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11/9/2017 Steel Pipes and Maximum Water Flow Capacity

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Steel Pipes and Maximum Water Flow Capacity

Maximum water flow capacities in steel pipes - pipe dimensions ranging 2 - 24 inches

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No single recom m endation will be correct for all possible circum stances, but the table below can be used as a general guidance for water flow
capacity in Steel pipes schedule 40.

M aximum Flow Velocity

Pipe Size Head Loss
(gal/min) (ft/s)
(inch) (ftH2O/100ft, m/100m)
(l/s) (m/s)

45 4.3
2 3.9
2.84 1.31
75 5.0
2 1/2 4.1
4.73 1.52
130 5.6
3 3.9
8.2 1.71
260 6.6
4 4.0
16.4 2.01
800 8.9
6 4.0
50.5 2.71
1600 10.3
8 3.8
101 3.14
3000 12.2
10 4.0
189 3.72
4700 13.4
12 4.0
297 4.08
6000 14.2
14 4.0
379 4.33
8000 14.5
16 3.5
505 4.42
10000 14.3
18 3.0
631 4.36
12000 13.8
20 2.4
757 4.21
18000 14.4
24 2.1
1136 4.39

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