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The proposed location of the project was pre-selected.

It is located in the

Tumaguin Island Carles, Province of Iloilo. An estimated 2 hours sea-travel

time using private speed boat from the port of Manapla, Negros Occidental and

approximately 4 hours land-drive from Iloilo to the port of main land Estancia

and an additional 45 minutes sea-travel to the site using locals bangka or

pump boat.

are the water level of the area should be considered for choosing the

appropriate location of the different structures in the development because sea

water can cause degradation of the structures, these structures must have

appropriate distance from high tide line. The development of the site should

take advantage of its surroundings, because of the abundance of plans and

trees and also the beach.

Based on the researchers observation there are various factors affects the

quality of the beach resort. One of the biggest factors were the beach, sand,

view and the natural environment. This proves that the natural-environment

or the sites existing natural forms should be considered more in the design

of the environment and of the site.

1. As to Building Function

It is important that the beach resort will have guests all year round so that

the management would gain income, it would help if there are various
choices of the different facilities and activities that the visitors could choose

from. These would attract visitors not only for the beach but a also for the

facilities it would offer.

2. As to Building Aesthetics

In terms of Aesthetic the building will also make use of indigenous materials

available for the construction. The design should be approached in an eco-

friendly manner especially that we face climate change, through this it could

be a way where it could help to lessen and not to add to its bad effect to the

environment. Incorporation of Arkitekturang Filipino design principles in to

the building architectural character. Harmony between the natural

environment and the built environment. Employing glass or clearly open an

area to promote openness and oneness to the nature and the beach.

Through this it adds the totality of its good ambience and its relaxing


3. As to Building Strength and Durability

The idea of using traditional building construction was considered since it

has proven through time its strength and durability to which can withstand

different weather condition. This may include concrete, glass, aluminum

cladding, cogon, galvanized iron and wood. Moreover, it is also favourable

because using concrete in a salty air environment is much durable rather

than suing steel for it is susceptible corrosion.

During the construction, various indigenous materials are also availing to be

used as construction frames and the like to lessen the costs of construction


4. As to Building Engineering and Utility System

The idea of using traditional building construction was considered since

it has proven through time its strength and durability to which can withstand

different weather condition. Moreover, it is also favourable because using

concrete in a salty air environment is much durable rather than suing steel for it

is susceptible corrosion.

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