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Ketamine and Atropine for Pediatric Sedation

A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Payman Asadi, MD,* Hamed-Basir Ghafouri, MD, Mohammadreza Yasinzadeh, MD,
Seid Mohamad Hosseini Kasnavieh, MD, and Ehsan Modirian, MD, MPH

Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative for procedural se-

Introduction: Sedation in children can be a challenge for emergency dation.2 It is a dissociative agent allowing potent sedation, an-
physicians, which demands for selecting an effective medication with few algesia, and amnesia during painful procedures with minimal
complications and good analgesic effects. This study has been performed respiratory depression.3,4 The safe and effective use of keta-
to evaluate the adverse effects of ketamine while using either atropine or mine for sedation in children undergoing procedures such as
placebo in emergency departments. fracture reduction and wound management in emergency depart-
Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled trial involving ments has been described.1,5 Typical indications for ketamine use
200 patients with age ranging between 2 and 15 years, who need a painful are short, painful procedures and examinations likely to produce
procedure. Participants randomly were divided into 2 groups both treated excessive emotional disturbance.6 Ketamine is effective either as
by ketamine (1 mg/kg intravenously administered); group 1 received ex- a sole agent or in combination with a benzodiazepine for brief
cessive intravenous atropine (0.01 mg/kg), whereas distilled water was painful procedures in children.3 Intravenously administered, a dose
given to group 2 as placebo. Adverse effects and duration of the treat- of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg will produce light sedation in a child for ap-
ments were recorded. proximately 10 minutes.7
Results: From March to September 2010, 200 of 218 eligible patients Ketamine can sedate the child with preserving the airway
were enrolled. The mean (SD) age of patients in the intervention group tone and reflexes, maintenance of spontaneous respiration, and
was 7.0 (3.6) years that showed no statistical difference with the control relative cardiovascular stability.8 The adverse effects of keta-
group (age range, 2Y15 years; mean, 7.1 [3.8] years). The mean proce- mine include nausea, vomiting, recovery agitation, hallucinations,
dure and sedation time between the intervention and placebo groups double vision, random movements, myoclonus or increased mus-
were not significantly different (P = 0.919 and 0.783, respectively). Sev- cle tone, transient rash, and hypersalivation1,9,10 Laryngospasm,
eral differences between the intervention and placebo groups were noted respiratory depression, and apnea are not usually seen except in
including nausea and vomiting, but only the difference in hypersalivation very high doses.11Y13
was statistically significant (12% vs 28%). Low oxygen saturation was re- Increased oral secretions and hypersalivation resulted from
ported only in 2% of the participants, whereas none of the children experi- using ketamine is one of the most common adverse events seen
enced apnea or laryngospasm during the sedation process. in previous studies with rare airway compromise.10 There are
Conclusions: Atropine added to ketamine significantly reduces hyper- numerous reports with controversial results about using adjunc-
salivation without producing any adverse effects on the procedure dura- tive anticholinergics such as atropine or glycopyrrolate along
tion or success rate. with ketamine to limit excessive mucosal secretions,14,15 but it
Key Words: sedation, ketamine, atropine has not always been found to be effective in the emergency de-
partment setting.14,16 This prospective double-blind randomized
(Pediatr Emer Care 2013;29: 136Y139)
controlled trial has been performed to assess ketamine adverse
effects when using either atropine or placebo in the emergency

S edation in children can be a challenge for physicians work

in emergency departments. A child exposed to any kind of
trauma can feel the pain to the same level as an adult, whereas METHODS
unfamiliar and frightening environment of the emergency de-
partment can lead to more anxiety and pain.1 This fact neces- Objectives
sitates selecting an effective drug with few complications and In this study, we evaluated the effects of atropine as a con-
good analgesic effects. The physician must determine the ap- junct therapy with ketamine and assessed its potential effects on
propriate medications for sedation according to any particular reducing hypersalivation, the most important adverse effect of
procedure to minimize the childs emotional and physical dis- ketamine, and its subsequent airway compromise.
comforts and provide a safe and effective treatment.
From March to September 2010, data from 218 healthy
children with a physical status score of I or II (American So-
From the *Poursina Hospital, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, ciety of Anesthesiologists), aged between 2 and 15 years, who
Rasht; and Hazrat Rasoul Akram Hospital, Tehran University of Med- needed procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) for any pain-
ical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Disclosure: No financial support was received except for that provided by
ful procedures in the emergency department were eligible for
Tehran University of Medical Sciences. participation in the study. Eighteen of these patients were not
Reprints: Hamed-Basir Ghafouri, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, enrolled because of refusal by parents or unavailability of the
Rasul Akram Hospital, Niayesh St, Sattarkahn Ave, Tehran University investigators at the time of the patients presentation to the
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: h-basirghafouri@
emergency department. The remaining 200 patients were al-
Copyright * 2013 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins located to drug or placebo groups by using blinded random-
ISSN: 0749-5161 ized blocks (Fig. 1).

136 Pediatric Emergency Care & Volume 29, Number 2, February 2013

Copyright 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care & Volume 29, Number 2, February 2013 Ketamine and Atropine for Pediatric Sedation

Any nausea (tendency to vomit) or any grade of vomiting,

muscle spasm, rash, unusual movement, or tachycardia observed
by the investigator were recorded as adverse effects. Apnea (ces-
sation of spontaneous breath for 910 seconds), low oxygen satu-
ration (G90%) and hypersalivation (90 mL of saliva), as well as
occurrence of emergent phenomenon (obvious unpleasant dreams
and inconsolable crying)15 were also recorded. Increased salivation
was recorded based on the estimated volume of patients excessive
salivation. Physicians judgment (the one who was responsible for
PSA) was the main criterion to determine whether a patient re-
quired suction.
Patients were carefully monitored during sedation proce-
dure by pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram, and ETCO2 monitor
(when available). Other equipments such as oxygen, bag-mask
ventilation, laryngoscope, endotracheal tubes, and suction cathe-
ters were in immediate access in case of emergency.

Discharge Criteria
Monitoring was continued after the procedure until the child
met the criteria for safe discharge. These consisted airway pa-
tency and stable cardiovascular function, easy arousability with
intact protective reflexes, ability to talk (if age appropriate), abil-
FIGURE 1. Description of patient enrollment and randomization. ity to sit, stand or walk unaided (if age appropriate), and ade-
quate hydration with management of any nausea, vomiting, or
pain.7,18,19 A full explanation and advice sheet was provided
Sample Size to the supervising parent.
To detect a 20% difference in incidence of hypersalivation,15
at the 5% significance level with 90% power, we required approx- Randomization
imately 88 patients per treatment group. As we encountered more Although evaluations were completed for all patients and
patients during our study period, we enrolled 218 patients to gain confirmed that a patient can be included in the study, the par-
more power, using convenience sampling method and evaluated ticipants randomly allocated to control or intervention groups
200 children (3Y16 years) who did not meet the exclusion criteria. using 50 blocks of cards; each block contained 4 closed enve-
lopes to assign 2 participants to each group. This assured that
Exclusion Criteria the sequence was concealed until interventions were assigned.
Patients with history of asthma or psychosis, upper airway The envelopes were opened by the nurse who was responsible
tract infections or abnormalities, cardiovascular diseases or hy- for drug injection to consign the participants to their groups. All
pertension, head injury with loss of consciousness, vomiting or data including the times were recorded by a blinded observer.
abnormal conscious level, increased intraocular pressure or in-
tracranial pressure, thyroid disease, and porphyria were excluded.17 Blinding
The researcher who recorded the data, the physician who
Ethics was responsible for PSA, and the one who analyzed the data
A written informed consent was obtained from the parents were blinded to the intervention process. The nurse who opened
of all the participants. This study was approved by the relevant the envelope and assigned the patient to one of the groups and
human research ethics committees. the physician who performed the procedure were not blinded.
Presedation Evaluation Statistical Methods
A presedation evaluation was performed for all patients to Categorical data were presented as frequencies, percent-
recognize the appropriate participants. Patients information ages, and odds ratios with 95% confidence limits reported to
including an accurate body weight was recorded. The monitor- compare adverse effects of each treatment group. Mean time
ing and airway management equipment was prepared. Physical measurements were compared by using independent t test in
examination including vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, both groups. Fisher exact test or W2 tests were applied to com-
pulse oximetry, and blood pressure) was performed and docu- pare the treatment groups. All recorded data were statistically
mented. Situations that indicated a difficult airway management analyzed using SPSS version 17 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
or underlying disorders were noted. All P values were reported based on 2-sided tests and
compared with a significance level of 5%.
Intervention and Data Collection
The intervention group received 1 mg/kg intravenously ad-
ministered ketamine and 0.01 mg/kg atropine, whereas the con- RESULTS
trol group received 1 mg/kg ketamine along with distilled water.
Age, sex, body weight, type of procedure, time of sedation, Participants
any medical emergency interventions, and physicians satisfac- Among the total 218 eligible patients, 200 participants
tion from the sedation process and adverse effects of the inter- were enrolled and allocated to the study groups. The pro-
vention were fully recorded by a blinded investigator (a physician) cedures performed using ketamine/atropine and ketamine/
through complete observation and examination of the signs or placebo (Fig. 1). All data recorded by a blind researcher were
symptoms of the patients after drug injection. analyzed by a blind statistician.

* 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 137

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Asadi et al Pediatric Emergency Care & Volume 29, Number 2, February 2013

TABLE 1. Baseline Demographic Characteristics TABLE 3. Adverse Effects and Therapeutic Interventions

Significance 95%
Atropine Placebo (2-Tailed) Atropine Placebo Odds Confidence
Age, mean 7.0 (3.6) 7.1 (3.8) 0.932* (100) (100) Ratio* Interval
(SD), y Adverse effects
Sex, male, 65 (65) 72 (72) 0.287 Nausea 15 20 0.71 0.34Y1.47
n (%) Vomiting 7 11 0.62 0.23Y1.62
Weight, mean 23.2 (8.0) 23.0 (9.8) 0.887* Muscle spasm 5 4 1.26 0.3321Y4.784
(SD), kg
Emergent 5 4 1.26 0.3321Y4.784
Procedure time, 9.0 (3.4) 9.2 (4.1) 0.919* phenomenon
mean (SD), min
Unusual 12 8 1.56 0.6191Y3.9113
Sedation time, 37.3 (6.8) 37.6 (7.6) 0.783* movement
mean (SD), min
Rash 8 5 1.63 0.5324Y5.0164
*Independent t test. Tachycardia 6 2 2.82 0.6876Y11.5586
W test.
Apnea 0 0 0 V
Low oxygen 2 2 1 V
Baseline Data Hypersalivation 12 28 0.37 0.1852Y0.738
Baseline demographic characteristics of the patients are Interventions
shown in Table 1. Characteristics were similar in both groups: Suction 4 21 0.21 0.0923Y0.4914
mean (SD) age of the patients in the intervention group was 7.0 Bag-mask 2 2 1 V
(3.6) years (range, 2Y14 years), which showed no statistically ventilation
difference with the control group (age range, 2Y15 years; mean, Intubation 0 0 0 V
7.1 [3.8] years). The difference between the sex and weight of Physical 11 9 1.25 0.4963Y3.1354
the participants in both groups was not statistically significant. containment
The mean (SD) procedure time in the intervention group was Other drugs 10 8 1.27 0.4852Y3.3505
9.0 (3.4) minutes, and the mean (SD) sedation time was 37.3 *Odds for atropine relative to placebo.
(6.8) minutes, which were comparable with the control group with
P G 0.01.
the mean (SD) time of 9.2 (4.1) minutes and 37.6 (7.6) minutes,
The intervention and placebo groups were similar in medi-
cal procedures. Wound management, joint reduction, and fractures more among treatment group rather than controls (12% vs 2%,
were the procedures that required performing sedation (Table 2). respectively), all procedures were successfully completed (Table 2).

Outcomes Adverse Events

Applying ketamine (with or without atropine) led to good Adverse events recorded during the study procedure are
sedation, and most of the procedures were done with complete listed in Table 3. Nausea, vomiting, and hypersalivation were
cooperation of the patient or with minimal crying or movements. the complications that were reported less in the intervention
Although crying with thrashing movements was significantly seen group compared with the control. Only hypersalivation showed
a significant decrease among the patients who received atropine
(12% vs 28%) (Table 4). The odds ratio of 0.37 (95% confi-
TABLE 2. Procedures and Tolerance dence interval, 0.18Y0.74) proved that hypersalivation would
Atropine, Placebo, Significance reduce under atropine treatment compared with placebo. Pa-
% % (2-tailed)* tients in intervention group who received atropine showed sig-
nificantly less salivation than those in the control group; hence,
Tolerance less suction was needed (4/12 among treatment group and 21/28
Cooperative 54 58 0.021 among the controls). It should be noted that physicians judg-
Some movement 34 40 ment on airway complications was the most important point of
or crying view to perform suctioning for a patient, independent of the
Crying with thrashing 12 2 amount of saliva. Other adverse effects such as abnormal
Unable to complete 0 0
procedure TABLE 4. Estimated Volume of Patients Excessive Salivation
Fracture 11 16 0.357 Excessive Salivation, mL* Atropine, % Placebo, %
Reduction 47 38 0 88 72
Wound management 42 46 G5 7 15
*W2 test. 5Y10 4 10

Stable fractures requiring only splinting or casting. 910 1 3

Fractures or dislocations requiring closed reduction. *W2; asymptotic significance (2-sided) = 0.097.

138 * 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Pediatric Emergency Care & Volume 29, Number 2, February 2013 Ketamine and Atropine for Pediatric Sedation

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* 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 139

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