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Molecular Diversity, 1 (1995) 270-274



Automating combinatorial chemistry:

A primer on benchtop robotic systems

Jill H. H a r d i n * a n d F r a n k R. S m i e t a n a
Lilly Reseamh Laboratories, A Division of Eli Lilly & Co., Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285, US.A.

Received 6 April 1996

Accepted 21 May 1996

Keywords: Robotics; Automation; Combinatorial chemistry

Benchtop robotic systems are inexpensive, flexible automation tools with potential applications in a wide
array of disciplines such as combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, and genomics. We
explain the basic components of a benchtop system and explore factors to consider when purchasing
or customizing a robot, such as automation benefits, vendor selection, and current system limitations.
Issues involving system specification, software design, and hardware customization are then discussed.
Additionally, system optimization, validation, and support are detailed. Given a properly designed and
implemented system, the combinatorial laboratory can markedly increase compound synthesis and

Accompanying the growing acceptance of combina- to MS vials or removing product under an inert atmos-
torial chemistry is the realization that manual processes phere. Several automation companies are currently mar-
need to be automated. Automation establishes consistency keting robots specifically built for solid-phase combina-
in the synthesis and screening of compounds, frees the torial chemistry. These firms include Advanced Chem-
scientist from the mundane aspects of the process, and Tech [1], Bohdan Automation Inc. [2], Science Applica-
channels scarce resources toward more productive arenas tions International Corp. (SAIC) [3], Tomtec [4], Tecan
demanding human attention. This paper explores automa- AG [5], Argonaut Technologies Inc. [6], and CombiChem
tion from the perspective of benchtop systems specifically Inc. [7]. A host of other firms market systems capable of
designed for combinatorial chemistry. automating various aspects of combinatorial chemistry,
Benchtop systems are currently being used to automate including Beckman Instruments Inc. [8], Hamilton Co. [9],
a number of specific combinatorial chemisty applications. RoSys Inc. [10], Gilson Inc. [11] and Packard Instrument
These include applying microliter-scale volumes of syn- Company, Inc. [12]. Custom-built solutions can also be
thesized compounds to thin-layer-chromatography (TLC) purchased from Bohdan Automation Inc., Zymark Corp.
plates; adding solvents, reagents, diluents and resin slur- [13], and Sagian Inc. [14].
ries to synthesis vessels; solid-phase extraction (SPE); Before attempting an automation project, the limita-
transfer of products to vials or microtiter plates; and tions of current benchtop systems must be clearly under-
injection of final products into an autosampler attached stood. Some applications are straightforward and can be
to either a high-pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC) automated using off-the-shelf systems requiring no further
or a mass spectrometer (MS). Some systems are capable customization. Other applications, though capable of
of septum piercing, a useful capability for adding product being automated, present a greater challenge since no

*To whom correspondenceshould be addressed.

1381-1991/$ 6.00 + 1.00 9 1996 ESCOM SciencePublishers B.V.


commercially available robotic system exists, necessitating using multiple systems, and timing issues must be resolved
custom hardware construction. to eliminate workflow bottlenecks.
Generally, automated systems do not perform tasks The length of time necessary to automate a given ro-
quicker than manual alternatives. However, this does not botic system may prove to be substantial therefore, this
necessarily preclude the use of automated systems, as they factor must be weighed heavily when considering an
may run well beyond the typical 40-h work week without automation project. The length of time required to auto-
an increase in hourly operating costs. There are reasons mate may be increased with the increase in complexity of
to automate a task even if it does not prove cost-effective, the desired task. Simple routine tasks, for example serial
such as eliminating human exposure to toxic chemicals, dilutions, may be programmed in a vendor-provided
human 'burnout' due to the performance of repetitive 'point and click' environment, while a more difficult task
routine tasks, the necessity for very accurate and precise may need to be programmed in a more complex environ-
deliveries of liquids, or to standardize procedures across ment, using a language such as C++ or Microsoft Visual
many laboratories within a given department or company. Basic. With the increase in complexity of the task one can
Therefore, automation may be able to compete with expect the length of time required to program the robot
manual performance if the timing, expense, and accuracy to increase, as well as the complexity of the program.
issues provide adequate justification. In order to guage Other automation-system applications may require the
the applicability of automation, it is important to under- use of customized hardware, requiring substantial invest-
stand both current functionality as well as limitations. ments of time and money, as it becomes necessary to
Functionality that is currently available for automated work closely with a machine shop to design the hardware.
systems includes intelligent error recovery; allowing ro- After the automation specialist has delivered the desired
bots to assess an unexpected event, take corrective action system to the end users, requests for changes in the pro-
and proceed rather than halting. Multi-tasking is a fea- gramming or hardware of the system typically begin to
ture available with certain robotic systems software in- surface. Changes may be due to work load increases,
volving the simultaneous operation of multiple pieces of evolvement of underlying processes or misunderstood ex-
equipment within a given system. Multi-tasking may be pectations. The latter can be minimized by the automation
invaluable in an automated system as it maximizes system specialist possessing a thorough understanding of the man-
throughput by minimizing the downtime of the various ual application to be automated and by providing users of
components comprising the robot. Commercially available the system with a system-requirements document. This is
databases may be used to capture relevent data generated a document detailing everything a given system needs to
in an automated system and provide convenient links to do in order to be used, accepted, and valuable to the users.
statistical data evaluation tools or allowing for the use of Once the users have 'signed off' on this document, the
data mining tools, such as neural networks, to create automation specialist may begin working on the system.
'intelligent' databases. Ideally, the automation specialist charged with imple-
There are some situations which commercially avail- menting a benchtop system will have a clear understand-
able robotic systems may not be able to address. The ing of the processes to automate. Failing that, it is im-
weight of containers that will be used in the automated perative that the specialist has free access to the personnel
process needs to be examined closely. Most robots are engaged in chemical synthesis. Automation project fail-
restricted to moving only a few kilograms at best. Heavier ures are often the result of an incomplete understanding
containers would demand manual intervention, eliminat- of the end user's expectations. If the automation specialist
ing the possibility of a totally automated system. If sep- does not have a thorough understanding of the underly-
turn puncturing is to be performed, robot-arm durability ing process, she may choose to shadow laboratory per-
and ruggedness is paramount. Processes requiring subjec- sonnel for several cycles of the manually executed syn-
tive observations to determine a color change or product thesis to familiarize herself with the attendant details and
formation may be difficult or impossible to automate. potential difficulties.
Another factor to consider is the length of time a given A number of commercially available off-the-shelf sys-
automation system will be operational. This factor may tems may currently be evaluated by a laboratory seeking
prove to be substantial when comparing the cost of the to automate its applications. It is preferable to negotiate
automated system with the manual process. Budgetary a risk-free evaluation period with each prospective ven-
constraints must be examined to determine how much of dor, typically 1 to 2 months in duration. This allows the
the process can reasonably be automated. A semi-auto- specialist time to evaluate the chemistry, programming
mated solution involving minimal human intervention and durability of a system, and to perform an objective
may meet the needs of a laboratory unable to finance a comparison between the various robots. If the applica-
'cradle-to-grave' solution. It is conceivable that several tions demand a custom-built robot, the laboratory will
robots can be used in tandem to perform the desired obviously not have the luxury of performing a risk-free
automation. Complexity increases dramatically when evaluation at the expense of the vendor.

Some benchtop systems are merely retooled versions of tain the maximum amount of liquid that could be drawn
aqueous-based liquid-handling robots. Tubing, valves and up by that syringe, thereby preventing samples and re-
any other components that are subjected to prolonged agents from entering the syringe. Syringes vary in size
contact with organic solvents will therefore have to be re- from 0.10 ml to 25 ml. Syringes contain system liquid
placed with components capable of resisting this expo- that is separated from samples and reagents by airgaps
sure. The arm's construction is also critical to the longev- that are programmed into the liquid-handling operation.
ity and success of the system. During the evaluation phase, Syringes are driven by the stepper motors, which are
periods of time should be blocked off to run diagnostics capable of accurate movement at a very small step size,
that check the reproducibility of the arm's positioning perhaps 8000 increments over the path of syringe travel.
mechanisms. Some robots such as the Tecan RSP 5000 Switching valves toggle between inlet and outlet settings
provide utility programs that automate this procedure. to aspirate and dispense liquids through the tip. When
A typical benchtop robot consists of a work surface or using organics, it is imperative to use syringes and valves
deck, a robotic arm, a liquid-handling system and a con- that are Teflon-coated. Most robots use syringes and
troller, and a personal computer (PC). Roughly two feet valves manufactured by either Cavro or Hamilton; some
deep by three feet long, the deck of an instrument may of both companies' components are resistant to a broad
house numerous components, such as test-tube racks, range of organics.
microtiter plates, wash troughs, or autosamplers and in- Liquid-level sensing is a mechanism that ensures that
jection ports. the minimum amount of liquid required by an application
The robotic arm manipulates and transfers samples, is present prior to aspiration from a container. If sensors
reagents and diluents on the deck. The arm of the robot fail to detect this minimum, an error message is displayed
is capable of movement along the x-axis with range of or logged by the system informing the user of this condi-
motion bounded by the dimensions of the deck. The tion. The majority of liquid-level-sensing systems are
robot may have one, four or eight probes which are ca- capacitance-based, relying on ionic activity to determine
pable of movement in the yz plane and equipped with a the presence of liquid. Problems may occur when pipet-
variety of different tips used to manipulate liquids. Some ting organic solvents exhibiting weak ionic activity. A
vendors offer an optional second arm that, although second approach, termed sonic liquid-level sensing, is
identical in functionality to the primary arm, does not used in the Beckman Biomek 2000. A sound-wave gener-
necessarily double throughput. Due to sample-scheduling ator and a receiving device similar to a microphone em-
demands and the synchronization of functions on the bedded inside the Biomek's liquid-handling tools provide
robot, the second arm may be idle for long periods of sensing capabilities that are not dependent on a liquid's
time. Instead of the two arms being configured identical- ionic activity. The analyst may also choose to disable
ly, the second arm might operate as a plate handler ca- liquid-level sensing completely. If this approach is em-
pable of a wide range of motion. The RoSys Plato and ployed, probes are programmed to travel to the maximum
the Tecan Roma systems exemplify this type of robot. coordinate on the z-axis of the respective container before
The liquid-handling system interacts with the arm to as- aspirating liquids from the container. Disabling liquid-
pirate and dispense liquids between designated locations on level sensing forces the end user to maintain appropriate
the deck. This system is flushed and filled with a system levels of liquid in all containers to ensure the proper
liquid, typically a solvent compatible with the reagents execution of the application.
used during the synthesis. The system is composed of the The robot is controlled by an Intel 486 or Pentium-
aforementioned probes, a length of tubing connecting the based PC. Communications to the robot take place either
probes to the syringes, a stepper-motor mechanism capable via a custom interface card or the RS-232 port on the PC.
of driving the syringes, a switching valve that facilitates Peripheral devices can also be controlled through addi-
liquid transfer and a liquid-detection mechanism. The tional communication ports on the PC. A generic PC
probes are usually individually plumbed, allowing each configuration might include 8-16 megabytes of volatile
probe to handle different volumes, if necessary. Various tip memory (RAM), a 3 1/2" floppy-disk drive, and from 100
configurations are commercially available. If the applica- to 500 megabytes of permanent hard-drive storage. A cur-
tion specifies a sterile or pyrogen-free pipetting appar- rent trend in the software industry is to package shrink-
atus, disposable tips must be used which are available in wrapped software on CD-ROMs, necessitating a CD-
polystyrene or polypropylene. These tips perform a single ROM drive. Additionally, the PC should be configured
transfer and are then discarded by the robot. Fixed tips with at least one communications port.
are another option and are composed of Teflon-coated Two software environments are currently available for
stainless steel. These tips are washed between liquid trans- benchtop robotic systems. One approach caters to the
fers and generally have a lifetime of several months. scientist, providing a 'point-and-click environment' requir-
Connecting each tip to its respective switching valve is ing no in-depth programming at the expense of some
a length of tubing with sufficient internal volume to con- flexibility and extensibility. The Beckman Biomek 2000

provides a three-dimensional graphical depiction of the When synthesis applications demand customized hard-
deck. The user builds an application program by selecting ware, an in-house machine shop may be indispensable for
volumes, locations and containers from this depiction. rapid hardware prototyping and testing. A second ap-
The actual machine commands are then automatically proach is to use an external machine shop, though it may
created by the Biomek system software. Despite its ex- be difficult to effectively communicate the exact needs of
treme ease of use, these environments may not support the desired prototype, and the subsequent turn-around
file manipulation or peripheral device control. This may time for prototype development may be unacceptably
be problematic when querying external databases or de- slow. A third approach is to have a vendor specializing in
vices or sending data to a laboratory-information-man- custom automation design and build a robot to meet the
agement system (LIMS). laboratory's needs. Bohdan Automation Inc. specializes
A second approach to creating robotics software pro- in the construction of robots into which commercially
vides a complete programming environment for experi- available components are integrated whenever possible.
enced automation specialists. Designed for specialists Off-the-shelf systems are also available from this vendor.
accustomed to working with languages such as Microsoft Bohdan writes Windows software capable of integration
Visual Basic, C++, or Borland Turbo Pascal, these envi- into external databases using text file transfers. Sagian
ronments provide total flexibility and extensibility. Ro- Inc. also builds custom robotic systems interfaced with
botics vendors generally define the software driving the CRS [15] and Orca subsystems. The Orca robot is cur-
mechanical operations of their robot in a Dynamic-Link rently manufactured by Sagian Inc., as is the point-and-
Library (DLL). The programmer uses a language such as click SAMI software environment which allows rapid
Microsoft Visual Basic to create data-entry screens, re- application development that intuitively models the work-
ports and the scheduling of the automated synthesis while flow of the process being automated.
using the DLL to perform robot-specific operations. Once the hardware and software have been implemen-
Interfacing to an external database such as Oracle or ted, the robot's liquid-handling parameters must be opti-
Sybase is also handled through the use of a DLL. If the mized. These parameters include the syringe speeds used
scientist wishes to send data directly to a spreadsheet or to aspirate and dispense liquids, the size of the airgaps
statistics package, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) may that surround the aspirated liquid and delay times that
be used. Note that these capabilities are possible only pause the probe following liquid dispensing. Depending
when the application resides under a graphical operating on the fluids that will be used in the application, this
system such as Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft optimization process ranges from straightforward to tedi-
Windows 95. Older applications written for the Disk ous. Parameters are very dependent on the volume and
Operating System (DOS) will not share this capability, viscosity of the representative liquid; therefore, a universal
although various vendors do provide user-friendly envi- parameter set, robust enough to handle the entire range
ronments in their DOS applications. of potential volumes, rarely exists. A statistical technique
Regardless of which approach is used for software available in most PC-based statistics packages that can be
design, end-user acceptance is largely dependent on the used to expedite parameter optimization is E X P E R I M E N -
application's ease of use and the software's ability to anti- TAL DESIGN. Using a statistically generated matrix of
cipate and correctly process improper or erroneous user potential parameter sets, the automation specialist gener-
input. Although it requires additional programming, the ates gravimetric or volumetric measurements for those
analyst may choose to create detailed audit trails that parameters, allowing the statistical routine to quickly
facilitate diagnosis of hardware problems, should they determine a robust optimum for a given range of volumes
occur. and viscosities.
When contracting with an outside vendor for software Following optimization, the robot must be validated to
development, an agreement regarding source code must ensure that volumes being dispensed are accurate and
be established. Source code is comprised of readable files precise. A batch program can be written that aspirates
that can be edited by a programmer when modifications and dispenses numerous aliquots across the range of
to the application need to be made. These files are then volumes used in the application. The aliquots are then
compiled into machine-readable form or interpreted by weighed and adjusted for density to determine whether
the PC for use by the robot. If the vendor does not re- the optimized parameter set delivers the correct volumes.
lease the application's source code, the user will be depen- If the liquid-detection unit is employed, it must be vali-
dent on the vendor for all subsequent updates and main- dated to determine whether detection takes place at vol-
tenance. In this case, purchasers should negotiate for the umes and ionic concentrations typical to the application.
source code to be held in escrow by a third party in the This is especially critical when using very small sample
event that the outside vendor becomes insolvent. The volumes.
vendor may also choose to sell the source code or provide Though usually treated as an afterthought, system
it as part of the robot's purchase price. maintenance costs should be considered during the robot

selection process. With nonrobust systems, these costs sion is being maintained by the liquid-handling system.
may prove to be a significant percentage of the original Systems that perform this calibration check using the
purchase price. Systems that suffer a high failure rate optical density of a dispensed solution are commercially
tend to discourage further automation efforts and cast available and can be easily integrated into most benchtop
doubt on the credibility of results generated by the robot. systems.
Maintenance contracts can be negotiated with most ven- A properly designed benchtop robotics system can
dors and may be necessary if the synthesis laboratory markedly increase the throughput of a synthesis labora-
lacks trained instrumentation-service technicians. tory. Carefully determining the scope of the automation
The system will require both users and instrumention project, clearly communicating the details of the synthesis
technicians to support the hardware. It is necessary for and analytical procedures to the automation specialist,
users to be trained to perform routine maintenance on a and becoming familiar with the host of commercially
given system. Though this may appear trivial, finding a available benchtop systems should guarantee a successful
person who is motivated to perform such tasks reliably implementation. Combinatorial chemistry applications
may be difficult. Timetables for performing routine main- lacking off-the-shelf solutions may also be automated by
tenance range from daily to yearly activities. Certain vendors specializing in customized systems.
applications may be dependent on the actual time that the
robot is in service. Time in service can be logged by the References
robot's software, eliminating the need for manual track-
ing. Examples of routine maintenance are the removal of 1 Advanced ChemTech, 5609 Fern Valley Road, Louisville, KY
dust and dirt from the instrument deck and arm, thor- 40228, U.S.A.
2 Bohdan Automation, Inc., 1500 McCormick Boulevard, Munde-
ough lubrication of the arm, and inspection of syringes,
lein, IL 60060, U.S.A.
valves, and tubing for wear and leaks. When done on a
3 Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), 10260
routine basis this maintenance will prove to be invaluable Campus Point Drive, MS C4, San Diego, CA 92121, U.S.A.
to the life of the automated system. 4 TomTec, 607 Harborview Road, Orange, CT 06477, U.S.A,
Instrumentation technicians have a more in-depth 5 Tecan U.S. SLT Lab Instruments, RO. Box 13953, Research Tri-
understanding of system hardware than the typical end angle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A.
user. They are capable of thoroughly dismantling and 6 Argonaut Technologies, Inc., 887 Industrial Road, Suite G, San
troubleshooting an instrument down to the circuit board Carlos, CA 94070, U.S.A.
7 CombiChem, Inc., 9050 Camino, Santa Fe, San Diego, CA 92121,
level. These technicians generally obtain their training
from the system vendor, though some automation com- 8 Beckman Instruments, Inc., 846 Algonquin Road, Schaumburg,
panies prefer to keep this level of expertise within their 1L 60173, U.S.A.
organizations, necessitating service contracts. In addition 9 Hamilton Co., 4970 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502, U.S.A.
to diagnosing and repairing unexpected system malfunc- 10 Rosys, 1113 Forest Run Drive, Batavia, OH 45103, U.S.A.
tions, instrumention technicians are also responsible for 11 Gilson Medical Electronics Inc., 3000 West Beltline Highway,
performing periodic preventative maintenance, such as Middleton, WI 53562, U.S.A.
removal and replacement of syringes, tubing, and valves 12 Packard Instrument Company, 800 Research Parkway, Meriden,
CT 06450, U.S.A.
and checking the system's pipetting accuracy and liquid-
13 Zymark Corporation, Zymark Center, Hopkinton, MA 01748,
detection capabilities. A program that transfers replicate U.S.A.
aliquots across a broad range of volumes to a container 14 Sagian Inc., 5601 West 74th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46278, U.S.A.
appropriate for gravimetric verification should also be 15 CRS Robotics Corp., 5344 John Lucas Drive, Burlington, ON,
run periodically to determine whether accuracy and preci- Canada L7L 6A6.

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