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GRADE 11 School LIBHU NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 11 General Academic

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher VICTOR D. DUMAGUIT Learning Area Organization Management
Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 June 5-8, 2017 Quarter 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

To be able to know the Nature and Conceptof Management
A. Content Standard The learners have an understanding of basic concepts and theories

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to apply management theories and concepts in solving business cases

The learners will be able to discuss the The learners will be able to explain the
C. Learning Competencies The learners will be able to 1. discuss the meaning and functions of various types of management theories
/Objectives management.ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-1 managerial skills ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-2 ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-3

Nature and Conceptof Management



1. Teacher's Guide pages

2. Learner's Materials pages pp.3-4 pp.5-6 pp.7-8 pp.9-10

3. Textbooks pages

Organization and Management by: Cabrera, Altarejos, Riaz

4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

After reviewing the definition and
management that has been From the management of concepts and
Ask the learners of their own idea or discussedofyesterday,
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Explain the various types of
the basic concepts functions, introduce the managerial
presenting the new lesson definition of management management theories
of functions of manaegement will be skills

explain the importance of knowing the discuss the importance of functions of

concepts of organization and managemnet such as planning,
B. Establishing a purpose for the management as future business organizaing,staffing,leading and
lesson owners/entreprenuers/managers controlling explain the importance of knowing and
practicing skills that are needed for
effective management

ask the students of their daily ask the students of their personal skills ask the students of their observations on
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Ask the students to give specific activities whichinvolves planning, various types of management in their
that they may use as a tool to become
the new lesson scenarios where management is involve organizaing, staffing, leading and surroundings or based on tv shows they
effective managers
controlling watch

D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the definition/meaning of discuss the concepts of planning, discuss the managerial skills that a
discuss the various types of management
practicing new skills #1 management organizing, staffing, leading and manager should possess in order to
controlling succeed

discuss the differences between discuss the language of love that a

E. Discussing new concepts and managers and leaders manager should be familiarized with as a
practicing new skills #2 tool for effective leading/motivating

ask the students to define ask the students when they ask the students of their personal skills ask the students iof the type of management
management based on the plan, organize, lead and that they may use as a tool to become that hey have at home or on their previous
scenarios they encounter control effective managers employers , if any
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
ask the students to cite ask the students to enumerate ask the students to enumerate the skills ask the students of their opinion of the
G. Finding practical application of instances of their daily functions of management of an effective manager and discuss the best type ofmanagement theories
concepts and skills in daily living activities where concept of applying to their personal language of love applying on their
management is applied activities personal living
re-discuss the managerial skills and
re-discuss he functions of management language of love as a tool in becoming an re-discuss the various types of
H. Making generalizations and re-discuss the definition and meaning of and their importance and emphasize the managmeent theories
effective manager
abstractions about the lesson management difference between manager and leader
ask the students to enumerate ask students to recite the functions of ask students to recite the managerial short quiz on nature & concept o
experiences where they apply concept of management and cite the importance of skills and languags of love that will be management, managerial skills and types
I. Evaluating learning management each applied in managing people of management theories
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation 5 minutes were taken for remedial 5 minutes were taken for remedial 5 minutes were taken for remedial


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies I related the topic/concept with student's I related the topic/concept with I related the topic/concept with student's I related the topic/concept with student's
worked well? Why did these work? personal experiences student's personal experiences personal experiences personal experiences

F. What difficulties did I encounter dealing with absenteeism of slow dealing with absenteeism of slow dealing with absenteeism of slow
dealing with absenteeism of slow learners
which my principal or supervisor can learners which affects the time for their learners which affects the time for their which affects the time for their remedial learners which affects the time for their
help me solve? remedial remedial remedial

G. What innovation or localized Relating concepts with student's Relating concepts with student's Relating concepts with student's Relating concepts with student's
materials did I use/discover which I experiences experiences experiences experiences
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared By: Checked By:


TEACHER 1 Principal I

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