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Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

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Research paper

The inuence of alexithymia on mobile phone addiction: The role of MARK

depression, anxiety and stress
Tingting Gao, Jiaomeng Li, Han Zhang, Jinglei Gao, Yixi Kong, Yueyang Hu, Songli Mei
School of Public Health, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China


Keywords: Background: Alexithymia is an important predictor of mobile phone addiction. Enhancing and improving college
Alexithymia students mental health can reduce the rate of mobile phone addiction. However, it is not clear about the role of
Mobile phone addiction depression, anxiety and stress in the relationship between college students alexithymia and mobile phone ad-
Depression diction.
Methods: A total of 1105 college students were tested with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Depression
Anxiety Stress Scale and the Mobile Phone Addiction Index.
Results: An individuals level of alexithymia was signicantly correlated with depression, anxiety, stress and
mobile phone addiction. Alexithymia had a signicantly positive prediction eect on mobile phone addiction,
and depression, anxiety, and stress on mobile phone are positive predictors. Depression, anxiety or stress had
partially mediating eects between alexithymia and mobile phone addiction. Alexithymia not only directly had a
positively impact on mobile phone addiction, but both also had an indirect eect on mobile phone addiction
through depression, anxiety or stress.
Limitations: Limitations included sampling method and modest sample size, self-report measures, and un-
measured potential confounders.
Conclusion: Alexithymia is an important correlate of mobile phone addiction, and depression, anxiety or stress is
an important mediator in this relationship.

1. Introduction of teenagers have their own mobile phones (CBS Statistics, 2013). As of
December 2016, there are 695 million Chinese mobile phone users, of
The concept of alexithymia is characterized by diculties in iden- which the highest proportion is student at up to 25.0% (China Internet
tifying and describing feelings, a decreased ability to dierentiate be- Network Information Center, 2017). The use of mobile phones is of
tween emotional states and physical sensations, a limited imaginative great concern, and studies of students mobile phone addiction are
capacity, and an externally orientated cognitive style (Sifneos, 1973). becoming more widespread. Mobile phone addiction, also known as
The initial study of alexithymia originated from the clinical observation mobile phone dependence, refers to the individuals behavior being out
of patients with classical psychosomatic disorders (Taylor, 1984). of control because of the use of mobile phones, resulting in a state of
People with alexithymia are prone to anxiety, stereotyped, inexible, obsession. The persons physical, psychological and social function is
no humor, and lack a sense of personal value in life. Their anxiety and signicantly impaired (Yen et al., 2009). The criteria to determine
tension are mainly manifested through physical symptoms (Haviland, whether an individual has mobile phone dependence are the following
1996). Studies showed that improving the alexithymia of college stu- conditions. First, determine whether the time spent using the mobile
dents is of great signicance for improving their mental health level phone exceeds the upper limit. Second, determine whether the use of
(Niu et al., 2011). Enhancing and improving college students mental mobile phones has a negative impact on physical, psychological health
health can reduce the rate of mobile phone addiction (Babadi-Akashe and behavior. If the individual satises both conditions, they can be
et al., 2014). identied as a user with mobile phone addiction (Jiang and Bai, 2014).
Mobile phone use is a global problem, and most Western countries According to the ndings of the China Internet Network Information
use the mobile Internet at rates of up to 50% or more (Donvan, 2013). Center (2017), mobile phone use over the time dimension can be used
In the Netherlands, 70% of the general population and more than 90% to dene the addiction to mobile phones. The use of mobile phones

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (T. Gao), (J. Li), (H. Zhang), (J. Gao), (Y. Kong), (Y. Hu), (S. Mei).
Received 13 April 2017; Received in revised form 25 June 2017; Accepted 10 August 2017
Available online 01 September 2017
0165-0327/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Gao et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

more than four hours every day denes a potential mobile phone ad- up for the imperfections in real life. However, if their depression is not
dict. Although mobile phones are convenient to people, their negative improved, they may spend increasing amounts of time on the Internet,
impact is becoming more obvious. College students with mobile phone and this may become a real addiction. A recent study suggested that the
addiction have poor control ability (Wang et al., 2015). They may level of depression and anxiety in high mobile phone use group was
spend much time on interaction with the mobile phone, limiting the signicantly higher than in the low use group. And the intensity of the
time to bear the responsibilities of their daily life. The higher the degree use of mobile phones was signicantly and positively correlated with
of mobile phone addiction, the greater the likelihood that college stu- depression and anxiety (Demirci et al., 2015). Students with high stress
dents academic performance will decline (aan et al., 2014). Ex- are also prone to excessive use of mobile phones; however, anxiety can
cessive use of mobile phones is prone to problems such as ear pain, moderate the relationship between stress and mobile phone addiction
headache, sleep disorders, irritability, auditory hallucinations and other (Kang, 2015).
physical and mental health problems (Sahin et al., 2013; Subba et al., Although the researchers established correlations between the in-
2013). vestigated variables, there was little research on the internal mechan-
A large number of studies have shown a certain correlation between isms between alexithymia and mobile phone addiction. Based on the
alexithymia and addiction behavior. For example, there are signicant above analysis, this study will explore the impact of alexithymia on
and positive correlations between alexithymia and alcohol addiction mobile phone addiction and the role of depression, anxiety and stress
severity, eating disorders, and pathological gambling (Barth, 2016; Gori between the two. We make three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1:
et al., 2016; Stasiewicz et al., 2012). Using a stratied regression ana- Alexithymia could predict mobile phone addiction through the indirect
lysis, alexithymia was an important predictor of Internet addiction path of depression. Hypothesis 2: Alexithymia could predict mobile
(Scimeca et al., 2014). A previous study suggested that the scores of phone addiction through the indirect path of anxiety. Hypothesis 3:
alexithymia of potential mobile phone addicts are signicantly higher Alexithymia could predict mobile phone addiction through the indirect
than the control group and the potential addicts have diculty con- path of stress.
trolling the use of mobile phones (Ha et al., 2008). Mobile phone ad-
dicts might have emotional recognition diculties, which may lead to 2. Method
more interpersonal problems. These people more dependent on mobile
phones or other media are more likely to escape and cover their true 2.1. Participants
emotions. According to compensatory Internet use theory, negative life
situations can give rise to a motivation to go online to alleviate negative A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Jilin University, which is
feelings (Kardefelt-Winther, 2014c). When the motivation to go online a comprehensive key university, aliated with the Ministry of the
is grounded in an unmet real life need and when Internet use alleviates Education, from April to May 2015. The university is located in
the real-life problem, an individual may feel a strong desire to spend Changchun, Jilin Province, China. It used a convenience sampling
more time online, which could lead to problematic outcomes method to produce a sample of college students. Students were re-
(Kardefelt-Winther, 2014a). Life problems, escapism and negative cruited via ads and asked to complete the paper questionnaire in the
outcomes are all connected, and a higher degree of life problems in classroom. A total of 1200 students were approached, and 1105 com-
conjunction with the escapist use of online games may lead to more pleted the survey; thus, the valid response rate was 92.08%.
negative outcomes (Kardefelt-Winther, 2014b). They use online gaming The study obtained support and permission from the research ethics
as a coping strategy for psychosocial issues. If the physical feelings and board at Jilin University. It took the respondents approximately 30 min
emotional state of the individual with alexithymia are dicult to ex- to complete the evaluation questions. During this process, all invited
press, they will be likely to meet their own psychological needs through participants were voluntary and were guaranteed condentially. A
a compensation mechanism. They try to maintain the balance of their small gift was given to compensate for the time spent on the survey.
mental state and change the loss of compensation. If it becomes
pathological compensation, individuals tend to take a more extreme 2.2. Measures
approach to achieve their ultimate goal, and thus fall into a vicious
cycle of psychological crisis (Gao and Chen, 2006). 2.2.1. Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20)
Research on the relationship between alexithymia and negative The Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 is a self-report scale developed by
emotions found that there are signicant dierences in depressive Bagby et al. (1994) and is composed of three factors: diculty in
symptoms among adolescents with dierent levels of alexithymia (Ling identifying feelings, diculty in describing feelings, and externally
et al., 2015). With the increase of alexithymia symptoms, individuals oriented thinking. The instrument consists of 20 items rated using a
showed more negative emotions. Alexithymia was a signicant pre- ve-point Likert scale. The total score range from 20 to 100, with
dictor of anxiety, and alexithymia reduction can relieve anxiety higher scores indicating a greater level of alexithymia traits. The
symptoms (Ashley et al., 2011). There is also a signicant and positive Cronbachs alpha ranged from 0.581 to 0.739. Research suggests the
correlation between alexithymia and stress. Individuals with alex- TAS-20 is appropriate for use with Chinese persons (Yuan et al., 2013).
ithymia have diculty in identifying and describing their feelings and
have poor ability to address stressful situations (Hisli Sahin et al., 2.2.2. Depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS-21)
2009). A previous study veried the alexithymia-stress hypothesis The validated Chinese version of the DASS-21 scale was used to
that an individual with alexithymia traits because of the improper de- evaluate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress over the previous
scription of emotion made negative and exaggerated evaluations of the week (Gong et al., 2010). It is a self-reporting instrument, presenting 21
environment, which aected the assessment of challenges and threats, items on three subscales, each yielding 7 items. Items are rated on a
and ultimately put himself in a state of stress (de Timary et al., 2008). four-point Likert scale indicating the frequency or severity of the par-
Further study showed that alexithymia is a risk factor for increased ticipants experiences. Higher scores indicate more severe sympto-
anxiety, depression, stress, and may lead to negative emotions, re- mology. The scale has demonstrated adequate internal consistency and
sulting in mental illness (Nekouei et al., 2014). As the self-medication diagnostic validity. The Cronbachs alpha was 0.89.
model for substance use disorders indicates, adolescents with depres-
sion may modify their emotional condition via Internet use or text- 2.2.3. Mobile phone addiction index(MPAI)
messaging because it is perceived as less harmful than illegal substances Mobile phone addiction was measured using the Mobile Phone
and is more available (Lu et al., 2011). Happiness from control and Addiction Index(MPAI)(Leung, 2008). This is a self-report ques-
respect of others can help teenagers gain positive emotions, and make tionnaire that involves rating 17 items on a 5-point Likert scale. The

T. Gao et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

four factorial components of the scale were inability to control craving, depression, anxiety, stress and mobile phone addiction, we
feeling anxious and lost, withdrawal or escape and productivity loss. set alexithymia, depression, anxiety, and stress as the specic predictor
The instrument was graded from one to ve, with higher scores in- variables and the domain of mobile phone addiction as the dependent
dicating higher levels of mobile phone addiction. The Cronbachs alpha variable when performing linear regression analyses. The results
was 0.87. showed that alexithymia, depression, anxiety, and stress signicantly
predicted the inability to control cravings, feeling anxious and lost,
2.3. Data analyses withdrawal or escape and productivity loss, respectively (see Table 3).

The Pearson correlation coecient was used to examine the asso- 3.4. The mediating model
ciations of the research variables in the current study. The structural
equation model (SEM) was used to study the relationship among alex- According to the procedure of mediation (Wen et al., 2004), the
ithymia, depression, anxiety stress and mobile phone addiction. The following conditions must be met. First, the independent variable must
bootstrapping method was used to verify mediation eects. In this have a signicant impact on the dependent variable. Second, the in-
study, 5000 bootstrapped samples were drawn from the data, and 95% dependent variable must have a signicant impact on the mediator.
bootstrap condence intervals (CI) were calculated. Statistical analysis Third, the mediator must signicantly aect the dependent variable.
was conducted using the SPSS 18.0 version program and Amos 17.0 Fourth, the independent variable and the mediator were included in the
software. model at the same time. If the independent variable could signicantly
aect the dependent variable, and the prediction of the independent
3. Results variable is weakened, the mediator will play a partial mediating eect.
If the eect of the independent variable on the dependent variable
3.1. Participant characteristics becomes insignicant, the mediator variable will play a full mediation
Of the sample, there were 528 males (47.8%), and 577 females The results for the mediation tests can be veried. We constructed
(52.2%). The participants ranged in age from 15 to 24 years with a and evaluated three separate hypothetical models (1, 2 and 3), each
mean age of 20.001.20 years. There was little dierence in the per- containing only one mediating variable. In the rst equation, alex-
centage of whether the participant was a single child (n = 578, 52.3%) ithymia signicantly aected the dependent variable mobile phone
or not (n = 527, 47.7%). Regarding residence, the study included 614 addiction ( = 0.330, t = 11.593, P < 0.001). In the second equation,
urban participants (55.6%) and 491 rural participants (44.4%). A sig- alexithymia signicantly aected depression ( = 0.503, t = 19.311,
nicant proportion of participants were sophomores(n = 499, 45.2%) P < 0.001). Alexithymia signicantly aected anxiety ( = 0.524, t =
and freshmen (n = 373, 33.8%), followed by juniors (n = 135, 12.2%), 20.411, P < 0.001). Alexithymia signicantly aected stress
with senior students constituting 8.9% of the sample (n = 98). Family ( = 0.508, t = 19.586, P < 0.001). In the third equation, the mediator
monthly income was of 30005000 RMB, accounting for 31.7% (n = (depression, anxiety or stress) signicantly aected mobile phone
350). See Table 1. addiction (depression: = 0.407, t = 14.799,
P < 0.001, anxiety: = 0.447, t = 16.575, P < 0.001, stress:
= 0.462, t = 17.285, P < 0.001) of the variance in mobile phone
3.2. Descriptive analyses
addiction, respectively. In the fourth equation, alexithymia and the
mediator (depression, anxiety or stress) as independent variables were
The correlations between the investigated variables were examined
included in the model at the same time and signicantly aected mo-
(see Table 2). All study variables were signicantly and positively
bile phone addiction ( = 0.167t = 5.321P < 0.001;
correlated with each other (P < 0.05).
= 0.132t = 4.203P < 0.001; = 0.128t = 4.162P <
0.001). In addition, after depression, anxiety or stress was entered into
3.3. Linear regression analyses the equation, and the explanation of mobile phone addiction was in-
creased from 10.9% to 18.7%, 21.2% and 22.5%, respectively. The
To further investigate the relationship between alexithymia, growth rates were 7.8%, 10.3% and 11.6%, respectively. The propor-
tion of the mediating eect of depression was only 0.503 0.407/
Table 1 0.330 = 62.04%. The proportion of mediating eect of anxiety was
Demographic characteristics of the college students.
only 0.524 0.447/0.330 = 70.98%. The proportion of mediating
Variables n % eect of stress was only 0.508 0.462/0.330 = 71.12%. The above
regression equation showed that in the equation, depression, anxiety or
Gender stress increased the explanation of mobile phone addiction, but the
Male 528 47.8
Female 577 52.2
standard regression coecient of alexithymia on mobile phone addic-
Single child tion was reduced from 0.330 gradually to 0.167, 0.132, and 0.128, and
Yes 578 52.3 remained signicant. Thus, depression, anxiety or stress could mediate
No 527 47.7 the relationship between alexithymia and mobile phones and play a
partial mediating eect.
Urban 614 55.6
Rural 491 44.4 The assessments of tness indices for all measurement models are
Grade shown in Table 4. Model 1, model 2 and model 3 were adequate. By
One 373 33.8 contrast, model 4 was not a good t. The mediation models are pre-
Two 499 45.2 sented in Fig.s 13. To gain an improved understanding of the media-
Three 135 12.2
Four 98 8.9
tion eects, we evaluated the signicance of each indirect eect of
Family income per month depression, anxiety and stress by applying a bootstrapping procedure,
< 3000 RMB 306 27.7 respectively. This involved drawing 5000 bootstrapping samples and
30005000 RMB 350 31.7 computing 95% condence intervals(95%CI). The corresponding con-
50007000 RMB 212 19.2
dence interval for each path of every model excluded zero, which
70009000 RMB 126 11.4
>9000 RMB 111 10.0 explained the mediating eect of depression(95%CI: 0.15,0.25), an-
xiety (95%CI: 0.20,0.29) or stress (95%CI: 0.19,0.30) between

T. Gao et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

Table 2
Means, standard deviations and bivariate correlations among study variables (n=1105).

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Diculty in Identifying Feelings 1

2. Diculty in Describing Feelings 0.68** 1
3. Externally Oriented Thinking 0.29** 0.32** 1
4. Depression 0.45** 0.39** 0.34** 1
5. Anxiety 0.51** 0.43** 0.27** 0.76** 1
6. Stress 0.53** 0.42** 0.22** 0.72** 0.79** 1
7. Inability to Control Craving 0.32** 0.27** 0.20** 0.41** 0.41** 0.41** 1
8. Feeling Anxious and Lost 0.20** 0.16** 0.09** 0.29** 0.35** 0.33** 0.48** 1
9. Withdrawalor Escape 0.21** 0.16** 0.06* 0.22** 0.26** 0.32** 0.38** 0.45** 1
10. Productivity Loss 0.30** 0.25** 0.13** 0.32** 0.32** 0.36** 0.60** 0.38** 0.40** 1
M 17.29 13.23 20.07 10.74 11.70 12.46 14.90 12.15 7.60 5.21
SD 5.17 3.21 3.94 3.90 3.63 3.89 4.90 4.95 3.14 2.21

*P < 0.05.
**P < 0.01.
***P < 0.001.

Table 3
Linear regression model with alexithymia, depression, anxiety, stress as predictor variables predicting mobile phone addiction.

Dependent Variables Predictors Parameter estimate (B) Standardized estimate () t R2 F

Inability to control Craving Alexithymia 0.17 0.34 12.116*** 0.117 46.786***

Depression 0.51 0.41 14.705*** 0.164 216.246***
Anxiety 0.55 0.41 14.898*** 0.168 221.943***
Stress 0.52 0.41 15.064*** 0.171 226.914***
Feeling Anxious and Lost Alexithymia 0.10 0.19 6.569*** 0.038 43.148***
Depression 0.36 0.29 9.860*** 0.081 97.217***
Anxiety 0.47 0.35 12.304*** 0.121 151.389***
Stress 0.42 0.33 11.470*** 0.107 131.570***
Withdrawalor Escape Alexithymia 0.06 0.19 6.271*** 0.034 39.329***
Depression 0.18 0.22 7.447*** 0.048 55.462***
Anxiety 0.23 0.26 9.053*** 0.069 81.961***
Stress 0.26 0.32 11.107*** 0.101 123.358***
Productivity Loss Alexithymia 0.07 0.01 10.393*** 0.089 108.015***
Depression 0.18 0.32 11.360*** 0.105 129.052***
Anxiety 0.20 0.32 11.269*** 0.103 126.982***
Stress 0.21 0.36 12.954*** 0.132 167.817***

*P < 0.05.
**P < 0.01.
P < 0.001.

Table 4 regulation. In the general population, the prevalence rate is approxi-

The model ts for the estimated models. mately 10%. This proportion of people is not good at identifying and
expressing their inner feelings, so that bad moods cannot be avoided
Model Fits 2/df NFI TLI GFI RESEA
(Evren et al., 2008). The so-called introverted people are likely to
Model 1 2.76 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.04 have alexithymia. They are afraid of face to face communication. They
Model 2 2.53 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.04 might make up the gap in the virtual space. However, this type of
Model 3 1.78 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.03 psychology may have a signicant impact on college students mobile
Model 4 7.79 0.96 0.94 0.97 0.08
phone addiction.
Note: Model 1 tested the mediator role of depression. Model 2 tested the mediator role of Results were consistent with previous ndings of positive relation-
anxiety. Model 3 tested the mediator role of stress. Model 4 tested the collective mediator ships of alexithymia with depression, anxiety and stress (Lyvers et al.,
role of depression-anxiety-stress. 2017). There is a signicant and positive correlation between mobile
NFI: normed t index; TLI: Tacker-Lewis index; GFI: goodness-of-t index; RESEA: root phone addiction and depression, anxiety and stress, which is consistent
mean square error of approximation. with previous studies (Nassehi et al., 2016). Individuals with alex-
ithymia lose control of their emotional cognitive system, which results
alexithymia and mobile phone addiction. in emotional cognitive impairment, weaken emotional adjustment,
emotional cognitive processing, concentration of emotional cognition,
4. Discussion and the ability to process and evaluate. Thus, they cannot address
stressful situations well, exacerbating negative emotions, such as de-
Alexithymia, as a non-independent psychological disorder, can be pression and anxiety (Nekouei et al., 2014). To release these negative
considered as a personality trait and regarded as a more common emotions, communication must occur. To some certain extent, they will
psychological characteristic or secondary symptom when one is suf- follow their favorite way to solve the troubles in real life. This also
fering from some physical and mental illness (Joyce et al., 2013; increases the likelihood of college students mobile phone addiction.
Mingarelli et al., 2013). It often leads to inappropriate disease behavior The study also found that alexithymia, depression, anxiety and
and aects the psychological and physical treatment eects. Alex- stress have a signicant predictive eect on the inability to control
ithymia is a defect in the process of emotional cognition, processing and cravings, feeling anxious and lost, withdrawal or escape, productivity

T. Gao et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

Fig. 1. Indirect eects of alexithymia on mobile phone addiction via depression.

Fig. 2. Indirect eects of alexithymia on mobile phone addiction via anxiety.

Fig. 3. Indirect eects of alexithymia on mobile phone addiction via stress.

loss and total mobile phone addiction scores. In other words, in- 18.7%, 21.9%, and 23.9%, respectively. Consequently, alexithymia
dividuals with alexithymia tend to exhibit symptoms of mobile phone relied on both the direct impact on mobile phone addiction, both also
addiction, which is consistent with the ndings of the study on the use by depression, anxiety, or stress.
of pathological Internet (Schimmentia et al., 2017). Individuals with Therefore, to reduce the negative impact of mobile addiction on
alexithymia have diculty understanding the feelings of others; college students, not only should mobile phone use time be controlled,
therefore, the eectiveness of communication between the two sides is attention should be paid for timely screening and to identify the high
greatly reduced. To some extent, interpersonal disharmony may occur, level of alexithymia among college students. Starting with students
and the social skills of college students will gradually weaken over time. emotional training, we can stimulate emotion, inspire association, pay
The powerful function of mobile phones provides a great opportunity attention to their emotional experience, and let students master emo-
for interpersonal communication on the surface. In fact, the users might tion types and understand emotion characteristics (Li et al., 2014). The
only use very few words and a plain manner to express themselves. enhancement of identifying and describing emotions may reduce ne-
However, it cant replace face to face commuciation, which will only gative emotions (Guo et al., 2015). Additionally, the satisfaction of
make mobile phone addiction and alexithymia more serious (aan college students psychological needs may be few. Furthermore, it is
et al., 2014). The study also showed that depression, anxiety and stress necessary to balance their mental state and prevent the formation of
are individuals negative emotions, all of which impact college students pathological compensation mechanisms.
mobile phone addiction. When the individuals depression, anxiety and
stress levels are high, the individual is prone to mobile phone addiction. 4.1. Limitations and future research
The study has examined the role of depression, anxiety, and stress
between alexithymia and mobile phone addiction. The results showed Because the study is based on a self-reported questionnaire, there
that depression, anxiety and stress are the mediating variables between may be a large number of confounding factors. More objective data
alexithymia and mobile phone addiction, respectively. After depression, collection methods can be used to improve credibility in the future. In
anxiety or stress was added for alexithymia and mobile phone addic- addition, a cross-sectional survey cannot draw denitive conclusion.
tion, respectively. The standard regression coecient between alex- Therefore, future studies require a longitudinal design. Besides, con-
ithymia and mobile phone addiction decreased from 0.330 to 0.167, venience sampling was used in this study, which might lead to potential
0.132 and 0.128, respectively. The eect was increased from 10.9% to selection bias. A large sample and stratied randomed sampling might

T. Gao et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 761766

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