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Course Syllabus 11th Grade - American Literature

English 5/6 Coronado High School

Ms. Fitzsimmons
School Room Fitzsimmons
Room 403B

Texts: Prentice Hall American Literature textbook (replacement cost: $62.00)

Sadlier Oxford -Writing and Grammar Handbook ($26.00)
The Crucible ($12.00) / The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian ($12.00) / Huck Finn
($12.00)/ The Great Gatsby ($12.00)/The Things They Carried ($12.00)
Other novels/plays chosen by Ms. Fitzsimmons paperback copy replacement price

Supplementary Texts: To initiate academic integrity and growth in student writing, the CHS English
department supports and encourages use of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook and
Strunk and Whites Elements of Style. Teachers of all grade and academic levels will refer to these
texts in conjunction with writing instruction and recommend that students purchase both texts as
course supplements. While copies are available in the CHS Media Center, students that annotate and
frequently refer to these texts during their high school English career will reap maximum benefits.
Both the MLA Handbook ($17.50) and Elements of Style ($6.95) may be attained at any book retailer.

Required Materials:
o Student agenda planner
o Blue/black pen
o Textbook/novel daily
o 1 3-ring binder with dividers to separate the following sectionsReading Logs,
Vocabulary, Grammar, Compositions, and General Notes
Course Overview: American Literature and Composition is a study of the major literary topics and themes
across the history of the United States from pre-colonial times to present day. Students will focus on the
major literary forms of the emerging nation, analyze the literary themes and trends, and research and
compose several papers, speeches, and presentations using representative forms of discourse.
Focus this year will be: The American DreamPast, Present, Future
Overarching question: Are independence and dependence separable or

This course will address the New Colorado Academic Standards for 11 th grade. You may access those
standards at:

Class Policies
Classroom Rules
1. All school policies and rules printed in the Coronado High School Agenda will be enforced in the classroom.
2. At all times, students and teachers will treat each other with mutual respect.
3. Arrive to class on time. (1st violation = warning, 2nd violation = parent phone call, 3rd violation = detention 4th violation =
office referral.) Need to be seated in desk by bell ring or considered tardy.
4. All materials must be brought daily textbook or novel, binder, agenda, and blue/black ink pen.
5. No food or drink (except bottled water) allowed in class.
6. Passes to leave class will be written only for emergencies. Your hall pass is in your agenda. Bring it with you daily. No
agenda=no pass.

Students who fail to comply with the preceding guidelines may expect to receive a detention and/or an administrative
disciplinary referral.
Grades will be based on the total points received out of total possible, weighted by category.

1st Semester/ 2nd Semester

Approximate Category Values:
Tests 25%
Compositions/Projects/Presentations 25%
Homework 25%
Quizzes/Daily work 25%

In accordance with School District 11 Board of Education policy, grades are assigned as follows:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
F = 0-69%
All work must be made up in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 for the
Any unexcused makeup work will be penalized by one letter grade.
It is the students responsibility to get his/her missing assignment, complete the assignment(s),
and turn them in. Credit will be given for make-up work according to published school policy.
Students must also arrange a time to make up any excused missed tests and quizzes within 3 days
after returning to school except in cases of extended absence. Make-ups must be scheduled with
the instructor in advance. Make-up tests and/or quizzes will only be given when appointments
are initiated and made by the student. Furthermore, it is not the instructors responsibility to
remind individuals what they need to make up. Students may meet with the instructor before
school or stay after school to make up missed tests and/or quizzes as long as they have made an
Homework and daily assignments are due upon request as assigned; they will NOT be accepted late.
Late penalties of 10 points per day will apply to papers and other major assignments designated by
me (excluding the Jr. Research Paper all due dates are firm on this) THE JUNIOR RESEARCH PAPER

F Contract at Coronado High School

Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed
when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to
meet all course requirements including attendance.
Students should contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities. Teachers are expected to establish
a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester. All recovery work must
be directly related to course objectives and must be completed ten school days prior to the end of the


Plagiarism is the use of anothers words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they were entirely
ones own. Acts of plagiarism might include, but are not limited to:
using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation
using the work of another student (e.g. copying homework, composition, or project)
using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent, or paid editor.
Students who willingly provide other students with access to their work are in violation of the Honor
Students should be aware that will be used to check papers for plagiarism.
Fall Semester English 5
Please note that this syllabus may be amended and altered at the discretion of the teacher.

The American Dream

The Past: The overarching question: Are independence and dependence separable or inseparable?
Essential Question: Should a persons responsibility to their family, tribe, or community take precedence over their individuality?

1st Quarter - August 21 23, 2012

NY Times Blog The American Dream
Banned Book Project - Adventures of Huck Finn, Feed, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Bell Jar,
The Catcher in the Rye, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Lord of the Flies, The Scarlet
Letter, A Wrinkle in Time, Brave New World
Identity POEM
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian-Primary Text
We will focus on a reading schedule of at least 14 pages per day.

1st Quarter - August 27 31, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Chief Joseph Iroquois Constitution
Legends/Origin Myths Native American
Song of Hiawatha Socratic Seminar Diary Aug 29
Native American Poetry
Banned Book Project
Tale of Two Cities-excerpt

September 4 7, 2012
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Found poem
Sherman Alexie- Ten Little Indians
Banned Book Project Socratic Seminar Diary Sept 5
Banned poetry-Shel Silverstein
Tupac poetry
Native American Poetry/Art

September 10 14, 2012

Finish The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Banned Book Project Socratic Seminar Banned Book Sept 12
Personal Narrative Writing /Whats your function in your dysfunctional family?
4.5 Assessment Narrative Essay

September 17 21, 2012

The Scarlet Letter (manga edition) Socratic Seminar Banned Book Sept 19
The Scarlet Letter (chapter selections) (best chapterfrom novel)
Puritanism art work

September 24 28, 2012

Make your own Rite of Passage graphic comic
Poetry of Anne Bradstreet Socratic Seminar Bernice and The Scarlet Letter Sept 26
F. Scott Fitzgerald Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Mary Freeman-New England Nun (50 Great American Short Stories)

October 1 5, 2012
Selection of Jonathan Edwards
Edgar Allen Poe- Ligeia
Ben Franklin-from The AutobiographyVirtues assignment due October 8

October 8 12, 2012

Patrick Henry- from The Crisis
What Libraries Mean to the Nation by Eleanor Roosevelt
Broadcast over Radio Hanoi by Jane Fonda
Seminar for Banned Book/Finish Banned Book October 10, 2012
October 15 18, 2012 End of 1st Quarter
Persuasive Speech on one of the following in relation to CENSORSHIP!
Books: Adventures of Huck Finn, Feed, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Bell Jar, The Catcher in the Rye, I
Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Lord of the Flies, The Scarlet Letter, A Wrinkle in Time, Brave New
World and use something class, from modern day literature (a poem, a book, a writer), one other example
i.e. video game, music, art, poetry

Quarter 1 Assessment October 17 and 18, 2012: Persuasive Speech Outline


2nd Quarter - October 22 26, 2012

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
We will focus on reading approximately 20 pages per day.
The Courting of Sister Wisby Sarah Jewett (Great American Short Stories)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce
Classicism art work

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Wednesday, October 24 from 5:30 P.M. until 8:30 P.M.
Thursday, October 25 from 7:00 A.M. until 7:30 P.M.

October 29 November 2, 2012

Moby Dick-miniseries Socratic Seminar October 31
SYMBOLS/THEMES/MOTIFS from various literature selections
Poetry of Emily Dickinson

November 5 9, 2012
Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail
Ralph Waldo Emerson The Snowstorm
To Build a Fire by Jack London-video w/symbols

November 12 16, 2012

Symbols in Transcendentalism
MLA Documentation
5 page paper
4 Sources

November 19 23, 2012 Thanksgiving Break


November 26 30, 2012

Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
Poetry of William Cullen Bryant
Poetry of Walt Whitman
Class Novel:
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

December 3 7, 2012
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest Hemingway
Excerpts from Spoon River Anthology
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Transcendentalism art

December 10 14, 2012

Finish Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
CREED PROJECT: The American Dream
Grammar and Vocabulary with Poetry of Emily Dickinson/Spoon River/Short Stories
Final Review of
The Past: The overarching question: Are independence and dependence separable or inseparable?
Essential Question: Should a persons responsibility to their family, tribe, or community take precedence over their

December 17 20, 2012

Presentation of CREED PROJECT
December 19, 2012 Period 1
December 19, 2012 Periods 2 3 4
December 20, 2012 Periods 5 6 7

December 27 January 3, 2012 Winter Break

Parents of 11th grade English 5/6 students,

Welcome to Coronado High School. We are looking forward to a productive year with your student.
The 11th grade year is a time of growth and change for most students, and parental involvement is
essential. Please take the time to carefully read and sign this syllabus with your child. I am also
requesting that parents provide an e-mail address where you can be reached. This is optional and is
simply a means to provide me another avenue of communication. It is sometimes easier to reach me
through e-mail. My e-mail address is My school phone number is 719-328-3776.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this syllabus or the class in general.

I have received and read the syllabus for this course.

__________________________________ ______________________
Signature of student /Date

__________________________________ _______________________
Signature of parent /Date

Parent phone number

Parent cell phone

Parent e-mail


Thank you.

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