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Monsters &

Magic Book

Special Edition
Special Edition Monsters & The Monsters MR also serves
Magic Book as its CON score, noting how
much damage a creature can
The following is a sourcebook take. This monster would have
of fearsome foes and fabulous an effective CON of 19, thus
finds for dungeon delvers using being able to withstand 19
the Tunnels & Trolls 7th Edition points of damage before falling.
rules. Damage is taken directly off a
creatures MR, reducing the
MONSTER RATING number of Adds it gets in com-
As noted in the main rulebook,
most monsters are given a The Monster has a WIZ score
Monster Rating (MR), which equal to its MR/10, rounded up.
determines how many dice and This monster would have a WIZ
adds they have in combat, as score of 2, and thus be unaffect-
well as their CON score and ed by spells cast by wizards
WIZ score. with a WIZ score less than 2.

Combat Dice + Adds = (MR / 10) Remember, WIZ and Adds for
+1 dice (round down!) plus monsters will be changing dur-
(MR /2) adds (round up!) ing combat they are based on
So, an MR 19 monster gets 2
dice + 11 adds (19/10 +1 = 2 SPECIAL DAMAGE
dice) (19/2 = 11 adds). The
number of dice never changes, The default form of Special
but the number of Adds does, Damage is Spite Damage, deal-
based on the monsters current ing one point of damage for
MR. every 6 rolled during combat.
However, alternate forms of

special damage can be used, if 3/Call Flame = For every three 6s
the GM so chooses. Each form that are rolled by the monster in
of Special Damage comes with a combat, one Call Flame spell is
trigger that must be activated conjured forth, targeting its
during the combat roll. The closest opponent.
triggers are based on a number 4/Oh Go Away = If four 6s come
of 6s rolled in combat, noted up in the combat roll, an Oh Go
thusly: Away spell is cast upon the
closest opponent.
1/ = the Special Damage is dealt
with each 6 rolled in combat, All spells are assumed cast at
much like Spite Damage. the lowest level, and cost the
2/ = The Special Damage is acti- creature no kremm to invoke.
vated for every pair of 6s rolled As with Spite Damage, all
in combat. Special Damage is dealt directly
3/ = The Special Damage is acti- to the targets CON (or MR)
vated for every three sixes despite armor protection.
rolled in combat.
4/ = The Special Damage is acti- OTHER SPECIAL ABILITIES
vated for every four sixes rolled
in combat Other Special Abilities can be
and so on. given to creatures at the GMs
discretion. A tough hide or
Special Damage examples: scales that absorb hits like
armor can be added. A high IQ
1/1 Spite Damage, the default. and WIZ may allow some mon-
For every 6 rolled, one point of sters to cast spells. Some
damage is dealt. monsters may be under the
1/2 = Severe Spite Damage. For influence of constant spells
every 6 rolled, two points of like Cateyes or Little Feets.
damage are dealt. Again, these abilities are natural

and do not cost any personal tional T&T. For this reason,
kremm to maintain. youll have to adjust the MRs
for monsters encountered. To
BALANCING ENCOUNTERS provide acceptable challenges
for your group, the following
From a game perspective, the MRs should be used for a stan-
Monster Ratings here are dard 3-person party (add 1/3rd
designed with a 4-person delv- for each additional character,
ing team in mind. If your subtract 1/3rd for smaller
players have assembled a small- groups).
er crew, you may want to adjust Adjusting Special Damage trig-
the MR for monsters they gers reduce the number of
encounter. If you have 3 play- sixes needed to trigger the spe-
ers, multiply the MR by . If cial damage by 1/3rd.
you have 2 players, multiply it
by , and for one player, multi-
ply it by . Average Appropriate
Character Level MR(total)
Similarly, if you have larger 1-2 20
groups, you can increase the
MR appropriately. For 5 play- 3-5 45
ers, multiply by 5/4. For 6
players, multiply by 3/2, and so 6 65
on. 7-9 75
MONSTERS in T&T7R 10-14 90

If you find yourself using the 15 115

Revised T&T rules presented in 16-18 120
this Special Anniversary Edition
set, youll see that it normally 19-20 130
uses far fewer dice than tradi-

Amphisbaena underground, but will
Monster Rating: 98 happily consume a
(typically found on delver, should the situ-
dungeon level 1) ation present itself. If
Combat Dice: 10d6 +49 captured, tamed, and
Special Damage: 1/1 subsequently worn by a
Poisonous bites that burn, but pregnant woman, a live
do not linger. amphisbaena guarantees
healthy children most likely
This large, two-headed serpent twins.
has eyes that glow like candles.
Poison drips from its fangs, and If the two halves of a dead
both heads can strike with light- Amphisbaena are held together,
ning-quick attacks. These they will rejoin and the creature
creatures normally live on the will regenerate returning to
ants and other insects found life once more.

Barbarian tive, bestial nature.

Monster Rating: 95 Ferocious fighters, these
(typically found on combatants will fly into
dungeon level 1) a blood-thirsty rage
Combat Dice: 10d6 +48 when provoked,
Special Damage: 2/3 unyielding and doing
Furious blows denting armor more damage with fists than
and breaking bones. some with steel weapons.

These wild men have left civi-

lization completely and gone to
live in the wildlands or under-
ground. Dressed in captured
skins, they generally eschew
armor and other manufactured
items, preferring a more primi-

Barghest howl can freeze the
Monster Rating: 196 boldest of warriors in
(typically found on their tracks. During
dungeon level 3) the day, the barghest
Combat Dice: 20d6 +98 returns to its lair and
Special Damage: 6/Glue heals its wounds, waiting
You the barghests howl chills until sunset to hunt again.
the heart and slows reactions.
Special Abilities: Cateyes this
nocturnal predator can see in
low-light conditions.

A monstrous blue/black canine,

the barghest is only visible in
the dead of night or in the dark
underground. Its terrifying

Bronze Legion, typical enemies. While they

warrior may aid delvers in bat-
Monster Rating: 29 tle, they may end up at
Combat Dice: 3d6 +15 odds over their belief
Special Damage: 1/1 that all treasure recov-
normal spite damage. ered underground go
Special Abilities: Armor toward maintaining their
their equipment takes 3 hits per efforts underground. They
combat round. always work in pairs (battle
duo) and add an additional
The Bronze Legion is a militant pair per level of the dungeon or
organization determined to underground complex. In addi-
cleanse the underground world tion, for every 4 warriors, add 1
of all foulness and treasure! commander.
Structured and disciplined, they
make for strong allies, or deadly

Bronze Leader, natural skill. Working
Commander their way up through
Monster Rating: 39 the ranks of the legion
(with every 4 Bronze (read: surviving),
Legion warriors) theyve honed their
Combat Dice: 4d6 +20 skills in the dark depths
Special Damage: 1/1 normal and are dedicated to the cause
spite damage of the Legion. No monster
Special Abilities: Armor their escapes their blades, and all
equipment takes 10 hits per items recovered are brought to
combat round. their leaders on the surface.

Leading between 4 and 6 war-

riors, the Bronze Legion
commanders are hard-and-fast
warriors with great training and

Cerberus A three-headed watch-

Monster Rating: 145 dog, Cerberus guards
(typically found on subterranean complex-
dungeon level 2) es and tunnel systems.
Combat Dice: 15d6 +73 Often, delvers may be
Special Damage: 7/Vorpal headstrong and fearless,
Blade Razor-sharp fangs, three having penetrated the first level
heads, double damage dice. of a tunnel complex, but
Special Abilities: Second Sight Cerberus guards the entry-way
this guardian is never fooled by to the deeper depths and must
illusions. be overcome before further
Unnatural hide Cerberus exploration can occur.
tough hide takes 2 hits of dam-
age per round.

Chimera might and cunning, and
Monster Rating: 147 a dragons magical
(typically found on resistance and attacks,
dungeon level 2) this creature is a true
Combat Dice: 15d6 +74 terror of the tunnels. A
Special Damage: 3/Call frightening predator, the
Flame The fiery breath of the chimera will use the terrain to
dragon singes nearby foes. its benefit, and will make
Special Abilities: Magical stealthy sneak attacks to pick
Resistance A chimera has an off weak members of a delving
effective WIZ score of 25. expedition.

A natural aberration, a chimera

is a fearsome mixture of lion,
goat and serpent. With a goats
voracious appetite, a lions

Cyclops tunnel complexes, they

Monster Rating: 245 are readily equipped
(typically found on with boulders and
dungeon level 4) rocks used to pound
Combat Dice: 25d6 +123 opponents into submis-
Special Damage: 1/2 A sion.
barrage of rocks and boulders
penetrates all defenses.
Special Abilities: Second Sight
the single eye sees all!

Strong, stubborn, and abrupt of

emotion, these giants are exam-
ples of pure violence and
power. Constantly creating new

Dire Bat screech (a monstrous
Monster Rating: 95 version of a normal
(typically found on bats echo-location call)
dungeon level 1) can make foes even
Combat Dice: 10d6 +48 more vulnerable to
Special Damage: 4/Hold attack. Due to their sheer
That Pose the sonic scrambling size, they normal hunt alone,
confuses opponents but start appearing in pairs on
Special Abilities: Fly Me obvi- dungeon level 3.
ously, the bat can fly!

Shrieking out of the darkness,

these giant bats often have a
wingspan of 5 feet or more.
Their claws and fangs deal terri-
ble damage, but their sonic

Dire Lion If the lion is the king of the

Monster Rating: 148 jungle, a Dire Lion is the
(typically found on king of the dark under-
dungeon level 2) ground ecosystem.
Combat Dice: 15d6 +74 Massive creatures nearly 9
Special Damage: 5/Oh Go feet tall at the shoulder they
Away the mighty roar drives stalk dungeons and tunnels, prey-
foes to flee (use the Dire Lions ing on delvers and underworld
current MR vs. the opponents animals alike. The powerful roar of
INT+LK+CHR) a male dire lion can send the
Special Abilities: Unnatural bravest warrior running.
hide its tough hide takes 2 hits Encountered singly on dungeon
of damage per round. level 2, but more numerous the
deeper the depth (add another Dire
Lion for every 3 levels of depth).

Dire Wolf masters of surprise, easi-
Monster Rating: 95 ly catching most
(typically found on delvers at unawares.
dungeon level 1) They are normally
Combat Dice: 10d6 +48 found alone on upper
Special Damage: 1/1 dungeon levels, but Dire
canny combatants, they seem to Wolf packs can grow quite
always deal some damage. large in dangerous environ-
Special Abilities: Cateyes this ments (add another Dire Wolf
wily predator can see in low- for each level past the 2nd)
light conditions

Exploring in the darkness, this

massive wolf stalks its prey,
waiting for the perfect moment
to pounce. Dire Wolves are

Dragonling Whether the offspring of a

Monster Rating: 25 (typ- true dragon, or the mutant
ically found on dungeon children of the naga, drag-
level 1) onlings are small
Combat Dice: 3d6 +13 humanoid creatures that
Special Damage: 1/1 stan- greatly resemble their name-
dard spite damage. sake. Though diminutive, they make
Special Abilities: Will-o-Wisp up for perceived weakness with magi-
candle-like lights circle each cal aptitude and sheer numbers. In
dragonlings head. the uppermost level of an under-
Magical Resistance A ground complex, 4 dragonlings will
dragonling has an effective WIZ be encountered together. For deeper
score of 15. levels, add 2 additional dragonlings
for each level of the dungeon pene-

Goblinkin their burning hatred and
Monster Rating: 294 warlike ways toward
(typically found on developing a strong
dungeon level 5) militant culture.
Combat Dice: 30d6 +147 Hardened warriors all,
Special Damage: 8/vorpal goblinkin are formidable
blade able to focus their hate, foes in the netherdeep.
they can double their damage.
Special Abilities: Armor their
subterranean equipment takes
15 hits each round.

While true goblins are often

hunchbacked weaklings
(though not always!), these
evolved goblinkin have turned

Harpy a predatory bird com-

Monster Rating: 245 bined with the head
(typically found on and chest of a terrible
dungeon level 4) woman. Fierce and ill-
Combat Dice: 25d6 +123 tempered, harpies are
Special Damage: 6/Befuddle found in areas of filth and
the hacking cry of the harpy stench, a natural result of hav-
clouds the mind of foes! ing a harpy inhabitant. During
Special Abilities: Fly Me any encounter, a harpy continu-
Harpies can fly. ously spits vulgarities and nasty
A travesty of nature (or dark
magic, certainly!), harpies are
loathsome creatures with the
lower body, wings and claws of

Hydra es, and gladiatorial are-
Monster Rating: 45 per nas, hydrae are related
head (typically 5) to dragons, but much
Combat Dice: 5d6 +23 simpler and some-
per head times more dangerous.
Special Damage: 2/Call Filled with a single brutal
Flame (per head) each head is thought, destroy, a hydra is a
capable of belching fire. creature of violence. A hydra
Special Abilities: Armor plat- may have between 3 and 12
ing the scales of a hydra take heads, but there are rumors of a
5 hits (per head) each round. hundred-headed monster lurk-
ing in the deepest pits of the
These multi-headed creatures underworld.
are fearsome monsters indeed.
Great beasts that roam the
netherdeep, dungeon complex-

Hyenakin they often travel in

Monster Rating: 25 groups of 4 or more.
(typically found on They hyenakin have
dungeon level 1) begun encroaching on
Combat Dice: 3d6 +13 the realm of the lizard-
Special Damage: 1/1 nor- kin, and an underground
mal spite damage. war is brewing between the two
Special Abilities: Leather species.
armor absorbs 3 hits per com-
bat round.

Some trick of underworld evo-

lution, hyenakin are humanoid
creatures with hyena-like heads
and features. Fierce warriors,

Lizardkin forge their underground
Monster Rating: 35 nation, and now find
(typically found on themselves threatened
dungeon level 1) by encroaching hye-
Combat Dice: 4d6 +18 nakin. Lizardkin fight
Special Damage: 1/1 with crude spears with
normal spite damage. stone heads, but their speed
Special Abilities: Scaly hide and skill make up for any
absorbs 2 hits per combat weapon weakness. They are
round. usually encountered in trios,
when away from their homes.
Lizardkin were once the ser-
vants of the powerful naga, but
rebelled and eventually found
their own independence. They
have struggled for centuries to

Manticore bat, and a tail covered

Monster Rating: 245 in sharp spikes, the
(typically found on manticore is a predator
dungeon level 4) through-and-through.
Combat Dice: 25d6 +123 Always encountered
Special Damage: 1/1 a alone (manticores are not at
manticores tailspikes usually all social), they prefer bold con-
find their mark. frontation to subtlety and guile.
Special Abilities: Fly Me
Manticores can fly, if somewhat

With the body of a dire lion, the

head and intellect of a human
(though ugly), the wings of a

Minotaur twisted caverns, using
Monster Rating: 245 their unerring sense of
(typically found on location to track and
dungeon level 4) confuse foes.
Combat Dice: 25d6 +123 Furthermore, a mino-
Special Damage: taur may add to the
7/Befuddle a minotaur can con- confusion of a lost delver by
fuse with a look! using its piercing stare which
Special Abilities: Never lost sends the very mind of its vic-
A perfect sense of direction and tim into a tangled state.

A creature with the head of a

bull and body of a large man
or small giant. Mighty war-
riors, they haunt mazes and

Medusa petrifying!) visage, cov-

Monster Rating: 392 ered in snakes rather
(typically found on than hair. The gaze of
dungeon level 7) a medusa can turn
Combat Dice: 40d6 +196 unlucky delvers into
Special Damage: 10/Medusa stone statues.
what were the chances!
Special Abilities: Healing
Feeling (self only) Immune to
all diseases and poisons.

Dreaded offspring of the naga,

medusa are a perfect duality
an attractive, athletic body
topped by a terrifying (indeed,

Oracle A seemingly blind woman, the
Monster Rating: 343 oracle provides a powerful ally
(typically found on and contact deep in the under-
dungeon level 6) world as well as a powerful
Combat Dice: 35d6 +172 foe to those who are foolish
Special Damage: 7/Dem enough to provoke her wrath.
Bones Gonna Rise An oracle While some may think her an easy target,
summons MR 70 skeletons. theyll learn that she does indeed have
Special Abilities: ESP though martial ability and hidden allies, as
she has no eyes, the oracle can skeletal remains animate at her feet and
still read the mind. protect her. She often provides cautious
Shield Me she can protect her- delvers with information about the obsta-
self against magic with a cles ahead and also maintains
thought. relationships with some more monstrous
Poor Baby Can heal 1 CON creatures, who respect her for her abilities
point per round. and healing power.

Satyr hem. While they may

Monster Rating: 145 provide some delvers
(typically found on with assistance, they
dungeon level 2) are often seen more as
Combat Dice: 15d6 +73 an obstacle or trouble-
Special Damage: 3/Befuddle some distraction. Satyrs
the pipes of the satyr lead to may give spotty directions, false
distracting daydreams. information, or mislabeled
Special Abilities: Little Feets a potions, but they are rarely
satyr is fast and can act twice in malevolent in their intent
each combat round. more often theyre just looking
for a good laugh!
The living incarnation of exu-
berance and indulgence, satyrs
are creatures of mirth and may-

Trollkin the lower levels of the
Monster Rating: 343 underworld. Canny
(typically found on and willful, trollkin
dungeon level 6) explore the subter-
Combat Dice: 35d6 +172 ranean world, looking
Special Damage: 1/1 to subjugate those who
standard spite damage would serve as slaves and kill
Special Abilities: Armor their any whod refuse. They have
elaborate suits take 15 hits per developed massive cities at lev-
combat round. els far lower in the murky
darkness, filled with riches and
Unlike goblinkin, who are larg- dark magic. Their weapons and
er more brutish versions of their armor are made of a strange,
less evolved cousins, trollkin are dark metal that disintegrates if
smaller, more refined versions exposed to natural light.
of the massive trolls that haunt

Werewolf mal men (and other kin

Monster Rating: 149 as well) into powerful
(typically found on creatures of pure rage.
dungeon level 2) On the night of a full
Combat Dice: 15d6 +75 moon, or in the unlit
Special Damage: 1/1 world of the netherdeep,
claws and fangs deal spite dam- werewolves remain in bestial
age. form. Only exposure to the
Special Abilities: Only harmed light of the sun can transform
by silver or magical weapons; them back into reasonable
all other weapon damage is beings.
ignored in the combat roll total.

The curse of lycanthropy is a

terrible one indeed; it turns nor-

GUILDS AND the dwarven followers that
MAGIC ITEMS always camp out beneath his
floating fortress.
What do old wizards do when
they tire of adventuring, or get WANDS AND STAVES
so injured or cowardly that they
cannot continue? Why, they Wizards have many kinds of
open up a shop, of course, or tools, usually designed to save
become teachers for young wiz- kremm or to channel it more
ards. The Wizards Guild and effectively. This section lists a
the other Trollworld guilds few of those items that are com-
always need wizards to enchant monly available from the
their merchandise and sell Wizards Guild.
knick-knackery to the hoi pol-
loi. Wizards may use a focusing
device such as a staff, a wand, a
Virtually every city and town in ring, or the like to channel their
Trollworld has offices of the thoughts and reduce the cost of
various guilds available to the a spell. A 1st-level wizard
public. These guild offices all reduces the spell cost by 1
have guild shops. And these point, second level gets 2
shops all sell items to the pub- points off, third level gets 3
lic, thus earning the vast sums points off, and so forth. Thus,
of money it takes to keep such you would think that a 10th
organizations going. There are level wizard could cast all first
even some guild shops in level spells for free, but there is
notable dungeons and trackless a limiting factor. No spell will
wastes. (Wherever the GM take effect unless one whole
would like to establish such a point of magical energy is
place of business is a good place poured into it. In fact, it is that
for it.) The dwarf god minimum amount of energy
Gristlegrim maintains such an needed to energize any spell
establishment in the camp of that defines what a point of

kremm represents. Paragons and is sentient, and it learns and
Specialist Mages can also use remembers all spells cast
focusing devices, though through it. It is also indestructi-
Rogues cannot they were ble to anything below 14th-level
never trained for it, and such magic. Deluxe staffs have an
training is one of the most diffi- INT attribute 1 point lower than
cult things that true Wizards the INT of the Wizard to whom
learn. Rogues cannot cast spells it is tied. As that wizards INT
at higher levels, nor do they increases or decreases, so does
reduce the spell-casting cost the staffs. In the event that the
when casting at lower levels. Wizard is slain and the staff
passes into the keeping of
Staff Ordinaire another Wizard, the staff will
Cost: 100 GP retain the INT it had when its
Description: A stout quarter- first master died. If the new
staff of oak, enchanted to master has an INT lower than
reduce the cost of spell-casting that of the staff, the staff may
in the manner described above. seize control of the Wizards
No sparkle, no jewels just a mind and use him or her as a
stout chunk of wood suitable kremm battery, behaving in what
for leaning upon and for is generally a destructive and
defending oneself. The staff evil manner (as played by the
ordinaire is a 2D6 weapon in GM it is a demon, after all).
combat and is the best bargain Because of its indestructibility
in the store for low-level and extreme hardness, a deluxe
Wizards. staff gets 4D6 in combat.

Deluxe Staff
Cost: 50,000 GP Jeweled Staff
Description: The deluxe staff is Cost: 1D6 x 1000 GP (depend-
really a demon bound into the ing on the value of jewel set on
form of a polished rod of metal the end)
and tied to a specific Wizard. It Description: A stout quarter-

staff of ebony enchanted to make the Wizard user seem
reduce the cost of spell casting more impressive.
in exactly the same way as the
staff ordinaire. At the end of Toy Magic Wand
the staff is a huge jewel (made Cost: 1D6 x 100 GP (depending
by casting Bigger is Better on a on what kind of jewel it has)
small jewel). The staff produces Description: A slim wand of
a rainbow shimmer effect when polished oak set with a glass
magic is cast through it very jewel at the casting end. The
impressive. wand has been enchanted to
draw 1 WIZ point of energy
Magic Wand and to sparkle when in use.
Cost: 1D6 x 1000 GP (depend- Thats all it does it doesnt
ing on the type of jewel set into reduce the cost of any spell cast
it) with it at all. It looks magical,
Description: A slim wand of but is just a toy. These wands
polished ash wood set with a are sold in the public part of the
true jewel at the casting end. guild, store and anyone can buy
These wands reduce the casting them.
cost of a spell by 1 point, plus
an additional 1 point for each POTIONS
level of the spell below the cast-
ers level. For example, a Most spells can be infused into
3rd-level Wizard casting a 1st- potions. Any liquid base may
level TTYF through his wand be used: water, juice, milk,
would pay only 1 point of WIZ liquor, or even blood. Evil
(the spell cost being reduced by types really like to use blood as
3 due to the wand and an addi- the basis for the potion. More
tional 2 because hes 2 levels civilized types prefer brandy
higher than the spell). These while specialists prefer various
wands also sparkle in order to herbal teas. The Wizards Guild
fool the general public and look sells two versions of their
like the fake ones; it tends to potionsone in sweetened

water and one in brandy. The Bottle of Light (100 gp). Dont
warriors guild uses brandy and drink this. Just shake it up and
blood for their potions. The it will glow for 2 min. Of
Thieves Guild just uses blood. course you need a transparent
The Merchants Guild uses half container, and it only works
a dozen varieties of booze. The once.
Healers Guild uses chicken
soup as a basis for everything. Admission Fluid (200 gp). Splash
it on any lock, and the lock will
The formula for determining fail for the next 2 min.
the cost of a potion is 100 times
the number of spell points put Trust Your Feelings Tea (1,000
into the potion times the level gp). Allows the drinker to do
of the casting. No allowance is one free Omnipotent Eye spell.
made for higher level wizards
creating lower level potions and Cateyes Potion (1,200 gp).
getting the spell done at a Allows the drinker to see well
reduced cost. in low-light conditions for 30
The standard potion comes
with only one dose. Drink or Healing Potion (400 gp). One
use the whole thing to get the dose of the potion will heal one
rated effect. If you only use point of CON damage. It may
part of a potion, you will not be purchased in containers
cross the threshold necessary to holding up to 10 doses at a
activate the magic, and so you time. Such bottles have marks
wasted it. Potions may come in on the side showing how much
containers of different sizesas should be drunk to obtain the
small as a shot glass, or as large desired result.
as a bucket. You still gotta
drink it all, or splash it all on
the target, to get the desired Perfect Remedy (4,200 gp). Cures
effect. any disease including the com-

mon cold. Does not restore an enchanted item or magical
CON points. potion of some form. Rather
than fill the book with long
Universal Antidote (2,800 gp). lists, Ive provided some short
Stops the action of any poison. lists and the principles of how
Does not restore CON points. to make longer ones yourself.

Booster Juice (7,200 gp). There A bespelled item is one that has
are really 8 different flavors of one spell cast upon it one time.
this drink, one for each attrib- The magic is not permanent,
ute. The drinker will double and typically is only good for
the chosen attribute for 50 min. one use. These are the least
After that he spends another 50 expensive of magical items, and
min. with the attribute halved. are sometimes given away for
free to drum up business.
OTHER ITEMS These are the kind of things that
Wizards and some Rogues
For a reasonable fee, the make during adventures.
Wizards Guild is willing to Vorpal Blade is typical of such
provide virtually any kind of spells a low-level combat
magic item that you may desire. spell with a temporary effect.
The Game Master has to pro- In magic shops, such spells can
vide these services. How much be cast with an activation trig-
it costs should depend on the ger (such as going into combat)
complexity of the object and the to remain on the weapon until it
amount of magic it would take is needed. These are the least
to produce it. expensive types of magic to
buy, and generally sell for about
The lists of wizardly tools, one-quarter of the cost a Wizard
enchanted items, and magical would pay to purchase the spell
potions could be very long (250 gp x Spell Level).
indeed. Virtually every spell in
the spellbook can be turned into

An enchanted item is one that cal power. You can always tell
has two spells on it: One to these items because they come
leech kremm from the wearer with a limited number of uses
or user, and the other to pro- (or charges).
duce an effect of some kind
using that kremm. These are A truly magical item comes
the typical magic items found in with at least two enchant-
dungeons and sold in shops. ments: One that produces each
They are not single-use items, spell or effect for which the
but can be used over and over. item is designed, and the other
Buying an enchanted vorpal to absorb the necessary kremm
sword would mean your com- from the planet itself to power
bat total is always doubled, but its spell(s) or effect(s). Such
your WIZ attribute would magical artifacts never lose their
always be reduced by 6 points power, and do not reduce the
for each use. Typical costs for WIZ attribute of their wielder.
such items are the base cost of This is the best type, and they
the item plus half the cost of the are both rare and very expen-
spell (500 gp x Spell Level). In sive (at least 8,000 + 1,000 gp
our example, 200 gp for the per Spell Level).
sword and 500 gp for the
enchantment of the Vorpal WEAPONS
Blade, for a total of 700 gp.
Note: Enchanted items tem- A bespelled Vorpal weapon
porarily lose their enchantment does double the basic dice roll
when the users kremm gets too in combat and costs 250 gp plus
low. the cost of the weapon. All dag-
gers and swords can be
A second class of enchanted Vorpalled. The spell is trig-
item has a kremm battery gered on the next use of the
embedded right into it. Such weapon. For an additional 100
items store magical energy and gp, a trigger command can be
are good for a certain number added, allowing the spell to be
of uses before losing their magi- saved until activated by the

wielder. Tridents, spears, axes, item plus form of magic x level
maces, bows, crossbows, of spell.
polearms and hafted weapons
cannot be vorpalled. For example, a 200 gp gold ring
is turned into a magical ring of
An enchanted Vorpal weapon invisibility:
also does double dice in combat
and costs 500 gp plus the cost of Ring of Invisibility (10,200 gp).
the weapon. It uses the WIZ A gold ring set with a star-
score of the wielder to activate, shaped diamond. Wearing it
and drains the appropriate will cause the wearer to become
amount of kremm per use. invisibleexactly as if he were
in a Hidey Hole spell.
Magical Vorpal blades do dou-
ble dice damage and cost 9,000 Magic Target Shield (16,035
gp plus the cost of the weapon. gp). A target shield with a
These require no kremm from Zaparmor bonus, absorbs 12
the wielder, and always remain hits per combat round.

Similarly, weapons can be

Whammied (tripling the dice in
combat) for the cost of the
weapon plus the cost of the
magic (bespelled for 500 gp.,
enchanted for 1,000 gp, magical
for 10,000 gp).


Jewelry and other manufac-

tured items follow the same
formula as weapons: Cost of the


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