Task 2

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Task 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome 1
Subject: Math lesson Level: Grade 2
Learning Outcome:

2NAS2: recall doubles and halves facts up to double 10 = 20.

Describe the Learning Activity(ies) and discuss its alignment to the Learning Outcome. Justify your answer.

The activity alignment with the outcome because the teacher asked the students about the
double and halves facts like, what is double 10 then the children think and remember the
method that the teacher taught them, which is 1+1 = 2 and 0+0 = 0. So, the result of double
10 equals 20.
After that, the teacher explains the doubles by using cubes and count with the students in
twos, then the halves by asking the students to pick one cube from a group of 20 one by one
until they finish and each one of them get 10 cubs, as this video and pictures show.
Describe the Assessment Strategy(ies) and discuss its alignment to the Learning Outcome. Justify your answer.

The teacher uses formative assessment which is mean assessment during the lesson.
This assessment strategy alignment with the outcome because the teacher make the
student know and understand the meaning of doubles, halves and equal words. By
giving them math activity in their books and group of cubes that could help them count
and solve math questions.
The teacher:
1. Gives the students, their books.
2. Provided box of cubes for each group.
3. Tel the students the page number.
4. Explain what they will do.
The students:
1. Take their book.
2. Open the math book activates at page 44.
3. Listen to the teacher explanation.
1. First write the date.
2. Then start working. (by using their hands, fingers or cubes to solve the questions)

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