Missile Aerodynamics - Jack N. Nielsen

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la, EEE AERODYNAMICS f JACK N. NIELSEN : i wu cen ncn crs Palo Alto, California ] Nae eee Lt teed eli a | DEUCE WAC MSea mer tuiuiicet aan eine tite | i CEU Ln Conical eg 5 ry McGRAW-HILL SERIES IN MISSILE AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY H, Guyrorp Sreven, Consulting Editor SSS Bussanp ano DeLavaa «Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Nuwets, Sounding Rockets Ninn - Missile Aerodynamics MISSILE AERODYNAMICS JACK N. NIELSEN Formerly Aeronautical Research Sent Nolionel Advinry Commie for Aronantice McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC New York Toronto London 1960 :RODYNAMICS Copyright © t960 by the Metiraw- Hil Book Company, Ine. Printed {athe United States of Arnica. All rights reserved. This book, oF prt thereof, may not be reprdioed in any fre without permission Gre publishers ibrar of Congress Catalog Cand Number 5014402 40550 10 GISELA AND DAGMAR PREFACE [In recent years the great many persons who have become actively connected with missile seience and engineering have had to rely princi- pally on technical journals and papers for aerodynamic information ‘The literature in missile serodynamics is extensive and in many respects complete, but an overall view of the ficld is reserved to those few spe- cialiats familiar with the hundreds of excellent technical papers available. Howover, a large group of persons who would find such an over-all view useful in the performance oftheir duties eannot, for one reason or another, review the numerous technical papers. It is principally for this group that the present volume has heen written. The book attempts to present a rational and unified aecount of the prineipal results of missile aerodynamics, A missile is described by Webster as a weapon or object capable of being thrown, hurled, or projected so as to strike a distant object. One distinction betsreen a missile and an airplane is that, unlike an airplane, ‘4 missile is usually expendable in the accomplishment of its mission From a configurational point of view, the distinetion is frequently made ‘hata missile ie more slender than an airplane and tends to possess smaller ‘wings in proportion to its body. These distinetions are, however, sub- ject to many exceptions, In fact, the configurational distinetions hhetween missiles and airplanes seem ty narrow as the operational speeds increase, Therefore much of the missle serodynamies contained herein will be directly applicable to airplanes. ‘Since this book dravs on a lange number of technical papers for much, of its content, it is important that the policy with rogard to credit for technical material be elear. The author would like to quote original souroes in all eases, Such a course of action is, however, impractical because original sources are often impossible to ascertain, or not readily available, Thus the references to technical papers herein are those most, ‘convenient from the standpoints of availablity oF pedagogical usefulness, vor simply those most familiar to the author. ‘The book attempts to present a rational aecount of the principal sub- jects of missile aerodynamics, It further attempts to present adequate ‘mathematical treatment of the subjects for use in design. ‘The alterna- tive approach, of compiling a handbook of missile design data, was not attempted for severe] reasons in addition to the author's natural dis: inclinations. First, the wide range of missile configurations and their ‘continuous evolution render it dificult to specify design data of general utility. Second, design date are often classified. "The author has been influenced in his choice of subject matter by eon- sideration of his special competencies. However, in the interests of eom- pleteness, he has included many subjects in which he has no particular competence, Many subjectsare treated extensively from a mathematical ‘point of view, but many other subjeets of equal importance are either not Rmenable to mathematical treatment or are imperfectly understood. Nevertheless the author has chosen to treat such subjects qualitatively, ‘oven though such treatment may not enhance the elegance of the book. ‘The emphasis in the main is on supersonic speeds, although much mate- Fial applicable to subsonie speeds is ineluded. Such emphasis is eon- stent vith the faets that missiles fly mostly at supersonic speeds and that many excellent books on subsonie aerodynamics are already avail able. ‘Though certain subjects have been included in the interests of Completeness, no claim for completeness is made. ‘The sin of omission is considered preferable to inadequate treatment of more material Readers frequently wonder what motivates the author in his arrange- tment of material, The first chapter is purely introductory in character, ‘and the second chapter eoleets together for convenient use many of the results used repeatedly in subsequent chapters. The third chaptor teats the subject of slender-hody theory which the author considers the Dackbone of missile aerodynamies, Slender-body theory has the great advantage that it is mathematically tractable for a very wide range of missile configurations, In Chaps. 4 to 8, inclusive, an attempt is made to present missile aerodynamics in an orderly building up of a missile from its component parts, the body alone, the wing panels, the tail, and the control surfaces. Since the aerodynamies of a tail behind the wings fof'a misile depends on the flow field of the wing-body combination, such flow fields are diseussed iu Chap. 6 before the diseussion of wing-body-tail tcombinations in Chap, 7, The final two chapters of the book treat the important subjects of drag and stability derivatives. ‘The nature of ‘aerodynamie drag makes desirable a separate chapter devoted to drag. ‘The chapter on stability derivatives attempts to treat all forces and ‘moments on a missile (other than dag) from a general and unified point of view ‘The author would like to acknowledge the many contributions made by others to the book. Professors Holt Ashley, J.C. Hunsaker, and “Arthur Bryson reviewed parts of the manuseript and made a number of hhelpful suggestions. should like to thank those members of the staf of the Ames Laboratory ofthe National Advisory Committee for Aeronautis, Dean Chapman, Max Heaslet, Robert T. Jones, Morris Rubesin, Murray ‘Tobak, and Milton Van Dyke, who willingly reviewed those parts of the book of particular interest to them. Also, the author would like to pay tulbute to those members of the staf of the 1- by 3-foot supersonic wind tunnel branch with whom he has orked in the feldof missileaerodynarnies for many years, and particularly to Wallage Davis, branch chief, These co-workers of the author include Wallace Davis, Elliott Katzen, Richard Spabr, William Pitts, Leland Jorgensen, George Kaattari, Frederick Goodwin, and others. The exacting job of preparing the final manuseript was faithfully undertaken by Virginia Stalder. H. Guyford Stover has ‘been very kind in seoking out the book for his series and in lending general encouragement and adviee to the author. In conclusion, the author ‘would like to acknowledge his debt to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronauties, in whose laboratory much of the knossledge in this book ‘was originated, and without whose cooperation this book would not have bbeen possible, Jack N. Nielsen CONTENTS Preface (Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION Il, Mile Aerodynamics vera Airplane Aerodynamice 12, Chssifention of Mises 13. Aves; Angle of Bank and Included Angle ToL Angles of Attack and Bidet 15. Glory of Special Terme (Chapter 2. SOME FORMULAS COMMONLY USED IN MISSILE ‘AERODYNAMICS. 24, Nonlieae Potetial Bquation 22. Lisearisationof Potential Pguation 2.4. Rerouli’s Pquation; Presure Coufisint es « Power Series in Velocity ‘Components 2-4. Classication of Various Theorie Used in Succoding Chapters 25, Line Pressure Source 258, Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rectangular snd Tvisngular Lifting ‘Surfaces of the Basis of Supersonic Wing Theory 21. Simple Sweep Theory 28. Conformal Mapning; Notation; Listings of Mappings and Flows 28. Bliptie Intgrals Chapter. SLENDER-BODY THEORY AT SUPERSONIC AND ‘SUBSONIC SPEEDS Slender Bodies of Revolution S:. Slender Bodies of Revolution at Zero Angle of Attack at Supersonic Spends; Sourees %2, Slendor Bods of Revelution at Angle of Attack st Supersonic Speed Doblete 83, Slondar-body Thoory for Anal of Attack ‘Slender Bodies of General Cross Section st Supersonic Sp ‘4. Solution of Potential Equation by the Method of Ward 85. Boundary Conditions; Accuracy of Velosity Components 55. Determination of ay(2) apd bye) 5.7. Prose Coeficiente. 548 Lift, Sidefore, Pitching Moment, and Yessing Moment 39, Drag Force S410, Drag Dus to Lit 3-11, Formula Beplicitly Bshibiting Dependence of Drag on Mach Number 2 18 a Stender Bodies of General Cross Section at Subsonle Speeds 73, Lifton Tal Stoton and Tail Efsiney for Dierate Vories a Plan of Tal $12, olution of the Potentat Equation 6 z 180 ‘Tail Interirence Feetor $8.18, Determination ofa(2) and 62) 83 rs ie 7, Caleulation of Tail Lift Due to Wing Vor 14, Drag Forni for Subsonic yAlembert’s Parador 8 ig Vortices in 5-14, Drag Formaln for Subsonic Speeds; d'Alombert’s Patados 1. Use of Tevers-fow Method for Caleuating Aerodynamic Fore 00 “Til Stetion in Nowueiform Flo ‘Chapter 4. AERODYNAMICS OF BODIES; VORTICES oo ates ene 8 avid Flow Tnvineis chapter @, AERODYNAMIC CONTROLS 208 444 Liftand Moment of Snr Boies of Tevoton 6 crea : ‘TE Pressure Distribution snd Loding of Sader Bodies of Revolution; of Contmls; Conwetions i eee $2) Allanovable Controls for Planar Condgurstions 3 4, Slander Bodies of Pliptcal Crocs Section; Etisal Cones u 85. Alomraig Cntr Cony Conssos 2s (Quusheylindeieal Bodie 2 $4. Coupling Eiecte in Albyovable Control a hens 8. Tralingsedge Controle Bs ort $0. Some Nooliear Elects in Acrodynaunie Coteol 2 3 85. Notes on Estimating Hinge Me 2 465, Postns nd Strengths of Body Vortions 86 i Hinge Moments 2 Py nd Strengths of Boy = 38. Change ia Minile Attitude Due to bmpulsive Heh Control; Aliude {En Fors and Moments Dee to Body Vortices; Alle’ Croaow Theory EF. Muton ef Syrmetriesl Psi of Crosafiow Vortis in Preeance of Ci ‘lar Cylinder ote 250 48, Motion of Vertes in Presnce of a Noneirelar Slender Cotiguration. 94 Chapter 8. DRAG 261 £5, Lift and Siefore on Slender Confgurtion Due to Free Vortces 0 SL. General Nature of Drag Forces; Components of Drag 2 10, Boling Momeat of Slender Confgeration Due to Foe Vortces 101 ‘92. Anuyteal Popertica of Deng Curves 265 Pressure Foredeeg, er BODY INTER nm Cee hice dca 93, Proesure Foren of Sender Bodies of Given Shape; Dryg Due to Lif 200 St, Definitions; Notation a8 SL Pressure Foredrag of Nonlender Misule Noses st Zo Ange of Attack 275 54, Planar Wing and Body Interference a 85, Shaper of Bodies of Revolution for Lest Dressre Foredrag at Zero $5 Daten of Lit betneen Wing and Body; Penet Center of Pressure, 118 Bear nae a 5-4 Crvcifors Wing and Body Intesfrenoe m1 846, Pressure Drag of Wings Alone 2 EE Geet of Anele of Bante on Triangular Panel Chameteristis; Panel 857 Preuure Fosednag of Wing-Bedy Combinations of Given Shape at Zero Panel lterfcronee 135 ‘Angle of Attack a0 166, Summary of Results; Afterbody beets ry 98, Wings and. Wing-Hidy Combisations of Teast Cressie Foredrag at E>, apileaton to Nonlender Configurations; Calelaive Example 13 Zam Angle of huisel = [58 Simplifed Vortex Model of Wing-Body Combination Bs 9.9, Minimizing Pressure Drag of Winge and Wingdy Combinations Tesond Tht Due 1 Thiknese 0 chapter 6, DOWNWASH, SIDEWASH, AND THE WAKE ue ae 6-1. Vortex Moe! Representing Sknder Wing with Trailing Bige Normal 210, Physical Festus of Flow at «Blunt Base; Types of Flow au "Flow M5 S51, Bais foe Corelaton of Baso-presir Measremente a0 (62, Rolling Up of Vortex Shoot behind a Slender Wiow us ‘812, Corrlaton of Basepresure Measurements for Blanttraling-dge Ale C3; Calculation of Fndaced Velocities of Traling-vortx System 1s Tailed Bluot-bae Boies of Revoation sir (C4. Vortex Model of Planar Wing and Body Combination 16 Chor Variables Iafncing Base Prose Ey 5. Fstore Infocecing Vortex Pathe asd Wake Shape behind Panels of "Planar Wing and Body Combination 166, ‘Skin Friction ‘66, Factors Influencing Dewowash Field behind Panels of Planar Wing nd 8:14, General Considerations of Skia Fvaton at Saporsonie Speeds ws ‘Body Combination 169 ‘36, Laminar Skin Friton; Mean-enthalpy Mthot 0 6-7, Crueiform Areangements m ‘51, Turblent Skin Priton ae ST, Other Variables Tnfuencing Skin Friction ory Chapter 7. WING-TAIL INTERFERENCE ast Ccnapter 10, STABILITY DERIVATIVES 30 ‘Te, Wing-Toil Interference; Fat Vortex Sheet 182 FB. Presse auing on Tail Seetion Due to Disrete Vortiors in Plane of 1-1, Referenee Aras; Notation 350 is 102" General Nature of Aerodynamic Pores; Stability Derivatives 38 “Tal : 10, Propet of Stability Desvatives Renting fom Mise Syme; ‘Maple Synge Analyse for Crasifrm Nines 10-4. Mapisynge Analysis for Tifora Mie aad Otber Mises 1008, General Hnpresius for Stabllty Deratves a Terma of Inert Colle et, ee oy 104, subity Derivatives of Sender Pat Triangle Wing 10-7. Geners Method of Evaluating Tnctia Cocficients and Apparent Mace 10, Tables Apparent Mase with Appleton tthe Stability Desivatvee i Cruaorm Triangular Wings 109, Further Example the Ue of Apparetsnus Table 1040, ets of Aspect Rai on Sablty Daivatve of Tvanglar Wigs TOat, Contrbution of the Expennage to Certain Stability Derivatives ‘Bmpennage Interference ets Nome Inder Sabet Inder 58 an 368 a7 a8 386 sor sa cuaprer 1 INTRODUCTION ‘One purpose of this chapter is to point out some of the differences between airplanes and missiles by virtue of which missile acrodynamies embraces subjects not formerly of great interest in airplane aerodynamics. Another purpose is to collet in one place for ready reference many of the symbols, definitions, and conventions used throughout the book. LL, Missile Aerodynamics versus Airplane Aerodynamics One of the principal differences between missiles and airplanes is that the former are usually expendable, and consequently are usually unin hhabited. For this reason increased ranges of speed, altitude, and naneuvering accelerations have beon opened up to missile designers, and these increased ranges have brought with them now aerodynamic prob- lems. For instance, the higher allowable altitudes and maneuvers accelerations permit operation in the nonlinear range of high angles of attack. A missile may be ground-launched or ai-launchesdl and in eonse= tquenes ean undergo large longitudinal accelerations, ean utilize very high ‘wing loadings, and ean dispense with landing gear.” In the absence of a pilot the missle ean sometimes be permitted to roll and thereby to intro- duce new dynamic stability phenomena. The problem of guiding the missile without a pilot introduces considerable complexity into the missile guidance system, The combination of an automatic guidance system and the air frame acting together introduces problems in stability and eontrol not previously encountered. Many missiles tend to be slender, and many utilize more than the usual two wing panels. These trends have brought about the importance of slender-body theory and cruciform aerodynamics for mistils, 1.2, Classification of Missiles Missiles can be classified on the basis of points of launching and impact, type of guidance system, trajectory, propulsive aystem, trim and control devieo, ete. An important elassifieation on the basis of points of launching and impact is given in Table 1 Another souree of distinction among missles is the guidance aystetn. |iv command system the missle and the target are continuously tracked 2 MSSHLE anwovysaates from one or more vantage points, and the neeessury path for the missite to intercept the target is computed and relayed to the missile by some means such as tadio. A beam-ridding missile contains a guidance system to constrain it to @ beam. The beam is usually a radar illuminating the target so that, if the missle stays in the beam, it will move toward the target. lioming mivsile has a seeker, which sees the target and gives the necessary dinestions 40 the missile to intercept the target. The ‘homing missile can be subdivided into classes having active, semiactive, ‘and passive guidance systems. Tn the active class the missile illuminates the target and reecives the reflected signals. In the semtiactiee class the missle reecives reflected signals {rom a target illuminated by means extemal tothe missile. The passive type of guidance system depends on a reeciver in tho missile sensitive to the radiation of the target itseli, ‘Tonun Hel, Cuasncanios oF Massisss AM Aietoale mile asi Aieto-utface mile acne ‘etonnderwater missile Sorfaceto-air mine Serfacet-murace mile Underatertosunderwater misile Another method of classifying missiles is with regurd to the type of trajectory taken by the missile. A ballistic miseile follows the usual hullstie trajectory of a hurled object. A glide missile is launched at « steep angle to an altitude depending on the range, and then glides down fon the target. -A-akip misnile is launched to an altitude where the atmos- phere is very rage, and then skips along on the atmospheric shel, ‘On the basis of propulsive systema missiles fall into the categories of lurbajet, ramzjet, rocket, ee. Ifthe missile receives a short burst of power that rapidly aceeleretes it to top speed and then glides to its target it is a toostglide missile, Sometimes « missile is termed single-stage, doublee sage, ete. depending on the number of stages of its propulsive system, Farther differentiation among missiles ean be made on the busis of trim sac control devices. A canand missle has a small forward lifting surface ‘hat can be used for either trim or conttol similar to a tail-first airplane. A missile eonteolled hy deflecting the wing surfaces is termed a wing- ‘ontrol missile, aud one controlled by defecting the tal surfaces is termed 1 faiLconirol missile. It is to be noted that those definitions depend on ‘which set of lifting surfaces is taken as the wing and whieh is taken as the tail. For missles with twa sets of lifting surfaces, we will specify the ‘wing to be the main lifting surfaces and the tail to be the balancing sut~ faces, a distinction msintained throughout the book, In 2 cruciform inissile, sets of controls at right angles permit the missle to tura immedi- ately in any plane without the necessity of its banking. On the other sxtnopvertox 3 hhand s banh-to-urn missile, like an airplane, banks into the turn to being the normal acceleration vector as close to the vertical plane of symmetry 1s possible 1:8. Axes; Ange of Bank and Incted Angle Of de two goer ystems of anes edn the prtet book, the sound system dos not appear unt the nal chapters "The ist sem, sly tobe deveribd, one well adapted for ure with the they of comes ‘arable anc an euhy iota in lendetedy them. Elo ecole ‘petri the NACA Handard used in sch lds a sabiity dations and dynamic stability. It is described in detail in the final chapter. It would niopify matt if one et oases Were uo las of the ts ‘six Comidention wae ven to detning muct'n companies o 1Nes but theidoa was deared boa the Sette noid peoably be tyadd ane ‘Suet, hero too many systema srealy ‘exist. Also, a single eystem of axes repre- as sents to gata dapertue fom wage In the oe terture "The bse et of aser used inthe fet nine chapters iva st of bry axes, yy and =e ey in the missilo with minor notational dilfer- f ence for various tile piions The ¢ the Tongtdinal mil aie Thy x positive to the tight, icing frm and hes in the horizontal plane of semty when one exists. ‘The «usin sitive vertically upward and ithe vertical plane of symmetey i oe Csists. Thea aan xer shonin Pig Io ora ight haded stern, ‘The boy aes z, 2 take onal he posible rintations« mise can assume ina niform air team. The angles which eonverenty speaty the orientation ofa isle with respect to ight deetion depen on the use to which such angles ate to be put. Kor the purposes of tie took seta angles and pare convenient. Conidera mise mite in wind tunnel on a ing etacidene with the prolongatan of is ng tadinal axis. Let the mile be alguod paral to the wind elects with the wing panels in the zo bank atsitade Devote the hal axon in this intial poston by 2, f, and #." Now rotate (ite) the mise aout the 9 axis by an angie sas shown fn Fig. 1-2 0 thal nl veexpy the postions "and" The angle owl be termed the ince ‘ng ands the ange nee between the nisl’ ong anand the feestream velocity, Now let the mis be rotated in a locking Sireton facing forward about the x avs wo hat an? gointo yan The axe are ela hy the fellosing equations Fic, 1H, Body aes, 4 MISSILE AERODYNAMICS 2 = Beosa,— Bsina veg aay = Esina, + 2008, os a; ~ Fain a 08 9 — Brin asin y — F605 a,sin y 02) sin g + 2 sin a, 608 @ + & 008 a. 008 ¢ From Eq, (1-2) the direction cosines between the #, 7, #and the 2, y, 2 axes can be readily found (Table 1-2). Tt is important to note that the 2 @ ® ‘Fo, 12, Axis conventions for itch and bank, (@) Pitch about g; (6) bank about 2 angle a. must be applied to the missile before ¢ is applied for the above direction cosines to be valid. ‘Thus, the pitch and bank operations are hot commutative. In particular, ifthe missile is frst banked about 2 and ‘Tanun 1-2. Dinucrion Costes oF Booy Axes vow ‘Goumiszo ae AND y DisruAceurs ? i : cote ° _— then pitched about 9, the @ axis will remain perpendicular to the ait stream, In other words, the missile will remain in a position of ero sSidestip. 1-4, Angles of Attack and Sideslip ‘The angles of attack and sidesip are defined here as purely kinematic quantities depending only on velocity ratios. As such, they measure velocity components along the body axes of the missile. Let the air stream velocity relative to the missile center of gravity be Vo with com- ponents u, , and.w along 2, y, and c, respectively. As defined, w, », and tw are flow velocities, and —u, 2, and —w are velocities of the center of gravity with respect to the air stream, ‘The angles of attack and sidoslip ha ‘boon defined in at least three ways. The small angle definitions are ‘The sine definitions are sing =F sin FE (4) ‘The tangent definitions are tan 8 = ae (5) Pio, 13, Anglos attack and sdelp The subscripts # and ¢ are used to differentiate between the sine and the tangent definitions. A graphic interpretation of the angles ay, 8, as, and 4, is shown in Fig. 1-3. Note that a positive sideslip angle occurs when the air stream epproaches from the right facing forward, For small angles, the angles of attack and sideslip do not depend on which definition is used. For large angles it is necessary to know which defini- tions have been adopted. Frequently, the sine definition is used for one ‘quantity and the tangent definition for another. It is a simple matter to relate the angles of attack and sidestip to the ineluded angle and angle of bank, With the aid of Table I-1, we have uw = Vocos (2,2) = Vo0os ae v= Voeos (fy) = ~Vosinassine 8) w = Vecos (22) = Vosin a, 08 ¢ For given values of a, and y, the values of a and 8, are exprosed by’ in a sin sn, Conversely, the values of a.and y necessary to yield a, and 8, are iven by sin’ a, = sin a, + sin® 3, tany = BD (8) For the tangent definitions, a set of rolationships exist similar to Eqs, (1-7) and (1-8): 6 MISSILE ABRODYNAICS tan as = tan a, 608 ¢ tan 6, = tan ae sin ¢ tan? a. = tant ay + tan® Be a9) (1-10) (an) ‘This relationship has wide use in erueiform aerodynamies. It does not matter what the angle g i, 20 long as a, is small, Tt is noteworthy that Fas. (18) and (1-10) would be used Lo set a sting-mounted model in a wind tunnel to previously selected values of ay By, OF of ay Be twstrative Eeample value of a, 8, and 6 for an included angle of 30° anda bank. sin ac 008 ¢ = 0.500(0.906) 1 sin 8, = sin ay sin ¢ = (0.500)(0: B= 12.3" From Eq. (1-9) tan ay = tan a cos ¢ }) = 012 (0.5774)(0.428) = 0.244 1.5, Glossary of Special Terms Many special terms occur repeatedly in missile nerodynamics, Some of these terms are naw listed for ready reference. Body aces: set of cartesian axes fixed in the missile and parallel to the axes of symmetzy of the missile if such symmetry axes exist Crosgflow plane: a plane normal to the free-stream velocity CCrueiform scing: four siailar wing panels mounted together at come mon chord and displaced one from the next by /2 radians of are Fineness ratio: ratio of body length to body diameter (calibers) Horizontal plane of symmetry: the horizontal plane in whieh the lower half of the missile is the mirror image of the upper half Included angle: angle between freestream velocity and missile Jongi- ‘tudinal axis inrnonvert0s 7 Interdigitation angle: angle bebween the plane of a lifting surface and the plane of another tandem lifting surface ‘ormal plane: a plane normal to the missile longitudinal axis ‘Subsonie leading edge: a leading edge such that the component, of the free-stream Mach number normal to the edge is less than one ‘Supersonic leading ge: 6 leading edge such that the component of the free-streamn Mach number normal to the edge is greater than one ‘Symmetrical wing: a wing postessing a horizontal plane of symmetry ‘Tangent ogive: a missile nose having oonstant radius of eurvatuce in all plano through the longitudinal axis from theapex to the cireular eylinder to which it is tangent ‘reste plane: 9 SK tious crossflow plane infinitely far behind a missile or lifting suriuee to which the trailing vortex system extonds without viseons dissipation Vertical plane of symmetry: the vertical plane in which the left half of the missile isthe mirror image of the right half Wing panels: those parts of the main missile lifting surfuees exterior to the body svmois free-atream velocity missile body axes; a #0, ¢ #0 missile body axes; a. = 0, ¢ = 0 missile body aves; «, #0, ‘angle of attack ineinded angle angle of sidestip sine definitions of angles of attack and sidestip tangent definitions of angles of attack and sideslip angle of bank ‘REFERENCE. 1. Warren, C,H, Fs The Definitions ofthe Anges of Incidence and of Sep, Ae Tech Note Aco. 2178, Act, 1952 CHAPTER 2 SOME FORMULAS COMMONLY USED IN MISSILE AERODYNAMICS "The primary purpose of this chapter is to collect together for ready reference certain formulae of theoretical uerodynamies and mathematics commonly used in missile aerodynamies. ‘These formulas are derived in {tail and discussed in other works, and their rederivations here will not be attempted, Since repeated use is made of the formulas throughout, the book, they are collected together in a single chapter for convenience, ‘and to obviate repeated explanation of the formulas and notation. The formulas include the potential equation and Bernoulli's equation in their nonlinear and linestized forms, A listing and classification of the principal theories used in the book is provided. Some common aero- flynamic forinulas are included for line pressure sources, rectangular and ‘riangular wings, and simple swoop theory. With regard to mathemat- jeal formulas, a list is given of conformal mappings used in the book, together with a list of the complex potentials of the lows to be used TThe terminology and notation of elliptic integrals is also included. 2-1, Nonlinear Potential Equation ‘The common partial differential equation underlying the of nearly all vss considered in this book isthe potential equation. potential equation is the partial differential equation for the velocity potential 4. ‘The velocity potential is a scalar function of position and time, from which the flow velocities ean be obtained by differentiation, For a discussion of the velocity potential, the reader is referred to Liep- mann and Puckett."* A number of eonditions determine the actual form of the potential equation used in any particular case. Some of these fonditions are (1) whether the fluid is compressible or incompressible, {@) the eoordinate system used, (3) the velocity of the coordinate system ‘with respect to the fluid far away, (1) whether the equation is linearized or retained in its noplinear form, and (3) the basie flow about which the ‘equation is Hinearized, For the first ease consider @ compressible fuid stationary at infinity. ft the cartesian axes &, 9, § (Fig. 2-1) bea set of axes fixed in the Aud he pressure and density for the compressible uid are related through + Superior numbers efor to item fa the bibliographies at the ends of chapters * FORMULAS COMMONLY USED IN MISSILE ARMODYNAMICS 9 E-@ a ‘y being the ratio of the specific heats Let @ he the potential function. The full nonlinear equation? for & is = D(6 ¢ EEE BY yy 9 Bo HE Meee A BMD ey + HAH) + WHE HH bes + Peby Hee t Syibby) + bby + bbe + bby) (22) The erm pet ine al he ef sand jn tho uni {bal ni 2 nin 2) cant covered te mass tiuon greg he pte of teow abot mise ing hoe “ifs oet would appear tom eb fand ontop nay des fast Ftd Fro, 2:1, Asea Bie in uid and azo fixed in mia for unifors tranlation ‘aces of interest in the theory of missle aerodynasnies, the luid velocity ‘at infinity ean be considered parallel and uniform, and the missile can be ‘considered stationary with respect to the observer. It i nov shown that the form of Bg. (2-2) is unchanged in this now frame of reference. With reference to Fig. 2-1, let 2, 9, and 2 be axes fixed in the missile at time ¢ with # parallel to the uniform velocity Vo of the Quid at infinity fs seen from the missle center of gravity. Also, choose the ¢ axis of the Enger system parallel to #, To obtain the potential equation for the 3, J, 2 axes with the Suid in uniform motion at infinity, we first convert the Bow as seen by a ground observer from the E{-r system to the 4.9.8 system with the fluid still stationary at infinity. Then we super impose a velocity Ve along the positive # axis to obtain the flow we seek ‘The transformation equations are acd eas es) 0 MnssiLb AERODYNAaHICS rms £, 2, Superimposing A nev equation for & i then obtained in terms £, 9, r the velit Ve along the positive 2 axis changos the Bow pattern and thauges the potential # into the new potential ¢ in accordance with e-ve+e a» vena n(ae tee] Be Ges + 2Ub.Gyba5 + debates + dodrdes) + Adedu + boon + ordu) (2) eo) 5) now is completely similar to With this physical interpretation, Eq. (2-5) pl wo 1g, (2-2), In faet, the fist factor in each equation is nothing more t the square of the loeal speed of s0 2-2, Linearization of Potential Equation a. (28), we mst rece al terms “otinarite the potential equation, Ea (2-8), we mst Feat eee product of in polenta au ts drvaivs ean aaa darar ire Ab the ont it soak be sated tha hoe see ber of way ssn at th ert, Gece or et tivo the problem at hand. vay pst case he ilies Unearned problem should be exained t see if it ull the Hi ne eaton A parca wey of Hnestxing the ae ioe chs proved partial tail to the Aro ae nl Ganges th volo Held fom = un rm ht the ai of sped Po Sve vlosty components Veta get # oo 6. ‘where @, &, and «are small perturbation velosties. With the possible 00 i ns, our frst assump- exception of limited regions such as stagnation regions, ti thurs thatthe perturbation velocities are small compared to Vo 0 that FORMULAS COMMONLY USED IN MISSILE AEKODYNAMES 11 In this equation the symbol O( stands for “of the onder of magnitude of In contrast to its more precise mathematieal meaning, the symbol hhas the approximate physical meaning in the present cotection that the velocity ratios have numerical values of magnitude « much less that tunity. In the neighborhoods where the perturbation velocities are large, the solutions of the linear equation for stall perturbation velocities ean. hot be accurate, but, if these regious are limited in extent and number, it ‘ean be hoped that the solutions will be representative of the flow in the large. In connection with By. (28) we have also assumed that the perturba tion velovities are of comparable maguitudes, If, as is frequently the case, the lateral extent of the region of influence of the body on the potential field is approximately the same length as the longitudinal extent, then, on the average, the gradients of the potential will be the same in all directions, and @, 8, and a will be of compatable magnitude. ‘The validity of this assumption must be adjudged for the particular problem at hand. The velocity components are then of orders M+ OW) 6 o eV) = Ol) RY) (3 ew We now need some measure of the orders of magnitude of the time derivatives of the potential. Firs, since ban ay ey as am oe 0 ° rat? eae ean — : Vet = OV) Now consider the body to be undergoing some unsteady motion such as Periodie oscillations characterized by frequeney m per unit time. ‘The Perturbation potential will change 2n times per unit time so that = OV ibn) Let us introduce the number of eyeles per body length of travel xo ea) ‘Then, in terms of this frequency parameter, the time derivatives are of orders of magnitude B utssines AERODYNAMICS = OleV w= 0(87*) oun aves or) ‘th forging oper sri to trina ae ee ters) and to dasa thse of seem so thd Lae ee dag entation vil be vad forall also xo srt han odor af agai iy of, specially el ow and he tncaized equation is (cote lve) ee = bet Peon+ Behn A) |u terms of the free-stream speed of sound tnd the freestream Much number M en uation (2-16) becomes ll = 1h + ont n= pet Moe CB “This equation is the essential equation of linear aerodynamies 2-8, Bernoulli's Equation; Pressure Coefficient as a Power Series in ‘Velocity Components ‘Bernoulli's equation for the compressible unsteady potential Sow of = sows dnaby i fant nly of the peste isn the Bie sys : [Brarh= co a9) where P= OP +o + ee Some interpretation of the above form of Bernoullis equation is interest- ing, Tn tat form, it holds for esch point in the unsteady flow for all timos, ‘The function € has the same value at all points in the flow at any particular time, but its value can change with time. However, if the flow at any’ point (such as at infinity) does not change with time, then € is ponstant with time also. Bernoulli's equation ean be thought of as. rela~ Tlonship between the pressure feld of the flow and the velocity field USED IN MISSILE AERODYNAMICS 13 ‘hus, i is known for a given for, the "hu bs aoa far ie ow, he rem ce tt on Ex Gx, amoltsaquaton branes nn Senay td Py _y me Fae B71 tT 220) The quanies with no subscript re for any gener pont, wile Mose with subserita refer to quantities a some rterene Sondition. ‘Cuticle ney ol esresion fo he presar sotigent i arma the aon eo 4, along the 2, 3, £ axon. For this purposo we define the prow coefficient P in terms of certain reference quantities: aiiate @21) wher pion, and i 1 pp, and Vx aro usually taken as the presure, density, a sls tthe esta ios th 88 nat em sas Vain the Gn system for eompleteaaogy betwee he “Sites. "To obtain the poner series for Pn vlocty compontst lets perform the expansion in the gtr system i the Emir stem and then transfor te ‘cgay system. With the ubserit refering to the cuton at oe ‘the Ef,7 system, integration of Eq. (2-19) yields 7 7 Pig De vate tate ak teed where @ and gare taken a8 seat ini to the Sah umber toy ne Po Ea ey w= er (228) [Expansion of Ka. (2-24) yields the power series Pa PaPe- 924% yy (Cts, VeaVe VF +uo(' 2 + 11c0(834)' where dante one of wt exe of magitade, This atone pra ae in powers of the derivatives of # in the En,t,r ‘ten. "ty sone 25 tothe yoy, we wl te reac cot bas ih tant Vale ed ie geal ehenne sa “ rotational one that the subscript. case On pane My iso change 0 nrc ie ptetia in he 4 8 ‘accordance with Eqs. (23) and (2-4) © emia) = oe — Vol 980 = Vek (2.26) Por the derivatives of # ave thus obtain aoe ae ware eo oe 1d be the perturbation velocities parallel to the 1, we further let 2, Gpand Z axes, we have noe tag bat = rs ee (228) We thus interpret Pq. & 44 MS Cay 2099, + tras of tind onder ne 22) ation is Hinarze, the sare terms i Se ee ehgisea at for instance, in slender-body theory. Beeb) ean egos ac. Chasiention of Various Theories Used in Suceeting Charters z Jie theories are utilized in succeed- ote rom umber of aera dl ie nn nt om en be ned fle nate of nests flows (1) Potential or nonpotential (2) Mach-uamber rang of applicability mete {@) Dimensionaity of fow: i, two-dimensional axial 27m (G) Shape of physieal boundaries consi « thore we wl ose re poten chen with ww Ne )| and the viscous erossflow theory Of the Newtonian theory (Ea. (9-50)] FORMULAS COMMONLY USKD IX MISSILE aunoDYNAMICS 15 (See, 4-6), With regard to the Mach-nnmber range of applicability: we will be eoneerned principally with theories valid in the supersonic speed range, slthough various of these theories are valid at subsonic speeds also, We will be interested in theories that apply to two-dimensional flows, axially symmetric flows, and three-dimensional flows. As for the shape of the physical boundaries, such shapes as planar surfaces, bodies of rovolution, airfoils, ete., are encountered in classifying the various theories. ‘Only steady flows are considered, Tans 21. Cuassiication oF Axnoorxamie Tutonies Usui 1s Text ] Foow Typiet | Seed ‘hry [Poets amenity | spre | ree | setet [Yu |Toodimemona [amom [art a Baseman Yer | Two-dimensional | Alfie IuSa. 4 Shockerpension [Yer | Twroslinensional | Aso wet ok Method of char=| Yes |Twostinensona, |Avolsand = 0S 1 teristics | astny amet | bein of rove wip VouayTwo-dimeesional Thieedien- Any AT onal Simple sweep [Usually Twoulisemsonsl [Swept wing and Any AFB sivepteplindens Supersonic wing |Yeo | ‘Three-dimensional | Wings wo1ie [Ye | Threeaimensional | Wings cones ASL ‘wally Supersonic |Yee | Threraineuonal | Wings built of S| Ting line | horeshoe Qusisptinder Yer Thedineaional Quinbeylindes ars |e ‘oly Sender body —|Yee | Thre-dimensioust “Setler"" bates Any Newtonian No | Threedimessional (Any shape Any MB espace ' A listing of the theories to be considered is given in Table 21. ‘The theories are classified in classes A, B, C, and D. ‘The first three elasses tare essentially potential theories but D is not. Class A is a class of ‘sentially two-dimensional theories; lass B is the elass of tyo-dimen- sional theories applied to throo-dimensional shapes, and class C isa class of essentially three-dimensional theories. ‘The theories of class A are arranged in order of increasing exactitude ‘The first three theories have been treated in a form suitable for engincer- ing caleulations.* The Ackeret theory embraces solutions of Eq. (2-18) specialized to two dimensions (let = Nou = n= 0 (eso) ‘Three-limensinal | Skeader bodies | Any 3F | D

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