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DHAMODHARAN.S (20140501016)
DHANAVANDAN.S (2014501017)

A metal slab of thickness 30cm made up of a material whose thermal conductivity

k is 85W/mK generates energy at a rate of 4*105 W/m3.If one boundary is
subjected to a temperature of 300oC (x is 0) and the other boundary is subjected
to convection with heat transfer co-efficient of 100W/m2C to the ambient at
10oC.Calculate the temperature using FDM by dividing the domain into 3 equal
sub regions.
1. To specify the Title

Utility Menu File Change Title

a. Against the item Enter New Title type Thermal Analysis of slab
b. Utility Menu File Change Job Name
c. Against the slot Enter New Job Name type TEMP
d. Click OK

2. Selecting Analysis Type

Main Menu Preference

a. Turn ON by clicking left mouse button against Thermal in the displayed form
b. Click OK

3. To Define Element Type

Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete

a. Click Add in the form Element Type displayed

b. Scroll down the items in the left box and select Solid under Thermal Mass
c. Select Quad 4node 55 from the right box.
d. Click OK
e. Click Close.

4. To Define Material Properties

Main Menu Preprocessor Material props Material Models

a. Select the item Thermal from the right window

b. Select the item Conductivity
c. Select the item isotropic
d. Enter 85 against the item kxx in the form displayed
e. Click OK
f. Select the item Heat generation Rate.
Enter 4e5 against the item QRATE.

5.To Create Areas

Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Rectangle
By dimensions.
a. Enter 0,0.3 in x1,x2 and 0.5,-0,5 in y1,y2.
b. Click Ok.

6.To create mesh

Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Mesh tool

a. Enter 6 in smart size

b. Click Mesh.
c. Select the area to be meshed and click OK

7.To display node numbers

Utility Menu Plot Ctrls

a. Select Numberingfrom the pull down menu

b. Turn ON by clicking mouse button against the item Node Number
c. Scroll down the list of items in the box against Elem/Attrib Numbering and select
Element Numbers

1. To Specify Temperature Value

Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Temperature On

a. Pick1 from the Graphic Window
b. Click OK
c. Select TEMP from the list displayed against the item Lab2 DOF to be Constrained
d. Enter 300 in the slot against VALUE Load TEMP Value
e. Click OK
2.To apply convection

Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Convection On lines.

Pick the required line from the graphic window.
a. Click Ok.
b. Enter 100 in VAL1 Film co-efficient
c. Enter 10 in VAL2 Bulk Temperature.

3.To Solve

Main Menu Solution Solve Current LS

a. Click OK in the form Solve Current Load Step displayed

b. Click Close once the Solution is done.
c. Close the form Status Command
d. Click item Finish in the Main Menu


1. To Obtain Temperatue at nodes

Main Menu General Postproc Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu

a. Click Nodal Temperature under Nodal Solution

b. Select Nodal temperature
c. Click OK
d. In the Graphic Window note the values. These values represent the
temperature at the nodes.

2. To Display the Results

Main Menu General Postproc List Results Nodal Solution

a. Select DOF Solution under Nodal Solution

b. Select Nodal Temperature
c. Click OK
d. After noting the temperature values close the form.
3. To quit ANSYS1

Tool Bar Quit

a. Select Quit - No save

b. Click OK

The nodal temperatures are found to be:

1 300(given)
2 374.02
3 400.97
4 380.87

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