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Concrete Translucent

It was created in 2005 by Joel Sosa Gutirrez and Sergio Galvn Cceres, engineers of
the UAM, Is a material that allows a great saving of light in the buildings that have
implemented it, In addition to providing lighting in homes where the electric current is
not so good. The translucent concrete allows walls almost transparent, more resistant
and less heavy than traditional cement and has the capacity to be cast under water and
30 percent lighter than the concrete hitherto known. It is one of the inventions that can
change the way of living of some people thanks to the benefits that this cement can

United States:


The Global Positioning System is a technology developed in the 70s for military
purposes by the US Army. Ivan Getting, a physicist and electronic engineer was the
inventor of this device that indicates the exact coordinates of latitude and longitude
thanks to its connection with satellites.

At present GPS is in cars, trucks, aircraft, and ships or are used by geologists in
exploration. It is a tool that is used all over the world to know its location and helps us
find places that we may not know where they are located. That is why it is an invention
that revolutionized the world with its way of using and how effective it is.

United Kingdom

The sewing machine

Thomas Saint invented and patented the first sewing machine in 1790. Although never
marketed or publicized it, it remained in a prototype for the patent, without needle and
focused to sew skin. The rest of the sewing machines that came later were based on
their design. It was a great invention that helped companies to manufacture different
items that need to be sewn, as we know the most important are the textile companies
that thanks to the sewing machines manufacture the clothes that everyone uses in their
daily life.

Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic in 1928, when studying a culture of

bacteria that had a state of lysis due to accidental contamination with a fungus.

The discovery of penicillin initiated the era of antibiotics, substances that have allowed
increasing the indices of life expectancy around the world. This discovery earned them
the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. Fleming is considered a national hero.

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