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Disputes Myanmar


In an investment dispute between a

foreign investor and the Government of
the Union of Myanmar, there are several
institutions and rules which can be used.

25 April 2017

Should Myanmar Join the

International Convention for the
We are a network of leading
law and tax advisory firms with Settlement of Investment Disputes?
offices in Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.
In conjunction with our In an investment dispute between a foreign
Myanmar qualified litigation investor and the Government of the Union of
partners, we have launched an Highlights of this note
Myanmar, there are several institutions and
exclusively dedicated disputes rules which can be used. According to UNCTAD
team comprising trial lawyers, What Are the Pros and Cons of
data, of the 739 known investment dispute
litigators and consultants. ICSID Arbitration for Myanmar
proceedings to date, 480 are administered
by ICSID, the International Centre for the Compared to Non-ICSID
We represent clients in a Settlement of Investment Disputes, 88 by the Arbitration?
wide range of disputes, Permanent Court of Arbitration, 67 had no
from complex cross border Myanmars Dispute Settlement
institution and the remaining 50-odd cases
insolvency and enforcement Mechanisms in Existing
were spread out over the other institutions.
of foreign arbitration awards Investment Treaties
to collection of debts and ICSID has a dominant place in the world of
labour cases. Will Myanmar Be Overwhelmed
investment arbitration. ICSID was created With Claims After Joining ICSID?
in 1965 as one of the five organizations
forming the World Bank, and is the only Why Do India, Thailand and
Download arbitration tribunal which was created in such Vietnam Not Join Icsid, and Why
institutional context. There are currently 161 Did Venezuala, Ecuador and
members to the ICSID Convention [See https:// Bolivia Leave?
Member-States.aspx], an imposing high number Conclusions and
compared to 193 members of the United Recommendations
Get to the point.
Nations. However, there are also some notable
absences from the list of members, such as
India and Vietnam, countries that perhaps
We provide the ultimate ground advantage for commercial
disputes. Most cases are actually won or lost on the ground,
where the assets are. That is where we come in. Many parties are
decided not to join, and even countries that
have left ICSID while heavily criticizing its
hesitant to get involved in litigation in the emerging markets
we cover, but local proceedings can also be turned into an
advantage. If you know the terrain really well, that is.

Through our locally qualified network partners, we provide the

full range of litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services. workings.
arbitration, and how will this difference
Our litigators, trial lawyers and foreign consultants are known for
their aggressive stance and creative approach.

We are known for never giving up. We leave no stone unturned

to get you the leverage you need on the ground. Talk is cheap.
Winning is everything. All the rest is chit chat.
As can be seen above from the table, ICSID affect Myanmar?
is only one of several means internationally
Myanmar available to Myanmar to settle disputes with In that context, where ICSID is undeniably
prominent but also criticized, we examine

its foreign investors through international

arbitration, albeit clearly the most sought in this note if Myanmar should join ICSID.
We gain trust with our partners and customers when using VDB after one. Therefore, when we look into Is it in the benefit of Myanmar to join
ICSID? What are the pros and cons of such
Loi for advice. They are very efficient, knowledgeable and are well

the pros and cons of ICSID for Myanmar,

informed especially on telecom, tax and labour laws. Asialaw

the question we are really asking is: how a move?
does ICSID arbitration differ from non-ICSID

Page 1
Institute arbitration cases
(finished plus pending)

1 ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment 480


2 PCA (Permanent Court of Arbitration 88

3 No institution 67

4 SCC (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce) 36

5 ICC (International Chamber of Commerce 6

6 LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration) 5

7 MCCI (Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry) 3

8 CRCICA (Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial 2

Regional High Court Building,
(Unknown) (52)

What Are the Pros and Cons of ICSID Arbitration for Myanmar Compared to As a member of ICSID, Myanmar can
Non-ICSID Arbitration? appoint arbitrators and influence
administration of investment
Each arbitration institution and framework, such as ICSID, UNCITRAL/PCA and ICC
arbitration in general
has its merits in terms of the enforcement of the award, the process, the way to
challenge it, even the costs. But, ICSID is much more than an institution only. It is Under the ICSID Convention, the
the only one which comes with its proper international legal framework in the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators is only selected
Convention. That sets it apart from any other, non-ICSID form of arbitration. by Contracting States, except for
ten arbitrators who are chosen by
A good part of deciding whether joining ICSID is a good idea for Myanmar is to the Secretary-General. After joining,
compare ICSID arbitration with non-ICSID arbitration from a Myanmar perspective. Myanmar would have the right to
That is the purpose of this section. appoint four arbitrators and four
conciliators. In any cases facing
It is much harder for Myanmar to refuse enforcement of ICSID arbitration Myanmar, arbitrators are nearly entirely
derived from the lists chosen by states,
When an investor wins a non-ICSID award against Myanmar, this is a foreign
potentially with consideration for state
arbitration award which may require recognition and enforcement in Myanmar
interests. However, on any particular
or elsewhere, most likely under the New York Convention. Local courts, most
dispute, arbitrators of the same
importantly Myanmar courts, could use one of several grounds, even under the
nationality of the parties are strongly
New York Convention, such as public policy, to refuse recognition or enforcement.
discouraged [Only allowed if the arbitrator
That is not possible with ICSID awards. They are already considered final and as is in the minority or if both parties agree; art.
having final national court decisions as per the ICSID Convention. 39 ICSID Convention].

This is perhaps the most important difference between ICSID and non-ICSID Furthermore, as a member, Myanmar
arbitration. It is, we believe, probably the most important reason why some can influence the way ICSID is
countries do not join ICSID. organized through its representation
in the Administrative Council.

By using arbitration with a secretariat,

like ICSID, Myanmar is better protected
from illegitimate claims, and the
process is more productive
In many cases, investment contracts
between the Myanmar Government
and a foreign investor provide in
international arbitration, for example
under UNCITRAL Rules, without
reference to any institution. We believe
that investment arbitration with a
secretariat is better than without a
ICSID Headquarters (World Bank Building),
Washington, D.C. Having a secretariat also means that
Page 2
there is an institution to screen the
claim by an investor. Without it, in ad
hoc arbitration, an investor could start
an arbitration proceeding even when it
is not legitimate to do so, but there is so
institution to stop him.

An ICSID arbitration is more likely to

apply Myanmar law
Under the ICSID Convention, parties
can choose any law they want.
Myanmar would be entitled to choose
Myanmar law in its investment Labour Disputes Update,
contracts, for example. However, if 28 February 2017, Yangon.
there is no agreement between the As Myanmar is unlikely to be the seat We believe that this is an important
parties on the subject, the law of the of arbitration in non-ICSID arbitration, benefit for Myanmar, because budget
contracting state applies and such we believe it is better for Myanmar appropriations require more certainty
rules of international law as may be that annulment of awards only takes in planning and Myanmars budget is
applicable [Art. 42 (1) ICSID Convention]. place within ICSID before a highly smaller than that of most.
There is thus a default referral to the experienced ad-hoc Committee rather
law of the state, Myanmar law. The than before some national court in Non-ICSID arbitration can be quicker
same does not apply in UNCITRAL, ICC Singapore, London or The Hague.
or the PCA. Often, ICSID arbitrations take longer.
Myanmars chances will be better This is due to delays in the choice of
before the ad-hoc Committee. In arbitrators from the Panel and the
We believe that it is clearly in the addition, there may be many stages
advantage of Myanmar that Myanmar time needed to choose a chairman.
of appeal in national legal systems, An average ICSID case can take 3 year.
law will apply in case no specific leading to additional costs and delays.
mention was made in the contract. The shortest case was 1.2 year and the
longest case 10.5 years. The average
ICSID arbitration is generally less ICC case is 9 months [Anthony Sinclair,
Annulment and setting aside awards expensive than non-ICSID arbitration
is not subject to any national law for Louis Fisher, Sarah Macrory, ICSID Arbitration
How much an arbitration proceeding How Long Does It Take? GAR Journal, vol. 4
ICSID arbitration
costs depends on a great deal of factors. issue 5].
Once a non-ICSID arbitration award But, experts take the view that ICSID
has been reached, the laws of the cases are generally less expensive [ICSID ICSID arbitration is more transparent,
country where that award was made cases cost on average between 3 to 6 M$ in for better or worse
could be used to set it aside. That legal and institutional fees, and last around
ICSID publishes the names of the
cannot happen in an ICSID arbitration. 3 years]. This is in large part because no
parties of each case, and at least some
Instead, ICSID has a self- contained national setting aside or enforcement excerpts of the legal reasoning of the
system for annulment within the ICSID proceedings need to be added to the tribunal, even without the parties
Convention by an ad-hoc Committee case. Also, ICSID uses a fixed schedule consent. However, proceedings can be
of three arbitrators, independent from of fees for the arbitrators. Many other held behind closed doors when one of
the parties and from national courts. institutions do not. the parties so requests.

Myanmars Dispute Settlement

Mechanisms in Existing Investment

Myanmar is currently party to 10

bilateral investment treaties (BITs),
six of which have entered into force,
as well as to a number of multilateral
agreements as a member of the
ASEAN, and the ASEAN Comprehensive
Investment Agreement.

All of these BITs provide for dispute

settlement mechanisms that include
international arbitration [Please note that
the BITs with Kuwait and Vietnam are not yet
publicly available and therefore are not set
out in this table]:
Be Pitiless or Be Penniless: Practical Pointers on Enforcing Commercial Debts in Myanmar,
16 February 2017, Yangon.
Page 3
Myanmar Investment Treaty Dispute Settlement Mechanism Characteristics

China BIT After negotiations, a dispute may be submitted to: After negotiations, an investor may choose between
1. Competent court of the contracting party, party three mechanisms of dispute settlement: national
to the dispute courts or international arbitration.
2. Arbitration under: For arbitration: choice is given among either ICSID or
a. ICSID Convention; or an ad hoc tribunal.
b. Ad hoc tribunal.

Korea BIT After negotiations or consultations, a dispute may be Typical ASEAN dispute settlement clause
submitted to: After negotiations or consultations, an investor
ASEAN Comprehensive 1. Competent court of the contracting party, party may choose between two mechanisms of dispute
Investment Agreement to the dispute; settlement: national courts or arbitration.
2. Arbitration under: For Arbitration: choice of various arbitration
a. ICSID Convention if it is available; proceedings, including ICSID and ICSID Additional
b. ICSID Additional Facility if it is available; Facility.
Investment Agreement
c. UNCITRAL; or Currently, only ICSID Additional Facility is available in
ASEAN-China d. Any other arbitration institution. practice under this BIT.
investment Agreement

investment Agreement

Japan BIT After consultations, a dispute may be submitted to: Only Myanmar BIT that does not mention national
1. Arbitration under: courts - if consultations fail, only international
a. ICSID Convention if it is available; arbitration is mentioned.
b. ICSID Additional Facility if it is available; Mention of two possible set of possible arbitration
c. UNCITRAL; or (including ICSID and ICSID Additional Facility) in
d. Any other arbitration institution. addition to ad hoc arbitration.
ICSID arbitration or ICSID Additional Facility
arbitration is not a choice and depends on ICSID
membership of the parties.
Currently, only ICSID Additional Facility is available in
practice under this BIT.

India BIT After negotiations, a dispute may be submitted to: After negotiations or consultations, an investor
1. Competent court of the contracting party, party may choose between three mechanisms of dispute
Israel BIT to the dispute; settlement: conciliation, national courts or arbitration.
2. Conciliation; For Arbitration: choice of various arbitration
3. Arbitration under: proceedings, including ICSID and ICSID Additional
a. ICSID Convention, if it is available; Facility.
b. ICSID Additional Facility, if it is available; or ICSID arbitration or ICSID Additional Facility
c. UNCITRAL. arbitration is not a choice and depends on ICSID
membership of the parties, neither of which are
available currently under this BIT.

Lao PDR BIT After negotiations, a dispute may be submitted to: After negotiations or consultations, an investor
1. Competent court of the contracting party, party may choose between three mechanisms of dispute
Thailand BIT to the dispute; or settlement: conciliation, national courts or arbitration.
2. Arbitration under: For Arbitration: choice of various arbitration
a. ICSID Convention, if both parties are members; proceedings, including ICSID and ICSID Additional
or Facility.

Philippines BIT After negotiations, a dispute may be submitted to: Narrowest BIT with regards to dispute settlement:
1. Competent court of the contracting party, party after negotiations, only national courts or UNCITRAL
to the dispute; arbitration is mentioned.
2. Arbitration under: Only BIT which does not provide for ICSID arbitration.

To the exception of the Myanmar- June 2008 (as well as all ASEAN of them is not a member of ICSID.
Philippines BIT, all BITs executed by investment agreements) provide for These rules are very similar to the rules
Myanmar provide for the possibility the possibility of arbitration under provided under the Convention.
to settle investment dispute via ICSID the ICSID Additional Facility. The
arbitration. This is also the trend in all of ICSID Additional Facility are a set of Dispute settlement mechanisms
the investment agreements executed arbitration rules that are outside the would not need to be amended in
by the ASEAN. ICSID Convention but that enable case Myanmar joins ICSID. Ratifying
parties to a dispute to use the facilities the ICSID Convention will not change
All BITs executed by Myanmar since offered by ICSID when one (or both) Myanmars substantial obligations but
Page 4
will provide an alternative dispute settlement mechanism to both Myanmar and over all cases from investors from a
foreign investors. certain country. For that to happen,
the individual investment contract
Will Myanmar Be Overwhelmed With Claims After Joining ICSID? between the Myanmar Government
and the foreign investor must refer
Most research shows that the highest number of claims against states does not take to ICSID, and presently none of
place immediately after that state joins ICSID, but at least 10 years after that. For such contracts do this. Alternatively,
most countries, there are just a few cases started within the first 5 years of joining the jurisdiction of ICSID must have
ICSID. There is no reason to believe that joining ICSID will lead to an immediate been accepted by Myanmar in the
surge in cases [Larisa Babiy, Adam Czewoja Sheikh, Blerina Xheraj, Should Mexico Join ICSID?, applicable BIT, as is the case with most
CTEI Working Papers, 2012]. of Myanmars existing BITs to date.

(We updated and amended the below table from the similar one made Babiy, Sheikh Why Do India, Thailand and
and Xheraj in 2012 see footnote 7) Vietnam Not Join Icsid, and Why
Did Venezuala, Ecuador and Bolivia

Different countries have different

reasons for not wanting to join or
leaving ICSID.

India traditionally has had a reputation

of court interference with international
arbitrations, whether they are seated
in or outside India. Although this trend
was reversed in two recent landmark
decisions of the Indian Supreme Court
[Bharat Aluminium Co v. Kaiser Aluminium
Technical Services Inc; and Shri Lal Mahal Ltd.
v. Progetto Grano Spa], experts have often
raised the pros and cons of the ICSID
enforcement system in connection
with India.

ASEAN countries seldom have investment claim cases against them. There have not The Thai Government lost a high
been any nationalization or currency devaluation policies by any ASEAN member, profile arbitration case in 2004 in
which are the main drivers of investment arbitration claims. connection with the construction of a
Rapid Transit facility in metropolitan
ASEAN Known investment Known investment
member arbitration cases since arbitration cases since Member of ICSID since (entry into force)
state 1987 (as defendant) 1987 (as claimant)

Brunei 0 0 Not an ICSID member

Cambodia 0 0 2005

Indonesia 7 0 1968

Laos 3 0 Not an ICSID member

Malaysia 3 3 1966

Myanmar 1 0 Not an ICSID member

Philippines 5 0 1978

Singapore 0 3 1968

Thailand 1 0 Became an ICSID member in 1985

but never ratified the accession.

Vietnam 4 0 Not an ICSID member

We believe that it is very unlikely that Myanmar, with its present foreign investment
friendly laws and policies, has more than average number of cases.

Myanmar has very few BITs in force at this time compared to most other countries.
Joining ICSID alone does not mean ICSID will have jurisdiction over any case, or

Page 5
Bangkok, resulting in damages and of being challenged by Philip Morris on its
loss of face for the Government, and plain packaging rules in Philip Morris Asia
again in 2009, in connection with the Limited (Hong Kong) v. The Commonwealth
Don Muang tollway project. As a result, of Australia.] , is that under a strict
in 2009 the Government decided reading of older investment treaties
that infrastructure contracts were no there was not enough room for a states
longer allowed to provide in foreign good faith and non-discriminatory
arbitration. Thailand never ratified regulatory power. One example is the
ICSID, after joining in 1985. ICSID battle Uruguay, a small and rather
poor developing country, was forced
Vietnam did not lose any high profile to pay for (with a donation from a US
investment cases yet, but it is fair billionaire) to fend off claims by tobacco
to say Government officials were giant Philip Morris in connection with
spooked by the 3.7Billion US$ claim of its anti-smoking regulations, which look more at the domestic legal order
the Mackenzie v Vietnam investment the investor saw as expropriation of its as a whole, stability, clear regulations,
arbitration case in 2010 (even though trademarks [Philip Morris Brands Srl, Philip foreign ownership restrictions, and the
Vietnam later ended up winning). Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. absence of corruption.
v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, ICSID Case
Vietnam was later forced to settle
No. ARB/10/7 (formerly FTR Holding SA, Philip And indeed, there is little or no
another case [Nguyen Manh Dzung, Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos
MCIArb & Dang Vu Minh Ha, Vietnam An evidence that ICSID arbitration, or BITs
S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay).] ( in general, do anything to increase FDI
arbitration-friendly seat in Young Arbitration
Uruguay later won the case). for a developing county. To cite Mary
Review Edition 19 October 2015]. In 2006
it was announced that Vietnam would Hallward-Driemeier of the World Bank:
Conclusions and Recommendations analyzing twenty years of bilateral FDI
join ICSID, but it still has not done so.
flows from the OECD to developing
Will Myanmar attract more foreign
Indonesia did not renounce ICSID countries finds little evidence that BITs
investment if it would join ICSID?
but in the wake of one ICSID decision have stimulated additional investment
on jurisdiction which did not go If Myanmar concludes more BITs and [ Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Do Bilateral
joins ICSID, which provides the highest Investment Treaties Attract FDI? Only a bit
Indonesias way, it did announce it
standard in enforcement of investment and they could bite, available at http://
would renegotiate all its BITs to exclude
access to all arbitration for foreign arbitration awards, it sends a signal to
investors [Churchill Mining Plc v Indonesia the international business community
010/additional/ multi0page.pdf.].
- (Indonesia ended up winning this case in that Myanmar is not afraid to commit
December 2016)]. itself to respecting international
arbitration decisions and international Joining ICSID fits very well in
law. That certainly has a positive effect Myanmars new openness to foreign
Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, investment, and it will enhance
embarked on a nationalization program on the way investors regard Myanmar,
and on the reputation of Myanmar. Myanmars reputation as a country that
from 2004 onwards. As a result, they will respect international law, but few
received a long list of investment additional foreign investors will come
claims from their investors. As a result But the number of BITs in force, or
ICSID membership are not the most to Myanmar just because it joins ICSID.
they have left the ICSID framework in Some countries, also in Asia, do very
2009 and 2012 stating that the ICSID important considerations when
investors make investment location well in terms of FDI without joining
system favors investors and wealthy ICSID.
countries, and erodes the sovereignty decisions. Economic factors are the
of developing countries. most important factors, the size of the
market, availability of infrastructure, What are the pros and cons for
cost of production inputs, labor costs. Myanmar joining ICSID?
Another often heard complaint, and
not only by developing countries The largest factor driving FDI in ASEAN We made this table to give an overview
[Australia announced measures to curtail has for decades been cost reduction. For of what we consider to be the most
access to investment arbitration in the wake legal and regulatory issues, investors important pros and cons:

Government Guarantees for PPP Projects in Myanmar,

31 March 2017, Nay Pyi Taw.
Page 6
system. There is always the possibility
In order of
Pros Cons that the Government would lose a
case and is ordered to pay damages
1. In case Myanmar would in the future It is nearly unavoidable that Myanmar to foreigners in a situation which is
use its domestic courts to block foreign will in due course lose an investment difficult to understand for the public
arbitration awards, as was Indias arbitration case. If that is an ICSID at large. In the non-ICSID enforcement
reputation for a while, its reputation arbitration, a Myanmar court will not
system, cynically speaking, there is
will suffer gravely. It is better to make be able to stop the award from being
that option impossible for future enforced in Myanmar. In a non-ICSID
always the last resort: for a local court
Governments. That can be done by arbitration, Myanmar still has that to declare the award to be contrary to
joining ICSID. option. the countrys own laws or public policy,
and ignore it.
2. By joining ICSID, Myanmar ensures that Myanmar will have to be even more
arbitrations in the future are decided by careful with its BITs and investment That is in fact exactly why we believe
arbitrators who are more considerate contracts to prevent that good faith
that Myanmar should join ICSID. Not
to the point of view of states compared and non-discriminatory regulatory
to non-ICSID arbitration, because measures become the trigger for
because this will lead to more foreign
nearly all ICSID arbitrators are state- investment claims (as the above investment (it wont), and not because
appointed. mentioned Philip Morris claim against ICSID arbitration is faster or cheaper
Uruguay, for example). (often it will not be), but because states
behave better, in the long term, when
3. ICSID arbitration has a professional ICSID arbitration can often be slower they are accountable for their actions,
secretariat and is generally less than non-ICSID alternatives.
i.e. they do not have the option of
expensive than non-ICSID arbitration.
ignoring legitimate international
4. Under the ICSID system, Myanmar There is no way to hide that there is arbitration awards.
will never be subject to the court of a an ICSID arbitration case involving
foreign jurisdiction (where non-ICSID Myanmar, because ICSID is very Ignoring awards, or blaming ICSID or
arbitration took place). transparent. There will be publicity. wealthy countries is an easy way out,
5. An ICSID arbitration is more likely to Myanmar is now liberalizing rather but does nothing to fix what is wrong
apply Myanmar law than a non-ICSID than nationalizing industries. Should both within the BIT system and with
alternative. that ever be reversed, ICSID will make the treatment of foreign investors by
that much harder to do in terms of developing countries. It is always tough
compensation for foreign investors. to set high standards for oneself, and in
some particular future case Myanmar
Is ICSID biased in favor of foreign investors, or in favor of wealthy countries? may regret having done so, but this is
how we improve ourselves. In other
We think that ICSID is not biased in favor of investors. States win in roughly half of the
words, Myanmar should choose to
cases before ICSID tribunals. More likely, the fact that investors are indeed protected
pursue the highest standard, the path
from host states is the normal and intrinsic consequence when a framework of BITs
towards to improving Government
and FTAs is created exactly to protect those foreign investors. The bias is baked into
administration, due process and
the system in the first place.
transparency, not the road of the easy
and politically convenient way out.
Of course ICSID favors wealthy countries. That is to say, the international investment
protection system intrinsically favors capital exporting countries. There is nothing
Ways for Myanmar to protect itself
that can be done about that. More and more, developing and former developing
when joining ICSID
countries use the ICSID system to their benefit when they invest overseas. Malaysia,
for example, now has an equal number of investment arbitration cases as a claimant There are things that do not work well in
as a defendant. the BIT or the ICSID system for Myanmar,
and Myanmar should make sure it
Our recommendation makes improvements where possible.
Here are some of the important points
What makes ICSID so strong is that there is no way for a country to block the
of action for Myanmar, particularly if it
final award from being enforced. Under the New York Convention this possibility,
wishes to join ICSID, but we are certain
although limited, remains to exist. That feature of ICSID is in our view a major
other equally important points can be
factor for countries such as India, Thailand and Vietnam to stay outside of the
made with further study:

1. ICSID arbitration does not

abrogate domestic rules on
sovereign immunity [Article 55
ICSID Convention.]. It is therefore
imperative that Myanmars rules
on sovereign immunity are looked
at again and modernized.

Game Change: DICA Now Allows Transfer of Shares in Myanmar Company to 2. All Myanmar BITs and FTAs should
Foreigners Impact on M&A and Finance, exclude bona fide regulatory
07 March 2017, Yangon. action from the provisions on
Page 7
expropriation (as the Myanmar a certain reasonable period, such Related vDB LOI Publications
BIT with Korea already has) or fair as 18 months to give a chance for Labor Disputes in Myanmar:
and equitable treatment. This authorities to settle the dispute; A Review of Some Interesting
is to ensure Myanmar can take and Labor Arbitration Council
regulatory measures on a non- Other measures. Decisions
discriminatory basis within reason
without having to compensate 4. Myanmar should consider excluding Land Disputes: Court Decision
foreign investors; certain territories (for example Curtails Rights of Farmland
territories where there is strife in Users without a Form-7
3. In its future BITs and FTAs, Myanmar Myanmar) from arbitration under
should consider adopting a long ICSID, as is allowed under art. 70 of the Download our Regional
list of restrictive clauses, such as: ICSID Convention; Brochure here

Excluding (indirect) protection 5. Myanmar should consider excluding

of investors who are in fact certain classes of disputes and Get to the point.

nationals; even certain designated projects

Excluding dual nationals from from arbitration under ICSID, as is
protection; allowed under art. 25 (4) of the ICSID
Designating certain contracts Convention; We are a network of leading law and tax advisory firms with

(such as construction contracts) offices in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Our general areas of practice are corporate, finance and

as not being an investment; 6. Contracts concluded by Myanmars


Our principal specialized areas of practice are energy and

infrastructure, real estate, telecom and taxation.

Limiting the protection to states and regions are also within the There are three things you need to know about our approach:

approved investment projects jurisdiction of the ICSID Convention 1. We deliver the ultimate in ground connectivity.
2. Our quality is trusted by the most discerning.

(especially since the Myanmar under art. 25(1), but with approval 3. We never give up.

Investment Law 2016 no longer by the Union (art. 25 (3) ICSID

distinguishes between the two); Convention). Myanmar should make Cambodia

Introducing a requirement to designations and notifications to ... commercially creative firm with very high standards. - Legal 500

exhaust local remedies up to implement this.

...widely considered a powerhouse. - Asialaw Vietnam

Contact Disputes Team

Edwin Vanderbruggen Aye Kyaw

Senior Partner, VDB-Loi Team Leader

Edwin is a prominent foreign legal advisor living and working U Aye Kyaw is a Myanmar qualified lawyer and the principal of U
in Myanmar since 2012. He frequently advises the Government Aye Kyaw & Associates VDB Loi, a specialized litigation firm which
on privatizations and transactions in the energy, transport and joined VDB Loi in 2014. He is a former judge, magistrate and law
telecommunications areas. He and our Banking team act for lecturer with nearly 25 year experience in civil and commercial
international financial institutions and DFIs, including on their litigation and arbitration. He and his team of litigators have served
largest ever Myanmar financing, and had a role on virtually every clients in a broad range of industries with services since 1990.
completed project financing transaction. In 2016, Edwin and his
team obtained MIC permits for an astounding 25% to 33% of VDB Lois Disputes team comprises Myanmar qualified trial
approved FDI in Myanmar, and helped establish a foreign bank. lawyers, litigators and foreign arbitration specialists (resident
With our firms Energy team, Edwin worked on 5 out of 7 power in Myanmar) who exclusively work on litigation and arbitration
projects signed in 2016, and advised 4 of the supermajors. matters. We focus on a broad range of commercial disputes, labour
Supported by an exclusively dedicated telecom team, he helped cases, construction disputes, insolvency and debt enforcement. In
clients obtain and negotiate Myanmars first new spectrum and 2016, the disputes team booked a significant win when it was able
IGW licenses this year. to secure the release and clear the employee of a foreign state
agency from criminal charges in connection with a fatal accident.


Level 8, Centrepoint Towers No. S-204, Tha Pyay Kone Ward,
No. 65 Sule Pagoda Road & Merchant Street, Kyauktada Township Zabu Thiri Township
T: +95 137 1902 / +95 137 1635 T: +95 678 108 091
F: +95 124 1238 F: +95 678 108 092

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