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District Technology Training Plan

Hannah Stevens

EDTC 640

The District

Montgomery County is a large and diverse district located in the state of Maryland.
Montgomery County Public Schools is the largest school system in Maryland, 17th largest
school system in the United States, [with] students from 157 countries speaking 150 languages
(Schools at a Glance, 2016, para.1). The demographics of the students within Montgomery
County Public Schools can be seen in the chart below, created based on the data presented in the
2016 MCPS At a Glance document. There are a number of special programs throughout the
district including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Free and Reduced-price
Meal Systems (ARMS). Over the past couple of years, Montgomery County Public Schools has
been working to integrate more technology within the classroom. MCPS plans to increase access
to technology across grade levels, beginning by giving all students in grades 3, 5, and 6 access to
Chromebooks. In the coming years it is possible that, as funding is made available,
Chromebooks could be made available to additional grades (MCPS, 2017).

The Problems

Technology problems within Montgomery County Public Schools include both teacher
and student related issues. Chromebooks began to be incorporated within fifth grade classrooms
across the country three years ago. Chromebooks were also provided to K-5 teachers to be
utilized during planning and testing. Training was given to teachers on how to perform the
various benchmark tests but otherwise there has been little subsequent training on how to
integrate technology use with the curriculum. After talking with teachers at Lucy V. Barnsley
Elementary School in MCPS, it seems that many teachers understand how to use Chromebooks
and Google Classroom but dont know how to integrate technology within the curriculum in a
meaningful way. Within K-2 classrooms, teachers and students have less access to technology
and thus have had less opportunities to utilize it within their classrooms. This, combined with a
lack of professional development on technology use specific to the primary grades, has led

primary teachers to often use technology in a very basic way. Training is often done with
teachers from multiple grade levels receiving information that cannot necessarily be applied
within their own classrooms. Teachers need training that is specific to their grade level and their
students abilities.

The Needs

Teachers need technology training that is meaningful and matches their specific grade
level and students. To determine the needs of teachers I created a survey where teachers could
list the specific areas in which they would like more training. Asking teachers directly allows for
training to be development that will be useful for them and their class. In the survey, teachers
were asked to state their need and their grade level. I asked teachers to state their grade level so
that, when the training plan is created, I can ensure that each grade level is receiving the training
that is specific to their grade level needs. Here is a link to the survey on technology and training
needs that was completed by the staff at Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary School. Listed below are
the technology training needs indicated by the staff.

1. Using technology to differentiate instruction in math and reading

2. Using Chromebooks to support collaboration
3. Using technology to support problem based learning
4. Using technology to support struggling readers
5. Integrating technology into math instruction with a focus on discourse
6. Using technology to support writing instruction
7. Using technology to research across all content areas
8. Using apps on student Chromebooks to support instruction
9. Using technology to support instruction of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
10. Creation and use of Google Classroom
From the survey it became clear that the teachers within the school already have a basic
understanding of how to use the technology and so do not need instruction on how to operate the
Chromebooks and other available technology. A common theme among the needs of the
teachers was a way to integrate technology across all content areas. Another common theme was
using technology as a way to differentiate math and reading instruction. Teachers also need
instruction on how best to use the technology to support collaboration and discourse. Through
my District Technology Training Plan I will work to address the needs stated above in a way that
is meaningful to each grade level, with a focus on collaboration and differentiation across all
content areas.

The Audience

This program is for classroom teachers at Lucy V Barnsley Elementary School. There
are six Kindergarten teachers, six first grade teachers, five second grade teachers, four third
grade teachers, seven fourth grade teachers; four of which are GTLD classes, and six fifth grade
classes; three of which are GTLD. Of the 34 classroom teachers, 1 classroom teacher is male
and the rest are female. I created a survey to determine teachers comfort level with technology.
Six teachers feel very comfortable with using technology within their classrooms. These six
teachers span each grade level, with two fifth grade teachers feeling that they are experts with
technology. Twenty teachers feel somewhat comfortable with using technology within their
classrooms. Eight teachers do not feel comfortable using technology within their classrooms.
There will be different trainings available for different levels of comfort. Within the school there
are teachers with a range of experience spanning from first year teachers to veteran teachers with
twenty or more years of experience.

The Goals/Objectives

Through this District Technology Training Plan, teachers will gain a better understanding
of how to utilize technology to support their students learning. Teachers will understand how to
create problem based learning opportunities that can be integrated across multiple content areas.
Teachers will be able to create and utilize Google Classroom to engage students. Teachers will
understand how to use Chromebooks to allow students to collaborate with each other and
encourage discourse. They will be able to identify apps for Chromebooks that relate to the
curriculum and will be engaging for their students. Teachers will understand how to use
Chromebooks, and other technology available within the classroom, to differentiate the
instruction of all levels of students.

Course Name Audience Description

Intro to Problem New teachers and This course define Problem Based Learning and
Based Learning teachers who do how technology can be used to create engaging
not know what learning opportunities for students.
PBL is or who are
not comfortable
with it.
Intro to Google New teachers and This course details how to create your own google
Classroom teachers who are classroom and how to incorporate it within your
unfamiliar with classroom.
how to create or
use Google
Chromebooks and K - 2nd grade This course is for Kindergarten to Second Grade
Collaboration classroom teachers. Teachers will learn how to use
(K-2) teachers Chromebooks to encourage collaboration among
partners and/or groups of students.
Chromebooks and 3rd 5th grade This course is for Third to Fifth Grade teachers.
Collaboration classroom Teachers will learn how to use Chromebooks to
(3-5) teachers encourage collaboration among partners and/or
groups of students.
Technology and K - 2nd grade This course details how K-2 teachers can create a
Problem Based classroom PBL experience for their specific classroom and
Learning teachers curriculum, incorporating available classroom
(K-2) technology.
Technology and 3rd 5th grade This course details how 3-5 teachers can create a
Problem Based classroom PBL experience for their specific classroom and
Learning teachers

(3-5) curriculum, incorporating available classroom
Too Many Apps! K 5th grade This course offers teachers tools in how to find apps
How to choose classroom that are connected to the curriculum and engaging
what to use teachers for the students.
Differentiating K 5th grade This course details how to use Chromebooks and
Math and Reading classroom other technology available within classrooms to
teachers differentiate instruction in math and reading. From
giving support to struggling students to enrichment
to those students who have already mastered the
Talking and Tech: K 5th grade Student discourse is a great way to engage students
How to use classroom and to aid in learning new skills. This course will
technology to teachers describe how technology can be used to get students
support discourse talking about their thinking and learning.
Time to Work! K 5th grade This course is a guided work session specific to
Guided Work classroom Chromebook use within the classroom. Teachers
Session teachers can collaborate with each other or seek the
instructors guidance in using Chromebooks to
create tasks and activities for students.

Instructional Strategies

Professional Development is at its best when the learning gained from it is clearly
applicable within the classroom. My favorite Professional Development experience allowed me
to work with teachers in the same grade level on a topic that was easily applicable within our
own classrooms. During the PD, the teachers were given a math problem that we needed to
work together to discuss and solve. One person acted as a facilitator while the rest acted like
students. This allowed us to practice getting our students to discuss math in a way that
encourages vocabulary use as well as learning and engagement. I was able to take this back to
my classroom the very same day and begin to develop my ability of getting my students to work
together and discuss the math problems instead of simply doing them on their own. This
experience has shaped my ideas on how best to engage teachers through professional
I believe that great Professional Development is not simply a lecture. Teachers will have
opportunities to collaborate with each other throughout the training. They will work together to
use the knowledge gained to create activities for their specific grade levels and curriculum.
Teachers will be able to explore examples of the outcome of the training, discussing aspects they
like and believe will work within their classrooms and aspects they would change. Role playing
will be used as a way to give teachers the chance to practice using the skills learned, prior to
implementing them within their classroom. Allowing teachers to collaborate with others, explore
examples, role play, and have time to create their own ideas with the learning gained, I believe
the professional development process and the learning gained will be especially relevant to their
classes and students.

Sample five day workshop

Workshop Title: Chromebooks and Collaboration (K-2) Day # 1

Subject(s) of the days workshop Prerequisite Knowledge
Technology tools that allow for Basic knowledge of how to operate a
collaboration with a focus on Language Arts Chromebook

On Day 1 teachers will be introduced to three different tools; Story Bird, Wordle, and Comic
Creator, that can be used on laptops and Chromebooks to encourage collaboration. Teachers
will explore examples of what collaboration with these tools could look like within a classroom.
Teachers will be given time to create lessons around one or more of the tools discussed.
List the objectives for this lesson
Teachers will explore and critique example lessons and uses of the tools
Teachers will collaborate with their team to identify ways to integrate collaboration
tools within their Language Arts blocks
Teachers will be able to create lesson plans integrating one or more of the tools explored
How will you teach the lesson?
The morning portion of the training will include:
familiarizing teachers with the Google Drive folder that will contain all the materials
from the Professional Development
introducing the three tools (Story Bird, Wordle, Comic Creator) that will be the focus of
the day on the Promethean Board
allowing teachers time to explore examples of each tool
o three stations will be set up, one for Story Bird, one for Wordle, and one for
Comic Creator
o Each station will contain a Chromebook set up with an example of each tool
o There will be a short description of the accompanying lesson printed out on the
table and available with the PD materials on Google Drive
o teachers will explore each station with their teammates
o teachers must collaborate with their teams to respond to a capture sheet, found
on google drive
on the capture sheet they will describe what they like about the example
and any ideas gained about using the tool in their classroom
o when done with the capture sheet, teachers can spend the rest of the time at the
station exploring the tool on their own Chromebooks.

After exploring each station, teachers will regroup and discuss what they noticed,
learned, and any questions about the tools
The afternoon portion of training will include:
Time for teachers to explore upcoming Language Arts curriculum
Teachers can collaborate with their teams to determine which tools they would like to
introduce to their students
o teams can choose to work together to create a lesson based on one measurement
topic from the curriculum or work on their own to create lessons for different
measurement topics throughout the quarter
During this afternoon section I will be available for questions and to give suggestions
while teachers are working to create their lesson plans
There will be a document in the Google Drive folder where teachers from each of the
teams can share the ideas there team came up with
To conclude the training for the day we will regroup and discuss what lessons and ideas
teachers and teams came up with
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them
Promethean Board: used to show how to access the Google Drive folder, project
materials, and describe each of the tools
Chromebooks: set up with examples of each tool
Examples of each tool being used
Evaluation Strategies
Anecdotal notes based on teacher discussions
Reviewing the materials created by the teachers and shared within the Google Drive,
giving suggestions when applicable
Exit Survey asking about what support need and questions they may have

Workshop Title: Chromebooks and Collaboration (K-2) Day # 2

Subject(s) of the days workshop Prerequisite Knowledge
Using Google to encourage collaboration Basic knowledge of how to operate a Chromebook

Basic knowledge of Google and Google Docs
The focus of Day 2 will be how to create and use Google Classroom and Google Docs as tools
for collaboration. Teachers will get to explore pre-existing Google Classrooms and determine
how they could utilize it within their own classroom. These tools will also be explored as a
resource for teachers to use to collaborate with their team and other teachers within the school.
Teachers will be given time to create a Google Classroom for their class, creating activities
specific to the curriculum and that encourage collaboration between students.
List the objectives for this lesson
Teachers will be able to create a Google Classroom website to use within their own
Teachers will collaborate with their team to create lessons integrating Google Classroom
and/or Google Docs
How will you teach the lesson?
The morning portion of the training will include:
A discussion on Google Classroom and Google Docs and the experiences teachers have
with using them both personally and professionally
o teachers will first discuss with their teammates before being given the chance to
share out their experiences with all present at the professional development
Teachers will be given time to write down any questions they have, prior to instruction,
about Google Classroom and Google Docs within the PD Google Drive folder
o these questions will be revisited later, after the teachers have had a chance to
explore the tools themselves
Teachers will be given time to explore a Google Classroom that corresponds with their
grade level
o teachers must collaborate with their teams to respond to a capture sheet, found
on google drive

on the capture sheet they will describe what they like about the example,
what they would change, and any ideas gained about how they would use
Google Classroom with their students
As a whole group we will revisit the questions created prior to the exploration and work
to answer them
Teachers will discuss with their team what they would like to see in a Google Classroom
site set up for their students, with a focus on how it can be used to create opportunities
for collaboration
o their ideas and notes will be written down in the PD Google Drive folder
The afternoon portion will include:
Time for teams and teachers to work on creating their own Google Classroom
o This will be a guided work session where I will be available to give suggestions
and aid when needed
Teachers and teams will post their Google Classrooms for all to access
Each team will share their ideas with the whole group where we will all discuss any
suggestions on how to ensure collaboration will occur
There will also be time to explore Google Docs and discuss how it can integrated within
each teams curriculum
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them
An example of Google Classroom for a Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade
Classroom to demonstrate how teachers may use
Evaluation Strategies
Anecdotal notes based on teacher discussions
Reviewing the materials created by the teachers and shared within the Google Drive,
giving suggestions when applicable
Exit Survey asking about what support need and questions they may have

Workshop Title: Chromebooks and Collaboration (K-2) Day # 3
Subject(s) of the days workshop Prerequisite Knowledge
Technology tools that allow for Basic knowledge of how to operate a Chromebook
collaboration with a focus on research
and notetaking
Content (describe in a paragraph)
On Day 3 tools that can be used for mind mapping and notetaking will be explored. Teachers
will get a chance to explore tools such as Popplet and Padlet. They will explore preexisting
Popplets and Padlets before working to create their own that can be used with their students.
These tools will also be explored as tools that teachers and their teams can use to collaborate.
List the objectives for this lesson
Teachers will collaborate with their team to create lessons utilizing one or more of the
tools examined
Teachers will be able to use Popplet and Padlet proficiently
How will you teach the lesson?
The morning portion will include:
An introduction of both Popplet and Padlet and how they work on the promethean board
Teams will be given a sample research task, that aligns with their grade level
o One research task will require the teachers to create a popplet and one research
task will require teachers to create a padlet
o Teachers will be asked to look at this activity through the lens of their students
and to think of where they may need to scaffold instruction and support the
o After each task is completed we will meet back as a whole group and show our
products, detailing what we learned about using the tool
o The popplets and padlets created by the teachers will be posted to the Google
Drive folder
Teachers will have the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns about the
implementation of these tools within their classrooms

The afternoon portion will include:
A guided work session for teachers and teams to look within their curriculum and create
research based lessons where students can collaborate using one or both of the tools
Teachers will post their ideas to the shared Google Drive folder
At the end of the day teachers will share out their ideas and discuss any questions that
still remain about the use of the tools
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them
Sample research tasks that are grade specific, one for teachers to use popplet and one for
teachers to use padlet
Evaluation Strategies
Anecdotal notes based on teacher discussions
Reviewing the materials created by the teachers and shared within the Google Drive,
giving suggestions when applicable
Exit Survey asking about what support need and questions they may have

Workshop Title: Chromebooks and Collaboration (K-2) Day # 4

Subject(s) of the days workshop Prerequisite Knowledge
Technology tools that allow for collaboration Basic knowledge of how to operate a
with a focus on presentation creation Chromebook
Content (describe in a paragraph)
On Day 4 the focus will be on tools that can be used to create visual presentations, such as
PowToon and Blabberize. Teachers will explore preexisting examples of these two tools.
Teachers will also work to create lessons utilizing one or both of these tools with their students.
List the objectives for this lesson
Teachers will be able to create a PowToon or Blabberize presentation
Teachers will collaborate to create lessons utilizing the tools presented, aligning with
their grades curriculum
How will you teach the lesson?
The morning portion will include:

Demonstrating how to use PowToon on the Promethean Board
o Using the research collected the previous day, either on the teams Popplet or
Padlet, teachers will work with their teams to create a PowToon detailing their
research from Day 3
o Teachers should approach this activity as if they were their students, thinking
about where their students might struggle and how to help them succeed
o Teachers will upload their PowToons to the Google Drive Folder
As a whole group we will debrief, viewing each groups animations and discussing
where students might struggle and what can be done to enable students to succeed
Next I will demonstrate how to use Blabberize
o Using the research collected the previous day, the opposite of what was used for
the PowToon, teams will work to create a presentation of the research using
o Teachers should approach this activity as if they were their students, thinking
about where their students might struggle and what they could do to help them
o Teachers will upload their Blabberize to the Google Drive Folder
As a whole group we will debrief, viewing each groups animations and discussing
where students might struggle and what can be done to enable students to succeed
The afternoon portion will include:
A guided work session where teachers can collaborate to create lessons aligned with
their specific curriculum where the final product can be a presentation using one or both
of the tools learned about
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them
Grade specific prompts for creating a presentation (using the research from day 3)
Evaluation Strategies
Anecdotal notes based on teacher discussions
Reviewing the materials created by the teachers and shared within the Google Drive,
giving suggestions when applicable

Exit Survey asking about what support need and questions they may have

Workshop Title: Chromebooks and Collaboration (K-2) Day # 5

Subject(s) of the days workshop Prerequisite Knowledge
Summarizing what has been learned and putting it Basic knowledge of how to operate a
into practice Chromebook
Much of Day 5 will be a guided work day, allowing teachers to apply their learning and seek
help from the instructor when necessary. Teachers can collaborate with their team or work on
their own to create lessons specific to their curriculum and classroom.
List the objectives for this lesson
Teachers will be able to apply their learning from the past 4 days to create lessons
utilizing collaborative technology
Teachers will collaborate to create lessons aligned with their curriculum
How will you teach the lesson?
The morning portion will include:
As a whole group we will discuss the various collaborative tools we have used and how
they could be combined to create multi-day lessons
I will share with the group Padlets that have been created for each tool where teachers
can share their trouble shooting solutions
The rest of the morning is for the teachers to work on their own or with their teams to
determine how they could incorporate the tools they have learned about within their
curriculum to encourage collaboration with their students
o Any materials created will be uploaded to the Google Drive
We will come back as a whole group to share what they have worked on creating and
any questions they may have about how the tools and how to proceed
The afternoon portion will include:
Similar to the morning portion there will be time for teachers to work on looking for
opportunities to use the technology within their curriculums

Final questions, thoughts, and ideas will be shared out within whole group
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them
Padlet that can be used by the teachers from the training to trouble shoot and share
solutions even after the training has been completed
Evaluation Strategies
Anecdotal notes based on teacher discussions
Reviewing the materials created by the teachers and shared within the Google Drive,
giving suggestions when applicable
Exit Survey asking about what support need and questions they may have


Here is a link to the capture sheets that teachers will need to fill out on Day 1 of the training.

Here is a link to the padlet that can be used by the teachers who took the workshop to share any
trouble they have had with the technology and to share any solutions.

Field Test

To test the workshop I would call on the aid of the teachers who identified themselves as
comfortable using technology. There is at least one expert on each grade level team. I would
have the experts test the access to the Google Drive and all the materials that were created for
each day of the professional development. I would go over each of the tools that will be
introduced with the experts, asking for their input on what changes should be made to the
workshop. I would run through a shortened version of the activities, without any of the guided
work portions to get an idea of how the actual teaching of each tool could work. As the experts
are members of the teams that will be taking the training, they will have a good idea of their
teammates needs and where they might struggle. By discussing the workshop with them and
testing out the access to and the relevance of the materials themselves, I will be able to make any
necessary changes to the workshop prior to giving it to the entirety of the Kindergarten through
Second Grade teachers.


After running through the activities, looking through the materials, and discussing any
possible areas of concern with the experts, I will be able to work on revising my workshop.
Specifically I would work on revising any activities that the experts felt werent clear enough or
might not work with their teammates ability levels. Also, having already exposed the experts to
the materials I would add to the workshop time for the experts to lead discussions with their
teammates and to work with them on the creation of their materials. By following the
suggestions of the experts from each team, I hope to improve the workshop so that all the
teachers participating will be able to leave with a better understanding of how to utilize
technology to support collaboration within the classroom.


I plan to evaluate the success of the workshop in a couple of ways. First by looking at the
work created by the teachers involved in the five day workshop. Each day the teachers have a
guided work session to apply their learning to their own classes. The materials and ideas they
create on their own or with the team will be posted to the workshops Google Dive folder. By
looking through the materials created I will be able to see which teachers have a firm
understanding of the tools discussed and how to integrate them within their classrooms. I will
also be able to see those who may still need some extra help to truly be able to apply their
learning. I will also ask the teachers who participated in the workshop to take a survey
describing how they feel about each tool discussed, how they feel about integrating them within
their classes, and if they feel like they need further support or training. Through all these
methods of evaluation I hope to have a clear picture of whether or not the workshop was a

Summative Evaluation

The workshop is designed to give teachers access to multiple tools that can be used to
encourage collaboration of students. At the end of the five days teachers have had the
opportunity to create activities for multiple types of tools. These activities are shared in the
Google Drive folder. To evaluate the overall implementation of the learning from this workshop
I will conduct another survey. This survey will take place a few months after the training has
been completed. Conducting this survey a few months after the teachers have taken the training
will allow teachers time to apply what they have learned from the course within their own
classes. In the survey I will ask teachers to describe how they have applied their learning since
the training. I will ask what activities they have created the encourage collaboration. I will also
ask about the positives and negatives of these lesson; what worked within the lesson and what do
they still need to improve upon. In this way I will be able to see if the training was useful,
meaningful, and applicable to the teachers and their classes.


Item Cost/Day Total Cost

Instructor Time $200/Day $1,000
Venue: $0/Day $0
Media Center of Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary
Stipend for Teachers $50/Day $4,250
17 teachers attending
*Chromebooks $0/Day $0
(Used to present materials) (Obtained from Lucy V
Barnsley Elementary School)
*Note: As teachers within MCPS have their own Chromebooks there is no need to provide these
to the teachers


Following the training I will continue to check in on the Padlet that was created for the
trainees to use as a place to troubleshoot any issues that occurred when implementing the
technology within their own classes. I will work to aid the teachers in their implementation of all
the different tools that were explored over the course of the workshop. I will give out my contact
information so that teachers can contact me directly with any questions or concerns in regards to
their use of tools we explored. By remaining in contact with the teachers who participated in the

training, I hope to be able to see how they implement the technology and to be available to give
any aid they might need as they continue to explore and implement new ideas within their


2016-2017 Schools at a Glance. (2016). Retrieved March 9, 2017, from

Strategic Technology Plan. (2017). Retrieved March 9, 2017, from


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