Request For Proposal Water Well Drilling v2

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Issue Date: October 16th, 2017


Water Wells Drilling at Attarat um Ghudran Area, Kingdom of Jordan


Saudi Arabian Corporation for Oil Shale (SACOS) intends to retain the services of a qualified
Contractor to undertake exploration drilling for its Concession Area at the Attarat Umm Ghudran
oil shale deposit (Block AUG22) in the central of Jordan. The Concession Area can be reached from
Amman through the Desert Highway at about 70 km to the south, then through the road from
Siwaqa to Qasr Touba at about 40 km to the east. The Concession Area is about 4 km north of this
road. Table 1 provides coordinates for the study area. The Concession Area is 3.892 km (E-W) long
and 2.825 km (N-S) wide which is equivalent to an area of 11 km2.

Table 1: Coordinates of Concession Area)

WGS 84 Palestine Grid
Point Longitude Latitude EAST NORTH
1 36o 30 4.02 E 31o 19 30.74 N 292950.0 1082249.6
2 36o 27 36.85 E 31o 19 32.19 N 289058.4 1082249.6
3 36o 27 38.06 E 31o 21 3.90 N 289058.4 1085075.0
4 36o 30 5.27 E 31o 21 2.44 N 292950.0 1085075.0

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The Proposals shall include the following:

A. Technical Proposal
1. Understanding of the Work Requirement
2. Working Knowledge of the MEMR Requirements
3. Proposed Technical Approach
4. Company Information including Registration and Permit Number
5. Corporate qualifications including past experience and list of similar projects
6. Contact Information: (Street Address, Website, Phone Number, Fax Number, Email)
7. Availability of Equipment, Facilities, and Skilled Personnel
8. Proposed Project Manager (Resume)
9. Resumes of Proposed Key Personnel
10. Environmental Health & Safety Compliance Procedure
11. Pumping tools Calibration certificates and Labs accreditation.

B. Cost Proposal and Schedule

1. Proposed Costs Specifics of Labor and Material Costs and Payment Schedule.
2. Proposed Schedule of Performance and Submission of Deliverables.

Please submit the proposal in PDF format via email to SACOS no later than October 26th,

For additional Information, please email:
Project Manager: Tonis Eensaar
Saudi Arabian Corporation for Oil Shale Ltd. (SACOS)
3rd Circle, Zahran Street, Bldg 14, 4th Floor
Amman, Jordan
P.O.BOX 850974 Amman 11185
T: +962 6 2000174 F: +962 6 2000184
M: +962 790978951

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Location/Tenement: Within the SACOS Concession Area on the Attarat Umm Ghudran oil shale
deposit in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Field works for drilling activities has been planned to
start in first quarter of 2018.

Access to the drill locations is relatively good and no new roads are required to be built.

Drilling quantity: two water wells as shown below

Well ID Aquifer well depth
SACOS 1 B2/A7 440
SACOS 2 Kurnub 990

1. Drilling requirements:

The Contractor shall provide together with the final drilling sequence the major milestones of
activities (Time Schedule) with sufficient level of details.

The technical specifications are related to the construction of A7/B2 and Kurnub production
boreholes, on Site, with the following objectives:
(a) reaching and tapping A7/B2 aquifer and the Kurnub aquifer;
(b) perform the completion of each Well as an exploration and production well;
The Works shall be performed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week unless specified otherwise
and/or agreed by the Parties.

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2. Water well SACOS 1 Details:

Drilling the A7/B2 aquifer level. This part of the borehole will be drilled using a 9'' 5/8 (244 mm),
until reaching the bottom of the Wadi As Sir limestone (end drilling at the top of the Shuayb
formation). The bottom of the Wadi As Sir limestone is expected to be reached at an approximate
depth of 400 m below ground surface.

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3. Water well SACOS 2 Details:
Drilling the production section. This part of the borehole will be drilled using a 9'' 5/8 (244 mm),
drilling tool down to the final depth (900-1000 m).

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4. Geological sampling
Geological samples must be collected as 3 meters intervals.

5. Following standards will be used for the Works:

(a) API 5C1, 18.Ed. 1999 - 05, API Recommended Practice for Care and Use of Casing and Tubing.
(b) API 5 C T, 6. Ed. 1998 - 10, API Specification for Casing and Tubing (for Carbon Steel Casings).
(c) AWWA C654 - Disinfection of wells.
(d) AWWA 100-06 specifically for wells completed with Electrical Submersible Pump.

6. Pumping Test:

Pumping Tests for all Wells

The main objective of the pumping test program is to determine the borehole
performance (head loss, skin effect, hydraulic conductivity, critical and operating
discharge rates) by a step-drawdown tests and 72 hours constant rate test.

During pumping test accredited water analysing laboratories will perform water
sampling and analysing for the components (chemical elements) given below. All
elements should be analysed by two different accredited laboratories with
internationally recognized standards (such as ASTM or equivalent). Before water
sampling takes place the Contractor will send sampling method statements to the
Employer and Employer's Representative for review. For avoidance of doubt, the
Contractor is not responsible if the accredited laboratory does not perform analysis
of certain elements.

Components (chemical elements) to be

Silica (SiO2)
Sulphate (SO4)
Ammonia (as NH4)
Nitrogen as Nitrate (NO3)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

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Phenols and its derivatives:
4-Chloro-3 Methylphenol
Arsenic (As)
Chromium (total)
Chromium (hexavalent)
Copper (Cu)
Cadmium (Cd)
Chloride (Cl)
Iron (Fe)
Zinc (Zn)
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Nickel (Ni)
Vanadium (V)

Components (chemical elements) to

be analyzed:
Fluoride (F)
Phosphate (PO4)
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
SAR (sodium adsorption ratio)
Total organic carbon (TOC)
Cyanide (CN)

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Barium (Ba)
Aluminium (Al)
Beryllium (Be)
Lithium (Li)
Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo)
Selenium (Se)
Cobalt (Co)
Boron (B)
Uranium (U)
Silver (Ag)
Sodium (Na)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Potassium (K)
Tin (Sn)
Electrical Conductivity
Hardness as CaCO3
Orto phosphorus as PO4
TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons)
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons:

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Components (chemical elements) to be analyzed:
Benzo (a) anthracene
Benzo (b) flourene
Benzo (k) flourene
Benzo (a) pyrene
Indeno (1,2,3,-cd) pyrene
Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene
Benzo (g,h,i) pyrene
Volatile organic carbon:
Ethyl benzene

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