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Lesson 07 PHP

Learning outcomes:
After completing lesson 7, you will be able to explain basics such as syntax, data types
and operators of the PHP programming language. In addition to that you will be able to
use files, sessions and cookies. Further you will be able to use PHP programming to
solve small day to day programming problems. In addition to that you will be able to
describe Object Oriented Programming in PHP.

7.1 Introduction
PHP is one of the most popular web development languages written by and for Web
developers. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is open source and
currently in its fifth major rewrite, called PHP5 or just plain PHP.

PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, Unix, Microsoft
Windows and Mac OS X. PHP also has support for most of the web servers such as
Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), Personal Web Server, Netscape
and iPlanet servers. Further, it can work with a wide range of databases such as
Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite and IBM DB2.

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which can be embedded in HTML or used as a

standalone binary. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a
client by the server; instead, it is parsed by the PHP engine. HTML elements in the
script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script
can query databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers etc.
The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the result is
then sent to the user.

This lesson will focus on using PHP with the Apache Web server on Windows, but you
can just as easily use PHP with any other supporting web server and platform. Detailed
instructions on how to set up this development environment were given in Lesson 05.

7.2 PHP Basics

7.2.1 Declaring PHP

PHP lets you embed PHP code in regular HTML pages and execute the embedded
PHP code when the page is requested. These embedded PHP commands are enclosed
within special start and end tags, as given below.
PHP Code In Here

PHP Code In Here

<script language="php">
PHP Code In Here

7.2.2 Hello World with PHP

PHP code can be embedded in regular HTML pages as given below

<title>PHP Hello World</title>
<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>

Example 7.1
Create a file named helloworld.php and put it in your web server's root directory
(DOCUMENT_ROOT) with the above listing. Use your browser to access the file with
your web server's URL, ending with the /helloworld.php file reference. If you are
browsing from the same computer that you used to installed the server the URL will be
of the form http://localhost/helloworld.php. If your server computer is connected to a
network, you can open the browser on a different computer and direct it to the URL
http://hostname/helloworld.php , where hostname is the name of your server computer.

You should be able to see a page similar to the following figure.

Figure 7.1 Hello World with PHP

When you requested the above script your Web server intercepted your request and
handed it off to PHP. PHP then parsed the script, executing the code between the
<?php...?> marks and then replacing it with the output of the executed code. The result
was then handed back to the server and transmitted to the client. Since the output
contained valid HTML, the browser was able to render it for display to the user.

Example 7.2
The phpinfo() function gives information about the current state of PHP. This includes
information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server
information and environment, the PHP environment, OS version information, paths,
master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License.
This function is useful for checking the configuration settings and the predefined
variables on a given system as well as a debugging tool since it contains all EGPCS
(Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) data. Construct the code to make a call to
the phpinfo() function.


<title>PHP Info</title>
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
7.2.3 Separating statements within a PHP block
Every PHP statement ends with a semicolon. However, you do not need to have a
semicolon terminating the last line of a PHP block since the closing tag of a block of
PHP code implies a semicolon.

echo 'This is a test';

<?php echo 'This is a test' ?>

7.2.4 Adding comments to PHP code

A comment is the portion of a program that exists only for the human reader. PHP
supports single line and multiline comments. Single-line comments begin with two
forward slashes (//) or a single hash sign (#). All text from either of these marks until
either the end of the line or the PHP close tag is ignored. Multiline comments begin with
a forward slash followed by an asterisk (/*) and end with an asterisk followed by a
forward slash (*/), as in the following listing.

// this is a single line comment

# this is another single line comment

This is a multiple line comment.
None of this will
be parsed by the
PHP engine

7.2.5 Variables
A variable can be defined as a programming construct used to store both numeric and
non-numeric data where the contents of a variable can be altered during program

Variables in PHP are case sensitive and are represented by a dollar sign followed by
the name of the variable. The name of the variable should start with either a letter or an
underscore and can optionally be followed by more letters, numbers and underscores.
For example $emp_name and $_mobile1 are valid PHP variable names while $123 and
$1st_name are not.
7.2.6 Types
PHP supports 8 primitive data types, which consists of four scalar types, two compound
types and two special types.

Table 7.1 PHP scalar types

Data Description Example
Integer A whole number <?php $age = 25;?>
Double A floating point number <?php $weight = 51.35;?>
String A series of characters <?php $name = Harsha;?>
Boolean Has one of two values, true or false <?php $accepted = true;?>

Table 7.2 PHP special data types

Data Description Example
Resource A reference to a third party resource Handlers to opened files and
database connections
NULL An uninitialized variable, a variable assigned <?php $var = NULL;?>
to NULL or a variable that has been unset().

Table 7.3 PHP compound data types

Data Description Example
Array A map of associates values to <?php
keys $arr = array("test" => "aaa", 12 => true);

echo $arr["test"]; // aaa

echo $arr[12]; // 1
Object An instance of a Class <?php
class foo{
function do_foo() { echo "Doing foo."; }
$bar = new foo; //object $bar

7.2.7 Constants
If you want to work with a value that you do not want to alter throughout your script's
execution, you can define a constant. A valid constant name starts with a letter or
underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. You must use
PHP's built-in function define() to create a constant as given below.

define ("USER", "Piumi");
print "Welcome ".USER;
7.2.8 Operators
Operators are symbols that enable you to use one or more values to produce a new
value. A value that is operated on by an operator is referred to as an operand. PHP
supports various types of operators as listed below.

Table 7.4 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example Result
+ Addition $a+$b Sum of $a and $b
- Subtraction $a - $b Difference of $a and $b
* Multiplication $a * $b Product of $a and $b
/ Division $a / $b Quotient of $a and $b
% Modulus $a % $b Remainder of $a divided by $b
++ Increment $a++ Add one to $a
-- Decrement $a-- Subtract one from $a

Table 7.5 Assignment Operators

Operator Example Is the same as
= $a = $b $a = $b
+= $a += $b $a = $a + $b
-= $a -= $b $a = $a - $b
/= $a /= $b $a = $a / $b
.= $a .= $b $a .= $a.$b
%= $a %= $b $a = $a%$b

Table 7.6 Bitwise Operators

Operator Name Example Result
& And $a & $b Bits that are both in $a and $b are set
| Or $a | $b Bits that are either in $a or $b are set
^ Xor $a ^ $b Bits that are set in either $a or $b are set,
but not in both
~ Not ~ $a Bits that are set in $a are not set and bits
that are not set are set
<< Shift left $a << $b Bits in $a are shifted to the left by $b
number ot steps
>> Shift right $a >> $b Bits in $b are shifted to the left by $b
number ot steps

Table 4.5 Comparison Operators

Operator Name Example Result
== Equal $a == $b TRUE if $a is equal to $b
=== Identical $a===$b TRUE if $a is equal to $b and if they are of
the same type
!= Not equal $a != $b TRUE if $a is not equal to $b
<> Not $a <> $b TRUE if $a is not equal to $b
!== Not identical $a !== $b TRUE if $a is not equal to $b and if they are
not of the same type
< Less than $a < $b TRUE if $a is strictly less than $b
> Greater than $a > $b TRUE if $a is strictly greater than $b
<= Less than or equal $a <= $b TRUE if $a is less than or equal to $b
>= Greater than or $a >= $b TRUE if $a is greater than or equal to $b

7.3 Conditional, Loop and Switch Statements

7.3.1 Conditional Statements

Conditional statements allow you to test whether a specific condition is true or false, and
perform different actions on the basis of the result. We will look at 3 conditional
statements in this lesson. The if Statement


//Code to execute if the expression evaluates to true

Example 7.3
The following listing will printout Have a nice weekend! if the current day is Friday.

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
</html> The if.... else Statement


//Code to execute if the expression evaluates to true
//Code to execute in all other cases

Example 7.4
The following listing will printout Have a nice weekend! if the current day is Friday and
Have a nice day! if it is any other day

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
echo "Have a nice day!";
</html> The if.... else if else Statement


if(expression 1){
//Code to execute if the expression 1 evaluates to true
}else if(expression 2){
//Code to execute if the expression 1 failed
//And expression 2 evaluated to true
//Code to execute in all other cases
Example 7.5
The following listing will printout Have a nice weekend! if the current day is Friday,
Have a nice Sunday! if the current day is a Sunday and Have a nice day! if it is any
other day.

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
elseif ($d=="Sun")
echo "Have a nice Sunday!";
echo "Have a nice day!";

7.3.2 Loop Statements

A loop is a control structure that enables you to repeat the same set of PHP
statements or commands over and over again where the actual number of repetitions
can be a number you specify, or depend on the fulfillment of one or more conditions. The while Statement

As long as a while statement's expression evaluates to true, the code block is executed
repeatedly. Each execution of the code block in a loop is often called an iteration. Within
the block, you usually change something that affects the while statement's expression;
otherwise, your loop continues indefinitely.


//Code to executed
Example 7.6
The following listing will printout the list of first 10 odd numbers using a while loop.

while ($val < 10){
print ($val*2) . "<br />";
</html> The do while Statement

This statement is used if you want the code block to be executed at least once even if
the while expression evaluates to false.


//Code to executed
} while(expression);
Note that the expression always ends with a semicolon

Example 7.7
The following listing will printout the integers less than 10 starting from $val. However
since in the given listing $val is initially assigned to 10, it will print out the message
Starting value is larger than or equal to 10" and exit.

if($val >=10)
print "Starting value is larger than or equal to 10";
print ($val) . "<br />";
}while ($val < 10);
</html> The for Statement


for(initialization expression; test expression; modification

//Code to executed

The initialization expression is evaluated once at the start of the execution of the for
loop. The test expression is evaluated in the beginning of each iteration is evaluated. If
it evaluates to TRUE, the loop continues and the code within the loop is executed. If it
evaluates to FALSE, the execution of the loop ends. The modification expression is
evaluated, at the end of each iteration.

Example 7.8
The following listing will printout the list of first 10 odd numbers using a for loop.

print ($val*2) . "<br />";

7.3.3 Switch Statement

The switch statement is used if you want to compare the same variable or expression
with many different values and execute a different piece of code for each different value.


switch (expression) {
case result1:
// execute this if expression results in result1
case result2:
// execute this if expression results in result2
// execute this if no break statement
// has been encountered hitherto
The switch statement's expression is often simply a variable. Within the switch
statement's block of code, you find a number of case statements. Each of these tests a
value against the result of the switch statement's expression. If these are equivalent, the
code after the case statement is executed. The break statement ends execution of the
switch statement altogether. If this is omitted, the next case statement's expression is
evaluated. If the optional default statement is reached, its code is executed.

Example 7.9
The following listing will print out the day if it is a Saturday or a Sunday or will print out
Today is a working day. if the day is a week day.


switch ($d)
case "Sat":
echo "Today is Saturday";
case "Sun":
echo "Today is Sunday";
echo "Today is a working day.";

7.4 Form Processing

On the World Wide Web, HTML forms are the principle means by which substantial
amounts of information can pass from the user to the server. PHP is designed to
acquire and work with information submitted via HTML forms. Information is retrieved
from the forms with the use of the PHP $_GET and $_POST variables.

The $_GET variable is used to collect values from a form with method="get" while the
$_POST variable is used to collect values from a form with method="post".

Example 7.10
This example contains two scripts, one containing an HTML form (input.html) and the
other containing the form processing logic (message.php). When the user fills in his
information in the form and clicks on the Submit button, the page message.php is

<form action="message.php" method="post">
<p>Enter your name : <input type="text" name="name" size="30"></p>
<p>Enter message: <input type="text" name="msg" size="30"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Send"></p>

Note that the "action" attribute of the <form> tag specifies the name of the server-side
script (message.php in this case) that will process the information entered into the form.
The "method" attribute specifies how the information will be passed.

Whenever a form is submitted to a PHP script, with the post method, all variable-value
pairs within that form automatically become available for use within the script, through
the PHP container variable: $_POST. You can then access the value of the form
variable by using its "name" inside the $_POST container


// retrieve form data
$name = $_POST['name'];
$input = $_POST['msg'];
// use it
echo "Hello $name</br>";
The outputecho
will be similar
"You saidto:the following
Hello Nimal
You said: I love PHP

7.5 Session Handling and Cookies

HTTP is a stateless protocol. Therefore, every page a user downloads from your server
represents a separate connection. However, within a single web site it may be required
to pass information from page to page. For example in an online shopping cart
application it is necessary to keep track of all the items that have been shortlisted for
purchase as a user goes from page to page in the catalog.
Therefore it is necessary to "maintain state", allowing client connections to be tracked
and connection-specific data to be maintained. Cookies, enable this by allowing Web
sites to store client-specific information on the client system, and giving access to the
information whenever required. A cookie is simply a file, containing a series of variable-
value pairs and linked to a domain. When a client requests a particular domain, the
values in the cookie file are read and imported into the server environment, where a
developer can read, modify and use them for different purposes. A cookie is a
convenient way to carry forward data from one client visit to the next.

Another common approach is to use a session to store connection-specific data; this

session data is preserved on the server for the duration of the visit, and is destroyed on
its conclusion. Sessions work by associating every session with a session ID which is a
unique identifier for the session that is automatically generated by PHP. This session ID
is stored in two places: on the client using a temporary cookie, and on the server in a
flat file or a database. By using the session ID to put a name to every request received,
a developer can identify which client initiated which request, and track and maintain
client-specific information in session variables. Session variables are variable-value
pairs which remain alive for the duration of the session and which can store textual or
numeric information.

Sessions and cookies thus provide an elegant way to bypass the stateless nature of the
HTTP protocol, and are used on many of today's largest sites to track and maintain
information for personal and commercial transactions. Typically, sessions are used to
store values that are required over the course of a single visit, and cookies to store
more persistent data that is used over multiple visits.

PHP has included support for cookies and has built-in session management which is
enabled by default, so you don't have to do anything special to activate them.

7.5.1 Sessions
Every session has a unique session ID, which PHP uses to keep track of different
clients. This session ID is a long alphanumeric string, which is automatically passed by
PHP from page to page so that the continuity of the session is maintained. The session
will end when the user shuts down the client browser or when the session is explicitly
destroyed as discussed below in section Starting a PHP Session

You should first start the PHP session by using the session_start() function. This
function must appear before the <html> tag. The session_start() function creates a
session or resumes the current one based on the current session id. When creating a
session it will register the user's session with the server, assign a session ID for that
user's session and will allow you to start saving user information.

After a session has been started, you instantly have access to the user's session ID via
the session_id() function. session_id() allows you to either set or get a session ID.
Example 7.11
The following listing will register the users session with the server and print out the
session ID.

session_start(); //Start the session

echo "Welcome, your session ID is ". session_id();//print session ID
When this?> script is run for the first time from a browser, a session ID is generated by the
</body> If the page is later reloaded or revisited, the same session ID is
to the user. This presupposes, of course, that the user has cookies enabled
on his browser. Using Session Variables

A PHP session variable is used to store information about, or change settings for a user
session. Session variables hold information about one single user, and are available to
all pages in one application.

You can set any number of variables as elements of the superglobal $_SESSION array.
After these are set, they are available to future requests in the session.

Example 7.12
The following example has two pages. In the first page two products are registered.
These products are accessed in the second page by the use of session variables

session_start(); //Start the session

$_SESSION['product1'] = "Sugar";
$_SESSION['product2'] = "Milk";
print "The products have been registered";
session_start(); //Start the session

print "You have chosen the products are:\n\n";
<li><?php print $_SESSION['product1'] ?></li>
<li><?php print $_SESSION['product2'] ?></li>

Figure 7.2 Using Session Variables Deleting Session Variables

The unset() function can used to free the specified session variable as shown below

\ ?> Deleting Session Variables
The session_destroy() function can used to completely destroy a session.


7.5.2 Cookies
A session works by using an in-memory cookie, which explains why it's only active while
the browser instance that created it is active; once the browser instance is terminated,
the memory allocated to that instance is flushed and returned to the system, destroying
the session cookie in the process. If you want longer-lasting cookies, you can use
PHP's built-in cookie functions to write data to the user's disk as a cookie file, and read
this data back as and when needed.

Cookies are used to record information about your activities on a particular domain,
therefore they can only be read by the domain that created them. Further a single
domain cannot set more than twenty cookies, and the maximum size of a cookie is 4

A cookie usually possesses six attributes as given below of which only the name
attribute is mandatory.
name: the name of the cookie
value: the value of the cookie
expires: the date and time at which the cookie expires
path: the top-level directory on the domain from which cookie data can be
domain: the domain for which the cookie is valid
secure: a Boolean flag indicating whether the cookie should be transmitted only
over a secure HTTP connection Creating a cookie

A cookie can be created using the setcookie() function.

Example 7.13
The following listing will create a cookie named "user", assign the value "Nimal Perera"
to it and specify that it will expire in one hour.

setcookie("user", "Nimal Perera", time()+3600);
?> Accessing the value of a cookie
A values of a cookie can be accessed with the PHP $_COOKIE variable.

Example 7.14
The following listing displays how to first check if the cookie named user has been set
and then to retrieve the value of the cookie.

if (isset($_COOKIE["user"]))
echo "Welcome " . $_COOKIE["user"] . "!<br />";
echo "Welcome guest!<br />";
</html> Deleting a cookie

To delete a cookie simply set its expiration date to a value in the past.

Example 7.15
The following listing displays how to delete a cookie by setting its expiration value to an
hour ago.

// set the expiration date to one hour ago
setcookie("user", "", time()-3600);
?> A final note on cookies

It's important to note that, since cookies are stored on the user's hard drive, the
developer has very little control over them. If a user decides to turn off cookie support in
his or her browser, the cookies will simply not be saved. Therefore, avoid writing code
that depends heavily on cookies and use methods such as using forms to pass data
from page to page.
7.6 File Handling
PHP provides the functions for reading, writing and testing files.

7.6.1 Opening a file

You can open a file using the fopen() function in PHP, where the first parameter to the
function gives the name of the file to be opened and the second gives the mode that the
file should be opened in.

There are three basic modes for use with the fopen() function as given below;
'r' - opens a file in read mode
'w' - opens a file in write mode, destroying existing file contents
'a' - opens a file in append mode, preserving existing file contents

Example 7.16
The following listing displays how open the file hello.txt


7.6.2 Closing a file

You can close an opened file using the fclose() function.

Example 7.17
The following listing displays how open and then close the file hello.txt

$file = fopen("hello.txt","r");
//some code to be executed

7.6.3 Reading a file

You can read a file line by line using the fgets() function. After a call to this function the
file pointer moves on to the next line.
You can also read the fine character by character by using the fgetc() function, which
moves the file pointer to the next character after each call.

The feof() function which checks if the end of file has been reached comes in handy
when reading files.

Example 7.18
The following listing displays how to read a file to line by line until the end of file has
been reached.

$file = fopen("welcome.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
//Output a line of the file until the end is reached
echo fgets($file). "<br />";

Example 7.19
The following listing displays how to read a file to character by charactor until the end of
file has been reached.

$file=fopen("welcome.txt","r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file))
echo fgetc($file);

7.7 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in PHP

OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is a method of developing your code as discrete
objects. All objects you create are self-supporting stand-alone pieces of code that
should not rely on any other piece of code to function.

One of the greatest advantages of object-oriented code is its reusability. Because the
classes used to create objects are self-enclosed, they can be easily pulled from one
project and used in another. Additionally, it is possible to create child classes that inherit
and override the characteristics of their parents. This technique can allow you to create
progressively more complex and specialized objects that can draw on base functionality
while adding more of their own.

7.7.1 Classes and Objects

A class contains both variables and functions, and serves as the template from which to
spawn specific instances of that class.

The specific instances of a class are referred to as objects. Every object has certain
characteristics, or properties, and certain pre-defined functions, or methods.

By defining a class, you lay down a set of characteristics. By creating objects of that
type, you create entities that share these characteristics but might initialize them as
different values.

Example 7.20
The following code listing creates a class named Account. This file will be saved as

class MyAccount {
var $name;
var $account;
var $balance;

//The constructor
function MyAccount ($name, $account, $balance) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->account = $account;
$this->balance = $balance;

function getName() {
return $this->name;

function getBalance() {
return $this->balance;

function getAccount() {
return $this->account;

function depositCash ( $amount ) {

$this->balance += $amount;

function withdrawCash ($amount) {

$this->balance -= $amount;
Every class definition begins with the keyword class, followed by a class name. You can
give your class any name, as long as it doesn't collide with a reserved PHP word. In the
above example the name of the class is MyAccount.

The class MyAccount has 3 variables, $name, $account and $balance and several
functions that can be used to change the state of the class.

There is also a special function the constructor, which has the same name as the class,
and is used to initialize the variables when your class is instantiated.

Example 7.21
The following code listing will create objects from the class that was defined above and
call its functions and adjust the properties of each class. This file will be saved as


$account1 = new MyAccount("Sunil Perera","123-666-344",5000);

echo ("Account Information for " . $account1->getName() . "<br>");

echo ("Account Number = " . $account1->getAccount() . "<br>");
echo ("Balance = Rs " . $account1->getBalance() . "<br>");

$account1->withdrawCash (100);
echo ("Withdrew Rs 100. ");
echo ("Balance = Rs " . $account1->getBalance() . "<br>");

$account1->depositCash (500);
echo ("Deposited Rs 500. ");
echo ("Balance = Rs" . $account1->getBalance() . "<br><br><br>");

$account2 = new MyAccount("Kamala Silva","435-636-546",1000);

echo ("Account Information for " . $account2->getName() . "<br>");

echo ("Account Number = " . $account2->getAccount() . "<br>");
echo ("Balance = Rs " . $account2->getBalance() . "<br>");

$account2->withdrawCash (250);
echo ("Withdrew Rs 250. ");
echo ("Balance = Rs " . $account2->getBalance() . "<br>");

$account2->depositCash (1000);
echo ("Deposited Rs 1000. ");
echo ("Balance = Rs" . $account2->getBalance() . "<br>");
Now, save the script and execute it from your web browser. You should see the
following output.

Figure 7.3 Using classes and objects

7.8 Summary
In this lesson you learnt about the server side scripting language PHP. You learnt the
basic language constructs, file and form handling, session management and object
oriented programming in PHP.

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