Chudnofsky 2000

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228 MIDAZOLAM/KETAMINE Chudnofsky et al.



A Combination of Midazolam and Ketamine for

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Adult
Emergency Department Patients

Abstract. Objective: To describe the clinical char- (26%), and other (8%). The mean dose of midazolam
acteristics of a combination of midazolam and ket- was 5.6 1.4 mg and the mean dose of ketamine was
amine for procedural sedation and analgesia in adult 159 42 mg. The mean time to achieve discharge
emergency department (ED) patients. Methods: This criteria was 64 24 minutes. Five patients experi-
was a prospective, observational trial, conducted in enced mild emergence reactions, but there were no
the ED of an urban level II trauma center. Patients episodes of hallucinations, delirium, or other serious
18 years of age requiring procedural sedation and emergence reactions. Eighteen (25%) patients re-
analgesia were eligible, and enrolled patients re- called dreaming while sedated; twelve (17%) were de-
ceived 0.07 mg/kg of intravenous midazolam followed scribed as pleasant, two (3%) unpleasant, three (4%)
by 2 mg/kg of intravenous ketamine. Vital signs were both pleasant and unpleasant, and one (1%) neither
recorded at regular intervals. The adequacy of seda- pleasant nor unpleasant. There were four (6%) cases
tion, adverse effects, patient satisfaction, and time to of respiratory compromise, two (3%) episodes of em-
reach discharge alertness were determined. Descrip- esis, and one (1%) case of myoclonia. All of these were
tive statistics were calculated using statistical anal- transient and did not result in a change in the pa-
ysis software. Results: Seventy-seven patients were tients disposition. Only one (1%) patient indicated
enrolled. Three were excluded due to protocol viola- that she was not satisfied with the sedation regimen.
tions, three due to lack of documentation, and one Conclusions: The combination of midazolam and
due to subcutaneous infiltration of ketamine, leaving ketamine provides effective procedural sedation and
70 patients for analysis. The average age was 31 analgesia in adult ED patients, and appears to be
years, and 41 (59%) were female. Indications for pro- safe. Key words: procedural sedation; procedural an-
cedural sedation and analgesia included abscess in- algesia; ketamine; midazolam. ACADEMIC EMER-
cision and drainage (66%), fracture/joint reduction GENCY MEDICINE 2000; 7:228235

O PIATES, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates,

alone, or in combination, are among the
most widely used agents for procedural sedation
lam, and methohexital, because they have a rapid
onset and short duration of action, have been
shown to be particularly useful for emergency de-
and analgesia.1,2 Drugs such as fentanyl, midazo- partment (ED) use.310 Unfortunately, all of these
agents may cause respiratory depression, particu-
From the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, and Hurley larly when given in combination, in large doses,
Medical Center, Flint, MI (CRC, JEW, PJS, PDC, MDW, DLH, or to patients with underlying respiratory dis-
Received June 30, 1999; revisions received August 30, 1999,
and October 19, 1999; accepted October 19, 1999. Presented at Ketamine hydrochloride is a phencyclidine de-
the SAEM annual meeting, Boston, MA, May 1999. rivative that causes dissociation between the cor-
Dr. Chudnofsky has previously received grant support and hon-
tical and limbic systems, preventing the higher
oraria from Roche Laboratories, makers of midazolam. No fi-
nancial support was provided for the current study. centers from perceiving visual, auditory, or painful
Address for correspondence and reprints: Carl R. Chudnofsky, stimuli. It possesses a rapid onset and short du-
MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, Hurley Medical Cen- ration of action and produces profound sedation
ter, One Hurley Plaza, Flint, MI 48503. Fax: 810-760-0853;
e-mail: and analgesia. However, laryngeal reflexes are
A related commentary appears on page 278. maintained and respiratory depression is rare.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE March 2000, Volume 7, Number 3 229

These properties have made ketamine a very pop- TABLE 1. Exclusion Criteria
ular agent for procedural sedation and analgesia Acute or chronic pulmonary infection or disease
in pediatric ED patients.1519 Unfortunately, when Angina, congestive heart failure, aneurysm, or uncontrolled
given to adult patients, it frequently causes emer- hypertension
gence anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations, and de- Brain injury associated with altered mental status or focal
neurologic deficit
lirium.1,2 These emergence reactions have limited CNS mass lesion, hydrocephalus, or other conditions asso-
the use of ketamine in adults. ciated with intracranial hypertension
A number of agents, including diazepam, lora- Glaucoma or acute globe injury
zepam, fentanyl, droperidol, and others, have been Thyroid disorder or medication
used with varying success to reduce or prevent Porphyria
Pregnancy or lactation
emergence reactions associated with ketamine Allergy to any of the study medications
use.2027 Diazepam and lorazepam have been the Inability to give informed consent or complete study proce-
most successful, but their use may prolong recov- dures
ery time, making them less desirable in the ED The use of procedural sedation could compromise patient
setting.2227 Midazolam has also been used in this safety
regard, but data are limited. Despite this paucity
of data, available literature does suggest that com-
pared with ketamine alone28 or a combination of
Measures. Vital signs, which included blood
diazepam and ketamine,29,30 midazolam results in
pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen
fewer emergence reactions and a shorter time to
saturation, were recorded at baseline, and every 5
complete recovery. This suggests that a combina-
minutes during the procedure. All patients had
tion of midazolam and ketamine would be ideal for
continuous monitoring of electrocardiography and
procedural sedation and analgesia in adult ED pa-
oxygen saturation throughout the study. Following
tients. However, to our knowledge, there have been
completion of the procedure, vital signs were re-
no studies to confirm this. Therefore, we performed
corded every 10 minutes until the patient returned
a preliminary study to describe the clinical char-
to his or her baseline level of alertness. Abnormal
acteristics of a combination of midazolam and ke-
vital signs occurring between recording intervals
tamine for procedural sedation and analgesia in
were documented on the data collection instru-
adult ED patients.
ment. An alertness scale previously used, but not
validated by the authors, was used to verify return
METHODS to baseline alertness and suitability for discharge
(Table 2).31 The time to achieve discharge alertness
Study Design. This was a prospective, observa-
was defined as the time from the start of ketamine
tional study conducted at an urban level II trauma
administration until return to baseline alertness.
center that serves as a primary teaching site for
Respiratory therapists experienced in ED pro-
an emergency medicine residency. Written in-
cedural sedation and analgesia underwent a one-
formed consent was obtained from all subjects and
hour training session during which they received
the study was approved by the hospitals institu-
instruction on the study protocol, alertness scale,
tional review board.
and recognition of emergence reactions. A respi-
Study Setting and Population. Patients 18 ratory therapist was assigned to monitor each pa-
years of age who required ED procedural sedation tient and was responsible for recording vital signs
and analgesia, regardless of the time of their last and concurrently documenting the presence of ad-
meal, were eligible for inclusion in the study. Ex- verse effects, including respiratory depression, em-
clusion criteria are listed in Table 1. esis, myoclonus, and emergence anxiety, euphoria,
hallucinations, and/or delirium on a standardized
Study Protocol. Following initiation of noninva- data collection instrument. Respiratory therapists
sive monitoring and supplemental oxygen, patients were chosen to complete the data collection instru-
received 0.07 mg/kg of intravenous (IV) midazo- ment because in our ED, a respiratory therapist is
lam. We chose 0.07 mg/kg based on previous study required to monitor all patients receiving proce-
by Cartwright and Pingel.29 After a 2-minute ob- dural sedation and analgesia. This policy has re-
servation period, patients were given 2 mg/kg of sulted in our respiratory therapists gaining a
IV ketamine over 2 minutes. This dose of ketamine great deal of experience with procedural sedation
was chosen in order to consistently obtain the dis- and analgesia. Despite this experience, if an ad-
sociative state without the need for titration, verse effect occurred during recovery (i.e., after the
which could result in differing doses among study study group physician had left the exam room), the
patients. The painful procedure was begun imme- study group physician was asked to return to
diately after completing ketamine administration. the patients room to corroborate the presence of

TABLE 2. Alertness Scale* was left to the discretion of the study group phy-
Category Scoring Criteria sician caring for that patient. Prior to discharge,
the patients were asked whether they had experi-
Responsiveness 3Completely responsive
enced any dreams while they were sedated, and if
2Lethargic but responds to name
1Responds only after prodding so, whether they were pleasant, unpleasant, both,
0No response to prodding or neither. They were not asked to describe their
dreams in any further detail. Finally, the patients
Speech 3Normal were asked whether they would choose the same
2Slurring or slowing, but understand-
drugs to sedate them if they required a painful pro-
1Few recognizable words, not under- cedure in the future. A specific alternative was not
standable suggested.
0Unable to speak
Data Analysis. Descriptive statistics were cal-
Eyes 3No ptosis; focuses and follows readily
2Glassy eyed or ptosis < 1/2 eye, fo-
culated using statistical analysis software (Micro-
cuses and follows soft Excel, Redmond, WA, 1997). Means are re-
1Marked ptosis (1/2 eye), does not fo- ported standard deviation (SD).
cus or follow
0Eyes do not open to command
Coordination 3Accurate in 5 of 5 attempts at finger-
to-nose A total of 77 patients were enrolled in the study.
2Accurate in 34 of 5 attempts at fin- Three patients were excluded due to protocol vio-
lations, three due to lack of documentation, and
1Accurate in 12 of 5 attempts at fin-
ger-to-nose one due to subcutaneous infiltration of ketamine,
0Unable to perform or attempt finger- leaving 70 patients for analysis. None of the ex-
to-nose cluded patients experienced any adverse effects.
*This scale has been previously used (Chudnofsky CR, for the
The average age was 31 years (median 28.5
Emergency Medicine Conscious Sedation Study Group. Safety years; range 1868 years); 41 (59%) were female.
and efficacy of flumazenil in reversing conscious sedation in Abscess incision and drainage was the most com-
the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 1997; 4:9449) mon indication for procedural sedation and anal-
but not validated. gesia (66%), followed by bone and joint reduction
(26%) (Table 4). The mean dose of midazolam was
TABLE 3. Definitions of Emergence Reactions* 5.6 1.4 mg and the mean dose of ketamine was
Patient 159.1 42 mg. The mean time to achieve dis-
Rating Duration Distress Treatment Disposition charge alertness was 63.4 23.4 minutes (median
59 minutes; range 20130 minutes). No patient re-
Mild 30 min Minimal None Unchanged
Moderate 12 hr Moderate Yes Unchanged quired a second dose of ketamine.
Severe >2 hr Severe Yes Changed The average alertness score following drug ad-
ministration was 0.7, indicating excellent sedation.
*The severity of an emergence reaction was based on the single
highest (most severe) category reached [e.g., a reaction lasting
There were five mild emergence reactions; two
40 minutes (moderate rating) that caused only minimal patient (3%) cases of emergence anxiety, two (3%) cases of
distress (mild rating), but that required treatment (severe), euphoria, and one (1%) episode when the patient
was considered a severe reaction]. called out during recovery. The latter was consid-
ered a mild reaction since the patient did not re-
member the event and she was perceived by study
any adverse effect identified by the respiratory personnel to be in minimal distress. There were no
therapist. In addition, both the physicians the and episodes of hallucinations, delirium, or other seri-
the respiratory therapists were encouraged to de- ous emergence reactions.
scribe any other findings and behavior that could
be considered an emergence reaction. For purposes
TABLE 4. Indications for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia
of this study, hallucinations and delirium were de-
fined as severe emergence reactions regardless of Indication Number (%)
their intensity. Anxiety, euphoria, and other reac-
Abscess incision and drainage 46 (66%)
tions were rated as mild, moderate, or severe (Ta- Fracture/joint reduction 18 (26%)
ble 3). All adverse effects were recorded at the time Chest tube insertion 2 (3%)
they occurred, but emergence reactions were rated Foreign body removal 1 (1%)
retrospectively based on documentation obtained Wound care 1 (1%)
Lumbar puncture 1 (1%)
from the data collection instrument, nursing notes,
Hemorrhoid thrombectomy 1 (1%)
and physician reports. Treatment of adverse effects
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE March 2000, Volume 7, Number 3 231

Apnea occurred 4 minutes after midazolam administration.

Laryngospasm occurred following a harsh cough, approxi-

The patients head was repositioned and she was stimu-

minutes after ketamine administration). An oral airway

oral airway was inserted and ventilation was assisted with

Apnea occurred 6 minutes after midazolam administration (4

Apnea occurred 3 minutes after midazolam administration (1

minute after ketamine administration). Ventilation was as-

mately 14 minutes after administration of ketamine. An

a BVM until the laryngospasm resolved, approximately 1

was inserted and ventilation was assisted with a bag
Eighteen (25%) patients remembered dream-
ing while sedated. Twelve (17%) described their
dreams as pleasant, two (3%) as unpleasant, three

sisted with a BVM for approximately 2 minutes.

(4%) as both pleasant and unpleasant, and one

valvemask (BVM) for approximately 1 minute.

lated with return of spontaneous respiration.
(1%) as neither pleasant nor unpleasant.
Seven (10%) patients suffered adverse effects
other than emergence reactions. These included
four (6%) cases of respiratory compromise (Table

5), two (3%) episodes of emesis, and one (1%) case
of myoclonus, which did not interfere with reduc-
tion of the patients locked knee, and resolved prior
to the patients regaining consciousness.
Baseline and peak blood pressures and heart
rates are illustrated in Table 6. Ketamine resulted
in a significant rise in systolic and diastolic blood

minute later.
pressures and heart rates (Table 6). However, in-
dividual responses were variable, with some pa-
tients experiencing no change or even a slight drop
in blood pressure at some recording intervals. All
changes in blood pressure and heart rate were
transient, and did not necessitate intervention. No
patient suffered any sequelae or required a change Duration



in disposition because of hypertension or tachy-
Only one patient (1%) indicated that she would
not choose the same sedation regimen again if she
Lowest O2
Sat* (%)

had to undergo a painful procedure in the future.




This patient stated that she did not like the feeling
of being sedated in general, but had no complaint
specific to the use of midazolam and ketamine. In-
terestingly, this patient did not experience an

emergence reaction or other adverse effects.

Treatment was left to the discretion of the attending emergency physician.





*Lowest oxygen saturation reached at any time during the procedure.

To our knowledge, this study represents the largest
Dose (mg)

case series of IV midazolam and ketamine for pro-





cedural sedation and analgesia in adult ED pa-

tients. Our results are similar to those demon-
strated in other outpatient settings. For example,
White found that a combination of midazolam and
Dose (mg)

ketamine virtually eliminated emergence reactions





in healthy non-premedicated patients requiring

emergency surgery.28 In a study comparing
TABLE 5. Adverse Respiratory Effects

midazolamketamine and diazepamketamine in

healthy women undergoing short gynecologic pro-




cedures, Cartwright and Pingel demonstrated a

significantly lower incidence of unpleasant dreams
in those patients who received midazolamket-



amine.29 Similarly, Toft and Romer found that mid-

Age (yr)/


azolamketamine resulted in a significantly lower

incidence of emergence reactions and significantly
shorter recovery times than diazepamketamine
in patients undergoing endoscopic examinations.30
Patient 1

Patient 2

Patient 3

Patient 4

A control group was not used in our study; there-

fore, it is impossible to make any comparisons re-
garding the time to recovery. However, the patients

TABLE 6. Baseline and Peak Blood Pressures and Heart Rates*

Blood Pressure Subjects Heart Rate Subjects
(mm Hg) (n = 70) (beats/min) (n = 70)

Baseline Baseline 84 (16)

Mean SBP (SD) 134 (21) Mean (SD) 83
Median SBP 131 Median 52126
Range SBP 100218 Range
Mean DBP (SD) 78 (13)
Range 105 (17)
Median DBP 77
Mean (SD) 105
Range DBP 52109
Median 57151

Peak Difference in means

Mean SBP (SD) 159 (21) Heart rate (SD) 21 (15)
Median SBP 159 95% CI 17, 25
Range SBP 119219
Mean DBP (SD) 97 (14)
Median DBP 95
Range DBP 59138

Differences in means
SBP (SD) 26 (15)
95% CI 22, 30
DBP (SD) 19 (12)
95% CI 16, 22

*SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; SD = standard deviation; CI = confidence interval.
For calculation of the differences in means for blood pressure and heart rate following administration of ketamine, a fall in
blood pressure or heart rate was calculated as a 0 difference.

were back to baseline alertness and ready for dis- zolam should pose little risk to respiratory func-
charge in an average of 64 minutes. This compares tion. In our study, three (4%) patients experienced
favorably with the use of intramuscular ketamine transient apnea. Each of these patients weighed in
in nonpremedicated pediatric patients, as well as excess of 97 kg and received a correspondingly
with other regimens used for procedural sedation large dose of midazolam (Table 5). It is likely that
and analgesia in adult ED patients.7,8,10,1719,31 this large dose of midazolam was responsible for
While there were no cases of emergence hallu- the transient respiratory depression observed in
cinations, delirium, or other severe emergence re- these patients. Thus, although not established in
actions, 18 patients recalled dreaming while se- a controlled study, it would seem prudent to base
dated. Of these, five patients described their the dose of midazolam on ideal body weight when
dreams as being unpleasant (two unpleasant, administering it to obese individuals. Further-
three both pleasant and unpleasant). While at first more, we chose 0.07 mg/kg of midazolam based on
these numbers may seem high, the occurrence of a previous study by Cartwright and Pingel.29 While
dreaming associated with ketamine use in our this dose falls within the recommended dosing
study is very similar to the frequency of dreaming range of midazolam (0.050.1 mg/kg),1 it is likely
associated with a variety of other agents.3235 More that lower doses would also be effective in reducing
important, all of the patients in our study who ex- or eliminating emergence reactions, with a smaller
perienced dreams stated that they would choose attendant risk of respiratory depression. Thus, to
the same drugs to sedate them should they require further maximize safety, future studies should be
a painful procedure in the future. This suggests aimed at identifying the lowest dose of midazolam
that dreaming, regardless of content, did not in- required to reduce or eliminate emergence reac-
terfere with patient satisfaction. tions.
It may appear that midazolam, because of its Ketamine inhibits the re-uptake of catechol-
potential to cause respiratory depression, dimin- amines, resulting in mild to moderate increases in
ishes the utility of ketamine. However, the risk of blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output.36,37
respiratory depression with midazolam is dose-de- The hypertensive response is more pronounced in
pendent, and greater when it is coadministered adults, and with IV use. Fortunately, stimulation
with other respiratory or central nervous system of the cardiovascular system may be blunted with
depressants.5,6,1114 When administered as a small, concurrent administration of a benzodiazepine.36
single dose in conjunction with ketamine, mida- In our study, ketamine did result in a transient
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE March 2000, Volume 7, Number 3 233

increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressures that information prior to enrollment in the study.
and heart rate (Table 6). However, this was well This underscores the need to obtain a complete his-
tolerated as no patient required treatment for hy- tory, particularly the presence of respiratory symp-
pertension or experienced any cardiovascular or toms, prior to ketamine use.
central nervous system sequelae. It should also be The incidence of vomiting associated with the
noted that while uncontrolled hypertension was use of ketamine is approximately 8%.40 Fortu-
considered an exclusion criterion, the definition of nately, the risk of aspiration is very low because
uncontrolled hypertension was not specified in the ketamine preserves protective airway reflexes, and
study protocol, leaving the decision of study eligi- vomiting almost always occurs late in the recovery
bility of hypertensive patients to the discretion of phase, after the patient has regained conscious-
the treating physician. One patient with an ele- ness.40 Two patients (3%) in our study experienced
vated blood pressure (218/91 mm Hg) that could be nausea and vomiting. Both patients were awake
considered by some clinicians to represent uncon- and alert at the time they vomited. Neither expe-
trolled hypertension was enrolled in the study. Fol- rienced aspiration or other sequelae. Furthermore,
lowing administration of midazolam and ketamine, despite their emesis, both patients stated that they
this patients blood pressure actually decreased would choose the same drugs to sedate them
(164/94 mm Hg), and remained at this level for the should they require a painful procedure in the fu-
duration of the study. Despite this patients good ture.
outcome, ketamine generally results in a rise in Ketamine may cause skeletal muscle hyperto-
both systolic and diastolic blood pressures and nicity and random nonpurposeful movements of
should be avoided in patients with uncontrolled the head and extremities. However, these effects
hypertension. are usually mild and seldom interfere with perfor-
We also cannot comment on the use of ketamine mance of procedures.40,41 One patient (1%) in our
in adult ED patients with ischemic heart disease study developed myoclonia shortly after receiving
or congestive heart failure since these were exclu- ketamine. This did not interfere with the proce-
sions to enrollment in the study. However, there dure and resolved spontaneously without interven-
was no maximum age beyond which patients could tion.
not be enrolled in the study. Therefore, it is pos- Ketamine may also cause an increase in intra-
sible that one or more of the eight patients over cranial pressure; thus, it is contraindicated in
the age of 45 (or even those under the age of 45) those patients with intracranial hypertension.40
may have had occult coronary artery disease. One patient with a presumptive diagnosis of men-
While this possibility may be a concern to some ingitis was enrolled in the study. This patient had
practitioners, it should be pointed out that early a normal neurologic and funduscopic examination.
studies of benzodiazepineketamine anesthesia Thus the treating physician thought the patient
administered to cardiac surgical patients demon- could safely undergo a lumbar puncture without
strated cardiovascular stability.38,39 Hence, we be- the need for a cranial computed tomography, and
lieved that the combination of midazolam and ke- therefore could also be safely enrolled in the study.
tamine would be safe in patients over the age of 40 Despite this, the use of ketamine is not recom-
without a previous history of ischemic heart dis- mended in patients who have the potential for in-
ease. Interestingly, no patient in the study devel- creased intracranial pressure.
oped ischemia or heart failure.
One patient (1%) in our study developed tran- LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE QUESTIONS
sient laryngospasm. Laryngospasm associated
with the use of ketamine is rare, and thought to The major limitation of our study was lack of a
be secondary to stimulation of hypersensitized la- control group. However, ketamines effectiveness
ryngeal reflexes.40 Age less that 3 months and ac- as an anesthetic agent is well known,36,37 and the
tive respiratory infection appear to be important use of midazolam to reduce or eliminate emergence
factors in the development of laryngospasm, and reactions has been reported in other settings.2830
therefore are considered contraindications to the Nevertheless, the combination had not previously
use of ketamine. However, in a pooled-data anal- been described in an adult ED population. Hence,
ysis of more than 11,589 pediatric ketamine ad- we believed that a preliminary study to describe
ministrations, laryngospasm necessitating intuba- the clinical characteristics of midazolam and
tion occurred in only two cases (0.017%).40 Prior to ketamine in adult ED patients was necessary be-
discharge, our patient was again questioned re- fore the combination was compared with other ED
garding the presence of any respiratory problems. sedation and analgesic regimens. Furthermore, the
At that time, she indicated that she had recently occurrence of emergence reactions in up to 50% of
had an upper respiratory infection, and was still adults receiving ketamine has also been well es-
bothered by a lingering cough. She did not provide tablished.37,40 Thus, we believed that the use of a

control group that did not receive midazolam vides effective procedural sedation and analgesia
would be unethical. Finally, performing painful in adult ED patients, and appears to be safe. To
procedures such as abscess incision and drainage reduce the risk of respiratory depression, we rec-
and fracture or joint reduction using a placebo con- ommend using ideal body weight when calculating
trol group would be unacceptable under any cir- the dose of midazolam. In addition, the use of
cumstances. ketamine must be avoided in patients with active
Another potential limitation of this study was respiratory infections.
lack of interrater reliability. Respiratory therapists
were trained by the principal investigator (CRC) to The authors thank the ED staff at Hurley Medical Center for
recognize possible emergence reactions, and mem- their assistance in carrying out this study. In addition, they
are indebted to the Hurley Medical Center respiratory thera-
bers of the study group corroborated the presence
pists for their tireless work and attention to detail. Finally, a
of all adverse effects. However, no further attempt special thanks to Dr. John Younger for his assistance with sta-
was made to verify findings between study per- tistical analysis.
sonnel. Lack of interrater reliability would be
expected to have the most effect on emergence References
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What do you remember most about the early
years of ABEM?
What I remember the most about the early years of the American Board of Emer-
gency Medicine is the singular, concerted, and unified efforts of all emergency
physicians without regard to personal agenda in pursuing the single goal in es-
tablishing emergency medicine as a rightful specialty.

First President of ABEM, 19761981
ABEM Director, 19761988

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