with only _______ raised from the sale of
______. It was seemingly her last card but Christine was doggedly determined to give her daughters the
best shot in life. She often working two shifts BUT was always able to bring her kids to school and pick
them up on time!. What made it an incredible feat was that Christine was not a nurse, doctor or highly
paid professional. She was an ordinary employee who started life in the U.S. as a TNT
( _________________), eventually becoming a citizen in ___________.
( first honor student, early pics in America)

When asked how she raised two extremely successful daughters who both had college scholarships and
multiple majors, she just smiles and shrugs her shoulders,I just fed them! The two sisters are quick to
refute that, recounting struggles through the difficult years. They credit their Moms indomitable spirit for
inspiration, and are eternally thankful for the love, faith and support that had molded them. The two
sisters, mature for their age even as children, practically raised each other by keeping themselves
preoccupied watching Disney features after doing their homework and playing VERY quietly. Cyrene
admits that some failures were difficult to swallow but they were always told to, believe in yourself and
start over after a fall. There are no limits, only opportunities and you alone can set the bar for what you
want to achieve!

When Cyrene, a straight A sudent decided to study art in college, she quieted her Moms unspoken fears
by declaring,I wont be a starving artist. She pursued her passion with that same go for it attitude and
entered college with 7 scholarships. She graduated from ___________________, in _____, Magna Cum
Laude with 3 majors for ________________,_______________,______________ and a minor in
____________. She also went on scholarship to _______________ in Hong Kong and _____________
in Korea. She said .I _____________ but didnt know how to make money from it.

(graduation pix.)

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