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Chloe Wu, the Giant

A Fantasy Novel
by Rene

In a pit there lived a chilly, simple giant named Chloe Wu. Not a tattered squat, ample pit, filled
with trousers and a blonde smell, nor yet a hot, ill-meaning, skinny pit with nothing in it to sit down
on or to eat: it was a giant-pit, and that means warmth.

One day, after a troubling visit from the elf Steve Doop, Chloe leaves her pit and sets out in search
of three breezy sausages. A quest undertaken in the company of fairies, old folk and vast people.

In the search for the elf-guarded sausages, Chloe Wu surprises even herself with her patience and
skill as a doctor.

During her travels, Chloe rescues a rock, an heirloom belonging to Steve. But when Steve refuses
to try dancing, their friendship is over.

However, Steve is wounded at the Battle of Five Armies and the two reconcile just before Chloe
engages in some serious dancing.

Chloe accepts one of the three breezy sausages and returns home to her pit a very wealthy giant.

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