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2nd Floor OZ Building

900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

Name: Program:

Year of Graduation:

Dear Graduates,

Greetings from the College of Engineering, Adamson University!

As part of our continuous efforts to improve the programs of our alma mater, please find time
to give your feedback by answering the questions stated hereunder.

Your answers are valuable for Adamson University.

Please rate the level of attainment of each PEO by placing check on the corresponding
column. Thank you.

ALUMNI SURVEY (1ST semester SY 2013-2014)

Very Dis - Very Dis-

Satisfied Neutral
Alumni Survey Questionnaire Satisfied Satisfi satisfied
(4) (3)
(5) ed (2) (1)
PEO The CE program has equipped
1 me to identify, analyze and
design to solve today's complex
engineering challenges while
creating a sustainable
PEO Graduates meet industry
2 expectations; possess excellent
communication skills for both
local and international markets
and are consistently committed
to life-long learning.
PEO The CE program prepared me act
3 professionally with integrity and
ethical uprightness; diligent,
resourceful, and steadfast
leaders of the society.
PEO Graduates demonstrate genuine
4 care for the environment;
compassion for others,
willingness to serve the socially
challenged inspired by the spirit
of St. Vincent de Paul, and be
catalysts for social
2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406



1. Name __________________________________________________________
2. Permanent Address __________________________________________________________
3. Office Address __________________________________________________________
4. E-mail Address ______________________ Tel No. ______________ Cell No._____________
5. Civil Status
[ ] Single [ ] Separated [ ] Widow/ Widower [ ] Married [ ] Single Parent
6. Sex [ ] Male [ ] Female Birthday: ____________________________________
7. Region of Origin: _____________________________


8. Educational Attainment (Baccalaureate Degree only)

Degree(s) & Specialization College or University Year Honor(s) or Award(s)

Graduated Received

9. Professional Examination(s) Passed

Name of Examination Date Taken Rating

10. Reason(s) for taking the course(s) pursuing degree(s). You may check () two answers.
2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

Undergraduate/AB/BS Graduate/MS/MA/PhD

High grades in the course of subject [ ] [ ]

area(s) related to the course

Good grades in high school [ ] [ ]

Influence of parents or relatives [ ] [ ]

Peer influence [ ] [ ]

Inspired by a role model [ ] [ ]

Strong passion for the profession [ ] [ ]

Prospect for immediate employment [ ] [ ]

Status or prestige of the profession [ ] [ ]

Availability of course offering in chosen [ ] [ ]


Prospect of career adjustment [ ] [ ]

Affordability for the family [ ] [ ]

Prospect of attractive compensation [ ] [ ]

Opportunity for employment abroad [ ] [ ]

No particular choice or no better idea [ ] [ ]

Others, please specify:

F-GUI-031 (04-16-12)


11a. Please list down all profession or work-related training program(s) including advance
studies you have attended after college.

Title of Training or Advance Study Duration and Name of Training

Credits Earned Institution/College/University
2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

11b. What made you pursue advance studies?

[ ] For Promotion [ ] For Professional Development [ ]Others, please specify__________

12. Are you presently employed? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Never Employed
If NO or NEVER BEEN EMPLOYED, proceed to Question 13. If YES, proceed to Questions 14 to 18.

13. Please state reason(s) why you are not yet employed. You may check two answers.
[ ] Advance or further study [ ] No job opportunity
[ ] Lack of work experience [ ] Did not look for a job
[ ] Health-Related reason(s) [ ] Other reason(s), please specify
[ ] Family Concern and decided not to
find a job

14. Present Employment Status

[ ] Regular or Permanent [ ] Contractual
[ ] Temporary [ ] Self-Employed
[ ] Casual

If self-employed, what skills acquired in college were you able to apply in your work?

15. Present occupation (Ex. Grade School Teacher, Electrical Engineer, Self-Employed)

16. Major Line of business of the company you are presently employed in. Check only one.
[ ] Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry [ ] Financial Intermediation

[ ] Fishing [ ] Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities

[ ] Mining and Quarrying [ ] Health and Social Work

[ ] Manufacturing [ ] Extra-territorial Organizations and Bodies

[ ] Electricity, Gas and Water Supply [ ] Private Households with Employed Persons

[ ] Construction [ ] Education
2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

[ ] Transport Storage &Communication [ ] Hotels and Restaurants

[ ] Other Community, Social and [ ] Wholesale and Retail Trade, repair of motor
Personal Service Activities vehicles, motorcycles and personal and
household goods

[ ] Public Administration and Defense,


17. Place of Work[ ] ([[ ] Local, where? ____________ [ ] Abroad, where? ______________
18. Is this your first job after college? [ ] Yes [ ] No Yes
If NO, proceed to Question 22.

19. What are your reason(s) for staying on the job? You may check () two answers.
[ ] Salaries and benefits [ ] Proximity to residence

[ ] Career challenge [ ] Peer influence

[ ] Related to special skill [ ] Family influence

[ ] Related to course or program of [ ] Other reason(s), please specify

study __________________________________

20. Is this your first job related to the course you took up in college?
[ ] Very Related [ ] Mostly Related [ ] Sometimes Related [ ] Not Related

21. What were your reasons for accepting the job?

[ ] Salaries and benefits [ ] Proximity to residence

[ ] Career challenge [ ] Others, Please specify

[ ] Related to special skill _____________________________________

22. What were your reasons for changing the job?

[ ] Salaries and benefits [ ] Proximity to residence

[ ] Career challenge [ ] Others, please specify

[ ] Related to special skill _____________________________________

23. How long did you stay in your first job?

2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

[ ] Less than a month [ ] 1 to 3 months [ ] 4 to 6 months

[ ] 7 to 11 months [ ] 2 years to less than 3 years [ ] Others, please specify

[ ] 1 year and 11 mos. [ ] 3 years to less than 4 years __________________

24. How did you find your first job?

[ ] Response to an advertisement [ ] Arranged by schools job placement officer

[ ] As walk-in applicant [ ] Family business

[ ] Recommended by someone [ ] Information from friends

[ ] Information from friends [ ] Others, please specify _________________

[ ] Job Fair of Public Employment Service Office (PESO)

25. How long did it take you to land your first job?
[ ] Less than a month [ ] 10 to 11 months

[ ] 1 to 3 months [ ] 1 year to less than 2 years

[ ] 4 to 6 months [ ] 2 years to less than 3 years

[ ] 7 to 9 months [ ] 3 years to less than 4 years

26. Job Level Position

Job Level: 25.1 First Job 25.2 Current or Present Job

Rank or Clerical [ ] [ ]

Professional, technical or Supervisory [ ] [ ]

Managerial or Executive [ ] [ ]

Self-Employed [ ] [ ]

27. What is your initial gross monthly earning in your first job after college?
[ ] Below 5,000.00 [ ] 15,000.00 to less than 20,000.00
2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

[ ] 5,000.00 to less than 10,000.00 [ ] 20,000.00 to less than 25,000.00

[ ] 10,000.00 to less than 15,000.00 [ ] 25,000.00 and above

28. Was the curriculum you had in college relevant to your first job?
[ ] Very Relevant [ ] Mostly Relevant [ ] Sometimes Relevant [ ] Not Relevant

29. If YES, what competencies learned in college did you find very useful in your first job?
You may check two answers.

[ ] Communication Skills [ ] Problem-Solving Skills

[ ] Human Relations Skills [ ] Critical Thinking Skills

[ ] Entrepreneurial Skills [ ] Other reason(s), please specify

[ ] Information Technology Skills

30. List down suggestions to improve your course curriculum.

31. What organizations/ activities/programs (civic/religious) for the poor are you
involved in/contributing to?

32. What Vincentian values are you practicing in your work?

[ ] Search for Excellence [ ] Social Responsibility

[ ] Service to the poor [ ] Sustained Integral Development

[ ] Solidarity [ ] Others: ____________________________

2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

33. To whom would you recommend Adamson University?

[ ] Family [ ] Relatives

[ ] Friends [ ] Others

34. What Alumni Association of Adamson University are you a member of?

35. Would you attend an Adamson Alumni Association activity in your locality?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not Sure

Thank you very much!


Signature Over Printed Name

2nd Floor OZ Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila 1000
Phone (632) 524.20.11 local 405 and 406

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