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Thursday 3:05-5:35 CCJ 131 (lab) Fall 2017

Laura Fong
Journalist In Residence & Visiting Assistant Professor
Center For Collaborative Journalism, Mercer University

Office CCJ 123 Phone 478-301-2935 email
Office Hours T/R 10:00 AM 12:00 PM and by appointment or chance

COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to the principles and procedures of single-
camera video production with a focus on the competent use of equipment and
technique in the field and in pre and post-production. Students will master the
fundamentals of interviewing, videography, lighting in the field, sound recording, editing
of field projects and exercises. Students will have the possibility of publishing finished
assignments with our partners at GPB, The Telegraph, 13WMAZ, and WMUB/MVP.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Students in this class will learn and develop basic skills associated
with digital video production including:

* build on the use of DSLR camera and lens to create and capture video * Understand
the technique of location sound recording * Understand the art and technique of basic
location lighting * Understand the production process including pre-production
planning, shooting, post-production and editing * basic proficiency in digital video and
audio editing in Adobe Premiere and Audition *

EQUIPMENT You will be able to check out a Canon T6i the entire semester. You can find
the manual HERE. You will also have access to audio kits for the last half of the semester
or so. We share them with the Digital Audio class.

You are required to provide your own SD cards and AA batteries for use in the cameras,
and audio equipment, I suggest that they be 16 gig or larger and CLASS 10. Class
determines the length of video you can shoot because of the cards ability to process HD
video. Amazon is your best bet for good price and it is worth having a couple of really
good cards for shooting video.

COURSE STRUCTURE This course consists of lab time where we will do hands on
exercises together, assigned tutorials to watch on your own time, class discussion,
online quizzes, projects and regular presentation of work. All assignments need to be
submitted to Canvas unless otherwise specified.

PRE-PRODUCTION SHEETS your production notes from each of your assignments. Please
hand in these sheets with each assignment. I want to see your notes, your shot lists,
location information and the pre-production process on each assignment. Everyone
develops his/her own workflow, and by understanding yours I can help you to improve
throughout the semester. Good Pre-production planning is the difference between
hours and hours of editing, and frustrating long nights in the lab. Solid pre-production is
the best way to achieve tightly edited, well-thought out video pieces. People watching
your video will know if you nailed it in pre-production


YOUR MERCER EMAIL ADDRESS Is the official form of communication while you are a
student at Mercer. You are responsible for checking your email address
for all communications regarding this class. I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Please note that emails and voicemails left after Friday at 5pm are likely to be returned
the following Monday.

SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are to be submitted using Canvas unless
specified otherwise. You will also be responsible for checking Canvas regularly to find
new content that is posted. To submit assignments you will click on the assignment
title and paste a link to your video located on your Vimeo or YouTube channel.

GRADING in this class will cover both Technical: Understanding and Use of equipment;
AND Technique: Approach, Planning, Creativity, Direction, and Execution.

Grade Breakdown

Goals 100
Pre-Production Sheets x4 100
Sequencing Assignments 250
Interview Assignments 400
Final Project with Audio Class 200

In-Class Participation, Attendance 200
Final Portfolio Adobe Spark 100

Total 1350

Grading Scale
90% - 100% A
87% - 89% B +
80% - 87% B
77% - 79% C+
70% - 76% C
67% - 69% D+
60% - 66% D
Below 60% F

ASSIGNMENTS Nothing will be accepted late. Our department has a zero-tolerance
policy about this because journalism is all about being able to manage your time
properly and meet deadlines. NOTHING WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE.

1. Students are to RESPECT each other and the equipment.
2. Students are to read/watch any assigned materials prior to coming to class.
3. No food or beverages will be permitted during the lecture or the lab sessions.

CELL PHONE POLICY Cell phones are distracting in class. You will all have a lab computer
for accessing email, files, and news headlines so phones are not necessary in this class.
Your cell phone must be left in your pocket, your bag, or your room. It is to be out of
sight. If at any time your cell phone use disrupts the class, you will be asked to leave.

ATTENDANCE Attendance is required for this class. If you have a good reason to miss
class, be sure you contact me prior to class to let me know you wont be attending by
sending me an email prior to your absence. Life happens, and keeping me in the loop
will always be to your benefit. If you develop a habit of missing class, it will be reflected
in the % of your grade for participation attendance. If you spend your time in my class
on your phone or on the lab computers instead of participating in class, this will be
considered in the attendance and participation part of your grade.

Students with a documented disability should inform the instructor at the close of the
first class meeting or as soon as possible. If you are not registered with Disability
Services, the instructor will refer you to the Student Support Services office for
consultation regarding documentation of your disability and eligibility for
accommodations under ADA/504. In order to receive accommodations, eligible students
must provide the instructor with a Faculty Accommodation Form from Disability
Services. Students must return the completed and signed form to the Disability Services
office on the 3rd floor of the Connell Student Center. Students with a documented
disability who do not wish to use accommodation are still strongly encouraged to
register with Disability Services and complete a Faculty Accommodation Form each
semester. For further information, please contact Disability Services at 301-2778 or visit
the website at

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Mercer University operates with an honor system. You have
agreed to abide by that honor code by enrolling in the university. Any violations of the
Honor Code will be referred to the Honor Council.

INTOLERANCE AND HARASSMENT The University is committed to maintaining an
environment in which the dignity, worth, and point of view of all members of the
institutional community are respected. Sexual, racial, religious, and political intolerance
or harassment harm the environment the University seeks to maintain and are
unequivocally prohibited.

OWNERSHIP AND USE Please be aware that the professor may keep copies of ANY and
ALL student work for future teaching purposes only. Your work will always remain yours,
however it may be used for examples in future classes. If anyone has issues with this
policy regarding a student project, it is up to the individual or group to notify the


First Day of Class August 22
Late Registration & Drop/Add August 22-25
Holiday - Labor Day September 4
Four Week Reports September 22-29
Fall Break October 5-6
Mid Term Reports October 13
Last Day for Course Withdrawal October 27
Thanksgiving Break November 22-24
Last Class Day December 8
Reading Days December 9-10, 13
Final Examinations December 11-12, 14-16

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE BY WEEK (subject to change at profs discretion)

Week 1
-introductions, syllabus, goals, journals, Week 2
-Video and storytelling, where you can naming conventions
take these skills -storyboarding and planning
-examples of good video storytelling -storyboarding, story arc, shooting and
-equipment rental and library exposure and white balance, natural
- Lab:Camera Intro (T6i) lighting for video and sequencing
-how do we consume video
-future of TV and movies? *Assignment Sequencing: 30 pre-prod
-goals sheet due
*Assignment Interview #1 FINAL due
Week 3
-microphone basics (shure and lav mics) Week 8
-storyboards, shot list, schedule -Final video
-interviewing basics exercise -Themed feature
-time to work on draft -class picks a theme, each student
*Assignment Sequencing: 30 DRAFT *Sequencing 60 seconds DRAFT due
Week 9
Week 4 -Assignment 6 due
-editing audio and mastering it -Future of TV
-transcription as an editing tool -digital first publication
-sequencing, basic editing *Sequencing 60 seconds FINAL due
*Assignment Sequencing: 30 FINAL due
Week 10
Week 5 *Interview #2 Assigned
-interview techniques and lines of
questioning Week 11
-lab time for editing interview -Group Project with Audio Class
-lab editing match cuts, continuity *Interview #2 DRAFT due
-pre-production discussion, location
evaluation/strategies/ releases; Week 12
production scheduling, camera *Interview #2 FINAL due
-looking at commercial use of Week 13
storytelling *Group Project DRAFT due
*Assignment Interview #1 assigned
Week 14
Week 6 -Portfolio prep/Adobe Spark
-composition; color matching/correction -NO CLASS November 24 Thanksgiving
in Premiere; location lighting for video Break
with LED kit
-lab lighting demo Week 15
-Final touches on portfolio
*Assignment Interview #1 DRAFT due -Final touches on photo story, Publish
in class *Group Project DRAFT due

Week 7
Week 16
-wrap-up, polish Adobe Spark
-multimedia storytelling techniques
-revisit goals
-No class Oct 6-Fall Break
-one page reflection due

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