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President Buhari Presented N8.6 Tr 2018 Budget Proposal To Joint Session of the
National Assembly .
Budget 2018: Takeaways from Speaker Dogaras Address
House To Ascertain Cause Of Death Of 26 Young Nigerian Women In The
Dogara Bags Tafawa Balewa Award For Advancement of Constitutional Democracy
President Buhari Presented
N8.6 Tr 2018 Budget Proposal
To Joint Session of the National
Assembly .
President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday present-
ed an N8.6 trillion proposed Budget of Consolida-
tion to the National Assembly.

Below are major highlights of the session in pic-

Budget 2018: Takeaways the government and various over-sighting Commit-
tees of the National Assembly during preparations.
from Speaker Dogaras He said: Once again, let me place it on record that
the 2018 Budget preparations suffer from inadequate
Address consultations between the MDAS and various over-
sighting Committees of the National Assembly. Con-
1. Executive/NASS Cooperation is Essential: Rt. sequently, one can only hope and pray that it does
Hon. Dogara stressed the importance of coopera- not lead to delay in consideration and passage of the
tion between arms of government, saying; there Budget.
is no national challenge we cannot overcome if we
work together. He also commended his col- 5. We may have exited recession, but the people re-
leagues for providing an enabling environment for main poor: Speaker Dogara commended the Presi-
the submission of budget estimates, despite a dent, Muhammadu Buhari, for leading the country
hazy Executive-Legislative relationship and ar- out of recession. He also stated that although the re-
gued that to achieve steady and sustainable pro- cession has technically ended, people remain poor,
gress, a harmonious and mutually respectful rela- and called for more work to ensure the translation of
tionship between all arms of government must be the technical economic terms into reality.
6. ERGP must be fully implemented:Still on the econ-
2. Following Appropriation Law is Key: The Speak- omy, he called for policy consistency and a strict im-
er commended the President for honouring provi- plementation of the well-crafted Economic Recov-
sions of the 2016 Appropriation Act, which re- ery Growth Plan (ERGP) to sustain economic growth
quires the budget to go through a 12 month cy- and development.
cle. This, he said, enabled the Executive to report
an accomplishment of over N5 Trillion expendi-
ture out of the N7.4 Trillion budgeted for 2016, a
feat he described as an unprecedented record.
He, therefore, urged the Executive to heed the les-
son learned, which is that obeying the Appropria-
tion Laws maximizes the release of the countrys
potentials, while the violation of the laws caps the
release of national potentials.

3. 2017 Budget must not be abandoned: Rt. Hon

Yakubu Dogara called for fiscal discipline and the
full implementation of the 2017 budget before its
retirement in January 2018, or roll over of projects
in the budget to a new one. No need to remind
us that fiscal indiscipline is as grievous a problem
as corruption, he said.

4. Due to inadequate consultation, budget consid-

eration may be delayed: The Speaker warned of a
possible delay in the consideration and passage of
the 2018 budget over lack of adequate consulta-
tions between the Ministries, Departments and
Agencies of
House To Ascertain Cause Of Healthcare Sector Priority Of
Death Of 26 Young Nigerian This Administration - Speaker
Women In The Mediterranean. Dogara
Says Cancer Support Fund Coming Soon..
Sequel to a motion moved by the Leader of the
House of Representatives, Hon. Femi Gbajabi- Speaker Yakubu Dogara of the House of Rep-
amila, on 26 young Nigerian ladies found dead at resentatives has stressed that access to
the Mediterranean, the House has mandated its healthcare is one of the major concerns of the
House Committees on Foreign Affairs and Hu- present government under the leadership of
man Rights to liaise with the Libyan Embassy and President Muhammadu Buhari.
Government to find out the true cause of the
deaths. Speaking when he received the executive
members of the National Association of Resi-
Hon. Gbajabiamila said it was alarming dent Doctors of Nigeria (NARD) in his office,
that dead bodies about 26 young ladies ages be- he said this is in recognition of the responsi-
tween 18-24 years of age, of Nigerian origin, bility of government to ensure that the overall
were found dead on a boat leaving Libya to Italy welfare of its citizens is catered for.
and wondered why there has been silence on the
matter. The Speaker also disclosed that the bill seek-
ing for a Cancer Fund to support treatment of
He, therefore, called for action to forestall future indigent citizens is in the legislative mill and
reoccurrences like these pertaining Nigerian will soon be passed by the National Assem-
lives. bly.
The House agreed that Nigeria should be practi-
cal in dealing with issues of hungry youth who Similarly, he informed the NARD Exco that
are frustrated from desperation, joblessness, government is working to improve the wel-
hopelessness and hunger. fare of doctors in state teaching hospitals,
saying President Buhari gave his word that
bailout will be provided for states which have
issues with meeting up with their responsibili-
ties to doctors.

Speaker House of Representatives, Rt.Hon. Yakubu Dogara(Middle) in a

group Photograph with Executive Council Members of National Association of
Resident Doctors of Nigeria, during their visit to the Speaker at the National
Reps To Address Decaying Alleged Case of Sexual Harass-
Infrastructural Facilities in ment and Shooting of a 17-Year-
Abuja. Old SSI Female Student by
Soldier To Be Investigated
The House of Representatives has directed its
Committees on Federal Capital Territory, and By Lawmakers
Federal Capital Territory Area Councils and Ancil-
lary Matters to investigate the decay in infra- The House Committees on Human Rights, Defence
structural facilities in the FCT and its environs and Army are to investigate an alleged case of sexual
and make recommendations on how best the harassment and shooting of a 17-year-old SS 1 female
problems would be addressed. Student by a soldier in Plateau State.

Adopting the resolution of a motion moved Hon. Istifanus Dung and Hon Gyang Hon. Edward
by Hon. Nasiru Sule Garo, the House noted that Pwajok informed the House in a motion that on 19
the creation of Abuja as the Capital city of Nige- October 2017, indigenes of Sopp in Riyom Local Gov-
ria arose as a vision of our past leaders to have a ernment Area of Plateau State embarked on a protest
modern capital city built with modern infrastruc- against soldiers manning the checkpoint in the com-
tural facilities that could compete favourably with munity who had earlier caused the death of two boys.
capital cities of other advanced countries of the
world. According to the lawmakers, in the course of the pro-
test, one of the soldiers shot a 17-year-old SS1, fe-
It expressed worry that the serene, beautiful and male student of Government Secondary School, Sopp,
previously well illuminated Capital city of Abuja is Simi Danladi for allegedly refusing his lustful advanc-
fast losing its glory as most of the installed es.
streets lightings and other infrastructural facilities
are either no longer functional or have been They added that apart from Simi Danladi, two other
damaged beyond repairs with most parts of the people, namely Danjuma Kaze and his son, Irimiya,
city now in darkness at night, thereby creating a were also shot and are currently receiving treatment
haven for miscreants, hoodlums and other crimi- at the Plateau Specialist Hospital, Jos.
nal elements to operate in.

The lawmakers emphasised the need for inter-

vention to address the problems in order to re-
store Abuja to the status of a modern city that
was envisioned by its founding fathers.
Halt Retaking of Madagali Local Dogara Bags Tafawa Balewa
Government Area in Adamawa Award For Advancement of
State by Insurgents, Reps Tell Constitutional Democracy
Military Forces ..says he is no where close to Sir Abubakar Tafawa
The House of Representatives has urged the
Nigerian Army and Air Force to urgently deploy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon.
more troops and equipment to Madagali Local Yakubu Dogara, has been conferred with the "Sir
Government Area, Adamawa State, to forestall Abubakar Tafawa Balewa for the Advancement
the retaking of the area by the insurgents . of Constitutional Democracy in Nigeria" award
by the Faculty of Law, Nasarawa State University,
It also commended the President and Com-
mander in Chief of the Armed Forces for his ef-
forts to restore peace in the North-East, the
Receiving the award, the Speaker eulogised Ni-
Nigerian Army for its gallant efforts in prevent-
ing the insurgents from retaking Gulak town on geria's first and only Prime Minister, the late Sir
November 6, 2017 and urged the federal gov- Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, who is said remains a
ernment to step up military campaigns in the political colossus in Nigeria's history, 50 years
Sambisa forest and its environs. after his death.

The lawmakers while adopting the resolutions He said there was no basis for comparison be-
of a motion moved by Hon. Adamu Kamale, re- tween the two of them as he is no where close
called the attack of 6 November, 2017 during to what the former Nigerian leader was.
which the insurgents tried desperately to retake
Gulak, but for the gallant efforts of the Nigerian
Dogara said the award gives him great joy and
Army that overpowered them.
holds very strong sentiments and sense of nos-
They expressed worry that if Madagali Local talgia for him because if the man after whom
Government Area, which is the gateway to Ada- this award is named, the Rt Hon (Sir) Abubakar
mawa State from Borno State, falls into the Tafawa Balewa were to be alive today, he would
hands of the insurgents as it happened in 2014, have been his constituent.
the relative peace being enjoyed by other local
governments in the State, particularly Michika,
Mubi North, Mubi South, Maiha, Hong and
Gombi, etc. will be jeopardised, and the people
would become traumatised and displaced as it
happened in 2014, with the attendant humani-
tarian crisis.

Speaker House of Representatives, Rt.Hon.Yakubu Dogara receiving the Sir, Abubakar

Tafawa Balewa Award for Advancement of Constitutional Democracy in Nigeria from the
representative of the Governor of Nasarawa State and Commissioner for Education, Na-
sarawa State, Alhaji Tijani at the First Annual Founders and Award Day, organized by the
Nasarawa State University, Faculty of Law in Keffi.
House To Investigate Abuse of Webb Fontaine Nigeria Limited
Import Duty Revenues, To Be Probed By Reps Over
Waivers and Bonds on Import Nigeria Customs Service ICT In-
Duties Collected by the frastructure, Violation of Its
Nigeria Customs Service from Automated System for
2010 to Date Customs Data (ASYCUDA)
Lawmakers have mandated their Committee on
Time-Line Agreement, Others
Customs and Excise to determine the nature and
extent of abuse of the Customs Pre-Arrival As- The activities of Webb Fontaine Nigeria Limited,
sessment Reports (PAAR) by importers and offi- one of the service providers for the import and ex-
cials of the Customs Service in order to recover port trade facilitation within Nigeria Customs Ser-
the revenues due to the Federal Government but vice ICT Infrastructure, has come under scrutiny of
were not paid. House of Representatives over failure to hand over
their operations to the Nigeria Customs Service on
They also resolved to investigate the abuse of im- 1 December, 2013, among others.
port duty waivers granted by the Federal Ministry
of Finance and its effects on the economy and The House has urged the Federal Ministry of Fi-
identify the companies or individuals that have nance to look into its Agreement with Webb Fon-
refused to redeem the Bonds even after clearing taine with a view to exploring the option of hand-
their imports. ing it over to the Nigeria Customs Service as al-
ready done by other Service Providers and also set
This followed a motion moved by Hon. James up a Compliance Monitoring Team that will liaise
Abiodun Faleke and other lawmakers, where it with the Nigeria Customs Service to further utilise
was alleged that some importers, most times, is- its ICT Infrastructure towards conforming to the
sue Bank and/or Insurance Bonds to Nigeria Cus- World Customs Organisation standard.
toms Service in lieu of duty payments to enable
them clear their imports immediately and thereaf- It also mandated its Committee on Customs and
ter fail to redeem the Bonds by paying the appro- Excise to investigate the operational activities in the
priate duty rates. Nigeria Customs Service ICT Infrastructure between
2013-2017, violation of its ASYCUDA Time-Line
Agreement, Rules of Engagement and the delay in
handing over to Nigeria Customs Service when oth-
er Service Providers did so in December, 2013.

These were contained in a motion moved by Hon.

Jerry Alagbaoso, where it was also disclosed that
Webb Fontaine appears to be losing interest in Ni-
geria and consequently does not deliver its ser-
vices, having transferred majority of its shares
abroad. This, the House noted, calls for a re-
examination of the Time-Line Agreement, Rules of
Engagement, Schedule of Payment of its services
and Corporate Economic and Social Responsibilities
so far in Nigeria.
Dogara swears in New member
A new member of the House of Representatives was Thursday sworn in
by the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogarato represent Kware/Wamakko
Federal Constituency of Sokoto State.

He is Hon. Abdullahi Kalambaina of the All Progressive Congress, APC.

He replaces the Late Hon. Abdullahi Muhammed Wamakko

who died in July this year

Dogara Urges Northern Christians To
Imbibe Spirit Of Forgiveness, Unity
..Says God has a plan for Nigeria

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu

Dogara, has urged Christians in Northern Nigeria to im-
bibe the spirit of unity, forgiveness and continous prayers
for the nation and it's leadership.

He made the call during the official inauguration of the

Congress of Northern Nigerian Christians under the leader-
ship of Professor Adamu Baikie in Kaduna on Saturday.

Hon. Dogara, argued that unity is the most difficult chal-

lenge facing the church at the moment and that it was for
nothing that Jesus Christ prayed for the unity of the church
even at the point of crucifixion as recorded in the Book of
John 17:20-23.

He cautioned against emphasing denominational suprema-

cy over and above the unity of the church because Jesus
Christ wasn't a member of any of the denominations say-
ing, "anyone who is not fighting for the unity of the church
is fighting for the division of the body of Christ."

Speaking on forgiveness, Hon. Dogara noted that,

"forgiveness was commanded in the scripture. You've to
have the capacity to forgive before you can also receive

"As a church we must be prepared to forgive. We must, if

we forgive, what worries us will not worry us again. That is
why I fully identify with the vision of the founding fathers
of this congress."

"My charge to the founders of this congress is that they

should continue to work for the unity of the church and if
the church in the north is united the church in Nigeria will
also be united."

He also called on Christians to continue to pray for the

peace, unity and progress of the Nigerian nation. "We call
on all of us to pray for this nation. God has a purpose for
Nigeria and no one can defeat God's plans until it is ful-
filled. "

"I urge you all to continue to pray for the leadership of this
nation from the top most; the President to the
least political office holders. It will be well with Nigeria."

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