Practice Exam 1 With Answers

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Practice Exam 1 With Answers

Name:_______________________ Section:_____

CS 1001
D-Term 1995

1). (20 points)_____

Write a complete Fortran program that reads in two input

values. The first value read in is a real number, R, and
represents the radius of a circle. The second value read in
is a single alphanumeric character, CHAR, and is used to
determine if the program should calculate and output the
circumference of the circle with radius R, the area of the
circle with radius R, or the diameter of the circle with
radius R. (If the user types 'C' for CHAR, calculate the
circumference; if the user types 'A', calculate the area; if
the user types 'D', calculate the diameter). You do not have
to comment the program. The program does not have to recover
from errors in user input. Use the value 3.14159 for pi.

Formulae: circumference = 2 * pi * radius

area = pi * radius2

diameter = 2 * radius


program question1
real r, circum, area, diameter, pi
parameter (pi=3.14159)
character *1 char

print *, 'Enter radius'

read *, r
print *, 'Enter C, A, or D'
read *, char

if (char.eq.'C') THEN
circum = 2 * pi * r
print *, 'circumference = ', circum
else if (char .eq. 'A') THEN
area = pi * r**2
print *, 'area = ', area
else if (char .eq. 'D') THEN
diameter = 2 * r
print *, 'diameter = ', diameter


Questions 2 - 6 are multiple choice. Circle the letter that

corresponds to the best answer to each question.
2). (5 points) _____

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a high-level


a). it is easier to use than machine language

b). its statements resemble English
c). it is portable
d). memory can be referenced symbolically
ANS: e). it is easy for the machine to understand

3). (5 points) _____

Which of the following Fortran 77 constants has the value


a). 0.5E-4
b). 5.0E-4
c). 5.0E4
d). 5.0E-3
ANS: e). 5.0E3

4). (5 points) _____

Assume that the REAL variable Price is to be rounded to the

nearest hundreds place. For example, if Price is 89.3475
before rounding, then after rounding it should be 89.35.
Which of the following statements accomplishes this?

a). Price = REAL (INT (Price + 0.005))

b). Price = INT (Price * 100.0) / 100.0
c). Price = INT (Price + 0.5)
ANS: d). Price = REAL (INT ((Price + 0.005) * 100.0)) / 100.0
e). none of the above

5). (5 points) _____

Which of the following groups of statements performs the

following operation correctly: if x is greater than 100.0 or
is less than or equal to 0.0, print 'out'.

a). IF (x .GT. 100.0) THEN

IF (x .LE. 0.0) THEN
print *, 'out'

b). IF (x .LE. 0.0) THEN

IF (x .GT. 100.0) THEN
print *, 'out'

ANS: c). IF (x .GT. 100.0) THEN

print *, 'out'
ELSE IF (x .LE. 0.0) THEN
print *, 'out'

d). all of the above

e). none of the above

6). (5 points) _____

For what range of values of variable x does the following code

segment print the letter 'C'?

IF (x .LE. 200) THEN

IF (x .LT. 100) THEN
IF (x .LE. 0) THEN
print *, 'A'
print *, 'B'
print *, 'C'
print *, 'D'

a). 0 < x < 100

b). x <= 0
ANS: c). 100 <= x <= 200
d). x > 200

7). (5 points) _____

Write a logical assignment statement to carry out the

following operation (make sure you write an assignment
statement and not an IF-statement).

assign a value of .TRUE. to EvenNumber if M is an even

number; otherwise assign a value of .FALSE. (Hint:
use the MOD function.)

EvenNumber = MOD(M, 2) .eq. 0

8). (10 points) _____

Rewrite the following IF-structure as a single logical

assignment statement.

IF ((First .EQ. 'A') .OR. (Last .EQ. 'Z')) THEN

IF (Second .EQ. 'B') THEN

Answer = .TRUE.
Answer = .FALSE.
Answer = .TRUE.

Answer = (First .EQ. 'A' .OR. Last .EQ. 'Z') .AND. Second .EQ. 'B'
+ .OR. .NOT. (First .EQ. 'A' .OR. Last .EQ. 'Z')

(other answers are possible)

9). (25 points) _____

What are the types and values of the following expressions?


'120' .GE. '62' Logical .FALSE.

15.5 + 6 / 4 Real 16.5

18/4 * 7/2 Integer 14

.NOT. ('z' .LT. 'a') .AND. (MOD(12,5) .GE. 2)

Logical .TRUE.

'Ham' .LT. 'Hamel' Logical .TRUE.

10). (15 points) _____

Write the complement of the following expression by applying

DeMorgan's Theorem. Choose operators that allow you to write
a valid complement that requires no parentheses.

x .GT. y .AND. z .LT. q .AND. .NOT. flag

ANSWER (This is really the correct answer!):

x .LE. y .OR. z .GE. q .OR. flag

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