Universidad Abierta para Adultos: Asignatura

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Ingles I




Areliz Deogracia Acosta 16-1561



Prov. Mara Trinidad Snchez, Nagua, Rep. Dom.
15 febrero Del 2017

Snow White is a nice and entertaining story, with many elements that have
passed into cultural history, such as the magic mirror, the 7 dwarfs or the
apple, but from the educational point of view is a bit simple, and shows in
Snow White a very Outdated for the girls of today, that of the beautiful and
fragile little princess.

Although it is correct in the "good / bad" judgments, and associates envy

with its evil, it seems more advisable to have a good time and show
something typical of our culture, than for its educational value

Once upon a time there was a queen who, sewing by her window, pricked
herself on her finger and saw the blood fall into the snow. It was then that he
wished to have a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips red as blood and
hair black as ebony. And his wish was fulfilled, Princess Snow White being
born. But, the queen died after giving birth and the king married a powerful
sorceress who had a magic mirror.

The sorceress queen used to ask her mirror a question every day:

Mirror, mirror, who on Earth is the most beautiful of all?

And he answered:

You, my queen, you are the most beautiful of all.

But when Snow White turned seventeen she was as beautiful as the day, and
the queen asked her mirror, the latter replied,

Reina, you're full of beauty, true, but Snow White is more beautiful than you and
you can never change that.

The jealous queen ordered a hunter to assassinate Snow White in the woods
and, to be sure, demanded that she bring the girl's heart. The hunter repented,
let her escape, and brought the heart of a young deer to the queen (which was
then cooked by the royal cook and eaten by the queen).

In the forest, Snow White discovered a small house belonging to seven dwarfs
and decided to enter to rest. There, these pity her:

If you keep the house for us, you cook, you make the beds, you wash, you
weave, you weave and you keep everything clean and tidy, then you can stay
with us and have everything you want.

They warned him, of course, not to let anyone in while they were in the
mountains. Meanwhile, the queen asked her mirror once more who was the
most beautiful of all and, horrified, learned that Snow White was not only living
with the dwarves, but still the most beautiful of them all.

The queen uses three costumes to try to kill Snow White while the dwarves are
in the mountains. Firstly, disguised as a street vendor, the Queen offers Snow
White colored ribbons for the neck, Snow White tries one but the queen
squeezes it so tightly that Snow White falls faint, making her think the queen is
dead. Snow White is revived when the dwarves pull the ribbon from her neck.
The queen then disguises herself as an older person who sells combs and
offers a poisoned comb to Snow White. Although Snow White resists that the
woman puts the comb to him, this one manages to put it to the force and Snow
White falls fainted. When the dwarves of the mountains arrive, they take the
comb out of their hands and realize that he did not get to stick it in the head, but
only scratched it. Finally, the queen prepares a poisoned apple, disguises
herself as the wife of a farmer and offers the apple to Snow White. When she
refuses to accept, the queen cuts the apple in half, and eats the white part and
gives the red and poisoned part to Snow White. She eats the apple with
enthusiasm and immediately falls into a deep sleep. When the dwarves find it,
they can not revive it. While maintaining their beauty, the dwarves make a
crystal coffin so they can see it all the time.

Time passes and a prince who travels across the earth sees Snow White in the
coffin. The prince is enchanted by its beauty and immediately falls in love with it.
He begs the Dwarves to give Snow White's body and asks his servants to move
the coffin to his castle. In doing so, they stumble into some shrubs and the
movement causes the piece of poisoned apple stuck in Snow White's throat to
fall causing it to wake up. The prince then declares his love to him and soon a
wedding is planned.

The vain queen, still believing that Snow White is dead, once again asks her
mirror who is the most beautiful on earth and, once again, the mirror disappoints
her with her answer: "You, my queen, you are beautiful, you are beautiful. True,
but the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful than you. "

Without knowing that this new queen was, in fact, his stepdaughter, the queen
is invited to the marriage of a prince of a neighboring country, when he realizes
that the new queen is the princess Blancanieves, the queen-sorceress is scared
and despairs Trying to go unnoticed.

However the prince and Snow White see it. Snow White recognizes it and tells
the prince everything that she did. As punishment for their evil deeds, the
prince, now king, orders them to make a pair of iron shoes that are heated to
the fire until they become red. Then he forces the queen to put them on and
dance until she falls dead.

Thank you, we have been able to verify that the story is one of the most
international literary genres that exist and will always exist, as they are
necessary for the transmission of messages in society.

Fairy tales, for their part, play a fundamental role in the development of the
intellect and imagination of children.

Stories act on many aspects of the child's personality and transmit us values
that can influence our lives.

One aspect that we consider important to emphasize is that disney maintains

part of the violence in the film. there is a multitude of opinions about violence in
classic stories.

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