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Meaning and Definition of Leading:

Generally managing and Leading are considered synonyms, that is to

say the same meaning of both words. It is precisely that an effective
manager is certainly an effective leader and the leadership is a
compulsory work of management However, the area of management
is broader than expected to lead. Therefore, management or
management is a comprehensive consideration and involves
planning, organization, appointments and control etc. Leadership
opposite, that is, lead art is a narrow idea which is only a part of the
management of art. Leading is derived from the word "Lead", which
means means to appear. In this way, leadership means guiding the
employees working in the institution. It is also worth mentioning
here that without guidance, it is not possible without
knowledge. Hence, "knowledge" is included in leadership art.

Definition :
According to Kurtz and O 'Donnel, pioneering is a process of
influencing people so that they willingly and diligently seek to
achieve organizational goals.
It is clear from the above definition that leadership art is basically
related to the human component, which motivates employees to
motivate and motivate towards achieving the goal and provide
effective leadership to their efforts.

Characteristics or Nature of Leading Attributes of

Leadership Art:

The nature or characteristics of leadership art / foremost

are as follows:
(i) It is an administrative task:
Leadership is a part of the art management. This is also an act of
arrangement like planning, organization, appointments and control.
Thus, it is a separate branch of management.

(ii) Its relation is with human resources:

Leadership art acknowledges the importance of human components
because every decision of the administration affects the employees.
Therefore, the manager should encourage the work to satisfy the
economic social and psychological needs of the employees.

(iii) To act voluntarily and enthusiastically:

The characteristic of a good leadership art is that it should not be
forced to work forcefully with the employees, but to get the job done
by voluntary and motivated them, it is also the demand of the time.

(iv)Friendly reinforcement in objectives is key to nurturing


Nobody should be convinced that the goals of the subordinates and

the goals of the high officials are the same. Both sides work to achieve
their wishes and objectives. In this way, individual goals and
organizational goals lack the unity, which results in interpersonal
tension and confusion. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of
the management is to make friendly needs and coordination with the
needs of the individual's needs and goals. This leadership is the key
to art.
Hence, "Advancement, on one hand, eliminates the well-planned
plans, carefully constructed organization structure, the excellent
program of recruitment and the gap found in efficient techniques of
control, on the other hand, the person tries to understand and
motivate them. So make a complete contribution in achieving the
objectives of the organization. - Kurtz and O'Donnell

Leadership Leading:
Leadership is spread across all levels and areas of management.
Whether the institution is small or large, economic or social, business
or political, military activity or government office, leadership is used
in all areas.
In the field of leadership, mainly the following works are

(i) Management and Human Factor:

Today, the most important instrument of the various means of
production is human. Therefore it is necessary to keep human assets
in good condition with physical means. Hence leadership art
emphasizes that the management needs to understand the human
component. The human component means "to deal fairly with labor."
Therefore, in today's era, those administrators can be counted among
the categories of successful managers, who regard their subordinates
as well, create a good environment for them and establish good
human relations because no object is the place of human component
can take

(ii) Communications:
This lead is a major part of art. It is not possible to carry out various
other administrative tasks in the absence of communication. Hence
it is necessary to have an effective and efficient communication.

(iii) Motivation:
In the field of management, "The art of directing the behavior of
human power and seeking its cooperation is called motivation." In
other words, giving motivation to more and more work while
providing work-satisfaction to the employees, motivation Is
called. Under the motivation, human beings, aspirations, challenges,
efforts and needs are studied.
Thus motivation is an important part of leadership art. To motivate
employees both financial and non-financial motivations are to be
given. Therefore, the manager must have knowledge of the art of
working from employees and motivating them to the best level of
their qualifications.

Leadership is also an important part of management. The purpose of
leadership is to follow. Employees follow the administrators who are
successful in satisfying their aspirations, needs and desires. One of
Napoleon's famous words is that "there are no defective soldiers, but
their officers are inferior" ("There are Never Bad Soldiers, Only Bad
It means that the leadership role of its management is the highest in
the success of any organization. Leadership is the ability to lead the
leaders to influence the behaviour and performance of their
subordinates and succeed in getting them to work.

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