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BE A WINNER against all odds

By Rusty Withers

Edited by Karen McCauley, M.A.

Exclusive Ebook publication of

The ONLINE College of Astrology

First electronic edition: 2003

Copyright 2003 by Rusty Withers

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed in any

form without the express written consent of the publisher, except for
brief passages which may be quoted in reviews.

The authors and the publisher have made every effort to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this book.
However, they assume no responsibility for any errors, omissions,
inaccuracies, or inconsistencies contained herein.
ISBN 0-9727238-0-3

Cover by Mary Downing

Ebook production by
Ed Perrone Internet Services

Acknowledgements vii

Preface viii

1. Astrology, All About Energy & Timing 1

Natal Chart 1
The Gambling Charts 2
Gambling Loss Points 3
Your Natal Chart 5
Worksheet 6
Chart Wheel Aspects-Planet Aspects 8
List of Aspect Symbols 8
Summary of Chart Wheel Aspects 11

2. Chart Rules-Chart Tools 13

-Understanding Astrological Terms 13
Planets Associated With Signs 13
The Staging of A Sporting Event 14
Aspects of Adjustments 19
Aspects Worksheet 21
Conversion Table 23
March Madness 26
Game Worksheet 28
How the Individual Planets Relate to Football 29

3. The Game Chart 31
-Picking Winners Against The Spread 31
General Rules 31
Game Chart Planet Combination Summary 33
Practice Using Super Bowls 2002 - 2006 35
Houses of the Game Chart 47
The Planets 49
Game Chart Planet Summary 65
Other Chart Points 66
The Signs 66

4. Game Chart Comparisons 69

-Picking the Winners Straight Up 69
Priorities in Evaluating the Game 69
Game Chart Comparison 73
Planetary Combinations 78
Summary of Planetary Combinations By Aspect 80
General Rules For Chart Comparisons 80
Summary of Key Planet Combinations 81

5. Team Sports: Where Did They Begin? 83

Major League Soccer (MLS) 84
The Football Association 87
The Birth of Soccer 88
Birth of Rugby 88
Birth of NFL 89
Birth of Baseball 90
50 or More Home Run Seasons 96
Black Sox Scandal 109
How Baseball Came to Be 109
The National League 110

The American League 110
Major League Baseball Teams Today 111
The History of Hockey 111
American Basketball History 112
Basketball Association of America (BAA) 113
Birth of the ABA 114
The Modern Basketball League 115
Womens NBA Teams & Arenas 127
A Psychiatric Study of Pro Football 136
Angular or Cardinal Houses 152
Fixed or Succedent Houses 153
Mutable or Cadent Houses 153
Exceptional Quarterbacks 156
Other Winning Quarterbacks 162

6. American Football History 165

1st American Collegiate Football Game 165
1st Professional Football Game 168

7. American Professional Football Association-NFL 170

Organization Chart 171
NFL Franchise Charts 173
NFC Stadium Coordinates & Time Zones 208

8. American Football Conference 211

Birth of the AFL Franchises 211
AFC Stadium Coordinates & Time Zones 229

9. Birth of the NFC Teams 232

NFC-National Football Conference 232
NFC Realignment 2002 232

10. Birth of the AFC Team 296
AFC- American Football Conference 296
AFL Realignment 2002 296
Super Bowl Championship Game 346

About the Author 348

Notes 350

My heartfelt thanks to:

Ed Perrone, who gave me my first shot at Sports Astrology

on the internet in the Fall of 1993 on GEnie;
Eugenie Disiaro, founder of Astronet, who showcased my
sports astrology writing and promoted my interviews on
numerous radio shows covering Super Bowls, March
Madness, World Series games, and the NBA and NHL
Karen McCauley, my editor, who took what I wrote from
my heart and made me look great as a writer;
Joan McEvers, who encouraged me to write every night;
Angel Thompson;
Aquarius Workshops;
Ena Stanley;
Kaye Shinker, for encouragement;
Mary Downing;
Nancy McEwen, my student, secretary, and friend;
Michael Salman and Shirley Ito, Amateur Athletic
Foundation Sports Library, Los Angeles, for endless
hours of help and steering me in the right direction to
research and find information for my books;
Marion D. March who demanded that I be the best
astrologer I could be and that I work in the astrology
community to preserve and build upon on the work of
those who came before me;
Steve, my husband, who has pushed me to be independent
and always made sure I had the space and time to fulfill
my dreams;
My mother, who has always encouraged me to be who I

This is not an encyclopedia on all sports. My
original goal as I started collecting the timed birth data
of professional players in 1973 was to simply find out if
there were any significant differences in the horoscopes
of professional football, basketball, hockey and baseball
players. Those analyses led me to discover the signature
of a basketball player and find repetitive placements of
planets in certain areas of the horoscope which
distinguished the various football player positions from
one another.
When I considered the study of golf and tennis
players, my teacher, Marion D. March, pointed out that
athletes in these sports were too insecure to be a team
player and had a drive to be number one in their own
field. So I decided to stick with team sports.

In 1990, I started collecting data for the birth of the

various team sports. I began with the National
Basketball Association (NBA) then moved to the National
Football League (NFL). By early 2000, I had complete
data on the teams in the National Hockey League (NHL)
and Major League Baseball (MLB). Along the way, I
collected dates on the now defunct American Basketball
League (ABL), the Womens National Basketball
Association (WNBA) and the Major League Soccer (MLS)

Within two weeks of completing my search for data

on the pro football teams (August 1993), I was asked to
try to predict the outcome of the games on GEnie using
this data. This predated AOL and the internet. I did not
have a clue what to do with the game chart at that time
and only used good old fashioned astrology rules to
analyze the teams and quarterbacks energy against the
game chart. I used synastry and compared the planet
placements of game charts to team and quarterback
charts and picked game winners straight up. After eight
weeks of analysis, my picks were 80% correct against
the Vegas point spread. The Vegas average is 55%.

There are no absolutes in anyone's system, that's

why we play games. On any given day, a persons
strength is indicated by where the position of planets in
the sky make contacts to the persons natal chart. I
name the probable winners regardless of which teams
play or where the planets are, just like the commentators
do on Inside the NFL. Even when dealing with our
favorite sport or team, Ive learned that we still need to
understand how the game is played in the sport at hand.
Then we can apply astrological information as an added
source of information. The rules and information given
in this book distinguish what I have found to work and
not work in different sports. This information is a great
inside edge in determining when the underdog is favored
or there is going to be a day of upsets to the point spread
or when the favorites are most likely to end up on top.

The sport featured in this book is professional

football, including the birth of the NFL teams, the WNBA,
and some March Madness. Future series will include the
Super Bowls, and other major pro-sports organizations:
NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS, plus The Sport of Kings - Horse
Racing. Hopefully, my discoveries will add extra
excitement to your involvement with any or all of the
referenced sporting events.

Chapter One
All About Energy & Timing

Natal Chart
In natal astrology, a chart is constructed to show
the horoscope (hour of the chart) of an individual. The
day, month, year, time of birth, city, state, country are
needed to erect such a chart. The analysis of a horoscope
includes identifying psychological behavior patterns as
well as the potential of how that person might evolve
through a lifetime.

The planets are the actual drama in one's life acted

out through a specific zodiac sign where they are located.
Zodiac signs indicate basic attitudes and needs an
individual uses to reach his/her goals and dreams in life.
Where the planets are located in the divisions of the natal
chart (called houses) tells areas of life where experiences
develop and where energy is accelerated to expand those
areas of life. How a people perceive and relate to their
parents ties in with how in later life they adapt to
authority figures such as bosses. How a male or female
gets along with his/her father or mother later contributes
to patterns of energy found in relationships, marriage,
and work.

The Sun shows areas where a person needs to shine and
get recognition.

The Moon shows emotional needs, responses and habits.

Mercury is how one communicates.

Venus is one's magnet to attract money, love and self-


Mars is one's energy level and competitiveness.

Jupiter is one's ability to expand.

Saturn is one's disciplinary energy and where they

learn to draw boundaries.

Uranus is the energy that helps one break free of

limiting conditions and attitudes.

Neptune is energy that can be inspirational and spiritual

or dissolving and deceptive.

Pluto is energy that gives one the capacity to


The Gambling Charts

The charts erected for a sporting event or a time
when one wishes to gamble are set up for the date, time
and location where the event is taking place. I use the
starting times listed in the various sporting fact books
because they are given in local time. The game chart will
show the overall energy for the two or three hours of the

sporting event. Once you have the schedules for your
favorite sports, you can prepare the charts way before the
game takes place.

Only in horse racing do I try to set the chart for the

end of the race rather than its beginning. First find the
post time of the race, locate the recorded time for a race
of that distance and surface (dirt or turf), then add that
race time to the post time. Of course, if a horse acts up
getting into the gate or gets injured during a race, this
then negates all the charts you have prepared for future
races that day at that track. A palm pilot with an
astrology program could get you back on course, but you
can also correct the charts you have in hand if you know
what you are doing. The chart wheel moves one degree
every four minutes. Take the time of new post time and
subtract the original post time. Say the race goes off
eleven minutes later than originally scheduled as in the
2001 Breeders Cup. Divide eleven by 4. Round off the
answer to three. Add three degrees to each of the house
cusps of the original chart you prepared.

For other sporting events such as the Olympics,

you must go to the Internet to get the time of the event
and set up the chart in the local time of the event. You
then compare the event chart to the charts of individual
athletes participating. This comparison prepares you to
call the winner.

Gambling Loss Points

Joyce Wehrman, author of Winning!: Zodiacal
Timing (1976), used another astrological tool created
from using certain midpoints in a chart. She called them
the Gambling Loss Points. The midpoints are
mathematically the middle degree between the degree
location of any two planets in the 360-degree circle. In
Chapter Two there is a conversion chart that is easy to
use. You can take any two planets, convert their
placement degrees using the conversion chart, add these
numbers together and divide by two and then convert
that number back to the astrology degree (the midpoint
degree). If you have a computer with an astrology
program on it, you can simply have the computer print
out the midpoint listing, locate the proper midpoint pairs
and write the zodiac sign degree and minutes of the loss

The three Loss Points Joyce referred to are the

midpoints of Mars/Saturn, Mars/Neptune, and
Saturn/Neptune. The theory holds that if you have natal
planets that fit into the Loss Points of an establishment
where you are playing, you win their money. If the birth
chart of the casino or track has natal planets on your
natal Loss Points, youre likely to lose your money.
Remember, this is theory; it may or may not work for
you. I do feel that there are towns, casinos and race
tracks with which you feel more comfortable working.
The birth charts of all the Vegas casinos are not part of
this book. My friend, Joann Farnam has researched the
casinos but I have not yet convinced her to publish the

Its wise to look at the history of contests between

any two given teams regardless of the sport. If a team
record is 56-22-2, there definitely is one team chart
stronger than the other team chart even before the game
begins. The loss points could have merit here or Team 1
could have Neptune near the same degree as Team 2s
Sun thus depleting Team 2s ability to play their best in
any contest with Team 1.

Your Natal Chart
To best benefit from this book when risking your
money, you must also become familiar with your birth
chart. You don't have to know everything about your

You can bet on anything you like, but your chances

of winning the bigger money at certain specific times is
when you are On The Wheel as Joyce Wehrman stated
in her book Winning! This book will help you figure these
precise winning times.

Included here is a work page to help simplify things.

Planets A B C D E F G

Use column A for your own planet degrees. Use the other columns B-G
for whatever would be helpful in tracking your sporting event.

Mathematics of the Wheel
The horoscope is made of a 360-degree circle
divided into twelve areas called houses. The longitude and
latitude of the location of the birth chart mathematically
figures the division of these twelve areas with dividing
lines called house cusps. Of the 17 plus available house
division systems, the Koch house systems has proven
more accurate in timing betting charts so Koch is used for
the charts in this book. The time and date of birth
mathematically produce the positions of the planets and
the house divisions. The 360-degree wheel is not divided
equally into the signs because each wheel varies
according to longitude and latitude where an event

Each zodiac sign is divided equally from the 360-

degree circle. Each sign of the zodiac contains 30
degrees. The degrees are very important to note when
planets are making contacts in the 360-degree circle. The
degrees are noted from 0-29 not 1-30 as would seem
logical. After a planet reaches 29 degree 59 minutes it
passes to 00 degrees 00 minutes of the next zodiac sign.

In detailed analysis of the Game Chart (Chapter 2)

each zodiac sign is noted as how to understand what you
are seeing in terms of the 360-degree circle.

The charts used in this book are created from

CWSport, an astrology sports program that includes data
on the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS, WNBA, as
programmed by Mark Pottenger. In addition to
producing a chart wheel, this format lists the planets on a
scale covering 0-29 degrees. Scale makes it easy to see
what planets are active NOW in comparison to your own
chart degrees.
Chart Wheel Aspects (PLANET ASPECTS)
A circle contains 360 degrees. If you divide a circle in
half, you have two 180-degree segments. The opposition
(S) refers to two planets located directly about 180
degrees from each other in the chart wheel.

If you divide a circle by four, you have four 90-degree

sections. The square (D) refers to two planets, which are
90 degrees from each other in the chart wheel.

The conjunction (A) describes the placement of two

planets together, side-by-side near the same degree in the

The above three relationships of the planet

placements indicate strong, competitive, and intensive
strength during the game. The strongest energy is the
square (D), next the conjunction (A), and last the
opposition (S). We will look to see which team and which
quarterback will have any of these hard planetary
interactions during the game.

List of Aspect Symbols

Conjunction A 0
Opposition S 180
Trine F 120
Square D 90
Semisquare Z 45
Sextile G 60

The most squares (D) in the comparison of team and
quarterback charts show who has the competitive edge
for the day. The above hard interactions of energy
(especially the squares) generally produce the winner of
the game. They propel the teams and quarterbacks to be
sharper for that specific game.

Let's interpret these energies in another way. Two

people have different and conflicting views and must
resolve the issues at hand today whether they want to or
not. They verbally or physically fight it out or negotiate
until the issue is settled. The square (D) urges us to take
action and handle the crisis.

Two people sit down to talk. Both views must be

heard, whether the people agree or disagree. What does
count is being forced to hear what the other person's
viewpoint is on the issue being discussed. Once the view-
points are expressed, one or both of the people will react
to whats been said. The opposition (S) urges you to react
to what another is doing or saying.

An American orthopedic surgeon sits near a Chinese

pediatrician at a football game. They speak two different
languages but each understands what is going on the field
of play. Their body language is saying the same thing
while in their respective native language they are yelling
at a team for its scores or fumbles. All of a sudden, a man
sitting in front of them has a heart attack. While waiting
for emergency personnel to arrive, both men, without a
word, start CPR to help the stricken man. The
conjunction (A) forces you to work together regardless of
your differences. It doesn't matter if you like each other
or know each other, you simply do what is necessary to
get the job done.

The 150-degree interaction indicates one situation
ADJUSTMENTS - The inconjunct (V) shows this
adjustment aspect between planets. When comparing the
team chart with the game chart and seeing two planets
about 150 degrees apart, know the team will have to make
major adjustments during the game. A key player such as
the quarterback, receiver, or key defensive player may get
hurt, and the team will have to rely on back up players to
fill in for the injured starter.

The next analysis is about the easy interactions some

planets have during the game. This shows possible
benefit from being at the right place at the right time.
Without the hard competitive interactions mentioned
earlier, these easy interactions are meaningless to the
game or its outcome.

Divide a circle by six and you get six 60-degree

sections. The sextile (G) refers to two planets 60 degrees
apart. This interaction of the planets shows opportunities
to make good plays during the game.

Divide a circle by three and you have three 120-

degree sections. The trine (F) refers to two planets 120
degrees apart. This interaction of the planets indicates a
flowing energy where one thing after another seems to
just fall into place. The above interaction gives a team
ease in accomplishing their game plan but without the
hard competitive interaction of squares, the team may not
have the necessary strength and determination to win the

Presenting this another way, two men think about

buying a lotto ticket. One man buys a ticket, the other
man does not. Both have the opportunity to win but only
one man bought the ticket. The opportunity is only
converted to a benefit or advantage if you make use of the
situation. The sextile (G) provides opportunities to take
risk and win.

A man is out looking for a job. He stops at a remote

restaurant for lunch before proceeding to his
appointment in the afternoon. While having lunch, a
college friend whom he has not seen in ten years enters
the restaurant. They see each other and start talking. His
friend just happens to be personnel director of a company
and discusses a job opening matching exactly what the
first man is looking for. The trine (F) represents the
energy of being at the right place at the right time.

Summary of Chart Wheel Aspects

The signs, planets, houses, aspects, and game
analysis are basically the same in all sports.

Theres one major exception: inconjuncts (150-
degree aspects) are beneficial in basketball. Two 150-
degree aspects linked by a 60-degree aspect (a Yod) is the
signature of the basketball players and fits the nature of
their game. The same may be true in hockey and soccer
but has not been researched thoroughly yet. The Yod is
definitely not ok in football! It always signifies major
adjustment(s) that the team may not be able to make.
Usually the need for adjustment arises from an injury to a
quarterback, running back, tight end, or wide receiver
that the team is unprepared for. In baseball, a Yod for the
pitcher means he is not likely to be as sharp in this game.

Chapter Two
Understanding Astrological Terms

Planets Associated With Signs

Originally only seven planets were known- only

those which man could see with the naked eye and watch
in the night sky. Those seven were the Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Later,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered.

Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign and a

house/division of the chart wheel. Mercury, Mars, and
Saturn are each associated with a pair of signs and a pair
of houses. The modern planets, Neptune, Uranus and
Pluto, are generally helpful in predicting winners.

The Staging of a Sporting Event


Mars t Aries a First House
Venus r Taurus s Second House
Mercury e Gemini d Third House
Moon w Cancer f Fourth House
Sun q Leo g Fifth House
Mercury e Virgo h Sixth House
Venus r Libra z Seventh House
Mars t Pluto p ( ) Scorpio x Eighth House
Jupiter y Sagittarius c Ninth House
Saturn u Capricorn v Tenth House
Saturn u Uranus i Aquarius b Eleventh House
Jupiter y Neptune o Pisces n Twelfth House

Listed above are the glyphs used to identify the

planets and the zodiac signs used in the game charts which
you will work. In the chart, the planet symbol is written
first, then the degree, zodiac sign, then minutes to show
the exact location. Example: Mars (t) 18 b 34. If there is a
Rx at the end of this configuration that means that the
planet has slowed down and appears to be moving
backwards. Around the Sun, the planets do not really
move backwards but looking at the planets from a location

on planet Earth, from time to time they may appear to
move backwards. The astrological term we use for this is

The energy of a Rx planet works more internally

than outwardly. The meaning of the planets given in this
book refer to how the energy is used in a sporting event
and which players are connected more with this energy.

All planets move forward through the zodiac. In a

sporting event such as a football game lasting three hours,
the Moon is the only planet that is likely to change its
position in degrees. The Moon moves about one degree,
every two hours. During a normal football game the Moon
moves 1 degrees. If the game starts with the Moon in
the last degrees, (example 29 x 48) the Moon will
probably move to 00 c 00 and change signs before the
game ends. The play on the field will change and the
outcome shift when the Moon changes signs during the

Chart Wheel Aspects were described in Chapter

One. However, the following information will make it
easier to understand easy and hard aspects as the planets
relate to one another by sign and degree.

Easy aspects occur when two planets are about 60

degrees (sextile) or 120 degrees (trine) apart. The planets
in a sextile are two signs apart. The planets in a trine are
five signs apart.

Aries Sextiles Gemini - Aquarius

Trines Leo - Sagittarius

Taurus Sextiles Cancer - Pisces
Trines Virgo - Capricorn

Gemini Sextiles Aries - Leo

Trines Libra - Aquarius

Cancer Sextiles Virgo - Taurus

Trines Scorpio - Pisces

Leo Sextiles Libra - Gemini

Trines Sagittarius - Aries

Virgo Sextiles Scorpio - Cancer

Trines Capricorn - Taurus

Libra Sextiles Sagittarius - Leo

Trines Aquarius - Gemini

Scorpio Sextiles Capricorn - Virgo

Trines Pisces - Cancer

Sagittarius Sextiles Aquarius - Libra

Trines Aries - Leo

Capricorn Sextiles Pisces - Scorpio

Trines Taurus - Virgo

Aquarius Sextiles Aries - Sagittarius

Trines Gemini - Libra

Pisces Sextiles Taurus - Capricorn

Trines Cancer - Scorpio

Hard aspects occur when two planets are close to 0
degrees (conjunction), 90 degrees (square), or 180
degrees (opposition) apart from each other in the game
chart. In conjunction, two planets are close together in
the same sign or spanning the last degrees of one sign and
the first few degrees of the following sign. The
conjunctions are easy to find. The planets sit side by side
in the chart and are no more than eight degrees from one
another in the 360 circle.

The square occurs when two planets are about 90

degrees or four signs apart from each other.

Aries Squares Cancer - Capricorn

Opposes Libra

Taurus Squares Leo - Aquarius

Opposes Scorpio

Gemini Squares Virgo - Pisces

Opposes Sagittarius

Cancer Squares Libra - Aries

Opposes Capricorn

Leo Squares Scorpio -Taurus

Opposes Aquarius

Virgo Squares Sagittarius - Gemini

Opposes Pisces

Libra Squares Capricorn - Cancer
Opposes Aries

Scorpio Squares Aquarius - Leo

Opposes Taurus

Sagittarius Squares Pisces - Virgo

Opposes Gemini

Capricorn Squares Libra - Aries

Opposes Cancer

Aquarius Squares Taurus - Scorpio

Opposes Leo

Pisces Squares Sagittarius - Gemini

Opposes Virgo

In an opposition, the planets are about 180 degrees

apart, usually in the signs opposite each other in the zodiac.

If you are a sports fan just beginning to learn how to

use the game chart you might want to print out these
pages and have them handy when working with the game

Aries is opposite Libra
Taurus is opposite Scorpio
Gemini is opposite Sagittarius
Cancer is opposite Capricorn
Leo is opposite Aquarius
Virgo is opposite Pisces

Aspects of Adjustments

The quincunx occurs when two planets are about 150

degrees in distance on the 360-degree wheel or six signs
away from original sign. Another easy way to find the
quincunx is to look at the opposite sign and look to either
side of the opposite sign to locate the quincunx.

Aries quincunx Virgo - Scorpio

Taurus quincunx Libra - Sagittarius

Gemini quincunx Scorpio - Capricorn

Cancer quincunx Sagittarius - Aquarius

Leo quincunx Capricorn - Pisces

Virgo quincunx Aries - Aquarius

Libra quincunx Taurus - Pisces

Scorpio quincunx Aries - Gemini

Sagittarius quincunx Taurus - Cancer

Capricorn quincunx Gemini - Leo

Aquarius quincunx Cancer - Virgo

Pisces quincunx Leo - Libra

The following three pages are another way of looking at

what has just been explained. For the novice, the relationship
to math and the 360-degree circle may be easier to
understand than memorizing the signs and their order. The
following worksheet is very simple. Look where the two signs
connect on the page and you find the aspect relationship
between the two signs.

Aspects Worksheet

Game Chart

Signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

Aries Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square Trine Quincunx
Taurus Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square Trine
Gemini Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sexitle Square
Cancer Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sextile
Leo Trine Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile
Virgo Quincunx Trine Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct
Libra Opposition Quincunx Trine Square Sexitle Semisextile
Scorpio Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Sextile Square Sextile
Sagittarius Trine Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Trine Square
Capricorn Square Trine Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Trine
Aquarius Sextile Square Trine Quincunx Opposition Quincunx
Pisces Semisextile Sextile Square Trine Quincunx Opposition
Other chart

Signs Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Aries Opposition Quincunx Trine Square Sextile Semisextile
Taurus Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Trine Square Sextile
Gemini Trine Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Trine Square
Cancer Square Trine Quincunx Opposition Quincunx Sextile
Leo Sextile Square Trine Quincunx Sextile Quincunx
Virgo Semisextile Sextile Square Trine Quincunx Opposition
Libra Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square Trine Quincunx
Scorpio Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square Trine
Sagittarius Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sextile Square
Capricorn Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile Sextile
Aquarius Trine Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct Semisextile
Pisces Quincunx Sextile Square Sextile Semisextile Conjunct

The Conversion Table created by Karen McCauley, my
editor, allows the novice to find the degree of a sign and
convert it to a mathematical number. This way you can
take any two planets, find their correlating numbers then
take the two numbers and subtract one from the other. The
remainder is the distance between the two planets and
identifies what if any, aspect relationship they share.

0-1= Conjunction
28-30 = Semi-sextile
58-60 = Sextile
88-90 = Square
118-120 = Trine
148-150 = Quincunx
178-180 = Opposition

In sports astrology, the distance allowed between the

planets used is much tighter because we are only looking at
the duration the game, which is somewhere between one
and one-half and three hours depending on the sport. For
an overview of the Game Chart you will use greater
distances, but in comparing the Game Chart with a players
planets or the teams birth chart, only allow two-degree
distance in comparison between the planets.

Conversion Table by Karen McCauley1995

1-0a 41-10s 81-20d 121- 0g 161-10h 201-20z 241- 0c 281-10v 321-20b

2-1a 42-11s 82-21d 122- 1g 162-11h 202-21z 242- 1c 282-11v 322-21b
3-2a 43-12s 83-22d 123- 2g 163-12h 203-22z 243- 2c 283-12v 323-22b
4-3a 44-13s 84-23d 124- 3g 164-13h 204-23z 244- 3c 284-13v 324-23b
5-4a 45-14s 85-24d 125- 4g 165-14h 205-24z 245- 4c 285-14v 325-24b
6-5a 46-15s 86-25d 126- 5g 166-15h 206-25z 246- 5c 286-15v 326-25b
7-6a 47-16s 87-26d 127- 6g 167-16h 207-26z 247- 6c 287-16v 327-26b
8-7a 48-17s 88-27d 128- 7g 168-17h 208-27z 248- 7c 288-17v 328-27b
9-8a 49-18s 89-28d 129- 8g 169-18h 209-28z 249- 8c 289-18v 329-28b
10-9 a 50-19s 90-29d 130- 9g 170-19h 210-29z 250- 9c 290-19v 330-29b
11-10a 51-20s 91- 0f 131-10g 171-20h 211- 0x 251-10c 291-20v 331- 0n
12-11a 52-21s 92- 1f 132-11g 172-21h 212- 1x 252-11c 292-21v 332- 1n
13-12a 53-22s 93- 2f 133-12g 173-22h 213- 2x 253-12c 293-22v 333- 2n
14-13a 54-23s 94- 3f 134-13g 174-23h 214- 3x 254-13c 294-23v 334- 3n
15-14a 55-24s 95- 4f 135-14g 175-24h 215- 4x 255-14c 295-24v 335- 4n
16-15a 56-25s 96- 5f 136-15g 176-25h 216- 5x 256-15c 296-25v 336- 5n
17-16a 57-26s 97- 6f 137-16g 177-26h 217- 6x 257-16c 297-26v 337- 6n
18-17a 58-27s 98- 7f 138-17g 178-27h 218- 7x 258-17c 298-27v 338- 7n
19-18a 59-28s 99- 8f 139-18g 179-28h 219- 8x 259-18c 299-28v 339- 8n
20-19a 60-29s 100-9f 140-19g 180-29h 220- 9x 260-19c 300-29v 340- 9n
21-20a 61- 0d 101-10f 141-20g 181- 0z 221-10x 261-20c 301- 0b 341-10n
22-21a 62- 1d 102-11f 142-21g 182- 1z 222-11x 262-21c 302- 1b 342-11n
23-22a 63- 2d 103-12f 143-22g 183- 2z 223-12x 263-22c 303- 2b 343-12n
24-23a 64- 3d 104-13f 144-23g 184- 3z 224-13x 264-23c 304- 3b 344-13n
25-24a 65- 4d 105-14f 145-24g 185- 4z 225-14x 265-24c 305- 4b 345-14n
26-25a 66- 5d 106-15f 146-25g 186- 5z 226-15x 266-25c 306- 5b 346-15n
27-26a 67- 6d 107-16f 147-26g 187- 6z 227-16x 267-26c 307- 6b 347-16n
28-27a 68- 7d 108-17f 148-27g 188- 7z 228-17x 268-27c 308- 7b 348-17n
29-28a 69- 8d 109-18f 149-28g 189- 8z 229-18x 269-28c 309- 8b 349-18n
30-29a 70- 9d 110-19f 150-29g 190- 9z 230-19x 270-29c 310- 9b 350-19n
31- 0s 71-10d 111-20f 151- 0h 191-10z 231-20x 271- 0v 311-10b 351-20n
32- 1s 72-11d 112-21f 152- 1h 192-11z 232-21x 272- 1v 312-11b 352-21n
33- 2s 73-12d 113-22f 153- 2h 193-12z 233-22x 273- 2v 313-12b 353-22n
34- 3s 74-13d 114-23f 154- 3h 194-13z 234-23x 274- 3v 314-13b 354-23n
35- 4s 75-14d 115-24f 155- 4h 195-14z 235-24x 275- 4v 315-14b 355-24n
36- 5s 76-15d 116-25f 156- 5h 196-15z 236-25x 276- 5v 316-15b 356-25n
37- 6s 77-16d 117-26f 157- 6h 197-16z 237-26x 277- 6v 317-16b 357-26n
38- 7s 78-17d 118-27f 158- 7h 198-17z 238-27x 278- 7v 318-17b 358-27n
39- 8s 79-18d 119-28f 159- 8h 199-18z 238-28x 279- 8v 319-18b 359-28n
40- 9s 80-19d 120-29f 160- 9h 200-19z 240-29x 280- 9v 320-19b 360-29n

Also important to remember:

A planet moving toward another planet is said to be applying.

Mars 24 Libra, Saturn 26 Capricorn. Mars is applying
by two degrees to Saturn.
A planet moving away from another planet, is said to be

Mars 26 Libra, Saturn 24 Capricorn. Mars is moving
away from Saturn.

In sports astrology the planet in smaller degree is

always applying to the planet in larger degree. The planet in
larger degree is always separating from the planet in smaller
degree regardless of the planets involved. This is quite
different from normal astrology where the faster moving
planet is said to be applying or separating from the slower
planet. Planetary speed is based on the distance of the
planets from the Sun. The faster planet begins from Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
then Pluto

I found that this applying-separating theory worked

when doing March Madness where I did not have a team
chart to compare to the Game Chart. For about three years,
I called sixty-four teams and each year only five teams knew
their actual inaugural game (basis for team chart). Also, in

March Madness the sixty-four teams are divided into four
brackets and numbered 1-16. The higher seed is 1, next seed
2, and lowest seed 16. In any match-up, the higher seed is
always the home team. Example: Seed 1 plays Seed 16. Seed 1
is home team. Seed 2 plays Seed 15. Seed 2 is home team.
The rest of the break down is 3-14, 3 home team; 4-13, 4
home team; 5-12, 5 home team; 6-11, 6 home team; 7-10, 7
home team; 8-9, 8 home team. The original seed numbers
stay the same as play develops from 32 games to Sweet
Sixteen, to Elite Eight, to Final Four. Very rarely does a
number one seed make it to the Final Four as every
opponent gets more pumped-up when playing the best
team and loves to knock them out of the mix. The same logic
is true when a new season starts in any of the big four sports.
Every team wants to beat the current Super Bowl Champ or
World Series winner, etc.

March Madness
While preparing for the Final Four of one March
Madness, in the middle of the night, I dialed 00 (long
distance) to get the area code for Kentucky so I could call the
team the next morning and get the birth data for the teams
starting line up. The operator asked, Who do you want to
know about? She gave me the area code but could not give
me the number for the team office. I still had to dial the area
code and 555-1212 to get that information. Amazingly, the
operator did give me the name and player profile of each

player on the Kentucky team. She was a big fan and went to
all the university games. I asked her, Do you think this is an
omen that your team will win the NCAA Championship this

Well, Kentucky did win the Big Dance March 30, 1998,
at 9:30 pm in San Antonio, Texas. I guess I was so focused
that night, I just pulled in the information I needed. The
Final Game Four had two planets at 20 degrees. When
predicting the Final Four, three weeks in advance of the
event, I saw that North Carolinas team had five starting
players with 20 degrees in their natal charts. It looked like
North Carolina could be a shoe-in for the final game.
However, in the two interim games one had the Moon at 19
degrees the other had a Moon at 22 degrees. Had Carolina
played the earlier game they possibly could have won,
however, they played the later game and the team energy
had already passed them.

That Game Chart also indicated North Carolina could be

disappointed in the same outcome. They were surely heart-
broken to be eliminated and missing the big dance. That is
what I meant when I said a planet can be applying or
separating from the degrees in the Game Chart. The Moon
at 19 degrees would have been applying to the players
planets at 20 degrees. Instead, the Moon at 22 was
separating from the players planets.

The Game Worksheet allows you to write the planet next

to the Chart Degree, convert to mathematical number, then
do the math on a separate sheet of paper and write
appropriate aspect next to the conversion number. Always
look at the square (90 degree) aspects first. They are the
strongest energy on the field. As a repeat statement of
reinforcing the energy of the planets in a sporting event,
please note the following. We are discussing football here
but the energy is the same for all team sports.
Game Worksheet
Team A Conversion Chart Date Conversion Aspects Team
Team Chart Degrees Game Planets To Game
Subtract Column E from Column B. Put answer in Column F.
Hard Aspects Soft Aspects Adjustments
359-0 Conjunction 59-60 Sextile 149-150 Quincunx
89-90 Square 119-120 Trine
189-180 Opposition

Xerox this page. Set up the same for Team A and Team B
Quarterback, Pitcher, etc.
How the Individual Planets Relate to Football

SUN q The Sun is the heartbeat, vitality and ego of the

team and shows how the team demands recognition and
applause. The game chart Sun represents the Las Vegas
favorite in the point spread.

MOON w The Moon is the emotional intensity of the team

and how the team reacts to what is going on during the
game. The game chart Moon is the betting public.

MERCURY e Mercury is how the coaches and quarterbacks

communicate with the players. Game chart Mercury is the
quarterback. Mercury is the person calling the plays during
the game.

VENUS r Venus is the self-worth of the team and how the

players feel as a team. Game chart Venus is the younger
quarterback playing in the game.

MARS t Mars is the competitive spirit and combative thrust

and energy level of the team. Game chart Mars represents the
running game and receivers on the team.

JUPITER y Jupiter indicates the positive, optimistic energy

of the team and shows whether the team is confident or

insecure on the field. Game chart Jupiter relates to the team
confidence or over-confidence.

SATURN u Saturn shows team discipline from the coaches

down to the players. Saturn tells when a team is willing to
step up their performance a level and take more
responsibility to win the big game. Game chart Saturn rules
the offense and their ability to execute effective plays today.

URANUS i Uranus spotlights the teams urges for rebellion

and destruction. Game chart Uranus relates to the defense
and whether its empowered to destroy the opponent.

NEPTUNE o Neptune represents intuitive and instinctive

behaviors of all players. Each side has a potential sixth sense
for reading the plays of the opponent. Neptune also shows
team charisma and any drug/alcohol problems of the players.
Game chart Neptune refers to the underdog.

PLUTO p Pluto correlates to the stamina, endurance,

strength and persistence of a team. Game chart Pluto shows
whether a team can maintain the level of intensity and focus
necessary to come out on top in todays contest.

Chapter Three
The Game Chart -
Picking Winners Against the Spread

The Game Chart details the overall energy during a game.

Everything you ever wanted to know about a Game Chart is in
this chapter. However, I would like to teach you to speed
read the Game Chart and locate the most important points
before you get lost in these details.

General Rules
The planet that rules the zodiac sign of the 1st and 7th
house is key to whether the home or visiting team will find it
easy or challenging to win the game with a score that beats
the Vegas spread. When the ruling planets of the 1st or 7th
house have sextiles or trines to the other planets in the
game chart, the energy is there for the teams to win against
the spread. When the ruling planets of the 1st or 7th have
conjunctions, squares or oppositions to game chart planets,
the teams energy is challenged and it is difficult to win
against the spread.

Look at the following planet combinations:

Sun/Jupiter; Sun/Saturn; Sun/Uranus; Sun/Neptune;
Sun/Pluto to determine the overall energy for the game.
Locate the degree and sign of the Moon. Add 1
degrees to the Moon to determine the location of the Moon
at the end of the game.

What is the highest degree (0-29) planet in the game

chart? Is the degree of the Moon larger than the planet with
the highest degree? (Example: Super Bowl XXXVII
January 26, 2003, 3:20 pm PST, San Diego, CA Uranus 27
Aquarius 34; Moon 27 Scorpio 38.) The Moon has moved
forward four minutes past a square to Uranus and is called
Void of Course and makes no further contacts with the
other planets in the game chart. The betting public will be
upset with the outcome of the game.

Note the degree on the 10th house and/or 1st house. If

the degree is 27-29, the key word is longshot. The team
supposed to win may not win.

The NFL publishes a Record and Fact Book each year.

The history between any two teams is listed. (Example:
Chicago vs Tampa Bay 2002 edition Bears lead series, 33
wins 15 losses.) The team chart for the Chicago Bears is
dominant over Tampa Bays team chart even before they
play a game.

Home Field Advantage The home team is more

familiar with their own playing field. This is where they
practice every day and where they feel the most comfortable.
Teams are used to the weather of their home location. The
weather (snow, cold) is a factor between two teams
particularly for a team used to playing in a warm climate
having to adjust to a climate change such as at Green Bays
Lambeau Field with minus 30 degree temperatures.

Know teams strengths and weaknesses first, then use

the game chart to find their edge over Vegas point spread.

Game Chart Planet Combination Summary

Planet Combinations-
Sextiles - G - and trines - F
WIN against Vegas point spread

Planet Combinations-
Conjunctions - A, squares D, or oppositions S
Difficult to win against Vegas point spread

Sun/Jupiter - q/y
Sextile G or trine F
WIN against Vegas point spread

Sun/Jupiter - q/y
Conjunction A, square D or opposition S
Challenged to win against Vegas point spread

Sun/Saturn - q/ u
Saturn champions the underdog
this is often a low-scoring game

Sun/Uranus q/i
-Upset to Vegas point spread

Sun/Neptune q/o
-Underdog favored to win

Sun/Pluto q/p

Ruler of 1st and 7th in game chart
sextiles G or trines F to other planets in chart
YES - possibility to win against Vegas spread

Ruler of 1st and 7th in game chart

conjunctions A, squares D or oppositions S to other planets
in chart
Challenged to win against Vegas spread

Jupiter or Uranus located at top of game chart (10th house)

High-scoring game

Saturn located at top of game chart (10th house)

Low-scoring game

10th house 28-29 degrees of a sign

Outcome may not be as Vegas predicts against the spread.

Practice Using Super Bowls 2002-2006


Home team AFC New England Patriots; Visiting team NFC

St. Louis Rams

Sun/Jupiter q/y Sun 14 Aquarius, Jupiter 6 Cancer Sun
already moved past quincunx to Jupiter by 8 degrees
Too wide NO favorite to win against the spread

Sun/Saturn q/u Sun 14 Aquarius, Saturn 8 Gemini Sun

already moved past trine to Saturn
Not a low-scoring game

Sun/Uranus q/i Sun 14 Aquarius, Uranus 24 Aquarius

10 degrees too wide NO upset to Vegas point spread

Sun/Neptune q/o Sun at 14 Aquarius; Neptune at 8

Sun already moved past Neptune NO to underdog
winning straight out

Sun/Pluto q/p Sun 14 Aquarius; Pluto 17 Sagittarius Sun

applying 3 degree sextile to Pluto

Moon/Neptune w/o Moon 7 Scorpio square Neptune 8

Underdog was favored for first two hours of the game.
Ruler of the 1 Sun Leo
planet contacts already noted
Ruler of the 7 Saturn Aquarius-Saturn 8 Gemini
sextile Mars 11 Aries

-Mars degree already past Saturn degree-scoring
opportunities missed by visiting offensive running

Game: The Moon square Neptune gave the underdog

Patriots the first two hours to run up the score 17-3. After
the Moon had moved past Neptune in the 4th quarter, the
Rams were able to score 14 points to tie the game. The
Moon then was exact quincunx to Saturn pushing the Rams
offense for more adjustments. The Rams offense, Marshall
Faulk and Kurt Warner had been shut down all day.

Outcome: Patriots, the home team. The New England

Patriots, as the home team, used the power of Sun/Pluto to
upset the St. Louis Rams 20-17. With 1:30 left on the clock
the Patriots quarterback never thought about taking a knee
and going into overtime. Without any timeouts remaining,
he completed three short passes to reach the Patriots 41
yard line with 33 seconds left on the clock. In the last play
of the game, as the clock expired, Adam Vinatieri kicked a
48-yard field goal that gave the New England Patriots their
first Super Bowl win.


Home team Tampa Bay Buccaneers;

Visiting team Oakland Raiders

Sun/Jupiter q/y Sun 6 Aquarius opposite Jupiter 13 Leo
(7 degrees) Vegas favorite will be challenged and have
difficulties in winning against the spread

Sun/Saturn q/u Sun 6 Aquarius; Saturn 22 Gemini (16

degrees) too wide degree for trine aspect NO low-scoring

Sun/Uranus q/i Sun 6 Aquarius; Uranus 27 Aquarius (21

degrees) too wide for conjunction NO upset to Vegas point

Sun/Neptune q/o Sun 6 Aquarius conjunct Neptune 10

Underdog favored against Vegas spread

Sun/Pluto q/p Sun 6 Aquarius; Pluto 19 Sagittarius (13

degrees) too wide for sextile NO upset

Moon/Uranus w/i Moon 27 Scorpio 38 square Uranus 27

Aquarius 34. Moon has moved forward by four minutes
past Uranus. Moon is Void of Course. The outcome of the
game may be different than Vegas prediction.
Ruler 1 Sign Cancer Moon in Scorpio square Uranus
home team challenged to win against the spread

Ruler 7th Sign Capricorn Saturn 22 Gemini trine

Uranus 27 Aquarius (5 degrees) visiting team opportunity
to field strong offense (Saturn) strong defense (Uranus) and
win against the spread

Saturn 22 Gemini quincunx Moon 27 Scorpio (5
degrees) Visiting team will have to emotionally make
adjustments around their offense to win against the spread.

10th house 28 Pisces longshot outcome of game may

not be as Vegas predicts against the spread

Outcome: The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, as the home team

and Las Vegas underdog (-4.5 Oakland Raiders), defeated
the Oakland Raiders 48-21.

Prior to the kick off, the game Moons last aspect was a
square to Uranus. Uranus rules the defense. The Moon rules
the betting public and the emotions of the game. When the
game began, the Moon had moved four minutes past that
square to Uranus and was Void of Course. The emotions
and passions were disconnected from all the other planets.
Did that give the Tampas defense free will to explode or was
that why the Oakland Raiders could not get going? Only
briefly did the Raiders rise to the occasion, being 31 points
down, pull the game closer 34-21.

In the game chart Mercury was quincunx Jupiter.

Mercury ruled the home team quarterback and Jupiter
ruled the visiting quarterback. Both quarterbacks were
intercepted. Tampas quarterback was picked off once while
Oaklands quarterback threw five interceptions. Five
interceptions and three defensive touchdowns was an NFL
Super Bowl record. Not only did the game turn out
differently than Las Vegas had predicted, Tampas defense
blew out the Oakland Raiders offense. It might be
interesting to do more research on the Void of Course
Moons and note what planet the Moon separates from. Go

back in history and watch future games to see how this
energy unfolds during a game.


Home team AFC; Visiting team NFC

Sun/Jupiter q/y Sun 12 Aquarius quincunx Jupiter 17
Virgo Vegas favorite will have to make adjustments to win
against the spread

Sun/Saturn q/u Sun 12 Aquarius quincunx Saturn 7

Cancer Sun already moved past Saturn but Vegas favorite
may still have to make adjustments to the offense to win
against the spread

Sun/Uranus q/i Sun 12 Aquarius; Uranus 1 Pisces (19

degrees) too wide NO upset to point spread

Sun/Neptune q/o Sun 12 Aquarius 26 conjunct Neptune 12

Aquarius 51 25 minute conjunction Underdog favored

Sun/Pluto q/p Sun 12 Aquarius; Pluto 21 Sagittarius (9

degrees) too wide for sextile NO upset straight out

Moon 22 Gemini opposite Pluto 21 Sagittarius Moon

has moved past Pluto by one degree. Game will still be
emotionally intense but NO straight upset

10th House 28 Aries Mars 29 Aries Long shot team

supposed to win may not win

Ruler 1st - Sign Leo Sun in Aquarius conjunct Neptune

home team challenged to win against the spread

Ruler 7th - Sign Aquarius Saturn in Cancer by degree still

applying to Sun/Neptune quincunx - visiting team may still
have to make adjustments to the offense to win against
Vegas favorite


Home team NFC; Visiting team AFC

Sun/Jupiter q/y Sun 18 Aquarius 17 trine Jupiter 18 Libra
49 Rx Vegas favorite favored to win against spread

Sun/Saturn q/u Sun 18 Aquarius quincunx Saturn 22

Cancer (4 degrees) Vegas favorite must make adjustments
around their offense to win against the spread

Sun/Uranus q/i Sun 18 Aquarius; Uranus 5 Pisces (17

degrees) too wide for contact

Sun/Pluto q/p Sun 18 Aquarius sextile Pluto 23 Sagittarius

(5 degrees) Chance of an upset straight up against Vegas

Moon 20 Capricorn opposite Saturn 22 Cancer

Could be low-scoring game.


Home team AFC; visiting team NFC

Sun/Jupiter q/y Sun 17 Aquarius 01 square Jupiter 17
Scorpio 46 Vegas favorite challenged to win against the

Sun/Saturn q/u Sun 17 Aquarius; Saturn 7 Leo (10

degrees) too wide for opposition

Sun/Uranus q/i Sun 17 Aquarius; Uranus 9 Pisces (22

degrees) too wide, no contact

Sun/Neptune q/o Sun 17 Aquarius 01 conjunct Neptune 17

Aquarius 17 underdog favored against the spread

Sun/Pluto q/ p Sun 17 Aquarius; Pluto 26 Sagittarius (9

degrees) too wide for sextile no contact

Moon 25 Taurus quincunx Pluto 26 Sagittarius

Emotional intensity lots of adjustments I feel like this
game will be like riding a roller coaster. Two hours after the
game begins the Moon goes Void of Course. The outcome of
the game will not be as Vegas predicts.

Houses of the Game Chart

Notice that around the center of the game chart are

numbers 1-12: the 360-degree circle divided into 12 sections.
Each number represents a division yielding special meaning
in interpreting the game chart. These divisions are called
houses. The line demarcating the beginning of each house is
like a doorway to that house. The location of each doorway
is specified by a Zodiac sign. That sign and the planet
associated with it provide clues about the activities in each

FIRST HOUSE This house represents the home team

and especially their energy and personality on game day.

SECOND HOUSE This house reflects the self-worth of
the home team. If the Moon is placed here, the members of
the home team feel very good about themselves. The planet
associated with the sign on the 2nd house and that planet's
interactions with other planets give additional insight to
how the team feels in today's game.

THIRD HOUSE The third house represents the home

team quarterback. The interactions of the planet associated
with the 3rd house shows how well the quarterback will
perform in the game.

FOURTH HOUSE This house shows the visiting team.

The condition of the planet associated with the 4th house
shows the visiting teams ability to score during the game. If
Jupiter is next to the beginning or end of the 4th house, the
visiting team may score high in the game. If Saturn is
located near the 4th house, the visitors score may be low.

FIFTH HOUSE Here we find the home team game plan.

If the planet associated with the 5th house sextiles or trines
other planets in the game chart, the home team has a good
chance of executing their game plan and accomplishing
what they want in the game. If that planet squares,
conjuncts or opposes other planets in the game chart, it will
be more difficult for the home team to execute their game

SIXTH HOUSE The 6th house gives information about

both the home and visiting teams. The 6th house shows the
health of the home team and the hidden strength of the
visiting team.

SEVENTH HOUSE The 7th house represents the visiting
team and how they will project themselves during the game.

EIGHTH HOUSE The 8th house shows the self-worth of

the visiting team.

NINTH HOUSE The 9th house describes the visiting

team quarterback.

TENTH HOUSE The 10th house indicates the ability of

the home team to score during the game. With Jupiter or
Saturn here, the same rules apply for the home team as were
mentioned for the fourth house description of the visiting

ELEVENTH HOUSE The 11th house shows the game

plan of the visiting team.

TWELFTH HOUSE The 12th house represents both the

home and visiting teams. The 12th shows the health of the
visitors and the hidden strength of the home team.

The Planets

The Basic Meanings of The Sun

SUN q The Sun is the heartbeat of the chart, its vitality

and ego. In the team chart, the Sun is the heart and soul of
the team. This is how the team wants to shine, get
recognition and applause for what they are doing together.
Of course, their ultimate goal is to win the Super Bowl, but
during the months of the football season their goal is to win
each game, one at a time.

In the game chart, the Sun represents the team that the
Las Vegas odds makers favor to win the game, sometimes
called the Favorite.

The Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo. The Sun's sign in the
game chart may be located in any of the twelve zodiac signs
throughout the year as the Sun progresses at approximately
one degree per day covering all 360 degrees of the zodiac
within a year.

Interpreting SUN Combinations

These give you a basic meaning of what you are seeing!!!

Sun rules Vegas favorite team.

Sun/Moon q/w how Vegas favorite and betting public fare

for the day.

Sun/Mercury q/e how the favorite is communicating in

today's game.

Sun/Venus q/ r how comfortable the favorite feels in the


Sun/Mars q/t the physical energy of the favorite team.

Sun/Jupiter q/y the confidence of the favorite.

Sun/Saturn q/u discipline and determination of the

offense of the favorite.

Sun/Uranus q/i upset to point spread by favored team.

Sun/Neptune q/o underdog is favored against point


Sun/Pluto q/p power of favorite.

Sun/Ascendant q/j favors the home team in the game


Sun/Midheaven q/k favors home team's ability to score

in the game chart.

The Basic Meanings of The Moon

MOON w The Moon represents emotional feelings and

needs. In the team chart, the Moon shows the reigning needs
to be met for the team to maintain a feeling of emotional
security and safety.

In the game chart, the Moon represents the betting

public and their emotional upset or pleasure about their bet
on the game.

The Moon rules zodiac sign of Cancer. The Moon moves

one degree every two hours. In 24 hours it moves
approximately 12 degrees. The Moon is in a sign for
approximately two and one-half days as it moves forward
through the whole zodiac in 28-29 days.

Interpreting MOON Combinations

Moon/Mercury w/e ability to blend emotions and mental


Moon/Venus w/r how public feels about the team they bet

Moon/Mars w/t anger in public - fights.

Moon/Jupiter w/y insecurities of teams playing and

betting public (may show over-confidence as well).

Moon/Saturn w/u serious team playing -disappointments

in offense's ability to perform, insecure offensive team.

Moon/Uranus w/i erratic defense - public upset on the

game or their bet on it.

Moon/Neptune w/o insecurity and confusion of team

players or the betting public.

Moon/Pluto w/p emotional intensity of the game, powerful

emotions of the team -persistence.

Moon/Ascendant w/j how home team feels emotionally.

Moon/Midheaven w/k how home team feels about their

ability to score.

The Basic Meanings of Mercury

MERCURY e Mercury shows how people think and

communicate. In the team chart, Mercury shows how the
coach communicates with the quarterback, and how the
quarterback communicates to the players on the field. It also
indicates how the defense tries to out-think the offense and
anticipate each play.

Mercury in the game chart represents the quarterback

and how he communicates and performs during the game.
Mercury interaction with the other planets shows how sharp
the quarterback is in each game.

Mercury refers to the communication between the

coaches, managers, and players; particularly the quarterback
in football. Check Mercury for everything about the
quarterback and the communications of the game.

In the zodiac, Mercury rules both Gemini, the

communicator, and Virgo, the organizer of data. Regardless
of the zodiac sign Mercury is in, the Game Chart Mercury still
shows the communications between the team and either the
quarterback (football), pitcher (baseball), point guard
(basketball), or goalie (hockey). If Mercury has easy aspects
in the Game Chart the communications usually flow
smoothly. If Mercury has hard aspects in the Game Chart,
communications between the team leader and the other
players usually get all messed up.

If Mercury goes Rx, (slows down) just before a game,

there is a possibility that the team leader, as noted above,
could be injured during the game. Once a team adjusts to
Mercury being slower, they do fine. When Mercury has been

slow and begins to speed up again is another time when
injury can occur to the team leader.

A quarterback, pitcher, point guard, or goalie born with

Mercury Rx will be more confident and excel in their
performance when the current Mercury is Rx.

Example: Mark Brunnel, Jacksonville Jaguars

quarterback, has Mercury Rx. He got his team to the AFC
Championship Game in the second year of the franchise.
However, the day of the AFC Championship Game, Mercury
turned direct and where he had excelled during the playoffs,
his energy wasnt functioning well during that game.

Interpreting MERCURY Combinations

Mercury/Venus e/r shrewdness, clever ideas of

quarterback; a younger quarterback, team or coach

Mercury/Mars e/t anger provoked through verbal abuse

Mercury/Jupiter e/y persuasion in communication during

the game

Mercury/Saturn e/u slowed thinking processes

Mercury/Uranus e/i quick thinking processes - mind

works like a computer seeing everything going on at

Mercury/Neptune e/o confusion in calling of plays

(between coach and players)

Mercury/Pluto e/p extreme and powerful thinking

Mercury/Ascendant e/j home team ability to express

themselves well

Mercury/Midheaven e/k home team ability to

communicate game plan and score

The Basic Meanings of Venus

VENUS r Venus shows the self-worth of the team. In

the team chart, Venus refers to a younger quarterback/team

Venus in the game chart = money and/or worth of the

team playing. Venus may also refer to the gate receipts, if
Taurus or Libra are the signs on the second or eighth house
cusp. In general, Venus rules younger players and how the
teams feel about themselves, their self-worth.

Venus goes Rx every three years and not necessarily

during any given sports season. However, if a team or player
is born with Venus Rx they will play to their fullest potential
the time Venus is Rx. Example: The Denver Broncos
franchise chart has Venus Rx. Denver finally won its first
Super Bowl while Venus was Rx.

Interpreting VENUS Combinations

Venus/Mars r/t fun or satisfaction of the game

Venus/Jupiter r/y over-confidence; may feel too good

and be disappointed that their performance does not
measure up to their expectations

Venus/Saturn r/u disappointment in offensive


Venus/Uranus r/i surprise - unexpected - money -

self-confident of defense

Venus/Neptune r/o successful deception - money not

where it appears to be

Venus/Pluto r/p big money - big losses as well

Venus /Ascendant r/j favors home team

Venus /Midheaven r/k accomplishments of home team

The Basic Meanings of Mars

MARS t Mars is the competitive spirit and combative

thrust in the team chart. The desire to win and having what
it takes to win are shown by Mars.

Mars in the game chart shows competitiveness and

aggressiveness on the field. How Mars interacts with the
other planets shows how that competitiveness is played out.
Mars is energy to the max. If Mars is in any aspect to Uranus
there will be more injuries during the game than if Mars and
Uranus do not aspect each other.

Mars indicates the player scoring the points in each of

the sports and the physical energy of the game.

We use Mars as ruler of both Aries and Scorpio. A team

player born with Mars Rx internalizes the energy of Mars.
Mars turning direct in a team or players chart signifies a
major year of accomplishment as the energy will be released
and externally show up in major accomplishments for that

Example: Michael Jordan was born with Mars Rx. The

year the Chicago Bulls won their first NBA Championship,
Michael's Mars turned direct. He had tried for seven years
before then to get the Bulls into the Championship Game.

Interpreting MARS Combinations

Mars/Jupiter t/y ample energy and courage of teams


Mars/Saturn t/u controlled energy of the game. If the

quarterback has this in his chart or in combination with the
game chart, he has controlled energy to hit his receivers and
win the football game under pressure. (Only the inconjunct
between these two planets indicates a choke at the two-
minute warning and loss of the game under pressure.)

Mars/Uranus t/i can indicate accidents or injuries

during the game. Look at list at end of this analysis for
injuries by sign.

Mars/Neptune t/o lack of physical energy during the

game loss of strength particularly at the end of the game.
Tired out!!! With Neptune contacts with the Sun, the team,
quarterback or coach does not have the strength to win in
this game.

Mars/Pluto t/p super energy- super aggressiveness. If

either of these two planets combine between a team and
game chart, the team is super strong in this game.

Mars/Ascendant t/j aggressive home team.

Mars/Midheaven t/k aggressive scoring of home team.

The Basic Meanings of Jupiter

JUPITER y Jupiter in the team chart represents the

positive optimism energy of the game. Jupiter's interaction
with other planets in the team chart indicates how the team
will expand and improve.

In the game chart, Jupiter in a sextile or trine

relationship to the game Sun favors the Las Vegas
oddsmaker favorite to win and beat the point spread. With
Jupiter in the game chart square, conjunct or opposition the
game chart Sun, the favored team has a harder time
winning. Chances are that team may win but not beat the
point spread.

Jupiter shows confidence or overconfidence in the

game. Jupiter rules both Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are Rx about half the
year. Only if a team or players planet turns direct during a
season does it have a big effect on the outcome of their
performance. When Jupiter and the Sun connect in the
Game Chart, usually the favorite beats the Vegas Point

Interpreting JUPITER Combinations

Jupiter/Saturn y/u structured, confident offense.

Jupiter/Uranus y/i confident defense.

Jupiter/Neptune y/o confusion, neglect, sloppy play on

the field.

Jupiter/Pluto y/p super power control.

Jupiter/Ascendant y/j confident home team.

Jupiter/Midheaven y/k confident home team scoring.

The Basic Meanings of Saturn

SATURN u In the team chart, Saturn is the planet that

forces the team to take responsibility for all it does. If Saturn
is square, conjunct, or opposition to other planets, the team
will try really hard to accomplish their goals. With Saturn
sextile or trine other planets in the chart, the team will find
it easy to take responsibility but may seem a bit lazy in
accomplishing their goals.

In the game chart, Saturn represents the structure and

discipline needed for the offense to carry out the coachs
game plans. If Saturn crosses the top of the game chart, the
outcome will likely be a low-scoring game. Saturn shows the
structure and discipline of the offense in the game. It also
indicates the older team, coach and quarterback and
maintaining a traditional style of play.

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius and takes 28-29

years to move through all 12 signs of the zodiac. If Saturn is
in the same sign and degree repeating the location of a team
or player this can indicate a big year for that team or player.

Example: The Green Bay Packers Saturn in their

Franchise Chart is 24 Virgo. Saturn in their Team Chart is 1
Libra. In Super Bowl I, Saturn was at 25 Pisces opposite

Green Bay's Saturn. Super Bowl II, Saturn was at 6 Aries
conjunct Green Bay's Team Saturn. Super Bowl XXXI,
Saturn was at 3 Aries, again conjunct Green Bay's Team

Interpreting SATURN Combinations

Saturn/Uranus u/i frustration for both offense and


Saturn/Neptune u/o injured offense - ineffective offense.

Saturn/Pluto u/p controlled power.

Saturn/Ascendant u/j conservative home team.

Saturn/Midheaven u/k low scoring game by home team.

The Basic Meanings of Uranus

URANUS i In the team chart, Uranus shows where the

team will be unusual, different, or rebellious and also
represents the defense. Uranus shows sudden changes in the
team structure.

In the game chart, Uranus indicates potential upsets.

When Uranus interacts with the Sun, the favorite team will
either lose or not beat the point spread. If Uranus interacts
with Mars, injuries are higher than usual during the game. If

Uranus interacts with Mercury in the game chart, the
quarterback may be an injured player or play brilliantly. If
Uranus crosses the top of the game chart, the outcome will
likely be a high scoring game. Uranus shows the defense and
upsets to the point spread when connected with the game Sun.

Saturn rules Aquarius. In the Game Chart, Uranus rules

the defense and the players disrupting the game plan of their
opponent. I think of thunder and lightning when I think of
Uranus. Uranus connected to the Sun or Moon in the Game
Chart shows upsets against the Vegas' point spread.

Interpreting URANUS Combinations

Uranus/Neptune i/o confused defense.

Uranus/Pluto i/p erratic power struggles of defense.

Uranus/Ascendant i/j strong defense of home team.

Uranus/Midheaven i/k high-scoring game for the home

The Basic Meanings of Neptune

NEPTUNE o Neptune in the team chart represents the

offense and intuitiveness of the team. Neptune shows the
charisma and the substance abuse problems of any team.

In the game chart, Neptune also represents any deception
of the teams playing. With Neptune in the 5th house of the
game chart, either the referees will miscall many key plays or
it's possible that a fix is in. If the Sun or Moon interacts with
Neptune, the underdog may prove the victor. Something is
hidden that the public is not seeing. A key player may be hurt
and will not play and this has been hidden from the press
before game time.

Neptune shows the underdog and deception and weakens

whatever it contacts.

Jupiter rules Pisces. Neptune can be deceptive and

confusing energy. If Neptune is connected to the Game Chart
Sun the underdog is favored to win against the spread.

Interpreting NEPTUNE Combinations

Neptune/Pluto o/p weakens power struggle.

Neptune/Ascendant o/j confused, weakened home team.

Neptune/Midheaven o/k inner doubt on ability to score of

home team.

The Basic Meanings of Pluto

PLUTO (p) In the team chart, Pluto represents

stamina, enduring strength and the persistence of the team. If

Pluto and Mars interact in the team chart, the team has
additional strength when compared with the opponent.

In the game chart, if Mars and Pluto interact, the game

will be very intense and powerful. If the game Mars or Pluto
interacts with the team or quarterback Mars or Pluto, that
team or quarterback will exhibit additional energy and power
during the game and will likely be extremely successful in the
game. This energy will be good only for the three-hour game
and not necessarily there the following week.

Pluto indicates super power and super strength. Pluto

rules Scorpio. Pluto connected to the Sun of the Game Chart
means upset. It doesn't mean the team will lose the game but
against Vegas spread they wont fare well and betters will be
upset with where they put their money.

Mars is the old ruler of Scorpio. When Mars and Pluto

are in aspect to each other there is Super Energy during the
game. If the Moon is connected with this combination there
could possibly be super tempers flaring during the game. If
the Moon is 150 degrees from either Mars or Pluto in the
Game Chart, I have actually seen the frustration turn into
fights on the field.

My favorite example of this was during March Madness

in the girls division when a Moon/Pluto/Mars happened and
one of the girls actually slugged other girls on the court. You
expect the guys to do this but the girls get frustrated, too.

Interpreting PLUTO Combinations

Pluto/Ascendant p/j Powerful home team.

Pluto/Midheaven p/k Power and dominance of home team

to score.

Game Chart Planet Summary

SUN q Vegas favorite for today's game

MOON w The betting public - emotions of the game

MERCURY e Team leader: Quarterback, Pitcher, etc.

VENUS r Money and the teams' self-worth for the game

MARS t Action on the field - anger - aggressiveness - speed

JUPITER y Confidence or over-confidence

SATURN u Discipline and structure of the game - the offense

URANUS i Sudden changes in the game - the defense- upsets

NEPTUNE o Referees - deceit - deception - underdog

PLUTO p Super power - intensity - persistence - control

Other Chart Points

ASCENDANT j The doorway to the first house, the

home team.

MIDHEAVEN k The highest part of the chart, doorway

to the 10 house, the scoring ability of the home team.

PART OF FORTUNE ^ can indicate a lucky point in

the chart, included here primarily for research purposes.

NORTH NODE l can show one's greatest potential,

included here primarily for research purposes.

SOUTH NODE L can indicate a weakness or energy

leak, included here primarily for research purposes.

CHIRON $ only included for research purposes

The Signs
The 12 signs of the Zodiac give clues to how the planets'
energy will be delivered via the individual players and teams.
Explanations below are given through statements you might
hear made by the players.

ARIES a I have to be number one. I have to get down

the field before everyone else does. I am aggressive, assertive
and will butt heads with anyone to get through and achieve
what I'm after.

TAURUS s I am stubborn and will not move. I am on
the defensive line and no way will I let the offensive receiver
get through here.

GEMINI d I am very versatile and can move quickly. I

can also run fast and think quickly while I dodge that tackle
and get on down the field to produce a score.

CANCER f I can feel the players coming up behind me

so I must run evasively or angle my route to get away from

LEO g I am the real star of this game. I deserve all the

recognition and applause. Now, I must catch this pass and
score so my name gets good media coverage.

VIRGO h I need a practical plan to execute so we can

win this game. I'll analyze the game plan again then be sure
to pay attention to everything going on out on the field.

LIBRA z I have this game strategy down to a science.

I really should be the general running this game plan. I can
execute the plan and win this game.

SCORPIO x I know how to rev up the intensity of this

game. My team has secret plays that the other team will never
figure out.

SAGITTARIUS c That last play was okay but we can

do better. Give me the ball and I'll find plenty of running
room. Don't gang up on me or hem me in. Let me run freely so
I can score.

CAPRICORN v Im organized and disciplined. Put
me in charge. Ill organize the game plan.

AQUARIUS b I'm aloof and cool headed. I can see

the whole field and what is going on everywhere. Now let's
see how differently we can execute this play so the other team
can't figure us out.

PISCES n I'm like a sponge. I absorb and feel all that

is going on around me. I'm intuitive and know what the
others are thinking at all times. I can read the plays before
the quarterback thinks of them. I know what the other team
is going to do even before they do.

Chapter Four
Game Chart Comparisons -
Picking the Winners Straight Up

Game Analysis Priorities in Evaluating the Game

To evaluate what you are seeing in a game chart on the
computer screen or on paper if you print out the charts and
planet interactions, you must first learn to tell what is most
important to consider during the three hour game.

1. Which team has more strength today?

Which team planets are square the game chart
planets? That team has added strength today. Next week,
another team may be stronger because the planets in the
sky are constantly moving forward.

2. Which quarterback is sharper and has more

strength today?

Look for quarterback planets square game chart planets.

And look at the quarterback's Mercury and Uranus. A
quarterback with Mercury/Uranus sextile or trine will see
the whole field at all times and always find the open man.
The players know this guy (think Joe Montana in his
prime) will win the game no matter what. He is quick-

minded and will go to the open player no matter what play
he called. His receivers know if they are open, they'd
better be ready to catch the ball and score.

The quarterback with Mercury and Uranus square,

conjunct or opposite each other, can still win the football
game, too, but he needs pressure to get the job done. He
just loves to wait until the two minute warning to make
three touchdowns in a row to win. If the quarterback does
not have what I mentioned, look at how his Mercury and
Uranus interact with the Mercury and Uranus in the game
chart. If the two planets mix with the same interaction,
today he is sharper than usual and should have an
exceptional game.

Look at the quarterback's Saturn and Mars. This is

controlled energy. If Saturn/Mars are conjunct, square or
opposite each other, under pressure, the quarterback can
hit the receiver to score the touchdown. If the quarterback
does not have this interaction in his own chart, but Saturn
and Mars interacts with the game chart Saturn and Mars,
today he will be able to get the ball to the receivers under

If the quarterback's Saturn and Mars are 150 degrees

apart, under pressure he will choke. He will throw an
interception. See how his Saturn relates to the game chart
Mars and how his Mars relates to the game chart Saturn.
If the 150-degree aspect is going on during the game, send
a message to the coach telling him to put in another
quarterback. Keep your money in your pocket.

3. Where can you find the hidden strengths?

Look at what sign denotes the first house. Then go to

the planet associated with that sign and see how it is
interacting with the other planets in the chart. If the ruler
of the 1st house is in the 12th house, pay close attention.
Remember, the twelfth house is the hidden strength of the
home team. If the ruler of the first house is in the twelfth
house, it weakens the strength of that planet and hurts the
home teams chances of winning the game. The energy is
hidden. The strength of that planet and how it interacts
loses its punch for the day.

If the game Moon is in the twelfth house, the

emotional energy and strength of the home team is weaker

4. How will the visitors do in the game?

Look at the sign on the 7th house and the planet ruling
that sign. This gives you some insight as to the visiting
team's fate in the game. If the ruler is in the 6th house, the
visiting teams energy is hidden today and chances are
they will have trouble winning. If the game Moon is in the
6th house, the visiting team's emotional energy is drained

5. Will there be an upset?

Look at the game chart Sun and Moon. If game chart

Uranus or Neptune are in any aspect to the game chart
Sun or Moon, this indicates an upset in the game. The

game will not turn out as Vegas predicted . Bet on the

6. How will a specific quarterback or team do in

the game?

How the planets interact with one another is the most

important consideration in evaluating the team,
quarterback and game charts.

7. What will the energy be like on the field?

The only planet that moves by degrees during the

game is the Moon. The Moon moves forward one degree
every two hours. The moon will move one degree and 30
minutes during a three-hour game. In your head, figure if
the Moon moves one degree, will it make a hit to a team or
quarterback planet later in the game? Only look at exact
degree contacts. That is the energy on the field that can
affect the outcome of the game.

8. How will the quarterbacks be feeling during the


Look at the team and quarterback Moons. If by chance

the game chart Moon is at the same place, the team or
quarterback feels at home today. He's likely to be saying,
"Get out of my way, I feel secure and safe out here and am
going to have a great day. "

Game Chart Comparison

The rules in the previous chapter on the analysis of the

Game Chart are rules in picking the winner against Vegas
favorite and Vegas spread. If the ruler of the 1st or 7th have
sextiles and trines to the other planets in the Game Chart, the
teams have a better chance in winning against Vegas' spread.
If the 1st and 7th house ruler planets in the Game Chart have
squares, conjunctions, and oppositions, the team's chances
of winning against the spread are challenged and it is harder
for them to win against Vegas' spread.

The rules in Game Chart Comparison look at the

planetary combinations between the team and quarterback's
charts with the Game Chart. The combinations change
drastically here in their meaning. These rules apply in
picking the winner straight up.

Squares, conjunctions, and oppositions are good in chart

comparison and the more squares the better. This gives the
team more drive, strength and endurance to win the game.
Sextiles and trines in the comparison analysis can give the
teams a sense of overconfidence, somewhat lax approach to
the game and they are simply not as sharp or focused. Their
push and endurance certainly is not as strong as their

Some of the planetary chart combinations add strength

to teams where other planetary combinations weaken the
teams. Here is a list of what I mean:

Sun/Mars q/t Gives team more drive and competitiveness

during the game

Sun/Jupiter q/y Can field a team that is overconfident

Sun/Saturn q/u Adds discipline to the team with this


Sun/Uranus q/i Adds strength to the defensive team with

this placement. I've seen coaches and quarterbacks have this
when they won the Super Bowl. (Example: Super Bowl XX -
McMahan - Chicago 46-10 in New Orleans over New

Sun/Neptune q/o Weakens the team with this

combination (Examples: Baltimore Colts lost to NY Jets in
Super Bowl III Game Sun at 22 Capricorn square natal
Neptune at 22 Libra. Denver Lost Super Bowl XII to Dallas
with Game Neptune square Natal Sun. New England
Patriots lost to the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl XXXI
with natal Neptune at 7 Scorpio square Game Sun at 7

Sun/Pluto q/p Adds power to the team with this


Moon/Mars w/t Can give added emotional strength to

team, but can also add fights during the game

Moon/Jupiter w/y Team must be careful not to be

emotionally overconfident

Moon/Saturn w/u Usually team is disappointed with

outcome of game. Gives them endurance to try harder but
this aspect makes them feel insecure and they don't play their

Moon/Uranus w/u Powerful electric defense.

Moon/Neptune w/o Emotional insecurities and confusion

sets in

Moon/Pluto w/p Emotionally powerful and feeling


Mercury/Mars e/t Communication and speed intensified

for quarterbacks and running backs in football.

Mercury/Jupiter e/y Over reaction to verbal signals

Mercury/Saturn e/u Very focused team paying attention

to details of game.

Mercury/Uranus e/i Brilliant quarterback. It's like

seeing everything through the eyes of a computer at lightning
speed. The quarterback calls the play in the huddle but goes
to the man free to score the touchdown.

Mercury/Neptune e/o Can either be intuition at high

level or signals getting all messed up during the game.

Mercury/Pluto e/p Very intense communication. Could

be powerful quarterback.

Venus/Mars r/t Team just having fun playing the game.

Venus/Jupiter r/y Could give the advantage to the team
as results of game could add more money in their pockets.
I've seen this with contract extensions.

Venus/Saturn r/u Team usually is disappointed at games


Venus/Uranus r/i Long shot aspect - Sudden money.

Venus/Neptune r/o Self-worth down for team today.

Venus/Pluto r/p Big money on the line. Powerful self-

worth of team.

Mars/Jupiter t/y Have seen muscle injuries during game.

Mars/Saturn t/u Controlled energy and strong offense.

Mars/Uranus t/i Injuries are possible during game

particularly to running backs.

Mars/Neptune t/e Have seen players with stomach flu and

teams too tired to play. Energy is depleted.

Mars/Pluto t/p Bet the farm. SUPER ENERGY and power

during the game.

The first year I was predicting the NFL games, the

Houston Oilers had a great team and the Los Angeles Rams
had a horrible team. The Rams and their quarterback for that
game had Mars/Pluto. The announcers kept asking Where
is all the power come from today? They commented:

Maybe the Rams do have a team this year. NO, the team
was great only on that Sunday!

Jupiter/Sun y/q Can field a team overconfident, thinking

they do not have a great opponent today. Green Bay had this
when they played Denver in Super Bowl XXXII. Green Bay
found out the hard way that Denver had a superior team and
Elway finally got his ring.

Jupiter/Saturn y/u Usually expands the offense and gives

them more structure and confidence but anywhere Jupiter is
there is possible overconfidence and the team can get in

Jupiter/Uranus y/i Overconfident defense.

Jupiter/Neptune y/o Extreme insecurities and doubts

about the teams ability in this game.

Jupiter/Pluto y/p Can over extend themselves and be

over- tired at the end of the game.

Saturn/Uranus u/i Strong offensive and defensive team.

Saturn/Neptune u/o Can be intuitive offense and a tired,

ineffective offense.

Saturn/Pluto u/p Strong offense.

Uranus/Neptune i/o Weak defense because of flu or

being too tired to handle the game.

Uranus/Pluto i/p Super powerful defense.

Pluto/Neptune p/o Power weak for this game.

Pluto/Pluto p/p Strong team during this game.

Planetary Combinations

T-Square - Most powerful combination of planets

between team, players and Game Chart. The T-square occurs
when two planets are 180 degrees apart with plus a third
planet is at the 90 degree point between the two planets that
are opposite each other. There is a focal point of the T-square
that drives the energy and makes the team stronger in its
determination to win. Troy Aikman had two T-Squares in
place during Super Bowl XXVII when Dallas beat Buffalo 52-
17 in Pasadena, CA.

Grand Cross A T-Square with all 90 degree points filled

in by planets. I have seen teams lose games with this
combination, because energy is being pulled in too many
directions and it's too tiring for the team.

Grand Trine This combination of ease can represent

being in the right place at the right time but does not
guarantee a win. A square from another planet must activate
the Grand Trine for it to indicate a win. John Elway had a
Grand Trine with a square activating his when he won a
second Super Bowl ring against Atlanta.

Yod This combination is formed when there are two
planets about 60 degrees apart and each is also 150 degrees
from the same other planet.

A combination of two planets 150 degrees apart is called

a quincunx. This is a deadly aspect in football. Football is stop
and go action more compatible with the T-Square. The
quincunx and Yod require constant adjustments. This is
normal for a basketball game; its the nature of that game.
Nearly all the pro-basketball players have yods in their natal
charts. This is THE signature of a basketball player.

A Mercury/Uranus quincunx can indicate genius and is

found in players like Michael Jordan who certainly has
displayed a special and unusual finesse that most players can
not produce in the game.
The Mars/Uranus quincunx presents a possibility of
major injuries with a football player sitting out for the

Example: In the same Super Bowl where Troy Aikman

had two T-Squares active for Dallas, Jim Kelly had a Grand
Trine and quincunx. He was out of the lineup and on
crutches early in the game. Quarterbacks with Saturn/Mars
choke at the two minute warning and throw an interception
leading to losing the game.

Summary of Planetary Combinations by Aspect

Conjunction - Intensifies energy of planets involved.

Sextile - Creates opportunities but not wins.
Square - Adds endurance to accomplish the win.
Trine - Being at the right place at the right time does not
guarantee wins.
Quincunx - Great for basketball and hockey because of the
nature of their game but death for football game.
Opposition Forces one to pay attention to what the other
team is doing. This can create a loss if proper adjustments
are not made.

General Rules for Chart Comparison

Chart Comparison locates planets that share the same

degree in both the Game Chart and team, quarterback and

coachs natal charts. These combinations add additional
strengths or weakness for the team, quarterback or coach.

Key planet combinations to note first are as follows:

Sun/Jupiter w/y; Sun/Saturn w/u; Sun/Uranus q/i;
Sun/Neptune q/o; Sun/Pluto q/p. If Jupiter/Venus y/r or
Venus/Uranus r/i make contacts and this is a big game that
would add bonus money to players playing the game, these
combinations will add to who possibly might receive the big

Summary of Key Planet Combinations

Sun/Jupiter q/y Can field a team that is overconfident.

Sun/Saturn q/u Adds discipline to the team with this

placement. Team will work harder to accomplish goals.
Strong Offense

Sun/Uranus q/i Adds strength to the defensive team with

this placement. I've seen coaches, quarterbacks have this
when they won the Super Bowl.

Sun/Neptune q/o Weakens the team with this

combination. Usually the team with this combination loses.

Sun/Pluto q/p Adds power to the team with this
combination. Pittsburgh Steelers had this combination when
they played the Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl, January 1996.
This combination gave them the power to get to the Super
Bowl but did not guarantee a win.

Venus/Jupiter r/y Could give the advantage to the team as

results of game could add more money in their pockets. I've
seen this with contract extensions.

Venus/Uranus r/i Long shot aspect - Sudden money.

Moon of team, quarterback or coach located in 12th

house of Game Chart -The emotional energy is hidden
and they do not play to their highest potential.

Chapter Five
Team Sports-
Where Did They Begin?


BASKETBALL, HOCKEY: Have you ever wondered where
all the American team sports came from?

Soccer, a sport from which our American football first

descended, is understood, loved and played throughout the
world. When other countries talk about football, they are
actually speaking of soccer.

The young adults in the United States today, born

between 1964-1968, began playing soccer at age 5-6 in local
hometown family-supported leagues and continued to play
through their high school years. Those young adults are the
fans who supported the World Cup held in the United States
and who will provide the support the newly formed Major
League Soccer (MLS) needs to survive. They understand the
game; they played it. Their parents played football and only
learned the rules and skills of soccer as they watched their
children thrive in the sport. Soccer provides a high level of
fitness in its players and has an extremely low incidence of

injury. Everyone can play soccer. Kids not big enough to play
football or tall enough to compete in basketball can enjoy and
excel in soccer.

Soccers current US popularity is a result of youth playing

the game for years and the timing of professional teams
entering the American consciousness. The professional
soccer leagues started back in the sixties were premature and
did not succeed. But now Americas soccer pioneers have
children who will play and insure the growth of soccer in

Major League Soccer (MLS)

MLS started on December 17, 1993, in the fulfillment of

the U.S. Soccer leagues promise to Federation Internationale
de Football Association (FIFA) at World Cup USA 1994 when
they announced the formation of Major League Soccer. MLS
unveiled its plans for the leagues inaugural season on
October 17, 1995. After the MLS Player Combine in January
1996 and the leagues first player draft that February, each of
the 10 clubs entered spring training and MLS began play in
1996. The Eastern Division consisted of Washington D.C.
United, Tampa Bay Mutiny, Columbus Crew, New York/New
Jersey MetroStars, New England Revolution. The Western
Division was formed with teams from Kansas City Wizards,
Dallas Burn, Colorado Rapids, Los Angeles Galaxy, and San
Jose Clash.

But where did soccer (or football, as it is known

throughout most of the world) originate?

History is filled with speculative tales of over a hundred
inventors. Kicking or hitting objects comes as easily to
humans as walking. In various encyclopedias of different
team sports, historians note different types of small to large
balls that were created and filled with hair, for use in playing
different games. The Greeks and Romans used the follis, a
larger ball filled with hair (resembling a modern soccer ball).
The players tossed the ball to one another while others tried
to intercept the ball or tackle the receiving player. The
harpastum was another ball used, but it was never kicked and
some historians believe its game was closer to rugby. In
Florence, the game of cacio was created and was using two
teams with twenty-seven players on each side. They would
pass, kick and carry the ball across a goal line.

Football was first mentioned in 1174 in the English

literature of William Fitzstenphen who wrote of the history of
London. The players were allowed to use their hands when
advancing the ball.

A game similar to football was played in England in the

twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It was characterized as
permissive violence and gave men an excuse to fight one
another. The games took place in the marketplace with
broken limbs and destroyed store fronts a regular

In 1314, the mayor of London, Edward II Nicholas Fardon

issued an edict that banned football in the city. Football
continued in spite of the opposition and was moved to pre-
established fields outside the city. The shopkeepers could
finally enjoy their stores and windows being undamaged

while the game of football thrived outside the city. Rules of
conduct for those playing football were soon adopted. In the
latter part of the fifteenth century, a game emerged in which
ball movement was not by the hands carrying the ball but by
striking the ball with the feet.

In the following century, the game was no longer a

pastime of the working man. It started appearing on the
college campuses. In 1580, the vice-chancellor of Cambridge
decreed that scholars could play football against other school
mates, but not against other schools. Enforcing that rule
became a losing battle as the sports popularity increased. Sir
Symonds D'Ewes wrote in his diary upon finishing supper on
March 29, 1620, then venturing to the field behind Queens
College to engage in some "hot foot-ball playing."

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries groups

tried to ban football in England but failed. Kings, legislation
and the church were unable to stop the disorganized, bloody,
violent game of football, and it survived.

In the 1800's, a new form of the game was introduced in

the English public schools where it became more regulated
and refined. Rules and order replaced the violent game of
yesteryears. Soon the game was at its crossroads.

Rugby entered the picture. Would the game continue as a

kicking game as in soccer, or should the use of the hands be
permitted as in Rugby? The answer given depended on where
the game was played. At the schools where the playgrounds
were smaller, the kicking game was dominant. Rugby, which
allowed the use of the hands and running with the ball, was

played where there were more open spaces. Eventually the
game split into two sports, soccer and Rugby. The strength of
Rugbys favor was attributed to William Webb Ellis who
disregarded the rules one day, took the ball in his arms and
ran with it in the same manner as our running backs in
American football do today. Though the games of soccer and
rugby emerged from the same egg, they began to compete for
dominance by changing the rules of their respective games.
Westminster and Charterhouse played the kicking game,
while Rugby promoted the game in which the hands were
allowed to be used.

In 1863, a milestone was reached when Charterhouse and

Westminster played the first interschool football game in
history. Westminster won, 2-0.

As English boys graduated from high school and went to

college, they brought with them a variety of football games.
In 1846, a group of Cambridge University students - all who
played the kicking game - attempted to draw up a uniform set
of rules. The Cambridge Rules did not gain widespread
acceptance, but it marked the beginning of an effort to devise
a universal set of rules for the sport of football.

The Football Association

Confusion set in as combinations of both games

continued to be played. On October 26, 1863, representatives
from various schools and football clubs were invited to a
meeting at Freemasons Tavern in London. This marked the
birth of The Football Association. This meeting also marked

the split of soccer and rugby into two separate sports. A
Westminster graduate, J.C. Thring, drew up what became the
Cambridge Rules with rules for the simplest game, which
essentially was soccer. Disapproval followed from the rugby

Birth of Soccer
The Football Association
Oct 26, 1863
10:00 am
London, England
51N30 00W10

The rugby group had two new rules added to the tentative
set already drawn up, Rules IX and X, which would allow a
player to run with the ball and his opponent to tackle him.
The Cambridge advocates won out and Rules IX and X were
eliminated, thus the soccer features of the game were formed.

The rugby group, led by the Blackheath Club, withdrew

from the Football Association. Formalized December 8, 1863,
rugby now provided a second game of football to thrive in

Birth of Rugby
Dec. 8, 1863
10:00 am
London, England
51N30 00W10

When soccer and rugby arrived in America over 100
years ago, the combination of the two sports gradually
developed into the game that we call American football today.
Many rules have changed in the century-long development of
the game.

Birth of NFL
September 17, 1920
10:00 AM EST
Canton, Ohio
40N47' 26" 081W22' 43"

The formation of the American Professional Football

Association at Canton, Ohio began September 17, 1920, with
the following teams represented: Canton Bull Dogs,
Cleveland Indiana, Dayton Triangles, Akron Professionals,
Massillon Tigers, Rochester (NY); Rock Island (IL); Muncie
(IN); Staleys of Decatur (IL); Chicago Cardinals and
Hammond (IN).

Only two of the original franchise teams survive today:

the Chicago Cardinals, now the Arizona Cardinals, and the
Staleys of Decatur now the Chicago Bears.

Teams were established afterwards: 1921 Green Bay
Packers; 1924 Frankford Yellow Jackets which forfeited
and went to the Philadelphia Eagles in 1933; 1925 New York
Giants; 1932 Boston Braves now the Washington Redskins;
1933 Pittsburgh Pirates now the Steelers; 1933 Philadelphia
Eagles; 1934 Portsmouth Spartans now the Detroit Lions;
1937 Cleveland Rams now the St. Louis Rams; 1946 under a
different league but later transferred to the NFL, San
Francisco 49ers and Cleveland Browns; 1953 Baltimore
Colts now the Indianapolis Colts. In 1959, came eight AFL
teams: Dallas Texans now the Kansas City Chiefs; Denver
Broncos; Los Angeles Chargers now the San Diego
Chargers; Houston Oilers now the Tennessee Oilers;
Minneapolis which dropped out and the franchise and
players went to the Oakland Raiders in 1960; New York
Titans now the New York Jets; Buffalo Bills; and the Boston
Patriots now the New England Patriots. Then following
were the 1960 Dallas Cowboys, Minnesota Vikings and
Oakland Raiders; 1965 Atlanta Falcons and Miami
Dolphins; 1967 New Orleans Saints and Cincinnati Bengals;
1974 Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Seattle Seahawks; 1993
Carolina Panthers and Jacksonville Jaguars, and 1999 New
Cleveland Browns. The latest new franchise was the
Houston Texans. The second largest US city, Los Angeles,
remains without a major league football team.

Birth of Baseball
First Baseball Game
June 19, 1846
(4:42) PM
Hoboken, NJ
40N44' 38" 074W01' 38"

The first baseball game was Friday, June 19, 1846 after
3:00 pm at Elysian Fields, Hoboken, New Jersey. There
two amateur teams (the Knickerbockers vs New York Nine)
met and played a form of baseball. Historians credit this as
the only acceptable date of baseballs beginnings, which
resulted in the formation of organized American baseball.
In reading through the history of the game, we find there
was only time for four or five innings that day before it
became too dark to play. Alexander J. Cartwright
established the rules and umpired the first game. The New
York Nine won the game with a score of 23-1.

This information was given to me by Marc Penfield

who first watched Nine Ending, a baseball special series
on television, then went to the library to find a time range
for the game. While unable to procure an exact time for the
start of the first game to date, the range of possible
ascendants for the game goes from 4-26 degrees Scorpio
any later would not allow 4-5 complete innings and such a
high scoring game to happen before darkness set in.

Pluto is a very powerful planet that demands death and

rebirth in the same breath of whatever it embraces. The
Ascendant or first house cusp of the chart is how the game
of baseball would project itself to the world. We see the
signals being exchanged between the catcher and pitcher
are done in secret, which projects a Scorpio nature onto the
chart. Pluto would demand that baseball continually
evolve, repeatedly die and revive, and do away with what is
no longer needed and out of the ashes be revived a better
game. When baseball players went on strike August 12,
1994, I felt that baseball had died. For the first time since
the early sixties, I had been watching with excitement the

juiced ball and all the home runs. It had been the most
exciting year for baseball in a long time. Because of all this
excitement, the owners did not think the players would go
on strike. But the power and manipulation of transiting
Pluto won over and Americans saw no world series for the
first time since 1904.

Natal Pluto in the baseball chart is at 25 degrees Aries

quincunx the transiting Pluto at 25 degrees Scorpio. The
two planets are 150 degrees apart. The energy for a
quincunx is major adjustments. At 148 years old the Pluto
transit formed the Yod between Sun/Mercury and Pluto.

Astrologers use a method of moving the planets

forward one degree a year to see major events in the life of
the chart.

In August 1994, transiting Pluto at 25 degrees Scorpio

was also quincunx natal Mercury 27 degrees Gemini.
Mercury is the communication planet. Pluto can be
manipulative. The interaction indicated that negotiations
could continue for up to two more years. It was interesting
to note in reading about the strike that sources close to the
baseball strike thought that the season for 1995 would still
be shut down by the players strike. Saturday, October 28,
1994, the Los Angeles Times had an article Alternative
League Set to Unveil Plans. Organizers of the United
Baseball League, drafted as an alternative to the American
and National League had scheduled a news conference in
New York for Tuesday, November 1st to unveil their plans.
The starting date for the new league was scheduled for
1996. The American and National League had not been

challenged by an alternative league since the Federal
League opened in 1914 and shut down a year later.

November 1994 saw transiting Pluto at 27 degrees

Scorpio manipulating Mercury. By the end of November
and first half of December transiting Pluto moved to 28
degrees Scorpio quincunx natal Sun at 28 Gemini. Again,
there were major adjustments called for in power struggles
(Pluto) with the ego of franchise owners (Sun). Transiting
Pluto had formed a Yod to both natal Pluto and natal
Mercury and natal Sun. Many opportunities were lost
because of the constant struggle in making the adjustments
between the sides in this dispute.

Transiting Pluto at 28 Scorpio also squared natal

Neptune at 27 Aquarius. Neptune indicates deception,
confusion and dissolution of any energy it touches. When
Neptune moved into Capricorn we saw deregulation
many corporate structures in business dissolved or were
bought out or taken over by other companies. This
Neptune activation hid the truth about what was going on
in the strike. The manipulation and power struggles
indicated by Pluto contacting the egos of those individuals
in the dispute created a deadlock. Baseballs natal Moon at
12 Taurus showed that the players were emotionally set in
their ways of thinking and stubborn to boot. They were not
moving from their position in the strike this added to the

Transiting Uranus moved to 25 Capricorn by the end of

December and squared natal Pluto at 25 Aries. Squares
force change, desired or not. Uranus represents sudden

disruption and changes in the power struggle - like the
earthquake Los Angeles experienced January 17, 1994.
Because of the earthquake, Los Angeles finally pulled out of
the horrible recession it was in for the two years after the
riots. Did the Uranus/Pluto square help baseball?

If Pluto effects arent enough trouble, then consider

Saturn and Mars. These two planets were interacting in
three different places in the progressed chart (the
progressed chart is the natal chart planets moved forward
for the year in question). Saturn demands structure and
discipline and creates delays. Mars is energy to the
maximum, anger, and action which rush ahead without
thought of consequences. One way to describe these two
energies together is to picture trying to drive a car down the
freeway with one foot on the accelerator and the other foot
pumping the brake pedal. Another way to look at this is to
realize that there were varying factors seeking to
reorganize the direction baseball was going.

In reviewing 1994 and the progressed chart for

baseball, we saw that in 1993 solar arc Saturn was at 24
Cancer conjunct natal Mars. With a conjunction we see the
birth of new energy. Mars/Saturn combination began in
1993 as well so baseball was heading in a new direction
even then. Saturn rules the third house of the chart, which
is the communication of the team. Mars rules the sixth
house which are the employees, the players of the team.
The sixth house also rules the health of the teams.
Secondary Mars at 0 Scorpio trined natal Saturn at 0 Pisces
creating opportunities to reorganize the sport somehow.
Secondary Saturn at 24 Aquarius quincunxed natal Mars at
24 Cancer again demanding adjustments in the game.

Three clear messages were given to demand, then
force, reorganization of baseball. Saturn had also returned
by transit to the same position it was at the birth of
baseball, a position demanding that baseball get organized,
refocus, measure where it had been and make plans for
where it was going in the future.

Other interesting progressions and transits for the day

of the strike were solar arc Neptune at 22 Cancer opposed
transiting Uranus at 22 Capricorn. This forced each side to
hear the other sides viewpoints. Uranus rules the fourth
house of the chart, which is the foundation of the game.
Again we have Uranus forcing sudden disruption to the
game itself. With Neptune involved do you think they were
really listening to each others lies? Solar arc Pluto at 20
Virgo trined transiting Neptune at 20 Capricorn. The trine
created opportunities to transform the mutual deception.
Secondary Pluto at 24 Aries squared natal Mars at 24
Cancer again forcing the power struggle and energy to be
dealt with. After reading about all the energy activated in
the first baseball game chart in 1993-4, we can see why
things were in such a mess and why the stubbornness of the
owners and players did not move forward to a compromise
that would allow the games to resume again quickly. The
players did not want to accept a salary cap like players in
football and basketball had done.

What happened to baseball? Since August 12, 1994,

when major league players brought the season to a skidding
halt by calling a general strike, baseball has been on the
down side as far as popularity with viewers and fans in the
ball parks and on television. The greatest event to help
baseball came as baseball made its way back into the hearts

of the lost fans as they raced home each night to watch the
sensational home run chase between Sammy Sosa and
Mark McGwire to top Roger Maris record of 61 homers
which had been unanswered for 37 years.


73 Barry Bonds NL:SF 2001

70 Mark McGwire NL:Stl. 1998
66 Sammy Sosa NL:Chi 1998
65 Mark McGwire NL:Stl. 1999
64 Sammy Sosa NL:Chi 2001
63 Sammy Sosa NL:Chi 1999
61 Roger Maris AL:NY 1961
60 Babe Ruth AL:NY 1927
59 Babe Ruth, AL:NY 1921
58 Jimmie Foxx AL:Phil. 1932
58 Hank Greenberg, AL:Det. 1928
58 Mark McGwire AL:Oak-NL:Stl. 1997
56 Hack Wilson NL:Chi 1930
56 Ken Griffey, Jr. AL:Sea 1998
56 Ken Griffey, Jr. AL:Sea 1997
54 Babe Ruth AL:NY 1920, 1928
54 Ralph Kiner NL:Pitt 1949
54 Mickey Mantle AL:NY 1961
52 Mickey Mantle AL:NY 1956
52 Willie Mays NL:SF 1965
52 Mark McGwire AL:Oak 1996
52 George Foster NL:Cin 1977
51 Ralph Kiner NL:Pitt 1947
51 Johnny Mize NL:NY 1947
51 Willie Mays NL:NY 1955
51 Cecil Fielder AL:Det 1990
50 Jimmie Foxx AL:Bos 1938
50 Albert Bell AL:Clev 1995
50 Brady Anderson AL:Balt. 1996
50 Sammy Sosa NL;Chi 2000

You can examine the above list and see the magic of 50
home runs in a season only to observe repeat names as they
climb the ladder of success to defeat other great players in
baseball history. Mark McGwire hit 52 in 1996 only to tie
George Fosters, Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle's records.
Two-by-two in the chase in 1997, Ken Griffey, Jr. hit 56 to
tie Hack Wilsons record of 1930 and surpass Ruths 1920

and 1928 record of 54 while McGwire's 58 home runs tied
Hank Greenbergs 1938 and Jimmie Foxxs 1932 record.

JIMMIE FOXX 1907-1967

Jimmie Emory Foxx was born October 22, 1908, in
Sudlersville, Maryland, and got his first trial with the
Philadelphia Athletics, when he was seventeen. He traveled
back and forth between the minors for more training but
arrived at the A's to stay in 1928 as a catcher. He was
moved to first base then to third and played most of his
major league games at those positions. In his time, he was
considered the strongest right-handed batter who ever
played baseball. Called Double X by the sportswriters, his
greatest year of home runs was in 1932 when the mild-
mannered player hit 58 home runs only one short of Ruth's
1921 record and two short of Ruth's 60 home runs in 1927.

Foxx was a major reason for the Athletics winning the

pennant in 1929, 1930, and 1931 and he enjoyed the
pleasure of contributing to the World Series victories. As a
player he earned $250,000 but by 1958 was without a job
and could not pay his rent. After this fact was revealed by
the Baseball Writers Association, he was offered jobs
throughout the country. He was elected to the Baseball Hall
of Fame in 1951. He stated he had never gone after the
homers. "But if I had broken Ruth's record, he said, "it
wouldnt have made any difference. Oh, it might have put a
few more dollars in my pocket, but there was only one
Ruth." Foxx died in Miami at age fifty-nine on July 21, 1967.

BABE RUTH 1895-1948

"A creation of the times, he seemed to embody all the

qualities that a sport-loving nation demanded of its
outstanding hero." His legend lives on as those behind him
strive to break his records. Babe Ruth was born February
6, 1895, in Baltimore, MD. He grew up around his fathers
saloons. His parents sent him to St. Marys Industrial
School at age seven for orphans and delinquent boys. His
parents were no longer able to discipline him. But under
the Catholic order of Xaverian Brothers, their discipline
taught him how to play baseball and about life. By 1913, he
had carved out a reputation that he could pitch, catch, play
the field, run fast, throw hard and hit the ball with
authority. Jack Dunn, owner of the minor league Baltimore
Orioles signed him to his first professional contract and
Ruths legal guardianship. Local sportswriters call Ruth
Jack Dunns Baby, which quickly evolved into Babe.

Dunn sold Ruth and two other young players to the

Boston Red Sox in 1914 where Ruth played for five seasons.
Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees in 1920. He retired
from baseball in 1935. He died of throat cancer in New
York on August 16, 1948, and was buried at the Gates of
Heaven cemetery in Hawthorn, New York.1

ROGER MARIS 1934-1985

Roger Maris was born September 10, 1934 in Hibbing,

Minnesota. As quoted in Sports Illustrated, October 2, 1961,
"When he hit his 59th home run of the season in Baltimore's
Memorial Stadium one night last week, Roger Maris stood
one swing sway from baseball's household god, George
Herman Ruth. For the entire previous month, as he
pursued the magic mark of 60, Maris lived under
suffocating, unrelenting pressure---pressure such as no
ballplayer has ever had to endure, not even Babe Ruth
himself,"2 Roger Kahn, on assignment from Sports
Illustrated, wrote. Maris was referred to by the Yankees as

the home run twin to Mickey Mantle and never really got
the recognition he deserved until now as McGwire and Sosa
both broke his 37-year record.

Kahn described Maris as the most typical ballplayer in

the world, six-foot, 197 pounds, handsome and the only
ease he had with the media was his smile. The media drove
him nuts as he stated to Micky Mantle, but Mantle's reply
was You just have to get used to it.

He had just turned 27 and recently become a star as he

kept bluntly answering the media in a very truthful
Sagittarian manner which kept getting misinterpreted. The
criticism of the media really hurt him. Under the pressure
of the media, he made four big mistakes: (1) a wire service
carried a story in late August that said he did not care about
the record only the money 61 homers meant; (2) criticizing
the fans at Yankee stadium, (3) calling the Umpire Hank
sore and finally (4) hurt and angry, refused to meet the
press. When asked if he really wanted to break Ruth's
record, he said, "Damn right," neglecting to pay the
customary respect to the Babe.

Roger Maris spoke softly and clearly but was not a

phrase maker. When asked to describe the attention he was
receiving, his reply was, "Irritating." When asked about the
people he was meeting, his reply was "Mostly they're
inconsiderate. The fans, they really get to me. Rip me, my
family, everything. I like to eat at the Stage (a Jewish
delicatessen in New York) and it's got so bad I can't eat
there. I can't get a mouthful of food down without someone
bothering me. They even ask for autographs at Mass."

Today players are groomed before they go in front of the
press but Maris had no one to protect him except himself.
An unfortunate image with the press, he never got the
respect he deserved for the great ballplayer he was. Maris
stated, "Why can't they understand? I don't want to be Babe
Ruth. He was a great ballplayer. I'm not trying to replace
him. The record is there and damn right I want to break it,
but that isn't replacing Babe Ruth." To downplay Maris
accomplishments, Ford C. Frick, the commissioner of
baseball even had an asterisk inserted by Maris name to
distinguish Maris' home run record from the one set in
1927 by Babe Ruth, who hit 60 in the days of a shorter, 154-
game season.

But asterisk or not, October 1, 1961, Roger Maris made

history when he hit his sixty-first home run of the season in
his 161 game on the final day of the 162-game season in
Yankee Stadium against Tracy Stallard of the Boston Red

Maris had no "right" to break Ruth's record ostensibly

because he was none of the things that had made Babe Ruth
renowned as the Bambino. He was imported to the Yankees
from Kansas City Athletics, a stocky figure with a blond
crew cut, and he was playing only his second season in the
celebrated pinstripes. He was considered an upstart in the
House That Ruth Built, and the house that Mantle
dominated. He was dour, aloof, something arch, and in no
way the flamboyant bear portrayed by Babe Ruth.

In 1964, the Yankees stopped winning pennants after

and extraordinary run of 14 in 16 years. On December 8,

1966, Maris was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals where he
again distinguished himself as a professional with a strong
right-handed throwing arm from right field and a strong
left-handed swing at the plate. He played in the World
Series of 1967 and 1968 for the Cardinals, and then retired
at the close of the 1968 season. His career line, with no
asterisk, read: twelve years in the big leagues, 1,463 games,
5,101 times at bat, 1,325 hits, 275 home runs, 826 runs, 851
runs batted in and an average of .260. In seven different
World Series, he hit six home runs.

The big thing with you, a friend said to him, "is you
tell the truth and don't go phony. "That's all I know,
Roger Maris said. "That's the only way I know how to be.
That's the way I'm gonna stay.

He died of cancer at the age of fifty-one, December 15,

1985. The most revered mark in sports is engraved on
Maris tombstone. No date of birth or death, just 61 and '61.
Isn't it ironic that the place where Maris finished his career
is where Mark McGwire broke his record over 30 years


"With an electrifying jolt, Mark McGwire passed the

Babe and caught Roger to set the stage for the record

"And it's because of what I am doing and Sammy's

doing and other great players that the fans are coming

"The night before McGwire hit number 60, Jeff

Idelson, a public relations official with the Baseball Hall of

Fame, went to sleep in his hotel with the bat Maris used to
club his 61 home run tucked under the covers with him.
After all, it was a national treasure. But that wasn't the
case 37 years ago. Maris' record was so deflated by
Commissioner Ford Frick's announcement that a record set
after 154 games would be devalued with an asterisk that
only 23,154 people showed up to see Maris hit No. 61 at
Yankee Stadium. No one paid much attention to the bat.
Twelve years passed before Maris quietly donated it to the
Hall of Fame."

McGwires fathers 61st birthday was Sept. 7, the day

Mark hit his 61st home run. Marks son, Matthew, arrived
at Busch Stadium from California that day, 14 minutes
before the first pitch was thrown. At 1:21 PM, McGwire
stepped into the batters box and one minute later
propelled a pitch from 38-year-old right hander Mike
Morgan into the history books.

On Tuesday Sept. 8, 1999, when McGwire clutched

Maris' bat he knew that was the night he would make
history. Two days before what would have been Maris' 64th
birthday, at 8:18 PM, CDT McGwire stepped into the
batters box with two outs and no one on base in the fourth
inning and hit a 341 foot 62nd home run in St. Louis's 145th
game to break Maris record. The Maris family was in the
stands and Sammy Sosa in the field with the opposing team
to enjoy the celebration, too. 7

Mark McGwire was born October 1, 1963, 7:30 AM PDT

in Pomona, California, two years to the day after Maris had
hit number 61 off of Tracy Stallard. McGwires season
grand finale produced home runs on each of his final two
swings, the last one a game-winning lightning bolt that left
him with a number--70. McGwire said that night, "It's
unheard of for somebody to hit 70 home runs. So, Im like
in awe of myself right now."


Chicago Cubs Outfielder was born November 12, 1968,

in San Pedro de Marcoris, Dominican Republic.8


The McGwire-Sosa reign is history now. On October 4,

2001 in Houston Barry Bonds tied McGwires record then
broke the record with two homers the next night playing at
home against Los Angeles. Number 73 came on the last day
of the season, off Dodgers knuckleballer Dennis Springer.9

Bonds edged out Lance Armstrong for Associated Press

(AP) Male Athlete of the Year.10 Besides smashing Mark

McGwires three-year home run record, the San Francisco
Giants slugger broke a pair of Babe Ruths records with 177
walks and the gaudy slugging percentage. Bonds hit .328
with 127 RBIs while moving from 17th place to seventh on
the career list with 567 homers. The 73 homers, an
unprecedented fourth MVP award, a record .863 slugging
percentage prompted Bonds award as The Associated
Press Male Athlete of the Year. Bonds was born July 24,
1964, in Riverside, California.11

Black Sox Scandal

Another interesting story is the Black Sox Scandal

over a game played October 1, 1919, starting at 1:00 pm EST
in Hoboken, NJ. Examining the planets for that date and
time sheds some light on the scandal in which the Chicago
White Sox threw games and players were expelled from
baseball for life. Transiting Uranus in this chart was
conjunct natal Neptune in the Birth of Baseball chart. How
about that for busting up the corruption of the game!

How the Game of Baseball Came to Be

A Little Baseball History
England had a game called rounders which evolved
into American baseball. The Red Stockings were one of the
first teams to have an impact on baseball leaving the amateur
ranks and being born as a professional sport. Harry Wright
was paid $1,200 to manage the Red Stockings. They traveled
over 11,000 miles and had a record of 56 victories and one
tie. Their first defeat came at Capitoline Grounds in
Brooklyn on June 14, 1870, against the Atlantics when they
lost 8-7. By seasons end, rising salaries and expenses

brought an end to the Red Stockings. However, their caliber
of play paved the way for the first professional baseball
league. 12

Ten men met at Colliers Cafe on Broadway and

Thirteenth Street in New York on March 17, 1871, and formed
the National Association of Professional Baseball Players. By
1875, gambling and bribery had infiltrated the league and the
public had lost confidence in the teams.

The National League

The National League was created February 2, 1876, at the
Grand Central Hotel in New York. The leader, William A.
Hulbert, thought a tighter organization and a higher caliber
of players was needed for the game to survive. Of course, the
National League could not have survived had they not taken
the best players from the National Association. Franchises
were awarded to Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville,
New York, Hartford, Boston and Philadelphia. 13

The American League

In 1901, the American League was founded with
membership teams at New York, Boston, Washington,
Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and St. Louis. 14

The first pitch in Major League history was thrown on

April 22, 1876, between teams from Boston and Philadelphia
of the National League. The first World Series began October
1, 1903, a contest between the Boston Red Sox and Pittsburgh
Pirates. The Red Sox won that series five games to three. The
year 2000 marked season number 125 for this Major League.

Major League Baseball (MLB) Teams Today

The American League West- Anaheim, Seattle, Texas,


The American League Central- Cleveland, Kansas City,

Chicago, Minnesota, Detroit;

The American League East - Baltimore, Tampa Bay, Boston,

Toronto, and New York.

The National League West- Colorado, San Francisco, San

Diego, Los Angeles, Arizona;

The National League Central - Chicago, Milwaukee, St.

Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Houston;

The National League East - Atlanta, New York, Philadelphia,

Florida and Montreal.

The History of Hockey

Hockey developed into an organized sport in the 1870s,
but originated as a Canadian sport where as early as the 17th
century historians talk of a game played on iced canals with
sticks and skates. The first recorded game of organized ice
hockey took place on March 3, 1875, in Montreal in Victoria
Skating Rink. 15

The National Hockey League (NHL) was founded

November 22, 1917, at a meeting of the National Hockey
Association at Montreals Windsor Hotel. Representatives
from the Montreal Canadians, Montreal Wanderers, Quebec
Bulldogs, Ottawa Senators, and Toronto Arenas were there.
The NHL began its inaugural season December 19, 1917, with
four clubs, two from Montreal, and one each from Ottawa
and Toronto. Quebec dropped from the new league. By 1929
the NHL had expanded to ten teams. Lord Stanley of Preston
donated a silver cup for presentation to Canadas amateur
championship team in 1893. Lord Stanley was the sixth
Governor General of Canada. The Stanley Cup has been
awarded ever since to the NHL playoff champion. 16

The NHL Western Conference: Central Division

consists of the Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks, St.
Louis Blues, Nashville Predators, Columbus Blue Jackets;
Northwest Division Colorado Avalanche, Edmonton Oilers,
Vancouver Canucks, Calgary Flames, Minnesota Wild;
Pacific Division Los Angeles Kings, San Jose Sharks, Dallas
Stars, Phoenix Coyotes, and Anaheim Mighty Ducks.

The NHL Eastern Conference: Atlanta Division

Philadelphia Flyers, New York Islanders, New Jersey Devils,
New York Rangers, Pittsburgh Penguins; Northeast Division
Boston Bruins Toronto Maple Leafs, Ottawa Senators,
Montreal Canadiens, Buffalo Sabres; Southeast Division
Carolina Hurricanes, Washington Capitals, Tampa Bay
Lightning, Florida Panthers, and Atlanta Thrashers.

American Basketball History

Professional basketball began in 1896, the public just
didnt know about it yet. The game of basketball was
invented only five years earlier in 1891, by Dr. James

Naismith, a physical-education training instructor for the
YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Naismith asked
that a peach basket be attached to a tall pole, so his students
could get some exercise in the gym throwing a ball into the
basket as a different type of class activity. From this exercise
basketball was born and the game first originated.
Basketball was stealing gym time from the regular physical
training program. In protest against the instructors, the
players sought out other facilities at which to play their
game. The Trenton players gave up their amateur standing by
paying the team members $15 each plus one dollar extra for
the captain as they rented the Masonic Hall and thus began
the birth of professional basketball in 1896.17

The American Basketball League was formed in 1925

with franchises in Washington, Boston, Rochester, Brooklyn,
Fort Wayne, Detroit, Buffalo, Chicago and Cleveland.18

The National Basketball League was formed in 1937, with

strong franchises in the Minneapolis Lakers, Syracuse
Nationals and Rochester Royals.19 These teams evolved into
the inception of the current National Basketball Association.
There were other leagues now to add competition in trying to
sign the best players. The Professional Basketball League of
America had 24 teams and the Basketball Association of
America had 11 teams.

Basketball Association of America (BAA)

June 6, 1946, marked the second anniversary of D-Day

honoring the end of World War II, and the birth of the
Basketball Association of America (BAA) at the Commodore
Hotel on New Yorks East 42nd Street next to Grand Central

Station. The groups at this meeting were all connected to the
already established hockey leagues with arenas. There were
eleven members, five connected to the National Hockey
League clubs, five connected with the American Hockey
League and the eleventh connected to a man, Mike Uline who
ran a hockey arena in Washington, D.C.

The new league copied almost exactly the same team

structure as the hockey teams. The East was New York,
Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington and Toronto.
The West was Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and
Detroit. Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, Rochester (NY), and
finally Indianapolis who abandoned the National League just
before the 1948-49 season began and joined the BAA. The
BAA took in the survivors of the NBL after the 1948-49
season and increased the size of this league to 17 teams. The
merger of these two leagues game birth to the National
Basketball Association (NBA) August 3, 1949. By the end of
the 1950-51 season the 17 teams had diminished to 11 teams
with both a stronger organization and stronger teams.
Records from the earlier teams were brought forward with
the teams births acknowledged as prior to the merger.

Birth of American Basketball Association (ABA)

The American Basketball Association (ABA) was born
February 1, 1967. On June 17, 1976, it officially died. ABA
teams only wanted people to know how good they were as
players. They turned basketball into an exciting game that
the fans enjoyed more than the conservative NBA. Four
teams, the New York Nets, The Denver Nuggets, the Indiana
Pacers and the San Antonio Spurs, were the only teams to
survive and join the NBA from the ABA.

The Modern Basketball League
The NBA Western Conference includes the Seattle
Supersonics, Utah Jazz, Los Angeles Lakers, San Antonio
Spurs, Phoenix Suns, Portland Trail Blazers, Minnesota
Timberwolves, Houston Rockets, Sacramento Kings, Dallas
Mavericks, Memphis Grizzlies, Los Angeles Clippers, Golden
State Warriors, and Denver Nuggets.

The NBA Eastern Conference consists of the Chicago

Bulls, Miami Heat, Indiana Pacers, Charlotte Hornets,
Atlanta Hawks, Cleveland Cavaliers, New York
Knickerbockers, New Jersey Nets, Orlando Magic,
Washington Wizards, Detroit Pistons, Boston Celtics,
Milwaukee Bucks, Philadelphia 76ers and Toronto Raptors.

Womens professional leagues have developed the last

couple of years as well. The womens ABL was born and

Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA)

The Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA)
was formed April 24, 1996. When the NBA Board of
Governors approved the Womens National Basketball
Association concept, Rebecca Lobo and Sheryl Swoopes
became the first players to sign with the WNBA. They were
joined by Olympic teammates Lisa Leslie and Ruthie Bolton-
Holifield. Eight cities, Charlotte, Cleveland, Houston, Los
Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Sacramento and Utah were
selected to host the WNBAs charter teams. Since then eight
additional teams have joined the league.

The WNBA Eastern Conference: Charlotte Sting,
Cleveland Rockers, Houston Comets, and New York Liberty.

The WNBA Western Conference: Los Angeles Sparks,

Phoenix Mercury, Sacramento Monarchs and Utah Starzz.

With the birth of the Womens NBA teams, we had the

opportunity to watch eight teams play 28 games each, hold a
4-team single elimination playoff and head to the first
championship in September 1997. The first WNBA season
began June 21, 1997, and the Houston Comets won the first
four WNBA Championships. Many members from the US
Olympic Womens basketball team who earned a gold medal
for the United States were stars in the exciting 1996 WNBA
lineup. Most of these ladies were drafted January 22, 1997, in
the first WNBA draft and others joined the teams from the
great college teams.

Eight teams with four birth charts were put into place
June 21 and 22, 1997. Six teams were born June 21, with the
same basic planetary structure. Varying degrees of the Moon
and chart wheel ascendants and placements of the planets in
the chart describe the differences among the teams. Two
teams were born June 22. Notice the charts for each of those
eight teams. The NBA divided the talent pretty evenly among
the teams. Now lets see where the planets were on opening
day and find out why the Houston Comets dominated for four
straight years before the Los Angeles Sparks and Lisa Leslie
finally won their first WNBA championship.

First Conference Game WNBA
Birth of Four Womens NBA Teams

On Saturday, June 21, 1997, at 1:00 pm PDT, at the Great

Western Forum in Inglewood, California, 14284 fans stood
and cheered as Lisa Leslie and the Los Angeles Sparks were
introduced for their game with the visiting New York Liberty.
History was in the making as Sparks guard Penny Toler, less
than a minute after the game started, hit an 11-foot jump shot.
These points would be forever the first scored in the Womens
National Basketball Association. The New York Liberty won
their first game on the road 67-57. In losing, the Sparks shot
31% and had 25 turnovers but the kids didnt care. All they
could think of was telling their parents they wanted a Lisa
Leslie jersey.

Birth of Los Angeles Sparks
/New York Liberty
June 21, 1997
1:00 pm PDT
Inglewood, CA

The New York Liberty and Los Angeles Sparks began

their season debut with the Sun at 0 Cancer applying to a
square to Mars and the Ascendant at 1 Libra. Sun/Mars
square gives team endurance strength and a competitive
drive for recognition. With the Sun one degree applying to a
conjunction with the Midheaven, it is evident these two teams
want a championship from game one. Their Moon at 14

Capricorn demands organized skilled play as well as status
and recognition. Venus rules the Los Angeles Sparks and is
quincunx Jupiter that forces them to make adjustments to get
on the right track.

The New York Liberty is ruled by Mars, in their 12th

house, square the Sun, giving them extra strength to meet the
challenge of the other teams.

Birth of Cleveland Rockers
/Houston Comets
June 21, 1997,
7:00 pm EDT,
Cleveland, OH

In Cleveland, Ohio at 7:00 pm EDT, it didnt matter that

the hometown Rockers were never in the game against the
Houston Comets as 11,355 fans at Gund Arena went nuts from
the moment the announcer said, Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome the WNBA. The Comets blew out the
Rockers 76-56 but the fans were most impressed at how the

girls could hit free throws, which is something their big
brothers in the NBA miss quite often.

The Houston Comets and Cleveland Rockers also began

their season debut with the Sun at 0 Cancer applying to a
square to Mars at 1 Libra. Again Sun/Mars gives extra
strength and drive to both teams. The Cleveland Rockers are
ruled by Jupiter at 21 Aquarius exactly quincunx Venus at 21
Cancer 42 minutes. Both the Rockers and the Comets were
probably sharper and made adjustments more quickly than
the other teams in the league because of this exact aspect.
The Houston Comets are ruled by Mercury at 25 Gemini
applying to a 4-degree quincunx to Neptune at 29 Capricorn.
The Comets were able to react quicker mentally and
intuitively because of this aspect. These two teams have the
Moon at 15 Capricorn.

Technically the two teams that played one another are

twins; however, during their first game they were ruled by
different planets. Obviously the Comets had the better
players. The Comets are ruled by Mercury at 25 Gemini.
Mercury is the Point Guard, Cynthia Cooper, born April 14,
1963, in Chicago, Illinois.

Cynthia Cooper also won four MVP awards during the
first four WNBA championships. How did her chart empower
the Comets team through four championships? Her Saturn at
21 Aquarius conjuncts the Comets Jupiter adding discipline
to the team in their expansive approach to the games. She had
a great talented team to play with but much like Michael
Jordan did with the Chicago Bulls, she took the responsibility
on her own shoulders to see that this team won those four

There are several places in the Comets birth chart you

could move the planets forward by four degrees to see that
energy hangs in there applying for four years. Natal Jupiter at
21 Aquarius moved to 25 Aquarius in four years trining natal

Mercury at 25 Gemini. Natal Mercury at 25 Gemini moved to
29 Gemini in four years quincunx Neptune at 29 Capricorn.
After four years, the energy moved on and is gone now until
other planets move in place to activate the chart.

All the teams were born on the 21st have a Moon in

Capricorn square Saturn in Aries. The Los Angeles Sparks
had a four-degree square. Saturn/Moon causes delays and
disappointments. Maybe the Moon progressing to 19
Capricorn by solar arc is what unlocked their team chart to
their first WNBA championship five years later.

Sacramento Monarchs and Utah Starzz

Later on June 21st, at 7:30 pm MDT in Salt Lake City,
Utah Starzz guard Tammi Reiss hit a three-pointer to a
deafening roaring capacity crowd of 8,915 at the Delta Center
as her team played the Sacramento Monarchs. The Utah
front office underestimated interest in the Starzz and gave
away 2,000 tickets. They had a meet-the-players reception
and were only expecting about 300 people. They were
surprised when 1,000 people showed up and the reception
time had to be extended to three hours.

The Sacramento Monarchs and Utah Starzz made their

season debut as game three of opening day in Salt Lake City.
The Sun/Mars square drives these two teams the same as the
four teams which played earlier in the day. The chart of the
Utah Starzz is ruled by Jupiter at 21 Aquarius and that of
Sacramento Monarchs is ruled by Mercury at 26 Gemini. A
couple of differences apply here. The Moon at 17 Capricorn is
one to two degrees later than the other teams born that
Saturday. Venus is separating by 7 minutes from the
quincunx to Jupiter, which could take some stress off the
adjustment factor for these teams. Mercury is one degree
later and three degrees from a quincunx to Neptune.
Mercury/Neptune adjustments can be confusing at first, but a
strength later as this aspect can provide eyes in the back of
ones head, an impetus to reacting quicker to the other
teams defense.

Phoenix Mercury/Charlotte Sting

On Sunday, June 22, 1997, at 1:00 pm PST in Phoenixs

America West Arena, 16,102 fans watched their hometown
Mercury play the Charlotte Sting in their debut game.

Their contest on opening day was so intense that it may

have even surprised both teams. The chart of the Phoenix
Mercury is ruled by Venus at 22 Cancer opposite the
Moon/Neptune at 29 Capricorn. Moon/Neptune gives teams
an underdog flavor. The chart of Charlotte is ruled by Mars,
separating from the Sun by 6 minutes. The Sting has great
talent and once they adjust to the power of Mars they could
show us a different team in Charlotte than when they began
The new league, hyped, choreographed and heavily
bankrolled by big brother NBA exceeded all expectations in
its attendance that first weekend. The league plays in NBA
arenas and has their big brother teams backing them all the
way. The U.S. womens team that won the gold medal in
Atlanta helped set the momentum and the prospect of a
multiyear TV contract and corporate sponsors for the WNBA.
Three games a week were nationally televised during the
WNBA inaugural season, one by Lifetime, targeted to
women; one by ESPN, targeted to men; and one by NBC
which targets everyone. The NBC coverage of the Los
Angeles/New York game beat out all other national sports
competitions in the Nielsen TV ratings and received a 3.8
overnight rating, outdrawing regional telecasts of major
league baseball on Fox, the PGAs Buick Classic on CBS and
the Auto Club 200 on ABC. The Charlotte/Phoenix Sunday
game drew a 3.0 overnight rating. These Neilsen ratings not
only elevated the womens game but probably will attract
some decent commercial backers for the girls as well. The
opening games were not great as the players were highly
nervous and had only played together as a team for two
weeks before their debut, but no one seemed to care.

Families enjoy this league where there are no big heads

and no big salaries. The fans were cheering for free throws,
by the way that the players were hitting. The players had
been overwhelmed by the acceptance and support for the new

One of the most exciting teams to watch is the New York

Liberty featuring Rebecca Lobo. After two weeks of play they
were 7-0, with Lobo having a 102 game winning streak
extending from college play to collegiate NCAA Championship
to the 1994 Olympic Gold Medal to the pros in New York. I
originally asked, Can Lobo playing keep her team undefeated
throughout their first WNBA Championship? The only team

running close to the Liberty then was the Houston Comets
which after two weeks and three games against the Liberty
were 0-3, only losing the game by a couple of points. We now
know the history and that Houston got past the Liberty and
Sparks for four straight years.

There was an American Basketball League too, which

completed their first 40 game season in smaller cities with
only 4,000 in attendance per game. They had eight of the
twelve members of the U.S. Olympic team on their teams and
paid better salaries than the WNBA. The ABL also cleaned up
in the spring, drafting the best college players. The ABL spent
about $1.5 million on marketing in its first year and lost $4
million, where the WNBA marketing spent $15 million to
promote their teams. Remember the old ABA, which totally
revolutionized the NBA game today. They were creative, hit
three point shots, and were fast and exciting to watch. All
they ever wanted was for people to know how good they really
were. Four ABA teams survived to join the NBA, the Indiana
Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, New York Nets and the Denver
Nuggets. The marketing of the WNBA will help the ABA and
increase the awareness of the fans that womens basketball is
not only a winter sport but also an all summer sport for the
ladies too.

Parents may never again hear it said of their

daughters: What a shame shes not a boy. 20


Charter Franchises 1997 present

Charlotte Sting
- Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC.

Cleveland Rockers
- Gund Arena, Cleveland, OH.

Houston Comets
- Compaq Center, Houston, TX.

Los Angeles Sparks

- Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA.

New York Liberty

- Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.

Phoenix Mercury
- American West Arena, Phoenix, AZ.

Sacramento Monarchs
- ARCO Arena II, Sacramento, CA.

Utah Starzz
- Delta Center, Salt Lake City, UT.

Expansion Franchises 1998

Detroit Shock
- Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI.
First Game:
June 13, 1998, 7:30 pm at Auburn Hills, Mich.
Played Charlotte Sting Lost 78-69

Washington Mystics
- MCI Center, Washington, DC
First Game:
June 11, 1998, 7:30 pm at Charlotte, NC.
Payed Charlotte Sting Lost 57-83.

Expansion Franchises 1999

Minnesota Lynx
- Target Center, Minneapolis, MN
First Game:
June 12, 1999, 7:00 pm at Minneapolis, MN. Played Detroit
Shock. Won 51-68.

Orlando Miracle
- TD Waterhouse Center, Orlando, FL
First Game:
June 10, 1999, 8:00 pm at Orlando, FL.
Played Houston Comets. Lost 77-63

Expansion Franchises 2000
Indiana Fever
- Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN
First Game:
June 1, 2000, 7:00 pm at Miami, FL.
Played Miami Sol. Won 57-54.

Miami Sol
- American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL
First Game:
June 1, 2000, 7:00 pm at Miami, FL.
Played Indiana Fever. Lost 57-54

Portland Fire
- American West Arena, Portland, OR
First Game: May 31, 2000, 7:00 pm at Portland, OR.
Played Houston Comets. Lost 89-93.

Seattle Storm
- KeyArena at Seattle Center, Seattle, WA
First Game:
May 31, 2000, 7:00 pm at Seattle, WA.
Played Sacramento Monarchs.

Special thanks to Nancy McEwen for gathering this

information for me.

Team sports have grown over the years in many

directions. Be A Winner...Against All Odds adds astrology to

the intrigue of team sports in its use as a tool to investigate
the birth of these teams and how the windows of opportunity
on game day add additional strengths or challenges for the
teams on game day.

Be A Winner...Against All Odds begins its investigation

with the NFLs birth, history and Super Bowls.

Other Areas of Interest

North American Society for Sports History Hall of Games
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame
Springfield, MA
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
Cooperstown, NY
National Football Foundation (College) Hall of Fame and
Museum, Kingsmius, OH
National Soccer Hall of Fame Oneonta, NY
Pro Football Hall of Fame Canton, OH
U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame, Eveleth, MN
History of Team Sports in American Where did Sports Begin?
Summer Olympics 1896 Athens, Greece
Winter Olympics 1924 Chamonix, France

The following article gave me the measuring stick to

evaluate what I found repetitively in the players chart by
position in football:

Pro Football - Can Psychoanalysis Unlock the Winning


A Psychiatric Study of Professional Football A

former NFL psychiatrist-in-residence reports on player
behavior and addresses the question: Can Psychoanalysis
provide the winning edge? By Arnold J. Mandell, M.D.
Two years ago Harland Svare, then head coach of the
San Diego Chargers, asked me to lunch to talk about
football. I was then, as I am now, chairman of the
Department of Psychiatry at the University of California,
San Diego. I had never paid much attention to football.
During my five years of basic medical training, when we
lived in the shadow of New Orleans Sugar Bowl, I didnt
attend a single game. I had been in San Diego as many
years, and I still wasnt paying attention to football. The
Chargers were a losing team, and Coach Svare, an
imaginative man, wondered if my training might equip me
to notice things about the attitudes and the behavior of his
players that could help give the team what is often called
the winning edge.

Our lunch lasted three hours, and the result was that
the Chargers retained me as a sort of psychiatrist-in-
residence the first, I believe, for a National Football
League team. As Svares invitation I began to hang around
the team. I joined the members of the Charger squad in the
locker room, at team lectures, at practice, on the plane to
and from away games, and on the sidelines during the
games. In all, I conducted over 200 hours of individual
interviews with them. My function was to provide the
coaches with a clearer understanding of the players and
their positions and more practically, to make actual
personnel comments and recommendations.

When I first sat on the bench, I realized I was hearing

the sounds of a Stone Age battleground. You cant pick
them up on television or from a seat in the stadium. But on

the bench you hear grunts, groans, hits mankinds most
fundamental sounds. I quickly learned what many Sunday
widows already realized that football is not a game but a
religion, a metaphysical island of fundamental truth in a
highly verbal, disguised society, a throwback of 30,000
generations of anthropological time.

When I was first around the team, the players thought I

was spooky because I just stood there and watched. It was
to take me more than a year to break down barriers and
build trust between the players and me. But after only a
few weeks, I rushed to Coach Svare with my first
systematic insight, Harland, I said, I think I can tell
whether a player is on offense or defense just by looking at
his locker. The offensive players keep their lockers clean
and orderly but the lockers of the defensive men are a
mess. In face, the better the defensive player, the bigger
the mess.

As I pored over scouting reports and interviewed

players and coaches from numerous NFL teams, it became
clear that offensive football players like structure and
discipline. They want to maintain the status quo. They
tend to be conservative as people, and as football players
they take comfort in repetitious practice of well-planned
and well-executed plays. The defensive players, just as
clearly, cant stand structure; their attitudes, their
behavior, and their lifestyles beat this out. They operate as
through theyve been put out of the tribe and are trying to
show people that tribal structure is worthless anyway.
Ostracism does not bother them; it serves as a course of
fuel for their destructive energies. Rules or regulations put
forward by anybody, anyplace, are to be challenged.
Coaches find defensive players notably more difficult to
control than offensive teammates.

Offensive and defensive football players, I noticed,

often had little or nothing to do with one another. There
was one exception on the Chargers: Walt Sweeney, an all-
pro offensive guard, had the personality of a defensive
player, and his friends were all on the defensive team. (In
fact, Sweeney wasnt that much of an exception. The
Chargers drafted him to be a linebacker, and that was the
position he himself preferred.)

When I mention my new rule, Svare, a former

linebacker, responded, Sure, I never put it in words, but
Im basically a defensive player, and I find myself liking
defensive players more than offensive players as people. I
have very little patience with the rituals and repetition
involved in the offense. We just dont look at the world the
same way.

So I found that, despite the nomenclature, the

offensive squad is made up of defenders of structure and
the defensive squad is garrisoned with attack troups. I
began to differentiate the personality profiles of these men
independently of any prior knowledge about the specific
requirements of their individual positions. Before long a
personality classification in relation to position began to
emerge. The consistency of the patterns seems
explainable on the basis of the selection that occurs before
any professional football player gains a regular starting
position in the NFL.
Every year several thousand college football players
are eligible; not more than 600 are seriously considered,
and of those 50 to 100 make it to the NFL. The selection
goes on year after year. A player maintains his position by
winning individual battles week after week on the field,
where his performance is witnessed, filmed, and graded.
The crop of players is weeded systematically. The athletic
difference between those who remain and those who are
dropped is amazingly small. When it comes to making it in
the NFL, practically every owner or coach with whom Ive
talked says, reverently and resignedly, The game is in the
min. In addition to athletic ability, motivation, and
commitment, the player needs a personality that meets the
requirements of his position. This Darwinian process
leaves each participant as an island of psychobiological
organization in a circumstance that tests physical,
psychological, intellectual, and spiritual strength man-
on-man- and in which psychological pressure from peers
is even more potent a motivation than the challenge from
the enemy. A suitable personality becomes the most
significant and necessary component of survival. Making
a proper match between player and position, then, is
necessary for personal happiness, because players
working in the wrong position are uneasy and attempt to
correct for their uneasiness. Or, as aggressive and
territorial individuals are very prone to do, they become
depressed, turning their aggression inward. Like the rest
of us, they become demoralized and lose effectiveness
when they arent in the right place to function at their best.

It is important to realize that professional football

players are, to mint a term, homoclites. That is, they are
extremely normal people stable and anxiety-free,
accustomed to handling pressures and performing
extraordinarily and quickly. Many of them are also
paranoid, but my use of that term and of other from
psychology does not imply pathology; it implies a
personality trait within normal limits.

The men who fill particular positions on the offensive

team can be described by clusters of personality traits.
The offensive linemen in general (centers, guards, tackles,
and, to an extent, tight ends) are ambitious, tenacious,
precise attentive to detail. They manifest a kind of
toughness that I would call stubborn rather than explosive.
They work hard. Their traits clearly suit them for their
work. As blocking assignments become ever more
intricate, the linemen must practice like a ballet corps to
coordinate perfectly the necessary spatial and temporal
movements of blocking patterns. They also have to stand
firm and cool when an opposing defensive line rushes their
passer, no matter what verbal or physical abuse is thrown
at them; they must care only about protecting their
quarterback, not about proving their masculinity in an
explosive way. A sacrificial attitude toward the welfare of
the team is integral to the offensive linemen.

Within the offensive line itself, the typical personalities

of center, guard, tackles, and tight ends are readily
distinguishable. The center, who often has to call signals,
is usually the brightest. His loquaciousness in relation to
other members of the line reflects his leadership. The
guard may be bright, and he is quicker than the center. He
may also be more aggressive in the violent, rather than
the stubborn, sense because on sweeps he may be
called upon to block downfield. His assertiveness is more
persistent; the centers is more volatile. The tackle is
slower, more patient, and even more persistent than the
guard. He is not called on to be as mobile as the guard,
and he doesnt have to get the middle linebacker with an
explosive block, as the center does. He maintains and
sustains. Stubborn tenacity is prototypical of the offensive
tackle; his loyalty and commitment to the welfare of the
team know no match.

The side receiver is a very special human being. He

shares many features with actors and movie stars. He is
narcissistic and vain, and basically a loner.

Whereas the offensive linemen may hang around

together (the center is particularly gregarious), the wide
receiver often lies alone, dates alone, and remains a bit of
a mystery. He is tactful in interpersonal encounters but
elusive and hard to locate as a person. Like the track star,
the good wide receiver is disciplined because the precision
required to gun intricate pass patterns and hold onto
passes while he is getting clobbered requires discipline.
Yet the courage of the wide receiver is more brittle than
that of the other offensive linemen. His elusiveness may
move beyond unpredictability to treachery. Typically, the
side receiver doesnt mind getting hurt on the body, but he
doesnt like his face to be touched hes afraid of
disfigurement. Essential, brilliant, vain and not too
friendly, hes rarely a popular member of the team.
Disaffinity may be particularly acute between wide
receivers and linebackers.
I have found two kinds of running backs. One is like
the wide receiver: tough, treacherous, quick, lonely, and
perhaps even paranoid, like the much traveled Duane
Thomas, perhaps the most gifted runner of all time. That
paranoia is adaptive for a man whom everybody on
defense is out to get. His particular unpredictability makes
him even more difficult than a wide receiver to locate as a
person. Hes never where you expect him to be. In his
days with the Chargers, Thomas was as difficult to locate
off the field as on; if you made a date with him, he was
likely not to be there. He is a good example of how a really
great football players personality is welded to his job.

The other kind of offensive back the Larry Csonka

kind runs straight ahead. Hes honest, tough, strong,
disciplined, and if his toughness is a touch brutal, he may
be great. Hes not as quick as he might not be as
treacherous or paranoid, as the flanking back. He will work
long and hard; he has some offensive tackle in him.

Back to the line, to the tight end. Its difficult to find an

ideal tight end because the chores he is required to do are
virtually incompatible and therefore demand incompatible
personality traits. The tight end must block like an
offensive lineman or a fullback yet catch passes like a wide
receiver. Blocking well requires bodily sacrifice for the
welfare of others and does not gratify vanity; so the tight
end cant have too much wide receiver in him. He does
well to replace that with a bit of the distrust found in Duane
Thomas-type running back.

The most difficult of the offensive players to categorize
are the quarterbacks. I have studied the scouting reports
of a number of quarterbacks and talked about them with
scouts, teammates, reporters, owners, and coaches. Given
the physical ability, passing talent, and intelligence, the
major determinant of success as a quarterback appears to
be self-confidence a self-confidence that is more akin to
super-arrogance. The physical threat to a quarterback
passing from the pocket is intolerable. To stand there to
the last millisecond, waiting for your receiver to reach the
place the ball is supposed to go while you are being
rushed by mammoth defensive linemen that takes sheer
courage. A single mistake might negate all the efforts and
sacrifices of your teammates as well as lay you open to a
fearful pounding.

To stand that kind of responsibility requires poise

beyond that possessed by most men. How is the poise of
successful type of quarterback achieved? From my
observations, there appear to be at least two routes. One
is that of the naturally arrogant man who does not feel
bound by the rules governing other men. He makes his
own. He exploits the environment in a tough, tricky way
and with very little compuction. Such men have run their
talents and capacities to incredible self-advantage with no
apparent anxiety or guilt. And they win football games --
yea, even championships. The Joe Namaths and Sonny
Jurgensens fit well into this category.

The other way to turn in that kind of performance

under those battle conditions is with assurance from On
High. The Cowboy Roger Staubach and the peerless John
Unitas, who has finished his outstanding career, are in this
group. So is Fran Tarkenton, the Vikings renowned
scrambler. We might call them and their comrades the
religious quarterbacks. They attend church regularly, are
active in such organizations as the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes, and have a truly evangelical mission that they
carry forward with the calm certitude of the believer, the
chose one. (In my two seasons with the Chargers, I got a
chance to see Unitas up close and was struck by his
religious commitment, as well as by his humility. These
qualities helped insulate him from what was obviously a
particularly stressful situation: the struggle of a player of
his stature and past achievements to remain a first-

The believer-quarterbacks win championships, too.

But any quarterback who leads with kindness and concern
for others, who feels anxious about his responsibility to
the 47 other men on the team and guilty over the outcome
of his own actions, may collapse at critical moments at
the climax of a game or as his team moves closer to the
playoffs. Students of the game point to John Hadl, the
Rams all-pro quarterback whose pass-completion
percentages dropped off drastically in the critical final
games of last season.

The increasing use of computers to analyze the plays

called b individual quarterbacks in various situations may
change the personality requirements of successful
quarterbacking. Except for audible signals (which can be
employed in a significant percentage of the plays),
computer-versus-computer may eventually lead to all plays
being called form the bench. The defensive team may be
able to guess what the opposing quarterback is going to
do before he himself knows it by a computer calculation
of what he has done 77 percent of the time on third and
long early in the fourth quarter when his team is behind
by seven points.

Will this unurpation change the need for super-

arrogance in quarterbacks? Maybe the super-arrogant will
not obey readily. Many disciplined college quarterbacks
who obeyed readily have not been able to make it in pro
football; their opportunities may increase when plays are
called from the bench.

The defensive team members are the renegades. They

attack structure, and they feel that little is to be gained by
identification with the establishment. They are basically
angry and rebellious, primed to explode. The degree of
inhibition controlling the grigger varies with the distance
from the line of scrimmage. The defensive linemen, in
contrast to offensive linemen, are restless, peevish,
irritable, impatient, intolerant of detail and barely under
control. Usually, it is the defensive players (especially the
linemen) who have committed the impulsive, flamboyant
acts that make newspaper headlines. The defensive
linemen have the least-well-organized inhibitory systems.
They are wild and free of conflict on the attack. The
tackles may be reserved in some ways, but they, too, relish
the hostilities. I remember one defensive tackle, a
wonderful human being with his wife and family and
friends, telling me gleefully in the heat of a game, Look at

that (a rookie quarterback entering the game for the
opposing team.) Its like letting me into a candy store!

Defensive ends have even more spleen, and they are

quicker. They display swagger and showmanship.
Defensive end Deacon Jones, the former Ram superstar
now with the Chargers, demonstrated at least the spleen at
last years training camp. He parked his car in the same
no-parking zone for 40 consecutive days, even though he
got a ticket and paid the fine each day. The defensive
lineman takes great joy in his unbridled assault on
organization. Guilt or depression are not normally in his
repertoire, although sometimes, as during the Monday
blues, one can see vague hints. His temper, brutality,
bluntness, and sarcastic sense of humor predict his

Linebackers experience more conflict about the

aggression they manifest and by the same token achieve
more precision of time and place in their attack. The
linebacker in particular struggles with this balance of
aggression and inhibition. Often he achieves a public
image as a solid citizen; yet simultaneously hes a killer.
When I asked a number of NFL scouts whom they would
send behind the lines in wartime to assassinate an
important enemy, they said a linebacker; his cleverness
and air of legitimacy would get him into the country and let
him pass as a good citizen, and his brutality, would let him
kill when the time came. The linebacker pays heavily for
his control. Keeping so much hostility on short rein
occasionally forces the aggression inward, and the
linebacker typically has periods of depression. He needs a
seventh sense and special visual capacities to diagnose
plays and to go where he is needed. The defensive
linemen either stay or charge, but the linebackers may
need to stay, charge, or go back.

In linebackers I found two kinds of intelligence. Some

have the capacity to memorize a sequence of rules of
behavior for themselves. Following certain key
movements by opposing center, guards, or fullbacks
they behave according to that set of rules. Other
linebackers achieve the same effectiveness without
knowing the rules very well. They actually visualize the
action of the entire field and have the capacity to follow the
developing patterns of movement. These men often make
brilliant plays; but, as in the case of all positions. If the
opposing team knows their habits well, they can be badly
fooled. The linebacker is a fascinating combination of
control, brutality, and internal conflict. He does not lack
vanity, but unlike the wide receiver, whose witness are his
parents or the fans, the linebacker evaluates his own
performance. He wants to look good to himself. When he
fails, he can almost destroy himself in depression.

In the defensive backfield the aggression gets buried

under more and more inhibition and discipline. These men
are like long-distance runners: they are loners, but they
are nowhere near as hungry for glory as are the wide
receivers. In place of the vanity and fantasies of the wide
receivers, the defensive backs experience depression and
rage. They have traits that can be found in offensive
linemen, wide receivers, and line backers. They are
tenacious. They must learn zone and man-on-man pass-
defense patterns that require incredible self-discipline in
the furor of battle. They must not be led by their natural
inclination, which is to follow receivers out of their zone
before the quarterback releases the ball on a pass play.
They must execute patterns precisely. To counter running
plays, however, they must move up fast and, though lighter
and weaker than the running backs they are trying to stop,
hit very hard. So they need controlled and timed brutality
and anger.

In my research teams recent study of more than 600

potential NFL draft choices, six men were found to be
almost suicidally depressed; all of them were defensive
backs. The depression of a corner back who has been
beaten on a pass-play may last for days, though the
great ones shake it off somehow. The depression
resulting from the inhibition of so much aggression can
put such men in constant danger of self destruction.

Professional football, because there are objective

criteria for performance, provides a model situation in
which to observe an ultimate test of function. Given the
same amount of athletic ability, why do some men fail and
others succeed? Inevitably it is because the personality
orientations of the latter better fit the tasks. No amount of
coaching seems to alter these basic traits. Pragmatically,
the NFL system quickly separates the misfits even the
athletically competent ones from the team. My
experience with the men who play NFL football renewed
my conviction that the psychobiological organization of
personality, when it coincides with the appropriate role, is
perhaps the most significant single determinant of
personal success and happiness in life. DeGaulte was
obviously a quarterback. Wood Allen is a defensive back.
According to a recent profile in The New Yorker, Allen lives
to endlessly fend off guilt with his continuous
commitment to effort and performance. There is little or
none of the vanity of the wide receiver in Woody Allen.
Former President Nixons stubbornly persistent and
tenacious (not brilliant or explosive) management of his
crises reminds me of the instincts of an offensive lineman.
His attempts to be blunt, quick, and clever would have
suited him to be an offensive guard.

My mother is an offensive lineman, a center-guard; my

father; a classical wide receiver. My wife is a gifted center-
guard. My medical school dean, John Moxely III, is a
linebacker; my university chancellor, William McElroy, is a
defensive personality, too, perhaps a linebacker. President
Ford is a natural offensive lineman, which is in fact what he
was at the University of Michigan. Truman Capote is a
wide receiver. Kate Smith is a fullback in more than size.
Leonard Bernstein is a cross between a quarterback and a
wide receiver.

I am often asked what I accomplished for the Chargers.

The answer has to be: very little. The teams dismal
record over the past two years 6 victories in 28 games
indicates that. So does my own professional observation.
When attack troops hit the beach of the enemys territory,
some may benefit from benedictory reassurance, other
from biochemical madness, few if any from a reminder that
their current fear is reminiscent of the castration anxiety
of their early childhood. Psychiatry and pro football, I
conclude, probably dont mix. Or if they do, the blend is
best left to the brewmaster, the head coach. The shrinks
should stay with the rest of the armchair experts in front
of their television sets. 21

Dr. Mandells research was supported by Friends of

Psychiatric Research of San Diego, Inc.

My OWN research using the above article as a measuring

stick to look and see what was in the timed charts of football
players by position reflected these traits.

I first expressed my desire to do research on professional

athletics to Neil Michelsen of Astro Computing Services in
San Diego, California. He directed me to two books he felt
would help me astrologically to see what research had already
been done before I could understand what I was about to do.

The two books were Cosmic Influence on Human

Behavior, the Planetary Factors in Personality by Michel
Gauquelin and Recent Advances in Natal Astrology by
Geoffery Dean. In 1982, The Gauquelin Book of American
Charts by Michel and Francoise Guauelin was published,
adding to birth data I already had.22 After studying the
Gauquelin data on the prominence of Mars in the athletes
charts, my curious mind wanted to know more. Why is an
athlete in football a quarterback instead of a defensive back?
Why are basketball players 68 and taller?

Is there some repetitive behavior pattern prominent in

the positions with similar responsibilities in football,
basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey? Are there
differences between the athletes who play team sports versus
those athletes who have to be the only star such as tennis and

What separates the top athletes who make the Hall of
Fame from the average player? I can read the statistics of
their professional performance as an athletic, but what is
there astrologically that separates these issues?

I did a poster session in Monterey, California in 1995 at

UAC, an astrological conference featuring the top astrologers
in the world. I presented the material I had found on the
research of the football players divided up by the positions
they play. The offensive players were separated from the
defensive players. And the overlap of team sports, the
quarterback in football, the playmaker guard in basketball
and the catcher in baseball were compared for similarities
since they call the plays in their given sport. They are the
engine that run the train.

Still research continues on baseball, soccer and hockey

players, but the following is what I found by position in
football players.

Back to basics, what planet do you think would represent

the offense and defense in football? Saturn represents
structure and discipline. Uranus represents breaking down
of structure, rebellion and challenge. As I mentioned in
Chapter One, Astrology is all about energy and timing. The
360-degree circle of the horoscope is divided into 12 parts
called houses.

Angular or Cardinal Houses

Ascendant is the first house. The MC is the 10th house.
The 7th house is the descendant and the 4th house if referred
to as the IC. These four houses are referred to as angular
houses. They correlates with the Cardinal Signs which are
Aries 1st house; Cancer 4th house; Libra 7th house;
Capricorn 10th house. Regardless of what time you are
born or what sign your Sun occupies or what sign is on YOUR
1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th houses, these houses are always referred
to as angular and the planets that sit in these houses are
energies people see in you first and energies you project first
to others. Cardinal energy is self-starters, aggressive
pioneering folks willing to take chances to get where they are
going immediately. Angular house energy is energy you
cannot hide everybody sees it.

Fixed or Succedent Houses

Fixed houses are the 2nd 5th, 8th and 11th. These houses
correlate with the energy of the fixed signs Taurus 2nd
house; Leo 5th house; Scorpio 8th house and Aquarius
11th house.

Fixed energy is stubborn Taurus; demanding Leo;

persistent and enduring Scorpio; rebellious and inventive -
Aquarius. These houses are also called succedent houses as
they follow the angular houses. Offensive and defensive
linemens Sun Signs are predominantly Fixed Sign Taurus
Leo Scorpio - Aquarius.

Mutable or Cadent Houses

Mutable signs refer to 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses in the
horoscope. Gemini 3rd; Virgo 6th; Sagittarius 9th; Pisces
12th houses. Cadent Houses are same as the mutable signs.
This energy is flexible, fast, quick moving energy able to make
adjustments quickly.

Ive said the above so the following makes more sense

because what I found in my research was not the sign a planet
is in but where it sits in the chart that defines the repetitive
energy I found by position in the football players charts.

Offense I found Saturn and Uranus predominately in
succedent houses. Their discipline (Saturn) and rebellion
(Uranus) in FIXED houses stubborn, persistent, endurance,
fixed in place not to move except where the structure and
discipline of the play patterns take them. This includes
Offensive Linemen, Quarterbacks, Running backs. The
exception to the rule, the Wide Receivers have Saturn in
succedent houses but Uranus Angular. Tight Ends have both
Saturn and Uranus in Angular houses. In Mandells article
wasnt that the case with these positions too?

Defense I found Saturn and Uranus predominately in

Angular Houses. Rebellion, challenge, breaking down the
structure of the offense out there where everyone knows this
is there job to shatter the offenses game plan. Defensive
linemen have both Saturn and Uranus in Angular Houses.

Defensive Linebackers have Saturn in Succedent Houses and

Uranus in Cadent Houses. Defensive backs have Saturn in
Angular Houses and Uranus in Cadent Houses.

Offensive Linemen Mercury Angular, Moon Cadent, Mars

Angular in Fire Signs.

Center Mercury, Venus, Mars Angular Houses

Offensive Tackle Venus Angular Houses Jupiter Cadent


Offensive Guard Moon Cadent Houses Mercury

Succedent Houses; Mars Angular Houses

Tight Ends Sun/Moon Succedent Houses; Mercury Angular;

Venus Cadent Houses; Mars Succedent Houses

Wide Receivers Moon Angular Houses; Mercury Succedent
Houses; Venus Angular Houses; Jupiter Angular Houses;
Pluto Angular Houses; Neptune Cadent House

Running Backs Venus Cadent Houses; Mercury - Angular

Houses; Moon Earth and Air signs; Neptune Succedent
houses; Pluto Cadent Houses

Quarterbacks Ascendant Cardinal Signs; Sun/Moon Sign

in Fixed Houses; Venus in Cadent Houses;
Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus Succedent Houses; Neptune
Angular Houses; Pluto Succedent Houses.

Great Quarterbacks- Another prominent point is the GREAT

QUARTERBACKS versus the regular quarterback
Mercury/Uranus and Saturn/Mars. Mercury/Uranus is the
peripheral vision and computer mind that calls the play in the
huddle and goes instead to the open receiver and wins
championships. Saturn/Mars is controlled energy under
pressure - threading the needle and getting the ball to the
receiver and winning the game regardless of what adversity
arises during the game. All quarterbacks have all four
planets in their charts but unless they each have the
Uranus/Mercury and Saturn/Mars combination in contact to
each other they are not the exceptional quarterbacks. The
exceptional quarterbacks and their timed charts are
referenced after the analysis of the defensive players in

Defensive Linemen Moon Angular Houses, MC Cardinal

Signs Ascendant Fixed Signs; Mercury Angular Houses,
Mars Cadent Houses; Jupiter Angular; Neptune Cadent

Defensive Linebacker Ascendant Mutable Fire Signs;

Sun/Moon/Mercury Cadent Houses; Venus - Succedent
Houses; Sun Signs Fire Signs; Neptune Cadent Pluto
Succedent Houses.

Defensive Backs Ascendant Mutable Signs; Mars

Cadent Houses; Pluto Cadent Houses.

Exceptional Quarterbacks

Roger Staubach -Mercury 24 Aquarius square Uranus 26

Taurus 2-degree square;
Saturn 21 conjunct Mars 13 Taurus 8-degree conjunction

Terry Bradshaw- Mercury 28 Virgo square Uranus 00 Cancer
out of sign 2-degree square;
Saturn 27 Leo sextile Mars 29 Libra 2-degree sextile

Joe Montana - Mercury 00 Gemini sextile Uranus 00 Leo 0-
degree sextile
Saturn 27 Scorpio square Mars 4 Pisces out of sign 7-degree

Troy Aikman- Mercury 19 Scorpio sextile Uranus 23 Virgo
4-degree sextile
Saturn 22 Pisces opposite Mars 23 Virgo 1-degree

Brett Favre -Mercury 00 Libra conjunct Uranus 5 Libra 5-
degree conjunction
Saturn 6 Taurus trine Mars 12 Capricorn 6-degree trine

Who is the next great rookie quarterback with these

planets in place to join the above greats? Only time will reveal
if he has the maturity, skills and toughness to join these ranks
and get the Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl Rings. Does anyone
have his time of birth?

Michael Vick - Mercury 25 Cancer trine Uranus 21 Scorpio
4-degree trine
Saturn 21 Virgo conjunct Mars 22 Virgo 1-degree

Tom Brady - Mercury 8 Virgo sextile Uranus 7 Scorpio-
1-degree sextile
Saturn 19 Leo sextile Mars 11 Gemini-8 degree sextile

Other Winning Quarterbacks

Otto Graham -Mercury 2 Sagittarius square Uranus5 Pisces -
3 degree square
Saturn 6 Libra conjunct Mars 18 Libra - too wide for
conjunction 12 degrees but in same sign

Johnny Unitas -Mercury 25 Aries conjunct Uranus 24 Aries -
1 degree conjunction
Saturn 16 Aquarius wide quincunx Mars 4 Virgo - 12 degrees
too wide for quincunx

Joe Namath -Mercury 27 Taurus conjunct Uranus 4 Gemini -

out of sign 7 degree conjunction
Saturn 15 Gemini sextile Mars 3 Aries - too wide 12 degree
sextile but sextile by sign

Bart Starr -Mercury 12 Capricorn square Uranus 23 Aries - to

wide 11 degree square but square by sign

Saturn 15 Aquarius conjunct Mars 14 Aquarius - l degree

Just For The Record - Other Big Name Quarterbacks in

the Early Days

Bobby Layne - Detroit, Pittsburgh QB - December 19, 1926,

Santa Anna, Texas
Mercury 06 Sagittarius - Uranus 25 Pisces - square by sign
Saturn 01 Sagittarius 1quincunx Mars 5 Taurus - 4 degree

Sammy Baugh - Washington QB - March 17, 1914, Temple,

Mercury Rx 13 Pisces semisextile Uranus 10 Aquarius - 3
degree semisextile
Saturn 12 Gemini semisextile Mars 11 Cancer - 1 degree

Chapter Six
American Football History

History of Events that Led to the Birth of

American Football

Football evolved as a sport from soccer to rugby to what

we know as American football today over a period 139 years.
High schools played soccer football before the colleges tried
the game and many rules were changed along the way. The
first American college soccer football game was November 6,
1868 between Rutgers and Princeton. The first team to make
six goals won and Rutgers dominated at 6-4.

Rutgers v. Princeton
1 American Collegiate Football Game
Nov. 6, 1869 around 2 pm EST - New Brunswick, NJ
40N30 74W27

Canada also contributed to the evolution of American

football. McGill University in Montreal played rugby. They
came to the United States and played two games at Cambridge,
three games at Harvard and one at Montreal. The rugby game

of running with the ball and tackling began American football.
Yale and Columbus also had soccer football teams. The
Boston Game" was played at Harvard and was more like

Walter Camp of Yale was responsible for reorganizing

soccer football into a game that eventually became American
football: Under his leadership, 1) the first rules were adopted
in 1876 and an intercollegiate association was formed, 2) each
team was allowed 4 downs to move the ball ten yards or lose
the ball, 3) each team could have 11 players on the field, 4) the
quarterback became the principal ball handler, 5) it became
the centers responsibility to snap the ball to the quarterback,
6) there was undisputed possession of the ball unless that
team gave up the ball during scrimmage, 7) the "block game"
emerged where one team kept the ball the first half and the
other team the second half (this rule did not survive), 8) In
1888, the wedge debuted where by the offensive players
bunched together around the runner to protect him from
being tackled below the knee, and 9) the forward pass was

Players who were tackled below the knees went down to

stay, often severely injured. The public outcry was so loud
that the White House stepped in and ordered the association
to clean up football. The Intercollegiate Athletic Association
(IAA) was formed and later renamed the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA). With the IAA, the colleges now
had rules and regulations and a governing body to enforce

Camps rules and regulations for a game of football was

what the National Football League (NFL) adopted in 1920
when it was formed. Camp was never a paid coach in the
league but he was an active advisor for the league coaches.

Athletic clubs were the next phase of developing in
modern football. They encouraged the growth of many sports,
and did much to birth what we know as professional football.
The first US athletic club was the New York Athletic Club
formed in 1868. Following the lead of New York, athletic
clubs sprang up in many towns across the country. Football
started off in Pennsylvania then spread to the Ohio area.
William (Pudge) Heffelfinger was paid $500 on November 12,
1892 by the Allegheny Athletic Association (AAA) to play
football for them against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. He thus
became the first professional football player. The AAA won 4-

November 12, 1892

The Allegheny Athletic Association (AAA)
Pittsburgh Athletic Club (PAC) - Pittsburgh, PA

The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) was formed to stop

other local sports teams from switching to professional as had
happened in baseball in 1871. The AAU also wanted to keep
the athletes from moving around and selling their services to
both the college and athletic clubs.

In 1889, six athletic clubs in the East decided to copy the

parent AAU by forming their own union which they called the
One . This group consisting of the Baltimore, Boston, New
York Athletic Clubs, the New York Crescents and New York
Manhattans, and the Orange New Jersey Athletic Club. For
over a decade, they competed annually to be named "amateur
title of America." With a league of amateur teams in place the
next step was to begin talking about going professional.

John Brallier was the first football player to turn pro. He

accepted $10 and expenses to play for the Latrobe YMCA
against the Jeanette Athletic Club. That first NFL game dates

back to August 31, 1895. The final score was YMCA 12,
Jeanette, Pennsylvania 0.

First Professional Football Game

August 31, 1895 - Latrobe, Pennsylvania

Night football games began on November 21, 1902, at

Elmira, New York. It was a contest between the Philadelphia
Athletics and the Kaneueole Athletic Club with Philly winning
39-0. The Allegheny Athletic Association team was the first
professional team with a two game season and the Lathroe
Athletic Association was the first team to play a longer full
season. In 1898 the value of a touchdown was increased from
four to five points.

The oldest continuing team in the NFL, the Arizona

Cardinals, began in 1899 as Chris O'Brien formed a
neighborhood team that played by the name of the Morgan
Athletic Club. (See birth of Arizona Cardinals).

A first attempt at forming a pro league was in 1902 and

also called the National Football League. The first indoor
football game was December 28, 1902 before a crowd of 3,000
at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY. The forward pass
was legalized in 1906 and the first pro game where it was
allowed was held October 27, 1906. The value of a field goal
dropped from four points to three in 1909 and the touchdown
increased from five points to six points in 1912.

In 1919, Earl (Curly) Lambeau and George Calhoun

organized the Green Bay Packers though the team did not join
the NFL until 1921. Lambeau's employer, the Indian Packing
Company, provided $500 for equipment and allowed the team

to practice on the company field. The Packers went 10-1 their
first year. (See Chapter 7 for birth of the Green Bay Packers.)

In 1920 the modern NFL was born.

Chapter Seven
American Professional Football Association- NFL
The birth of the American Professional Football
Association (APFA) actually happened at an organizational
meeting held at the Jordan and Hupmobile auto showroom in
Canton, Ohio, August 20, 1920. Rising salaries, players
jumping from one team to another, and college players still
enrolled in college but also playing the pro game were the
reasons for the meeting. The group that gathered at the
organizational meeting thought that it would make more
sense if all teams united to play by the same rules.
Represented at the meeting were the Akron Pros, Canton
Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians and Dayton Triangles.

American Professional Football Conference-NFL
August 20, 1920 - 10:00 am CDT
Canton, OH 40N47 56 081W22 43
The first NFL organizational chart of August 20 describes
a proud, confident group (Sun conjunct Jupiter in Leo). The
group also shows a strong, intense emotional organization
(Moon conjunct Mars in Scorpio) who (Venus conjunct Saturn
in Virgo) is conservative with money, values and
organizational standards. The Mercury conjunct Neptune in
Leo indicates that there could be strong intuitive thinking
quarterbacks within the organization and suggests problems
along the way in negotiating contracts with the players.

The second organizational meeting was held in Canton,
on September 17, 1920. The participating teams were from
four states - Akron, Canton, Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio; the
Hammond Pros and Muncie Flyers from Indiana; the
Rochester Jeffersons from New York; and the Rock Island
Independents, Decatur Staleys, and Racine Cardinals from
Illinois. A membership fee of $100 per team was charged but
no team ever paid it. Two teams still in operation today can
count September 17, 1920, as the date they received their NFL
franchises, the Racine Cardinals now the Arizona Cardinals
and the Decatur Staleys now the Chicago Bears. 23, 24

NFL Franchise Charts

Chicago Cardinals - Arizona Cardinals

Decatur Staleys Chicago Staleys - Chicago Bears
September 17, 1920 - 10:00 am CDT
Canton, Ohio 40N49 081W23 00

The second NFL organizational meeting on September 17,

1920, produced the franchise chart for the Arizona Cardinals
and the Chicago Bears. We now have Saturn conjunct Sun in
Virgo indicating teams tending to be conservative and
analytical in their approach. The Moon in Scorpio sextile the
Saturn/Sun conjunction adds to the mystery and secretiveness

of these teams as they intensify their journey through history
in the NFL. Uranus opposed Jupiter demonstrates the strong
defenses emphasized in these two teams, while Pluto
quincunx Mars indicates both teams have to learn to adjust
their power in the offensive backfield to accomplish
championships within the NFL. David Jones sold the Chicago
Cardinals to Charles W. Bidwell.

September 26, 1920, marked the first game featuring an

APFA team. The Independents defeated the St. Paul Ideals 48-
0 at Rock Island Douglas Park.

On April 30, 1921, the league reorganized at Akron, Ohio.

A league constitution and by-laws were drawn up, teams were
given territorial rights, players were restricted as to where
they could play, membership criteria was developed for the
franchises, and rules were drawn up so there could be a clear
champion at the end of the season.

On August 27, 1921, the Green Bay Packers were formed

when the APFA awarded a franchise to John Clair of the Acme
Packing Company.

Green Bay Packers
August 27, 1921 - 10:00 am CDT
Akron, Ohio 41N04 53 081W31 09

Green Bay had to start over about three times before they
became a solid franchise. Neptune conjunct Mars in Leo may
have kept depleting their energy but their pride remained in
tact. Saturn in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer has given them
the opportunity to keep their goals, values and standard in
place. The Gemini Moon square Jupiter/Saturn in Virgo has
kept them flexible in taking responsibility and adjusting to
team changes. Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo opposed
Uranus in Pisces has added strength to their defense as well as
kept erratic, exciting quarterbacks at the helm.

A. E. Staley turned The Decatur Staleys over to George
Halas, Staleys player-coach, who moved the team to Cubs
Park in Chicago. Halas was paid $5,000 to keep the name
Staleys for one more year. Halas won the first APFA
championship with a 9-1-1 record. Halas became the sole
owner and head coach of the Chicago Bears when he bought
out Sternaman.

On January 28, 1922, Clair withdrew the Green Bay

franchise from membership in the APFA due to having players
who still had college eligibility on his team. Curly Lambeau
promised to follow the league rules and used $50 of his own
money to buy back the franchise. Lambeau went broke due to
bad weather and low attendance, but the local merchants
believed in the team and arranged a $2,500 loan for the club.
A public non-profit corporation was set up to operate the team
and Lambeau renamed as head coach and manager.

The American Professional Football Association changed

its name on June 24, 1922, to the National Football League.
The Major League Baseball had been established for some
time with a National League and American League. The
National Football League created this same standard of name
for pro-football.

Five new franchises were added to the NFL in 1925 but

only Tim Mara and Billy Gibsons New York Giants remain
today. The franchise was awarded on August 1, 1925.

New York Giants
August 1, 1925 - 10:00 am EDT
New York, NY 40N45 073W57

The New York Giants are another proud Leo group. Their
Sagittarius Moon always keeps them optimistic and Pluto in
Cancer opposed Jupiter in Capricorn reminds them to expand
their power and intensity gradually so not to burn out striving
to reach their team goals. Neptune conjunct Mars in Leo
indicates an uneven and often inadequate energy level which
can cause them to tire out before the game is over. Uranus in
Pisces quincunx the Neptune/Mars says their defense can tire

as well. But, Saturn square the Sun gives the discipline that
can pull the team together and help them win championships.

Late in the 1925 season, after the University of Illinois

collegiate season ended in November, Harold (Red) Grange
signed a contract to play with the Chicago Bears. On
Thanksgiving Day, a crowd of 36,000 watched Grange and the
Bears play the Chicago Cardinals to a scoreless tie at Wrigley
Field. At the beginning of December, the Bears played eight
games in 12 days in St. Louis, Philadelphia, New York City,
Washington, Boston, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Chicago. A
crowd of 73,000 showed up to watch the Chicago Bears and
the New York Giants at the Polo Grounds. The Bears then
played nine more games in the South and West including
before a crowd of 75,000 watching the Bears play the Los
Angeles Tigers in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. These
two game tours gave the NFL some national recognition and
helped stabilize the league.

In 1926, C.C. Pyle, Red Granges manager told the Bears

that Grange would not play unless they paid him a five figure
salary plus one-third ownership of the team. The Bears
refused. Pyle leased Yankee Stadium in New York City at the
time and asked the league for an NFL franchise. After he was
refused the franchise he started the first American Football
League which folded at the end of its first season. That same
year Halas saw that a rule was passed that prohibited any
team signing a college player who had not graduated.

In Cleveland, Ohio, April 23, 1927, a special meeting was

held to secure the NFLs future. The financially weaker teams
w e r e e l i m i n a t e d an d t h e qu al i t y p l a y e r s w e r e
distributedamong the more successful teams. The NFL thus
dropped to 12 teams.

November 3, 1929: the first night game is held between
the Providence Steam Rollers and the Chicago
July 27, 1929: Chris OBrien sells Chicago Cardinals to
David Jones.
July 28, 1930: The NFL adds a fourth official, the field
June 12, 1930: The Portsmouth, Ohio Spartans enter
the NFL.

Portsmouth Spartans - Detroit Lions

June 12, 1930 - 10:00 am EST
Portsmouth, Ohio 38N44 83W00

The Portsmouth Spartans, the current Detroit Lions, are
confident, fast and flexible as shown by Sun conjunct Jupiter
in Gemini. They are somewhat stubborn with Mercury in
Taurus. They may be over-achievers with Moon conjunct
Saturn in Capricorn trine Mars in Taurus. They have to pace
themselves to reach their goals. Moon/Mars can indicate
frustration and anger within the team which needs to be
focused into intense energy expenditures on the field against
their opponents rather than among themselves. Neptune in
Virgo completes a grand trine with Mars/Moon/Saturn.
Neptune can be deceptive and confuse issues on the field. The
Lions need strong leadership to keep the team on track.

The NFL decreased to 10 teams in 1931.

The Boston Braves emerged on July 9, 1932. George

Preston Marshall, Vincent Bendix, Jay O'Brien, and M.
Dorland Doyle were awarded the franchise. The new team
lost money and by the end of the season, Marshall was the sole
owner of the team.

Boston Braves - Washington Redskins
July 9, 1932 - 10:00 am EDT
Boston, MA 42N22 071W04

The Boston Braves, todays Washington Redskins, began

their franchise on July 9, 1932, with a Cancer Sun and Virgo
Moon. They are an emotionally intense organization with Sun
applying to conjunction of Pluto and will analyze and pay
attention to the details of the games. Their quarterbacks will
demand center stage with Mercury in Leo and be able to
scramble with Mars in Gemini. Their strong defensive team is
indicated by Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus in Aries.

The NFL membership dropped to eight teams in 1932, but
several events happened that actually advanced the game of
football. The Chicago Bears and Portsmouth Spartans
finished the season in a tie for first place. The NFL league
office arranged for a playoff game and official statistics were
kept for the first time. On December 18, 1932, the Bears won
9-0 at the indoor Chicago Stadium. The Chicago Stadium was
nice because of protection against the bitter cold and heavy
snow, but only had an 80-yard field so adjustments were made
to move the hashmarks or inbound lines in 10 yards from the
walls. The sidelines were against the wall. The goal posts
were also moved in from the end lines.

In 1933, the NFL made a number of significant changes to

the rules that previously had followed the college game. The
game of pro football began to follow the needs and style of
play the pros preferred. The changes took effect in the 1932
playoff game with the inbound lines or hashmarks moved 10
yards inward and goal posts on the goal lines becoming
permanent changes. The forward pass was legalized to allow
forward tosses from anywhere behind the line of scrimmage.
All these changes became rules on February 25, 1933.

On July 8, 1933, Marshall and Halas proposed that the

NFL be divided into two divisions, with the winner of each
division meeting in an annual championship game. This date
also marked the birth of three new franchises: The Pittsburgh
Pirates of Art Rooney, the Philadelphia Eagles of Bert Bell and
Lad Wray and the Cincinnati Reds who did not survive to the
modern league. Marshall changed the name of his Boston
Braves to the Redskins.

Pittsburgh Pirates - Pittsburgh Steelers
July 8, 1933 - 10:00 am EDT
Pittsburgh, PA 40N26 080W01

The Pittsburgh Pirates, now the Pittsburgh Steelers,

franchise began July 8, 1933, with Sun in Cancer quincunx
Saturn in Aquarius indicating constant adjustments and
reorganization of the responsibilities within the organization.
Their Moon in Aquarius trine Mars in Libra fields an aloof
team able to detach itself from the emotional anger usually
involved with Moon/Mars and instead keep the team fired up
and on track no matter what adjustments they have to

On September 27, 1924, the Frankford Yellow Jackets
were awarded a franchise as a section of Philadelphia. On
July 9, 1933, the Frankford Yellow Jackets franchise was
declared forfeit and was awarded to Bert Bell and Lud Wray of
Philadelphia. Perhaps we should look at the original
franchise chart of the Yellow Jackets to get some insight into
the Philadelphia Eagles.

Philadelphia Eagles
July 9, 1933 - 10:00 am EDT
Philadelphia, PA
39N57 975W10

The Philadelphia Eagles began their franchise July 9,
1933, just one day after the Pittsburgh Pirates joined the
league. The Eagles have Saturn conjunct Moon in Aquarius
quincunx their Cancer Sun. The players egos and emotions
constantly have to adjust to coaching demands and
organizational changes. Saturn slows down the process of
reacting quickly and can show the frustration generated by
making constant adjustments within the organization.
December 17, 1933: the first preseason scheduled
NFL Championship Game is played between the
Western Division and the Eastern Division
champions. The New York Giants defeated the
Chicago Bears 23-21 at Wrigley Field, Chicago.
June 30, 1934: G.A. (Dick) Richard purchases the
Portsmouth Spartans and moves them to Detroit,
renaming them the Lions.
August 31, 1934: first College All-Star Game is played
with the All-Stars facing the Chicago Bears at Soldier
Field, Chicago. Professional football gains new
prestige because of this game which ends in a
scoreless tie before a crowd of 79,432.
Thanksgiving Day, 1934: the first NFL game is
broadcast nationally on NBC radio between the
Chicago Bears and the Detroit Lions.
December 10, 1934: the player waiver rule is
adopted. This rule allows a team to drop a player
from their roster and allow another team in the
league to acquire that player on their team.
May 19, 1935: The NFL adopts Bert Bells proposal
for an annual college player draft to begin in 1936.
The inbound line or hashmarks are moved nearer the
center of the field, 15 yards from the sidelines.
1936 was the first year there were no franchise changes
since the formation of the NFL and also the first year where all
teams played the same number of games. February 8, 1936
marked the first college draft. The Philadelphia Eagles made
Jay Berwanger first player selected. He was a halfback and
Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Chicago. The
Eagles traded his rights to the Chicago Bears but he never
played pro football. The first player to sign and play was the
number two pick, Riley Smith of Alabama who was selected by
the Boston Braves.

A second rival league was formed again calling itself the

American Football League. The Boston Shamrocks were
its champion.
February 12, 1937: Homer Marshman was granted an
NFL franchise for the Cleveland Rams.
February 13, 1937: Marshall moved his Boston Redskins
to Washington D.C. The two year old AFL folded.

Cleveland Rams - Los Angeles Rams - St. Louis Rams
February 12, 1937 - 10:00 am EST
Cleveland, OH 41N30 081W42

Three NFL teams have been born in Cleveland, the

earliest being the Cleveland Rams who became the Los
Angeles Rams and finally the St. Louis Rams. The Rams
franchise began February 12, 1937, in Cleveland, Ohio. Their
Sun in Aquarius is quincunx Pluto in Cancer and Neptune in
Virgo which forms a Yod. Rams pride and egos constantly
have to make adjustments to stay aligned with the directions
and goals of the franchise. Their Moon in Pisces trines Mars in

Scorpio. They have to work at adjusting their power and egos
(Sun/Pluto/Neptune). Emotionally, the Moon trine Mars
keeps them at the right place at the right time but their focus
can get confused with Neptune in Virgo quincunx Sun in
Aquarius. They have planets in every sign except Gemini, Leo
and Libra. Saturn in Pisces opposes Neptune in Virgo which
helps to discipline the confusion within the organization but
the Yod of Sun/Pluto/Neptune adds to the disruption of power
struggles in achieving dreams of the organization.

In 1938 Halas Hugh (Shorty) Ray became a technical

advisor on rules and officiating to the NFL. A 15-yard penalty
for roughing the passer was put in place. The Pro Bowl game
between the NFL champion and a team of all-stars was
established in 1939. The New York Giants defeated the Pro
All-Stars 13-10 in the first Pro Bowl at Wrigley Field, Los
Angeles (not the same Wrigley in Chicago, IL), January 13. Joe
F. Carr, who had been the NFL president since 1921, died in
Columbus, Ohio May 20, 1939, and was replaced by Carl L.
Storck as acting president. 1939 also marked the first year an
NFL game was televised when NBC broadcast the Brooklyn
Dodgers-Philadelphia Eagles game at Ebbots Field.

1940: Art Rooney sells the Pittsburgh franchise to

Alexis Thompson then buys part interest in the
Philadelphia Eagles.
1941: Elmer Layden is named the first NFL
commissioner and the NFL headquarters are moved
to Chicago.

Bell and Rooney traded the Eagles to Thompson for the

Pirates and renamed their new team the Steelers. Homer
Marshman sold the Rams to Daniel F. Reeves and Frey Levy,
Jr. The league by-laws were revised to provide for playoffs in
case of ties between division teams and sudden death
overtimes in case a playoff game was tied.

1942: 638 players depart for service in World War II
depleting the NFL rosters. Twenty-one of those men
died in action; the Cleveland Rams are allowed to
suspend operations for one season; Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh are granted permission to merge for one
season and dissolve the last day of the season.
1944: the Cardinals and Steelers are given
permission to merge for one year and dissolve the
last day of the season; a new All-American Football
Conference (AAFC) was formed
June 4, 1944: San Francisco 49ers are awarded a
franchise in the AAFC
September 3, 1944: The Cleveland Browns are
awarded a franchise in the AAFC
1944: the All American Football Conference begins
play with eight teams and the Cleveland Browns
coached by Paul Brown won four consecutive AAFC

Cleveland Browns
September 3, 1944 - 10:00 am CWT
Chicago, IL 41N52 087W37

The Cleveland Browns began their franchise September 3,

1944, in the All-American Football Conference and won four
consecutive AAFC championships before entering the NFL.
Jupiter in Virgo conjunct the Sun keeps the Browns confident.
Jupiter/Sun/Mercury squares Uranus, driving the team to be
unusual, quick, erratic and able to handle the ups and downs
of the organization. Their discipline comes from Saturn
square Mars. Dedicated hard work paid off in the old Browns
and even though Art Modell moved the physical body of the

Browns team to Baltimore, the Browns fans would not let the
history of the dawg pound die. The "refusal to quit" as
Carmen A. Policy stated, caused the Cleveland fans to win
against the NFL. The June 12, 1996, agreement between the
city of Cleveland and the NFL guaranteed the Browns
franchise would return to Cleveland in a new state-of- the-art
stadium in 1999. The agreement held the following key

1) The Cleveland Browns franchise will remain in Cleveland

and will resume play in the 1999 season.

2) The tradition and records, including the Browns' name,

trademarks, colors, history, playing records, trophies, and
memorabilia, will remain in Cleveland as property of the
Cleveland Browns franchise.

3) The new stadium will be owned by the city of Cleveland and

will have a 30-year lease with the Browns. A provision in the
lease stipulates the Browns will be responsible for operating
the stadium. {June 12, 1996, the City of Cleveland and the NFL
announce the terms of a historic public-private partnership
that continues the Browns franchise in Cleveland and
guarantees a new state-of-the art stadium in Cleveland in
1999}. May 12, 1997, officials officially broke ground for the
new home of the Browns.

March 23, 1998, at a league meeting in Orlando, NFL

owners agree that the Cleveland Browns will be an
expansion team in 1999, generating a new franchise date.
September 8, 1998, is when NFL awards the Cleveland
Browns to Alfred Lerner and Carmen Policy.
October 23, 1998, the NFL formally transfers ownership
of the Cleveland Browns to Alfred Lerner and Carmen
On December 17, 1998, the first players came aboard as

Cleveland Browns.
January 21, 1999, Chris Palmer named head coach.
February 9, 1999, Cleveland Browns select 37 players in
the expansion draft.
April 17-18, 1999, Cleveland Browns select 11 players over
the two-day NFL draft including University of Kentucky
quarterback Tim Couch. The 1999 season fielded a new
expansion team but the old franchise was still in place.
The records stop at the end of the 1995 season and begin
again in 1999. The rebirth of the Cleveland Browns shows
a new era beginning.

Cleveland Browns
March 23, 1998 - 10:00 am EST
Orlando, FL 38N32 17 081W22 46

How historic astrologically can a chart be? The original

Cleveland Browns Sun is 10 Virgo. The new chart has the
North Node at 10 Virgo connecting the future to the Sun sign
from the past Browns. The North Node is inconjunct Uranus,
Venus and Mars forming a Yod. Flexibility and adaptability
will be the key to the new expansion teams future. Constant
adjustments behind-the-scenes can be confusing with
Moon/Jupiter conjunct but opportunities are the key to
success with Moon/Neptune sextile Sun. Uranus sextile Mars
produces a strong defense and powerful running backs. Venus
sextile Mercury/Saturn adds opportunities for serious hard
work by the brains, the coaches and quarterbacks, to produce
a proud successful team. Pluto sextile Uranus/Venus and
trine Mars brings driving power, optimism and
competitiveness into the new expansion team. We see their
first year performance as somewhat erratic and in a fog as the
Moon/Neptune is sextile the Sun by solar arc. But watch out
for a powerful, relentless defense in 2001 as Pluto sextiles
Uranus exactly. Watch for championship records in year three
which I have just mentioned, year five (2003) as solar arc
Pluto trines Mars and year 12 as solar arc Pluto trines
Mercury/Saturn from the rebirth of this franchise in 1998.

San Francisco 49ers
June 4, 1944 - 10:00 am CWT
St. Louis, MO 38N37 090W12

The San Francisco 49ers began their franchise June 4,

1944 at the same All-American Football Conference. A
Gemini Sun describes the versatility and championship
running backs the 49ers have fielded over the years, not to
mention their very own Gemini quarterback, Joe Montana.
Sun conjunct Uranus in Gemini shows a strong defense and
front office willing to do things differently in order to succeed.
A strong fixed T-square of Moon opposite Mercury square
Jupiter has kept the 49ers persistent and determined to stay
in the playoffs for many years. Venus sextile Mars at 7 has
given the franchise the opportunity to field many great
running backs.

On December 9, 1949, Bert Bell now NFL commissioner

announced a merger agreement in which three franchises
from the AAFC, Cleveland, San Francisco and Baltimore,
would join the NFL.

January 19, 1952, Ted Collins resold the New York Yanks
franchise to the NFL. A new franchise was awarded to a group
in Dallas when they purchased the Yanks assets, January 24.
The new Texans went 1-11 and by midseason its owners
returned the franchise to the league. For the last five games,
the commissioners office operated the Texans as a road team,
using Hershey, Pennsylvania, as a home base. At the end of
the season the franchise was cancelled. This marks the last
time an NFL team failed.

On January 23, 1953, a Baltimore group headed by Carroll

Rosenbloom was granted a franchise and awarded the
holdings of the Dallas organization. The team was renamed
the Baltimore Colts.

Baltimore Colts - Indianapolis Colts
January 23, 1953 - 10:00 am CST
Dallas, Texas 32N47 096W49

The Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts Sun square Mars gives

them the energy to be great even in their down years. Uranus
in Cancer opposite Mercury has given the franchise brilliant
quarterbacks who are able to play with compassion and lead
the team. Think of Johnny Unitas in the old days and now
Payton Manning. Saturn square Mercury indicates a
quarterback much older than his years in wisdom. With Pluto
trine Venus Venus players may be over-optimistic about the
super power of their team but Pluto keeps their passion and
competitiveness alive long after the end of a season. Their
Sagittarius Moon helps them stay positive and upbeat even
when experiencing loss in the down years.

The Canadian Football League began a series of raids of

the NFL team in 1954. The first sudden-death overtime rule
was used in 1955 and in 1956 the NFL Players Association was
formed. In 1959 Lamar Hunt of Dallas announced his
intentions to form a second pro football league, later called
the American Football League (AFL).

On October 11, 1959, NFL Commissioner Bert Bell died

after a heart attack suffered at Franklin Field, Philadelphia
during the last two minutes of a game between the Eagles and
the Steelers. On October 14th Austin Gunsel was named
president in the office of the commissioner.

On January 16, 1960, Pete Rozelle was elected NFL

Commissioner. Rozelle moved the league to New York.

Minneapolis was originally part of the new American

League teams. Minneapolis withdrew from the AFL on January
27 and the Vikings ownership were given an NFL franchise as
of January 28, 1960, to allow them to begin play in the 1961
season. The Dallas Cowboys received an NFL franchise the
same day and began play in the 1960 season. 25, 26

Minnesota Vikings - Dallas Cowboys
January 28, 1960 - 10:00 am EST
Miami, FL 25N46 26 080W11 38

It's hard to believe that the Minnesota Vikings and the

Dallas Cowboys share the same birth data.
Sun/Mercury/Moon in Aquarius links these franchises to the
public more so than other teams. Both have been to the Super
Bowls, but Dallas is the only one with Superbowl victories.
Saturn/Mars conjunct in Capricorn adds to the discipline of
the running backs on both teams and their ability under
pressure to pull out the win. Capricorn Venus trine Virgo
Pluto gives the franchise money opportunities to get the right

players in the draft. Neptune in Scorpio square Mercury in
Aquarius produces intuitive and talented quarterbacks but
confusion can set in when the front office makes changes too
quickly. Also, for Dallas players arrests for drug abuse have
always peppered the news.

On March 13, 1960, the NFL owners voted to move the

Chicago Cardinals to St. Louis, MO. In 1963, NFL Properties,
Inc. was founded to serve as the licensing arm of the NFL. The
Pro Football Hall of Fame was dedicated in Canton, Ohio on
September 7, 1963.

Atlanta was awarded an NFL franchise June 30, 1965.

Atlanta Falcons
June 30, 1965 - 10:00 am EST
Atlanta, GA 33N45 084W23

The Atlanta Falcons waited to field their first Super Bowl

team until January 1999. Their Cancer Sun square Mars in
Libra keeps their energy competitive but
Mercury/Moon/Venus in Cancer has also kept them
emotionally-stirred and cranky while they waited for a
winning team to arrive on the field. Saturn in Pisces square
Jupiter in Gemini forced them to expand conservatively.
Neptune in Scorpio may have kept dissolving the structure

they built year after year and created disappointments on the
team. Uranus/Pluto conjunct in Virgo promises a strong
defense from year to year.

The conflict between the leagues ceased when the

AFL/NFL merger took place June 8, 1966. The two leagues
combined to form an expansion league with an initial 24 teams
to be increased to 26 in 1968 and 28 in 1970 or soon thereafter.
The league agreed to play an annual AFL/NFL World
Championship Game beginning in January 1967.

On November 1, 1966, New Orleans was awarded an NFL

franchise allowing them to begin play in the 1967 season.27

New Orleans Saints
November 1, 1966 - 10:00 am CST
New Orleans, LA 29N58 090W04

The New Orleans Saints have Venus/Sun conjunct in

Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Leo which makes for a strong,
intense, competitive, and optimistic franchise. Their flexible
T-square of Saturn in Pisces opposite Pluto and Uranus in
Virgo square Moon in Gemini helps both their offense and
defense to adjust during the games at hand. The Gemini Moon

square Mars in Virgo can add energy during a game or lead to
frustration and anger about the result of a game.

Monday Night Football began in 1970. ABC acquired the

rights to televise 13 NFL regular-season Monday night games
for 1970, 1971 and 1972. The merged 26-team league adopted
rules putting names on the back of the players jerseys and
making the point after the touchdown worth only one point.

On April 24, 1975 , Tampa Bay was awarded a franchise

with permission to begin operation in 1976.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers
April 24, 1974 - 10:00 am EDT
Tampa, FL 27N57 082W27

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have a very stubborn Taurus

Sun, and their quick mental strategy with Mercury in Aries can
run into problems with a tendency to jump in before thinking
about the effects of their actions and being too stubborn to
make changes before it's too late. Moon in Gemini trines Pluto
in Libra empowering them to be a strong emotional team, but
Saturn in Cancer square Pluto keeps them constantly
reorganizing their game plan. Mercury in Aries opposite
Uranus in Libra should give the franchise brilliant
quarterbacks provided they can read the defenses. Saturn
conjunct Mars can build a team able to win under pressure
with the right chemistry in a team playing together as a team
rather than a collection of super stars.

On October 26, 1993, Carolina was awarded an NFL


Carolina Panthers
October 26, 1993 - 8:15 pm CDT
Chicago, IL 41N52 087W52

The Carolina Panthers strong competitive Scorpio Sun is

semi-sextile the North Node in Sagittarius which helps them
stick to their game plan and head in the correct direction.
Venus in Libra square Neptune/Uranus in Capricorn can

produce sudden ups-and-downs and delusions as they try to
build a strong franchise. Mars/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in
Scorpio keeps the competitiveness alive, assures a passion to
win and a quick, mentally sharp quarterback at the helm. The
Mars/Mercury/Pluto sextile Neptune/Uranus gives the
franchise the opportunity to build strong defenses. The only
problem they have to worry about is a sensitive Pisces Moon
that has to make constant emotional adjustments as it
quintiles Jupiter in Libra.

Football: Feline Franchises

Welcome Team 29 28
The two new NFL franchises were supposed to be awarded
on October 26, 1993; however, at approximately 8:15 pm CDT in
Rosemont, Illinois, the NFL owners unanimously voted to award
the Carolina Panther franchise to a group from Charlotte and
tabled the decision on the other franchise for another month.

Big contracts paved the way for the award of the franchise.
Charlotte, now a city with a second major sports team along
with the National Basketball Associations (NBA) Charlotte
Hornets spent six years and $6-million to get to this point.
The Charlotte franchise already had a general manager, former
Seahawk General Manager Mike McCormack, who had been in
that position for three years. Charlotte also had a place to play
their first season approximately 130 miles south of Charlotte
at the 71,743-seat Memorial Stadium in Clemson, South
Carolina. Furthermore, the same week the franchise was
awarded, the first shovel was put into the ground for a
permanent facility a 72,300-seat stadium that would be ready
for the 1996 season; and, plans were put into place immediately
to hire a coach in January 1995 as well as hire scouts to look at

the juniors in college and free agents available in 1995.

The $160-million stadium was financed with private funds.

All but 7,200 seats were sold in the form of permanent seat
licenses that cost between $2,400 and $5,400 just for the right
to buy season tickets which, in addition, will cost between $190
to $600 each. Most fans will not be able to afford to go to the
games. If you could afford to buy the licenses and season
tickets you would have the seats for a lifetime and could pass
them on to your heirs for years to come. Now, if you were one
of those couples with 50-yard line seats the Panthers first year,
the tickets would cost you a mere $12,000. The Los Angeles
Times had an article on the issue titled The Average Fan is
Disenfranchised and stated this isnt a football franchise, its a
country club. When other coaches in the League were asked if
this system would work in their town, the coaches said that
they would simply be run out of town. Charlottes answer to the
issue was that this was the only way to build the stadium and
not burden everyone with the other alternative, taxes.

NFC Stadium Coordinates & Time Zones


Sun Devil Stadium Georgia Dome
33N25'12"/ 111W55'48"/+7 MST 33W45'36"/84W24'00"/+5 EST
Tempe, AZ Atlanta, GA (opened 1992)

Ericsson Stadium Memorial Stadium
35N13'12" / 80W51'00/ +5 EST 41N51'36" / 87W37'12" /6 CST
Charlotte, NC (opened 1996) Champaign, IL (opened 1923)


(Texas Stadium) (Ford Field)
32N50'24"/ 96W54'36"/ +6 CST 42N39'00"/ 83W15'36"/+5 EST
Irving, TX (opened 1971) Detroit, MI (opened 2002)


(Lambeau Field) (Hubert H. Humphrey
44N30'00" / 88W03'36"/+6 CST Metrodome)
Green Bay, WIS (opened 1957) 44N58'12"/ 93W15'36"/+6 CST
Minneapolis, MN (opened 1982)


Louisiana Superdome Giants Stadium
29N57'00"/ 90W04'48"/ +6 CST 40N48'36"/ 74W04'48" /+5 EST
New Orleans, LA (opened 1975) East Rutherford, NJ(opened 1976)


Veterans Stadium Edward Jones Dome
39N54'00"/ 75W10'12" / +5EST 38N37'48"/ 90W11'24" +6 CST
Philadelphia, PA St. Louis, MO (opened 1995)
(opened 1971)

3COM Park Seahawks Stadium
37N42'36"/122W22'48"/+8PST 47N35'24"/122W19'48"/+8 PST
San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA (opened 2002)
(opened 1958 )


Raymond James Stadium Fed Ex Field
27N58'48"/ 82W30'36"/+5 EST 38N54'36" / 76W52'12" / +5
Tampa, FL (opened 1998) EST
Landover, MD (opened 1997)

data compiled by B.J. Towers and C. Michael Smith

Note: All time zones are Standard

Chapter Eight
American Football Conference

Birth of AFL Franchises

The birth of the American Football League in 1959 was

the result of Lamar Hunt being denied a franchise in Dallas
from the National Football League. After being turned
down several times in his efforts to obtain a franchise, he
decided the only way he was going to own a franchise was
to start a new league.

He originally tried to buy the Chicago Cardinals, the

orphan team in Chicago no one wanted. Chicago football
belonged to George Halas, the Chicago Bears. Hunt
wanted to purchase the team and move them to Dallas.
The fact that the All-American Football Conference,
founded in 1946 had a team in Dallas in 1952 that had not
done well didn't matter to him. Halas was head of the
National Football League's expansion committee which
consisted of 12 teams at the time and whatever he said
became law. Halas advised Hunt that the league was
against any franchise moving to Dallas.

At the time Lamar Hunt was trying to buy an NFL

franchise he was only twenty-six years old. He had sat on
the bench with the varsity football team at Southern
Methodist University and had graduated from SMU three
years earlier but no one knew him.

The first AFL meeting was held August 14, 1959, in
Chicago and consisted of Hunt representing Dallas; Bob
Howsam, Denver; K. S. (Bud) Adams, Houston; Barron
Hilton, Los Angeles; Max Winter and Bill Boyer,
Minneapolis; and Harry Wismer, New York City. They
awarded the franchises and planned to begin play in 1960.
They named the new league on August 22, 1959, the
American Football League. On October 28, Buffalo owned
by Ralph Wilson became the seventh franchise. Hunt was
named president of the AFL January 26, 1960.
Minneapolis withdrew from the AFL, January 27. Oakland
became the eighth AFL franchise January 30, 1960.

The AFL adopted the two-point option on points after

a touchdown. The NFL and AFL agreed to a no-tampering
verbal pact, relative to players' contracts on February 9.
The AFL signed a five-year television contract with ABC
June 9.

The first AFL Championship Game was January 1, 1961

between the Houston Oilers and the Los Angeles Chargers,
with the Oilers prevailing 24-16.

War and lawsuits were almost declared by the

American Football League when the National Football
League announced that they had awarded Dallas an NFL

Only a year earlier Hunt had been told by then

Commissioner Bell that he was against NFL expansion
until the league reached such balance that each team could
win at least four games and that NFL expansion was likely
a long way off. 29

Dallas Texans/ Kansas City Chiefs
Denver Broncos
Houston Oilers/ Tennessee Oilers/Tennessee Titans
Los Angeles Chargers/San Diego Chargers
Minneapolis - Withdrew
New York Titans/New York Jets
August 14, 1959, 10:00 AM CDT,
Chicago, IL 41N52 00 087W37 00

The new league started off with high hopes, dreams

and ideas about a new competitive league and one built to
last with Moon at 29 Sagittarius. Showtime was integral to
their marketing strategy with the birth of the league Sun at
21 Leo. Uranus at 16 Leo conjunct the Sun has made the
league somewhat erratic but it has kept the excitement of a
faster, more thrilling, high-scoring game alive.
Venus/Mars at 15 Virgo indicates a hard-working group of
guys paying attention to both the detail and fun of football.
Jupiter at 23 Scorpio square the Sun at 21 Leo has driven
the league to expand and play at the same level as their
competitors. Saturn at 00 Capricorn grounded a
foundation organized and structured for success. Mercury
at 7 Leo square Neptune at 4 Scorpio has helped the young
quarterbacks of the league stay focused.

Buffalo Bills
October 28, 1959, 10:00 AM EDT,
Buffalo, NY, 42N53 00 087W53 00

The Buffalo Bills began their franchise October 28,

1959. Sun conjunct Mars at 4 Scorpio semi-sextile Jupiter
at 4 Sagittarius makes them very intense, confident, and
competitive even in their down years. Sun sextile Saturn at
2 Capricorn disciplines them to work hard. Saturn trine
Pluto at 5 Virgo helps them reorganize yearly and make
adjustments in a very structured and detailed way.
Moon/Venus conjunct in Virgo makes the Bills very critical
of themselves but also chronic complainers. Mercury at 27
Scorpio fields a very secretive yet in-depth, thinking
quarterback who reads defenses as though he wrote the
book on them with Uranus at 20 Leo square Mercury.

Boston Patriots/New England Patriots

November 16, 1959, 10:00 AM EST,
Boston, MA, 42N22 00 071W04 00

The New England Patriots began their franchise

November 16, 1959. Their 23 Scorpio Sun makes them a
formidable opponent to every team that plays them
anytime. They are intense and persistent and with the Sun

square Uranus at 21 Leo, they always field a strong
defense. The Moon at 06 Gemini quincunx Neptune in
Scorpio and opposed to Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius
can make them emotionally insecure (Neptune) but their
confident quarterback (Jupiter/Mercury) can be exciting
to watch. Mercury at 9 Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter keeps
their quarterbacks optimistic and loving the game. Watch
the team excel during the three weeks each year when
Mercury goes Retrograde. Mars at 17 Scorpio square
Uranus at 21 Leo gives them strong running backs and a
strong defense each year. Saturn at 4 Capricorn sextile
Neptune helps them add structure and form to their vision
of a winning franchise.

Oakland Raiders/Los Angeles Raiders/Oakland Raiders
January 30, 1960, 10:00 AM PST,
Oakland, CA, 39N47 00 122W16 00

The Oakland Raiders began their franchise January 30,

1960. Sun at 9 Aquarius conjunct Mercury at 12 Aquarius
gives them a team destined to reach the mass audiences.
Mercury square Neptune at 9 Scorpio helps their
quarterbacks stay focused. The Moon at 12 Pisces sextile
Saturn/Mars at 12 Capricorn stabilizes them emotionally
and helps them win under pressure. Venus at 4 Capricorn
trine Pluto at 5 Virgo has given them the opportunity to be
at the right place at the right time where money is

concerned even when moving from Oakland to Los Angeles
and back to Oakland.

Miami Dolphins
August 16, 1965, 10:00 AM EDT,
Miami, FL, 25N47 00 080W1100

The Miami Dolphins began their franchise August 16,

1965. A proud Leo Sun squares Mars at 27 Libra giving
them the energy to stay strong and competitive. Their
Moon at 10 Aries makes them aggressive and gives them a
desire to be number one every year. Saturn at 15 Pisces
trines Neptune and gives them the ability to bring structure
to their dreams. A mutable T-square with Uranus at 13
Virgo opposing Saturn square Neptune helps their defense
stay organized and almost psychic in being flexible while
adjusting to the teams they are playing. Jupiter at 25
Gemini square Venus at 26 Virgo can make them over-
confident at times but keeps the love of the game and their
self-worth intact. 30

Cincinnati Bengals
September 27, 1967, 10:00 AM EDT,
Cincinnati, OH 39N06 00 084W3100

The Cincinnati Bengals began their franchise

September 28, 1967. A cardinal T-square with Sun at 3
Libra opposite Saturn at 9 Aries square Moon at 11 Cancer
gives them the bounce back and stick-to-itiveness when the
going gets tough. Moon quincunx Mars at 11 Sagittarius can
show the emotional frustrations as the team adjusts to
front office changes. Jupiter/Venus conjunct in Leo adds to
team self-confidence. Pluto/Uranus conjunct in Virgo
provides strong defensive players who pay attention to the
details at hand. Pluto/Uranus sextile Neptune can be
somewhat unnerving as the front office reorganizes the
defense and offense each year. Saturn trine Mars at 11
Sagittarius helps their running backs be at the right place at
the right time. Mercury at 26 Libra sextiles Jupiter/Venus
in Leo giving their quarterback opportunities to expand the
game and turn the franchise into a winning organization.31

Seattle Seahawks
June 4, 1974, 10:00 am PDT,
Seattle, WA, 47N37 00 122W00 00

The Seattle Seahawks began their franchise June 4,

1974. A mutable t-square with Sun at 13 Gemini opposite
Moon at 13 Sagittarius square Jupiter at 16 Pisces makes
the team quick to respond emotionally to the needs of the
franchise. Saturn at 5 Cancer conjunct Mercury at 7 Cancer
produces a quarterback for the team who is mature or
older than his years. Saturn/Mercury square Pluto at 4
Libra helps in the reorganizational side of the franchise
when working out contracts with its players even though

there may be delays or hold outs with Saturn involved.
Uranus at 23 Libra square Mars at 27 Cancer helps the
defense and running backs stay strong and powerful.

Jacksonville Jaguars
November 30, 1993, 3:12 PM CST,
Chicago, IL, 41N52 00 087W39 00

The Jacksonville Jaguars began their franchise

November 30, 1993. Their Sun at 8 Sagittarius conjuncts
Mars at 15 Sagittarius and each year the teams strength
improves. Mercury/Pluto/Venus conjunct in Scorpio keeps
their quarterbacks powerful and intense.

Mercury/Pluto/Venus squares Saturn at 24 Aquarius,
slowly building structure and organization within the
franchise. Moon at 27 Gemini quincunxes Saturn and
Pluto/Venus making the emotional structure of the
franchise quick to react to the changes needed to adjust the
team to whatever the situation calls for.
Mercury/Pluto/Venus sextile Neptune/Uranus at 19
Capricorn adds to the intuitiveness and power defense of
the teams built here.

Football: Feline Franchises

Welcome Team 30 - Jacksonville Jaguars Franchise 32

The Leagues announcement that it required more

time to choose a second team left the cities of St. Louis,
Memphis, Jacksonville, and Baltimore, in frustrated
limbo. Sources said this delay was to give St. Louis
more time. St. Louis felt it had the edge in being
awarded the second franchise because it had the largest
TV market in the country for a city without a team. They
were located in the flexible Central Time Zone, and
construction had already begun on a 70,000 seat
downtown stadium that would be ready by the first
month of the 1995 season. Was all this hype in St. Louis
really for a new franchise or, possibly, just to get
Georgia Frontiere and the Rams to move there?

St. Louis was quite surprised when the NFL owners

met again near Chicago (Rosemont, Illinois) on
November 30, 1993 and voted 26-2 in favor of awarding
the second franchise to the long shot Jacksonville
Jaguars. This decision was announced at 3:12 pm CST.

On November 30, J. Wayne Weaver nearly fainted
when Commissioner Paul Tagliabue called him into a
room mid-afternoon and handed him the keys to the
wealthiest League in sports. Jacksonville, from July 21
to Sept 3, had not even been in the race; they had no
office space, no employees and no chance. They had
locked the doors and turned out the lights, said David
Seldin, Jaguar president, because they could not agree
with city officials about improvements to the aging Gator
Bowl stadium. The Jaguars sold out their 68 proposed
skyboxes and 10,000 club seats only to refund the
money when they dropped out of the race and then
resold the seats when they got back into the running.

Touchdown Jacksonville! Ltd., rebounded to make a

mid-September presentation, then waited, hoping the
other proposed expansion groups would fall apart. What
Jacksonville did have working for it was a big fan base.
In 1979 when Robert Irsay discussed moving the
Baltimore Colts to Jacksonville, 55,000 fans filled the
Gator Bowl just to watch him land his helicopter. The
game attendance during the two seasons of the
Jacksonville Bulls was the highest of the entire United
States Football League. The owners also thought
Jacksonville would do as well as Buffalo and Green Bay
had in smaller markets. Ticket sales began the day the
franchise was awarded and city officials finally agreed
on a $121 million renovation to the 73,000-seat grass
field, Gator Bowl Stadium.

Baltimore Ravens
February 9, 1996, 10:00 am EST,
Baltimore, MD, 39N17 25 076W36 45

The Baltimore Ravens began their franchise February 9,

1996, as Art Model physically moved the "Cleveland
Browns"to Baltimore. Sun at 20 Aquarius conjunct Mars at
25 Aquarius gives the new franchise power and energy and
competitiveness. The Moon at 16 Libra square Jupiter at 8
Capricorn helps the team to expand on a very serious note
with strategy and structure. Pluto at 2 Sagittarius trine
Venus at 00 Aries adds to the self-confidence and fire of the
team. Mercury/Neptune at 24-26 Capricorn adds structure
and maturity to the teams quarterbacks.

Houston Texans
October 6, 1999, 3:00 AM EDT,
Atlanta,GA,33N44 56 084W23 17

The New Houston Franchise began October 6, 1999,

after they out-bid the Los Angeles groups and used both
Houston tax money and the new owners money to
showcase the new franchise. Venus at 28 Leo reflects big
showy money. Their 12 Libra Sun trines Uranus at 12

Aquarius. This should help the franchise build a strong
defense and step up in unusual ways to showcase the
team. Moon at 4 Virgo squares Pluto at 8 Sagittarius
should build an emotionally strong team flexible to quick
changes when necessary. Neptune at 1 Aquarius square
Jupiter at 2 Taurus will help expand the visions of the
team and give the team a solid concrete structure to
build around. Mars at 22 Sagittarius trine Venus at 28
Leo will help the team stay optimistic and keep the fun in
the game plans. Saturn at 16 Taurus square Uranus
should build a strong defense for the team. It will be
interesting to note that there are several configurations
that are four degrees apart and could indicate that in
four years the new expansion team may be one to watch
out for.

With Uranus 12 Aquarius/Saturn 16 Taurus; Saturn

16 Taurus/Ascendant 14 Leo; Sun 12 Libra/Ascendant 14
Libra; Pluto 8 Sagittarius/Uranus 12 Aquarius/Sun 12
Libra, I would put money on them to be in the playoffs
then, thats the 2003 NFL season.

Note: The Indianapolis Colts and Pittsburgh
Steelers are now in the American Football Conference
but originally started off in the National Football
Conference. Seattle Seahawks originally began play in
the American Football Conference but moved to the
National Football Conference in 2002 as both leagues
were reorganized into four divisions with four teams

AFC Stadium Coordinates & Time Zones33

(Ralph Wilson Stadium)
(Ravens Stadium)
42N46'12"/ 78W47'24" / +5 EST
39N16'12"/ 76W37'12" / +5 EST
Orchard Park, N Y
Baltimore MD
(opened in 1973)
(opened in 1997)

(Paul Brown Stadium)
(Cleveland Browns Stadium)
39N06'00 / 84W30'36"/ +5 EST
Cleveland, OH
Cincinnati, OH
(opened in 1999)
(opened 2000)


(INVESCO Field at Mile High) (Reliant Stadium)
39N44'24"/105W01'12"/+7 MST 29N4547/ 095W2147/ +6 CST
Denver, CO Houston, TX
(opened in 2001) (opened in 2002)

(RCA Dome) (ALLTEL Stadium)
39N45'36"/ 86W09'36"/ +5 EST 30N19'12" / 81W38'24" / +5 EST
Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, FL
(opened in 1983) (opened in 1995)


(Arrowhead Stadium) (Pro Player Stadium)
39N03'00"/ 94W28'12"/ +6 CST 25N57'00" / 80W14'24"/ +5 EST
Kansas City, MO Miami, FL
(opened in 1972) (opened in 1987)


(CMGI Field) (Giants Stadium)
42N05'24"/ 71W16'12"/ +5 EST 40N48'36" / 74W04'48"/ +5 EST
Foxboro, MA East Rutherford, NJ
(opened in 2002 ) (opened in 1976)


(Network Associates Coliseum) (Heinz Field)
37N45'00"/ 122W12'00 +8 PST 40N27'00"/ 80W00'36"/+5 EST
Alameda, CA Pittsburgh, PA
(opened in 1966) (opened in 2001)

(Qualcomm Stadium) (Coliseum)
32N747'24"/117W07'12/+8 36N0705 / 086W4037/ +6
PST San Diego, CA Nashville, TN
(opened in 1967) (opened in 1999)

data compiled by B.J.Towers and C.Michael Smith

Note: All time zones are Standard

Chapter Nine
Birth of the NFC Teams

NFC - National Football Conference

NFC Realignment 2002

East North South West

Dallas Chicago Atlanta Arizona
NY Giants Detroit Carolina St. Louis
Philadelphia Green Bay New Orleans San Francisco
Washington Minnesota Tampa Bay Seattle

In the new realignment starting in 2002, the most

historical rivals in the East and North will still fight for the
titles; however, the South and West divisions will have a new
mix of teams challenging to be the top dog. Teams have
moved from the NFC to the AFC in years past but this is the
first year an original AFC team (Seattle Seahawks) moved to
the NFC.

It will be interesting to watch Tampa Bay and Seattle as

years go by since both began conference play on the same
date. The varying locations and times of the games set their

Moons apart by one degree and give Seattle Seahawks the
Scorpio ascendant while Tampa Bay Buccaneers have
Sagittarius ascendant. When timing comes into play, those
simple differences can mean years in the team being in the
championship spot.

These twins played each other in their first conference

game. One team was the home team and the other was the
visiting team. Their team chart was still born where the game
was played and when the visiting team goes back home their
surroundings and environment are different from where
their team was born. Do they play better when they are back
in the town where they were born?

A bit of history on each of the teams helps one to connect

the dots through time as the teams have moved or changed
their name yet retained the same intensity. The same is true
of an individual who is born, gets married and changes
his/her name, and moves from city to city, state to state or
even country to country. Its still the same person born with
the same birth chart. Only their immediate environment is
different when they move from place to place. They have
different neighbors, a different house, a different job yet they
are still the same individual. The same is true with team
birth charts.

There are three different dates one could use as the birth
of each of the teams. The first date would be when the NFL
issued the franchise. The second date would be when the
team played their first preseason game. The third date would
be their first official NFL conference game. As you probably
noticed in previous chapters, several teams share the same
franchise date. A player is not considered on the team until
the first official conference game when the season opens.
Many of the players trying to make a team are home on
vacation by week two of the preseason. What the NFL

documents as the first official game is what I use as the birth
of a team. I have found that chart works the best in
predicting the winner against the Game Chart and comparing
who has the stronger energy during the game.

Each year, and often on Super Bowl Sunday, I start the

process of updating the teams, quarterbacks and coaches
charts for the following year. Regardless of the year in
question, the natal chart will always be the natal chart, but in
updating the charts, the planets move forward. These
updates can point out a most significant year or prominent
time for a particular team, quarterback or coach. When you
see planets in all three natal charts lining up, there is a
strong indication that team will be in the playoffs the
following year.

The new schedules come out in April so there is plenty of

time to set up all the Game Charts and be ready when
preseason arrives. Theres just a little work moving all the
coaches and quarterbacks to their new locations.

In July I set up the next Super Bowl chart and compare

chart degrees of the planets for Super Bowl Sunday with
these same team charts. Without planets at the same degrees
as the Super Bowl chart, the teams in questions do not have a
chance to be one of the contenders for the next Super Bowl.
I'm always amazed to see teams that were 1-15 the previous
year now having planets activated and having a chance to
make the playoffs. ESPN always talks about "Inside the
Numbers" referring to the stats of the games played. Well,
this is a different "Inside the Numbers" using the degrees of
the planets in the Game charts connecting to the natal team,
quarterback and coach charts. The same formula works in all
pro team sports. Everybody has a natal chart and has to play

on a set schedule but only when the degrees connect between
the teams and game chart do they have exceptional games
that make history.

Chicago Cardinals, St. Louis Cardinals, Phoenix Cardinals,

Arizona Cardinals

Birth Name: Originally Morgan Athletic Club, Normals,

Racine Cardinals, Chicago Cardinals
First Season: 1920
First Preseason Game: Not available. For some of the earlier
teams the first preseason game is their first conference game.

First Conference Game: October 10, 1920, 3:00 pm CDT,
Chicago, IL 41N52 087W37 00 34
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 06 Scorpio 44; Mars/Neptune 18
Libra 55; Saturn/Neptune 01 Virgo 13

The Cardinals boast the distinction of being the oldest,

most continuously fielded professional football franchise in
the nation. Founded originally in 1898 as the Morgan
Athletic Club, they played on the south side of Chicago. The
team was later acquired by Chris OBrien, a painting and
decorating contractor, and began playing at Normal Field
under the new name, the Normals.

In 1901 OBrien found some bargain faded maroon

jerseys formerly used by the University of Chicago. Thats
not maroon, its Cardinal Red! declared OBrien. The clubs
permanent nickname had been born! The new field and
colors led to the name, the Racine Cardinals. In 1906, the
team had to disband because football competition was
exclusively amateur and it was hard to find other teams to

In 1913 OBrien reorganized the Cardinals. By 1917 they

were able to buy new uniforms, hire a coach, (Marshall
Smith) and were champions of the Chicago Football League.

The war in Europe and a flu epidemic in the United

States forced the team to suspend operations again in 1918.
Following Armistice Day, OBrien reorganized the Cardinals
for a third time. From that day forward the Cardinals have
been a permanent part of professional football in America.

The Racine Cardinals were a charter member of the 1920

National Football League and paid $100 franchise fee. In
1922 a team from Racine, Wisconsin joined the NFL and
forced the Cardinals to change their name again. As the
Chicago Cardinals, they now played their games at Comiskey
Park. They won their first NFL championship in 1925 with
Norman Barry as head coach.

In 1929 Dr. David Jones, a Chicago physician, purchased

the team and coaxed running back Ernie Nevers out of
retirement to become player-coach. After guiding the
Cardinals to a 16-14-3 composite record in three seasons,
Nevers retired. His most famous game was 40 points on six
touchdowns and four extra points in the historic 40-6 victory
over the crosstown Chicago Bears on Thanksgiving Day,

Nevers 1932 departure marked the arrival of a new club

owner, Charles W. Bidwill, Sr., then vice president of the
Chicago Bears. He purchased the Cardinals from Jones for
$50,000. Bidwill divested himself from Bear involvement
and a new era began.

In 1944, because of the war, the Cardinals combined

with the Pittsburgh Steelers to play as one team. It was
called Card-Pitt. The team split its home games between
Chicagos Comiskey Park and Forbes Field in Pittsburgh but
failed to win a game in ten tries. In 1947, the Cardinals
million dollar backfield (fullback Pat Harder, halfbacks
Elmer Angsman and Charley Trippi) won the Western
Division title and the NFL championship in a 28-21 victory
over the Philadelphia Eagles on the frozen Comiskey Park
turf. Bidwells death in April deprived him of witnessing the
clubs first NFL crown in 22 years. Bidwells widow, Violet,
assumed control of the franchise for the next 15 years. This
era included the Cardinals playing in the 1948 NFL
championship game but losing 7-0 at Philadelphia. The team
transferred from Chicago to St. Louis in 1960.

When Mrs. Bidwill died in January 1962, control moved
to sons Charles W. Bidwill, Jr. and William V. Bidwill. On
July 1, 1976, the company was incorporated with William
Bidwill continuing as chief executive officer. Their first NFC
Eastern Division title had been won in St. Louis in 1974.
Subsequently, the Cardinals lost to the Minnesota Vikings,
30-14, in their first playoff appearance since 1948.

The Cardinals again in 1975 won a division title but lost

in the playoffs to the Los Angeles Rams 35-23. In 1982, Green
Bay beat the Cardinals 41-16 in the first round playoffs. After
28 years in St. Louis, the Cardinals relocated to Arizona in
the spring of 1988 and made Sun Devil Stadium their home.
On March 17, 1994, President Bidwill announced his decision
to rename the team as the Arizona Cardinals.

Atlanta Falcons

Birth Name: Atlanta Falcons

First Season: 1966
First Preseason Game: August 1, 1966, 8:30 pm EST, Atlanta,
GA 33N45 00 084W23 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 11, 1966, 1:30 pm EST, Atlanta,
CA 33N45 00 084W23 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Gemini 52; Mars/Neptune 00
Libra 22; Saturn/Neptune 23 Capricorn 22
In Super Bowl XXXIII - Lost to Denver Broncos, 34-19 35

On April 15, 1964, Atlanta mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. broke
ground on the $18 million dollar Atlanta Stadium. Both the
AFL and NFL had discussed the possibility of Atlanta as the
location for a new pro football team. The Milwaukee Braves
had announced that they would move to Atlanta and become
the Atlanta Braves. Mayor Allen stated that he was breaking
ground with money they did not have and with teams that did
not exist.

The AFL awarded a franchise for Atlanta to J. Leonard

Reinsch on June 8, 1965. NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle
originally said the NFL would award an expansion team in
1967, but after the AFL Atlanta franchise announcement, he
dispatched public opinion pollster Louis Harris to Atlanta.
Harris conducted a poll showing that the citizens of Atlanta
overwhelmingly favored an NFL team over an AFL team.
This was a bitter defeat for the AFL. Rankin M. Smith was
awarded an NFL franchise for $8.5 million on June 30, 1965.
Smiths franchise was awarded a lease on the new stadium
and the AFL franchise ceased to exit. On August 29, 1954,
Julia Elliott won a radio station contest by suggesting to
name the team the Falcons. On January 26, 1966, Norb
Hecker was named the Falcons first head coach.36

On Monday, August 1, 1966, the Atlanta Falcons lost their

first preseason game to the Philadelphia Eagles 9-7. The
Eagles were heavily favored to win but failed to score a
touchdown against the fired-up new Falcon defense. That
Falcon first preseason game had Mars at 14 Cancer sextile
Uranus at 17 Virgo that exhibited the strong defense in their
first try. The Falcons almost pulled off an upset was part of
the write up by the United Press International that the Los
Angeles Times printed August 2, 1966. The caption of the
article was Falcons Lose by Foot to Eagles, Atlanta.37 It
seems that this energy is still with the Falcons as they end

another season in the playoffs in 2003 against the Eagles
where they lost 20-6 on January 11, 2003.

Atlanta lost its first regular season game to the Los

Angeles Rams 19-14 at Atlanta Stadium, September 11, 1966.
Their first victory at Atlanta Stadium was December 11, 1966,
where they defeated the St. Louis Cardinals 16-10.

That same energy carried over to the Atlanta Falcons

first conference game where they lost 19-4 to the Los Angeles
Rams September 11, 1966 in Atlanta. The team conference
chart no longer had Mars sextile Uranus, but instead
Pluto/Sun/Mercury conjunct Uranus in Virgo, meaning
powerful team, quarterback and defense. The Rams had to
fight for their lives and hard-pressed to defend an
expansion franchise expressed these planetary

During the January 2003 playoff season the Falcons

marched into Lambeau freezing temperatures, team
confident and powerful, with exceptional quarterback
Michael Vick, to defeat the Green Bay Packers in the wild
card game then lose the following week in the divisional
playoffs again to the Eagles.

Five-Smith, Inc. is the corporate name for the Atlanta

franchise registered August 20, 1965. It was so named for
Rankin Smiths five children. 41 year old Smith was awarded
the NFL franchise on June 30, 1965. The teams first practice
was July 2, 1966.

The teams nickname, Falcons, is proud and dignified,

with great courage and flight. It (a falcon) never drops its
prey. It is deadly and has a great sporting tradition.

Carolina Panthers

Birth Name: Carolina Panthers

First Season: 1995
First Preseason Game: July 29, 1995, 2:30 pm EDT, Canton,
Ohio 40N48 081W23 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 3, 1995, 1:00 pm EDT, Atlanta,
GA 33N50 084W24 00 39
Falcons won 23-20 (Atlanta, GA) Overtime Game (OT)
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 09 Capricorn 54; Mars/Neptune 10
Sagittarius 20; Saturn/Neptune 22 Aquarius 36

Football: Feline Franchises Welcome Team 29 40

Preseason Game Chart How many fans say that

preseason games do not count? If you listen to the
commercials, you will hear them say preseason is where
players are made. Carolina and Jacksonville made their
joint debut at a preseason game against each other, the
annual Hall of Fame game in Canton Ohio held at 2:30 pm
EDT, July 29, 1995 at the Canton High School stadium.
The visitors, the Carolina Panthers, defeated the home
team Jacksonville Jaguars 20-14, after a struggle which
ended with Jacksonville failing to score from Carolinas 2-
yard line with one minute, ten seconds left in the game.

Both teams downplayed the historical significance of

the game. After all, the pregame hype was that is was only
an exhibition game. The Hall of Fame installed two extra
bleacher sections in anticipation of an overflow crowd.
Both teams played the way teams play when winning is
important. In the final three minutes, the Jaguars twice
converted fourth downs to keep their drive alive. In the
final fourth down at the Carolina 2-yard line, Carolina
cornerback Steve Lofton got a hand on a quick slant
intended for receiver Cedric Tillmen thus thwarting
quarterback Brunnels pass. The following end zone
celebration by the Panthers confirmed that this was more
than just an exhibition game. Rick Gosselin, a staff writer
of The Dallas Morning News, wrote Now even the NFCs
worst is beating the AFCs worst.

The Jaguars had four turnovers, two fumbles and two
interceptions during the game. The Panthers had two
fumbles but recovered them and kept a perfect record of
no turnovers. Check the game chart to see what was
going on that might give us insights about the game.

Game Analysis - The 1st house represents the home

team (Jacksonville Jaguars) and the 7th house represents
the visitors (Carolina Panthers). Mars and Pluto rule
Scorpio representing the Jaguars and Venus rules Taurus
for the Panthers. Mars at 05 Libra was applying to an
exact sextile with Jupiter Rx at 05 Sagittarius, and the Sun
at 05 Leo was one degree past an exact sextile to Mars
while trine to Jupiter. Pluto Rx at 28 Scorpio was applying
to an exact sextile to Uranus Rx at 28 Capricorn. The
typical football game lasts approximately three hours. We
have to work with whatever aspects are exact during the
time period of the game because they reveal what is
happening during the game.

The Sun in the game chart represents the team that is

favored against the point spread. In its debut game,
Carolina was favored by three points. Since the Sun was
already one degree past the sextile to Mars and the trine to
Jupiter aspects which were good for Jacksonville let
us look at Venus representing the Carolina Panthers.
Venus at 00 Leo was applying to a conjunction of the Sun
at 6 Leo and was in an exact semisextile to the Moon at 00
Virgo. It is only a coincidence that six degrees was the
final point spread. If exact outcomes were this easy to
predict, we would all be rich.

Jaguars vs. Game Chart Panthers vs. Game Chart
North Node 03 Sagittarius North Node 03 Sagittarius
Trine Venus 00 Leo Trine Venus 00 Leo
Trine Sun 06 Leo Trine Sun 06 Leo
Square Moon 00 Virgo Square Moon 00 Virgo
Sextile Mars 05 Libra Sextile Mars 05 Libra
Conjunct Jupiter 05 Sagittarius Conjunct Jupiter 05 Sagittarius
Semisextile North Node 00 Scorpio Semisextile North Node 00 Scorpio
Jupiter 04 Scorpio Sun 03 Scorpio
Square Venus 00 Leo Square Venus 00 Leo

Square Sun 06 Leo Square Sun 06 Leo
Square Mercury 08 Leo Square Mercury 08 Leo
Sun 08 Sagittarius Sextile Moon 00 Virgo
Trine Mercury 08 Leo Saturn 23 Aquarius
Sextile Mars 05 Libra Semisextile Neptune 23 Capricorn
Conjunct Jupiter 5 Sagittarius Pluto 24 Scorpio
Saturn 24 Aquarius Sextile Neptune 23 Capricorn
Semisextile Saturn 24 Pisces Trine Saturn 24 Pisces
Pluto 2 5 Scorpio Moon 25 Pisces
Trine Saturn 24 Pisces Trine Pluto at 27 Scorpio
Moon 27 Gemini Sextile Uranus at 28 Capricorn
Quincunx Venus 27 Scorpio Conjunct Saturn 24 Pisces
Quincunx Pluto 27 Scorpio Jupiter 26 Libra
Quincunx Uranus 28 Capricorn Square Neptune 23 Capricorn
Square Uranus 28 Cancer

Analyzing the charts for the two team franchises against

the game chart, note that Carolina has more squares and
Jacksonville has more sextiles and trines.

Two issues must be distinguished: The winner of the

game vs. the winner against the Vegas point spread. When
analyzing the game chart, favorable aspects to the Sun
(sextiles and trines) favor the team picked to win the game by
the Vegas odds. Unfavorable aspects (conjunctions, squares,
and opposition) and any aspect Uranus or Neptune makes to
the Sun in the game chart indicate that the favored team will
not beat the point spread.

When analyzing the game chart against the chart of the

team franchise, first preseason game or conference game, the
hard aspects show who actually has the strength during the
three hour game period to sustain the effort and triumph.
Thus, hard aspects are more accurate indicators for picking
the winner.

For the Panthers first conference game, Carolina played
the Atlanta Falcons in Atlanta on September 3, 1995 starting
at 1:00 pm EDT.

Game Analysis, Panthers vs Falcons, 9/3/95, 1 pm EDT:

Venus rules the 7 house of the game chart and is past any
applying aspects throughout the game. When this happens
the visiting team usually loses; consequently, it looks like the
home team, the Falcons, will have the edge for this game.

The Atlanta Falcons Moon at 05 Leo trines the game

Jupiter at 7 Sagittarius and sextiles the game Mercury at 07
Libra. The Falcons Jupiter at 27 Cancer squares the game
Mars and North Node at 27 Libra. The Falcons won in
overtime 23-20.

Decatur Staleys - Chicago Staleys - Chicago Bears

Birth Name: Decatur Staleys

First Season: 1920
First Preseason Game: October 3, 1920, 3:00 pm CST, Decatur,
IL 39N51 00 088W57 00
First Conference Game: October 17, 1930, 3:00 pm CST, Rock
Island, IL 41N30 090W34 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 09 Scorpio 40; Mars/Neptune 21
Libra 31; Saturn/Neptune 09 Virgo 40
Super Bowl XX - Jan 26, 1986 - Chicago Bears 46 - New
England Patriots 10 41

On September 17, 1920, George Halas, representing the
Decatur Staleys, met with representatives of 12 other clubs at
Ralph Hays Hupmobile showroom in Canton, Ohio, to form
the American Professional Football Association which later
became the NFL. Membership was set at $100.

In 1921 the Decatur Staleys became the Chicago Staleys

and played in Wrigley Field. They won the APFA Title with 9-
1-1 record. Staley gave Halas the club and paid $5,000 to keep
the Staleys name for the year. Halas made Dutch Sternaman
his partner. On January 28, 1922, the franchise was renamed
the Chicago Bears.

One of the greatest of all Hall of Fame players was on the

Chicago Bears for 13 years. He was said to be poetry in
motion and was known in the league as Sweetness. His
name -Walter Payton.

Walter Payton

Walter Payton was know as Sweetness for his beautiful

playing style, at Soldier Field with the Chicago Bears. That
torch Sweetness was passed on to Emmitt Smith of the
Dallas Cowboys during the 2002 NFL season. On Sunday,
October 27, 2002, in a Cowboy game vs. Seattle at Texas
Stadium, Emmitt Smith reached 16,728 rushing yards,
passing the late Walter Payton 16,726 rushing yards, to
become No. 1 on the all-time list and accomplishing a goal he
had set before his rookie season. He finished the game with

16,743 yards. Smith ended his 2002 NFL season just 25 yards
short of having 1,000 yards rushing per season since his
rookie year with the Cowboys.

Emmitt Smith stated that without Walter Payton doing

what he did in the National Football League and being the
man he was, Smith would not have had the dream and goal to
shoot for or man to look up to.

Walter Payton told the Chicago fans that he was the best
running back in the draft and that when he got to Chicago
they would love him. And he was the greatest running back to
play in the NFL. Walters Sun at 2 Leo square Saturn at 2
Scorpio gave him the discipline he needed to follow through
on his promise. He had 110 rushing touchdowns; 275 rushing
yards vs. Minnesota Vikings on November 20, 1977, an NFL
record for one game; 77 games with at least 100 rushing
yards, another record; 10 seasons with at least 1,000 rushing
yards, an NFL record; 1 Super Bowl title (1985 Chicago
Bears); a regular-season average of 4.36 yards per carry; past
season average of 3.51 years per carry.

What others said of Payton: Mike Ditka his coach in 1985

Chicago Bears 18-1 season, "He affected so many people in a
positive way, (Sagittarius Ascendant) not only through
athletic prowess, but through his generosity and for the way
he lived his life."42

Walter's Moon at 10 Gemini square Venus at 14 Virgo

drove him to prove his worth and respond quickly to the
opportunities at hand on the field. It was an attribute that
earned him the respect of Jim Brown, an acknowledged
curmudgeon from the game s old school, who ranks Payton
among the four or five best players ever. Where did all that
courage come from?

"They talk about speed and about size and about how
much a guy lifts, but they don't talk about the heart of an
individual," Brown said. "Walter was not big but he was as
strong as anybody alive. He had that intangible that made
him a demon." Paytons Mars at 25 Sagittarius trined Pluto at
23 Leo, adding to his competitiveness and physical strength
against players twice his size. Neptune at 23 Libra square
Uranus at 23 Cancer sextile Mars at 25 Sagittarius exemplifies
how strong, resourceful, powerful and defensive a player
Payton could be. John Madden had another kind of memory.
"I remember asking him once what he like doing best on the
football field, Madden said. "From most running backs you
hear running, scoring touchdowns or leading the league in
scoring." Not from Payton. "Walter told me his favorite play
would be knocking down a blitzing linebacker and having his
quarterback throw a touchdown pass. That symbolizes what
kind of a team player Walter was." Walters Mars quincunx
Uranus at 23 Cancer is where he was able to adjust quickly
and surprise the linebackers with power blitzes and tackles.

The kind of player who became a leader of the Chicago

Bears for 13 seasons not only because of his offense but also
because, as former linebacker Mike Singletary said, he was
the player who worked hardest at practice and told the most
jokes in the locker room. Again we hear how Walter s Sun
square Saturn played out. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in his
seventh and sextile Venus at 14 Virgo showed Walters playful
side as his teammates enjoyed his jokes and pranks.

"The Bears had some tough years but, no matter how

tough it was, Walter was the kind of person that would make
you feel good about playing the game." Singletary said. "You
don't see that Payton attitude today," Brown said. "You don't
see players fighting for every inch. Without the heart, all that
speed and size is just wasted skill." 43

How did Payton impact the Chicago Bears team? His
Uranus at 23 Cancer squared the Bears Sun at 24 Libra. This
is where he loved to blitz the linebacker on the opposing
team. His Pluto at 23 Leo sextiles the Bears Sun adding
power and pride to the team. His Neptune at 23 Libra
conjuncted the Bears Sun. Maybe this is why he did not get
his due in the 1985 Super Bowl and only gained 61 yards in
that game. His Mars at 25 Sagittarius was conjunct the Bears
Mars at 29 Sagittarius. He was THEIR running back and the
best in the NFL.

It was only appropriate that the Bears honored Payton

the day after his memorial as they beat the Green Bay Packers

Dallas Cowboys

Birth Name: Dallas Cowboys

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: August 6, 1960, 2:00 pm PST, Seattle,
WA 47N37 00 122W00 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 24, 1960, 8:05 pm CST, Dallas,
TX 32N47 00 096W49 00 44
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 06 Aries 56; Mars/Neptune 04 Virgo
46; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 43
Super Bowl VI - Jan. 16, 1972 - Dallas Cowboys 24 - Miami

Dolphins 3
Super Bowl XII - Jan. 15, 1978 - Dallas Cowboys 27 - Denver
Broncos 10
Super Bowl XXVII - Jan. 31, 1993 - Dallas Cowboys 52 -
Buffalo Bills 17
Super Bowl XXVIII - Jan. 30, 1994 - Dallas Cowboys 30 -
Buffalo Bills 1345
Super Bowl XXX - Jan 28, 1996 - Dallas Cowboys 27- Pittsburgh
Steelers 17
In Super Bowl V - Lost to Baltimore Colts, 16-13
In Super Bowl X - Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers, 21-17
In Super Bowl XIII - Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers, 35-3146

Clint Murchison, Jr. and Bedford Wynne were awarded

an expansion franchise in the NFL, on January 28, 1960, in
Miami Beach, Florida. This was the second pro football
franchise awarded to the city of Dallas and where the Dallas
Texans franchise in the AFL cost $25,000, the NFL franchise
cost Merchison and Wynn $600,000. The book price was
$50,000 with the remainder of the charge for the players. The
new franchise was originally referred to as the Rangers.

Commissioner Pete Rozelle announced that 11 clubs voted

in favor of the Rangers, the Chicago Cardinals failed to vote,
George Marshall, president of the Washington Redskins
opposed the expansion and the New York Giants Jack Mara
had a whats-in-it-for-us attitude. Tex Schramm was named
general manager of the Rangers. This was the NFLs second
time to be in the city of Dallas. The New York Yankees, owned
by a group headed by Giles E. Miller had moved to Dallas,
were renamed the Texans, but failed financially and were
taken over by the NFL and moved to Baltimore and given a
new franchise as the Baltimore Colts. 47,48

On March 13, 1960, a player pool that had been set up by
12 NFL teams freezing 25 names on their roster. The Cowboys
had 24 hours to select 36 veteran players, 3 from each team.
They lost their first preseason game at Seattle, Washington to
San Francisco 16-10. The Cowboys first preseason victory
came in Louisville, Kentucky where they beat the New York
Giants 14-3. In their first league game, Dallas lost to the
Pittsburgh Steelers 35-28, September 24, 1960. The Cotton
Bowl was the Cowboys first home stadium. On December 23,
1967, Clint Murchison, Jr. announced plans to build Texas
Stadium in Irving and ground was broken on January 25,

On July 5, 1969, quarterback Don Meredith, (1960-68),

the last of the original Cowboys, announced his retirement.
Turn Out The Lights, The Partys Over is remembered from
a Monday Night Football games commentary with Howard

On March 31, 1980, quarterback Roger Staubach

announced his retirement after 11 record-breaking years with
the Cowboys. He led the Cowboys to four Super Bowls. He
became the sixth member of the Ring of Honor at Texas
Stadium on October 9, 1983. Those who preceded him were
Bob Lilly, Don Meredith, Don Perkins, Chuck Howley, and Mel
Renfro. Lilly was the first Dallas Cowboy elected to the Hall of
Fame (1980) and Staubach soon joined him there, too (1985).

The Murchison family sold the Cowboys to an 11-member

limited partnership headed by H.R. Bum Bright in May 18,
1984. In 1986, the Cowboys steak of 20 consecutive winning
seasons from 1966-1985 came to an end as the team finished 7-
9. The Cowboys founder, Clint Murchison, Jr. died March 30,
1987. He had hired Tex Schramm as general manager and
given Tom Landry a 10-year contract. Tom Landry tied Curly
Lambeaus NFL record after coaching the Cowboys for 29

consecutive seasons, 196088. (Lambeau coached the Green
Bay Packers from 1921-49.) In 1990, Landry was inducted into
the Hall of Fame. He had led the Cowboys to five Super Bowls
and 20 consecutive winning seasons.

On February 25, 1989, Jerry Jones purchased the

Cowboys from Bum Bright and announced that University of
Miami Coach Jimmy Johnson would replace Tom Landry as
head coach of the Cowboys. Schramm left the Cowboys after
29 years and was named president of the new World Football
League of America. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in
1991 as the man behind the scenes in developing Americas

In 1989, the #1 NFL draft pick, quarterback Troy Aikman

began his career with the Cowboys. By 1991, running back
Emmitt Smith, wide receiver Michael Irving and tight end Jay
Novacek were name synonymous with Aikman and the Dallas
Cowboy success. The Cowboys beat the Buffalo Bills 52-17 in
1993s Super Bowl XXVII, the sixth Super Bowl appearance
for the Cowboys and their Third World Championship. Their
Fourth World Championship came in 1994 as they again
defeated the Buffalo Bills 30-13 in Super bowl XXVIII.

Fans will never know if Dallas could have been the first
team to win four straight Super Bowls. Fights between the
egos of Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson ended that era of
Cowboy history. Jones money and Johnsons brains
combined to select new players and build/maintain the
championship team. With Johnsons departure and Switzers
hiring, the demise of the Cowboys has continued. Switzer was
a great recruiter, not a coach; Dallas won another Super Bowl
because the players wanted it, not because Switzer coached
them there. The 2002 season ends with another coach, Dave
Campo, being fired. Jones sees himself as the Cowboys coach
and only hires a puppet to do what he wants. But he does not

have a clue on how to really field a good team, and no one
wants to work for him. Coaches need a voice in selecting the
correct players and staff to build a championship team. Only
when a coach is hired who is strong enough to handle Jones as
Johnson once did will the Cowboys have any hope to rebuild
and regain their title as Americas team again. Rumor has it
the next Dallas coach will be Bill Parcells. Jones will have to
give up some power if Parcells is to have a chance to rebuild
the Cowboys.

Roger Staubach Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl V, VI, XII

When Roger Staubach fourteen times won a game in the
last two minutes and in another nine games where the
Cowboys came from behind in the fourth quarter to win, I was
at those home games in Texas Stadium. Unfortunately, I was
dating a guy who couldnt stand to be in the traffic after a
game, so we always LEFT AT THE TWO MINUTE
WARNING!!!!!!!!! I missed seeing the significant plays that
whole season and only heard them on the radio as we drove
home. I literally screamed the whole way home. On one
occasion, my sister and brother-in-law and nephews were
with us and my brother-in-law stood up and refused to leave. I
thought we were going to get killed on the way home so I never
complained again about leaving early but I really missed an
exciting season.49

Where Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw had a way of

getting ahead in a game and could rest on the side lines while
their backups went in, Roger Staubach often did not come
alive until the two minute warning. It didnt seem to matter
how many touchdowns we were behind, Staubach would find
his receivers and win the game. Those days were exciting to
say the least.

Whats different about these three quarterbacks charts?

Joe Montana had a Mercury/Uranus sextile which helped him

to take advantage of the opportunities at hand and run up the
score. Montana had Saturn square Mars so he took plenty of
time, found his receivers and won no matter what. Bradshaw
had Saturn sextile Mars so he tried to get to the receivers in
the end zone early and if necessary figure out what to do to
win at the end of the game with his Mercury square Uranus.
Staubach had a tight Mercury/Uranus square. He loved the
challenge of the two-minute warning and had a wide
Mars/Saturn conjunction that urged him to take control under
pressure to win game after game.

One conclusion that I can draw from the quarterback

research is probably the most important information that an
owner or coach should know before they pledge any cash to an
up and comer. Any quarterbacks who are born with
Saturn/Mars quincunx are the quarterbacks who choke at the
two minute warning and are most likely to throw an
interception to lose the game.

The planets circle the Sun in cycles throughout the years,

but its not everyday that Mercury/Uranus and Saturn/Mars
align as they did in the charts of Graham, Staubach, Bradshaw
and Montana. Thats why we only have a few really
outstanding and memorable GREAT quarterbacks.

Portsmouth Spartans - Detroit Lions

Birth Name: Portsmouth Spartans

First Season: 1930
First Preseason Game: Sept. 14, 1930, 3:00 pm EST,
Portsmouth, OH 38N44 00 083W00 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 14, 1930, 3:00 pm EST,
Portsmouth, OH 38N44 00 083W00 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 07 Libra 57; Mars/Neptune 07 Leo
19; Saturn/Neptune 04 Scorpio 38 50

The Detroit Lions began their history in Portsmouth, Ohio
as the Portsmouth Spartans from 1930-1933 before moving to
Detroit in 1934. The only franchise where I have found a
corporate name is here. They were awarded an NFL franchise
under the name of The Portsmouth National Football League
Corporation, June 12, 1930. The Spartans made their NFL
debut at home defeating the Newark Tornadoes on Sunday,
September 14, 1930. The Portsmouth Times lists the time of
the game at 3:00 pm at Universal Stadium, Portsmouth, Ohio.
George (Potsy) Clark was named the Spartans first head
coach. Their first preseason and first conference game were
one and the same. The Spartans played in championship
fashion but was always the bridesmaid and never the bride. In
1935, the Detroit Lions won it all with a 7-3-2 record and beat
the New York Giants on December 9, 1935, 26-7 for their first
championship. The football fans felt their beloved Spartans
had finally won the championship but they were now the
Detroit Lions. 51, 52

Thanksgiving Day Series Since 1934, the Detroit Lions

have been a proud part of the American celebration of
Thanksgiving. The holiday game was the brainchild of G. A.
Richards, the first owner of the Detroit Lions. Richards had
purchased the team in 1934 and moved the Lions from
Portsmouth, Ohio to the Motor City. At that time,
Thanksgiving Day football was a tradition in the midwest on
the high school and college levels, but unheard of on the
professional level. In fact, professional football played on any
day back then was a risky proposition. The Lions were the
new kids in town and had taken a backseat to the baseball
team the Tigers. Despite the fact the Lions had lost just one
game prior to Thanksgiving day in 34, the largest crowd that
season had been just 15,000.

The opponent for the first Thanksgiving Day game on

November 29, 1934, was the undefeated, defending World

Champion, Chicago Bears of George Halas with the reigning
star of that era, fullback Bronco Nagurski. The game would
determine the champion of the Western Division. Richards
had convinced the NBC Radio Network to carry the game
coast-to-coast (94 stations), and additionally, an estimated
26,000 fans jammed into the University of Detroit Stadium
while thousands of disappointed fans were turned away.

The Bears won the inaugural game, 19-16, and a classic

was born. Since 1934, 56 Thanksgiving Day games have been
played with the series at 28-26-2. The Detroit Lions continue
to be the early NFL game on Thanksgiving Day, however, in
1965, The Dallas Cowboys started their own legion as the
Thanksgiving Day afternoon NFL game. 53

Green Bay Packers

Birth Name: Green Bay Packers

First Season: 1921
First Preseason Game: September 25, 1921, 2:00 pm CST,
Green Bay, Wisconsin 44N31 00 088W00 00
First Conference Game: October 23, 1921, 2:30 pm CST, Green
Bay, WI 44N31 088W00 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 26 Virgo 42; Mars/Neptune 03 Virgo
38; Saturn/Neptune 08 Virgo 51
Super Bowl I - January 15, 1967 - Green Bay Packers 35 -
Kansas City Chiefs 10

Super Bowl II - January 14, 1968 - Green Bay Packers 33 -
Oakland Raiders 14
Super Bowl XXXI - January 26, 1997 - Green Bay Packers 35 -
New England Patriots 21
In Super Bowl XXXII - Lost to Denver Broncos, 31-24

Sometime between 1:00 pm and 1:45 pm, August 11, 1919,

Earl (Curly) Lambeau and George Calhoun organized the
Green Bay Packers while they walked around the park
throwing a football. On that evening, a group of husky young
athletes were called together and organized a football team in
the dingy editorial room of the old Green Bay Press-Gazette
Building on Cherry Street. That nights decision was not
announced until two days later. Actually the initial team idea
had come a few weeks before during a casual street-corner
conversation between Curly Lambeau and George Calhoun. It
was apparently started by one of those Why not get up a
football team? remarks; but once they got interested,
Lambeau and Calhoun wasted no time.

Vince Lombardi was named the Green Bay Packers coach

January 28, 1959, a year to the day before rival franchises
were awarded to Dallas and Minnesota.

In an article, Football Mania 54 Carol B. Hopkins of Las

Vegas, Nevada, wrote that in researching the original games
for the NFL teams, she found the September 14, 1919, 1:06 pm
CST, Green Bay, Wisconsin 44N30.8 088W00. I believe this
was what was documented as the first Green Bay Packers
game prior to them joining the NFL. Ms. Hopkins thanks Ruth
Dewey of Denver, Colorado, for the chart of the Green Bay
Packers which she searched out while visiting Green Bay,

Minnesota Vikings

Birth Name: Minnesota Vikings

First Season: 1961
First Preseason Game: August 5, 1951, 1:00 pm CDT, Sioux
Falls, SD 43N33 00 096W44 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 17, 1961, 1:35 pm CST,
Bloomington, MN 44N35 093W17 00 55
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 06 Sagittarius 58; Mars/Neptune 00
Scorpio 01; Saturn/Neptune 16 Sagittarius 23

In Super Bowl IV - Lost to Kansas City Chiefs, 23-7
In Super Bowl VIII - Lost to Miami Dolphins, 24-7
In Super Bowl IX - Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers, 16-6
In Super Bowl XI - Lost to Oakland Raiders, 32-14 56

Minnesota was originally in the mix to be one of the first

eight teams in the newly formed American Football League,
but then withdrew from the AFL to receive an NFL franchise
January 28, 1960, and begin play in 1961. Bert Rose as general
manager named the team the Vikings and chose Norm Van
Brocklin as the Vikings first head coach. The Vikings first
league game was a win against the Chicago Bears, 37-17, at
Metropolitan Stadium.

The Minnesota Vikings have been to four Super Bowls,

1970 Super Bowl IV, 1974 Super Bowl VIII, 1975 Super Bowl
IX, and 1977 Super Bowl XI, the first with quarterback Joe
Kapp and the others with quarterback Fran Tarkenton. Their
hope of a 1998 Super Bowl XXXIII appearance ended at the
NFC Championship game as the Atlanta Falcons won 30-27 in
sudden death overtime. That championship game had both the
Sun and Moon applying to Neptune at the start of the game
favoring the underdog Falcons. Had the game been played at
a different time or on a different day, Minnesota might have
reached their dream. Its fascinating to check the game charts
and see when negative energy can defeat even the best teams
and allow the underdogs to shine and win.

New Orleans Saints

Birth Name: New Orleans Saints

First Season: 1967
First Preseason Game: August 2, 1967, 8:05 pm PDT, Anaheim,
California 35N50 00 117W55 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 17, 1967, 1:30 pm CDT, New
Orleans, LA 29N58 090W04 00 57
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 07 Aquarius 39; Mars/Neptune 28
Scorpio 37; Saturn/Neptune 01 Aquarius 09

The Los Angeles Rams played host two years in a row to
the debut of expansion teams, first the Atlanta Falcons and
then the New Orleans Saints. The latter game was the first
National Football League game played in Orange County in
Anaheim, California. The Los Angeles Times listed kickoff at
8:05 pm. The Rams struggled to win in the Saints first
preseason debut 16-7.58 Their first preseason victory was a
win against the St. Louis Cardinals, 23-14, at Shreveport,
Louisiana. The Rams were favored by 11 in the Saints season
opener in New Orleans and won 27-13. 59, 60 Their first NFL
win came in November when they beat the Philadelphia
Eagles, 31-24, at Tulane Stadium.

On November 1, 1966, the NFL awarded New Orleans a

franchise. NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle said stadium
availability was the reason New Orleans was chosen as the
new franchise. He personally flew to New Orleans to make the
announcement in hopes that it would help boost the proposed
constitutional amendment clearing the way for construction
of a domed stadium in New Orleans. The Louisiana residents
were to vote on the proposal the following Tuesday. 61, 62 On
December 15, John W. Mecom, Jr. became the majority
stockholder-president of the 16 NFL franchise. On January
9, 1967 the team was named the Saints.

The New Orleans team was named the Saints in honor

of the Dixieland classic When the Saints Go Marching In,
which became their fight song. Tom Fears was named as the
first New Orleans head coach. 63

Saints kicker Tom Dempseys 63-yard field goal against

the Detroit Lions, November 8, 1970, stood as the longest field
goal in NFL history until October 25, 1998, when Jason Elam
of the Denver tied the record in a Broncos/Jacksonville Jaguar

On January 28, 1971, quarterback Archie Manning was
drafted by New Orleans in the first round. The Louisiana
Superdome was dedicated on August 3, 1974. New Orleans
has had almost teams over the years but awaits a chance to
be great enough to go to the Super Bowl.

New York Giants

Birth Name: New York Giants

First Season: 1925
First Preseason Game: October 4, 1925, 1:00 pm EST, New
York, NY 41N40 00 072W47 00
First Conference Game: October 11, 1925, 2:45 pm EST,
Providence, RI 41N49 071W24 00

New York Giants 0 Providence Steamrollers 14.
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 26 Libra 01; Mars/Neptune 16 Virgo
19; Saturn/Neptune 03 Libra 54
Super Bowl XXI - January 25, 1987 - New York Giants 39 -
Denver Broncos 20
Super Bowl XXV - January 27, 1991 - New York Giants 20 -
Buffalo Bills 19
In Super Bowl XXXV - Lost to Baltimore Ravens, 34-7

The New York Giants were one of five new franchises

admitted to the NFL in 1925. Timothy J. Mara, a bookmaker,
and Billy Gibson, the manager of boxer Gene Tunney, were
awarded the franchise on the warm, sunny afternoon of
August 1, 1925 for $500. The Giants insist that the $500 of a
down payment on the actual price was $2,500.

Joe Carr, founder of the National Football League, wanted

to establish a professional football team in New York. He first
contacted Billy Gibson, a national sports figure, to promote
football in New York, but Gibson had already invested in a
similar but losing venture and was unwilling to take another
big money risk. While Gibson spoke on the telephone with
Carr, his friend T.J. Mara arrived late for an appointment to
bargain for a piece of Tunney. Instead, Gibson handed the
telephone to Mara and told him to talk to Carr about buying a
franchise for New York. Gibson suggested they could go in on
it together. When Mara asked how much the franchise was,
Gibson said $500. Mara knew nothing about football at the
time but thought any franchise in New York should be worth
at least that much and went in on the deal.

Carr met with Mara to warn him that losses could be as

much as $40,000 the first season. Because Mara was a
bookmaker and liked taking chances, New York gained a play-
for-pay team, a piece of the All-Collegian Professional Football

Club, Inc., the New York Franchise in the National Football

Gibson served as president, March as secretary, and Mara

as treasurer. Mara soon discovered that his $500 only bought
a piece of paper giving him the right to field a team and didnt
pay for any players or staff. To put a team on the field, he
needed a coach, a team, a field, money and publicity. Many of
Maras friends thought he had made a bad investment and
refused to become involved financially, but Mara finally
convinced Matty Frans and a few of his friends to buy shares
in the corporation. He rented the Polo Grounds and named
the team the Giants after the baseball team who played on the
same field.

With additional capital and a stadium, he began to

assemble a team. Bob Folwell was hired as the coach. March
and Mara knew that success required giving the New York
fans big-name college stars. The first player was Dr. Joseph
Alexander, a practicing physician in New York and an All-
American guard and center at Syracuse in 1918-20. March
also signed some more authentic All-Americans end Bob
Nash of Rutgers, Lynn Bomer of Vanderbilt, guard Art Carney
of Navy, tackles Century Milstead of Yale and Ed McGinley of
Pennsylvania and running back Jim Thorpe of Carlisle.

The Giants also signed Hinkey Hanes of Penn State, Jack

McBride and Paul Jappe of Syracuse, Al Bednar, Joe Williams,
Wally Walbride, and Matty Brennan of Lafayette, Dutch
Hendrian of Pitt, Fred Parnell of Colgate, Heube Bebkert of
Rutgers and Tom Myers of Fordham. The salaries ranged
from $75-400 a game. Three got season contracts ranging
from $3-4000.

On paper the Giants looked strong. Most of the players
held down full time jobs during the day so the team started off
with problems getting the players together for daily afternoon
4:30 p.m. practices. With injuries and only 22 men most of
the season, the Giants often lacked enough healthy players for
practice. The biggest problem was Jim Thorpe, age 37, with a
weak left knee and a fondness for alcohol. He got $200 to play
half a game. Dr. Alexander was so busy with his medical
practice that he was often late or missing for football practice.

The Giants seems impressive enough, 26-0 in their

opener, an exhibition game against the Ducky Ponds All Stars
at New Britain, Connecticut. The game was played October 4,
1925, at 1:00 p.m. in the rain. The Giants were cocky when
they boarded a boat for the season opener scheduled for
October 11, 1925 at 2:45 p.m. in Providence, Rhode Island.
Their boat almost capsized and everyone got seasick. The
Giants lost to the Providence Steamrollers 14-0. Mara was
upset with the Giant performance, since he was counting on
the victory to boost sales for the home opener against the
Frankford Yellow Jackets of Pennsylvania.

Mara gave tickets away and courted the media. The

Giants started to win games but were $45,000 in the red.
Mara came very close to selling the franchise, but no one
wanted it. The biggest name in football then was Red Grange,
the Galloping Ghost. Mara tried to sign him for the Giants but
lost out to the Chicago Bears. The Bears and Grange were
scheduled to play at the Polo Grounds on December 6.
Despite the rain that fell all week, tickets sold faster than the
Giants could print them. Over 73,000 fans filled the Polo
Ground. The Bears won 19-7 and Mara was now $15,000
ahead for the season. Mara saw that a big name star and
enough publicity could make professional football a
successful and profitable enterprise. The Giants finished

fourth in a 20 team league with a win/loss record of at 8-4
their first year. 64,65,66

The Giants are now 77 years old. The Giants franchise

helped further pro football in a time when it was in danger of
disintegration from lack of money and public support. The
Giants have won NFL Championships in 1927, 1934, 1938,
1956 before the merger with the AFC. They had two Super
Bowl wins in 1987 and 1991.

Philadelphia Eagles

Birth Name: Philadelphia Eagles

First Season: 1933
First Preseason Game:
First Conference Game: October 15, 1933, 2:30 pm EDT, Polo
Grounds, Brooklyn, NY 40N38 073W56 00. The New York
Giants won 56-0. 67
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 07 Capricorn 06; Mars/Neptune 22
Libra 57; Saturn/Neptune 25 Scorpio 34
In Super Bowl XV - Lost to Oakland Raiders, 27-10

On July 9, 1933, Philadelphia Eagles Bert Bell awarded

thefranchise forfeited by Frankford Yellow Jackets to a
Syndicate headed by Bert Bell and Lud Wray for $2,500. The
club was christened the Eagles in honor of the symbol of the
New Deal and the NRA. Bell and Wray formed a syndicate to
purchase the Frankford Yellow Jackets NFL franchise. They
knew the state law banning sports on Sunday was about to be
repealed. Bell was the teams general manager and Wray the
Eagles first coach. The Eagles NFL debut was October 15,
1933 in Brooklyn, New York where the New York Giants won
56-0. The Eagles and Chicago Bears played in Philadelphias
first Sunday Game, November 12, 1933, at Baker Bowl and
game ended in a 3-3 tie. In 1924, the Frankford Yellow
Jackets (Philadelphia) was awarded a franchise. No date is
given. 68

In 1948 the Eagles won their first NFL championship

defeating the Chicago Cardinals 7-0 in a blinding snowstorm
at Shibe Park. In 1940 the home playing site switches from
Municipal Stadium to Shibe Park, later known as Connie
Mack Stadium. In 1943 the Eagles merged with the Pittsburgh
Steelers, known as the Steagles for one year due to
shortage of players during World War II. In 1971 the Eagles
leave Franklin Field for a new home at Veterans Stadium. 69

On January 25, 1981, the Philadelphia Eagles went to

their first Super Bowl (XV) at Pasadena, California, only to
lose to the Oakland Raiders 27-10. Philadelphia was favored
to win by 3. The 2003 NFL playoffs have the Raiders hosting
the Tennessee Titans in the AFC Championship game and the
Philadelphia Eagles hosting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the
NFC Championship game January 19, 2003. Are there any
similarities to the these playoff games that could have the
same two host teams in Super Bowl XXXVII. Philadelphia
coach, Andy Reid has just won Coach of the Year awards, as
he has gotten him team to this position with three different
injured quarterbacks. And Oakland Raiders quarterback,
Rick Gannon, has already won MVP honor for the 2002 NFL
season. Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Philadelphia
Eagles 27-10 in the NFC Championship game, sending the
Eagles home to vacation and the Buccaneers prepare for their
first Super Bowl in the history of their franchise.

Cleveland Rams, Los Angeles Rams, St. Louis Rams

Birth Name: Cleveland Rams

First Season: 1937
First Preseason Game:
First Conference Game: Sept. 10, 1937, 8:30 pm EST,
Cleveland, OH 41N30 00 081W42 00 70
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 10 Aquarius 13; Mars/Neptune 03
Scorpio 10; Saturn/Neptune 25 Gemini 44
Super Bowl XXXIV - January 30, 2000 - St. Louis Rams 23 -
Tennessee Titans 16
In Super Bowl XIV - Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers, 31-10

Homer Marshman and Associates, a prominent group of

local businessmen, were granted a Cleveland franchise,
named the Rams on February 12, 1937. Hugo Bezdek was
named head coach. As the leagues rookie franchise, the
Rams finished with a 1-10-0 record. On April 6, 1943, the
Cleveland Rams suspended operation for one season and
resumed operation April 19, 1944. On January 12, 1946, the
Cleveland Rams moved to Los Angeles where they became the
Los Angeles Rams. The first LA Rams preseason game was
August 23, 1946 (Friday Night) against the College All-Stars at
Soldier Field, 8:00 p.m. CST. The NFL took on a truly
national appearance for the first time when Reeves was
granted permission by the league to move the NFL champion
Rams to Los Angeles. On April 12, 1995, the NFL owners
approved the Rams to move from Los Angeles, California to
St. Louis, Missouri. On January 30, 2000, at the Georgia
Dome in Atlanta, Georgia, the St. Louis Rams won their first
Super Bowl, (XXXIV). They defeated the AFC champion,
Tennessee Titans 23-16. St. Louis quarterback Kurt Warner
was named MVP. 71

San Francisco 49ers

Birth Name: San Francisco 49ers

First Season: 1946
First Preseason Game: August 24, 1946, 8:15 pm PST, San
Diego, CA 34N43 00 117W09 00 72
First Conference Game: Sept. 8, 1946, 2:30 pm PST, San
Francisco, CA 37N47 122W25 00 73
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 12 Virgo 00; Mars/Neptune 13 Libra
31; Saturn/Neptune 06 Virgo 00

Super Bowl XVI - Jan. 24, 1982 - San Francisco 49ers 26 -
Cincinnati 21
Super Bowl XIX - Jan. 20, 1985 - San Francisco 49ers 39 -
Miami Dolphins 16
Super Bowl XXIII - Jan. 22, 1989 - San Francisco 49ers 20 -
Cincinnati 16
Super Bowl XXXIV - Jan. 28, 1990 - San Francisco 49ers 55 -
Denver 10
Super Bowl XXIX - Jan. 29, 1995 - San Francisco 49ers 49 -
San Diego Chargers 26 74

The San Francisco 49ers charter to the All-American

Football Conference was formed by Anthony J. (Tony)
Marabito, along with partners Allen E. Sorrell and E. J. Turre.
One of the partners selected the teams nickname. Lawrence
(Buck) Shaw of Santa Clara was named the 49ers first head
coach. Kezar Stadium was their first home playing field. The
49ers finished second to the Cleveland Browns four years in a
row. In 1949, the NFL and AAFC merged and in 1950 the
49ers only won three games in their first season in the NFL.
San Francisco 49ers lost the first AAFC conference game to
the New York Yankees 21-7 on September 8, 1946, at Kazar
Stadium.75 That date was transferred to the NFL and
recorded as their official NFL game.

From a modest beginning in 1949 in the All-American

Conference, the San Francisco 49ers reigned in the 80's and
90's as the superior NFL team with five Super Bowl wins, four
under the helm of quarterback Joe Montana. Where Y. A.
Tittle was a quarterback household word in the 50's, Billy
Kilmer and John Brodie carried the 49ers quarterback load
in the sixties. In 1974, five different quarterbacks were used
after quarterback Steve Spurrier was injured and out for
most of the year.

On March 31, 1977, a new era began for the 49ers as the
team became the property of new owner Edward J.
DeBartolo, Jr. In 1978, Bill Walsh was hired as the new coach
and general manager. Improvements slowly began to reform
the 49ers. In 1980 Joe Montana set the clubs passing
percentage record. By 1981 Walsh had received every
possible NFC Coach-of-the-Year award. Montana was named
MVP for Super Bowl XVI after leading the 49ers to a 26-21
win over the Cincinnati Bengals. The 49ers second Super
Bowl XIX win over the Miami Dolphins 38-16 again named
Joe Montana MVP. The 1985 Rookie-of-the-Year was Jerry
Rice with 927 receiving yards. In Super Bowl XXIII,
Cincinnati lead the 49ers 16-13 with 3:20 left on the clock.
Most of you have seen the famous footage on TV where one of
the players turned to Cincinnati coach Sam Wyche and said I
think we left too much time on the clock for number 16. San
Francisco won 20-13 with 34 seconds remaining. This was
their third Super Bowl win of the decade and gave them the
title Team of the 1980's. Montana left the 49ers to play at
the end of his career for the Kansas City Chiefs but returned
to the city of San Francisco where his Number 16 was retired
as a 49er.76

Joe Montana and Jerry Rice are only one of many

quarterback receiver combinations who have made the NFL
what it is today. Comparing a players chart to the teams
chart is the same as comparing a childs chart to his parents
chart. There are degree contacts between planets. The two
planet combinations tell the story of what each person brings
to the team as well as how the team helps build the players
confidence and honors. When there are records broken and
outstanding quarterback receiver combinations, strong
degrees contacts are there between these outstanding players.

If you take the charts below and note the Super Bowls they
each were in, you can see the third dynamic as how the Game
Chart planets accelerated the excellence of the players.

The San Francisco Jupiter at 26 Libra is exactly

sextile Montanas Pluto at 26 Leo. The 49ers and Montana
present opportunities to each other. In other words, the 49ers
helped expand the dramatic power of Montana. Montanas
Pluto was located in San Franciscos 8th house support from
others. He reached the masses (Pluto) to expand (Jupiter)

great honors to the 49ers team (Jupiter conjunct 10th house of
San Franciscos team chart).

San Franciscos Saturn at 4 Leo was quincunx Montanas

Mars at 4 Pisces. A Saturn/Mars quincunx means that from
an energy stand point the running backs had to adjust and
move quickly in different directions to give the offense the
ability to win. Montana was able to scramble and get the ball
to the open receivers and he was the one who make the
adjustments to the offense so he empowered them to win.

Montanas Sun at 20 Gemini conjuncted San Franciscos

Uranus at 21 Gemini and trined the 49ers Mars at 19 Libra.
Montanas Sun was the heartbeat of the team electrifying the
defense (Uranus) and firing up the receivers by taking every
early opportunity to get them into the end zone for
touchdowns (Mars).

San Franciscos Saturn opposed Jerry Rices Saturn. This
gave both the team and Rice the opportunity to read the
opposition and prepare with hard work to stabilize both.
Rices Neptune in Scorpio squared the 49ers Pluto.
Neptune/Pluto energy gave Rice and the 49ers the ability to
be illusive, intense, secretive and powerful in executing the
offense. San Franciscos Sun conjuncted Rices Mars.
Sun/Mars just turns on the spotlight and pushes the running
back into a starring role.

Rices Mars at 00 Leo was sextile Montanas Mercury at

00 Gemini and conjunct Montanas Uranus/Moon 00 Leo;

Rices Mercury Rx at 6 Libra was square Montanas Venus Rx
at 6 Cancer; Rices Venus at 26 Scorpio was square Montanas
Jupiter at 25 Leo 44; Rices Saturn at 4 Aquarius semisextiled
Montanas Mars at 4 Pisces. Rice was the motivation factor
(Mars) that energized Montana emotional energy around the
defense (Moon/Uranus). The intensity of Mercury/Venus
square Rx added self-worth and power to their combination
as quarterback and receiver. Venus/Jupiter expanded both
their self-worth and financial value to the team. Saturn/Mars
gave them the discipline for taking hours of practice to
master their skills for performing on Sunday afternoons and

getting the ball in the end zone for touchdowns and 49er

Super Bowl XVIs game Moon in Aquarius is opposite

Montanas Uranus/Moon in Leo trine Montanas Mercury in
Gemini; Game Sun in Aquarius semisextile Montanas Mars
in Pisces; Game Saturn in Libra trines Montanas 10th house
at 22 Gemini (his discipline and hard work to receive
honors); Game Neptune at 25 Sagittarius trines Montanas
Jupiter in Leo; Game Pluto at 26 Libra sextiles Montanas
Pluto in Leo.

In Super Bowl XIX game Sun 00 Aquarius is opposite
Montanas Moon/Uranus in Leo; Game Pluto 4 Scorpio trines
Montanas Mars in Pisces (Super Power); Game 1st house
conjuncts Montanas Venus in Cancer; Game Mars 20 Pisces
squares Montanas Sun in Gemini (maximum energy to
shine); Game Saturn 26 Scorpio squares Montanas Pluto in
Leo (discipline and power); Game Jupiter 26 Capricorn
quincunx Montanas Pluto in Leo Montanas ability to
scramble and adjust his power throughout the game.

In Super Bowl XXIII game Uranus at 3 Capricorn trines
Uranus in Virgo and sextiles Jupiter in Pisces - ability to
ready the defense and expand his illusiveness to get the job
done. Game 1st house in Cancer trines Venus in Scorpio
ability to project his self-worth and value on the game.

Not as much was going on in Super Bowl XXIV for planet

contacts. Super Bowl XXIV had Uranus at 7 Capricorn square
49ers Neptune 7 Libra giving strength and deception of their
defense. SB Jupiter 1 Cancer trine 49ers Venus 1 Scorpio
indicated expansion of their money and worth. Montana had

Venus 23 Capricorn conjunct 7th house opposite 1st house
trine his Ascendant 23 Virgo. The value of his play was there
for the public to see (7th house), for the opposition to see (1st
house) and his Ascendant located in the SB 3rd house added to
his ability to communicate to the teams success.

Super Bowl XXIX moved into another era with Steve

Young as the 49er quarterback as they defeated the Chargers

Seattle Seahawks
(Originally an AFC Team)

Birth Name: Seattle Seahawks
First Season: 1976
First Preseason Game: August 1, 1976, 1:00 pm PDT, Seattle,
WA 47N37 00 122W00 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 12, 1976, 1:00 pm PDT, Seattle,
WA 47N37 00 122W00 00 77
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 12 Virgo 24; Mars/Neptune 12
Scorpio 00; Saturn/Neptune 11 Libra 43 78

On June 15, 1972, Seattle Professional Football, Inc.

announced their intention to bid for an NFL franchise. In
November of that same year construction of the $67 million
Kingdome was begun. On June 4, 1974, the National Football
League awarded a franchise to Seattle to begin play in 1976.
Tampa Bay was awarded a franchise to also begin play in 1976
on April 24. The franchise awarded to Seattle Professional
Football, Inc. for $16 million was headed by Lloyd W.
Nordstrom with partners Herman Sarkowsky, E.E. Ned
Skinner, Howard S. Wright, M. Lamont Bean, and Lynn P.
Himmelman. Lloyd W. Nordstrom, president of the Seattle
Seahawks and Hugh Culverhouse, president of the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers, signed their franchise agreements December 5,
1974. A contest to name the team drew 20,365 entries.
Seahawks was selected June 17, 1975. Jack Patera was
named first head coach of the Seahawks January 3, 1976. 79
The Seattle Seahawks league opening game was lost to
the St. Louis Cardinals 30-24 in Seattle, Washington on
September 12, 1976.80 The Kingdome is no more and the
Seahawks moved into their new home Seahawks Stadium in
2002. Their dreams of a Super Bowl are still out there. Their
astro twin, (conference team first game on same day) the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, headed to their first NFC
Championship Game Sunday, January 19, 2003. Why is one

team in the NFC championship game and the other team at
home watching the game on their TV? Astrology is all about
timing. The Seahawks played their opening game at 1:00 pm
PDT in Seattle, Washington, giving them a 28 Scorpio
Ascendant and Moon at 7 Taurus, while the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers game began at 1:00 pm CDT giving them 5
Sagittarius Ascendant with a Moon at 6 Taurus. Seattle
Franchise Chart to Super Bowl XXXVII has two quincunxs
Sun quincunx game Mercury adjustments around
quarterback Matt Hasselbeck took over the starting job at
quarterback after veteran quarterback and previous
Baltimore Ravens Super Bowl winning quarterback Trent
Dilfer went out injured for the season. Mars quincunx
Uranus adjustments to defensive and defensive backs for
the year.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers franchise on the other hand

has Jupiter at 10 Pisces semisextile Super Bowl Neptune 10
Aquarius Mercury at 22 Aries sextile Super Bowl Saturn at
22 Gemini opportunities for their quarterback to take
responsibility and be prepared for the Super Bowl game.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Birth Name: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

First Season: 1976
First Preseason Game: July 31, 1976, 7:00 pm PDT, Los
Angeles, CA 34N04 00 118W15 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 12, 1976, 1:00 pm CDT, Houston,
TX 29N46 00 095W22 00 81
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 12 Virgo 22; Mars/Neptune 11
Scorpio 58; Saturn/Neptune 11 Libra 43

On November 4, 1967, Tampa Stadium is dedicated as
Tennessee defeats the University of Tampa, 38-0. The first
NFL preseason game is played in Tampa Stadium as
Washington defeats Atlanta before a crowd of 42,000.

In November 1968, the first group attempting to secure

an NFL franchise for Tampa Bay is formed. This group,
known as the Suncoast Pro Football Committee, functions
until 1972 when the Tampa Chamber of Commerce appoints
the formal West Coast NFL Task Force headed by J. Leonard

April 24, 1974, Tampa Bay is awarded the NFLs 27th

franchise. As part of the franchise award for the area, Tampa
Stadium will be enlarged to 72,000 seats. 82

Originally the franchise was awarded to Philadelphia

construction tycoon, Tom McCloskey on October 30 but he
withdrew from the project two weeks later. The franchise
was then awarded to Hugh F. Culverhouse, an investor and
attorney from Jacksonville for $16 million. He had previously
tried to purchase the Los Angeles Rams.

On February 15, the team name Buccaneers was

selected after 400 nicknames had been submitted. The
Tampa City Council volted to approve expansion of Tampa
Stadium from 46,000 to 72,000. On October 31, John McKay
was signed as Tampas first head coach. On March 30, 1976,
Tampa Bay selected 39 players in the veteran allocation draft
in New York.

The Buccaneers became the first 0-14 team in NFL

history. They lost their first preseason game, July 31, 1976 to
the Los Angeles Rams in Los Angeles, CA. The Houston Oilers
defeated the Buccaneers 20-0 in their first NFL league debut

in Houston, September 12, 1976. Their new home, Raymond
James Stadium, was opened in 1998. 83

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Record in NFC Wild Card Playoff Games:

-lost to Dallas 30-17, January 9, 1982.
-defeated Detroit Lions 20-10, December 28, 1997.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Record in NFC Divisional Playoff Games:

-defeated Philadelphia 24-17 at Tampa, Dec. 29, 1979.
-lost to Dallas 38-0 at Irving, Texas, Jan. 2, 1981.
-lost to Green Bay 35-14 at Green Bay, Jan. 4, 1997.
-defeated Washington 14-13 in Tampa, Jan. 15, 1999.

In 2000 and 2001 they again were in the NFC Wild Card
Playoff Games but lost both times to Philadelphia Eagles, 21-3
(P); 31-9 (P).84 The 2002 NFL season, the Buccaneers drew a
bye in the first round of the playoffs. They defeated the San
Francisco 49ers 31-6, Sunday, January 12, 2003, at Tampa.
This victory sent them for the first time to the NFC
Championship Game, January 19, 2003. Again they faced off
with the Philadelphia Eagles. This time, not only did Tampa
beat the Eagles 27-10, but won their first trip to a Super Bowl.
On January 26, 2003, at Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego,
California, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Oakland
Raiders 48-21.

Boston Braves - Boston Redskins - Washington Redskins

Birth Name: Boston Braves

First Season: 1932
First Preseason Game:
First Conference Game: October 2, 1932, 2:30 pm EST, Boston,
MA 42N22 00 071W04 00 85, 86
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 02 Scorpio 38; Mars/Neptune 23 Leo
01; Saturn/Neptune 18 Scorpio 30
Super Bowl XVII - January 30, 1983 - Washington Redskins 27
- Miami Dolphins 17
Super Bowl XXII - January 31, 1988 - Washington Redskins 42 -
Denver Broncos 10
Super Bowl XXVI - January 26, 1992 - Washington Redskins 37 -

Buffalo Bills 24
In Super Bowl XVIII - Lost to Los Angeles Raiders, 38-9

On July 9, 1932, an inactive Boston franchise is transferred

to a syndicate headed by George Preston Marshall and named
the Boston Braves. The Boston gridders moved to Fenway
Park, home of the American League Red Sox, on July 8, 1933
and the Braves became the Redskins. The Washington
Redskins were officially born as the National Football League
approves transfer of Boston Redskins franchise to Washington,
D. C. on February 13, 1937, and a new history begins. 87

Lud Wray was hired as the first head coach for the Boston
Braves. The Pro Football Hall of Fame lists the first official
league game for the Boston Braves as October 2, 1932 at Braves
Field against the Brooklyn Dodgers where the Braves lost 14-0
at Boston, MA. Hail to the Redskins was written in 1937 and
then came the 150 all-volunteer Redskins Marching Band,
founded August 9, 1937. 88

First Victory in Washington: The First Game! On

September 16, 1937, the Thursday night opener drew 19,941
fans to flood-lighted Griffith Stadium. Riley Smith scored on
50-yard run with an interception, two field goals and extra
point. The final score was Redskins 13, New York Giants 3.89
The Redskins home now is FedEx Field that opened in 1997 at
Landover, Maryland.

Chapter Ten
Birth of the AFC Teams

AFC - American Football Conference

AFC Realignment 2002

East North South West

Buffalo Baltimore Houston Denver
Miami Cincinnati Indianapolis Kansas City
New England Cleveland Jacksonville Oakland
NY Jets Pittsburgh Tennessee San Diego

Baltimore Ravens

Birth Name: Baltimore Ravens

First Season: 1996
First Preseason Game: August 3, 1996, 7:30 pm EDT,
Baltimore, MD 39N17 25 076W36 45
First Conference Game: Sept. 1, 1996, 2:00 pm EDT,
Baltimore, MD 39N17 25 076W36 45
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 00 Gemini 20; Mars/Neptune 25
Aries 05; Saturn/Neptune 00 Pisces 33
Super Bowl XXXV - Jan. 28, 2001 - Baltimore Ravens 34 -
New York Giants 7

The city of Baltimore has a history of teams arriving
and leaving in the middle of the night (note the Baltimore
Colts and the Cleveland Browns). Where the Colts took
their franchise and conference team chart with them and
simply relocated to Indianapolis, the original Browns
historical record remained with the city of Cleveland. When
the Cleveland Browns resumed play they too had been
awarded a new franchise and had a new conference team
chart. The original Browns were reformed in Baltimore as
the Ravens with a new franchise and conference game
chart. The Ravens were a mere five years old when they
won Super Bowl XXXV, defeating the NY Giants 34-7.

The Ravens won their debut 19-14 against the Oakland

Raiders. The Ravens were the 1st house, home team, ruled
by Mars at 24 Cancer conjunct Venus. Venus/Mars loves to
play and compete. Even though these two planets are in
Cancer, Mars energy also rules Aries and Aries has to be
number one in whatever they do. The Taurus Moon trine
their Virgo Sun gives the Ravens a down-to-earth, hard-
working team that is stubborn and pays attention to the
details in any game they play. Mercury in Libra opposite
Saturn in Aries helps the team to be more prepared and
focused with an older quarterback. The team can get into
trouble with the Moons energy quincunx Pluto as
emotional frustration can set in around adjustments they
have to make possibly to compensate for injured players
(Moon conjunct 6th house ruling health of team).

Mars conjunct Venus was one of the key planets

activated sextile Saturn at 24 Taurus during their first
Super Bowl win. Super Bowl game Jupiter was trine the
Ravens Uranus adding to the confidence and strength of
their defense that year. 90

Buffalo Bills

Birth Name: Buffalo Bills

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: July 30, 1960 8:30 pm EDT, Buffalo,
NY 42N53 00 078W53 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 11, 1960, 2:05 pm EDT, New
York, NY 40N45 00 073W57 00 91
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Aries 24; Mars/Neptune 01
Virgo 03; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 30
TWIN: New York Jets
In Super Bowls:

XXV - Lost to NY Giants, 20-19
XXVI - Lost to Washington, 37-24
XXVII - Lost to Dallas, 52-17
XXVIII - Lost to Dallas, 30-13 92

On October 28, 1959, Ralph Wilson was awarded the 7th

American Football League franchise for a Buffalo team.
Wilson was a minority stockholder of the Detroit Lions and
had sought a team of his own for a long time. He named his
team the Bills. Garrard (Buster) Ramsey was appointed
as the first Bills head coach. Wilson leased War Memorial
Stadium as the Bills first home, and where they stayed until
1973 when Ralph Wilson Stadium opened in Orchard Park,

The Bills first training camp was at East Aurora, New

York. Returning to town the day before their first
preseason game (July 30, 1960), the Bills were met by more
than 100,000 Buffalo residents lining Main Street to
welcome the team home and show community support.
The Bills lost their first game at War Memorial Stadium to
Lou Sabans Boston Patriots, 28-7.

On 9/11/60, the Bills lost their first conference game to

the New York Titans 27-3. They finally won a game 9/23/60
shutting out the Boston Patriots, 13-0. In 1962, Coach
Ramsey was fired and replaced by Lou Saban who coached
the Bills from 1962-54 and again from 1972-76. The coach
producing the best Bills record was Marv Levy. He coached
the team to 123 wins, 78 losses and 0 ties from 1986-1997.
He also took the Buffalo Bills to four straight Super Bowls
only to be heartbroken by four losses in the big game.

Lets review at the Bills first Super Bowl (XXV) where

they played the New York Giants and lost 20-19. During

that one point loss, the Bills had possession less than eight
minutes in the second half and only 19 minutes and 27
seconds for the whole game. The Giants dominated for 40
minutes and 33 seconds of the game. The Las Vegas point
spread favored the Bills to win by 7 points. With seconds
left on the clock, the Bills kicker, Scott Norwood, sent a 47-
yard field goal attempt wide right.

The Giants were the home team and the Bills the
visitors. Sun/Saturn/Mercury/Neptune were in the Bills
12th house (game 6th house). Its amazing with the Bills
energy so hidden in the game that they only lost by one

A classic signature of planet combinations where I

have seen teams lose is Sun/Neptune. The Bills Neptune at
7 Scorpio was square the Super Bowl game Sun at 7
Aquarius. A Sun/Neptune aspect was there for all four
Super Bowls that the Bills lost. In Super Bowl XXVI, game
Neptune was at 17 Capricorn trine the Bills Sun at 18 Virgo
and game Sun at 6 Aquarius was square their Neptune at 7
Scorpio. The Washington Redskins beat Buffalo 37-24 in
that Super Bowl. For Super Bowl XXVII, Neptune was at 19
Capricorn trine the Bills Sun at 18 Virgo. The Dallas
Cowboys defeated the Bills 52-17. In Super Bowl XXVIII,
Dallas again beat the Bills 30-13 with Neptune at 21
Capricorn trine the Bills Sun at 18 Virgo, and game Sun at
10 Aquarius square the Bills Neptune at 7 Scorpio.

Marv Levy and quarterback Jim Kelly brought one of

the greatest teams in history to those four straight Super
Bowls. Even with the greatest talent a coach can assemble,
timing and energy during those three-hour games can
defeat a coaches dream.

After the 2003 Super Bowl, the game will be played on
Sundays in February, so the Bills may have a winning
chance as Super Bowl game Sun moves away from their
Neptune. Well have to keep a close eye on Buffalo starting
in 2004.

New York Titans - New York Jets

Birth Name: New York Titans
First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: August 6, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Los
Angeles, CA 34N04 00 118W15 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 11, 1960, 2:05 pm EDT, New
York, NY 40N45 00 073W57 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Aries 24; Mars/Neptune 01
Virgo 03; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 30
TWIN: Buffalo Bills
Super Bowl III - Jan 12, 1969 - New York Jets 16 - Baltimore

Joe Namath
May 31, 1943, 6:20 am EWT,
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
40N45 07 080W19 10 93

The New York Jets began as the New York Titans in

1960 with Don Maynard flanker from Texas Western
becoming the first Titan to sign a contract. They were the
first new pro-football team in New York in eleven years but
few fans went to see them at the Polo Grounds. Two years
later (in 1962), the National League baseball team New
York Mets were born. The New Yorkers embraced the Mets
and ignored the Titans.

The Titans played their first league game at the Polo
Grounds, beating the Buffalo Bills in the rain 27-3, on
September 11, 1960, at 2:50 pm, New York, NY. The Titans
and Bills are actually Twins as this was the Bills first
League Game, too. When two teams share the same chart it
is interesting to compare notes as to what captured Super
Bowl III for the Jets while the Buffalo Bills were in Super
Bowls XXV; XXVI; XXVII; XXVIII, four years in a row only
to lose them all.

The Titans are ruled by Jupiter at 24 Sagittarius,

opposite Mars in Gemini and separating from a trine to
Uranus at 23 Leo. What does this mean? Jupiter builds
confidence in the Titans with strong running backs and a
defense that might not be as strong as it could be. The
Buffalo Bills are ruled by Mercury at 29 Virgo. When a
planet moved to the last degree of a sign it is considered
technically Void of Course, sitting out there by itself,
unaspected until it moves to the next sign and through
degrees that contact the other planets in the chart. Actually
Jupiter trines Mercury and Mars squares Mercury in old-
fashioned astrology, but still the 29 degree Virgo in this
birth chart demands that the quarterback for these two
teams must always step-up above the call of duty in their
performance. Joe Namath, the new Jets quarterback,
guaranteed a win in Super Bowl III though the Jets were
underdogs by 18 points. Quarterback Jim Kelly took his
Buffalo Bills to four Super Bowls only to end up on crutches
midway through his third Super Bowl try.

The Titans thought they had reached the financial end

in 1962, as during mid-season their paychecks bounced.
The AFL league office assured the players that everything
would be all right and that they would play the remainder
of the season.
In March of 1963 a group of businessmen headed by
Sonny Werblin bought the bankrupt franchise. The team
was to remain in New York but would change the name
from Titans to Jets on April 15, 1963. The club named Weeb
Eubanks as head coach. He had been recently released by
the Baltimore Colts. The two previous coaches had been
Sammy Baugh and Clyde (Bulldog) Turner.

In 1964, the Jets moved from the Polo Grounds to Shea

Stadium and the New York fans finally came out to see
them play. That same year, the team got Alabama QB Joe
Namath for $427,000, an amount of money unheard of at
that time. Joe Namath played his first professional game
as the Jets rookies beat the New England Patriots rookies at
Lowell, Massachusetts July 28, 1965. After sitting on the
bench for the opener, Namath entered the second quarter
against Kansas City in his first pro appearance. This was
the second game of the 1965 season. In the third week of
the season, Joe Namath started as quarterback and threw
19-40 for 287 yards and 3 TDs but the Jets lost to Buffalo
33-21. Namath was honored as AFLs Rookie of the Year
after he had completed 164-340 for 2,200 yards with 18 TD
and 15 interceptions. In the January 15, 1966 all-star game
and Joe Namath at the helm, the AFL All-Stars beat Buffalo
30-19 and Namath was named MVP.

Joe Willie, Broadway Joe as Joe Namath was known,

was arrogant, brash, flamboyant, yet handsome, confident
and charming after the Super Bowl III win. At a meeting in
Miami where he had going to receive the citys Touchdown
Clubs FAME Award as the pro-football player of the year,
he announed, The Jets will win Saturday, I guarantee it.
And they did win Super Bowl III 16-7 over the 18 point
favorite Baltimore Colts. After the Jets became the first
AFL team to win the Super Bowl at Miamis Orange Bowl,
Weeb Eubanks became the first coach to win world titles in
both leagues and Namath was chosen Super Bowl MVP
(January 12, 1969).

Cincinnati Bengals

Birth Name: Cincinnati Bengals

First Season: 1968
First Preseason Game: August 3, 1968, 8:00 pm EDT,
Cincinnati, OH 39N06 00 084W31 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 6, 1968, 5:30 PM PDT, San
Diego, CA 32N43 00 117W09 00 94
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 22 Gemini 43; Mars/Neptune 07
Libra 22; Saturn/Neptune 09 Aquarius 24

In Super Bowl XVI - Lost to San Francisco, 26-21
In Super Bowl XXIII - Lost to San Francisco, 20-16

Through his 158 Victories, 48 Losses, 8 Ties, seven

conference titles and three NFL Championships with the
Cleveland Browns, Paul Brown became a legend. After
retiring, he missed football. In 1965 he had his son
investigate what city could successfully support an
expansion team. His son recommended Cincinnati. Brown
meet with Ohio Governor James Rhodes to discuss the
possibility of a second pro football team in the state. The
Cincinnati City Council approved construction of
Riverfront Stadium, December 15, 1966, fearing that the
Cincinnati Reds might leave town and to accommodate a
new pro football team in town.

Browns group got an AFL expansion franchise,

September 27, 1967. He felt revitalized and called the team
the Bengals, the former name of Cincinnati AFL franchises
in 1927, 1930 and 1931. In 1968, the Bengals were allocated
40 veteran players but rival teams were not too giving with
their players. They wanted Brown to have less success in
Cincinnati than hed had in Cleveland. The Bengals lost
their first preseason game to Kansas City 38-14 at
Cincinnati, Ohio, August 3, 1968.96 The Bengals lost their
first regular season game to the San Diego Chargers 29-13
in San Diego, California.97 The game was originally
scheduled at 8:00 pm, but the headlines in the San Diego
Tribune stated the game would start at 5:30 pm due to TV
schedule change.

Cleveland Browns
(Originally an NFC Team)

Birth Name: Cleveland Browns

First Season: Original 1946;
New Birth
First Preseason Game; Original Aug 30, 1946, 2:00 PM EST,
Akron, OH 41N05 00 081W31 00
New Preseason Game:
First Conference Game: Original Sept. 6, 1946, 8:00 pm EST,
Cleveland, OH 41N30 00 081W42 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 11 Virgo 16; Mars/Neptune 12
Libra 51; Saturn/Neptune 05 Virgo 52

New Conference Game: Sept. 12, 1999, 8:20 pm EDT,
Cleveland, OH 41N29 58 081W41 44
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 26 Aquarius 46; Mars/Neptune 04
Capricorn 11; Saturn/Neptune 24 Pisces 26

Paul Brown was the first coach for Cleveland.

Previously, Brown had been successful coaching at the high
school level, at Ohio State University, and at Great Lakes
Naval Training Station during War World II. A $1000 prize
contest to give Cleveland its nickname was launched by
Owner Arthur (Mickey) McBride. Several suggested the
Panthers but Paul Brown rejected that name since there
had been a 1920's Panther team that failed in Cleveland.
The majority of the entrants wanted to name the team the
Browns in recognition of its head coach. Brown initially
turned that name down but eventually gave in. The
Cleveland Browns is the only pro football team named after
its coach.

On June 4, 1944, the first organizational meeting was

called at St. Louis, Missouri by Arch Ward, who founded the
All-American Football Conference with teams in Buffalo,
Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and
Cleveland. Only San Francisco and Cleveland made their
way to the NFL. 98

New Cleveland Browns

Otto Graham
December 6, 1921, 1:50 am CST
Waukegan, Illinois,
40N2149 087W5041 99

Highlights of Otto Graham as described in Clevelands

history present him as cool, calm, and collected as he raised
the Browns stature until they dominated the pro football
ranks. He was as versatile as they come and next to
impossible for the opposing team to read. He could
scramble, throw with pinpoint accuracy both long and
short, and come up with needed yardage on crucial plays.
For 10 consecutive seasons, his team won their division title

and played for the championship. Indisputably, Otto
Graham was one of pro-footballs greatest quarterbacks.

Astrologically what does Otto Graham have that places

him up there with the greatest quarterbacks? Mercury at 2
Sagittarius square Uranus at 5 Pisces gave him the brilliant
computer mind I find in the great quarterbacks. Saturn (6
Libra) is in same sign as Mars (18 Libra); they are 12
degrees apart and not considered a conjunction though they
are each conjunct Grahams Ascendant. His poise came
from that Libra Ascendant where he took the responsibility
from behind the scenes (Saturn 12th ) and was aggressive
like an Aries (Mars in the 1st). His Sun at 13 Sagittarius trine
Neptune at 15 Leo gave him the competitive fire throughout
his body blended with the ability to intuitively project his
notorious defense-confusing audibles.

Its interesting to note through comparing his chart to

the Browns chart, they shared the same Mars - 18 Libra; his
Sagittarius Sun squared the Browns Virgo Sun and his
Moon at 00 Pisces trined the Browns Venus at 00 Scorpio.
His Sun was able to fire the team up. With his Mars the
same as the teams, he moved on the same competitive level
and intuitively knew how to build the teams self-worth and
turn them into champions year after year.

Arch Ward, Arthur (Mickey) McBride and five other

prospective club owners held a secret meeting at a St. Louis
hotel on June 4, 1944, and thrashed out plans for the All
American Conference. Formal announcement of the
formation of the new league was made in Chicago on
September 3, 1944. The Cleveland franchise was awarded to
McBride. When McBride told Ward he would put in his

sizable bankroll behind a team in Cleveland, he stated, but
Ive got to have the best coach and best players in the

He walked into the sports department of the Cleveland

Plain Dealer one night and asked John Dietrich, the veteran
and respected football writer for the morning paper, Whos
the best football coach in the country? Detrich didnt even
stop to think. Paul Brown, he answered.

Brown having won the national collegiate football

championship in his second year at Ohio State, was already
a big name in coaching circles. McBride promised Brown
$1,000 a month until the end of the war and $20,000 a
season, plus 15 percent of the profits once Brown came
aboard full time.

The first player signed was then tailback Otto Graham.

The Browns won the Western Title with a 42-17 victory over
the Buffalo Bisons and then defeated the New York Yankees
in the champion game 14-9. The Browns continued their
domination of the AAFC, winning three more
championships, 1946-1949. Following the merger of the
AAFC and the NFL, 1950, the Browns tied with the New York
Giants with a 10-2 record and a share of the Eastern title.
The Browns won playoff, 8-3, and then stopped Los Angeles
30-28 for the championship.

From 1951-53, the Browns won three consecutive

Eastern titles, but lost each time in the leagues title match,
once to Los Angeles and twice to Detroit. In 1953, McBride
sold the club to an organization headed by David Jones. Led
by quarterback Otto Graham, 1954-55, the Browns won
back-to-back NFL championships, defeating Detroit and Los

Week 10, in 1995, one week after owner Art Modell
announced his intention of moving the Browns to Baltimore
by the start of the 1996 season, the Browns played terribly,
losing a Monday night game to Pittsburgh 20-3. Their final
game as the old Browns December 17, 1995 where they beat
the Cincinnati Bengals 26-10. The passionate exchange of
affection between players and fans that followed might
never be matched at the professional level. It was a hugfest,
a final emotional bonding that would never be forgotten in
Cleveland. 100

On March 23, 1998, the Dawg Pound received a new

franchise and came back. Cleveland returned from the
ashes as the NFL clubs unanimously approved an expansion
team for Cleveland to fulfill the commitment to return the
Browns to the field in 1999. They called it a rebirth. The
original Bowns history, heros, and records all remain
property of Cleveland, from their beginning through 1995
season. They began with a new franchise in 1998 and a new
birth chart, September 12, 1999, as the New Cleveland

The fans were heart-broken and did not want the team
to leave. Fifty years of history had ended. But thats not the
end of the story. The city and jilted fans demanded that all
the history, name, colors, stats remain in Cleveland.
Cleveland did without football for three years. The
Cleveland fans felt violated on November 25, 1996 when a
wrecking ball pounded Cleveland Municipal Stadium. The
city lost a piece of its soul. Then a new beginning started as
construction began on yet another stadium. The NFL
officials made two promises, that a new Browns
team,replacing the one that had been spirited off to
Baltimore by Art Modell after the 1995 season would begin
playing by 1999 and that the original Browns history would
remain as property of Cleveland. The physical bodies of the

old Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and became the
Baltimore Ravens, a new franchise and new entity. The
Browns passion was stoked by seven AAFC and NFL
championships in the franchises first 10 years. On
September 8, 1998 the NFL awarded Al Lerner an expansion
franchise. The original Browns were constructed in the
image of Paul Brown. The new Browns will carry the stamp
of Carmen Policy.101

Carmen Policy made history in San Francisco as he

built the San Francisco 49ers into their glory years of the
eighties. They feel he will build the new Browns to that level
of excellence now. The 2002 NFL season saw the New
Cleveland Browns team in the Wild-Card Playoffs for the
first time, January 5, 2003, 1:00 pm EST, at Pittsburgh, PA.
The Browns almost pulled off an upset as the clock ran out
at the end of the game with the score 36-33. The Browns
receiver caught the ball and tried to run out of bounds to
stop the clock so the Browns could either score or kick a
field goal to send the game into overtime, but the time ran
out just before he could hit the side lines and the Browns

I was asked in last years Super Bowl run whether the

Baltimore Ravens were going to the Super Bowl with
planets activated in their new Ravens team chart or was it
really the Old Cleveland Browns going to the Super Bowl to
win? Interesting enough, the new Baltimore Ravens chart
was the one activated not the old Cleveland Brown chart.

Now we wait to watch as the New Browns and

quarterback Tim Couch grow, mature and return as
champions the fans cherished. 2001 showed a quick
improved Cleveland team, and didnt Cleveland beat
Baltimore every time they played their first year? This
rivalry will be there forever. Art Modell will never be
forgiven but, perhaps time will heal the heart of the loyal
Browns fans.

Denver Broncos

Birth Name: Denver Broncos

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: August 5, 1960, 1:30 pm EDT,
Providence, RI 41N49 00 071W24 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 9, 1960, 7:55 pm EDT, Boston,
MA 42N22 00 071W04 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 02 Aries 55; Mars/Neptune 00
Virgo 33; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 29
TWIN: New England Patriots

Super Bowl XXXII - Jan 25, 1998 - Denver Broncos 31 -
Green Bay Packers 24
Super Bowl XXXIII - Jan 31, 1999 - Denver Broncos 34 -
Atlanta Falcons 19
In Super Bowl XII - Lost to Dallas, 27-10
In Super Bowl XXI - Lost to NY Giants, 39-20
In Super Bowl XXII - Lost to Washington, 42-10
In Super Bowl XXIV - Lost to San Francisco, 55-10Denver
Broncos/New England Patriots - Twins

Bob Howsam, as Denvers principal owner, was named

a charter member at the first American Football League
meeting held in Chicago on August 14, 1959. Other charter
teams were New York, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and
Houston. On September 9, 1960, in Boston, the Denver
Broncos became the first AFL victor by defeating the Boston
Patriots 13-10 in the first AFL game.

Denver lost four Super Bowls: 1977 (Super Bowl XII)

with Coach Red Miller; 1986 (Super Bowl XXI), 1987 (Super
Bowl XXII), and 1989 (Super Bowl XXIV) with Coach Dan
Reeves; before finally winning back-to-back Super Bowls in
1998 (Super Bowl XXXII ) and 1999 (Super Bowl XXXIII)
with Coach Michael Shanahan. Shanahans success was
partially due to his establishing a solid game plan the week
before the Super Bowl. Thus, he faced the media blitz with a
team prepared and confident. Coach Dan Reeves did not
put his game plan in place until his team arrived amidst the
media blitz of Super Bowl week. Shanahan also had
quarterback John Elway, who by this time had a strong,
supportive offense and defense.

(John Elway Chart - June 28, 1960, 11:45 am PST, Port

Angeles, WA 58N07 09 123W25 46 Source Time: Unknown
source on the Internet quotes BC; RR=A)
In less than four months, we have seen three of the
greatest sportsmen of all time retire: basketball legend
Michael Jordan; the greatest ever to play professional
hockey Wayne Gretzky; and last, but definitely not least,
the super football quarterback, John Elway. With TV
Commemorating both Michaels and Waynes retirements,
we become aware of a quiet paragraph or two on John, just
as the Littleton, Colorado massacre overshadows his
retirement as the only quarterback to retire from football
after winning the Super Bowl.102

John Elway

Many football fans will look back at 16 years with pride

and tell people that they saw John Elway play. He will always

be associated with the Denver Broncos and although he never
abandoned the city it turned on him several times, when the
going got tough. BUT finally after those embarrassing
setbacks on Super Bowl Sundays, as he retires with not one
but two Super Bowls rings, he is the first quarterback to walk
away from the game after winning a Super Bowl. Could he
have won three Super Bowls in a row? Well never know, but
will probably always wonder.

After having been named the MVP in the Super Bowl

XXXIII championship against the Atlanta Falcons, he will
someday join the other greats in the Hall of Fame. Hes won
more games as quarterback than any other single-caller in
NFL history. Hes racked up more yards passing and running,
51,475, than any other quarterback except Dan Marino. He is
the only player to pass for 3,000 yards and rush for 200
yards in seven consecutive seasons. He had 300 TD passes,
559 sacks in 256 games, and lets not forget those 47
comeback-to-win games. And finally, he went to nine Pro
Bowls and is the only quarterback ever to start in five Super
Bowl Games.

For his last game, he had a grand Fire trine operating in

his chart, with game Jupiter square his natal Jupiter,
highlighting his enthusiasm as well as his continued zest for
the game. His 28 Leo Moon trined his natal Jupiter at 27
Sagittarius and was also trine game Saturn at 27 Aries. What
great flowing aspects for this great quarterbacks
denouement. The fact that game Jupiter at 27 Pisces squared
his Jupiter at 27 Sagittarius added some zest and challenge.
What a way to go out on top!

Houston Oilers - Tennessee Oilers - Tennessee Titans

Birth Name: Houston Oilers

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: August 6, 1960, 7:00 pm CST, Tulsa,
OK 36N10 00 095W55 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 11, 1960, 1:30 pm PDT, San
Francisco, CA 37N47 00 122W25 00 103
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 ARIES 25; Mars/Neptune 01Virgo
05; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 30
TWIN: Oakland Raiders
In Super Bowl XXXIV - Lost to St. Louis Rams, 23-16

K. S. (Bud) Adams, Jr, owned Houstons first
professional football team, one of the original six teams of
the American Football League. Adams selected the team
name Oilers for sentimental and social reasons as he was
an oilman and Texas an oil state. Lou Rymkus was named
the first head coach. George Blanda came out of retirement to
play quarterback for the Oilers.

The Oilers lost its first preseason game 27-10 to the

Dallas Texans but won its first home preseason opener over
Denver 42-3 at Jeppesen Stadium. The Oilers finished their
first season 10-4 and clinched the AFLs Eastern Division
title. They won the first AFL Championship, 24-16, over the
Los Angeles Chargers January 1, 1961. They won the second
AFL Championship, 10-3, over the San Diego Chargers
December 24, 1961.

Houston did not clinch that title again until the team had
moved to Tennessee and become the Titans, defeating the
Jacksonville Jaguars, 33-14, to win the AFC Championship,
January 23, 1999. They played in 2000s Super Bowl XXXIV
in Atlanta, but lost to the St. Louis Rams, 23-16, just one yard
short of a score that would have sent them into overtime.

The Titans returned to the 2002 post season playoffs but

were defeated by their astro twin Oakland Raiders 41-24 in
the AFC Championship game, January 19, 2003.

New Houston Texans
(New AFC Team 2002)

Birth Name: Houston Texans

First Season: 2002
First Preseason Game: August 5, 2002, 8:00 pm EDT, Canton,
OH vs. NYGiants
First Conference Game: September 8, 2002, 7:30 pm CDT,
Houston, TX 32N31 093W44 - Beat Dallas Cowboys 19-10 in
their debut.
First Conference Game: September 8, 2002, 7:30 pm CDT,
Houston, TX 32N31 093W44
Actual Kick-off 7:41 pm 104
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 02 Leo 24; Mars/Neptune 22 Scorpio
39; Saturn/Neptune 18 Aries 23

The new NFL franchise debut was against the Dallas

Cowboys, September 8, 2002 at 7:30 pm CDT in Houston,
Texas. It is only fitting that we have a Texas Shoot Out to
birth this team. Sports analysis stated in the Dallas Morning
News that the Texans are starting with a drafted team that is
better on paper and probably could beat the current Dallas
Cowboys. Only at the end of this game will we know whether
that fact was true.

The Texans have 15Pisces38 on their 1st house, ruled by

Jupiter at 8Leo 06. Jupiter located in their 5th house, (their
game plan) is opposite Neptune at 8Aquarius38Rx, located in
their 11th house, (their opponents game plan.) A Pisces 1st
house gives them a bit of mystery and charm, however, Pisces
can be over-sensitive and somewhat mushy. Jupiter in Leo
in the fifth may over-dramatize their game plans while that
Neptune opposition could deplete all that showtime.

In eight years, their Venus at 00Scorpio43 will move to

form an exact fixed T-square probably indicating a big year
where all their efforts up to this point pay off in the playoffs.
In regular people astrology, Jupiter/Venus is a time when
one falls in love, improves their self-worth and makes more
money. Venus/Neptune can indicate similar possibilities,
however (false not there credit cards cash rather than
liquid cash) with Neptune, what you get may not be what you
thought you had. In any event, years seven through nine
should prove to be a time when possibly the Texans could
become the Cinderella new American team.

In two years, Pluto in Sagittarius moves to an exact

square to their birth Sun in Virgo. Pluto/Sun can indicate

changes and total transformation of the team from how we
saw them start out. This could indicate changes in personnel
or a new coach. In three years, the Texans Mercury will
move to an exact sextile to Pluto and could indicate a change
in their starting quarterback. With Mercury conjunct Moon
in Libra, their quarterback will be a real general on the field,
somewhat emotional but fair and very intense, optimistic and
powerful with Mercury sextile Pluto. In six years, the Texans
could have a great running back asking for the big bucks with
Venus moving to an exact sextile to Mars.

We are painting a possible picture here. New Coach in

two years, new quarterback in three and great running back
in six the stage is set for years 7 8 9 -- for the Texans to
be in the playoffs. As the Houston Texans evolve, we can
watch these points and see what really happens. Of course, I
had to take a sneak preview of where the Super Bowl planets
are for 2008, 2010, and 2011. In Super Bowl 2008, (five
years old) Houston could have a Mercury/Uranus and double
Saturn/Mars conjunction that would indicate extreme
control of the offense under pressure and a brilliant
quarterback. In 2010 (year 7) and 2011 (year 8), Saturn
moves to Libra adding discipline, focus and strength to their
quarterback and the emotional stability of the team.

If you watched the first game and took notes you heard
the sports announcers repeat key points in this new NFL birth
chart. You may have heard upset with Sun square Pluto;
emotionally intense quarterback on the visiting team as
Mercury ruled the Cowboys in this opening game and sextiled
Pluto; low scoring game as Saturn was conjunct the 4th
house cusp, affecting the visiting teams ability to score.
TheCowboys have 17Virgo30 on the 7th house, ruled by
Mercury at 11 Libra 39. Houston Texans won their debut 19-

Baltimore Colts - Indianapolis Colts

Birth Name: Baltimore Colts

First Season: 1953
First Preseason Game: August 15, 1952, 2:00 pm EST, Norfolk,
VA 36N51 00 076W17 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 27, 1953, 2:05 pm EST,
Baltimore, MD 39N17 00 076W37 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 02 Libra 38; Mars/Neptune 00 Libra
34; Saturn/Neptune 24 Libra 58
Super Bowl V - Baltimore Colts 16 - Dallas Cowboys 13
In Super Bowl III - Lost to New York Jets, 16-7

On December 28, 1946, Baltimore was awarded the
bankrupt Miami Seahawks franchise of All-American Football
Conference. Bob Rodenberg headed the purchasing group
and the team was renamed Colts via a fan contest. On
September 7, 1947, the Colts won their inaugural AAFC game,
defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers 16-7 before 27,418 fans at
Baltimore Stadium. On December 9, 1949, the National
Football League and AAFC reached a peach agreement and
Colts enter NFL for 1950 season. On December 10, 1950, the
Colts concluded their 1-11 season with a 15-14 defeat to the
Yanks at Yankee Stadium. Yanks will later become the
Baltimore Colts. On January 18, 1951, Watner withdrew the
franchise and was paid $50,000 for players by NFL. On
December 3, 1952, Commissioner Bert Bell, while addressing
the Advertising Club, issued a challenge to Baltimore to sell
15,000 season tickets in six weeks to re-enter NFL. On
December 8, 1952, the ticket drive officially began with the
quota reached in four weeks and three days. On January 11,
1953, Carroll Rosenbloom, with 52 per cent control led the
ownership group including William F. Hilgenberg, Zanvyl
Krieger, Thomas Mullas, Sr., and R. Bruce Livie. On January
23, 1953, Baltimore was awarded Dallas Texas franchise. Don
Kellett was named president and general manager and Keith
Molesworth, head coach. On September 27, 1953, the Colts
upset the Chicago Bears 13-9 in an NFL opener at Memorial
Stadium before 23,715 fans.

On August 26, 1983, the Colts selected Stanford QB John

Elway as their first pick in the 1983 NFL draft. Elway refused
to go to Baltimore. On May 2, 1983, Elway was traded to
Denver in exchange for the Broncos 1983 number one draft
choice, OT Chris Hinton, and QB Mark Herrmann as well as
Denvers first round selection in the 1984 NFL draft. On
March 28, 1984, the Colts relocated to Indianapolis. 105

Jacksonville Jaguars

Birth Name: Jacksonville Jaguars

First Season: 1995
First Preseason Game: July 29, 1995, 2:30 pm EDT, Canton, OH
40N48 00 081W23 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 3, 1995, 1:00 pm EDT,
Jacksonville, FL 30N20 00 081W39 00 106
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 09 Capricorn 54; Mars/Neptune 10
Sagittarius 20; Saturn/Neptune 22 Aquarius 36

Jaguars First Conference Game The Houston Oilers are
having trouble with the Astrodome floor being uneven and the
astroturf coming up in different places that could injure the
players. The game with Jacksonville was not cancelled like the
San Diego/Houston preseason game scheduled for August 19,

Game Analysis Considering the Jaguars - Oilers game,

Mars and Pluto rules the first house of the game chart for the
Jaguars. Mars at 27 Libra is past the square to Uranus at 26
Capricorn, but Mars is applying to the Moon at 28 Sagittarius
during the game.

The Sun at 10 Virgo is applying to Venus at 14 Virgo, but

Venus is past any applying aspect to other planets and does
not look favorable for the visiting team. The Jaguars Moon at
27 Gemini opposes the game Moon at 28 Sagittarius. Their
Sun at 08 Sagittarius sextiles the game Mercury at 07 Libra.
Their Mars at 15 Sagittarius squares the game Venus at 14

Houstons Moon at 07 Gemini trines the game Mercury at

07 Libra and opposes Jupiter at 07 Sagittarius. The Oilers
Mercury at 29 Virgo sextiles the game Pluto at 28 Scorpio and
squares the game Moon at 28 Sagittarius. Uranus at 23 Leo
for Houston is quincunx the game Neptune at 23 Capricorn.
Pluto at 06 Virgo squares the game Jupiter at 07 Sagittarius

The Oilers spoiled the Jaguars debut with a 10-3 victory.

The two new franchises both were in the NFC and AFC
Championship games for the 1996 season. Jacksonville lost to
New England 20-6 and Carolina lost to Green Bay 30-13.

Dallas Texans - Kansas City Chiefs

Birth Name: Dallas Texans

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: July 31, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Oakland,
CA 37N49 00 122W16 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 10, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Los
Angeles, CA 34N04 00 118W15 00 107
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Aries 14; Mars/Neptune 00 Virgo
52; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 29
Super Bowl IV - Kansas City Chiefs 23 - Minnesota Vikings 7

In Super Bowl I - Lost to Green Bay Packers, 35-10
TWIN: San Diego Chargers

Lamar Hunt founded the American Football League. As

Boston Patriots owner Billy Sullivan put it, Before there was
a player, coach, or general manager in the league, there was
Lamar Hunt. Without Hunt, there would not have been an
American Football League.

Hunts team began their inaugural season in the Cotton

Bowl as the Dallas Texans. Their first conference game was
September 10, 1960, played in Los Angeles, California against
the Los Angeles Chargers. In 1963, the mayor of Kansas City,
Missouri, H. Roe Bartle, invited Hunt to move his team to
Kansas Citys Municipal Stadium guaranteeing Hunt three
times as many season tickets as he had sold at the Cotton
Bowl in Dallas. Hunt especially liked the fact that the nearest
pro football team would be 250 miles away. On May 14, 1963,
Hunt announced he was moving his team to Kansas City and
renaming them the Chiefs .

Quarterback Lenny Dawson, cut from the NFL Cleveland

Browns in 1962, became the star of the Texans in Dallas. He
was the quarterback who took the Chiefs to the very first NFL
AFL Championship Game, later renamed Super Bowl I, in
which the Green Bay Packers defeated the Chiefs 25-10.
Dawson came back strong with MVP honors in Super Bowl VI
where the Chiefs beat the Minnesota Vikings 23-7.

Miami Dolphins

Birth Name: Miami Dolphins

First Season: 1966
First Preseason Game: August 6, 1966, 8:00 pm PDT, San
Diego, CA 32N43 00 117W09 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 2, 1966, 8:00 pm EST, Miami, FL
25N47 00 080W11 00 108
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 01 Gemini 26; Mars/Neptune 27
Virgo 03; Saturn/Neptune 23 Capricorn 36
Super Bowl VII - Jan 14, 1973 - Miami Dolphins 14 -
Washington Redskins 7

Super Bowl VIII - Jan 13, 1974 - Miami Dolphins 24 -
Minnesota 7
In Super Bowl VI - Lost to Dallas, 24-3
In Super Bowl XVII - Lost to Washington, 27-17
In Super Bowl XIX - Lost to San Francisco, 38-16 109,110

On March 3, 1954, Joseph Robbie met with Joe Foss, the

AFL Commissioner and his former undergraduate classmate
at the University of South Dakota. Robbie was seeking an
AFL expansion franchise for Philadelphia for a friend of his.
Foss rejected the Philadelphia site because the Philadelphia
Eagles had exclusive rights to Franklin Field and suggested
instead that Robbie apply for an AFL franchise for Miami.
He thought that the population growth in Miami and the
warm climate could propel a new team there into being one
of the best franchises in the league. Robbie enlisted
entertainer Danny Thomas as a financial backing partner
and on August 16, 1965, the first AFL expansion franchise
was awarded to Robbie and Thomas for $7.5 million. Mrs.
Robert Swanson won two lifetime game passes in a contest to
pick the team nickname. Her suggested Dolphins was
chosen from over 20,000 entries.

George Wilson became the Dolphins first head coach. He

coached the Dolphins from 1966-69. On February 18, 1970, a
new Dolphins era began as Don Shula became head coach.
He coached from 1970-1997 with a record of 274 wins, 147
losses and 2 ties and took the Dolphins to five Super Bowls.

The Dolphins went to three straight Super Bowls from

1972-74, and won two out of three. They lost 1972 Super Bowl
VI to the Dallas Cowboys, 24-3. On January 14, 1973, Miami
defeated Washington 14-7 in Super Bowl VII at Los Angeles,
completing a perfect 17-0 season, the first perfect regular-
season and postseason mark in NFL history. Bob Griese

broke his right leg in October 1972 and was replaced by
quarterback Earl Morrall but Griese came off the bench in
the second half of the AFC Championship game December
31 to spark a Dolphins win 21-17. The Dolphins went on
from there to become the second team in NFL history to win
back-to-back Super Bowls.

The Miami team was jolted by an announcement that

Dolphins stars, Csonka, Kiick and Warfield had signed a $3.3
million deal to play for the Toronto Northmen in the World
Football League a season away in 1975. The departure of
those players weakened the Dolphins.

David Woodley was the Dolphins quarterback in the

Super Bowl XVII loss to Washington 27-17. The Dolphins led
at the half 17-10, at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California on
a day that was warm and sunny. The weather changed to cold
and windy during the second half of the game. I was there
with charts of both teams and quarterbacks in hand. I also
had a charts set up for the expected end time of the game and
kept telling my roommate and her Miami family that the
outcome did not look good for their Dolphins.

Dan Marion was the Dolphins quarterback in 1985 Super

Bowl XIX, at Stanford Stadium, in Stanford, California.
Marion was the Dolphins quarterback for 17 seasons and set
many records in the NFL. But on that Sunday, he ran up
against second time MVP winner Joe Montana, who that day
was impossible to beat.

On August 6, 1966, in San Diego, California, the Miami

Dolphins lost their first preseason game to the San Diego
Chargers 30-10.111 The Dolphins lost to the Oakland Raiders
23-14 at the Orange Bowl in their first regular season

Boston Patriots - New England Patriots
Birth Name: Boston Patriots
First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: July 30, 1960, 8:05 pm EDT, Buffalo,
NY 42N53 00 078W53 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 9, 1960, 7:55 pm EDT, Boston,
MA 42N22 00 071W04 00
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 02 Aries 55; Mars/Neptune 00 Virgo
33; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 29
Super Bowl XXXVI February 3, 2002 - New England 20 St.
Louis Rams 17
In Super Bowl XX Lost to Chicago, 46-10
In Super Bowl XXXI - Lost to Green Bay Packers, 35-21
TWIN: Denver Broncos

On November 16, 1959, William H. Sullivan, Jr. was

awarded the eighth and final franchise of the newly formed
American Football League. Boston had tried three previous
times before to have a professional football team in the
American Football League: the Boston Bulldogs in 1926;
Boston Shamrocks in 1936-37 and the Boston Bears in 1940.
Boston had an NFL team, the Boston Braves, who played
their first season at Braves Field in 1932. In 1933, when the
Boston Braves said they would raise owner George Preston
Marshalls rent, Marshall moved the team to Fenway Park,
home of the Boston Red Sox. He could no longer keep the
name Braves, but had Indian motif uniforms and logos, so he
re-christened the team as the Redskins. Marshall was fonder
of the nickname than the town so when he moved the team to
Washington D.C., he kept the Indian name and the NFL team
became the Washington Redskins. Again Boston was left
without a professional football team.

In 1944, Ted Collins, agent for super-singer Kate Smith, used
his 10 percent agent earnings from her performances to field
the Boston Yanks in pro football. He claimed he lost
$800,000 in Boston and another $200,000 when he moved
the team to New York for three seasons. He sold his team to
Texas oilmen who kept it until the team fell apart in the
middle of the 1952 season in Dallas. That team and its
franchise players became the core players for the start of the
Baltimore Colts. On January 11, 1953, the team was sold to to
Carroll Rosenbloom, who with 52 percent control led the
ownership group which included William F. Hilgenberg,
Zanvyl Krieger, Thomas Mullas, Sr., and R. Bruce Livie. On
January 23, 1953, Baltimore was awarded the Dallas Texas

Boston was tired of teams coming and going.

Sullivan tried on several occasions to acquire an NFL

franchise but all his attempts fell through. He was an oil
company executive at the time. Through family connections
he learned that the Hampden-Harvard Brewery wanted to get
into sports. The brewers were willing to build a domed
stadium in downtown Boston. Sullivan thought a dome
would do better in the suburbs. He approached the Red Sox
as to the possibilities of a bigger dome in the suburbs for
both a football team and the Red Sox to play. The Red Sox
clubs president agreed to make the move but there was one
condition absolute secrecy until ground-breaking.

Sullivan had an architect design and build a dome model

costing $6000. When it was ready the brewery people wanted
to show it off. After the news leaked, April 1, 1958, and
landed on the Bostons front page paper, the secret was out
so the Red Sox deal fell through and his brewery people
deserted him. On February 18, 1959, he was delayed catching
a flight to New York to meet with New York Giants owner,
Jack Mara. When he telephoned to say his flight had been
delayed, he found out that Mr. Mara had died the previous

One of Sullivans best friends, Frank Leahy, former

football coach at Notre Dame, introduced him to Bert Bell,
Commissioner of the NFL. Bell was supportive of Sullivans
plan to acquire a franchise, but the following October, Bell
suffered a fatal heart attack in the final minutes of the
Steeler-Eagle game at Philadelphias Franklin Field. Sullivan
still did not give up.

Leahy became the general manager of Barron Hiltons

Los Angeles Chargers. Sullivan learned from Leahy about
the American Football League. Most of the new owners were
wealthy or owned a stadium. Sullivan had $8000 in the bank.
He felt he could borrow the difference to come up with the
$25,000 franchise fee. He said he would find a place for the
team to play. His friend Leahy did a good selling job to
Lamar Hunt and his colleagues, insisting that Sullivan would
run a good operation, was familiar with pro sports and knew
everybody in the business.

With the draft meeting less than a week away, Hunt

called Sullivan and told him a check for twenty-five thousand
dollars on deposit at Mercantile Trust Company in Dallas by
the close of business the following day would guarantee that
Sullivan was in the league. On November 16, 1959, Boston
became a member of the new league. Through a public
contest, the Patriots was chosen as the teams nickname. The
team colors are red, white and blue. Boston University Field
was the Patriots first home. 113,114,115

Lou Saban was Bostons first coach. A local newspaper

held a contest to name the team. Seventy-four suggested
Patriots, the eventual winning name.
Oakland Raiders - Los Angeles Raiders - Oakland Raiders
Birth Name: Oakland Raiders
First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: July 31, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Oakland,
First Conference Game: Sept. 11, 1960, 1:30 pm PDT, San
Francisco, CA 37N47 00 122W25 00 116
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Aries 25; Mars/Neptune 01 Virgo
05; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 30
Super Bowl XI - Jan 9, 1977 - Oakland Raiders 32 - Minnesota
Vikings 14
Super Bowl XV - Jan 25, 1981 - Oakland Raiders 27 -
Philadelphia Eagles 10
Super Bowl XVIII - Jan 22, 1984 - Los Angeles Raiders 38 -
Washington 9
In Super Bowl II - Lost to Green Bay Packers, 33-14

TWIN: Tennessee Titans

Oakland Raiders

The Minnesota-St. Paul franchise originally applied to

the AFL but withdrew the application and became an NFL
franchise instead. Barron Hilton, owner of the Los Angeles
Chargers, game the AFL an ultimatum. Unless they added
another team to the West Coast, he would withdraw from the
AFL. Oakland became the eighth and final team of the
original AFL January 30, 1960. The franchise was owned by
an eight man syndicate headed by Y. C. (Chet) Soda and Ed
McGah, Robert Osborne, and Wayne Valley. Raiders was
the name finally chosen for the team. Kezar Stadium, also
used by the San Francisco 49ers, was the Raiders first home.
The Raiders lost to the Houston Oilers 37-22 in their first
game and finished their first season winning 6 and losing 8.

In 1961, they moved to Candlestick Park in San
Francisco. McGah, Osborne and Valley bought out the
others. Later Osborne sold his interest in the team. Valley
told Oakland to either build a stadium or the team would
move. Frank Youell Field, a high school facility, was
designated for the Raiders.

In 1963, San Diego Chargers assistant coach Al Davis

accepted a three-year contract as head coach and general
manager of the Raiders. He requested enough time and
money to build the Raiders into a professional football team.
On December 31, 1967, the Raiders defeated the Houston
Oilers 40-7 to win their first AFL Championship game and
the right to meet Green Bay in Super Bowl II where the
Packers won 33-14.

Oakland has won three Super Bowls: 1977 Super Bowl

XI, over Minnesota Vikings 32-14 and under quarterback Ken
Stabler; 1981 Super Bowl XV, over the Philadelphia Eagles
27-10 and under quarterback Jim Plunkett, and 1984 Super
Bowl XVIII as the LA Raiders with quarterback Jim Plunkett
over Washington Redskins 38-9. The Raider participation in
the 2001 playoffs ended with a call that Al Davis still calls a
fumble that put New England Patriots playing the Pittsburgh
Steelers in the AFC Championship game and later in Super
Bowl XXXVI not the Raiders. Al Davis/Oakland Raiders are
synonymous terms. In the 2002 post season the Oakland
Raiders defeated the Tennessee Titans 41-24 in the AFC
Championship Game, January 19, 2003, sending them to San
Diego, California for Super Bowl XXXVII. On January
26,2003,the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Oakland
Raiders 48-21, in Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego, CA.

Pittsburgh Pirates - Pittsburgh Steelers

Birth Name: Pittsburgh Pirates

First Season: 1933
First Preseason Game: Sept. 13, 1933, 2:00 pm EST,
Pittsburgh, PA 40N26 00 080W01 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 20, 1933, 7:00 pm EDT,
Pittsburgh, PA 40N26 00 080W01 00 117
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 28 Sagittarius 38; Mars/Neptune 13
Libra 50; Saturn/Neptune 25 Scorpio 23
Super Bowl IX - Jan 12, 1975 - Pittsburgh Steelers 16 -
Minnesota Vikings 6

Super Bowl X - Jan 18, 1976 - Pittsburgh Steelers 21 - Dallas
Super Bowl XIII - Jan 21, 1979 - Pittsburgh Steelers 35 - Dallas
Super Bowl XXIV - Jan 25, 1980 - Pittsburgh Steelers 31 - Los
Angeles Rams 19
In Super Bowl XXX - Lost to Dallas Cowboys, 27-17

The Pittsburgh Steelers are the fifth-oldest franchise in

the NFL and were founded July 8, 1933, by Arthur Joseph
Rooney. Rooney named his team the Pittsburgh Pirates, and
the club struggled through its first seven seasons with five
different head coaches and just 22 wins.

The pro football Hall of Fame records the Pittsburgh

Pirates/Steelers opener as September 20, 1933, at Forbes
Field, 7:00 pm EDT at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They lost to
the New York Giants 23-2.

Rooney merged his Steelers with the Philadelphia Eagles

in 1943 (Phil-Pitt Steagles) and with the Chicago Cardinals
(Card-Pitt) in 1944.

In 1969 the Steelers finished with a record of 1-13. This

record gave the Steelers the overall choice in the 1970 draft.
Coach Chuck Noll selected quarterback Terry Bradshaw after
the Steelers gained the first selection by winning a coin toss
with the Chicago Bears.

The Steelers won their first division title in 1972. In their

first playoff game at Three Rivers Stadium, the Steelers
defeated the Oakland Raiders 13-7. This is the game about
which we hear the story year after year of how Terry
Bradshaw threw a Hail Mary toward the end zone, was

knocked down, and gave birth to Franco Harriss
Immaculate Reception in the final minutes of the game.118

Terry Bradshaw Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl XIII,


Top 1970 draft choice Terry Bradshaw did little for

Pittsburgh his rookie year but lead the league in
interceptions. For the next four seasons he excelled at bench-
warming. But in 1975, the top Steeler quarterbacks, Terry
Hanratty and Joe Gilliam, were injured and Bradshaw got a
second chance to shine. His first visit to the Super Bowl in
1995 came because he survived a rash of injuries. By Super
Bowl 1996, he had earned the job and in Super Bowls 1978 -
1979, he starred. In 1996 appearance Bradshaw was awarded
both Super Bowl MVP and MVP for the whole season, an NFL

George Allen said, The knock on Bradshaw was that he

wasnt supposed to be smart, but Id guess he has a lot of what
the big-city guys call street smarts, and he sure has had an
instinct for doing the right thing and throwing to the right
receiver on the football field. He plays smart, and thats all
that matter to me.119

Bradshaw had the quarterback astrological magic.

Mercury at 28 Virgo square Uranus 00 Cancer and Saturn at
27 Leo sextile Mars at 29 Libra. His 29 degree Leo Moon
conjunct the Royal Star Regulus says that he wants to be a
star and we still see that push for the limelight every Sunday
morning when he previews and analyzes the results of the
NFL games.

There are now thirty-two NFL teams with their new

beginnings, history, and championships. Each team builds a

legacy and stories that last a lifetime and beyond. One of my
favorite is Terry Bradshaws Immaculate Reception to Franco
Harris and his Steel Curtain that won four Super Bowls
against Minnesota in 1975, against Dallas in 1976 and 1979
and against Los Angeles in 1980. Ive always been fascinated
by the saying that When the team chemistry is there, teams
win championships!

What did these great quarterbacks have in common


The Steel Curtain is another legend from those Super

Bowls won in the 70s. The Pittsburgh Steelers were named
Team of the Decade for the 1970s as they became the first
NFL team in history to win four Super Bowls and the only
team to win back-to-back Super Bowls twice. 120

Los Angeles Chargers - San Diego Chargers

Birth Name: Los Angeles Chargers

First Season: 1960
First Preseason Game: August 6, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Los
Angeles, CA 34N04 00 118W15 00
First Conference Game: Sept. 10, 1960, 8:00 pm PDT, Los
Angeles, CA 34N04 00 118W15 00 121
Loss Points: Mars/Saturn 03 Aries 13; Mars/Neptune 00 Virgo
52; Saturn/Neptune 09 Sagittarius 29
In Super Bowl XXIX - Lost to San Francisco, 49-26

The Los Angeles Chargers, headed by owner Barron
Hilton was among the original six teams of the American
Football League formed on August 14, 1959. On March 20,
1960, Hilton unveiled the Chargers uniforms: blue and
goldwith lightning bolts on the sides of the helmets and

The Chargers were the host team to their astro twin, the
Kansas City Chiefs. In the game chart, the Chargers were the
1 house in Aries, ruled by Mars at 24 Gemini opposite
Jupiter with both planets square Mercury and forming a T-
square. T-squares are always stronger than just two squares,
and with Mercury being the focus of this T-square, energy is
added to San Diegos ability to always field a strong

Quarterbacks the Chargers acquired at the end of their

famous careers include Johnny Unitas and Doug Flutie.
Unitas was the first quarterback to pass for more than 40,000
yards. Charger quarterback Dan Fouts number 14 jersey was
retired November 27, 1988, after a 15-year career during
which he set seven NFL records, 42 club records, and became
the NFLs second most-prolific passer of all time with 43,040
yards of completed passes. He was inducted into the
Chargers Hall of Fame September 19, 1993.

But what else goes on in their chart that gave the

Chargers the strength to come back from a 20-7 deficit as
happened in their September 10, 1960, league opener with the
Dallas Texans? The Chargers stubborn Taurus, located in
the game 2nd house, squared Mercu ry adding emotional
stability and confidence to the teams determination to win.
The Moon was already Void of Course and separating from
Mercury, yet the Taurus energy prevailed as it gave the
quarterback the strength to bring his team back to victory.

The visiting team is the 7th house, Libra ruled by Venus in
Libra square Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn squares usually are
strong enough in a game for that team to win. But, when
Saturn squares Venus, the energy sometimes becomes
disappointment with the outcome of the game. Another point
that hindered the Chiefs in the end was the fact that their
ruler, Venus, and the game Sun were located in the game
charts 6th house. The 6th house of the game chart is the 12th
house for the visiting team. The energy of planet located in
this placement is hidden and weakens the visiting teams
ability to win. The Chiefs lead the overall record against the
Chargers, through the 2001 season, with 42 wins, 38 losses
and 1 tie.

The energy of the Moon and Saturn add another part of

the picture in this game chart. Saturn rules the 10th house,
San Diegos ability to score. With Saturn square Venus, they
are a team prepared to prove their worth and will work hard
to score and win. On the other hand, the 4th house is the
visiting teams ability to score. The Moon, Void of Course,
separating from a square to Mercury, weakens the visiting
quarterbacks emotional stamina and ability to have the
strength he needs to win no matter what. Maybe this is why
Marty Schottenheimer could not win the big games at Kansas
City. His quarterback gave out before the game was over.
Does that mean he may have the change to win the big games
in San Diego? Only time will tell but it is an interesting
concept to watch while he is the coach there.



1967 Jan 15 Super Bowl I NFL Green Bay 35 - Kansas City 10

1968 Jan 14 Super Bowl II NFL Green Bay 33 - Oakland 14
1969 Jan 12 Super Bowl III AFL New York Jets 16 - Baltimore 7
1970 Jan 11 Super Bowl IV AFL Kansas City 23 - Minnesota 7
1971 Jan 17 Super Bowl V AFC Baltimore 16 - Dallas 13
1972 Jan 16 Super Bowl VI NFC Dallas 24 - Miami 3
1973 Jan 14 Super Bowl VII AFC Miami 14 - Washington 7
1974 Jan 13 Super Bowl VIII AFC Miami 24 - Minnesota 7
1975 Jan 12 Super Bowl IX AFC Pittsburgh 16 - Minnesota 6
1976 Jan 18 Super Bowl X AFC Pittsburgh 21 - Dallas 17
1977 Jan 9 Super Bowl XI AFC Oakland 32 - Minnesota 14
1978 Jan 15 Super Bowl XII NFC Dallas 27 - Denver 10
1979 Jan 21 Super Bowl XIII AFC Pittsburgh 35 - Dallas 31
1980 Jan 20 Super Bowl XIV AFC Pittsburgh 31 - Los Angeles Rams 19
1981 Jan 25 Super Bowl XV AFC Oakland 27 - Philadelphia 10
1982 Jan 24 Super Bowl XVI NFC San Francisco 26 - Cincinnati 21
1983 Jan 30 Super Bowl XVII NFC Washington 27 - Miami 17
1984 Jan 22 Super Bowl XVIII AFC Los Angeles Raiders 38 - Washington 9
1985 Jan 20 Super Bowl XIX NFC San Francisco 39 - Miami 16
1986 Jan 26 Super Bowl XX NFC Chicago 46 - New England 10
1987 Jan 25 Super Bowl XXI NFC New York Giants 39 - Denver 20
1988 Jan 31 Super Bowl XXII NFC Washington 42 - Denver 10
1989 Jan 22 Super Bowl XXIII NFC San Francisco 20 - Cincinnati 16
1990 Jan 28 Super Bowl XXIV NFC San Francisco 55 - Denver 10
1991 Jan 27 Super Bowl XXV NFC New York Giants 20 - Buffalo 19
1992 Jan 26 Super Bowl XXVI NFC Washington 37 - Buffalo 24
1993 Jan 31 Super Bowl XXVII NFC Dallas 52 - Buffalo 17
1994 Jan 30 Super Bowl XXVIII NFC Dallas 30 - Buffalo 13
1995 Jan 29 Super Bowl XXIX NFC San Francisco 49 - San Diego 26
1996 Jan 28 Super Bowl XXX NFC Dallas 27 - Pittsburgh 17
1997 Jan 26 Super Bowl XXXI NFC Green Bay 35 - New England 21
1998 Jan 25 Super Bowl XXXII AFC Denver 31 - Green Bay 24
1999 Jan 31 Super Bowl XXXIII AFC Denver 34 - Atlanta 19
2000 Jan 30 Super Bowl XXXIV NFC St. Louis 23 - Tennessee 16

2001 Jan 28 Super Bowl XXXV AFC Baltimore 34 - New York Giants 7
2002 Feb 3 Super Bowl XXXVI AFC New England 20 St. Louis Rams 17
2003 Jan 26 Super Bowl XXXVII NFC Tampa Bay48-Oakland 21

About the Author
Who is Rusty?

Rusty Withers is a native Texan, sports nut, and

operations manager with a marketing degree and an
Aggie/Baylor marriage.

Rusty is a serious scholar who started studying sports

outcome patterns in 1973 and who has compiled
statistical research and historical data on team sports
since 1980.

Rusty as an Los Angeles transplant frequented the

Amateur Athletic Foundation Sports Library, the most
comprehensive resource for sports information in the
United States and possibly the western world.

Rusty has focused primarily on American football since

1989 but has also completed research on the NBA, NHL,

Rusty has posted predictions for NFL game outcomes on

the internet since 1993. For eight years, Rusty worked
with Genie Easy, founder of; they enjoyed
using astrology to predict playoff outcomes, including the
World Series, Super Bowl, NBA, March Madness, and the
Stanley Cup.

Rusty has consistently beaten the Vegas line with picks

averaging 60-80% correct against the Vegas point spread
(the Vegas average is 55%)!
Rusty formed Starball in 1996 to market Starball Picks
online newsletter and a ground-breaking book on picking
winners in American Football, plus fund the software
development of CWSport (released Fall 1997) covering the
NFL. A revised version of CWSport covering the NBA,
NHL, and MLB is planned for a Fall 2004 release.

Rusty welcomes comments and feedback c/o
To keep up with weekly NFL games, check Rusty's web site

Rusty with her husband Steve

Photo by Gary Sewell


Chapter 5

Babe Ruth

Roger Maris
2) Roger Kahn. Pursuit of No. 60: The Ordeal of Roger Maris. Sports Illustrated.
October 2, 1961

Mark McGwire
3) Sports Illustrated, September 14, 1998
4) Ibid.
5) Ibid.
6) Ibid.
7) Ibid.

Sammy Sosa
8) Joseph J. Vecchione. The New York Times Book of Sports Legends. 1991.
Roger Kahn. Pursuit of No. 60: The Ordeal of Roger Maris. Sports Illustrated.
October 2, 1961

Barry Bonds
9) CNN Sports Illustrated. http://
10) Associated Press
11) December 26, 2001

How the Game of Baseball Came to Be

12) Joseph L. Reichler, Editor. The Baseball Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition/Revised and
Expanded. Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc., New York 1969, 1974, 1979, 1982 by
Macmillan Co. Inc., New York, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London

The National League

13) ibid.
The American League
14) ibid.
The History of Hockey
15) Zander Hollander and Hal Book. The Complete Encyclopedia of Hockey, Third
Edition: Revised and Updated. An Associated Features Book, NAL Books, New
American Library, Times Mirror, New York and Scarborough, Ontario 1983 by
Associated Features, Inc.
16) Ibid.

American Basketball History

17) Zander Hollander. The NBAs Official Encyclopedia of Pro Basketball. Forward by
Lawrence F. OBrien, Commissioner, National Basketball Association. An Associated
Features Book NAL Books, New American Library, Times Mirror, New York and
Scarborough, Ontario. 1981 by Associated Features Inc.
18) Ibid.
19) Ibid.

20) Steve Lopez. They Got Next. Sports Illustrated. June 30, 1997.
http://www.WNBA on NBC on the Internet on June 30, 1997,

21) Arnold J. Mandell, M.D. Pro Football - Can Psychoanalysis Unlock the
Winning Combination? Saturday Review World - Fiftieth Anniversary Year.
October 5, 1974

22) Michel Gauquelin. Cosmic Influence on Human Behavior, the Planetary Factors
in Personality. in Geoffery Dean. Recent Advances in Natal Astrology. South
Hampton, England: The Camelot Press.1977.
Michel and Francoise Gauquelin. The Gauquelin Book of American Charts .

Chapter 7

Birth of NFL Franchises

23) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
24) NFL Record & Fact Book, 1994 and 2002

Dallas Cowboys
25) Charles Burton. News Staff Writer - Miami Beach, Fla. -

Dallas Lands NFL. Franchise. Dallas Morning News. Dallas Texas. January 29,
1960 Section 2, Sports.
26) Miami Beach, Fla. Ranger Officials Look Confidently to Future. Dallas
Morning News, Dallas, Texas. January 29, 1960, Section 2, Sports.

New Orleans
27) (UP). New Orleans to Field 16th NFL Team in 67 - Rozelles Announcement
Expected to Help Boost Legislation for New Domed Stadium - New Orleans. Los
Angeles Times Sports Business & Finance Section, CC Part III, November 2, 1966.

Carolina Panthers
28) Cynthia Withers. Football: Feline Franchises - Welcome Team 29 Carolina
Panthers Franchise. Aspects, Fall 1995, published by Aquarius Workshops, Inc.,
Encino, CA. 1995.

Chapter 8

Birth of AFC Franchise Teams

29) Walter Robertson. Music Stops and AFL Says It Wont Dance. Dallas Morning
News, Dallas, Texas, January 29, 1960, Section 2.

Miami Dolphins
30) Miami (UPI). Danny Thomas Group Buys AFL Franchise for Miami. Los
Angeles Times. August 17, 1965.

Cincinnati Bengals
31) AFL Franchise to Cincinnati, Paul Brown - Cincinnati. Los Angeles Times.
September 27, 1967.

Jacksonville Jaguars
32) Cynthia Withers. Football: Feline Franchises - Welcome Team 30 Jacksonville
Jaguars Franchise. Aspects, Fall 1995, published by Aquarius Workshops, Inc.,
Encino, CA.. 1995.
33) All stadium opening dates: NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.

Chapter 9

Arizona Cardinals
34) Arizona Cardinals 1994 Media Guide

Atlanta Falcons
35) Atlanta Falcons 1994 Media Guide
36) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
37) Atlanta (UPI). Falcons Lose by Foot to Eagles. Los Angeles Times. August 2,
38) Mal Florence, Times Staff Writer- Atlanta. Falcons Cry U.N.C.L.E. Los
Angeles Times. Sports, Business & Finance, CC Part III, September 12, 1966.

Carolina Panthers
39) Source: Carolina Panthers Office
40) Cynthia Withers. Football: Feline Franchises - Welcome Team 29
Carolina Panthers Franchise. Aspects. Fall 1995. published by Aquarius Workshops,
Inc., Encino, CA. 1995.

Chicago Bears
41) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Walter Payton
42) Sports Illustrated
43) Los Angeles Times

Dallas Cowboys
44) Dallas Cowboy 1960 Media Guide
45) Dallas Cowboy 1994 Media Guide
46) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.
47) Charles Burton, News Staff Writer - Miami Beach, Fla. Dallas Lands NFL.
Franchise. Dallas Morning News, Dallas Texas. January 29, 1960 Section 2, Sports.
48) Miami Beach, Fla. Ranger Officials Look Confidently to Future. Dallas
Morning News, Dallas, Texas. January 29, 1960. Section 2, Sports.

Roger Staubach
49) George Allen and Ben Olan. Pro Footballs 100 Greatest. 1982.

Detroit Lions
50) Public Library, Portsmouth, Ohio. A History of Scioto County,Ohio. 1986.
51) 1994 Detroit Lions Media Guide.
52) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.
53) 1994 Detroit Lions Media Guide.

Green Bay Packers

54) Carol B. Hopkins. Football - Mania. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Cosmobiology Journal, Denver. CO

Minnesota Vikings
55) Minnesota Vikings 1994 Media Guide.
56) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

New Orleans Saints

57) Saints 94 Record & Fact Book
58) Mal Florence, Times Staff Writer. Rams Struggle to 16-7 Win Over Saints
Before 26,364. Los Angeles Times. Sports, Business & Finance CC Part III, August
3, 1967.
59) Mal Florence, Times Staff Writer - New Orleans. Rams Rate 11-Point Choice
over Saints in NFL Opener. Los Angeles Times. September 17, 1967.
60) Mal Florence, Times Staff Writer. Rams Huff, Puff but Finally Win - Spirited
Saints Give L.A. Rugged Battle before Losing Opener, 27-13. Rams Outlast
Saints, 27-13. Los Angeles Times. Sports, Business & Finance CC Part III,
September 18, 1967.
61) (UP). New Orleans to Field 16th NFL Team in 67 - Rozelles Announcement
Expected to Help Boost Legislation for New Domed Stadium - New Orleans. Los
Angeles Times. Sports Business & Finance Section, CC Part III, November 2, 1966.
62) Mal Florence, Times Staff Writer. Saints Make NFL Debut Against Rams
Tonight. Los Angeles Times. Sports, Business & Finance CC Part III. November 2,
63) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

New York Giants
64) Giants 1994 Media Guide
65) Jim Terzian. The New York Giants Book. NFL Creative Services Book.
66) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Philadelphia Eagles
67) New York Times
68) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
69) 1994 Philadelphia Eagles Media Guide

Saint Louis Rams

70) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
71) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.

San Francisco 49ers

72) First Preseason Game: August 24, 1946, 8:15 pm PST, San Diego, CA 34N43
00 117W09. San Diego Union News, August 24, 1946.
73) First Conference Game: Sept. 8, 1946, 2:30 pm PST, San Francisco, CA 37N47
122W25 00. San Francisco Public Library. San Francisco Chronicle. (given to author
by phone and taken from microfiche)
74) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
75) Bruce Lee. Forty-Niners Tumbled by NY Yankees, 21-7, The Defeat Was
Complete. San Francisco Chronicle. September 8, 1946.
76) 1994 San Francisco Media Guide

Seattle Seahawks (Originally AFC Team)

77) Seattle Seahawks 1994 Media Guide
78) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
79) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.
80) - Seattle (UPI). Hart, Cardinals Hold Off Late Seattle Charge. Los Angeles
Times. September 13, 1976.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

81) 1994 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Media Guide
82) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
83) Houston (UPI). Houston Makes McKay Loser in First Pro Game -Dan Pastorini
fooled a surprisingly tough Tampa Bay defense. Los Angeles Times. September 13,

84) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.

Washington Redskins
85) First Conference Game: October 2, 1932, 2:30 pm EST, Boston, MA 42N22 00
071W04 00
86) Henry Scannell. Boston Public Library. Time of game.
87) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
88) Corinne Griffith. My Life with the Redskins. A.S. Barnes & Company, New York.
89) Bill Dismer, Jr. Redskins, Victors in Great Pro Grid Debut Here, Show Keen
Spirit After Big Victory, Look Good to Keep Eastern Championship in Win from
Giants. The Evening Star. Washington, D. C., September 17, 1937.

Chapter 10
Baltimore Ravens
90) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.

Buffalo Bills
91) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
92) NFL Record & Fact Book, 2002.

New York Jets

93) Lou Sahada. The Long Pass. The World Publishing Company, New York and

Cincinnati Bengals
94) San Diego Tribune, headline states change of time of game due to TV schedule.
95) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
96) Cincinnati (UP). Chiefs Spoil Bengals Debut. Los Angeles Times. August 4,
97) Bob Oates, Staff Writer. Forgotten Frazier Gets Chance, Stars in Chargers
Win. Los Angeles Times. Sports Business & Finance CC Part II, September 7,

Cleveland Browns & New Cleveland Browns

98) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
99) Cleveland Browns, The Official Illustrated History, The Sporting
News. (Spotlight: Otto Graham)

100) Bill Levy. Return to Glory - The Story of the Cleveland Browns. The World
Publishing Company - Cleveland - New York
101) Ron Brown. Cleveland Browns, The Official Illustrated History. The Sporting

Denver Broncos/John Elway

102) Cynthia Withers. Three Outstanding Athletes Retire. Aspects, Summer 1999.
Aquarius Workshops, Inc.

Houston Oilers
103) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Indianapolis Colts
105) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Jacksonville Jaguars
106) Source: phone call to Jacksonville Jaguars Office

Kansas City Chiefs

107) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Miami Dolphins
108) Los Angeles Times
109) The Official NFL Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
110) NFL 2002 Record & Fact Book
111) San Diego, (UP). Miami No Match for Chargers. Los Angeles Times. August
7, 1977. Final Score: San Diego Chargers 38,
Miami Dolphins 10.
112) Miami (UP). Thefts Help Raiders Win. Los Angeles Times. September 3,

New England Patriots

113) Larry Fox. The New England Patriots.
114) The Official Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977
115) New England Patriots Media Guide

Oakland Raiders
116) The Official Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Pittsburgh Steelers
117) Source Time: Time and New York Times
118) The Official Encyclopedia of Pro Football 1977

Terry Bradshaw
119) George Allen and Ben Olan. Pro Footballs 100 Greatest. 1982.
120) 1994 Pittsburgh Steelers Media Guide

San Diego Chargers

121) Los Angeles Times


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