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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teachers name: Hanan Observers name: Melissa

Unit/Lesson: Science: Day and Night Grade Level: KG2D
Date: 23/10/17

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession
Planning for learning
Managing Learning
Implementing Learning
Reflection on Practice

Strengths of the lesson:

Thank you for sending your plan in advance. You activities are clear, and link directly with
your topic.
Materials were ready on the table for the activity.
One group were gluing pictures in the correct category (day/night) sorting is an
important skill. The other group was drawing day or night pictures and labelling them. I
wonder why you chose whiteboards for this activity? Post observation: so they could
draw, erase and repeat.
Students in each were asked what they do in their own lives, in the morning and at night,
one group drew their answers. Students were given a sticker for their answers. Students
were able to answer in English.
Then students were asked to draw any picture, and were asked is this day or night.
Students were involved in the clean-up and put things away.

Areas for development:

Copy and paste the ADEC learning outcome and code for your lesson plan.
I didnt hear the instruction for activity 2, but the boys (especially) did very well at
sharing the glue. This needs to be part of the instruction if there is not a glue each. It may
be a god idea to share out the pictures between the students so they are not reaching
for them. Sharing them out gives them responsibility for their pictures. A suggestion
might be that they have to discuss with their partner first where to put the picture, and
agree before gluing. This discussion and negotiation allows your students to use their
linguistic and interpersonal skills, and it increases the chances that students are on task,
are engaging with the content and theyre thinking it through. It also allows you to listen
in and use the discussion as part of your formative assessment.
Think about using your voice. You are naturally quiet, and this works well sometimes as it
can calm the children as they need to be still and quiet to hear you. But at other times
you may need more volume, and a bit more enthusiasm!
A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, c = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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