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Prevalence, Severity and Risk Factors for Depressive

Symptoms and Insomnia in College Undergraduates
Jenna L. Gress-Smith1*, Danielle S. Roubinov1, Charissa Andreotti2, Bruce E. Compas2
& Linda J. Luecken1
Arizona State University, Department of Psychology, Tempe, AZ, USA
Vanderbilt University, Department of Psychology, Nashville, TN, USA

Although the college years represent a high-risk period for depressive symptoms and insomnia, little research has
explored their prevalence, comorbidities and risk factors within this developmental period. Two studies were
conducted; the rst evaluated the prevalence and comorbidity of depressive symptoms and insomnia in 1338
students (ages 1823 years) from a large Southwestern University. Mild depressive symptoms were endorsed by
19% of students and 14.5% reported moderate to severe symptoms. Forty-seven percent of students reported mild
insomnia and 22.5% endorsed moderate to severe insomnia severity. A second study investigated perceived stress as
a potential mediator of the relation between self-reported childhood adversity and concurrent depressive symptoms
and insomnia. Undergraduates (N = 447) from a Southwestern and Southeastern University reported prior child-
hood adversity, current perceived stress, insomnia and depressive symptoms. Self-reported childhood adversity
predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms and insomnia severity, partially mediated by perceived stress. Results
support the high prevalence of depressive symptoms and insomnia among undergraduates. The risk for depressive
and insomnia symptoms may be increased among students who experienced greater levels of childhood adversity.
Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 13 December 2012; Revised 28 May 2013; Accepted 5 June 2013

affect/mood; childhood stress; sleep; perceived stress

Jenna L. Gress-Smith, M.A., Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, 950 S. McAllister St., PO Box 871104, Tempe,
AZ 85287-1104, USA.


Published online 30 July 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/smi.2509

Introduction some level of depressive symptoms during college

(Furr, Westefeld, McConnell, & Jenkins, 2001).
The transition period from adolescence to young Depression is highly comorbid with insomnia in
adulthood carries a heightened risk for depression. childhood (Birmaher et al., 1996) and early to middle
During this developmental time period, young adulthood (Buysse et al., 2008; Ohayon, 2002).
adults wage novel academic and social stressors However, few studies have examined this comorbidity
amidst increasing autonomy and independence from within undergraduate populations despite the high
parental support. Rates of depression rise dramati- prevalence of depressive symptoms and the heightened
cally during adolescence (Hankin & Abramson, potential for sleeping problems due to the challenges of
2001), and depressive episodes prior to adulthood varying schedules and shared living spaces in college
increase risk for future depressive episodes over the environments. Buboltz, Brown, and Soper (2001)
life course. High levels of depressive symptoms found that 73% of college students had occasional sleep
may also be an important precursor to the develop- problems, 15% had poor sleep quality, and 4% had
ment of major depressive episodes (Kessler, Zhao, insomnia. Moreover, studies in college populations
Blazer, & Swartz, 1997). Young adults in the have found important associations among sleep and
transition to college may be at particular risk: overall functioning. A recent study found that 60% of
studies suggest that 53% of young adults experience college students were classied as poor sleepers and

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Depressive Symptoms and Insomnia in College J. L. Gress-Smith et al.

also reported signicantly more physical and mental mental disorders in adulthood (McLaughlin, Conron,
health problems (Lund, Reider, Whiting, & Prichard, Koenen, & Gilman, 2010). Thus, young adults with a
2010). In a sample of over 80,000 college students, history of childhood adversity may have more intense
the American College Health Association (2006) and negative reactions to novel challenges during college.
reported that sleep, depression, and stress were among In light of the prevalence and public health burden of
the most signicant health issues impairing academic depression and insomnia, two studies were conducted to
performance. Sleep problems are a common symptom investigate sleep and depressive symptomatology in
of depression, and untreated insomnia increases risk undergraduate students. The rst study evaluated the
for recurrent depression (Taylor, 2008), suggesting a prevalence and comorbidity of clinically signicant
complex bidirectional relationship. The elevated risk levels of depressive symptoms and insomnia. A second
and negative long-term consequences of depressive study examined potential direct and indirect mecha-
symptoms and insomnia in college students illuminate nisms through which childhood adversity inuences
a critical need for research to identify risk factors that depressive symptoms and insomnia. It was hypothesized
contribute to their development during this transi- that reports of childhood adversity would be associated
tional life stage. with higher current depressive symptoms and insomnia
Decades of convergent research nd that children severity in young adulthood. A theoretically-informed
exposed to conditions of adversity are at increased risk model examined current perceived stress as a potential
for maladjustment during childhood and into adult- mediator of the relation between childhood adversity
hood. Exposure to major stressors in childhood occurs and co-occurring depressive symptoms and insomnia.
with considerable frequency; large-scale national
studies nd that between half and three-quarters of
children experience at least one form of adversity, Study 1
including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, house-
hold violence, parent psychopathology or death, Methods
natural disasters and poverty (Edwards, Holden, Felitti,
& Anda, 2003; Felitti et al., 1998). Among college
students, childhood adversity may represent an impor- The participants included 1338 undergraduate
tant precursor to the development of mental health students enrolled in introductory psychology classes
problems. In particular, negative childhood experi- at a large southwestern public university recruited over
ences have been identied as a prominent precursor the course of two semesters during the 20092010
to the development of depression (Chapman et al., academic year (Table I). Students completed a survey
2004) and insomnia (Koskenvuo, Hublin, Partinen, during class and online. Participation was voluntary
Paunio, & Koskenvuo, 2010) in adulthood. and survey content was approved by the Institutional
Adverse experiences in childhood are often concep- Review Board.
tualized as exposure to a singular stressor; however,
adversity early in life increases risk for additional
stressors into adulthood. The continuity between expo- Measures
sure to early adversity and recent stressful life events
has been noted by models of cumulative adversity and Depression
may represent an important factor contributing to the The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depres-
development of depression and sleep problems among sion Scale (CES-D; = .88; Radloff, 1977) is a 20-
at-risk youth (Schilling, Aseltine, & Gore, 2008). For item measure that assesses mood and other related
example, exposure to interparental conict in depressive symptomatology (e.g. I felt lonely,
childhood can negatively impact relationship quality I was bothered by things that usually don't bother
and increase conict behaviour with romantic partners me) using a response scale of the number of days
in young adulthood (Cui, Fincham, & Pasley, 2008). each item was present over the past week
Cumulative stressors may be objective or subjective; (0 = rarely or none (less than 1 day) to 3 = all of
experiences of childhood adversity may contribute to the time (57 days)). An item on the CES-D inquir-
biases in how children perceive and process environ- ing about poor sleep was removed to reduce item
mental information, leading to a heightened sense of overlap with analyses involving insomnia; total
potential threat, selective attention to negative CES-D scores were pro-rated to reect this missing
information or misattribution of ambiguous or benign sleep item. Scores were prorated by calculating the
situations as threatening (Luecken, Roubinov, & average score for the scale and multiplying that
Tanaka, 2013). Stress during childhood can also result average by the total number of items on the scale
in more negative appraisals of everyday stressors (Strube, 1985). Scores between 16 and 24 indicate
(Glaser, van Os, Portegijs, & Myin-Germeys, 2006). In- mild levels of depressive symptoms, and scores
creased sensitivity to stress following exposure to child- above 24 suggest moderate to severe clinical levels
hood adversity has been linked to depression and other of depressive symptoms (Radloff, 1977).

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J. L. Gress-Smith et al. Depressive Symptoms and Insomnia in College

Table I. Sample descriptives for Study 1 (N = 1,338) and Study 2 (N = 447)

Study 1 Study 2

Gender 55% Female, 45% Male 64% Female, 36% Male

Age 1823 (M = 18.7, SD = 1.0) 1823 (M = 19.2, SD = 1.3)
Ethnicity (%)
Caucasian 67.6 64.9
African American 4.3 4.9
Asian American 8.5 8.1
Hispanic/Latino 15.0 7.6
Other 4.6 4.5
Multiracial n/a 10.0
Depressive symptoms (M, SD)
CES-D 13.6 (8.9) n/a
ASR n/a 4.9 (4.1)
Insomnia symptoms (M, SD) 10.7 (5.4) 8.4 (5.5)
Childhood adversity (M, SD) n/a 3.3 (2.0)
Perceived stress (M, SD) n/a 17.4 (6.2)

Insomnia symptoms. One third of the students with mild depres-

The Insomnia Severity Index (Bastien, Vallieres, & sive symptoms reported moderate to severe insomnia.
Morin, 2001; = .81) is a 7-item reliable and valid Forty-eight percent of students with moderate to severe
measure of perceived insomnia severity that highly depressive symptoms endorsed comorbid moderate to
correlates with objective measures of insomnia. Items severe insomnia.
assess the severity of insomnia symptoms (e.g. difculty Findings suggest that one third of the college students
falling asleep and difculty staying asleep) and degree experience symptoms of depression, and two thirds
to which insomnia symptoms are noticeable, experience symptoms of insomnia. Furthermore, almost
distressing and or/interfering with daily functioning. one third of the participants endorsed clinically signi-
Each item is rated on a 5-point scale with higher cant levels of both disorders, providing insight into the
responses representing more severe or problematic level of comorbidity in this population.
insomnia. Items are totaled and classied by the follow-
ing criterion: 07, no clinically signicant insomnia; Study 2
814, mild insomnia; 1521, moderate severity Method
insomnia; and above 22, clinically severe insomnia.
Results The participants (N = 447) were undergraduate
Nineteen percent of students reported mild levels of students recruited from one southeastern and one
depressive symptoms, and 14.5% of students reported southwestern university in the United States as part of
moderate to severe levels of depressive symptoms. a larger study of stress and coping in college students.
Forty-seven percent reported mild levels, 20% reported The participants were recruited through online subject
moderate levels and 3% of students reported severe pool management systems that allow students to sign
levels of insomnia. The correlation between depressive up for on-campus research studies. The study was ap-
symptoms and insomnia was signicant (r = .40, proved by the appropriate institutional review boards
p < .001). Comorbidities were examined and results and informed consent was obtained prior to participa-
are displayed in Table II. Overall, 29% of the tion. The participants were compensated with research
sample reported comorbid depressive and insomnia credits. Sample characteristics are provided in Table I.

Table II. Comorbidity of depressive and insomnia symptoms in Study 1 (%)

No depressive symptoms Mild depressive symptoms Moderate to severe depressive symptoms TOTAL

No insomnia 25.7 3.3 1.7 30.7

Mild insomnia 31.7 9.7 5.8 47.2
Moderate insomnia 8.2 5.7 5.0 18.9
Severe insomnia .6 .6 2.0 3.2
TOTAL 66.2 19.3 14.5 100

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Measures direct and indirect effects of childhood adversity on

concurrent depressive symptoms and insomnia
Childhood adversity through perceived stress. The indirect effect provides
The participants responded to 14 items that asked if the total mediated effect between the specied
they had experienced varying types of adversity during variables. If the direct effect (e.g. the path relating
childhood. Items were chosen from the Northshore childhood adversity to depression or insomnia) is no
Trauma Checklist (North Shore Long Island Jewish longer signicant after the indirect effect is accounted
Health System, Inc., 2006) and the Adolescent for, complete mediation can be assumed; however, if
Perceived Events Schedule (Compas, Davis, Forsythe, the direct effect remains signicant after accounting
& Wagner, 1987) to cover a range of stressors relevant for the mediators, partial mediation can be concluded
to a young adult sample, including witnessing a natural (MacKinnon, 2008). Estimates of standard errors
disaster, nancial difculties, parental divorce, parental and signicance were computed with percentile
bereavement and various types of abuse (e.g. neglect, bootstrapping, a resampling method utilized when the
physical and sexual). Respondents answered yes or no distribution of the effects is unknown (MacKinnon,
to each item and a sum score was computed. 2008). Overall, t was tested with 2, standardized root
mean square residual (SRMR), root mean square error
Perceived stress of approximation (RMSEA) and comparative t index
The perceptions of stress were collected with the (CFI). Model t was examined using recommendations
10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck, by Hu and Bentler (1999).
& Mermelstein, 1983; = .85). The participants
evaluated the extent to which life stressors were Results
overwhelming and unmanageable over the past month
on a scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (very often; e.g. Preliminary analyses
In the past month, how often have you felt that you Zero-order correlations are displayed in Table III.
were unable to control the important things in your All variables were normally distributed. Gender,
life?). The PSS is a widely-used measure of stress age and ethnicity were explored as possible covari-
appraisal with strong psychometric properties ates. Women self-reported signicantly higher levels
(Cohen, Kessler, & Underwood, 1995). of depressive symptoms [t(445) = 4.64, p < .01],
insomnia [t(389) = 2.40, p = .02], childhood adver-
Depressive symptoms sity [t(410) = 2.52, p = .01] and perceived stress
Depressive symptoms during the prior 6 months [t(408) = 2.59, p = .01] as compared with men.
were evaluated with the Depression Scale of the Adult Compared with Caucasians, non-Caucasian young
Self Report (ASR; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2003; adults reported higher levels of insomnia
= .77). The Depression Scale assesses depressive [t(387) = 2.03, p = .04]. Age and ethnicity were not
symptoms based on DSM criteria for depressive disor- signicantly correlated with any variable of interest
ders (e.g. feelings of sadness, lack of enjoyment, appe- (p's > .32). Therefore, the nal model of the inu-
tite disturbance etc.). Items are rated on a 3-point ence of childhood adversity on sleep and depression
scale ranging from never to very often. Each sub-scale was analysed with gender included to adjust for
has high test-retest reliability and internal consistency possible confounder effects on the relevant paths.
that has been demonstrated in nationally representative Differences in the variables of interest between the
samples (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2003). Because two universities were also explored. The model was
depressive symptoms and insomnia are both treated examined in the full sample and then stacked by
as dependent variables in the model evaluated for Study university site to provide parameter estimates for the
2, item overlap was not a statistical concern, thus we entire sample and then separately by university. Equality
did not remove items associated with sleep disturbance constraints were specied for each path. A chi-square
from the ASR.
Table III. Correlations between Study 2 variables (N = 447)
Consistent with Study 1, insomnia was assessed with
1 2 3 4 5 6
the Insomnia Severity Index (Bastien et al., 2001;
= .86). 1. Gendera
2. Ethnicityb .06
Data analytic plan 3. Childhood adversity .12* .01
Regressions and path analysis were tested using 4. Perceived stress .13* .05 .18**
structural equation modelling (SEM) in Mplus 6.0 5. Depressive symptoms .20** .05 .28** .54**
6. Insomnia .12* .11* .25** .37** .55**
(Muthn & Muthn, 2006). Missing data were
accounted for with full information maximum likeli- a
0 = Male, 1 = Female; b0 = Caucasian 1 = Non-Caucasian
hood. MODEL INDIRECT was used to estimate the *p .05, **p .01

66 Stress Health 31: 6370 (2015) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
J. L. Gress-Smith et al. Depressive Symptoms and Insomnia in College

difference test was not signicant [x2 (1) = .63, p = .99], modelled as a predictor of insomnia, and second eval-
conrming that the relations are not moderated by uating if insomnia was better modelled as a predictor
school. Therefore, the universities were combined for of depression. A model in which depression was a
all analyses. mediator between perceived stress and insomnia
provided an acceptable t to the data [ 2(3) = 10.23,
Primary analyses p = .024, CFI = .98, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .03, AIC =
9726.08]. The second alternative model, in which in-
First, the regressions of childhood adversity on
somnia was a mediator between perceived stress and
insomnia and depressive symptoms were tested.
depression, was a poor t to the data [ 2(3) = 90.80,
Childhood adversity was signicantly associated with
elevated depressive symptoms (B = .52, SE = .10, p < .01, CFI = .74, RMSEA = .26, SRMR = .08, AIC =
p < .01) and insomnia symptoms (B = .66, SE = .14, 9806.65]. The AIC (t index) was used to compare
p < .01). Next, perceived stress was evaluated as a the non-nested models, with lower AIC values indicat-
mediator of the relation of adversity to depressive and ing superior t (Schreiber, Stage, King, Nora, &
insomnia symptoms. The path relating childhood Barlow, 2006). Both alternative models had higher
adversity to perceived stress was signicant (B = .56, AIC values as compared with the original model (AIC =
SE = .18, p < .01), as were the paths relating perceived 4.98 and AIC = 85.55, respectively), suggesting depres-
stress to depressive symptoms (B = .33, SE = .03, sive symptoms and insomnia are more appropriately
p < .01) and perceived stress to insomnia symptoms modelled as concurrent outcomes.
(B = .31, SE = .05, p < .01). The overall model provided
a good t to the data [ 2(1) = 1.254, p > .05, CFI = .99,
RMSEA = .02, SRMR = .01, Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) = 9721.10; Figure 1]. Results suggested
that perceived stress signicantly mediated the relation Despite prior research that has identied young adult-
of childhood adversity to depressive symptoms [indi- hood as a critical period for the initial onset of insom-
rect effect = .18, SE = .06, p < .05, 95% CI (.07.31)]. nia and depression (Kessler et al., 1997), research on
The indirect effect from childhood adversity to insom- their prevalence and comorbidity during college is
nia through perceived stress was also signicant scarce. Results from Study 1 indicated that approxi-
[indirect effect = .17, SE = .07, p = .01, 95% CI (.06, mately one third of students experienced mild to severe
.32)]. The direct effect of childhood adversity on levels of depressive symptoms and one quarter experi-
depression symptoms (B = .17, SE = .05, p < .01) and enced mild to severe levels of insomnia. Further, 29%
insomnia symptoms (B = .18, SE = .06, p < .01) of the students reported concurrent clinically signi-
remained signicant after accounting for perceived cant depressive symptoms and mild to severe insomnia.
stress, suggesting partial mediation. These striking prevalence rates are consistent with
The model evaluated above hypothesized concurrent other studies that have reported elevated levels of
relations between depression and insomnia. However, depressive symptoms or insomnia separately (Buboltz
given the complexity of temporal relations between de- et al., 2001; Furr et al., 2001; Lund et al., 2010) and
pression and insomnia, two alternative models were provide new insight into the comorbidity in college
tested: rst evaluating whether depression was better students. Overall, the ndings suggest that depression

.49 (.16)

.31 (.05)
Childhood (.18) 7.2
adversity Perceived stress
.33 (.03)


.34 (.10)

Figure 1 Study 2 nal path model* ; * Unstandardized path coefcients and standard errors (indicated in parentheses) are reported; All
paths are signicant (p < .01)

Stress Health 31: 6370 (2015) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 67
Depressive Symptoms and Insomnia in College J. L. Gress-Smith et al.

and insomnia are prevalent issues in college students older students. Childhood adversity was assessed retro-
and highlight the necessity of further research into the spectively. However, we used a measure of salient neg-
risk factors and perpetuating mechanisms that inu- ative life events, with limited subjective or appraisal
ence the development of these disorders. Results of components (e.g. parents divorced), as the affective
Study 2 supported direct associations between component of the childhood adversity was not the
childhood adversity and both depression and insomnia focus of this study. The accuracy of retrospective re-
in undergraduate students. A path model suggested ports of discrete childhood stressors has demonstrated
that perceived stress may partially explain the relation consistency across childhood and adolescence
between childhood adversity and symptoms of depres- (Cournoyer & Rohner, 1996), is at higher risk of false
sion and insomnia among college students. negatives than false positives (Hardt & Rutter, 2004)
Research has consistently identied childhood and tends to be underestimated rather than over
adversity as robust predictor of poor mental health reported (Furgusson, Horwood, & Boden, 2011). The
outcomes later in life (Edwards et al., 2003). Studies present study assessed exposure to childhood adversi-
of the long-term inuence of childhood adversity rarely ties; future studies may extend this area of research by
target the early adulthood period, despite its develop- examining subjective measures of severity or duration.
mental signicance. In particular, the increases in vary- We did not assess recent experiences of adversity,
ing responsibilities that characterize young adulthood which may be an important source of current perceived
may pose notable challenges to psychological adjust- stress. Insomnia symptoms were assessed by self-report:
ment, particularly among those with a history of child- studies that conrm these ndings with actigraph or
hood adversity. The link between childhood adversity other objective measures of sleep will be important.
and depression in college student samples has been Other individual-level factors not explored in the
supported in other studies (Turner & Butler, 2003), current study may contribute to the experience of
but the relation between adversity and insomnia in insomnia or depressive symptoms. For example, behav-
college students has been less substantiated in the ioural pathways such as substance use or the use of
literature (Hanson & Chen, 2010). In the present study, psychotherapeutic medications may link childhood
young adults with a history of childhood adversity adversity to insomnia or depression in college students;
reported elevated rates of both depressive symptoms future research into such mechanisms is warranted.
and insomnia. Finally, the data were cross-sectional, precluding
The negative consequences of adverse childhood conclusions of causality. Although longitudinal data that
experiences may persist into adulthood through involve measures of change over time provide stronger
continued experiences of objective and perceived stress evidence for causal relations among variables (Maxwell
later in life. Exposure to early adverse conditions has & Cole, 2007), cross-sectional analyses supported by
been associated with higher self-reported stress strong theoretical and empirical evidence for temporal
(McLaughlin et al., 2010) and more negative responses ordering of variables also provide important informa-
to life stressors in adulthood (Glaser et al., 2006). tion relevant to understanding mechanistic pathways,
Results of the current study provide further support; especially in the context of alternative models
higher levels of perceived stress were observed among (MacKinnon, 2008). In this study, alternative models
young adults reporting a history of adverse events in in which depressive symptoms and insomnia were
childhood. Prior research has also observed a positive treated as sequential outcomes provided poorer t
relation between stress and disturbed sleep (Vgontzas to the data. Recent studies indicate that jointly
et al., 2008); and in the current study, greater perceived treating mood and sleep symptoms leads to improved
stress was associated with higher levels of depressive treatment outcomes (e.g. Manber et al., 2008) and
symptoms and insomnia and partially mediated the provide further support for modelling insomnia and
impact of early adversity on depressive symptoms and depressive symptoms as concurrent, correlated out-
insomnia. Among individuals navigating the challenges comes. Our proposed path model draws on recent
of early adulthood, a backdrop of early adversity may theoretical and empirical research and contributes
serve as a signicant vulnerability factor, increasing to our understanding of the prevalence, risk factors
the risk for poor mental and physical health outcomes. and perpetuating mechanisms of depressive symp-
Overall, results contribute to the growing literature of toms and insomnia in young adults.
the potential mechanisms through which early life
stress exerts an impact on health across the lifespan
and highlights the importance of examining such
processes during the developmental transition from Conclusions
adolescence to early adulthood. The current ndings indicate a high prevalence of
There are limitations with the present study. Data depressive symptoms and insomnia among college
were collected among young adults (age 1823 years) students, and identied childhood adversity as a risk
pursuing a college education, and results may not factor for elevated depressive symptoms and insomnia.
generalize to young adults in other environments or Childhood adversity was also signicantly associated

68 Stress Health 31: 6370 (2015) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
J. L. Gress-Smith et al. Depressive Symptoms and Insomnia in College

with elevated current perceived stress. A path model intervention aimed at reducing depressive symptoms
found support for the theory that elevated stress may and insomnia among young adults reporting adverse
represent a mechanism linking childhood adversity to childhood environments.
symptoms of depression and insomnia. Academic and
social stressors have been identied as signicant risk
factors for the development of depression and insom- Acknowledgments
nia in college (Lund et al., 2010); the ill-effects of these The rst author of this manuscript was supported by
stressors may be particularly relevant among college National Research Service Award, F31MH0953141,
students who were exposed to childhood adversity. NIMH. The authors of this manuscript have no
Results of the current study suggest that stress potential conicts of interests, including nancial
perceptions may represent important targets of interests or gains.

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